Plague is often associated with the Middle Ages, but the infamous disease wreaked havoc before and after that time, and continues to infect people today.
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Kamis, 30 Juni 2016
Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements Caused Man's Lead Poisoning
For one man, taking herbal supplements caused a host of problems.
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Dog 'Kisses' Give Woman Severe Infection
A woman in the United Kingdom developed a potentially life-threatening infection that had an unusual cause: "kisses" from her dog.
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Science Finds a Way to Overcome Life's Regrets
If you can't seem to let go of a regret, a little self-compassion may help you move on, a recent study finds.
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GoPro's Latest VR Video Lets You Swim with Sharks
Don't expect to see any tail-thrashing or bloody water -- that's not what shark diving is about.
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The Chemistry Behind a Sparkler's 4th of July Magic
How does a sparkler get its sparkle?
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Fixing a Hole: Ozone Layer Healing, Evidence Shows
Has the hole in the ozone above the South Pole begun to "heal?"
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Comet Probe Will Be Destroyed - Incredible Records and Discoveries Explained | Video
The European Space Agency's Rosetta mission has returned data on gases and elements from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko that are essential for life and understanding how the solar system formed.
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Tomb with a View: Ancient Burial Sites Served as 'Telescopes'
Thousands of years ago, stone constructions built as tombs may have also been used to observe the night sky and track the movements of the stars.
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Here's a Giant List of the Strangest Medical Cases We've Covered
We've rounded up the all gripping tales, thought-provoking findings and sometimes just-plain strange cases we've written about.
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Polly Says What?! Should Parrots Testify at Murder Trials?
Bird scientists are skeptical whether Bud, an African grey parrot who allegedly witnessed a murder in 2015 in Michigan, can give reliable testimony or spoken evidence at a court trial.
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'Breast Cancer Gene' BRCA1 Linked to Aggressive Uterine Cancer
Women with a certain type of "breast cancer gene" may also have an increased risk of developing a particularly deadly form of uterine cancer, a new study finds.
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Volcano Forecast? Crystals Could Predict Eruptions
Can volcanic eruptions be forecast by crystal movement?
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Jupiter's Auroras 'Dance' In Hubble Time-Lapse | Video
Since Voyager 1 discovered the Jovian auroras in 1979, several observatories have captured the them in x-ray, ultraviolet and visible light. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope was used to capture imagery of the auroras for about a month.
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Ancient Shrine That May Hold Buddha's Skull Bone Found in Crypt
The model of a stupa, or ancient Buddhist shrine, was found in a crypt beneath a Buddhist temple in Nanjing, China.
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Photos: Ancient Stupa Holding Bone of Buddha Discovered
Photos reveal an ornate model of a stupa, or a chest used for meditation, beneath a temple in China. The stupa holds the skull bone of the Buddha himself.
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Rabu, 29 Juni 2016
Facts About Aardvarks
Aardvarks are pig-size African mammals that eat ants and termites. They look like they were made from parts of other animals.
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Mount Vesuvius & Pompeii: Facts & History
The only active volcano on mainland Europe is famous for destroying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
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Ikea's Dresser Recall: 7 Tips to Prevent Furniture Injuries
A new recall of topple-prone Ikea dressers highlights the hazards that everyday furniture can hold for children.
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Half of Adélie Penguins Could Be Wiped Out by Global Warming
Climate change may cause sharp drops in Antarctic Adélie penguin populations by the turn of the next century, new research suggests.
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Scorpion Architects Build Lairs with Porches and Mating Rooms
The twists and turns of a scorpion's underground burrows are generally inaccessible to anything that isn't a scorpion — including scientists. That is, until now.
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Newfound Human Species Suggests Africa Was Evolutionary Melting Pot
The most recently discovered extinct human species may have lived less than 1 million years ago, suggesting the small-brained hominin lived alongside several other hominins.
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7 Unanswered Questions About Sharks
Ask any shark biologist a question about sharks, and chances are, the answer might begin with, "We're not really sure, but…"
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Saturn Moon Enceladus' Plumes May Resemble Earth's 'Lost City'
Saturn's intriguing moon Enceladus could resemble Earth's Lost City, a network of hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic Ocean where life survives despite cold and darkness.
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Butter May Not Be Bad for Your Heart
A new study finds no link between consuming butter and an increased risk of heart disease or stroke.
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Female Komodo Dragon Saved After Her Eggs Burst
Anika, a 6-year-old Komodo dragon, has a new lease on life after emergency surgery.
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Photos: Modeling Scorpions' Lairs in 3D
Scorpions are tiny architects that design burrows which are uniquely suited to their desert-dwelling needs.
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Jewish Escape Tunnel Uncovered at Nazi Massacre Site
A Jewish escape tunnel that was carved by hand more than 70 years ago has been detected at the infamous Nazi execution site of Ponar.
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Photos: Escape Tunnel at Holocaust Death Site
A Jewish escape tunnel that was carved by hand more than 70 years ago has been detected at the infamous Nazi execution site of Ponar.
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For Kids with Eczema, 'Soak and Smear'
Doctors recommend frequent bathing followed immediately by proper moisturizers to control eczema in children.
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The Renaissance: The 'Rebirth' of Science & Culture
The Renaissance was a period of "rebirth" in arts, science and European society. It was a time of transition from the ancient world to the modern.
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Who Trims? Pubic Hair Grooming Common Among Young Women
Pubic hair grooming is on the rise, especially for women who are younger, white and went to college, a new study finds.
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Real-Life Holodeck? 'Star Trek' Tech Uses VR to Solve Global Problems
Could an immersive virtual-reality environment like the fictional Holodeck in "Star Trek" help people tackle global problems like climate change or drug policy?
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Lab-Grown 'Living' Bones Could Yield Customized Implants
For the first time, pieces of living bone have been grown from the cells of patients — in this case, miniature pigs — and sculpted to replace missing anatomical structures.
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Light Pollution Is Waking Trees Up Early for Spring
Creeping light pollution may be affecting plants as well as animals.
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Selasa, 28 Juni 2016
The Renaissance: The 'Rebirth' of Science & Culture
The Renaissance was a period of "rebirth" in arts, science and European society. It was a time of transition from the ancient world to the modern.
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Facts About Capybaras
Capybaras are the largest rodent in the world. These herbivorous South American beasts are cousins to much smaller guinea pigs.
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Is There a Link Between Bacteria and Breast Cancer?
There are bacteria living in women's breast tissue, and these microbes may affect women's health, a new study from Canada suggests.
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California Has Way More Water Than Thought
Cautious optimism surrounds new estimates of the Central Valley's groundwater.
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6,000 Feet Under: Whale Sharks' Deepest Dives Detected
Whale sharks, the largest fish alive today, are capable of far deeper dives than previously suspected.
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Record-Breaking Electric Car Goes from 0 to 62 Mph in 1.5 Seconds
In a record-setting feat, an electric car zoomed from 0 to 62 mph (100 km/h) in just 1.513 seconds last week, making it the fastest known electric car in the world.
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Pat Summitt's Death: Why Alzheimer's Disease Is Deadly
Hall of Fame basketball coach Pat Summitt died today after a 5-year battle with Alzheimer's disease. But how does the disease kill?
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Photos: Geologists Home-brew Lava
The largest home-brew lava experiment aims to test what happens when hot, molten rock meets with water, an unanswered question in geology.
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Geologists Create Home-Brew Lava
The largest home-brew lava experiment aims to test what happens when hot, molten rock meets with water, an unanswered question in geology.
