Here are the most interesting, amazing and unusual things that happened in the world of science this week. A recap of Live Science's best.
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Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016
Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week
Here are the stories behind the most amazing images in the world of science this week. A recap of the coolest photos featured on Live Science.
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Jumat, 30 Desember 2016
8 Things We Learned About Human Nature in 2016
This year, researchers have explored these questions and more, delivering fascinating insights into human nature. Here are eight of the most intriguing stories on human nature from this year.
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'New Year's Eve Comet' and More: Three Flybys Will Kick Off 2017 New Year
The "New Years' Eve Comet" that's been streaking across the sky this December isn't the only otherworldly visitor ringing in the New Year in Earth's neighborhood.
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Universe May Have Lost 'Unstable' Dark Matter
How much dark matter has gone missing since the Big Bang? New research suggests anywhere from 2 to 5 percent.
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Low Iron Levels May Be Linked to Hearing Loss
When people have low levels of iron in their blood, they may develop a condition called iron deficiency anemia, which is known to have wide-ranging effects throughout the body.
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NASA's Curiosity Rover Spots Purple Rocks on Mars
Mars may appear red when viewed from Earth, but NASA's Curiosity rover has captured an up-close photo of the planet's mountainous landscape, and there are purple-colored rocks littered across the foreground.
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Magnetic-Field 'Avalanches' May Explain 'Alien Megastructure' Star
The darkening of a mysterious star, which might be due to "alien megastructures," according to some researchers' theories, might instead be due to avalanche-like magnetic activity within the star, a new study finds.
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10 Most Popular Sneaker Designs
Over the years, sneaker collecting has blossomed into a very popular past time. People all over flock to find the most exclusive sneakers and they actually have some intricate designs. We wanted to share the 10 Most Popular Sneaker Designs in our opinion with our readers.
Design is an extremely important element in sneakers. After all the visual is what draws you in to selecting the sneaker,...
Why Does the Sun Have Spots?
Explaining the source of sunspots is a pretty tough nut to crack.
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Earth Scientists Are Freaking Out. NASA Urges Calm.
Amid rumors and what-if scenarios, NASA tells researchers to "be a source of signal, not a source of noise."
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'Leap Second' Will Make New Year's Eve Just a Little Bit Longer
Time will tack hang for a second at the stroke of midnight tonight as an extra leap second is added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
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Magnetic Supersense Could Inspire Ultrasensitive Prosthetic Limbs
A hairy electronic skin filled with teeny magnetic microwires could be used to give people with prosthetic limbs a sense of touch, or could even be used in robots to help them "feel" their surroundings.
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What Does 2017 Hold for Climate Change Policy?
The incoming Trump administration has signaled hostility toward climate science and policy.
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How's How 7 New Year's Eve Traditions Got Started
From smooching with a sweetie to blowing things up, here are the roots for six New Year’s Traditions.
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One Breath Into This Breathalyzer Can Diagnose 17 Diseases
A single breath into a newfangled breathalyzer is all doctors need to diagnose 17 different diseases, including lung cancer, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple sclerosis, a new study found.
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Kamis, 29 Desember 2016
Health by the Numbers: 6 Key Findings from 2016
Are there more or fewer doctors than ever before? How many people are really smoking weed? Are people opting for the flu vaccine in greater numbers?
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Why Do We Celebrate New Year's on Jan. 1?
Though most people now celebrate the new year on Jan. 1, it wasn't always this way.
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Zika to Weed: 8 Huge Health Stories from 2016
From the elimination of measles in the U.S. to the advance of potential new treatments for Alzheimer's disease, 2016 was a jam-packed year for health news.
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CRISPR 'Kill' Switch Could Make Human Gene Editing Safer
A new viral protein could be used as an "off switch" for one of the most powerful and promising gene editing tools, potentially making it safer for human applications.
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Why It Pays to Be Vague When Negotiating Prices
In negotiating, is a more precise opening offer always better?
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Debbie Reynolds' Death: Can You Die of a Broken Heart?
