Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

Facts About Cesium

Properties, sources and uses of the element cesium. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1bZPHz8 via IFT...

Lasting Childbirth Pain Tied to Postpartum Depression

Women's risk of postpartum depression may be higher if their pain after giving birth goes on for several weeks, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c1BUmA via IFT...

US Marijuana Use Grows As Fewer People Worry About the Risks

More people in the U.S. are using marijuana than in years past, and one reason may be that people think the drug as less harmful than people did in the past. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c9IxjV via IFT...

'Alien' Signal Had Earthly Cause, Russian Scientists Say

Sorry, ET fans: The mysterious signal detected by a Russian radio telescope last year probably had an Earthly cause. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bInYKi via IFT...

What Earth's Oldest Fossils Mean for Finding Life on Mars

If recent findings on Earth are any guide, the oldest rocks on Mars may have signs of ancient life locked up inside. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bI2Sfh via IFT...

Why Taller People May Be Better at Judging How Far Away Things Are

Short people are worse at guessing some distances from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bCg2jw via IFT...

Parents' Mental Health Linked to Violence in Kids

Kids who have a parent who with certain psychiatric disorders may be at increased risk for attempting suicide or committing a violent offense, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bJRqkI via IFT...

New Drug Clears Abnormal Brain Proteins Tied to Alzheimer's

A new drug can remove the plaques that cause amyloid, though the study did not enroll enough people to determine if there was a cognitive benefit. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bJOK6K via IFT...

3.7-Billion-Year-Old Rock May Hold Earth's Oldest Fossils

Tiny ripples of sediment on ancient seafloor, captured inside a 3.7-billion-year-old rock in Greenland, may be the oldest fossils of living organisms ever found on Earth, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bJMUTo via IFT...

3 for 1: Space Station Eyes Hurricanes Lester, Madeline and Gaston

Cameras mounted on the outside of the International Space Station captured amazing views of three powerful hurricanes as they whisked across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on Aug. 30. The tropical storms generated incredibly powerful winds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ccwWBh via IFT...

Record-Low Arctic Sea Ice Is the 'New Normal,' NASA Says

Arctic sea ice is not showing any kind of recovery, according to NASA. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c4MB64 via IFT...

How LSD Permits Leaping Word Associations

A new study hints that free word association might be easier under the influence of psychedelics. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bBlwdd via IFT...

Teensy Pterosaur Was the Size of a House Cat

A recently discovered pterosaur was a real pip-squeak. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bBxNcQ via IFT...

Spooky Sites: 7 of the Most Haunted Places in the United States

You don’t need to believe in ghosts to enjoy a ghost story. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bV8NAa via IFT...

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Perpetual Motion Machines: Working Against Physical Laws

For centuries, people have been trying to invent perpetual motion machines. The laws of physics, though, are working against them. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bZ5VU0 via IFT...

Buttermilk: Nutrition Facts and Benefits

Buttermilk is the liquid left over when making butter from milk. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bQZm5J via IFT...

Has Planet Earth Entered New 'Anthropocene' Epoch?

It’s literally epoch-defining news. A group of experts tasked with considering the question of whether we have officially entered the Anthropocene – the geological age characterised by humans' influence on the planet – has delivered its answer: yes. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bACyqa via IFT...

World's 1st Plague Pandemic Bacteria Gets New Genetic Analysis

A new DNA analysis fills in more of first plague pandemic's genome. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bPuuzA via IFT...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome May Leave a 'Chemical Signature' in the Blood

Researchers have found a set of molecules in the blood that's unique to people with chronic fatigue syndrome. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c6zwIB via IFT...

Three Hurricanes Seen From Space Station On Same Day | Time-Lapse Video

Exterior cameras on the International Space Station captured imagery of Hurricanes' Lester and Madeline in the Pacific Ocean and Hurricane Gaston in the Atlantic Ocean. The footage was captured on Aug. 30, 2016. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2cphsxI via IFT...

Confirmed: Your Dog Understands What You're Saying

Researchers wanted to know what's going on in a dog's brain when its owner is talking. So, they scanned dogs' brains. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bQags8 via IFT...

How to Do Timeout: 12 Tips from Science

Timeouts are very effective in helping children to learn good behavior, research shows. But it helps if parents do them correctly. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c2ATt0 via IFT...

Adorable American Pika Is Disappearing Due to Climate Change

One of the nation's cutest animals is disappearing due to climate change. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c8Uln1 via IFT...

The Science of Timeouts: How to Make Them Work for Your Kids

There's strong science supporting using timeouts with kids. But parents say that parents will have more success if they use timeouts correctly. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bzmLtp via IFT...

New Pterosaur Species with Intact Skull Uncovered in Patagonia

An exquisitely preserved skull provides new insight into flying reptile evolution. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bPARpa via IFT...

Pothead Rats Are Up to Task, But Just Don't Feel Like It

Marijuana makes rats lazy. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bXz2qP via IFT...

SETI Team Investigating Mysterious Signal from Star 94 Light-Years Away

A powerful signal has been spotted coming from the vicinity of a sunlike star, and now astronomers are trying to figure out what it means. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2cot1VO via IFT...

Fascinating Topics May Lead to False Memories

When you find a topic really interesting, you might be more likely to have false memories related to tha topic, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bBR7qN via IFT...

Salute! Stunning Microphotos Capture Boozy Beauty in Italian Cocktails

Gorgeous crystalline images come from a surprising source. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bykQDH via IFT...

Photos: Amazing Microscopic Views of Italian Cocktails

Alcoholic beverages like you've never seen them before. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bONh2e via IFT...

Egyptian Mummy's Face Recreated with 3D Printing

An Egyptian mummy's head and face have been reconstructed with forensic science and 3D printing, offering scientists a tantalizing glimpse of the individual's life and death. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bOOzun via IFT...

Senin, 29 Agustus 2016

Facts About Sweetbreads

Sweetbreads are neither sweet, nor are they breads. Sweetbreads are organ meats — the thymus or pancreas glands of calves and lambs. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bvO6xw via IFT...

Gene Wilder's Death: How Do People Die from Alzheimer's?

Legendary comedic actor Gene Wilder has died at age 83 from complications of Alzheimer's disease. But what exactly does it mean to die from Alzheimer's? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c5ldUR via IFT...

Anthony Weiner: Do Cheaters Always Do It Again?

The old adage that once, a cheater, always a cheater may not hold for most people who stray, research suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bEgPMT via IFT...

Is a Blue Fire Tornado the Future of Oil Spill Cleanup?

An otherwise-destructive fire-tornado could be harnessed for good. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bRxj4W via IFT...

How Does Listeria Get into Veggies?

About 30,000 cases of precut vegetables are being recalled in many Southeastern states because they could be contaminated with Listeria. But how, exactly, do the bacteria get there? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bwcdcR via IFT...

Scientists Deliver Opioid-Like Pain Relief Without Addiction Risk

Scientists have created a drug that, in monkeys, provided opioid-like pain relief without the addictive qualities. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bwaNPo via IFT...

Human Ancestor 'Lucy' May Have Died After Falling from Tree

Lucy's ability to walk on two legs on land may have hindered her ability to navigate trees. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bxawsl via IFT...

One Glorious Map Shows the Future of Animal Migrations

Climate change is turning up the heat on animals. This map shows the pathways they'll likely follow to survive. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bDTnPN via IFT...

The Perks of Being a Twin May Include a Longer Life

Both identical and fraternal twins may live longer on average than men and women who are not twins, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bV19H4 via IFT...

Mock Mars Explorers Emerge from Habitat to End Year of Isolation in Hawaii

A crew of six "astronauts" returned to Earth Sunday (Aug. 28), after a year-long mock mission to Mars. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bvRnug via IFT...

More Than 300 Reindeer Killed By Lightning: Here's Why

A lightning storm killed 323 reindeer, including 70 calves, in an unusually deadly event. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c9pf1y via IFT...

Video: Adorable Baby Panda Loves Rolling Around

A young panda was caught on camera having a ball, rolling around in the grass at the Gengda Wolong Panda Center in China. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c3wyET via IFT...

Computers Can Sense Sarcasm? Yeah, Right

But they may soon. Researchers have written a program that detects sarcastic people on social media and the internet. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bLYOei via IFT...

Why Republicans and Democrats Live in Different Economic Realities

New research shows that ideological media employ a powerful method to bias partisans' economic beliefs. In turn, partisans perform mental gymnastics worthy of Simone Biles to preserve those biases. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bLOSpJ via IFT...

More Parents Are Refusing Vaccinations, But Their Reasons Are Changing

A study of pediatricians suggests that more parents are refusing to vaccinate their children, compared with a decade ago. But their reasons are different now. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c22KbY via IFT...

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

Will You Make More Money If You Attend a Top-Tier School?

College tuitions are becoming prohibitively expensive for many people, with Harvard University now costing almost $61,000 a year for tuition, room, board and fees. Given the high price tag, is it worth it to graduate from a highly selective school versus from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bV66NP via IFT...

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016

Facts About Microbursts

Microbursts, also called downbursts, are powerful, localized columns of wind. They can cause just as much damage as a tornado. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c3baSX via IFT...

EpiPen Alternatives Exist, and They May be Cheaper

The soaring price of the EpiPen has garnered controversy recently, but there are alternatives to this well-known drug. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bqO4AW via IFT...

