Properties, sources and uses of the element thorium.
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Selasa, 28 Februari 2017
Red vs. Blue: Why Necktie Colors Matter
In power politics and business, there are only two colors of ties: red and blue.
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Mysterious Cosmic Jellyfish Found Near Unexplored Seamount | Video
In this psychedelic video, a bizarre, alien-like jellyfish floats through the deep, dark waters near the previously unexplored Utu Seamount near American Samoa.
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Sea Robin Fish Uses Fins to ‘Walk’ Along Ocean Floor | Video
Researchers abroad the NOAA research ship Okeanos Explored captured video of an armored sea robin taking a deep sea stroll, using its fin rays to "walk" along the bottom of the ocean.
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Zombie Ant Fungus Inspires Film 'The Girl with All the Gifts' | Video
In a world where most people have been transformed into flesh-eating zombies, a young girl may be the key to humanity’s survival.
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Wolf Spiders Have Threesomes to Avoid Getting Eaten | Video
A male wolf spiders that engages in a ménage à trois during mating season may increase its chances of escaping cannibalism.
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Unusually Hot or Cold Weather Could Affect Babies' Weight
Unusually hot or cold weather may affect the birth weight of babies, a new study suggests.
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Kinky Wolf Spiders Engage in Ménage à Trois to Avoid Cannibalism
One autumn night while searching for spiders in his backyard, Matthew Persons came across something unexpected: a wolf spider ménage à trois.
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Photos: That's a Lot of Legs! Wolf Spiders Caught Having Threesomes
Courtship is hard work for a male wolf spider.
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Mount Etna: Facts About Volcano's Eruptions
Mount Etna is Italy's largest active volcano. It is also the volcano with the longest record of continuous eruption.
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Gallery: Jaw-Dropping Images of Life Under the Sea
Live Science chose some of the most stunning underwater photos from a recent contest, revealing heavenly shots of clownfish, gobies and shrimp that just might change how you view the sea.
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The Strange 'McGurk' Effect: How Your Eyes Can Affect What You Hear
The brain can be fooled, the McGurk shows.
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Baby Watch! 'Giraffe Cam' Tracks Expectant Mother
Watch a pregnant giraffe in the last stages of her pregnancy, live on YouTube.
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There She Blows! Italy's Mount Etna Erupts
Mount Etna, the largest active volcano in Italy, erupted yesterday for the first time this year, spewing rivers of bright orange lava into the night skies over Sicily, according to news reports.
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Colorectal Cancer Rates Rise Sharply in Younger US Adults
Colorectal cancer rates are on the rise in Millennials and Gen X’ers, a new study finds. The findings come as rates of the disease have continued to decline in adults ages 55 and up, according to the study.
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Giant Prehistoric Penguins Evolved During the Dinosaur Age
: Penguins that walked the Earth 61 million years ago might have been giants, growing to nearly 5 feet tall, according to the oldest fossils of these penguins unearthed to date.
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An Anti-Trump Incantation: What's in a Magic Spell?
The "binding spell" cast on Donald Trump by a group billing itself as the Magical Resistance goes way back to ancient Greece.
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Royal Maya Pendant Possibly Used in Rain God Ritual
Archaeologists are pondering the meaning of a carved jade pendant from a royal Maya ruler that was discovered in southern Belize.
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Blue Tarantula Hair Inspires Nonfading Color Pigment
The new color pigment could be used in everything from clothing to computer screens.
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Senin, 27 Februari 2017
Shona People: History & Culture
The Shona's ancestors built great stone cities in southern Africa over a thousand years ago. Their artists are well known for their finely carved wooden headrests and stone sculptures.
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Penicillin: Discovery, Benefits and Resistance
Penicillin is a drug used to fight bacterial infection. After its accidental discovery, it was hailed as a "miracle drug." However, over the years, some bacteria have become resistant to penicillin, making some infections difficult to treat.
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SpaceX to Fly Passengers On Private Trip Around the Moon in 2018
SpaceX, the private spaceflight company founded by billionaire Elon Musk, will launch two paying customers on a week-long trip around the moon and back to Earth in 2018.
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Why Some People Look Like Their Names
If you've ever caught yourself thinking, "She looks like a Sue," or "He doesn't look like a Dave," a new study may back up your instincts.
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Are Any Fad Diets Actually Healthy? What the Research Shows
A new review attempts to dispel the hype surrounding some popular diet trends, and outline what experts really known about a heart-healthy diet.
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Earth's Outer Shell: Was It Once Solid?
Earth had a hard outer shell before its tectonic plates.
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What Makes a Viral Story? Study Takes a Look Into Readers Brains
A new look into readers' brains helps scientists understand why some articles go viral.
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Palaces of Ancient Persia Were Built with 'Fire Temple' Wood
Cypress wood might have been used in ancient palaces in Persia partly because of its sacred value in a religion known for its "fire temples," a new study finds.
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Robotic Arm Turns Your Digital Doodles into Good Old-Fashioned Sketches
A small robotic arm can bring your digital sketches to life.
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How Big Cats and Wild Dogs Coexist in India's Mountains
India's big cats and wilds dogs get along surprisingly well.
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Live Science Talks 'Cannibalism' with Author Bill Schutt
Live Science takes a seat at the table with Bill Schutt, author of "Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History."
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Reviving Extinct Species: Is It Worth the Cost?
Bringing back animals from extinction might end up costing biodiversity.
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Is Back Pain Linked to Your Risk of Death?
An aching back is a major cause of disability, and now, a new study finds that back pain may be linked to an increased risk of death in older adults.
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Here's How Much Less Sleep Women Get Once They Have Kids
For moms with kids at home, it’s not in your head: You are getting less sleep than your husband.
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First Solid Sign that Matter Doesn't Behave Like Antimatter
Matter and antimatter should look the same. For the first time, physicists have experimental evidence that they don't.
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4 Million Solar Panels Seen from Space
On the Tibetan Plateau in eastern China, 4 million solar panels silently soak up the sun as part of the Longyangxia Dam Solar Park.
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The 18 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics
The more we learn about the universe, the more questions seem to arise. Our picks for the biggest open questions remaining in physics.
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Minggu, 26 Februari 2017
Could a Spacecraft Fly to the Sun?
Humans have sent spacecraft to the moon, the red planet Mars and even distant interstellar space, but can we send a spaceship to the scorching sun?
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Type 2 Diabetes: Why Insulin Therapy Is So Difficult to Manage
Type 2 diabetes is an epidemic in the US, and at some point, half of the 30 million people with diabetes will need insulin. That would be one thing if insulin were easy to dose, but it's not.
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Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017
Are Viruses Alive?
Viruses are infectious, tiny and nasty. But are they alive?
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Jumat, 24 Februari 2017
Facts About Venus Flytraps
Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants that lure insects and other small animals to their doom.
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Beyoncé Cancels Gig: What Work Is Safe in Pregnancy?
Singer Beyoncé has cancelled her performance at the upcoming Coachella festival in April because she is pregnant. But how much work is safe during pregnancy, and what kind of work is risky?