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Odd 'Dark Hydrogen' May Lurk Within Jupiter, Other Giant Planets
A strange form of hydrogen likely lies between the gaseous hydrogen in the clouds of gas giants such as Saturn and Jupiter and the liquid-metal hydrogen found in these planets' cores, according to a new study.
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Pompeii Photos: Archaeologists Find Skeletal Remains of Victims of Vesuvius Eruption
Archaeologists have uncovered four more victims, including a teenager, from the A.D. 79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius that covered Pompeii in ash.
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Photos: Mummified Bird Wings Preserved in Amber
The dinosaur-age bird wings preserved in amber mark some of the first ancient 3D bird feathers that researchers have studied.
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Mummified, 99-Million-Year-Old Wings Caught in Amber
About 99 million years ago, a hummingbird-size bird likely fought for its life after getting stuck in a glob of tree resin, but it couldn't tear itself away and eventually died, leaving its feathers to mummify in what became a lump of amber.
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More Victims of Vesuvius Eruption Found Near Pompeii
Archaeologists have discovered skeletal remains of four people, including a teenager who likely tried to take shelter from the erupting volcano in a bronze workshop nearly 2,000 years ago.
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Aahhhhh! 5 Scary Shark Myths Busted
Sharks have a reputation (at least in popular culture) for being fearsome creatures, prone to attack with their sharp, scary teeth. But despite all the interest surrounding sharks, there are many misconceptions about these predators.
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Tau Day: Should Pi Be Downgraded?
While many math nerds swoon over pi, the unsung hero of circular math is tau, which relates a circle's circumference to its radius, some have argued.
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Aliens Attack! Invasive Lionfish Arrive in Mediterranean
The first wave of a lionfish invasion has struck in the Mediterranean, a region where the animals had not been established before.
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Senin, 27 Juni 2016
Facts About Tapirs
Tapirs are large mammals with round bodies, short legs and and long snouts. Their snouts are flexible, like an elephant's trunk.
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Huge Cache of Ancient Helium Discovered in Africa's Rift Valley
A "huge" stash of helium discovered in East Africa could ease a decades-long shortage of the rare and valuable gas.
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How to Fix 9 Common Skin Problems
Some skin flaws are harmless and purely cosmetic concerns, while others should be looked at by a doctor. Here's a guide to treating both types.
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Gateway to Ancient Greek God's Compound Uncovered?
A sanctuary to a half-man half-goat Greek god was unearthed in ancient city of Hippos.
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Jupiter Spied By One Of Earth's Largest Telescopes | Video
The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) captured imagery of the gas giant using its VLT Imager and Spectrometer for mid-Infrared (VISIR) instrument. False color imagery were created from the observations (including infared).
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Supreme Court Abortion Ruling Explained
The Supreme Court has overturned parts of a Texas law that would have caused many abortion clinics in the state to close down. Here are some important facts about the ruling.
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Can You 'Catch' Stress in a Classroom? Science Says Yes
Do stressed teachers have stressed students? According to a new study from Canada, that may be the case.
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Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Risk of Fatal Heart Attack
A thorough new study -- that looked at levels of omega-3 fatty acids in people's blood, rather than just asking what they ate -- finds that these acids do reduce people's risk of fatal heart attack.
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Freeloading Butterflies Get Away with Theft
Stunning new pictures reveal butterfly thieves stealing ant goo in the Amazon forest.
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Butterfly Discovery (Photos)
Stunning new pictures reveal kleptomaniac butterflies in the Amazon forest stealing ant goo.
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Quantum Computer Could Simulate Beginnings of the Universe
Scientists have for the first time made an advanced machine known as a quantum computer simulate ghostly particles that fluctuate in and out of existence.
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Morning Milky Way Shines Over Summer Triangle in Stunning Photo
Minutes before clouds gathered over the night sky, astrophotographer Matt Pollock caught this snapshot of the Milky Way on March 3, 2016 from Cherry Plain State Park in Petersburg, New York.
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YouTube's SciShow: Exploring the Unexpected
SciShow tackles interesting science stories — especially the "really weird, peculiar, surprising bits."
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Sabtu, 25 Juni 2016
Is It Ethical to Purchase Human Organs?
Organ transplantation saves lives but there is a shortage of organs.
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How Much of the Ocean Is Whale Pee (and Worse)?
For marine wildlife, the ocean isn't just their home. It's also their toilet.
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Jumat, 24 Juni 2016
Magnets Make People Think of Love, Study Finds
Playing with magnets may make people feel more attracted to their partners, perhaps because of the metaphor of 'magnetism' and romantic love.
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Pretty Risky: Men Would Skip Condoms with Attractive Women
When a woman is more attractive, a man is less likely to intend to use a condom with her, a new study finds.
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Novel Tech Aids in Search for Hidden Tombs & Mysteries of the Eye
What do hidden Egyptian tombs and microscopic structures in the human eye have in common?
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10 Best Restaurants In Buenos Aires, Argentina
When it comes to food, Argentina is one of the most underrated places in the world. So, we decided to highlight the 10 Best Restaurants In Buenos Aires, Argentina so the next time you’re thinking of taking a trip, you aren’t lost in the dark. Argentina is home to one of the top soccer teams and […]
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China Planning Underwater Great Wall of Robots
Officials reveal plans for a deep-sea "space station" and a fleet of underwater drones.
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Ancient Insects Carried Corpses of Prey for Camouflage
New fossils reveal tiny insects from the Cretaceous period covered in DIY camouflage.
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Where's the Exit? Python Caught in Circle of Own Molted Skin
A python likely experienced a weird case of déjà vu last week after it became trapped in a circle of its own molted skin, surprising scientists. The serpent slithered around and around for about 3 hours until it eventually broke free.
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Robot Cars Tear Up Track to Test Hazard Response
Two robotic rally cars are tearing up a dirt track in Atlanta, in an effort by researchers to learn how self-driving vehicles can stay in control when they slide, spin or jump.
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Pretty as a Princess: Disney Movies May Be Making Girls 'Girlier'
What is "Frozen" doing to kids' psyches? New research finds that preschoolers who watch Disney's princess movies are not only more likely to don the sparkling ultrafeminine fashion but also to internalize stereotypical gender roles.
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Would Aliens Really Kill Us, 'Independence Day'-Style?
Sci-fi movies frequently depict alien visitors to Earth as hostile toward humans. But what do real-world experts think about the likelihood that an intelligent civilization would want to kill us all?
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What's the World's Largest Crocodile?
This beast would touch opposing walls in a typical living room.
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What Brexit Vote Means for Science (in 140 Characters)
Scientists, innovators and more took to Twitter to share their concerns and reactions to the vote.
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SETI Eavesdrops on Nearby Star in Smart Alien Hunt
Astronomers have used a powerful radio telescope to eavesdrop on a nearby star system in the hope of hearing the faint radio whisper of an alien civilization.
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The Kilogram May Be Redefined
One of the most iconic hunks of metal in the world is set to get a demotion.
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Kamis, 23 Juni 2016
Sleeping Black Hole Awakens to Devour Doomed Star
A sleeping giant at the center of a galaxy has awoken: A normally dormant, monster black hole has been found shredding a star that ventured too close to the cosmic beast.
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What Is a Paramecium?
Paramecia are single-celled protists that are naturally found in aquatic habitats.
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No Flu Nasal Spray Next Season: Why Is This Vaccine Not Working?
Health officials say the flu nasal spray should not be used this coming fall and winter. Here's why this vaccine may not be working so well.
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Caribbean Sea's Curious 'Whistle' Detected from Space
Scientists recently discovered a remarkable ocean sound unlike any other.