Congressional Tweets Can Reveal Levels of Partisanship

Elected Democrats and Republicans in Congress are often at odds with one another, and now there's a new way to directly measure that partisanship, new research finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bN3jZg via IFT...

Goddess Name Inscribed in Lost Language on Ancient Tablet

An extraordinary discovery at a northern Italy site may reveal customs of a lost civilization. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bWjAZj via IFT...

What If Scientists Found Life on Closest Alien Planet Proxima b?

The discovery of a potentially Earth-like planet in the habitable zone of our closest star, Proxima Centauri, raises one of the greatest mysteries of science: Is there life beyond our world — and if so, could the Proxima system be a place to find it? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bV3qQZ via IFT...

Crystal Bride Gown Transformed by Dead Sea Salt (Photos)

A new exhibit at the Marlborough Contemporary museum in London reveals how the Dead Sea's hypersaline water can transform objects into salt-encrusted sculptures. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2blTjlQ via IFT...

Dead Sea Transforms Deathly Dress into Gorgeous Salt-Encrusted Jewel

The Dead Sea has transformed a dour black dress into a sparkly salty treasure in a new art exhibit by Sigalit Landau. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bmadGU via IFT...

This Weird Galaxy Is Actually 99.99 Percent Dark Matter

Astronomers have discovered a galaxy as big as the Milky Way that consists almost entirely of dark matter, a mysterious and invisible substance that scientists have been trying to figure out for decades. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2blK98Y via IFT...

Facial Features and Genes: Study Taps New Connections

In a new study, researchers tried to make sense of how a person's genes are linked to his or her appearance. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bosx0G via IFT...

Proxima b: Lasers Might One Day Power Ship to Closest Alien Planet

Could lasers be humanity's ticket to Proxima Centauri? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bFEnj3 via IFT...

7 Amazing Archaeological Discoveries from Egypt

Here, Live Science takes a look at seven of the most amazing finds from Egypt, including the pyramids at Giza, the tomb of King Tut, the Rosetta Stone and papyri holding gospels and magical spells. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bUdNoo via IFT...

What's a Vomitorium?

Ancient Romans had vomitoriums, but they weren't for purging lavish meals. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2blMrrz via IFT...

Watch Out for Wasps: Insect Sting Causes Man's Stroke

People's reactions to getting study by a bee or wasp can range from a feeling bit of pain to a suffering a deadly allergy reaction — and now a recent report of one man's case highlights a particularly rare complication of a sting: having a stroke. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c1d074 via IFT...

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016

Deaths from Fentanyl, Drug That Killed Prince, Rise Sharply

Overdose deaths from the opioid painkiller fentanyl — the same drug that killed the musician Prince — have increased sharply in a number of U.S. states. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bSVAYi via IFT...

Rosetta Probe Gets Rare Close-Up of Comet Eruption (Video)

Europe's Rosetta spacecraft has captured dramatic imagery of a comet outburst that may have been caused by a landslide on the icy body. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bk7P0B via IFT...

Mystery Solved: How Lyme Disease Bacteria Spread Around the Body

Exactly how Lyme disease bacteria move inside human blood vessels to spread throughout the body has remained largely a mystery, until now. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bSQtXZ via IFT...

Trousers, Heal Thyself: Squids Make Self-Fixing Clothes Possible

It's generally not a good idea to smear squid parts all over your outfit, but one day, clothes could fix their own rips with the help of coatings made of squid proteins, according to anew study found. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bSLxSP via IFT...

Sexual Assault on Campus: Why College Freshmen Face Increased Risk

All across the U.S., college freshmen are gearing up for new classes, friends and freedoms, but there's also a darker side of these changes: At many colleges, first-year students are at an increased risk of sexual assault compared with upperclassmen. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2cbCuA2 via IFT...

Why Areas with More Men Have Higher Marriage Rates

It might seem counterintuitive, but men are more likely to marry if they live in areas where there are fewer women, a new study shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bjqEDH via IFT...

'Weather Bombs' Could 'X-Ray' Earth to Help Detect Quakes

Seismicity from a "weather bomb" provides an "X-ray" of Earth's deep structure. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bQCqkU via IFT...

Are Biofuels Worse than Gasoline for the Climate?

Years of number crunching that had seemed to corroborate the climate benefits of American biofuels were starkly challenged when a team of scientists using a new approach concluded that the climate would be better off without them. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2brfnxm via IFT...

Why Tesla's Model S Is So Incredibly Fast

The Tesla Model S can thank its new supercharged battery for its superspeed, car experts said. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2blwqyC via IFT...

The Real Reason the EpiPen Is So Expensive

The maker of the EpiPen has raised the price of two injectable treatments to about $600, six times the price nine years ago. Why do drug companies do this? Because they can. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bRPtU0 via IFT...

How Long Will Your Caffeine Buzz Last? Genes May Tell

If one cup of coffee keeps you perked up all day, you may be able to thank your genes for that long-lasting caffeine kick, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bROzGS via IFT...

Happy 100th Birthday! US National Parks in Photos

The National Park Service has joined the centenarian club. Here's a look at the beauty of the sprawling parks, from Yellowstone \with its rainbow-colored hot springs and Denali to the awe-inspiring Grand Canyon and the magical Big Bend. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bkG89i via IFT...

Closeness to Family, Not Friends, Helps You Live Longer

Friends may warm the heart, but they won't help you live longer, new research shows. Rather, older adults are more likely to enjoy a few extra golden years if they're close with family members, sociologists have found. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bYnHY2 via IFT...

Sunken Treasures: The Curious Science of 7 Famous Shipwrecks

For scientists and historians, each shipwreck is a vessel on a voyage from the past that continues with each new discovery — so let’s batten down the hatches and take a look at the science of some of the world’s most famous shipwrecks. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bqitBI via IFT...

'Stranger Things': How Realistic Are the Parallel Worlds?

The strange parallel universe on the show "Stranger Things" has some similarities to concepts physicists have proposed in the past. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bYnGmW via IFT...

Gross! High-Speed Images Show What Happens When You Sneeze

High-speed images of a human sneeze show exactly why it's a good idea to stand back before you say gesundheit. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bPGfH7 via IFT...

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Facts About Kombucha, the Fermented Tea Drink

Fans of kombucha attribute several unproven health effects to the tea. While it does contain several important nutrients, there is no official medical research on the health benefits of the drink. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bynwS0 via IFT...

Facts About Germanium

Properties, sources and uses of the element germanium. from Live Science http://ift.tt/17beHoW via IFT...

Why Does the Moon Turn Red During a Total Lunar Eclipse?

Tonight, an oversized ruby-colored sphere will rise in the sky as a total lunar eclipse turns the normally pallid moon scarlet. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bPl9s2 via IFT...

In Babies, Zika Can Linger for Months, Brazilian Case Suggests

A baby in Brazil who became infected with Zika in the womb still had the virus in his body for months after he was born, according to a new report of the case. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bohDoX via IFT...

Human-Driven Warming Started Nearly 200 Years Ago, Study Finds

The signal of human-driven warming can be detected as far back as the 1830s, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bWIuep via IFT...

Soft, Rubbery 'Octobot' Can Move Without Batteries

A rubbery little "octobot" is the first robot made completely from soft parts, according to a new study. The tiny, squishy guy also doesn’t need batteries or wires of any kind, and runs on a liquid fuel. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bCfpWo via IFT...

Nicer Up North: Canadians Top Americans in Altruism

The rumors are true: Canadians are nicer than Americans are, at least if returning lost letters is any indicator of niceness, new research finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2biE1D3 via IFT...

Proxima Centauri's Alien Planet Closer Than You Think - With Right Spacecraft | Video

Our search for life beyond Earth has a new target - Proxima Centauri b. The potentially Earth-like planet in the habitable zone of our closest stellar neighbor could be reached in a little over 20 years by Breakthrough Starshot's nanocrafts. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bO8tSC via IFT...

8 Most Intriguing Earth-Like Planets

For years, astronomers have scoured the cosmos for Earth-like planets in alien star systems, in hopes of finding a habitable world where life could exist. Here are some of the most bizarre Earth-like planets. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bgP5Pr via IFT...

Alien World 'Proxima b' Around Nearest Star Could Be Earth-Like | Video

A possibly rocky planet, just 1.3x more massive than Earth, has been detected in the "habitable zone" of the nearby red dwarf star Proxima Centauri. Just 4.22 light-years away, this system is the closest to our sun. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bwCkRk via IFT...

How Do EpiPens Work?

The price of lifesaving EpiPens have increased drastically — how do EpiPens work in the body? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bgLX6b via IFT...

Who's Really Happier: Young People or Older People?

A new study looks at people's psychological well-being across the adult life span. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bwysQa via IFT...

Found! Potentially Earth-Like Planet at Proxima Centauri Is Closest Ever

Astronomers have discovered an Earth-sized alien world around the star Proxima Centauri, which lies just 4.2 light-years from our own solar system. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bNZq3A via IFT...

Lost WWII Ships Explored in Underwater Expedition

Researchers are exploring the wreck of the SS Bluefield and the German U-boat that sank it. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2biAFLo via IFT...

Science-Proven Way to Reduce Teen Drinking

Parents can help prevent their underage kids from drinking by employing a relatively simple strategy: setting clear rules that prohibit drinking, new research shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bNIQky via IFT...

Italy Earthquake: Complex Geology Drives Frequent Shaking

A complex system of faults underlying Italy make destructive quakes, like the recent Norcia earthquake, surprisingly common. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bzY4c4 via IFT...