Did Debbie Reynolds die of a broken heart?
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Climate Change Could Kill the World's Oldest Trees
The ancient bristlecone pine trees of California, the world's oldest trees, are in danger of becoming extinct thanks to climate change.
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Animal Sex: How Nine-Banded Armadillos Do It
Though nine-banded armadillos are solitary creatures, they do occasionally get together for some genital sniffing, tail wagging and clucking in order to have sex.
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Weird Clouds Linger on Saturn's Moon Titan
Mysterious, thin, wispy clouds hide under the hazy upper atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Interestingly, the elusive clouds are not visible in all images captured by the cameras aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
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China's Lofty Space Ambitions Include 2018 Landing on Moon's Far Side
China's Information Office of the State Council on December 27 released an expansive white paper on that country's space activities in 2016, and projected looks at its space agenda in coming years.
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WWII-Era Spy Tech Could Make Ultra Secure Bank Cards
The Enigma machine's cipher technology featured in the Imitation Game movie will be used to generate codes more secure than those on the back of credit cards.
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Rabu, 28 Desember 2016
Ancient Stone Bowl Unearthed in Jerusalem Perplexes Experts
It's unclear whether a mysterious 2,100-year-old stone bowl fragment recently unearthed in Jerusalem belonged to royalty or a commoner, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced late last week.
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Northern Lights' Festive Show Captured in Stunning NASA Image
The night after the winter solstice, the skies over northern Canada were alight with the aurora borealis.
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Harbor Near Ancient Corinth Turned It Into a Trading Hotspot
When nautical visitors sailed into the ancient Grecian city of Lechaion, they would have first encountered a monumental entrance leading to several inland canals, all of which were connected to no fewer than four harbor basins, archaeologists said.
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10 Most Scariest Looking Fish In The World
The ocean seems never-ending and the creatures the inhabit it are still being discovered everyday. Some of them are pretty scary looking and we decided to highlight them in our list of the 10 Most Scariest Looking Fish In The World.
We found some of the most horrible looking fish to share with you. So horrible, that after reading this list, you might think twice before you find yourself swimming...
Nice Try: Top 5 Retracted Science Studies of 2016
Our annual countdown of significant or otherwise humorous scientific retractions.
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Surreal Science: 9 Strange Health Findings from 2016
Science is weird – and a number of new findings during 2016 proved it.
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Coral Reefs Threatened By Climate Change, Studied From High Above | Video
"As much as one quarter of ocean species depend on coral reefs for food or shelter," according to NASA. Rising sea levels and temperatures threaten these important ecosystems, which also play an important role economically around the world.
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The Biggest Solved and Unsolved Mysteries of 2016
Hobbits were established to NOT be human, we learned what killed off an ancient, giant ape, but we still don't know what caused the "Wow!" signal nor what happened to Malaysian Flight 370.
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Long-Sought 'Attack' Signal in Type 1 Diabetes Identified
Type 1 diabetes may be triggered by distress signals sent out with cells from the pancreas, new research suggests.
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Photos: Incredible New Species Discovered in 2016
Would you like to cross paths with a hairy tarantula from Colombia or a Thai newt that looks like a "Star Trek" Klingon? If the answer is yes, you're in good company.
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10 Most Poisonous Plants on Earth
Here are some thoughts on the Most Poisonous Plants on Earth! Mother earth is sometimes strange; at times she is kind and humane like genuine mother, yet other times she can seem very harsh indeed. Many plant species are beautiful but they have developed defensive mechanisms that can be deadly to other species including humans.
Pretty much everyone is naturally scared of snakes and...
Selasa, 27 Desember 2016
Cheetahs Are Racing Toward Extinction
Only about 7,100 cheetahs remain in the world, and their numbers are declining quickly.
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100 Best Science Photos of the Year
From stunning animals like a dancing peacock spider, to ancient history, including a striking Etruscan sarcophagus in the shape of a woman’s face, to the plain bizarre, such as an ancient tattoo on a mummy’s neck, 2016 was full of great science images.