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Moral Dilemma of Self-Driving Cars: Which Lives to Save in a Crash
Would you ride in a self-driving car that has been programmed to sacrifice its passengers to save the lives of others, in the event of a serious accident?
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What's the Difference Between Dolphins and Porpoises?
If you want to become an expert at telling the difference the next time you spot one in the ocean, first look at the animal's grin.
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Tallest Mountain in US Arctic Found Using New Technique
New mapping technique settles 50-year debate over the U.S. Arctic's highest peak.
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'3Doodler' Pen Lets You Draw 3D-Printed Creations in Midair
A company called 3Doodler has transformed the standard 3D printer into a pen, allowing people to draw 3D creations freely in the air — without the need for a computer or any software.
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San Andreas Fault 'Does the Wave,' New Research Finds
Huge lobes of Earth straddling the San Andreas Fault are creeping upward or sinking downward, as if the ground is doing the wave, new research reveals.
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Ocean 'Whistle' Can Be 'Heard' In Space | Video
A large wave's interaction with the seafloor in the Carribean Sea is so loud that it can be "'heard' from space in the form of oscillations of the Earth's gravity field," according to the University of Liverpool.
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Photos: Ancient Greek Inscriptions Revealed on Antikythera Mechanism
New photos show the text on a Greek astronomical calculator much more clearly.
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Ancient Greek 'Computer' Came with a User Guide
Thanks to high-tech scanning, 2,000-year-old inscriptions on the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient Greek "computer," can be read more clearly than ever before.
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Rabu, 22 Juni 2016
Why Rescues in Antarctica Are a Dangerous Business
The danger of landing a plane in the icy Antarctic winter can't be understated.
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Docs Diagnose Smartphone 'Blindness' in 2 Women
For two women in the United Kingdom, mysterious vision problems that happened only at night or early in the morning turned out to have a rather innocuous cause.
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Abortion Requests Double After Zika Warnings in Brazil
Requests for abortions in some Latin American countries have doubled since health officials began issuing warnings about the link between Zika virus and birth defects.
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Artificially Intelligent Russian Robot Makes a Run for It … Again
PR stunt or daring escape? Russian robot flees the lab a second time.
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Gluten Triggers Strange Delusions in Woman with Celiac Disease
The symptoms of celiac disease aren't pretty — but in one unique case, gluten caused a woman to develop severe psychotic delusions.
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Stomach Sucker: How Does New Weight-Loss Device Work?
If you could remove food from your body after eating to lose weight, would you?
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Stinging Jellyfish Come to Jersey, But Beaches Still Safe
A dime-sized jellyfish that can deliver severely painful stings has been detected in New Jersey waters for the first time.
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Hair on Demand: Researchers Create 3D-Printed Fur
3D-printed hair might not make a good wig, but it could be useful in many other ways.
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17th-Century French Ship Gets New Berth: A Texas Museum
After spending more than 300 years on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, the 17th-century French ship that went by the name La Belle, or "The Beautiful," has finally found a new resting place at a museum in Texas.
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5 Key Facts About Brain-Eating Amoebas
A teenager who went white-water rafting in North Carolina contracted a rare, brain-eating amoeba and died. Here are five key facts about these infections.
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In Shellfish, Cancer Can Be Contagious
Scientists found the cells of a leukemia-like cancer in shellfish mostly came from other individuals, even other species, suggesting transmissible cancer is more common than thought.
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Antarctic Rescue Underway
A plane lands at the South Pole for a daring midwinter evacuation.
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Screwworm Sex Wins 'Golden Goose' Award for Unusual Research
Studying the sex life of flies might sound silly, but two researchers who did just that have saved the livestock industry billions of dollars.
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Where Do the Most Sharks Live? Global Survey Reveals Top Spots
A global shark census is underway. What have scientists discovered thus far?
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Genes Aren't Destiny: How Biology Impacts Academic Performance
Genetics may play a role in student performance but a child's environment can also influence school achievement.
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Virtual Reality Could Be Film's Next 'New Wave'
With virtual-reality (VR) technology, filmmakers can immerse their audiences in the story more completely than ever before.
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Selasa, 21 Juni 2016
Facts About Skunks
A skunk's black-and-white fur serves as a warning to stay away or face getting sprayed with a sticky, foul-smelling secretion from their anal scent glands.
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How Long Does Sunscreen Last Before It Expires?
Next time you're heading to the beach, remember to check whether your sunscreen is still effective. Although sunscreen may last longer than milk and restaurant leftovers, it still has an expiration date, experts told Live Science.
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What's a Penny Made Of?
A penny is not what you think. Indeed, from 1793 to 1837, a cent was pure copper. But newer pennies are have a much different composition.
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Augmented-Reality Diving Helmets Join the US Navy
New high-tech diving helmets being developed by the U.S. Navy will incorporate augmented-reality tech to keep naval divers safe on underwater missions.
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In Photos: Augmented Reality Tech for US Navy Divers
The U.S. Navy is incorporating augmented reality tech into diving helmets for future underwater missions.
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AI Boosts Cancer Screens to Nearly 100 Percent Accuracy
Artificial intelligence comes of age; pathologists can combine it with their own skills for nearly 100 percent accuracy in finding cancer cells in a biopsy.
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3D Printing Human Organs In Space? Microgravity Test Successful | Video
For the first time, cardiac and vascular structures were 3D printed in a microgravity environment using adult human stem cells. Three companies led by NASA contractor Techshot Inc. developed a "space hardened 3D bioprinter" prototype.
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Ancient Greek Naval Base Held Hundreds of Warships
Underwater archaeologists spent more than a decade excavating remnants of "ship sheds" that protected ancient Greek warships.
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These Plant Compounds May Reduce Menopause Symptoms
Some plant-based therapies, including supplements with compounds found in soybean, may help reduce symptoms of menopause.
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Lost 5,000-Year-Old Neolithic Figurine Rediscovered in Scotland
A 5,000-year-old whalebone figurine, one of the oldest representations of a human form found in Britain, has been rediscovered after going missing for more than 150 years.
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Photos: National Geographic's Best Photos
National Geographic has published innumerable photos taken by its on-assignment photographers the world over. Now, the society is putting 50 of its best shots on display in a traveling exhibit.
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Photos: 5,000-Year-Old Neolithic Figurine
A 5,000-year-old whalebone figurine was recently rediscovered in a box at the Stromness Museum, in the Orkney Islands of northern Scotland.
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The Best National Geographic Photos of All Time
National Geographic, a society widely known for its amazing photos, is presenting 50 of its best shots — including those of wildlife, shipwrecks and aviation — in a new, traveling exhibit.
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Americans Are Eating a Bit Healthier, Study Says
Fewer Americans eat what experts consider a poor-quality diet, a new study finds.
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'Net Gun' To Capture Satellites? - Tested On Drones | Video
Cleaning up space junk is a high priority for space agencies who have to operate at orbits that can come dangerously to it. The company SKA Polska won an ESA contract to design a prototype gun to be tested on parabolic flights.
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Bizarre, Long-Headed Woman from Ancient Kingdom Revealed
For the first time, researchers have reconstructed the face of a person who belonged to the ancient Silla culture that ruled for nearly 1,000 years in the Korean peninsula.
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In Images: An Ancient Long-headed Woman Reconstructed
A woman who lived in the ancient Korean Kingdom of Silla has had her face reconstructed.
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Rainbow-Colored Shooting Stars May Fly Overhead Someday
Someday, stargazers may see pink, green and violet shooting stars streak across the night sky, thanks to a startup company that wants to launch tiny, human-made meteors, according to news sources.