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'Doomsday Vault' Gains 50,000 Seeds to Fend Off Food Crises
The new deposit included samples from gene banks around the world.
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In Photos: Take a Tour of the World's 'Doomsday' Seed Vault
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault functions as a giant icebox of sorts for the world's important crop seeds.
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Sink Full of Superbugs? Study Finds Surprising Way Germs Spread
Drug-resistant bacteria can lurk in the pipes of hospital sinks, and a new study shows that these dangerous bacteria can also make their way out of sinks and continue on to reach patients.
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North Korean Assassination: What Is VX Nerve Agent?
The exiled brother of the North Korean leader was assassinated using a nerve agent called VX, which is known for its incredible speed and lethality.
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Viral Video of Drone-Hunting Tigers Hides Dark Reality
A fun drone video conceals a darker reality.
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'Ring of Fire' Eclipse Will Be Visible from Southern Hemisphere Sunday
This Sunday (Feb. 26), a "ring of fire" solar eclipse will be visible from parts of South America and Africa. Here's how this kind of eclipse differs from a total solar eclipse.
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Alternative Facts: How Do We Determine What Is True?
An archaeologist explains how the answer to determining what is the truth has changed over time and why it matters so much now.
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'Love Hormone' May Help Dads Bond with Toddlers
Dads who looked at a picture of their kids, showed more activity in certain parts of their brains after a boost of oxytocin via a nasal spray.
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Just Like Van Gogh: Prehistoric Artists Used Pointillist Technique
The artistic techniques used by Vincent van Gogh and Georges Seurat were considered groundbreaking in their day, but a recent discovery in southwestern France shows that people were using similar artistic methods about 38,000 years ago, a new study finds.
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10 Awesome Places To Go Whale Watching
One of the most fulfilling experiences on the open sea or any large body of water is by far the opportunity to go whale watching. So what we’ve done is provided you with a list of 10 Awesome Places To Go Whale Watching.
While out in the ocean you can see some of the most magnificent creatures of the deepest waters. These majestic beautiful creatures will show themselves in full and if you’re...
Prehistoric Van Goghs: Artists Used Pointillism 38,000 Years Ago | Video
Nineteenth-century artists, such as Georges Seurat and Vincent van Gogh, weren't the first to use pointillism, according to a discovery of 38,000-year-old decorated limestone tablets in France.
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Octopus vs. Crab Showdown Ends with a Twist in Startling Video
Surprise! Guess who survives this ocean encounter?
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US Drug Overdose Deaths Continue to Rise: Here Are the Numbers to Know
The rate of drug overdose deaths in the United States continues to rise, with a particularly sharp spike in heroin-related deaths in recent years.
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Why Don't Ticks Die of Lyme Disease?
A mystery that has long been bugging us may be solved.
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Battle of the Sexes: Who Sweats More?
Do men sweat more than women? Turns out, body size and shape is a better indicator of sweat than sex.
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A Killer Spin: Table Tennis Gets 'First' Robotic Coach
The record-breaking robot teaches humans how to play table tennis.
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Roller Coasters Go Digital with VR-Enhanced Rides
Hold onto your VR headset for this roller-coaster ride.
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Ancient Pictish Murder Victim's Face Digitally Recreated | Video
Scientists at the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID) at the University of Dundee in Australia digitally recreated the face of a Pictish man murdered about 1,400 years ago in Scotland.
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Lemur Faces Are Unique, Facial Recognition Reveals
Modified facial-recognition software is helping scientists recognize individual lemurs from a distance.
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Richard III's Prayer Book Goes Online … and Is That a Personal Note?
The personal prayer book of King Richard III — in which the English king likely scrawled a reminder of his birthday in his own hand — is now available to peruse online.
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Microbes in Glittering Crystal Cave Revived After 10,000 Years
The organisms were found inside enormous selenite crystals in a cave in Chihuahua, Mexico. They may be up to 50,000 years old.
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In Photos: Shimmering Cave of the Crystals
Scientists have discovered and revived microbes that may have been dormant for 10,000 to 50,000 years. They discovered the microbes in the Cave of the Crystals in Mexico.
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Kamis, 23 Februari 2017
Europeans Brought New, Deadly Ulcer Bacteria to Americas
Europeans and their African slaves brought strains of ulcer- and cancer-causing H. pylori bacteria that wiped out the local strains of these bacteria and may have led to the current high rates of disease in South America.
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Sugar Swap: Human Brain Converts Glucose into Fructose
The human brain can produce the sugar fructose, a new small study finds.
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Caspian Sea: Largest Inland Body of Water
The Caspian Sea is the Earth’s largest inland body of water. But is it a sea or a lake? The definition has international implications.
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TRAPPIST-1: How Long Would It Take to Fly to 7-Planet System?
The discovery of seven Earth-size planets around a nearby star, TRAPPIST-1, is certainly exciting news. But what would it take to visit one of these potentially Earth-like alien worlds?
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Bees Learn to Roll Balls, Earn Rewards | Video
Bumblebees show scientists that they can learn so-called “unnatural” activities, such as rolling a ball into a target.
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Goal! Ball-Rolling Bees Score Big Science Wins
Bees roll tiny balls and score miniature goals, in a new study demonstrating their capabilities for complex learning.
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What’s Up with Warm February Weather in Most of US?
It may still be February, but spring-like temperatures in most of the United States are making people shed their winter coats unseasonably soon. So what's behind this warm weather?
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About to Break? Huge Crack Grows in Antarctic Ice Shelf | Video
Aerial footage reveals a huge crack in Antarctica’s Larsen C Ice Shelf.
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Conflicts of Interest: Are Humans Inherently Selfish?
People want to work with others … most of the time.
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Colossal (and Growing) Crack in Antarctic Ice Shelf Seen in New Video
A chunk of ice covering an area larger than the state of Rhode Island is about to snap off Antarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf.
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'Radical' Muslims? The History of Salafists
Muslims from the Salafist tradition can often be seen as 'radical.' There is not much understanding of Salafism, its history and its diversity. Here's what it means to be a Salafist.
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'Down Syndrome' in Chimps Seen for Only the Second Time
A 24-year-old female chimpanzee in Japan has a genetic disorder not observed in her species since 1969, one that looks similar to Down syndrome in humans.
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Straight Out of Sci-Fi: Hoverbike 'Surfs' Through the Air in Test
The Scorpion-3 is the first manned quadcopter that has undergone testing.
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Cave-Dwelling Snail Named for D&D Goddess of Darkness
A new species of land snail that lives underground in Brazil was named for a character in the popular role-playing tabletop game, Dungeons & Dragons.
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Rabu, 22 Februari 2017
Facts About Tardigrades
Tardigrades, often called water bears or moss piglets, are near-microscopic animals that are almost indestructible and can even survive in outer space.
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Traveling to TRAPPIST-1: How Long Would It Take? | Video
The ultra cool dwarf star system is about 39 light-years from Earth. Find out how long it would take NASA’s Space Shuttle, the New Horizons spacecraft and Breakthrough Starshot’s proposed laser sail-propelled vehicle to travel to the system.