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The 7 Most Intriguing Diet and Weight-Loss Findings of 2016
Researchers who study diet and weight loss learned many things during 2016. Here are some of their most intriguing findings.
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Carrie Fisher's Death: What Happens When the Heart Stops Beating?
Carrie Fisher passed away today (Dec. 27) after suffering a heart attack while on a flight from London to Los Angeles on Dec. 23, People Magazine reports.
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Giant Dinosaur Discoveries of 2016
A fossilized dinosaur brain, a pregnant T. rex and a bloody preserved dino tail, among other finds, make 2016 one of the best years for paleontology buffs.
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The 16 Strangest Medical Cases of 2016
Here are Live Science's picks for the 16 strangest medical cases of 2016.
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Incredible Earth Pics Snapped From Space Station In 2016 | Video
The Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit at NASA’s Johnson Space Center sifted through thousands of photos to deliver their top 16 of 2016. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station captured all of the breathtaking images.
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10 Crazy New Skills That Robots Picked Up in 2016
Here's a roundup of some of the coolest (or scariest, depending on how you feel) abilities machines added to their repertoire in the last year.
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The Year in Climate Change: 2016's Most Depressing Stories
2016 had some very depressing headlines regarding global warming and the planet's overall environmental health.
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Ancient Underwater Potato Garden Uncovered in Canada
Archaeologists discovered hundreds of Indian potatoes at a once-waterlogged prehistoric garden in British Columbia.
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Senin, 26 Desember 2016
Building 'Fantastic Beasts': How Artists Model Magical Creatures
Living animals provided 3D artists with inspiration for the magical creatures in "Fantastic Beasts."
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In Photos: A Bevy of Magical 'Fantastic Beasts'
The film "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" revisits the wizarding world of Harry Potter and spotlights the magical creatures that inhabit it.
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The 9 Biggest Archaeology Findings of 2016
From new Dead Sea Scrolls to the youngest mummy ever found in Egypt, to a 1,500-year-old stone complex the size of 200 American football fields to the tomb of Jesus, here's a look at the biggest archaeology stories of 2016.
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How to Jump-Start Your Exercise Routine in 2017
Live Science has pulled together the best studies and expert advice about exercise.
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How to Eat Healthy in 2017 (and Cut Sugar, Salt and Fat)
Want to eat healthier in the New Year? We can help. Live Science’s resolution is to make a healthier you in 2017. February’s goal is eating better.
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How to Lose Weight in 2017 (and Keep It Off for Good)
Want to lose weight in the New Year? We can help. Live Science’s resolution is to make a healthier you in 2017. January’s goal is weight loss.
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Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016
Why Is Santa Always White?
As the cultural diversity in the U.S. increases, scholars are exploring how to discuss with children issues of importance, like race and religion, through stories.
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Jumat, 23 Desember 2016
10 Most Popular Pokémon Go Characters of Generation 1
We decided to create the 10 Most Popular Pokémon Go Characters of Generation 1 list just incase generation two is around the corner.
The incredible giant of a game that is Pokémon Go has created a new way to look at mobile gaming. Now more than ever, companies have had to step their game up after the successful rollout of the game.
There is no telling how much more magic Niantic Labs has up their...
Biggest Natural Disasters of 2016: Year of the Earthquake
Here are some of the headline-grabbing natural disasters that occurred this year.
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The 10 Strangest Science Stories of 2016
From glowworm mucous to the strange quantum behavior of light, here's the weird science of 2016.
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5,000-Year-Old Nativity Scene Found in Egypt
Ancient cave art in the Egyptian Sahara desert depicts two parents, a baby and a star in the east.
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Facts About Red Pandas
Red pandas are small mammals with long, fluffy tails and red and white markings. They are not related to giant pandas.
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Kamis, 22 Desember 2016
Jamestown: Facts & History
Jamestown, founded in 1607, was the first successful permanent English settlement in what would become the United States.
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7 Tips for Moving Toward a More Plant-Based Diet
Whether you want to go full vegetarian, or simply include more plant-based foods in your diet, here are some tips that can help.