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Senin, 20 Juni 2016
Brain Tumor Risk Linked with Higher Education, Study Finds
People with higher levels of education may be more likely to develop certain types of brain tumors, a new study from Sweden suggests.
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Male Doctors, Female Nurses: Subconscious Stereotypes Hard to Budge
Even when people are faced with cold, hard facts, stereotypes hang tight.
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Why Do We Never See Baby Pigeons?
Cliff-dwellers by origin, pigeons keep their nests hidden in high-up spots. Baby pigeons don't emerge until they're relatively big and look nearly identical to adults.
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No, Coffee Does Not Cause Cancer — But Its Hot Temperature Might
It's best to drink your coffee and teas below 149 degrees Fahrenheit (65 degrees Celsius).
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Deadly Degrees: Why Heat Waves Kill So Quickly
A deadly heat wave in the southwest has claimed four lives, and temperatures are expected to strain records today.
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Rays Don't Stray: Giant Mantas Stick Close to Home
A new study finds that giant manta rays have a much smaller traveling range than expected.
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Tour Secret WWII Lab with Manhattan Project App
A virtual tour of the "secret city of the Manhattan Project" is revealed in a new app.
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Watch 'Homebody' Manta Rays Get Tagged | Video
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego has found that Manta rays (Manta birostris) are not long-distance migrators, as was previously assumed.
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E.T. Phones Earth? 1,500 Years Until Contact, Experts Estimate
Aliens may be mediocre just like Earthlings, which could explain why humanity hasn't heard from advanced civilizations yet.
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Blame the Parents? Child Tragedies Reveal Empathy Decline
Two recent high-profile cases of children in danger have some people asking what happened to empathy.
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Venus' 'Force Monster' Electric Field Strips Water From Atmosphere | Video
Scientists using data from ESA's Venus Express mission have discovered that Venus' 'electric force' or 'electric wind' is far greater than that of Earth. It can overcome gravity's hold on the planet's atmosphere and pushes oxygen out into space.
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What's Causing Mysterious 'Worldwide Hum?'
A scientist who started the Hum Project says there are currently four hypotheses for the source of the world Hum that survive the most superficial scrutiny.
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Wow! Blue Origin Launches Capsule and Rocket, Lands Both Again | Video
The "New Shepard" rocket successfully launched three student payloads into suborbital space. The rocket and capsule landed a few minutes after separation.
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YouTube's MinutePhysics: Matter and Energy Get Animated
On the YouTube channel MinutePhysics, host and creator Henry Reich uses hand-drawn animations to illustrate and explain complex concepts.
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Great Pyramid of Giza Is Slightly Lopsided
The west side of the ancient Egyptian pyramid is slightly longer than the east side, scientists have found.
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Minggu, 19 Juni 2016
Hang Glider Aims to Break Long-Distance Flight Record
A daring hang glider known for his extreme stunts and record-setting flights will soon attempt to set another record for the longest open distance flight.
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Jumat, 17 Juni 2016
Facts About Otters
Otters are streamlined, thick-furred swimmers found all over the world.
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What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Movies offer several examples of computers with human-like qualities, but the definition of artificial intelligence is complicated.
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Mars Rover Panorama Shows Sweeping 'Marathon Valley' (Photo)
The newly released photo — a composite of many images Opportunity captured in April and May — depicts Marathon Valley, a feature that cuts across the western rim of the 14-mile-wide (22 kilometers) Endeavour Crater.
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5 Surprising Facts About Egg Freezing
A city in Japan says it will pay for egg freezing as a way to improve the country's low birth rate. But the procedure is not a perfect solution.
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New 'Artificial Synapses' Could Let Supercomputers Mimic the Human Brain
Brain-like machines with human-like abilities to solve problems could become a reality, researchers say.
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'Perfect Storm' of Humans and Climate Change Doomed Ice Age Giants
The saber-toothed cat, large ground sloth and other ice age giants didn't go extinct solely because of climate change or prehistoric human activity, but because of a perfect storm of the two that hit the giant beasts at the same time, a new study finds.
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Life with a Shooter: Science Explores Killers' Family Lives
Do family members know about their terrorist relatives, and can they stop a violent attack?
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Music Festival Season Is Here: How to Avoid Dangerous Health Problems
Here's how to stay safe at festivals this summer.
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Gospel of Jesus's Wife Likely a Fake, Bizarre Backstory Suggests
The Harvard professor who claimed to have found a papyrus suggesting Jesus was married now says the owner of that "antiquity" lied to her, suggesting it's a forgery.
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10 Most Amazing Attractions in Monaco
The beautiful Principality of Monaco holds some of the most exotic and opulent experiences that will leave you with a feeling of complete fulfillment. Within the breathtaking city-state is plenty of activities and attractions. So, we decided to compile the 10 Most Amazing Attractions in Monaco. “Today, Monaco still stands as a proud monarchy with their son, […]
from 10 Most Today
The Best Gifts for Science Geeks
What do you give the geek who has everything? Perhaps one of these science- or tech-inspired gifts.
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Photos: Meet 'Finding Dory' Real-Life Counterparts
Marine animals that inspired characters in "Finding Dory" are as fascinating and endearing in the real world as they are on screen.
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'Cosmic Watch' App Lets You Track Stars and Planets in Real Time
A new app aims to change how you view time, by moving beyond hours, minutes and seconds to reveal your position in the cosmos and relate that position to the movement of celestial bodies.
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Rare Bronze Wing from Roman Sculpture Uncovered in England
Archaeologists have unearthed a greenish-colored bronze wing in England that dates to the Roman period, an archaeology company reports.
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Finding Dory's Underwater Clan in the Real World
How closely do the animated "stars" in the new Disney/Pixar movie "Finding Dory" mirror their real-world animal counterparts?
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Heave-Ho! Stonehenge Experiment May Show How Monument Was Built
In a recent experiment, students investigated how the Neolithic people of Britain might have constructed Stonehenge, including how they transported the massive stones over great distances.
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Stonehenge Photos: Investigating How the Mysterious Structure Was Built
How was Stonehenge built? In a new experiment, students tried to figure out how the Neolithic people who built the massive structure about 5,000 years ago were able to move the enormous stone blocks into place.
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Kamis, 16 Juni 2016
Here's a Giant List of the Strangest Medical Cases We've Covered
We've rounded up the all gripping tales, thought-provoking findings and sometimes just-plain strange cases we've written about.
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Sex with 2 Partners Before Marriage Raises Divorce Risk
Virgins have the lowest divorce rates, while women with exactly two sexual partners have historically had the highest odds of divorce.
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When Lemurs Sing, Young Males Follow a Different Beat
A new study investigated how indris — a large type of lemur native to Madagascar — use different techniques when singing with each other, to define their roles in the troop.
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ISIS Plays 'Evolutionary Game' to Avoid Online Shutdown
Pro-ISIS groups online mutate, reincarnate to continue to grow and survive.
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Caffeine's 'Boost' Disappears When You're Extremely Sleep-Deprived
People who don't get enough sleep for several days in a row can't rely on caffeine to give them a mental boost, new research finds.
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Antarctic CO2 Hit 400 PPM For First Time in 4 Million Years
Carbon dioxide passed a notable symbolic threshold in Antarctic for the first time in 4 million years.
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Search for Another King Under a Parking Lot Begins
Researchers in Reading, England, are looking for the burial place of King Henry I beneath a nursery school grounds.