NASA Makes Contact with Long-Lost Sun Probe

NASA has finally re-established contact with a sun-watching probe that was once thought lost in space after it abruptly went silent in 2014. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bVA8nk via IFT...

6.2-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Central Italy

The earthquake rocked central Italy, but tremors were reportedly felt as far south as Rome. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bzMbTz via IFT...

Riskiest Hurricane Day Approaches

Hurricane season may have officially started on June 1, but the riskiest part of the season is only just beginning, said NOAA scientists. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bzDJ6Z via IFT...

Buried Tectonic Plate Reveals Hidden Dinosaur-Era Sea

A tectonic "slab graveyard" tells geological history. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bmC3i2 via IFT...

America's No. 1 Killer Is Changing

Cancer has passed heart disease as the leading cause of death in nearly half of U.S. states, according to a new report. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bz3Rif via IFT...

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

Global Survey Reveals That Acceptance of Gay People Lags in 3 Regions

Gay rights have undergone an unprecedented worldwide surge in acceptance in recent years. But that's not the case everywhere. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bL5c67 via IFT...

Sunken WWII Aircraft Carrier USS Independence Letters Still Visible | Raw Video

More than 60 years since it was after the USS Independence, a World War II-era aircraft carrier, sunk to the bottom of the sea, the word "Independence” can still be made out on its surface. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bE0PfM via IFT...

It's Splitsville: Divorce May Be Seasonal, Study Finds

Two months of the year see higher divorce rates than the rest. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bd30sF via IFT...

1st Look at World War II-Era Aircraft Carrier Sunk in the Pacific

A robotic sub is revealing secrets of the USS Independence, which was a target during atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll in the 1940s. Scientists were surprised to find a fighter plane hidden in the sunken wreck. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2betLK9 via IFT...

In Photos: Dive to USS Independence Wreck

The World War II-era aircraft carrier was deliberately sunk off San Francisco in 1951. Here's a look at what scientists found when they dove to the wreck. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bfMWQP via IFT...

Male Termites Pair Up When Females Are Scarce

Do male-male termite pairings have an evolutionary edge? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bxR9jO via IFT...

Hoax or Secret Code? Copies of Unreadable Manuscript to Be Published

Exact copies of the famously unreadable Voynich manuscript will be published in Spain. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bfLCNN via IFT...

Hate Parallel Parking? New 'RearVision' Camera and App Can Help

If you hate parallel parking, or if you tend to avoid backing into spots at all costs, a new wireless camera that uses your smartphone as its display could help. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bLGTFv via IFT...

Weight-Loss Supplement May Induce Mania in Certain People

The weight-loss supplement garcinia cambogia may have the unwanted side effect of inducing mania, according to a recent report of three separate cases. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bcP6GV via IFT...

Power Station Worker's Private Collection Yields Bronze Age Treasures

A power station worker in Israel quietly amassed a trove of ancient artifacts that had washed up from the sea. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bSs3A0 via IFT...

What Is the Oldest Tree in the World?

The two oldest trees are in the White Mountains of California. from Live Science http://ift.tt/Zxz5g3 via IFT...

Moist. Probe. Crevice: Why Do We Hate Certain Words?

Here's why some words make people so uncomfortable. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bD3iqY via IFT...

Condoms Filled with Chili Powder and Firecrackers Teach Elephants to Stay Away

An unorthodox conservation strategy is teaching elephants to stay away from villages. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bySriP via IFT...

'Cyclops' Beetle Grows Third Eye on Its Head

Baby beetles with three compound eyes, one in the center of their heads, are teaching scientists something about how new facial traits evolve. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bLPWHc via IFT...

Mental Toll of Bad Jobs Lasts Decades

People who had low levels of job satisfaction in their 20s and 30s may have an increased risk of mental health problems, new research shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2c27MJx via IFT...

Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Deadly Case of 'Bagpipe Lung' Highlights Danger of Fungal Infections

One man's fatal lung infection highlights a rare danger that musicians may face: getting sick from fungi growing within their instruments, according to a recent report of the case. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bcQp7s via IFT...

Here's How Many US Mothers Breastfeed

The percentage of U.S. mothers who breast-feed their newborns continues to rise. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bcPvbj via IFT...

Proxima Centauri: Our Closest Stellar Neighbor - Statistics | Video

How far away is the star that is closest to Earth? How big is it? Is it part of the the Alpha Centauri System? Learn more about it here. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bBfbgT via IFT...

Man Swallows 40 Knives: What's Behind His Weird Craving

A man's strange craving led him to swallow 40 knives. Why would someone desire to eat metal or other non-food items? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bcJFlN via IFT...

Not So Sweet: New Sugar Limits for Kids Announced

New recommendations from the American Heart Association (AHA) say that children ages 2 to 18 should consume no more than 6 teaspoons (30 milliliters) of added sugar a day. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bvkgEr via IFT...

This Tree Started Growing During the Viking Age

The oldest officially dated tree in Europe is a bushy Bosnian pine living high up in the mountains in Greece. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bxSMzY via IFT...

Twitter Is Changing the Way People Mourn

Twitter is transforming mourning the dead into a more public activity, new research finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bqD76p via IFT...

Scientists Dive to WWII-Era USS Independence: How to Watch Live

Join the research excursion live tonight starting between 7 and 9 p.m. ET. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bZLIPJ via IFT...

Breadwinner Men May Have More Money. But Poorer Health

Men who earn more money than their wives may be rolling in the bucks, but they tend to have poor health and heightened anxiety, new research shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bJU2jf via IFT...

The Maya Were Tracking the Planets Long Before Copernicus

An ancient Mayan text known as the Dresden Codex contains sophisticated astronomical calculations to correct the calendar based on the phases of Venus. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b9MnOe via IFT...

Sea Anemone Proteins Could Help Fix Damaged Hearing

The proteins that sea anemones use to repair their feathery tentacles could also one day be used to fix damaged cells in a mammal's ear. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bYTCJa via IFT...

Alien Megastructure? 'Tabby's Star' Continues to Baffle Scientists

Nearly a year after the strange and dramatic dimming events exhibited by "Tabby's star" first made headlines around the world, astronomers still have no good explanation for the phenomenon. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bbNszq via IFT...

Are Black Holes Really Black?

A black hole simulated in a lab points toward "no." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bpG3QG via IFT...

Is Addiction a Disease?

We’ve long heard we can’t blame people for their addiction because it’s a disease, but is it? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bftx4k via IFT...

'Virtual' Particles Are Just 'Wiggles' in the Electromagnetic Field

A particle traveling from one spot to another doesn't exactly stay a particle, or at least not the same kind of particle. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bzHOek via IFT...

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016

7 Home Remedies That Actually Work (and the Science Behind Them)

Here's a look at the science behind 7 home remedies that work, and in some cases, have inspired modern medicine. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bSMrlr via IFT...

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Scotland's Ancient Stone Circles Built to Align with Solstice Sun

The ancient stone monuments would have created an alignment with the sun during the winter and summer solstices, as well as during the major lunar standstill. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b7gtPA via IFT...

Lochte's Lies: How Science Explains Fibbers

Research on lying has revealed some interesting findings. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b6mGZ0 via IFT...

Earth's Oldest Oceanic Crust Uncovered in Mediterranean Sea

An ancient ocean may have formed earlier than scientists thought. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b3WhQm via IFT...

Mind-Body Link Traced to Specific Brain Regions

The brain's thinking centers and the body's stress-response centers are linked, new research shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bQzUz7 via IFT...

Parasitic Worms Burrow into Walls of Woman's Stomach After Meal

A woman in Japan went to the hospital after eating a meal of raw fish that turned out to contain an extra, unwanted ingredient: parasitic worms that eventually burrowed into the walls of her stomach. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ba5gN8 via IFT...

Glass Half Empty? Why You May Be Less Optimistic Than You Think

Humans' supposed "optimism bias" might not actually be a thing. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bIsmwY via IFT...

New Laser Created from Jellyfish's Fluorescent Proteins

Fluorescent proteins from jellyfish that were grown in bacteria have been used to create a laser for the first time, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bDaykf via IFT...

500-Year-Old Hidden Images Revealed in Mexican 'Manuscript'

Storytelling images on a deer-hide "manuscript" from Mexico have been seen for the first time in 500 years, thanks to sophisticated scanning technology that penetrated layers of chalk and plaster. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b9K1ew via IFT...

Uber Rolls Out First Driverless Cars

A pilot program in Pittsburgh will offer Uber customers free rides in autonomous Volvo SUVs. Backup human driver included. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bo50cn via IFT...

10 Most Awesome Restaurants In Louisiana

Louisiana is a melting pot when it comes to it’s people and cuisine. It’s a beautiful state that has come under some heavily rough times especially as of recent. However, it cannot take away from some of the amazing food that you can encounter while visiting the state. So, we decided to create a list […] from 10 Most Today http://ift.tt/2b5wYbE via IFT...

How to Stop a Zombie Apocalypse … with Science

If a "zombeism" disease emerged, how might we actually stop it? Answering this kind of question can tell scientists a lot about how a genuine highly infectious condition might spread. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bHIkYe via IFT...

California's Blue Cut Wildfire Glows in Nighttime Satellite Photo

The Blue Cut fire in California is hot. That heat allowed thermal sensors aboard the Landsat 8 satellite to capture a glowing image of the blaze at night. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bnuXIR via IFT...