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UN Will Take on 'Killer Robots' in 2017
International pressure mounts for a preemptive ban on lethal autonomous weapons systems.
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Ammonia Detected in Earth's Atmosphere for First Time
In an unexpected first, researchers have discovered ammonia in the troposphere, Earth's lowest atmospheric layer, a new study finds.
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Why Do My Eyes Close When I Sneeze?
Is it a foregone conclusion that we can't help closing our eyes during a sneeze? Not quite, researchers say.
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Time of Death? Check the Body's 'Necrobiome'
It's a line you'll hear in almost any crime show after someone finds the body — the detective turns to the medical examiner and asks, "Time of death?"
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Bizarre Fish Are Deadly Deep-Sea Predators (And Twitter Stars)
Strangely shaped deep-sea fish have found an unexpected but appreciative audience on land.
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Weird Dinosaur Species Had Teeth Only in Youth
By the time they were 3 years old, ostrich-like dinosaurs called Limusaurus inextricabilis had lost all of their pointy teeth, and lived the rest of their lives as toothless beasts, a new study finds.
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First Gorilla Born in Captivity Turns 60 | Video
Meet Colo, the oldest gorilla in the world. The western lowland gorilla has lived all her life in Ohio's Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.
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What in the Whirled? Starfish Larvae Stir Up Algae Dinner
Starfish larvae churn water with food in mind.
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Colo, World's Oldest Gorilla, Turns 60 (Photos)
Born in 1956 at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Colo, the oldest gorilla in the world, celebrates her 60th birthday on December 22, 2016.
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Happy Birthday, Colo! World's Oldest Gorilla Celebrates 60th
The first gorilla born in human care turned 60 years old on Dec. 22 at her home in the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio.
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Baby 'Spiders' on Mars Expand Across Sand Dunes (Photos)
New images captured by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show small, erosion-carved cracks in Red Planet sand dunes. The features may be infant versions of similar-looking but larger Martian channel-networks that have been dubbed spiders.
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In Photos: 1.5-Ton Humanoid 'Robot'
Photos on Facebook and Instagram purport to show a humanoid robot 13 feet (4 meters) tall, weighing 1.5 tons, being developed in South Korea. Live Science could not confirm the veracity of the images.
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Viral Video Hoax: Towering Humanoid Robot Raises Questions
A video of a giant humanoid robot is exciting, but there are questions about its origins.
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Rabu, 21 Desember 2016
What Are Biofilms?
Biofilms are slimy layers of microorganisms that stick to wet surfaces. They may cause up to 80 percent of infections.
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Baby's Feet Outside Mom's Uterus: Amazing Image Shows Rare Rupture
Just looking at this image might give the impression that this woman's baby literally kicked its feet right out of her uterus.
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Colorful Hawaiian Fish Named in Honor of President Obama
Next time he's vacationing in Hawaii, President Barack Obama might just bump into his new namesake: a pink, yellow and blue coral-reef fish that researchers have named in the president's honor.
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Mystery of 'Alien Megastructure' Star Testing Astronomers' Creativity
Astronomers may have to think a little harder to solve the mystery of Boyajian's star, whose strange dimming events over the past seven years have spawned talk of a possible "alien megastructure."
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Failed 'Blood Miracle' Forecasts Disaster in 2017
The blood of a martyred bishop failed to turn from solid to liquid after being shaken. Are we doomed?
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Lavish Carpet Fragments Recovered from 17th-Century Dutch Shipwreck
Divers have recovered fragments of a lavish silk-and-wool carpet at a 17th-century shipwreck off the coast of the Netherlands.
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10 Most Popular Movies As of 2016
Over the years the world of filmmaking has changed dramatically and with it is an ever changing list of 10 Most Popular Movies. We’ve did a little digging and managed to pull out the films that have taken over the top spots.
Over the years moviegoers have witnessed marvels in CGI, stunts and even some of the magic that goes behind a wand. In some cases the films on this list are part of an overall...