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Centuries-Old Shipwreck Recreated with 3D Printing
Archaeologists in the United Kingdom are using 3D printing to bring two historical shipwrecks to life for history enthusiasts and experts alike.
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Memory-Boosting Trick: Exercise After Learning
If you want to remember something you just learned, you may want to exercise 4 hours after learning it, a new study suggests.
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The Secret Behind Birds’ Brainy Feats Revealed
Birds are so clever because their puny little brains are jam-packed with brain cells, new research suggests.
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Facts About Orangutans
Orangutans are the only great apes found in Asia. They spend most of their time in trees, lounging or swinging from branch to branch with their long arms. They are also threatened with extinction.
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Frog Embryos Speed-Hatch to Escape Danger
If predators come calling, a red-eyed tree frog embryo can drop out of its egg to safety in a matter of seconds.
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Losing Control: The Dangers of Killer Robots (Op-Ed)
Machines that can target and kill people without human intervention or accountability pose a moral threat to the world.
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Sharks' Evening 'Rush Hour' Discovered
If sharks at the Pacific atoll of Palmyra used Google Maps, they'd see a lot of red between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. every evening.
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Tree Frog Embryos are Speedy Escape Artists | Video
When threatened by predators, tree frog embryos deploy a secret weapon to make a swift escape. By releasing a concentrated jet of enzymes from their snouts, they create an opening in their egg and drop into the water to safety.
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Rabu, 15 Juni 2016
Andrea Doria: Sub Reveals Images of the 'Mount Everest of Shipwrecks'
The images show the wreck has badly deteriorated, with the bow almost broken up.
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Apple's New App: Can Deep Breathing Lower Stress?
A new app from Apple coaches you through breathing exercises, but do these exercises really help reduce stress?
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Male Fiddler Crabs Entrap Females In Their Bachelor Pads
Male banana fiddler crabs trap females, in the latest example of sexual coercion in the animal kingdom.
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Toddler Snatched by Alligator: How Dangerous Are Florida's Reptiles?
A Nebraska family staying at a Disney resort in Florida was struck by tragedy yesterday (June 14) when an alligator snatched the family's 2-year-old son and dragged him underwater, news sources reported.
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Get in the Action: 'Transformers' Director Tackles Virtual Reality
It looks like Michael Bay is jumping on the virtual reality bandwagon.
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Gravitational Wave Detector Finds Double Colliding Black Holes — Again (Woot!)
Distortions in the fabric of space-time, whpredicted by Albert Einstein a century ago, have been directly detected for the second time. Today (June 15), the LIGO collaboration announced its second detection of gravitational waves created by colliding blac
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High-Tech Toothbrush Corrects Common Brushing Errors
The new iBrush 365 aims to correct bad brushing behavior.
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Again! Gravitational Waves Detected From 2nd Black Hole Collision | Video
In December 2015, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) detected gravitational waves from two black holes colliding. This is the second LIGO detection to be be confirmed - the historic first was announced in February 2016.
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Molecule Type Essential For Life On Earth Spotted Near Milky Way Center | Video
Chiral molecules with "right-handed" and "left-handed" versions are essential to life on Earth; now, one has been spotted for the first time in deep space.
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Procrastinators Beware: Insomnia Linked with Putting Things Off
People who procrastinate may be more likely to insomnia, a new study finds.
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The Science of Mass Shooters: What Drives a Person to Kill?
Homophobia, hate, religion — a mass shooter's murky motivations are typical, even for terrorists.
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Why Are Cats Such Picky Eaters?
When Fluffy turns her nose up at the bowl of food you've placed in front of her, don't take it personally. Your seemingly high-maintenance cat has evolution to blame for her picky eating.
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'Twisty' Molecule Essential to Life Spotted in Deep Space For 1st Time
Molecules with "right-handed" and "left-handed" versions are essential to all life on Earth, and have been found in meteors and comets. Now, for the first time, one has been spotted in interstellar space.
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Selasa, 14 Juni 2016
May Was Planet's Hottest Month on Record, NASA Says
May was the fifth record warm month this year, upping the odds that 2016 will be the hottest year on record.
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Facts About Ocelots
Ocelots are small, wild cats about twice the size of housecats. Ocelots are the second largest spotted cats in South America, after jaguars.
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Airplane-Size Seabird Flew Above Antarctica 50 Million Years Ago
A prehistoric seabird that was the size of a small airplane and had a mouthful of sharp teeth once soared over ancient Antarctica, occasionally stopping to snag fish and squid, a new study finds.
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Orlando Shooting: Should Curbs on Blood Donations from Gay Men Be Lifted?
After the June 12 shooting in Orlando, many gay and bisexual men who wanted to donate blood were unable to do so.
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Can Snakes Smell Anything?
Most snakes have an excellent sense of smell, in part to make up for their poor eyesight and limited hearing.
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'Mysterious Object' May Be First 'Extinct' Meteorite
A newly uncovered meteorite may be the first-ever extinct meteorite — a member of a class of meteorite that no longer falls to Earth.
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Mysterious Earthen Mounds Discovered in Ancient Cambodian Cities
Earthen mounds shaped into domes and spirals across Cambodia have archaeologists puzzled as to their purpose.
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Low Vitamin Levels May Be Linked with Migraines in Kids
Kids who frequently get migraines may be more likely to have low levels of certain vitamins, a new study finds.
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Do Weight-Loss Drugs Work? 5 Medications Compared
In a new study, researchers reviewed all the science on the five drugs approved in the U.S. for people who want to lose weight.
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Gunshot Wounds Are Getting Deadlier, One Hospital Finds
Just days after the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, a new study from Denver finds that deaths from gunshot wounds at a trauma center there have increased over the past decade.
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How Kevlar Saved an Orlando Police Officer's Life
A helmet made of Kevlar saved the life of an Orlando, Florida, police officer on Sunday (June 12) after police engaged in a gun battle with a man who killed 49 people and injured 53 others at a gay nightclub, according to news sources.
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How Were the Egyptian Pyramids Built?
There are no photographs of the pyramid being built, and the engineers didn't leave detailed blueprints.
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Freaky! New Frog Mating Position Discovered
Researchers brave wet nights and venomous snakes to observe a new frog mating behavior.
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Photos: Bombay Night Frogs Get Busy
These images reveal the Bombay night frogs have seven mating positions, with one that was just discovered in which the male is loosely draped over the female.
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Senin, 13 Juni 2016
100 Silver Pieces Found in Roman-Era 'Hoard' in Scotland
More than 170 years ago, Scottish day laborers clearing a field with dynamite discovered three beautifully crafted silver artifacts: a hand pin, a chain and a bangle. Now, researchers have found 100 more pieces of ancient silver in that very same field.
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Photos: Roman-Era Silver Jewelry and Coins Discovered in Scotland
A recent survey of a field in northeastern Scotland has uncovered 100 pieces of ancient silver items, including handcrafted jewelry, coins and chunks of silver called ingots, a new study finds.
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What's the Largest Waterfall in the World?
The height of the world's tallest waterfall is so great that the stream of water atomizes into a cloud of mist, then trickles back together at the bottom of the plunge.
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Whole Grains Each Day Linked to Longer Life
Eating a diet rich in whole grains may reduce your risk of early death, a new meta-analysis finds.
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Mysterious Monumental Structure Found at Ancient Petra
Using satellite sensors, scientists recently discovered an enormous structure at Petra that had previously remained hidden.
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In Photos: Mysterious, Giant Platform at Petra 'Hidden' in Plain Sight
Scientists investigate a massive and long-hidden structure at the ancient city of Petra.