T. Rex with Well-Preserved Skull Found in Montana's Hell Creek Formation

The famed Hell Creek Formation yields multiple bones from the iconic beast. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bsoY8R via IFT...

'RNA World': Scientists Inch Closer to Recreating Primordial Life

Researchers recreate a small piece of the world that formed the very first life. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b6bGLN via IFT...

Smartphone-Connected Contact Lenses Give New Meaning to 'Eye Phone'

Apps allow you to link your smartphone to anything from your shoes, to your jewelry, to your doorbell — and soon, you may be able to add your contact lenses to that list. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bCvZT0 via IFT...

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

Hummus: Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits

Hummus, a dip or spread made of mashed chickpeas (garbanzo beans), is low in calories and high in protein, and may help improve cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of heart disease. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b5DLTh via IFT...

300-Year-Old Secret 'Lucky' Shoe Found in Cambridge University Wall

The "magic" shoe was probably placed there during renovations between the end of the 1600s and the middle of the 1700s as a way to ward off evil spirits. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bFuA03 via IFT...

Sprawling Blue Cut Wildfire in California Spied by NASA Satellites

As a wildfire blazes through a mountain pass in Southern California, two NASA satellites were able to snap photos of the smoke from space. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b4PRvP via IFT...

How Do Green Screens Work?

Green screens' brightness and vivid color allows technicians to replace parts of film and TV images with anything from animated weather maps to the icy Wall guarded by Castle Black. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bBpcs7 via IFT...

Drifting Tectonic Hotspot Overturns Himalayan Theory

A new study provides evidence that a patch of extreme rock-uplift in the eastern Himalayas — the area of greatest tectonic activity — has been slowly migrating northward. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2biPY9C via IFT...

YouTube's 'Physics Girl' Delivers on Fun and Science

Dianna Cowern, creator and host of YouTube's "Physics Girl," uses a playful approach to explain physics and how it shapes our lives and the world around us. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bwk2NK via IFT...

Differences in Brain Activity May Determine How Smart You Are

Your brain activity differs depending on whether you're working on a task, or at rest — and just how much that activity differs may be linked to how smart you are, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b1T9Qj via IFT...

Ötzi the Iceman's Wild Wardrobe Revealed

Ötzi the Iceman, a stunningly preserved mummy found in the Alps, sported an animal-heavy outfit that utilized multiple species, new genetic data reveals. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b1DQa2 via IFT...

Supernova Ashes Found in Tiny Magnetic Fossils

Supernova ash has been discovered in fossils that were created by bacteria on Earth, a new study finds. This finding suggests that a supernova might have played a role in an extinction event on Earth, researchers said. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b1uEsA via IFT...

Rabbits Were Butchered at Ancient City of Teotihuacan

Bones found in an ancient Mexican city suggest humans had domesticated rabbits and hares 1,500 years ago. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b3DbW5 via IFT...

Experts Clash on Age of Land Bridge Connecting Americas

Despite reports that the land bridge connecting the Americas is "older than the hills," it is actually quite young, geologically speaking — only about 2.8 million years old, a new review of studies finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bhuJFp via IFT...

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2016

Kefir: Nutritional Facts & Health Benefits

Kefir is a fermented milk product that tastes like liquid yogurt and has many health benefits. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bgdaoS via IFT...

Calcium Supplements Linked to Higher Risk of Dementia in Some Women

Taking calcium supplements may raise the risk of developing dementia in women who have previously had a stroke, or have early signs of other cerebrovascular disease. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b28P9g via IFT...

World's Largest Aircraft Makes 1st Flight

The world's largest aircraft, a helium-filled, blimp-like airship, has taken to the skies for the first time, successfully landing after its maiden voyage from Cardington Sheds in Bedfordshire, England, today (Aug. 17). from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b5rgIZ via IFT...

Can a Fitness Tracker Make Eating a Happy Meal Healthier?

McDonald's is serving up something a little different with its Happy Meals: fitness trackers. But experts are split about whether this addition will make Happy Meals healthier for kids. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b0oeKh via IFT...

Catastrophic Louisiana Flooding Measured from Space

Tremendous downpours led to widespread flooding in southern Louisiana. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bfifxM via IFT...

China Launches Pioneering 'Hack-Proof' Quantum-Communications Satellite

China launched the first-ever quantum satellite Monday (Aug. 15), in an effort to help develop an unhackable communications system. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bdBwkf via IFT...

Why Is Doping Wrong?

Athletes who dope are seeking to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. But athletes seek to gain competitive advantages in numerous ways and many of these are not banned. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bC5FuB via IFT...

Why There's No Universal 'Best' Way to Parent

The parenting practices tied to the best outcomes vary in each country, though helping children feel loved and accepted is generally positive. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bIg1u1 via IFT...

Zika: What States Can Expect in the Coming Months

Here's what you need to know about the Zika virus for the coming months. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bt7k2g via IFT...

No, That Ancient Mausoleum Is Not the 'World's 1st Pyramid'

The discovery of a 3,000-year-old pyramid-shaped mausoleum in Kazakhstan has gone viral over the past 24 hours, with several media outlets proclaiming the structure to be the world's first pyramid. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bno1zS via IFT...

16th-Century Shipwrecks Found Amid Rocket Debris Off Florida Coast

It's relatively common to find debris from rocket launches in the waters off Cape Canaveral in Florida, but divers exploring the seabed recently uncovered artifacts from an age of exploration long before America's space program. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b00uWF via IFT...

Photos: Colonial-Age Shipwrecks Found Off Cape Canaveral Coast

Divers have uncovered more than 20 cannons and a historic marble monument from what they think are the wrecks of three 16th-century Spanish ships on the seabed off Cape Canaveral in Florida – an area also littered with debris from rocket launches. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bnkfqb via IFT...

Creep Show: Video Captures the Violent Act of Coral Bleaching

A blob of a coral has been caught violently pulsating, with tentacles wriggling every which way, as it ejects its algal residents in a time-lapse video of the phenomenon called bleaching. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bnfGwm via IFT...

Coral Reefs Flourish Thanks to … Fish Pee?

Getting peed on is a good thing, at least for coral reefs, scientists have found. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aVOsfF via IFT...

Corals Belch Algae During Deadly 'Bleaching' | Time-Lapse Video

Solitary corals, Heliofungia actiniformis, were forced to endure hyper-thermal stress in an experiment to learn more about coral bleaching. They can be seeing belching 'Symbiodinium' - a form of algae that gives them their color. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b4qwnB via IFT...

Ancient Bling: Exquisite Jewelry Found in Tomb of Chinese Woman

Around 1,500 years ago, a woman named Farong was laid to rest wearing fantastic jewelry, which included a necklace of 5,000 beads and "exquisite" earrings, archaeologists report. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aYM17d via IFT...

In Photos: 1,500-Year-Old Tomb of a Chinese Woman Named Farong

Archaeologists in Datong City, China, discovered a tomb, dating back around 1,500 years, which contains the remains of a woman named Farong who was buried with fantastic jewelry. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b0Ot0h via IFT...

Flying Cockroaches! Heat Sends Your Favorite Pests Soaring

Turns out the soaring heat is just what some cockroaches need to spread their wings … literally. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bxhcYX via IFT...

What's Causing Louisiana's Historic Flooding?

One day's rainfall was a 500-year event. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b0Ieti via IFT...

6 Strange Things the Government Knows About Your Body

What does the CDC know about how you measure up? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aYGIEx via IFT...

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2016

Serious Head Injuries from Baby Strollers on the Rise

More than 360,000 children ages 5 or younger went to the ER for stroller- or carrier-related injuries from 1990 to 2010, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b08tQF via IFT...

Cardiff Giant: 'America's Biggest Hoax'

The Cardiff Giant, sometimes referred to as “America’s Biggest Hoax,” is a 10-foot-long stone figure that was touted as a petrified giant. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bcNWrM via IFT...

Ford Aims to Have Self-Driving Cars Take to Roads by 2021

Carmaker wants a fully-autonomous ride-hailing service on the roads in 2021. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b2pQim via IFT...

Do Thinner Friends Help You Lose Weight?

People who want to lose weight might consider adding a few slender friends to their social networks. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bljA7L via IFT...

Why Lightning Deaths Are Up This Year

Lightning has already killed as many people in the U.S. this year as in all of 2015, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aSyGCf via IFT...

The Disruptive Transistor – And Where It Came From | Video

You're a multi-millionaire! You personally own at least 10 million transistors. But do you know how they work? Know who invented them? Or why? Dave Brody reports the back-story of this – most disruptive – technology. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bad57e via IFT...

Search for Mythical Nazi Gold Train Resumes

Amateur explorers are starting to dig in Poland, hoping they will discover a gold-filled Nazi train thought to be the stuff of local lore. But does this train even exist? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aYj2AE via IFT...

10 Biggest Doping Scandals in Olympics History

On the world's biggest stage, at the Olympic Games, there are all too many instances of athletes who have turned to the use of a chemical advantage to gain a leg up on their fellow competitors. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bkPvq2 via IFT...

200 Rare Tarantulas Hatched in Captivity for First Time

For the first time, researchers have managed to breed an extremely mysterious spider known as the Montserrat tarantula in captivity. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aXOaWO via IFT...

Potty Talk: Should You Sit or Squat?