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Healthy Heart in Midlife May Lower Dementia Risk Later
Keeping your heart healthy could also benefit your brain — a new study suggests that people who have risk factors for heart disease in middle age are also at increased risk for dementia.
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Despite 'Mind-Controlling' Parasite, Cat Owners Not at Risk for Psychosis
Cats are known to carry a parasite linked to symptoms of psychosis in humans, but despite this, a new study finds no connection between cat ownership and symptoms of psychosis.
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Ancient Kennewick Man Finally Laid to Rest
Two decades after he was first discovered, the Kennewick Man has finally been laid to rest not far from the Columbia River.
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Major Discovery! 7 Earth-Size Alien Planets Circle Nearby Star
Astronomers have never seen anything like this before: Seven Earth-size alien worlds orbit the same tiny, dim star, and all of them may be capable of supporting life as we know it, a new study reports.
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TRAPPIST-1 System Has 7 Earth-Sized Exoplanets, 3 In Habitable Zone | Video
An dwarf star named TRAPPIST-1, which is located about 39 light-years from Earth, harbors more planets than previously observed.
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Brutally Murdered Pictish Man's Face Gets Digitally Recreated
The face of a 1,400-year-old murder victim is seeing the light of day, now that scientists have digitally reconstructed his features.
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9 Most Intriguing Earth-Like Planets
For years, astronomers have scoured the cosmos for Earth-like planets in alien star systems, in hopes of finding a habitable world where life could exist. Here are some of the most bizarre Earth-like planets.
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Has the Large Hadron Collider Disproved the Existence of Ghosts?
At least one physicist contends that the Large Hadron Collider has, in fact, disproved the existence of ghosts.
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Teens Say Heroin Is 'Probably Impossible' to Get
Although the opioid epidemic continues to affect Americans across the country, an increasing percentage of teens think it would not be possible for them to get heroin, even if they wanted to, a new study finds.
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8 Mammals That Have Been Cloned Since Dolly the Sheep
It was 20 years ago this week that scientists announced the first successful cloning of a mammal — the now-famous sheep Dolly.
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Explore the Amazon Rainforest with New Virtual-Reality Film
Experience the Amazon rainforest's beauty and biodiversity via a new virtual-reality film.
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Cannibal Corpse Worm: 3-Foot-Long Creature Had Monster Jaws
A newly discovered ancient worm that would have grown to more than 3 feet (1 meter) long is the oldest "Bobbit worm" ever discovered.
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How 'Guerilla Archivists' Have Rescued Data Throughout History
Activists today are racing to save climate records from the Trump administration. Secret archives were a powerful way to fight hostile political climates throughout history – from the Nazis to the Islamic State.
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Tiny, Wind-Powered Pumps Could Help Replenish Arctic Ice
Tens of thousands of wind-powered pumps could freeze more sea ice during the Arctic winter, thereby preserving more summer sea ice, researchers propose.
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Trove of Dazzling Bronze Age Weapons Unearthed in Scotland
A gold-decorated spearhead and a notched sword were found in a rare Bronze Age weapon hoard.
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Photos: Gilded Bronze Age Weaponry from Scotland
A hoard of Bronze Age weapons was discovered ahead of construction for two soccer fields in Scotland. Here's a look at the glittery treasure.
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How Buttercups Get Their Yellow Gloss
If you've ever played the childhood game of holding a buttercup under your chin to see if you like butter, you might have wondered why the cheery little flowers are the only type that provide the requisite reflection on your skin.
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Extinct Giant Rodents' Family Tree Rewritten by New Fossil Finds
Scientists have found a near-complete skull and a jaw from a pair of giant rodents belonging to a group that lived millions of years ago in South America.
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20 Years After Dolly the Sheep, What Have We Learned About Cloning?
Today marks the 20th anniversary of the announcement of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell.
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Selasa, 21 Februari 2017
Facts About Piranhas
Piranhas are South American fish with razor-sharp teeth and a reputation, somewhat undeserved, for feeding frenzies.
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Thulamela: Iron-Age Kingdom in South Africa
The city of Thulamela flourished in South Africa between the 13th and 17th centuries. Its inhabitants imported goods from as far away as China.
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Same-Sex Marriage May Reduce Teen Suicide Attempts
Laws permitting same-sex marriage may help to reduce teen suicide attempts, a new report suggests.
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David Cassidy Has Dementia: Here's What That Means
Actor and singer David Cassidy recently revealed he has dementia, but what exactly does this term mean?
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Life Expectancy in US Will Increase Less than in Other Countries
Life expectancy is expected to rise in many countries around the world, but in the United States, that increase is predicted to be smaller than in other countries, a new study finds.
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Famous Scientists' Early Works Stolen in $2.5 Million Heist of Rare Books
The stolen works include a 1566 edition of Copernicus' book, and early works by Galileo, Isaac Newton and more.
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Photos: Pueblo Society Chose Rulers Based on Mother's Line
The prehistoric rulers at Chaco Canyon's Pueblo Bonito had their mothers, but not their fathers, to thank for their high positions.
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Moms Rule! Excavation at Chaco Canyon Reveals Maternal Lineage
Hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus landed in the New World, a complex society in what is now New Mexico passed down power through its maternal line, a new study finds.
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Hear This: Scientists Regrow Sound-Sensing Cells
Scientists recently regrew sound-sensing "hair cells" in high volumes to test drugs for hearing loss.
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Tweaked DNA Snippets Could Become Tiny Electrical 'On' Switches
By slipping a chemical group in between the letters of DNA, scientists have created a tiny electrical switch that could be used in miniscule electronic devices.
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Live Science Book Giveaway: 'Cannibalism' by Bill Schutt
Cannibalism is more widespread and "perfectly natural" than you might suspect.
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Monitoring Snow Changes: NASA Scientist Dalia Kirschbaum Explains | Video
Got snow? NASA’s new SnowEx campaign is taking a closer look at snow, an important source of freshwater for 60 million people in the U.S., and for 1.2 billion people worldwide.
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Search For Alien Life - Exploring Saturn's Moon Enceladus Has Major Impact | Video
NASA’s Cassini mission discovered active geysers at the south pole of Saturn’s moon and after several flybys it was determined that an ocean lies beneath its icy surface that has the potential to support life.
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Behold the Cactus Wren! Amazing Photos of the Desert-Dwelling Birds
Across the desert regions of the southwestern United States southward into central Mexico, a feisty little bird called the cactus wren thrives.
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Water 'Walls' Spur Evolution of New Colorful Fish Species
Intense rapids turn the lower Congo River into a biodiversity breeding ground.
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Going Bananas: The Real Story of Kepler, Copernicus and the Church
The story of Copernicus' clash with the Church over the arrangement of heavenly bodies is often painted in black and white, but at the time, philosophy, science and religion were all mixed up.
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So Tiny! Miniature Frog Species Are Among World's Smallest (Photos)
Some of the smallest known frogs in the world were recently discovered following a five-year survey in India.