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Dark Matter May Be Made of Primordial Black Holes
Astronomers are beginning to find strong links between dark matter and primordial black holes, bringing this tantalizing possibility into the realms of a viable hypothesis.
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Kids' Mental Health Risks Rise with Poor Air Quality
Higher levels of air pollution may be linked with worse mental health in children, a new study suggests.
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Spinning Fast In Space Make You Dizzy? Astronaut Experiment | Video
Upon arrival to the International Space Station, astronauts have experienced dizziness and nausea fro the first 24-48 hours of their stay. This is caused by the human vestibular system adjusting to the new environment.
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Mass Shootings: 6 Misconceptions About Violence
A criminologist reviews recent research in hopes of debunking some of the common misconceptions surrounding mass shootings like the one at the Orlando nightclub Pulse.
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Whistling Sling Bullets Were Roman Troops' Secret 'Terror Weapon'
Unusual sling bullets from a Roman battle site in Scotland are designed to make a whistling noise in flight and may have been a "terror weapon" used by Roman troops against their foes.
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In Photos: 1,800-Year-Old Roman Battle Site
Photos reveal an ancient battle site and the whistling sling bullets used by Roman soldiers at Burnswark Hill in what is now Scotland.
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Minggu, 12 Juni 2016
Children's Sleep: New Guidelines on Shut-Eye for Kids
How much do kids need? New guidelines offer answers.
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Jumat, 10 Juni 2016
Light Pollution Ruins Night-Sky Views for One-Third of Humanity
A new, comprehensive atlas of worldwide light pollution reveals that one-third of all people cannot see the Milky Way in the sky, including nearly 80 percent of North Americans.
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Myth Busted: Taking Photos Doesn't Ruin Your Experiences
The next time your friends roll their eyes when you're snapping a selfie or taking a photo of your dessert, tell them that according to new research, photographing everyday things can actually make people happier.
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How Can Drones Be Hacked? Let Us Count the Ways
A computer security team at Johns Hopkins University has found multiple ways to gain control of the small flying machines.
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Long-Term Marijuana Use Linked to Changes in Brain's Reward System
People who use marijuana for many years may lose their brain's "natural" responses to rewards, a new study suggests.
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Alaskan Bears Enjoy a Whale of a Meal
A brown bear in southeastern Alaska was dwarfed by its unusual and enormous meal — a beached sperm whale carcass.
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YouTube's Gross Science: Where 'Icky' Meets 'Intriguing'
At the junction where "icky" meets "intriguing" is the YouTube channel "Gross Science," created and hosted by Anna Rothschild.
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These Nifty Transparent Speakers Could Speak Directly to You
You talking to me? A new set of transparent speakers create highly directional audio.
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Rio Olympics: Scientists Predict How Many Medals Each Country Will Win
A new model integrates past Olympics success with socioeconomic data to predict how many medals countries will take home.
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CO2 Gets Stoned: Method Turns Harmful Gas Into Solid
Engineers have taken a tip from Medusa, it seems. They have stared down the pesky greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and turned it to stone.
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Kamis, 09 Juni 2016
Facts About Hyenas
Hyenas don't laugh, and they are not related to dogs. They are a diverse group of mammals mainly found in Africa.
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2 Teens Die After Drinking Racing Fuel & Soda Mix
Two teens in Tennessee died after drinking a mixture of racing fuel and soda at a party, which was concocted as a substitute for alcohol.
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Photos: Tallest Tree in the Tropics (Probably)
A massive tree in Malaysia recently found by conservationists may well be the tallest in the tropics.
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Cancer Clues in the Breath: Test Could Ease Screening
A simple breath test can detect changes in people with lung cancer, a new study reports.
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Filling the Periodic Table: New Names for the Newest Elements
The four newest elements now have names.
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Commercial Drones Can Be Hijacked, New Study Finds | Video
John Hopkins University researchers have exploited vulnerabilities in the processors of drones. They determined that "an attacker could take over a drone, hijack it and use it in a way it’s not designed to be used."
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Falling for the Sun: Heart-Shaped Sunspot Thrills Astrophotographer
Astrophotographer John Chumack. captured the heart-shaped sunspot from his backyard Observatory in Dayton, Ohio on April 12, 2016.
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Monster Black Hole Caught Feeding On Clumpy, Cloudy 'Rain'
A hungry black hole has been observed chowing down on cold, clumpy clouds at the center of a nearby galaxy, shedding light on how black holes grow.
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10 Most Interesting Attractions In Wales
Wales is one of the most charming places in Great Britain. Whether it’s the cuisine or the friendly nature of the people, it’s a place where you can always expect to feel accepted. For those who love that feeling we created 10 Most Interesting Attractions In Wales to visit if you find yourself across the pond. […]
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Electric Eels Leap and Zap To Attack | Video
Researchers presented imitation predators equipped with sensors for eels to attack and measured the voltage emitted. They also studied the leaping behavior of the eels during their 'assaults.'
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Genius: Can Anybody Be One?
Exceptional intelligence does not a genius make.
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'Minecraft' Tree in 'Lost World' Forest May Be Tropics' Tallest
A tree familiar to players of the computer game "Minecraft" could also be the tallest tree in the tropics, conservationists have found.
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How Much Sleep Does Your School-Age Child Need?
When it's time for kids to go back to school, what time should they go back to bed?
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To Advance Science, It's Time to Tackle Unconscious Bias (Op-Ed)
Would you hire a lab manager with a physical disability? Would you publish a journal paper written by someone named Hussein?
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World's First Passenger Drone to Begin Testing
The electric Ehang 184 drone gets a shot at regulatory approval in Nevada.
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Rabu, 08 Juni 2016
Kidneys: Facts, Function & Diseases
Kidneys are bean-shaped organs located on both sides of the spine, behind the stomach. Their main purpose is to keep the composition of blood in the body balanced to maintain good health.
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Cenozoic Era: Facts About Climate, Animals & Plants
The Cenozoic Era began about 65 million years ago and continues into the present.
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How Accurate Are Fertility Tracking Apps?
Fertility apps and websites that aim to figure out which days a woman is most likely to conceive may not be all that accurate, according to a new study.
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Female Firsts: 7 Women Who Broke Barriers in Science and Tech
Hillary Clinton is the first woman to receive a major party's nomination. Here are seven other women who had historic "firsts."
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Child's Rare Injury: What Is Internal Decapitation?
A boy in Idaho who was recently in a high-speed car crash has survived a rare injury called an "internal decapitation," which is typically fatal.
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Why the Deep Space Atomic Clock Is Key for Future Space Exploration
Measuring time is a crucial part of navigation – particularly in space, where exacting precision is called for. The DSAC is poised to make a change that will aid future deep space missions.
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Flash Mob! Glowing in Fishes More Widespread Than Thought
In the dark ocean depths, there are fish that generate their own eerie glow — and a new study finds that far more of them do this than scientists suspected.
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In Images: Glowing is Widespread in Marine Fishes
Fish command the spotlight in images of bioluminescent species.
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Sea Science: 7 Bizarre Facts About the Ocean
Scientists still know very little about the ocean, but here are some of the most peculiar things they've discovered.
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Miniature 'Hobbit' Humans Had Even Smaller Ancestors
The newfound ancestors may have been even littler than the hobbits, and date much further back in time, from some 700,000 years ago.
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Photos: Hobbit Relative Discovered on Flores
Fossils belonging to ancestors of the hobbit and dating back 700,000 years have been discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores, revealing an even smaller statured hominin than Homo floresiensis, or the hobbit.