While nobody is claiming you climb up and plant your feet on a regular toilet seat, there is some evidence to suggest squatting makes it easier to empty your bowels. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2beZPLQ via IFT...

Googly-Eyed Purple Squid Sighting Delights Scientists

Scientists could not believe this googly-eyed animal was real. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b1a4Ek via IFT...

8 Tried-and-True Tips for Talking to Preschoolers

Preschoolers are just learning to communicate verbally. Here are some tips for talking to the childhood age group most famous for asking "why?" and saying "no!". from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aWiCdA via IFT...

Chemist Skeptical About Account for Green Waters in Olympic Pools

Olympic officials in Rio de Janeiro announced this past weekend that they had found out why the water in two pools turned bright green, but their explanation has at least one chemist scratching her head. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b0M5oY via IFT...

Chemtrails Debunked by Atmospheric Scientists

No evidence exists, say researchers, of a clandestine government plot to manipulate the atmosphere. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bBXr6P via IFT...

10 Biggest Historical Mysteries That Will Probably Never Be Solved

From the identity of Jack the Ripper to the location of Cleopatra's tomb to the fate of the Ark of the Covenant, some historical mysteries may never be solved. Perhaps that makes them even more intriguing. from Live Science http://ift.tt/SQ7P8b via IFT...

Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Ancient Israel: A Brief History

The history of ancient Israel is constructed through excavations as well as the Bible and other sources. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bjerOG via IFT...

What's the Most Challenging Gymnastics Event, According to Physics?

Between all the different events that gymnasts have to master — from balance beam to the vault for women, and the pommel horse to the rings for men — what's the most challenging apparatus, according to science? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aWHqZ1 via IFT...

23 Gold Medals: Is Michael Phelps an Outlier?

Math shows that Phelps' gold-medal count is so sky-high, it wouldn't have been predicted to occur, at least not for another 250 years. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b9RjzE via IFT...

Has a New, Fifth Force of Nature Been Found?

Scientists have found evidence of a possible fifth force of nature, which could help lift the veil on the mysterious dark matter that's thought to dominate the universe. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aVzPEo via IFT...

Bad Timing: Biological Clock Linked to Infections

When it comes to getting sick, does time of day matter? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b7miwT via IFT...

Here's Why the 400 Meter Gold Medal Win Was So Extraordinary

Olympic runner Wayde van Niekerk unexpectedly won gold in the 400 meters from Lane 8. Here's why that's so extraordinary. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bl9YHl via IFT...

What If We're Wrong? History Suggests Everything Will Be Disproved

Hindsight is 20/20, right? That's the premise of a new book that poses the question: What if we were wrong? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aVd2su via IFT...

Book Excerpt: 'But What If We're Wrong?' (US 2016)

An excerpt from the new book "But What If We're Wrong?: Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past" by Chuck Klosterman. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bkTgYp via IFT...

New Medical Marijuana Policy Is a Catch-22, Researchers Say

The federal government says more research on marijuana is needed before the drug could become legal. But studying marijuana is exceedingly difficult because the drug is illegal. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bcnxs6 via IFT...

Kids' Behavior Linked to Moms' Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy

Women who take acetaminophen during pregnancy may be more likely to give birth to children who later develop behavioral problems, a new study from England finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bzeC9a via IFT...

Brain Region Associated with Generosity Uncovered

Scientists have found that a brain region called the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex plays a key role in people learning to help others. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bch6Fh via IFT...

Political Psychology: The Presidents' Mental Health

A mentally ill president? The U.S. has probably had a few. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bv1i4c via IFT...

Here's How Much of Your Suntan Comes from Beyond Our Galaxy

Every second, every square meter of Earth is bombarded by 10 billion photons born beyond the Milky Way, according to a new study. That may sound like a lot, but it's just 10 trillionths of the total number that bathe every square meter of the planet. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aOBn7B via IFT...

Oldest Gold Artifact Found in Bulgaria

The small bead is estimated to be some 6,500 years old. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aW6GPi via IFT...

Does Sugar Make Kids Hyper? Here's What the Science Says

If a child eats cotton candy, a chocolate bar or any other kind of sugary treat, will a hyperactive frenzy follow? While some parents may swear that the answer is "yes," research shows that it's just not true. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aU5jug via IFT...

'Mediterranean Lifestyle' Linked to Lower Depression Risk

The Mediterranean lifestyle -- which includes not only eating well, but also exercising and socializing -- may be beneficial for people's risk of depression, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aVWl2X via IFT...

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2016

Here's What Olympians Eat for Each Sport

Olympians may eat everything from 900 calories to 12,000 calories a day, depending on the sport. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bqfrzG via IFT...

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

Stretchy, Transparent Gaming Controller Acts Like a Second Skin

A hydrogel forearm cuff works as a touchpad for gaming, playing music, and scrolling through notes on a computer screen. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aRiNua via IFT...

'Vegetarian Piranhas' With Human-Like Teeth Found in Michigan Lakes

A South American fish with uncannily human-like chompers has been unexpectedly showing up on Michigan anglers' hooks. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b3Wv6a via IFT...

'Superlens' Sets New Limits on What You Can See Under a Microscope

A new "superlens" is so powerful that it could help researchers zero in on germs that were too small for microscopes to spot until now, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aNO0eI via IFT...

Skydivers Become 'Human Meteors' In Honor Of The Perseids | Video

Joakim Sommer, Armando del Rey, Marco Waltenspiel and Georg Lettner took to the skies over La Palma in the Canary Islands wearing LED wing-suits. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aZId9d via IFT...

Skydivers Transform Into 'Shooting Stars' During Perseid Meteor Shower

The annual Perseid meteor shower peaked this week, but four daredevils were not to be outdone by the spectacular sky show. As meteors streaked across the night sky, the men jumped out of an airplane wearing LED wingsuits, transforming themselves, in essen from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bnPDEf via IFT...

Healing Herb? Marijuana Could Treat These 5 Conditions

Live Science has rounded up the promising evidence that medical marijuana may help people with certain conditions. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aZoRRD via IFT...

'Crypto' Parasite Outbreak in Ohio Pools Sickens More than 100 Swimmers

More than 100 people in Ohio have been sickened with a diarrheal illness linked to swimming in local pools. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aQKOli via IFT...

10 Most Awesome Theme Parks In the U.S.

Theme parks are a staple when it comes to the U.S. Especially when it comes to the summer months if you live in New England. So we decided to take a look at the 10 Most Awesome Theme Parks In the U.S. So if you’re looking for some adrenaline filled and magical fun check out our list […] from 10 Most Today http://ift.tt/2b41nKk via IFT...

Newfound Galapagos Bird Species Already Went Extinct

A brilliantly hued Galapagos songbird is not one species, but two — or at least it was. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bnBHr2 via IFT...

Flycatcher Gone: Photos of an Extinct Galápagos Native

The San Cristóbal Island vermilion flycatcher has almost certainly already vanished from its home in the Galápagos Islands, according to a new study. Here are photos of the red songbird. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aRErx0 via IFT...

Giant Heart: Unusual Condition Means Heart is 80% of Man's Chest

A 57-year old man who went to the emergency room for swelling of his extremities learned that his symptoms had an unusual cause: a massively enlarged chamber of his heart, according to a brief report his case. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aMlbj4 via IFT...

Photos: For the First Time, a Drone Carried Blood Samples from a Remote Village

Drones are now delivering on the promise of bringing better health care to remote corners of the world. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aQ65vF via IFT...

In a First, Drone Used to Collect Medical Samples from Rural Village

Drones can be used for the good of humankind, a new report shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aQ5Kck via IFT...

Self-Destructing Battery Can Dissolve Itself in 30 Minutes

A new type of transient battery dissolves rapidly in water. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aMk8zh via IFT...

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

Feeling Burned Out at Work? Study IDs 2 Key Reasons

A "mismatch" between an employee's inner needs and the characteristics of his or her job can be a recipe for burnout, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bbkDYV via IFT...

Perseid Meteors Have Been Lighting Up NASA Cameras For Weeks | Video

NASA's All Sky Fireball Network (consisting of 15 cameras across the United States) has been capturing the meteors burning up in Earth's atmosphere since late July. A compilation from July 26 to Aug. 11, 2016 can be seen here. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bjhQu6 via IFT...

Par for the Course: 6 Animals That Roam Rio's Olympic Golf Links

Olympic spectators expecting to see chiseled athletes vying for gold in Rio might also see a few unexpected Brazilian natives, including capybaras, three-toed sloths and little alligator relatives known as caimans. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bj89eU via IFT...

Should You Still Floss? Here's What the Experts Say

Experts weigh in on U.S. government removal of flossing recommendation. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aOrrt6 via IFT...

Greenland Sharks May Live 400 Years

Slow-moving Greenland sharks are the longest-lived vertebrates on Earth, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bkorq4 via IFT...

These Jobs Are Linked to the Worst Heart Health

Truck drivers and social service workers have something in common: The people who work in these two occupations are the least likely to be heart healthy, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aVXAQ1 via IFT...

Brain-Controlled Machine Training Helps Paralyzed Patients Move Legs | Video

Researchers at Duke University have been training paralyzed patients with brain-controlled devices, including robotic exoskeletons, to move their legs again. Partial neurological recovery with this training is suggested by the study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b92Lg8 via IFT...