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Frogs Fit on a Fingertip: Tiny New Species Discovered in India
Four newly discovered frog species from India are small enough to perch on a thumbnail with room to spare.
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Tully the Spineless Monster? Experts Say Ancient Beast Had No Backbone
The 307-million-year-old Tully monster — a marine animal with hammerhead-like eyes and a pincer-like mouth — was likely a spineless creature, a new study finds.
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Senin, 20 Februari 2017
Ancient Roman House and Phallic Amulets Discovered in Israel
A house dating back around 1,900 years, which is decorated with frescoes showing scenes of nature, has been discovered at the site of Omrit in Israel.
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Did Abraham Lincoln's Bromance Alter the Course of American History?
It was a friendship that proved redemptive for Lincoln, helping him through two serious, suicidal bouts of depression that threatened his relationship with his future wife and his political ambitions.
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Minggu, 19 Februari 2017
The Outer Space Treaty Has Been Successful – But Is It Fit for the Modern Age?
Space exploration is governed by a complex series of international treaties and agreements which have been in place for years. The first and probably most important of them celebrates its 50th anniversary on January 27 – The Outer Space Treaty.
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What Does the Vice President Do?
Vice President Mike Pence has said that the United States would "hold Russia accountable" for their actions and would support NATO. But what authority does the VP have?
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What Was the First Life on Earth?
The earliest evidence for life on Earth arises among the oldest rocks still preserved on the planet, dating back some 4 billion years.
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Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017
What's the Oldest Thing Alive Today?
The oldest living thing on Earth today is … well, it's controversial. Figuring out the oldest thing alive requires defining "alive." It also requires a definition of "organism."
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Why Do Antiseptics Sting When Put on Cuts?
Imagine you're chopping vegetables when — oops! — you slice your finger. You run to the sink to wash the cut and then ready yourself for the inevitable sting that will come when you put antiseptic on the wound.
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Jumat, 17 Februari 2017
This January Was the Third Warmest on Record Globally
The first month of 2017 was extremely warm for the globe, continuing a trend of planetary heat.
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Want to Know the Future? Most People Don't, Study Suggests
Despite the popularity of horoscopes, most people don't really want to know their futures, a new study from Europe suggests.
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Wind, Rain, Heat: Health Risks Grow with Extreme Weather
As climate change proceeds, there will be more extreme weather events, and these events pose a threat to people's health, experts say.
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When Will Augmented Reality Get Real?
Pokémon Go may be popular, but ask people about other augmented reality applications and most draw a blank.
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White Water: NASA Probes Snow's Effect on Water Resources
Snow plays an important role in Earth's water cycle, and NASA has launched a new initiative to investigate snow and its relationship to readily available liquid water.
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Air Force One: 8 Fascinating Facts About the President's Plane
When the U.S. president needs to fly to another city or country, the primary mode of transportation is a huge 747 jetliner dubbed Air Force One. Here are some interesting facts about the president's plane.
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Climate Change Could Have Wide-Ranging Effects on Mental Health
Climate change may have surprising and wide-ranging effects on mental health, experts say.
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California Drenching: 'Off-the-Charts' Rainfall Headed for State
It could be the biggest storm in six years for Southern California.
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Dakota Pipeline: What Makes a Place 'Sacred' for Native Americans?
Plans for construction of the Dakota Access pipeline pass through sacred land for the Native American tribe, Standing Rock Sioux. What makes a place or mound sacred?
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Earth's Has a Hidden 8th Continent
The island nation of New Zealand may be the tiny chunk of a massive continent that lurks mostly under the Pacific Ocean, new research suggests.
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Secret Behind Rorschach Test: Why We See Images in Inkblots
Whether you see a butterfly, dancing elephants or blood stains when peering at the Rorschach inkblots, your answers can divulge some of the darkest, or just hidden, corners of your mind. Now researchers know why so many images are elicited by inkblots.
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Cholera, Other Illnesses May Spread with Climate Change
Climate change is contributing to the spread of certain diseases, researchers say.
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Paleolithic Pebbles Used in Death Rituals Uncovered
A 12,000-year-old site reveals signs that prehistoric people used stones and ochre to paint the bodies of the dead, and then smashed the stones to "kill" them.
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World's Rarest Boa Snake Seen for 1st Time in 64 Years
A tree-dwelling Cropan's boa snake recently captured in Brazil is the first living specimen seen in 64 years.
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What Traits Should Every Supreme Court Justice Have?
Politics aside, based on the 112 justices who have served on the U.S. Supreme Court thus far, what qualities should the ideal justice have?
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Kamis, 16 Februari 2017
Facts About Groundhogs
Groundhogs, also called woodchucks, are large rodents known traditionally as weather forecasters.
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10 Most Incredible Zipline Experiences
Ziplines are one of the most awesome experiences you can possibly enjoy in life. It combines adrenaline and fun all in one and you can pretty much find one in every country you go to. We decided to highlight the 10 Most Incredible Zipline Experiences.
These ziplining experiences are some of the most popular ones from around the world. We would also like to add the fact that there are a couple of...
Climate Change Is Transforming the World's Food Supply
The biological and physical changes happening on Earth due to climate change will transform food production, researchers say.
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3D-Printed 'Laugh' Is 1st Major Artwork to Be Made in Space
On Friday (Feb. 10), a 3D printer aboard the International Space Station created a sculpture that represents human laughter — the first significant piece of art ever to be produced off Earth, project representatives said.
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Solar Occultations To Be Used For Ozone Layer Check-Up | Video
The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (Sage-III), which is will be launched to the International Space Station on SpaceX-10 cargo mission, will use solar and lunar occultations to “get a vertical profile of the (ozone layer) gases."
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Flu Shot Facts & Side Effects (Updated for 2016-2017)
The seasonal flu shot is a yearly vaccine administered to protect against the flu, or influenza. In the United States, flu shots are recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older.
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Warning on Flu: It's Not Going Away Just Yet, CDC Says
U.S. health officials expect flu activity to remain elevated for at least a few more weeks, according to a new report.
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Creatures of the Night: How Shadow-Dwelling Animals See in the Dark
Animals that are active at night or in the ocean depths use their sight in sometimes unexpected ways to navigate the darkness.
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NASA Satellite Spots Mile-Long Iceberg Breaking Off of Antarctic Glacier
'Aftershocks' from a major iceberg break caused Antarctic glacier to shed another.
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Opioids May Be Causing Increase in Cocaine Overdoses
The number of people dying from cocaine overdoses in the United States is on the rise, and a new study suggests why: People are using cocaine and opioids together.
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Here's How Climate Change Can Cause More Air Pollution (All By Itself)
Not only does air pollution trap sunlight and cause climate change, but the relationship also works the other way: Rising temperatures increase levels of air pollution.
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Photo Gallery: Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier Cracks
Pine Island Glacier, the longest and fastest flowing glacier in Antarctica, has calved multiple icebergs, as can be seen in a series of photos.
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'The Blob' in Pacific Ocean Linked to Spike in Ozone
The "blob," a patch of warm water that sat off the Pacific Coast between 2014 and 2015, caused higher ozone levels throughout the western region of the United States, new research finds.