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Food Labels Have You Confused? Try the No-Label Diet
The FDA has finalized its new food labeling requirement, but I call for a "no-label" diet of whole foods that don't require labeling.
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Cache of Ancient Silver Coins Found in Israel (Photos)
Archaeologists discovered a hidden cache of silver coins dating back more than 2,000 years, in the remains of an ancient agricultural estate in Israel.
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Silver Shekel Stash: 2,000-Year-old Coins Uncovered in Israel
A hidden hoard of silver coins buried more than 2,000 years ago was recently discovered during an excavation in Modi'in, Israel, southeast of Tel Aviv.
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Shock and Awe: Eels Leap to Deliver Electrifying Attacks
In a "shocking" turn of events, researchers discovered that electric eels intensify their electrical attacks by leaping from the water to make physical contact with animals that threaten them.
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Sex-Reversed Bearded Dragons Lay Eggs, Act Like Males
Bearded dragon babies that are genetically male but have the physical and reproductive traits of females have hatched in a lab in Australia. Personality-wise, these sex-reversed lizards show extra-masculine behaviors.
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Photos: Gorgeous Bearded Dragons Show Off
These frilled lizards called bearded dragons have stunning behaviors. Check out these images of the reptiles from Australia.
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Working Together? Male and Female Brains Just Aren't in Sync
Think that men and women think differently?
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Selasa, 07 Juni 2016
What Are Lichens?
A lichen is a composite organism consisting of a fungus and an alga functioning in a symbiotic relationship.
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Are 'Hands-Free' Phone Calls Really Safer for Drivers?
When it comes to driving and talking on the phone, should you go handheld or hands-free?
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The Size of Your Wine Glass May Affect How Much You Drink
Why is that glass of wine so big?
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Excavation Finds Silver Coins From Over 2000 Years Ago | Video
An excavation in the Modi‘in-Maccabim-Re‘ut municipality in Israel has dug up a cache of silver coins from the the Hasmonean period (126 BCE).
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Why Are Shark Attacks on the Rise?
As shark attacks dominate Australian headlines, an annual survey reports that there were more shark attacks worldwide in 2015 than in any other year on record.
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Fish Can Recognize and Remember Human Faces
The fish not only picked out a human face from a lineup, but were able to remember the face for at least 3 seconds.
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Archerfish Spit At Faces They Recognize, With Training | Video
A University of Oxford/University of Queensland study shows that archerfish could be trained to recognize faces. The fish were shown two human faces on a computer screen and trained to spit at a particlar face.
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Book Excerpt: 'New Charity Blues'
In his dystopian novel "New Charity Blues," Camille Griep tells the story of a quiet, yet deadly, conflict surrounding water rights.
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Soda Pop Music? Entertainers Endorse Junk Food, Study Finds
Their music's impact may fade in a year, but the effects of the junk food these musicians endorse could last a lifetime.
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What If: Dystopian Fiction, Water Rights and the Future
Not a week went by last year that well-meaning friends didn't ask about the concept for my latest novel, "New Charity Blues." I could almost hear their eyes rolling back in their heads when I responded. "Dystopia? Hasn't that been done to death?"
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'Smart' Blocks Turn Lego Creations into Web-Connected Toys
New Lego-compatible blocks created by quantum physicists could amp up your best creations by adding internet connectivity, electronic sensors, motors and lights to existing Lego sets.
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Book Excerpt: 'Full Fathom Five: Ocean Warming and a Father's Legacy'
An excerpt from Gordon Chaplin's book "Full Fathom Five: Ocean Warming and a Father's Legacy."
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Obesity Rate in US Women Climbs to 40%
The obesity rate among U.S. women continues to tick upward, with the latest study showing that about 40 percent of American women are obese.
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Retro Robot from the 1920s May Get 2nd Chance at Life
London's Science Museum is running a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of raising money to rebuild Eric, the United Kingdom's first robot.
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Massive Avalanche Formed Zion Canyon's Stunning Features
A massive chunk of a mountain collapsed in Zion Canyon about 4,800 years ago, creating the valley's wide floor, new research suggests.
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Jumbo Jet Lies on Seafloor Awaiting Divers, Coral Critters
An Airbus jet was sunk to draw ocean flora and fauna, and thus divers and tourists.
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Who Owns Britain's Elgin Marbles? (Op-Ed)
It's lunacy to believe you own the moon, so why is cultural heritage, including Parthenon sculptures, any different?
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Senin, 06 Juni 2016
Plan to Turn Asteroids Into Spaceships Could Spur Off-Earth Mining
California-based company Made In Space is investigating how to turn asteroids into giant autonomous spacecraft, as part of a long-term plan to enable space colonization by helping make off-Earth manufacturing economically viable.
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Are Fewer Women in Exercise Studies Because of Their Periods?
Women may be under-represented in exercise research, experts say in a new opinion piece.
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Eating Fat Doesn't Make You Fat, Study Finds
Good news: dietary fat doesn't sabotage your diet.
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'Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War': A Q&A with Mary Roach
Author Mary Roach's new book dives into the science of the military — a world that encompasses research on everything from heatstroke to the medical benefits of maggots (yes, maggots).
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Sit, Heel, Compute: Computers Learn Better by Imitating Dogs
Robot dogs are learning more like dogs and less like robots.
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Muhammad Ali's Death: Can Head Injuries Cause Parkinson's?
Boxing champion Muhammad Ali lived with Parkinson's disease for three decades before his death. Was the neurological disorder caused by boxing?
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Bacteria Are Everywhere, Even in Ovaries
Women's fallopian tubes and ovaries were once thought to be free of bacteria, but a small new study finds that these microorganisms do live naturally in this part of the reproductive tract.
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Is It Safe to Drink Blood?
Vampires rely on blood for survival, but is it safe for ordinary folks to drink?
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Why Do Animals Hibernate?
For some animals, hunkering down in a cozy den when nights are long and temperatures are low is not just a matter of temporary comfort — it's necessary for survival.
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Animal Mating: How Scorpions Do It
Scorpion sex usually involves peaceful dancing, but sometimes can also include stinging and cannibalism.
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Obsessed with Reality TV? You May Be a Narcissist
Regardless of how much TV they watched, people who liked political talk shows, reality shows, sporting events and horror shows tended to score higher in narcissism.
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Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016
What Are Algae?
Algae are a diverse group of aquatic organisms that have the ability to conduct photosynthesis. There exists a vast and varied world of algae that are not only helpful to us, but are critical to our existence.
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Jumat, 03 Juni 2016
Take the Moon Home with Incredibly Detailed Lunar Globe
If you want a nice view of the moon, instead of squinting into the night sky or cursing tall buildings, you could soon gaze at an expertly crafted model of the stunning celestial object. And this version is small enough sit atop your coffee table.
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Who's Happier: People Who Hookup, or Those in Relationships?
Casual hookups may not be good for your love life.
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4 Biting and Stinging Bugs to Avoid This Summer
But sometimes, bugs get a bad rap -- most are beneficial to people. But a small percentage of them can affect our health.
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Giant Panda Cub Born at Belgium Zoo Is a 'True Miracle'
World welcomes "little pink sausage" giant panda cub at a zoo in Belgium.
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10 Fastest Trains in the World
Do you ever feel the need for speed? What if you could enjoy a speedy trip without knowing how fast you’re going? Well, in our list of 10 Fastest Trains in the World we will share some of the fastest modes of transportation that are so fast you don’t even know how fast you’re moving. Trains are […]
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Ammonia Swirls Found Beneath Jupiter’s Clouds
Just one month before the Juno spacecraft arrives at the gas giant Jupiter, the most detailed radio-wave maps ever of the planet's atmosphere dig beneath surface-level clouds to reveal the whirling ammonia flows that help form its distinctive features.