Ancient Greek Skeleton May Be Remains of Human Sacrifice to Zeus

A 3,000-year-old skeleton has been discovered at an altar dedicated to Zeus at Mount Lykaion in Greece, and archaeologists say the new finding may be the remains of a human sacrifice offered to the Greek god. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aMD3tA via IFT...

Can You Trick Your Body into Burning More Fat?

Fat-adapted diets may be fine for some ultra-endurance athletes, but the vast majority of athletes will see reduced performance fueling exercise mostly with fat. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aOm5Bd via IFT...

Biohybrid Robots Built From Living Tissue Start to Take Shape

To do the jobs "nuts-and-bolts" robots aren't good at, engineers are creating soft living machines powered by muscle cells. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aOKItw via IFT...

Newfound Glow-in-the-Dark Fish Identified

Pigmentation of fishes' scales reveals new species. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aJojMv via IFT...

In Surprise Recovery, Paralyzed Patients Move After Using Brain Devices

Several patients who were paralyzed in their lower limbs for years have now regained some feeling and movement in their limbs, after they learned to control a robotic exoskeleton with their brain. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bl4Jrm via IFT...

Mars Life? 20 Years Later, Debate Over Meteorite Continues

Twenty years ago, NASA scientists and their colleagues announced they had spotted possible signs of Mars life in a meteorite known as Allan Hills 84001 (ALH 84001). The claim ignited a scientific controversy that lingers to this day. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bjdLtb via IFT...

Ghost in the Machine: Atom Smasher's 'New Particle' Was Illusion

In December 2015, scientists at the world's largest particle accelerator thought they may have seen a hint of a brand-new particle, and with it, a window into physics beyond what scientists know now. But the findings turned out to be a statistical fluke. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aOpKLa via IFT...

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

The 'Doping Arms Race': How Athletes Evade Testing

For as long as athletes have been trying to game the system by doping, officials have been coming up with ways to catch them. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bhk9zT via IFT...

Woman's 'Double Uterus' Case Highlights the Mysteries of HPV

A woman with a rare condition that gave her two uteruses, along with two cervices, had an even more unusual case of HPV infection, according to a new report. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aBVjL8 via IFT...

Doping at the Games: Why the Olympics Banned These Drugs

For Olympic athletes looking to boost their athletic prowess, the wide world of doping drugs provides ample opportunities. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aWWPTW via IFT...

Mystery Solved: Why Rio's Olympic Diving Pool Turned Green

When the water in Rio's Olympic outdoor diving pool turned bright green yesterday, people were baffled. Some suggested that the green came from oxidized copper in the pool's pipes, but others wondered whether urine was the culprit. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aN4RjE via IFT...

This Mysterious Gliding Mammal Is Your Primate 'Sister'

Small and furry gliding mammals called colugos are primates' close relatives, scientists have discovered from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b4saEH via IFT...

How a 1967 Solar Storm Nearly Led to Nuclear War

The U.S. Air Force began preparing for war on May 23, 1967, thinking that the Soviet Union had jammed American surveillance radars. But space-weather forecasters intervened, telling top brass that a sun eruption was to blame, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aMRMqp via IFT...

Scientists Home in on the Human 'Sociability' Gene

Researchers have grown the neurons of people with Williams syndrome to help understand the genes involved with being sociable. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aBtpPi via IFT...

Shark-Toothed Power Saw Reveals Most Durable Chompers

In an experiment fit for a horror movie, researchers glued shark teeth to a power saw and ran it through a hunk of raw salmon — all in the name of learning how shark teeth interact with prey, a new study reports. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bgyz34 via IFT...

Scientists Dive to WWII-Era Japanese Warship: How to Watch Live

Take a dive to a sunken World War II-era warship today, as marine researchers gear up to visit the wreckage site using a robotic sub. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aMGjY0 via IFT...

Watch Live @ 2:30 p.m. ET: Dive to a Sunken WWII-Era Warship

Marine scientists aboard the research vessel Okeanos Explorer will investigate a World War II-era Japanese warship today. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1kOaiwB via IFT...

Suicide Risk May Rise in People Hospitalized with Infections

Though the study cannot prove causality, researchers found that 1 in 10 suicides could be linked to infections. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aMFPBf via IFT...

First Americans Took Coastal Route to Get to North America

Ancient Native Americans may have rapidly spread throughout North and South America by hugging the coasts. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bgs1kX via IFT...

NASA Peers into the Eye of a 'Super Typhoon' (Photo)

Imaging technologies show a storm in a different light. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aMffrM via IFT...

More US Teens May Be Facing Depression: Here's Why

Across the U.S., there's been an uptick in the percentage of teens who are having episodes of depression, a new report finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aLg1qd via IFT...

King Arthur's Home? Archaeologists Investigate Legendary Birthplace

Archaeologists are investigating a mysterious coastal settlement that they think may have been home to post-Roman British royalty, at Tintagel in Cornwall, England, the reputed birthplace of the legendary King Arthur. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aJUCug via IFT...

Why Guys Should Not Drink After Exercising

Although drinking may be a common way to unwind after a hard workout, it could undercut the effects of a hard weight-lifting session, new research suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aLfWmh via IFT...

Photos: Archaeological Excavations at Reputed Birthplace of King Arthur

Archaeologists are conducting excavations at Tintagel in Cornwall, in the southwest of England. In English folklore, the site is thought to be the birthplace of King Arthur. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aJV0Jq via IFT...

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

Shifting Sands Reveal 400-Year-Old Petroglyphs in Hawaii

Never-before-recorded petroglyphs have emerged on the coastline of Oahu. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bhy4To via IFT...

In Photos: Petroglyphs Discovered in Hawaii

Along the west coast of Oahu, just as the sun was setting on a recent evening, shifting sands revealed 400-year-old petroglyphs that had lain hidden. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ayLcGL via IFT...

Can Hypnosis Improve Kids' Health?

Hypnosis may help kids with certain health problems, such as stomach pain or anxiety, say research scientists who have studied hypnotherapy in children. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ayGWqB via IFT...

Zika Infection Linked with Rare Joint Birth Defect

A small number of babies infected with Zika virus in the womb have developed a rare birth defect involving muscle weakness and stiff joints. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bdtUz2 via IFT...

Olympic Form: How Sports Influence Body Shape

Nothing represents the peak of physical condition like Olympic athletes, yet they also represent a wide range of body types, shapes and sizes. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aDPMPG via IFT...

Cooked Medium Rare? This 'Bloody' Burger Is Actually Vegan

There's a new "bloody" burger in town, but this one is entirely vegan. The juicy patty contains exactly zero animal products, but because of a bright red molecule called heme, it looks like a hamburger served medium rare, said the burger's creators, Impos from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bhfWJx via IFT...

Mysterious Supernovas Explode Twice, Giving Birth to Powerful Magnets

A mysterious kind of supernova that appears to explode twice may be giving birth to some of the most powerful magnets in the universe, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aK5s5s via IFT...

Wow! Northern Lights Glow in Breathtaking Image from Space Station

The northern lights and an impact crater were captured in a single image taken by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bd5fvD via IFT...

Live Science Book Giveaway: 'I Contain Multitudes' by Ed Yong

Join Live Science for a Facebook Live interview with science writer Ed Yong, and a chance to win a signed copy of his new book, "I Contain Multitudes." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aXo0QD via IFT...

'I Contain Multitudes' Is the Story of Microbes: Q&A with Ed Yong

Science writer Ed Yong investigates the complex dance between microbes and the animals they inhabit, in his new book "I Contain Multitudes." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aWTI0l via IFT...

How Does Latte Art Work?

This is how they make those designs on top of a cappuccino. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2bbFXwz via IFT...

Mama Dolphins Sing Their Name to Babies in the Womb

Dolphin mamas appear to sing their own name to their unborn calves. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aRQv07 via IFT...

Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

Michael Phelps' Weird Bruises: Does Cupping Therapy Really Work?

Several Olympic athletes, including swimmer Michael Phelps, have appeared in Rio with odd-looking circular marks on their bodies. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b9iUUA via IFT...

It's Shooting-Star Time! How to Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower

It's almost time for one of the best nighttime celestial shows of the year — the Perseid meteor shower, a spectacular array of shooting stars that is expected to peak late Thursday night and early Friday morning (Aug. 11 and 12). from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b94SPv via IFT...

Almost All Lice Are Now Resistant to Over-the-Counter Treatment

The vast majority of head lice in the United States are now resistant to most over-the-counter treatments, meaning that it's now especially difficult to vanquish the tiny blood-sucking parasites, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aHmhPy via IFT...

Kepler's 'Alien Megastructure' Star Just Got Weirder

"Tabby's Star" has dramatically dimmed and we don't know why. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aH6xLj via IFT...

Beyond 'Pokémon Go': Future Games Could Interact with Real Objects

The augmented-reality game "Pokémon Go" may be the hottest thing in mobile gaming right now, but new advances in computer science could give players an even more realistic experience in the future, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aGWiqt via IFT...

Still No Sign of 'Sterile Neutrino' Particle, Candidate for Dark Matter

An experiment buried deep under the ice of Antarctica that was designed to study distant cosmic objects has come up empty in a search for a strange particle that is a possible candidate for dark matter. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aW9k2t via IFT...

Dark Matter Candidate 'Sterile Neutrino' Particle Still A Mystery | Video

An instrument called the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, which is buried deep under ice in Antarctica, has come up empty in the search of the theoretical particle. Neutrinos and the result are explained by IceCube team. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aW7uyB via IFT...