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Stunning Scenes Dazzle in Underwater Images (Photos)
Contest winners in the photo competition Underwater Photographer of the Year 2017 showcase breathtaking scenes and species representing ocean biodiversity.
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Combatting Stereotypes: How to Talk to Your Children
For young children, how we speak is often more important than what we say. Even 'positive' generalizations can lead children to adopt negative stereotypes.
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AL Gore: 'Horrific' Health Risks from Climate, But 'We Have Solutions'
The health risks of climate change, and their potential solutions, were discussed here today in Atlanta.
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Special Wavy Nerves Help Whales Take Big Gulps Without Pain
Double-wavy nerves allow baleen whales to gulp huge mouthfuls of water without pain or damage.
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Energy-Free AC? Heat-Reflecting Wrap Could Cool Without Power
A new heat-reflecting wrap could be used to efficiently cool buildings without using any energy, new research suggests.
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Should Psychiatrists' Weigh in on Trump's Mental Health?
A long-standing code of ethics prohibits diagnosing public figures from afar.
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Ants Scurry on 'Treadmills' for Science
For the first time, scientists have analyzed the rhythm of ants' steps by tracking them as they walk on special treadmills.
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Step Lively! Ants’ Gaits Tracked on Treadmill | Video
Scientists study ants’ fancy footwork by placing them on tiny, spherical treadmills.
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Possible 'Hidden Chamber' in King Tut's Tomb Invites More Secretive Scans
As a last-ditch effort, scientists have announced new radar scans of King Tut's tomb, where they hope to find a potential hidden chamber holding the burial of Queen Nefertiti.
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3D-Printed Micro-Camera Sees with Eagle-Eye Vision
The bio-inspired camera could be used with the smallest of drones.
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Yangtze River: Longest River in Asia
The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia. It is approximately 3,915 miles (6,300 kilometers) long, the third longest river in the world.
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Rabu, 15 Februari 2017
Experimental Therapy May Slow Type 1 Diabetes
Researchers are turning to the immune system to treat type 1 diabetes at its source.
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Brain Tumor Triggers Woman's Sudden 'Hyper-Religious' Behavior
A woman in Spain who suddenly became very religious and believed she was speaking with the Virgin Mary actually had a brain tumor that appears to have caused her symptoms.
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Rare Leptospirosis Cases in NYC: 5 Things to Know
Three people in New York City recently became sick with a rare bacterial disease called leptospirosis that they might have contracted from rats.
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World's First Self-Driving Tesla Taxis Will Take the Road in Dubai
The United Arab Emirates has purchased a fleet of 200 Tesla vehicles for its taxi program that will have all the hardware needed for fully autonomous driving.
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Depression Can Affect New Fathers, Too
While much attention is given to maternal depression, fathers also can get depressed before and after their child's birth, which, in turn, can have negative consequences for the child.
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Cancer-Fighting Army? Magnetic Robot Swarms Could Fight Disease
Magnetically controlled swarms of microscopic robots might one day help fight cancer inside the body, new research suggests.
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Flowing Fire? How Yosemite Waterfall Appears to Burn
It may look like a ribbon of cascading lava, but the so-called "firefall" in Yosemite National Park is actually a regular waterfall illuminated by the bright light of the setting sun.
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Winston Churchill on Aliens: 1939 Essay Discovered
Winston Churchill was known for his leadership during World War II, but a newfound essay on alien life reveals another side of him, one that was deeply curious about the universe.
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Snake vs. Snake: Video Captures Aussie Reptiles Dueling to the Death
A highly venomous brown snake and a red-bellied black snake become entangled in a lethal encounter in South Australia.
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'Disturbing' Results Show High Pollution Levels in Mariana Trench
The vast underwater wilderness of the deep sea may be largely unexplored by humans, but it's still incredibly polluted, a new study finds.
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Deadly Cocktail: Ancient Mammal-Like Reptiles Were 1st to Use Venom
The world's first venomous animal wasn't a scorpion, a jellyfish or even a snake, but a mammal-like, cat-size reptile that lived before the dinosaur age in what is now South Africa, a new study finds.
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Blue Jets Swirl Above Thunderstorm in Photo from Space Station
In views from the International Space Station, a mysterious set of electrical discharges shine above a roiling thunderstorm in Earth's upper atmosphere.
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Undersea Robot to Hunt for Strange Life of Deep Pacific: Watch Online
The research ship Okeanos Explorer is sending an ROV into the depths of the Pacific Ocean, seeking out exotic sea animals and other curiosities. And, you can watch it live online.
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For Better Conversation, Stick With the Familiar
Telling new stories is more likely to bore your friends than telling them what they already know.
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Selasa, 14 Februari 2017
North Korea's Missile Threats to US May Not Be Empty for Long
North Korea appears to be making serious progress on an intercontinental ballistic missile, which could conceivably allow the nuclear-armed nation to make good on its oft-repeated threat to turn major American cities into "seas of fire," experts say.
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Heads Up! Drones Will Fly People Around Dubai This Summer
Commercial drones just got a big upgrade.
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More Than 200 Baldness-Linked Genetic Markers Found
More than 200 new genetic markers linked with male pattern baldness have been identified, according to a new study from the United Kingdom.
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Looming Octopus 'Dances' in Winning Underwater Photo
A striking photo of an octopus won diver Gabriel Barathieu the title of Underwater Photographer of the Year 2017.
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Endangered Antelopes Face 'Catastrophic' Die-Off
Scientists said they think 25 percent of the endangered antelope population has been lost.
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Ancient 'Nessie' Delivered Live Baby Sea Monsters
The "birth plan" of an ancient Nessie look-alike didn't involve laying a giant egg, but rather delivering a live baby sea monster, a new study finds.
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Coders Race to Save NASA's Climate Data
Coders congregated at the University of California, Berkeley, for a hackathon to catalogue, download and save as much climate data as possible.
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Should Cybersecurity Be a Human Right?
Recent developments at the United Nations and the G-20 suggest that the well-known human rights to privacy and freedom of expression may soon be formally extended to online communications.
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Coastal Cities Could Flood 3 Times a Week by 2045
The lawns of homes purchased this year in vast swaths of coastal America could regularly be underwater before the mortgage has even been paid off, with new research showing high tide flooding could become nearly incessant in places within 30 years.
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Too Hot to Handle: 7 Sizzling Places on Planet Earth
Live Science has put together a list of seven sizzling, unconventional places for your travels and your imagination, as some trips might be challenging, downright dangerous or even impossible to take with your love.
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Strange Love: 10 Animals with Truly Weird Courtship Rituals
For Valentine’s Day, Live Science gathers together some of the more extravagant and outlandish courtship rituals in the animal kingdom.
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Senin, 13 Februari 2017
Ancient Nubia: A Brief History
Nubia was an early civilization that eventually ruled Egypt. Its people still live along the Nile River.
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California Dam Emergency: 5 Dams That Did Fail
Here's a look back at some of the most notable dam failures in history.