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Surprise! The Universe Is Expanding Faster Than Scientists Thought
New observations by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope suggest that the universe is expanding 5 to 9 percent faster than previously thought. The surprising result could motivate astronomers to rethink some of their ideas about dark energy and dark matter.
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Baby Panda Born At Zoo In Belgium | Raw Video
A rare event occured at the Pairi Daiza Wildlife Park outside of Belgium when a male panda cub was born. There are less than 2000 pandas left in the wild and the zoo is calling the birth a "true miracle."
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The Science of Football: Which Positions Take the Hardest Hits?
A new study measured the impacts that football players take, and sorted them by position.
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Does the Sun Rotate?
That giant flaming star in the sky does rotate, but moves at a much slower pace than the Earth.
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Why Pregnant Women Shouldn't Give In to Food Cravings
Chocolate, cookies and ice cream — here's why you shouldn't give in to those pregnancy food cravings.
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Supreme Insect! Praying Mantis Named After Ruth Bader Ginsburg
A new praying mantis has been identified based on female genitalia and named after Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an homage to her fight for gender equality, researchers said.
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Tiny Dancers: Meet 7 New Peacock Spider Species
They're fuzzy. They're colorful. And they wave their legs in the air like they just don't care.
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In Photos: 7 New Species of Peacock Spider
Scientists recently described seven new peacock spider species, a species known for its dramatic coloration and lively courtship "dances" — let the spider dance party commence!
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6 Colorful Peacock Spiders Caught On Video
These six peacock spiders were captured by scientist Jürgen C. Otto: Maratus albus, Maratus bubo, Maratus lobatus, Maratus tessellatus, Maratus vespa and Maratus vultus.
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Kamis, 02 Juni 2016
Bright Fireball Over Arizona Captured By Multiple Cameras | Video
A NASA meteor camera stationed at Mount Hopkins, Arizona and the Sedona Red Rock Cam/EarthCam captured the bright flash of a meteor burning up on entry into Earth's atmosphere.
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Lost Underwater City Formed Millions of Years Ago by Geology
Not quite Atlantis, a Greek underwater "city" is actually 5-million-year-old geological phenomenon.
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In Photos: Underwater 'Lost City' Reveals the Beauty of Geology
Underwater structures, including doughnut-shaped and pipe-like formations, which were thought to be parts of a civilization off the island of Zakynthos, Greece, actually formed probably millions of years ago due to the geology of the area.
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Males' Oversize Right Claw Lures Crustacean Ladies
What makes a female marine crustacean "swipe right" on a prospective mate?
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NASA Satellite Spots Toxic Air Pollution That Went Unreported
Unreported emissions account for 12 percent of all human-made sulfur dioxide.
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New Artificial Intelligence Can Tell Stories Based on Photos
Artificial intelligence may one day embrace the meaning of the expression "A picture is worth a thousand words," as scientists are now teaching programs to describe images as humans would.
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Massive Coronal Hole Formed On Sun | Zoom-In Video
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured imagery of the hole over the course of several days in May 2016. "High speed solar wind streams into space" from these open areas, according to NASA.
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Prince's Death: Why It's So Easy to Overdose on Painkillers
There are a number of ways that prescription opioids can be lethal.
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Workaholism Linked to ADHD and Depression
People who are workaholics may be more likely to have symptoms of certain mental health conditions, a new study suggests.
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Newest 'Hole' in the Sun Is a Doozy
A massive "hole" on the surface of the sun was spotted by NASA telescopes on May 17. Coronal holes produce strong solar winds that can cause problems for satellite communications.
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Shrodinger's Cat Arrives? Quantum Weirdness Gets Life Size
A new ultrareflective pendulum that is completely isolated from its environment could be used to test for bizarre quantum effects on a large scale.
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In Photos: 3,800-Year-Old Coffin Holds Ancient Egyptian Woman
Photos reveal the elaborate cedar coffin of Sattjeni, an important figure in the 12th Dynasty (1950-1775 B.C.) Egyptian town of Elephantine.
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Who Was Sattjeni? Tomb Reveals Secrets About Ancient Egyptian Elite
A pair of striking painted eyes decorate the coffin of Sattjeni, daughter, wife and mother of 12th Dynasty Egyptian governors.
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New FDA Salt Targets: Which Foods Would Change Most?
If the new FDA sodium targets are reached over the next 10 years, some of the biggest sodium drops could be in certain sauces and frozen breakfast foods.
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Does the Universe Have an Edge?
The universe has no edge. And even if it did, you could never go there because it is expanding so fast that the farthest parts are unreachable.
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19th-Century White House Garden Aligns with Solstice Sun
Using satellite imagery and astronomical software, a physicist discovered the solstice sun aligns with the center of Lafayette Square.
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Rabu, 01 Juni 2016
Teen Birth Rates Reach Another Record Low, CDC Says
Teen birthrates in the U.S. hit an all-time low in 2015, a new report on preliminary data finds.
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What Is Transgender?
The term transgender describes people whose gender identity differs from the sex to which they were assigned at birth.
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Flour Recall: Do You Really Need to Throw It Out?
If you have a bag of flour in your kitchen that's part of the new General Mills recall, it's best to throw it out, even if you plan on baking it before you eat it, experts say.
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What the New Superbug Means for the US
Have we reached the end of the line for antibiotics?
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Best Protected Great Barrier Reef Corals Are Now Dead
Great Barrier Reef corals that died had been growing in a pristine part of a well-run marine park.
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Male Orb-Web Spiders Are Choosy About Their Cannibal Mate
Male spiders who are eaten by their mates have evolved to make their one shot at reproduction count.
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Rare Gene Mutation Linked with High MS Risk
People with a rare genetic mutation are very likely to develop a severe form of multiple sclerosis (MS), a new study finds.
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Colonial Spiders Caught Mating - Female Eats Male Afterwards | Video
The spiders copulate, then the female dines on its mate. The actual mating is over in seconds.
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King Tut May Of Wielded A Blade 'Not Of This Earth' | Video
The blade from a dagger that was found on the sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun has is made from meteorites.
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Black-Death Survey Reveals Incredible Devastation Wrought by Plague
The devastation wrought by the Black Death plague pandemic in medieval England has been revealed in a uniquely detailed archaeological study carried out for more than a decade with the help of thousands of village volunteers.
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In Photos: Tracking the Devastating Impact of the Black Death
New archaeological research has mapped the devastation of the Black Death pandemic that struck Europe and Asia in the 1300s.
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Are Elephants Really Afraid of Mice?
Why would the largest mammal on land be afraid of one of the smallest?
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Marijuana Use Linked to Gum Disease
Researchers looked at whether using marijuana was linked to a host of health problems.
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Surprising Echo of Ancient Irish Horns in Indian Instruments
A researcher studying ancient and modern musical instruments has found a musical link to the past hidden in plain sight.
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Zika Virus - Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention Explained by WHO | Video
The World Health Organization explains symptoms, treatments and how to prevent the mosquito-transmitted virus from affecting you. The virus has been alarmingly spreading across the Americas.
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Harambe the Gorilla Put Zoo in Lose-Lose Situation, by Being Himself (Op-Ed)
Harambe, the male gorilla who dragged a 3-year-old boy through a moat after the boy entered his zoo enclosure, was just being a wild gorilla.
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Video: Science Is Infectious in YouTube's Veritasium
When it comes to conveying the excitement of science, a good video is a powerful communicator.
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