Do the Robot: 1,000-Plus Dancing Droids Break Record

There is a world record for simultaneous robot dancing. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aFOoeV via IFT...

High Numbers? 1 in 8 US Adults Smokes Pot

The percentage of Americans who say they currently smoke marijuana has nearly doubled since 2013, a new survey finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aGAmQr via IFT...

Friends with Benefits? Cannibalism Not All Bad for Male Praying Mantis

There's a silver lining for the male praying mantis eaten by his mate. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aVCOxC via IFT...

No 'I' in Team: 5 Cooperation Findings from Science

Researchers are keen to study how human cooperation works, and what factors make it go smoothly, or deteriorate. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aLrE0A via IFT...

The Science of Olympic Rivalries: Do Adversaries Help or Hurt?

Even at the Olympics, competition sometimes gets personal. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2azisZS via IFT...

Blood & Gold: Children Dying As Egypt's Treasures Are Looted

A Live Science investigation found that not only were these horrific events happening but that an enormous amount of potentially looted Egyptian artifacts had made their way into the United States. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aLrnei via IFT...

In Photos: Looting Across Egypt

Researchers in Egypt have found a surge in looting since the revolution in 2011, with children being used to squeeze through narrow tunnels and burial shafts, some dying doing so. And mummies have been found rotting out in the sun. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2azhLQf via IFT...

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016

3 Human Chimeras That Already Exist

Chimeras aren't always man-made — there are a number of examples of human chimeras that already exist. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aBeIKg via IFT...

Stellar Desert: Central Milky Way Lacks Young Stars

A vast tract of space near the center of the Milky Way — in an area called the inner disk — is completely devoid of young stars, new research shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aXzDJQ via IFT...

Are People More Likely to Cheat at the 'Danger Age' ?

A new report claims that people are more likely to cheat during their "9-ending" years. Is that true? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aOP3NQ via IFT...

Cold-War-Era Toxic Waste Could Be Released by Greenland's Melting Ice

It may sound like a storyline straight out of a Godzilla movie, but researchers are warning that toxic waste from a long-abandoned Cold War-era camp could leach into nearby ecosystems as a result of warming temperatures in Greenland. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aEEtd2 via IFT...

Suspend Your Disbelief: These Drinks Defy Gravity

What could be better than a drink in your hand? How about a drink suspended in midair? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2azVh1i via IFT...

Photos: Top-Secret Cold War-Era Military Base in Greenland

New research shows that melting ice in Greenland, caused by a warming climate, could release toxic waste from a Cold war-era military base into the environment. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aEAfCt via IFT...

Strange Beasts: Why Human-Animal Chimeras Might Be Coming

The federal government may soon lift its ban on funding research that uses so-called human-animal chimeras. But what medical benefits could such research bring? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2asn18p via IFT...

Unseen Singles: How Science Misrepresents the Unmarried

There are so many false beliefs out there about single people and single life, says one researcher. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aZEVUm via IFT...

Rare 'Whale Fall' Spotted by Deep-Sea Scientists

A rare sight was recently captured by scientists aboard a deep-sea exploration vessel: the skeleton of a fallen whale. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b8VoTh via IFT...

Women Held Important Role in 'America's 1st City,' Burial Mound Reveals

The remains of women and a child have been discovered at a burial mound at Cahokia, considered North America's first city, which previously was thought to hold only men, researchers say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aH6uxY via IFT...

Watch A Blue Fire Tornado Spin | Video  

Researchers discovered that an otherwise destructive fire tornado could be harnessed for good. The “blue whirl” offers a complete combustion, with little or no soot. This cleaner burn could be utilized in oil spill remediation-by-combustion. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aH6XQH via IFT...

May the Best Drone Win: Vehicles Race in First-Ever Liberty Cup

Drone racing, a cross between Formula 1 (F1) auto competitions and a real-life wireless Nintendo game, is poised to become the next big sport — with a high-tech twist. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aGLzv6 via IFT...

Nature Documentaries May Help Ease Aggression in Prisons

Inmates who watched videos of nature, from oceans to African savannas, were involved in fewer violent altercations than those who didn't watch wildlife documentaries. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aUkXdq via IFT...

Perseid Meteor Shower Will Be Extra Awesome This Year, NASA Says

Shooting-star seekers heading out to watch the Perseids meteor shower on Aug. 11 to 12 may see a much better show than in past years. NASA experts say there could be 200 meteors per hour under ideal conditions. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aDKMgW via IFT...

Aurora Photos: See Breathtaking Views of the Northern Lights

Breathtaking photos of the Aurora Borealis captured by expert photographer Jim Henderson. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ayM8pA via IFT...

10 'Barbaric' Medical Treatments That Are Still Used Today

From using maggots to remove dead tissue to the controversial electroconvulsive a life-saving Hemochromatosis treatment, to leeches, a surgical aid, these ‘barbaric’ medical treatments are still used today. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2azPb4q via IFT...

How to Photograph the Northern Lights

Auroras can generate some truly spectacular images, but what's the best way to photograph the northern lights? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ayMoVQ via IFT...

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2016

Facts About Whole Grains

The American Heart Association recommends eating six to eight servings of grain foods per day. Whole grains are important for the body for a number of reasons. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aS6EG7 via IFT...

Woman's Deadly Infection Linked to Horse Riding

An elderly woman in Seattle died from an infection that she appears to have contracted from a horse she rode, according to a new report. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2axQmOc via IFT...

Teeny Radar Antenna Tracks the Flight of the Bumblebee

For the first time, scientists have tracked the flight paths of bumblebees over the span of their entire lives. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2axmjIM via IFT...

Swipe Right for Self-Esteem? Why Tinder Users May Need It

An apparent love of shirtless seflies may not be the only thing that's common among guys on Tinder — a new study suggests that they may also have low self-esteem. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aM3Zwu via IFT...

US Military's Robotic Submarine Hunter Completes First Tests at Sea

The future of robotic naval warfare may be anti-submarine 'Sea Hunter.' from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aycHSc via IFT...

Drones Race At Liberty Science Center In New Jersey - Highlight Video

Drone racing teams gathered at the science center on Aug. 3, 2016 for The Liberty Cup. Drone pilot Cain Madere and his team "Mad_Air" took the prize. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aLW3eo via IFT...

'Expanding Bead' Toys May Cause Serious Ear Injuries, Docs Warn

Toys that are made out of tiny beads that expand when they get wet can be a hazard for children, in some cases getting stuck in kids' ears and causing permanent hearing loss. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aoHI5g via IFT...

Dragons and Magical Dirt: Legendary 'Great Flood' Left Real Evidence

While the tale is the stuff of myths, geologists found that at least part of the story is based in reality. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aGp7Cx via IFT...

Why Are Gymnasts So Flexible?

Gymnasts can do handsprings, splits and triple twists while airborne — extraordinary feats of flexibility and strength that make their sport one of the most popular during the Summer Olympics. But how are these athletes so incredibly flexible? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2axrpm6 via IFT...

Pregnant at Age 40, 50 and Even 60? Here Are the Risks

from Live Science http://ift.tt/2awRwM8 via IFT...

Spiderbots Weave Weird Hammock Web

Working together, wall-climbing robots weave a suspended web strong enough to hold a person. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aLFD67 via IFT...

10 Most Amazing Wizarding World of Harry Potter Attractions

Harry Potter has got to be one of the greatest book and film series combos ever. Naturally, the franchise would take the hit to a new level and so came the birth of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida. So, we decided to create a list of the 10 Most Amazing Wizarding World […] from 10 Most Today http://ift.tt/2aAGQOh via IFT...

For Otter Moms, Nursing Burnout Is Sometimes Deadly

Female otters nursing their pups face a high metabolic cost, which some females' bodies just can't meet. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aygRq3 via IFT...

Eye Injuries from Chemicals: Who's Getting Them, and Why

Eye injuries caused by chemical burns send tens of thousands of people in the U.S. to the emergency room each year, and young children have the highest rates of these injuries, a new report finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2awD7iR via IFT...

Knot Possible! 3,000-Year-Old Thread Found in UK

A pair of unusually delicate artifacts recently emerged from a Bronze Age dig site — a tiny ball of thread and another length of thread wound around a bobbin. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2akXHWk via IFT...

Why Scientists Are Rearing Bird-Killing Parasites on Chicken Blood

Why would you want to raise maggots on chicken blood? To save the birds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aFk9WT via IFT...

X-Rays Reveal 'Lost' Portrait by Edgar Degas Behind 19th-Century Painting

A hidden portrait of a mysterious woman has been found under a painting by the French artist Edgar Degas, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2anUfWB via IFT...

Photos: Hidden Portrait by Edgar Degas Revealed with X-Rays

Researchers in Australia have solved the riddle of an Edgar Degas portrait that was painted over top of an earlier portrait by the artist. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aAaYt0 via IFT...

Da-Na, Da-Na ... Spooky Music Makes People More Afraid of Sharks

That scary, ominous music that plays whenever sharks are featured on nature documentaries is taking a big toll: It's making people feel unjustly terrified of sharks, and these negative feelings are likely hindering efforts to save and protect the magnific from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aSTZ6O via IFT...

Divers Recover Hong Kong’s Oldest Maritime Artifact

The recent discoveries hint that a trove of undiscovered relics could lurk beneath the waves of the harbor city. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2avJX8C via IFT...