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Sea Ice Hits Record Lows at Both Poles
Warm weather could send Arctic sea ice to a record low winter peak as Antarctic sea ice sets an all-time record low.
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Ceramic Pottery Reveals an Ancient Geomagnetic Field Spike
The Earth's geomagnetic field increased in intensity around the Levant during the late eighth century B.C. before rapidly weakening.
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3,000-Year-Old Child Footprints Found at Site of Ancient Egyptian Palace
The prints were uncovered at the remains of a large building in the fabled Pi-Ramesse, Egypt's capital during the reign of the King Ramses II.
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Cyborg Future? Elon Musk's Plan to Compete with AI
Elon Musk thinks human cyborgs could counter the threat from artificial intelligence.
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Climate Threat to Wildlife May Have Been Massively Underreported
Nearly half of the mammals and a quarter of the birds studied are already feeling the effects of climate change.
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Tragic Suicide Case Highlights Mental Health Needs of Refugees
The recent suicides of a couple -- young, newly married and expecting a child -- living in a refugee camp highlights the mental health risks that refugees face, researchers say.
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'Science Under Threat' In US - An Astrobiologist’s Take | Video
“I believe in a hundred years we are going to be repairing the damage we are doing now,” says astrobiologist and “Earth In Human Hands” author David Grinspoon in regards to Earth’s climate.
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The 8 Most Famous Solar Eclipses in History
For thousands of years, historians have viewed solar eclipses as omens of things to come. One eclipse even helped physicists to confirm the bending of light predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity.
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Sponges Ruled the World After Second-Largest Mass Extinction
Sponges may be simple creatures, but they basically ruled the world some 445 million years ago, after the Ordovician mass extinction, a new study finds.
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Scientist Dons Polar Bear Costume to Stalk Musk Oxen in the Arctic
How is rapid warming in the Arctic affecting animals that are adapted to cold? A wildlife biologist is using many techniques to find out, including stalking muskoxen in a polar bear costume.
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Ancient Pueblo Used Golden Ratio to Build the Sun Temple
A new analysis found that the ancient Southwestern Pueblo people used the golden ratio and other geometric constructs in the Sun Temple of Mesa Verde.
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Squid Uses Mismatched Eyes to Navigate the 'Twilight Zone' | Video
The cockeyed squid (Histioteuthis heteropsis) has two mismatched eyes — one large and one tiny.
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Squid Survives Ocean's 'Twilight Zone' Thanks to Its Mismatched Eyes
As its name implies, the cockeyed squid has some peculiar peepers: One is small and black, and the other is exceptionally large and yellow. Now, scientists think they know the reason for the squid's wonky eyes: They help the squid spy on prey and predator
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Minggu, 12 Februari 2017
Put a Ring on It! Saturn Impresses in Stunning Valentine's Day Photos
NASA's Cassini spacecraft sends its love this Valentine's Day with photos of Saturn’s beautiful rings, moons and polar vortex.
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Should You Date Your Best Friend?
The things we want in a good friend are many of the same things we expect from a romantic partner.
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Sabtu, 11 Februari 2017
Mysterious Viking Ship Burial Yields a Trove of Artifacts
The boat burial, found in Western Scotland, contained a rich collection of grave goods, suggesting the person lying within was a prominent individual.
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Couch Potato Scientists Get Ready: Coming to Netflix in February
Looking for science- and technology-themed entertainment on Netflix? Here’s what's new to the site this month.
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Jumat, 10 Februari 2017
Why Exercise Is Not Enough to Prevent Weight Gain
New research runs counter to the idea that the obesity epidemic in the U.S. is caused by a lack of physical activity.
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Clooneys Expecting Twins: 6 Facts About Older Parents
George and Amal Clooney are expecting twins this summer, making the couple part of a growing trend of people becoming parents at older ages in the United States.
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Olympic Medals for Tokyo Games Will Be Made from Recycled Electronics
The Olympic organizing committee has asked the public to donate old phones for medals.
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Why Tinder Is So 'Evilly Satisfying'
Data from swiping apps like Tinder are giving researchers a window into how dating and relationships could be changing.
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Orange-Hued Alligator Spotted in South Carolina
A predatory beast with leathery orange skin is gallivanting through social media today, sowing fear in its wake.
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1,700-Year-Old Untouched Tomb Yields Feathered Headdress Figurine
An untouched tomb bearing 1,700-year-old skeletons and ancient figurines was recently uncovered in Mexico.
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Mysterious Stranding of 400 Pilot Whales Puzzles Scientists
More than 400 pilot whales stranded on a beach in New Zealand overnight, with 250 to 300 of the cetaceans already dead this morning in what is considered the third-largest whale beaching in the country.
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Look Up Friday! Green Comet and Snow Moon Eclipse Team Up for Skywatchers
Skywatchers this weekend will get two special, subtle treats: a penumbral lunar eclipse on Friday (Feb. 10) and a strange green comet reaching its peak viewing time the following morning.
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Beetles Pose as an Ant's Butt to Grab a Ride
How do you hitch a ride on an army ant? Try masquerading as an ant butt.
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Antarctic Expedition Will Hunt for 'Missing' Meteorites
A hypothesis about meteorites gets put to the test in a new mission to the icy continent.
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Kamis, 09 Februari 2017
Winter Sickness: How to Tell If It's a Cold or the Flu
Catching a cold or the flu can make you feel miserable. But how can you tell which one you have?
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Magma Power: Scientists Drill into Volcano to Harness its Energy
The project could open the door to volcano-powered electricity.
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Winter Snowstorm Battering Northeast US Seen from Space
As a winter storm blew over the northeastern United States today, a weather-monitoring satellite caught the whole storm on camera from space.
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Boy’s Broken Bones Had Unusual Cause
Broken bones are a common occurrence for kids, but for one 7-year-old boy, his frequent fractures turned out to have an underlying cause: celiac disease, according to a recent report of his case from Portugal.
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Newfound Amoeba Looks Just Like Gandalf the Wizard's Hat
A newfound amoeba species whose funnel-shaped shell resembles a wizard's hat has been named after one of the most famous warlocks: Gandalf, of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
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Sick Beats: Scientists Revive Hearts to Study Erratic Rhythms
Researchers are reviving donated hearts for up to 12 hours to find sources of irregular beats.
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Are Trees Vegetarian?
Humans can be vegetarians, choosing to forgo meat, but what about trees? After all, trees need only soil, sunlight and water to survive, right?
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Amazing Blue Jets From Thunderstorms Seen From Space | Video
In September 2015, ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen captured the storm above India through the International Space Station’s cupola windows for Turbulence Heating ObserveR (THOR) experiment. He witnessed red sprites above the storm and blue jets stream
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Hottest Dance Moves Revealed by Science
A new study reveals how we judge the best dancers. Turns out, hips don't lie.
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Robo-Bees Could Aid Insects with Pollination Duties
Mini drones sporting horsehair coated in a sticky gel could one day take the pressure off beleaguered bee populations by transporting pollen from plant to plant, researchers said.
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Skip Dinner? Evening Fast May Burn Fat
Looking to burn more fat? You could give fasting a try, according to results from a preliminary study.
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Teens and Screens: How Much Is OK?
For parents, trying to separate teens from their screens may seem like a daily battle. But now, some parents can rest easy: A new study suggests that lots of screen time isn't all that bad for teens.
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10 Amazing Saint Tropez Attractions
Just West of Nice, France is a hip town with that is plentiful in history. It happens to be a hotspot for vacationing. If you find yourself there, you might want to check out some of these 10 Amazing Saint Tropez Attractions.
Saint Tropez is located right off of the French Riviera, which is also shared by Monaco. These areas are often packed with tourist because of the beautiful weather and ambiance....
Daily Low-Dose Aspirin May Boost Chances of Successful Pregnancy
For some women who are trying to get pregnant, taking a low dose of aspirin daily may boost their chances of having a baby.
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Primeval Reservoirs Under Earth's Mantle May Be Older Than the Moon
The Earth's mantle retains traces of primeval materials that are older than the moon, which formed a scant 100 million years after the solar system's coalescence.
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Snapshot of Hawaii: Why NASA Is Studying Islands' Volcanoes & Reefs
Hawaii's ecosystems are under scientific scrutiny this month.
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Crikey! Australian Python Engulfs Tennis Ball
A python in Queensland, Australia, got quite a scratchy surprise when the 5-foot-long (1.5 meters) snake gulped down a tennis ball this week.
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A Strange Green Comet Is Heading Our Way
Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova, returning to the inner solar system after more than five years, will be visible this week with binoculars or a small telescope.
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Livestock Make Up a Quarter of Snow Leopards' Meals
A new study could help explain why so many snow leopards get killed in retaliation for eating domestic animals.
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Bison Reintroduced to Canadian Wild After a Century of Conservation Efforts
Bison have returned to a Canadian park after the animals' near extinction in the 1800s.
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3 New Malayan Tiger Cubs: Cute, and Genetically Valuable
Cute and critically endangered, the cubs will bring genetic diversity to the species.
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Facts About Cicadas
Cicadas are winged insects that are mostly known for their cyclical lifespans. They emerge all at once every 13 or 17 years.
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Facts About Kiwis
The kiwi is a small, flightless bird native to New Zealand.
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Rabu, 08 Februari 2017
Nuclear Fire-Formed Glass Used To Test Moon Formation Theory | Video
A green-colored glass, called trinitite, was found 30 feet (10m) to 80 feet (250 m) away from ground zero after the first plutonium bomb test in 1945. They were lacking volatile elements similarly to that of lunar rocks.
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How Big Can Stars Get? Awesome Visualization Shows Scale
Some stars can be the size of a planet, others can be more than 1400 times bigger than the Sun. Different types of stars are shown to scale in this European Southern Observatory visualization.
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Andean Bears Are Right at Home in Machu Picchu | Video
Tourists to the world-famous Incan ruins at Machu Piccu in Peru have company — Andean bears, which researchers found to be widespread in the protected area.
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Can the HPV Vaccine Protect Against Skin Cancer?
The HPV vaccine, which protects against several strains of the human papillomavirus, shows potential for preventing new spots of skin cancer from popping up in people who have had skin cancer in the past, a report of two patients’ cases suggests.
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Eww! Live Cockroach Pulled from Woman's Nose in Rare Case
An odd "crawling sensation" that a women felt in her head turned out to be a real, live cockroach.
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Poopy Situation Down Under: Why 36 Australian Beaches Were Closed
Melbourne's beaches are in an icky situation at the moment.
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Satellite Sees Louisiana Tornado Storm System from Space
Severe thunderstorms and several tornadoes struck the state of Louisiana on Tuesday (Feb. 7). A weather satellite operated by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) captured an overhead view of the weather system responsible.
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Device Turns Air Pollution Into Printing Ink
The Kaalink device can capture up to 93 percent of the emitted pollution from standard internal combustion engines.
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Underwater Volcanic Eruption Could Create Temporary Island (Photo)
An undersea volcanic eruption caused a bright turquoise spot in the ocean.
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12th Dead Sea Scrolls Cave Found in Israel
A cave that held Dead Sea Scrolls before they were stolen in the mid-20th century has been discovered in Qumran, Israel.
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In Photos: New Dead Sea Scrolls Revealed
Several Dead Sea Scrolls fragments have been revealed in two new books. Here's a look at images of the scrolls, which hold text from various books of the Hebrew Bible.
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Huge Undersea Landslide Slammed Great Barrier Reef 300,000 Years Ago
More than 300,000 years ago, a behemoth undersea landslide sent huge amounts of debris sliding down the Great Barrier Reef, generating a 90-foot-high (27 meters) tsunami.
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70 Years After Dead Sea Scrolls Were Found, New Discoveries Await
In 1947, or late 1946, the first batch of Dead Sea Scrolls was found in a cave located near the site of Qumran in what is now the West Bank. These bits of biblical history continue to perplex archaeologists to this day.
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Who Invented the Refrigerator?
Methods for preserving food by cooling have been around for thousands of years, but the modern refrigerator is a recent invention.
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Facts About Bromine
Properties, sources and uses of the element bromine.
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Your Brain on Music: Why Certain Songs Bring Pleasure
The chemicals in the brain linked to the pleasure people get from things like sex and drugs also play a role in how people enjoy music, a new, small study from Canada finds.
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Collapsing Beauty: Image of Antarctica's Larsen Ice Shelf
A new satellite image shows the disappearing Larsen Ice Shelf of Antarctica.
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Viking VIP: Grave Belonging to 'Warrior of High Status' Uncovered
About 1,000 years ago, Vikings dug a grave for a "warrior of high status" and buried him in a boat that was overflowing with grave goods, including a hefty sword and a broad-bladed ax, according to a new study.
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Bear Necessities: Andean Bears Call Machu Picchu Home
Machu Picchu, site of historic Incan ruins and a popular destination for tourists, is also a favorite destination for South America's only native bear species — the Andean bear.
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Selasa, 07 Februari 2017
Heavy Lifting at Work Linked to Decreased Fertility in Women
Women who lift or move heavy objects at work may be at increased risk for fertility problems, a new study suggests.
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E-Cig Risk: Teens Who Vape More Likely to Start Smoking Tobacco
Teens who "vape" in high school are at increased risk for using tobacco cigarettes in the future.
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Raw Video: Tornado Hits NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility In New Orleans
The facility was impacted by a large tornado on Feb. 7, 2017. “Only minor injuries have been reported and NASA employees and other tenants are being accounted for,” according to NASA
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Dictionary Gets Scientific with New Word Entries
The lexicographers at Merriam-Webster announced today that they have added more than 1,000 new words to the dictionary, including many that are related to science, technology and medicine.
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Whale of an Idea: Satellites Help Monitor Migrating Humpbacks
Scientists are turning to high-flying help in efforts to count humpback whales.
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Giant Amazonian Catfish Is a Record-Breaking Traveler
The dorado catfish migrates most of the length of the Amazon River basin.