Photos: Seafaring Relics Discovered in Hong Kong's Waters

Underwater archaeologists have recovered a 1,000-year-old granite anchor stock and a European-pattern cannon in the waters around Hong Kong. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aSSPbH via IFT...

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2016

Why Amish Kids Get Less Asthma: It's the Cows

Do Amish dairy farms hold the key to reducing kids' risk of asthma? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aj1sf3 via IFT...

Blisters and Burns Prompt Fitness Tracker Recall

The Basis Peak fitness tracker is being recalled because of its potential to cause blisters or burns on the skin. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aRfLrQ via IFT...

New Zika Vaccine: Testing in People Underway in US

A new vaccine against the Zika virus is being tested in people, and researchers said they hope to have early results by the end of the year. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aO6waC via IFT...

Energy-Drink Habit Sends Man to ER with Heart Problems

A previously healthy 28-year-old man wound up in the emergency room with heart problems after drinking two energy drinks a day for months. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aO2S0z via IFT...

First Reprogrammable Quantum Computer Created

The technology could usher in a much-anticipated era of quantum computing, which researchers say could help scientists run complex simulations and produce rapid solutions to tricky calculations. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aNQ4Hb via IFT...

Floating 'Alien' Orb Spotted by Fisherman Off Australian Coast

Fisherman spots mysterious giant blob that turns out to be a common sea creature. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aUbvF8 via IFT...

Tiny Implantable Sensor Could Help Move Prosthetics, More | Video

The 'Neural Dust' sensor being developed by UC Berkeley engineers is similar in size as a large grain of dust and could one day be used to wirelessly monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b38lhF via IFT...

Saved by the Whale! Humpbacks Play Hero When Orcas Attack

Marine biologists report observations of humpback whales acting as unlikely marine vigilantes, ganging up on killer whales when they attack other species. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aOrTJ6 via IFT...

Donald Trump's Draft Deferment: What Are Heel Spurs?

What are heel spurs, and what do you do if you have them? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2auR4ft via IFT...

How Did the Pentagon Building Get Its Shape?

How did the Pentagon get its name? Well, that's a no-brainer. But how did the Department of Defense headquarters get its shape? That's a longer story. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aifVrr via IFT...

Ouch! Duck-Billed Dinosaur Had Arthritis in Its Elbow

Arthritis is far from just a modern malady, said scientists who discovered the condition in the elbow of a 70-million-year-old duck-billed dinosaur. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aNVG4O via IFT...

A Rosy View: Dinosaurs Likely Saw Shades of Red

Dinosaurs likely had a gene that gave them a double win — red coloring and the ability to see the color red, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2axD6wT via IFT...

Fire Fountain Volcano On Moon Carved Deep Channel? Orbiter View | Video

Volcanism on the ancient moon created channels and depressions on the lunar surface. An example of this is the Rima Prinz channel, which is 10X longer and 100X deeper than similar channels on Earth. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aNDXue via IFT...

5 Deadly Diseases Emerging from Global Warming

Zombie anthrax, Zika, cholera and other diseases likely to get worse in the face of climate change. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aSMZ77 via IFT...

Lifestyles of the Rich Attract a Wealth of Insects

Associate poverty with insect infestation? It's just the opposite, new research finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aSKWjB via IFT...

The Science Behind Hawaii's 'Smiley Face' Volcano

Kilauea volcano in Hawaii is ready for its close-up. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2au4oke via IFT...

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2016

Heavier, Not Taller: How American Bodies Have Changed

There's no denying that Americans weigh more today than they did 20 years ago, but how much more? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b1F1rU via IFT...

New Tech Lets You Watch 3D Movies Without the Funky Glasses

Someday, moviegoers may be able to watch 3D films from any seat in a theater without having to wear 3D glasses, thanks to a new kind of movie screen. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ag3oVo via IFT...

Rio's Contaminated Water: 7 Infections People Could Get at the Olympics

What illnesses might people catch if they swallow some of the water, which is reportedly contaminated with sewage? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aQqGzd via IFT...

Science of Politics: Why Trump and Clinton Should Be Nice to Each Other

Get this, Donald and Hillary: Being nice to each other could be a winning strategy. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b0Ajub via IFT...

How Skydiver Jumped Without a Parachute (and Survived)

Skydiver Luke Aikins became the first person to jump from a plane without a parachute or wingsuit this past weekend. How did the daredevil pull off such a heart-stopping stunt? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aQm7EY via IFT...

Parkas Helped Early Humans Survive

The mystery of how early humans survived the Ice Age while Neanderthals disappeared into evolutionary oblivion may lie in their choice of outerwear. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ayz30T via IFT...

Rare Black Whale Discovered in Pacific

The discovery of a new species of rare and elusive whale in the North Pacific shows how little humans know about the deep and vast ocean, researchers say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b0cu5Y via IFT...

Childhood Shyness: When Should You Worry?

When parents observe shyness in their child, they may wonder if it is normal or cause for concern. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2afCXix via IFT...

Hookups Trend Down: Millennial Sex Lives Lag Behind Gen X

A new study pulls the sheet off millennials' sex lives, revealing that there isn't as much going on as you might expect. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2as5xyz via IFT...

ꞌZombieꞌ Anthrax Goes on a Killing Spree in Siberia: How?

Melting permafrost has released zombie anthrax from a 75-year-old reindeer carcass in Siberia. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2avfQ2H via IFT...

Lessons From 10 of the Worst Engineering Disasters in US History

Things don't always work the way they were intended to work. Sometimes those failures are almost imperceptible as they build incrementally, and other times, they happen in a terrible, overwhelming instant. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ay6i4z via IFT...

No, Asteroid Bennu Won't Destroy Earth

NASA's new asteroid-sampling mission will do a lot of interesting things, but helping prepare humanity for Earth's imminent destruction is not among them. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aZLV0K via IFT...

Virtual Light Particles May Boost Quantum Computing

Scientists found that a single photon can excite two or more atoms at the same time, and it would do so in a very counterintuitive way: — by summoning one or more companion photons out of nothingness. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2axKeXw via IFT...

Photos: How Dutch Painter Rembrandt Created His Famous Self-Portraits

Two researchers in Britain have revived a debate about the 17th-century Dutch artist Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, suggesting the Old Master created his famously lifelike self-portraits by tracing them from an optical projection of himself. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aeLGBS via IFT...

Did Rembrandt Use Mirrors and Optical Tricks to Create His Paintings?

Rembrandt may have traced his celebrated self-portraits from optical projections created by assemblies of mirrors or lenses, a new analysis suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aZjTCy via IFT...

Senin, 01 Agustus 2016

Facts About Platinum

Properties, sources and uses of the element platinum. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aYp2eb via IFT...

2016 Olympics: Visit Rio with 360-Degree Videos and Virtual Reality

A new project from Google lets you see Rio de Janeiro in 360 degrees. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aKv8SP via IFT...

Holy Mola: Scientists Spot World's Largest Bony Fish

Despite their size and prevalence in the world's oceans, little is known about the Mola mola. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2asZVlg via IFT...

Forget Sharks, Lightning Poses Big Beach Threat

This past weekend, lightning struck and killed a 5-year-old boy on a North Carolina beach, according to news reports. Though it may sound like an unusual accident, this type of tragedy is not as rare as people may think, experts say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2adk6Vy via IFT...

Zika Warning: Pregnant Women Urged to Avoid Section of Miami

Pregnant women should avoid travel to a small part of Miami-Dade County in Florida where Zika appears to be spreading by mosquitoes, officials said today. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aMIriH via IFT...

These Robots Are Chains of Tiny Magnetic Beads

Modular magnetic microrobotics may someday deliver medicine or perform surgery. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aH03P9 via IFT...

11 Famous Places That Are Littered with Dead Bodies

Death is always close by at these well-known spots. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aMo0Te via IFT...

Will the Great Attractor Destroy Us?

Something in the deep reaches of space is pulling Earth's galactic neighborhood toward it. What is this so-called Great Attractor, and will it eventually swallow up our cosmic home? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2acYybH via IFT...

What's the Fastest Language to Type In?

This is a more nuanced question than one might think. Do you have any guesses as to which language someone could tap into a mobile device the fastest? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2astO54 via IFT...

What's Worse Than Death? Breathing Machines & Dementia, Patients Say

What's worse than death? Doctors asked a group of patients. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ap652l via IFT...

What Makes Yellowstone's Hot Springs So Colorful?

The iconic image of Yellowstone is an expansive spring with rainbow-like colors radiating from its center, dominated by a fiery orange hue at its edges. Here's what's causing those "made for picture books" color-scapes. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aG7l5E via IFT...

'Doctor Who' Scientists: How Do Women Measure Up?

Does sci-fi show "Doctor Who" portray male and female scientists as equally competent? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aLn15H via IFT...

YouTube's Smarter Every Day: Uncovering the Science Around You

"How does this work?" is a question that curious people never stop asking, and YouTube channel "Smarter Every Day" enthusiastically answers it. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aorz5g via IFT...

What's Really Behind Our Obsession with 'Clean' Athletes?

As technology becomes fully integrated into our everyday lives, we may see athletes as the last vestiges of our humanity. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aJ0GJ8 via IFT...

A Bad Bounce: More Kids Getting Injured Using Trampolines

The popularity of trampoline parks is on the rise, and with it the number of emergency-room visits for injuries that kids get while at these parks, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2aWnp0j via IFT...