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Newfound Gecko Species Jumps Out of Its Own Skin
A newly discovered gecko species belongs to a group with an unusual defensive strategy that might make your skin crawl.
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Despite Whistleblower's Concerns, Climate Change Study Called Sound
Climate change doubters have seized upon a new accusation suggesting that scientists with NOAA manipulated temperature data in a 2015 study on climate change to reach a desired conclusion. The accusations, scientists said, are off-base.
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Can This Song Really Make Babies Happy?
Two scientists set out to create a song that was scientifically proven to make babies happy.
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11 Immigrant Scientists Who Made Great Contributions to America
Scientists of all types have numbered among those pursuing a new life in America.
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Fireball Hissing: Weird Cause of Noises Made by Meteors Found
The popping, sizzling, rustling, and hissing sounds made by fireballs reportedly occur almost instantly to earthly onlookers. Here's why.
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Child's Best Friend: Kids Prefer Their Pets Over Siblings
Dogs may be man's best friend, but a new study finds that pets are children's best friends, too — more so than their own siblings.
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Should Scientists Engage in Activism?
In the wake of the Flint water crisis and with a new notably anti-science president, U.S. scientists are reevaluating how to navigate the tension between speaking out and a fear of losing research funding.
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Male Contraceptive 'Hydrogel' Passes Test in Rhesus Monkeys
A new type of male contraceptive that blocks the flow of sperm effectively prevented pregnancy in female monkeys, a new study finds.
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Senin, 06 Februari 2017
Donated Hearts Beat Again in the Lab | Video
Resuscitated hearts keep the beat in a pioneering study, helping researchers target the causes of irregular rhythms.
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Sperm Bank Death: How Does Liquid Nitrogen Kill?
A man recently died from exposure to liquid nitrogen, but how exactly can it kill?
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Why Scientists Think Earth's Magnetic Poles Are About to Flip
Are we headed to a magnetic reversal and all the global disruption that would bring? Enter archaeomagnetism. A look at the archaeological record in southern Africa provides some clues.
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Brilliant Fireball Streaks Over Milwaukee, Wows Skywatchers (Videos)
A brilliant, bright-green meteor blazed through the sky just north of Milwaukee early this morning (Feb. 6), and likely sprinkled space rocks into Lake Michigan.
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Mysterious Amazonian Geoglyphs Were Built in Already-Altered Forests
Humans were changing the Amazon for thousands of years before they built massive, mysterious earthworks there.
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In Photos: Mysterious Amazonian Geoglyphs
Humans altered the Amazon rainforests for 2,000 years before building massive geoglyphs in the bamboo forests.
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'Listening To The Planets' To Understand Our Changing Climate | Video
Astrobiologist and author David Grinspoon has been a student of the planets his entire life. He talks to's @SteveSpaleta about what we can learn about Earth from studying our solar system’s planets.
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Fireball! Amazing Midwest Meteor Caught By Police Dashcam, Rooftop Camera | Video
On February 6, 2017, a camera on the Atmospheric, Oceanic & Space Sciences Building on the University of Wisconsin campus and a Lisle, Illinois police car dashboard camera captured the fireworks.
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Here's Why Pregnant Women Should Avoid Eating Licorice
Too much black licorice during pregnancy could affect a baby's brain, a new study from Finland finds.
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Qumran & the Dead Sea Scrolls
The famous biblical manuscripts were found in caves near this ancient settlement.
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478-Million-Year-Old Spiky Slug Solves Long-Held Mollusk Mystery
A tiny, hat-like shell that adorns a 478-million-year-old spiky slug is helping scientists figure out how mollusks evolved over the ages, according to a new study.
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Photos: 'Hat'-Wearing Ancient Slug May Explain Mollusk Family Tree
A 478-million-year-old worm with a small hat-like shell on its head is helping scientists decipher the mollusk family tree.
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Lonely Ice Volcano On Ceres May Have Once Had Company
The dwarf planet Ceres may once have harbored many ice volcanoes, all but one of which have flattened out and vanished into the dwarf planet's surface, a new study suggests.
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Stewards of Federal Lands Feel Threatened, Survey Shows
Many of the people who take care of U.S. federal lands and wildlife refuges say their jobs have become more dangerous, according to a new survey.
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Ancient Tomb of Chinese General and Princess Filled with Figurines
The tomb of a general and his princess wife buried on March 18, in the year 564, has been discovered in China.
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In Photos: Ancient Tomb of Couple Found in China
Archaeologists in China have discovered an ancient tomb containing the remains of a husband and wife couple who were buried with numerous ceramic figurines.
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Minggu, 05 Februari 2017
Immunotherapy: Could the Human Body Be Trained to Fight Cancer?
Armed with new insights into the interactions between cancer and the immune system, research teams are developing novel treatments to harness the full potential of the body's natural defenses.
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'Immigration Act of 1917' Turns 100: America's Long History of Immigration Prejudice
The Immigration Act of 1917 was the first legislation to dramatically limit immigration into the United States.
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Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017
Super Bowl 2017: Is a Turf or Grass Field Riskier for Players?
Does a football field’s surface type — grass or turf — affect players' injury rates?
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Jumat, 03 Februari 2017
How Good Posture May Help with Depression Symptoms
People with symptoms of depression may see temporary improvements to their mood by following the age-old advice to sit up straight.
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How Do Tom Brady's Pricy Pajamas Work?
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady could be resting up for the big game in some special sleepwear: He wears "bioceramic pajamas," which are claimed to have health benefits such as reduced inflammation.
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Are Solar Storms Causing Mysterious Sea Animal Beachings?
Whales, dolphins and porpoises end up stranded on beaches and no one knows why.
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Like or Unlike? Facebook May Harm Health
After a long week, if there's not much on TV, you may spend some time on Facebook. Could this decision hurt your health?
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Most Americans Say Kids Should Get Vaccinated, Poll Finds
Most Americans think vaccines are beneficial for health, and that children should be required to get them, according to a new poll.
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Holocaust Survivors' Musical Recordings Discovered | Video
Researchers recently discovered a long lost recording of songs sung by Holocaust survivors. The recording, made in 1946, includes Yiddish and German songs sung by survivors at a refugee camp in Henonville, France.
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Lost Holocaust Songs Played for 1st Time on Repaired Wire Recorder
For the first time in decades, Yiddish and German songs sung by Holocaust victims can be heard, now that an old "wire recorder" has been repaired.
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Chess, Anyone? Giant Checkerboard Spied from Space (Photo)
An astronaut spotted this checkerboard from space.
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Watch This Squishy, See-Through Robot Capture a Goldfish
Squishy, nearly transparent robots that flap, squeeze and kick when pumped with water could be the next underwater spies, at least when it comes to sneaking up on aquatic life.
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New Transparent Gel-Based Robots Can Capture Fish | Video
The robot, produced by MIT engineers, is transparent and made of hydrogel. This technology could one day be useful in surgeries.
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Is There Equality in Parenting?
Fathers are more involved in parenting children than ever before, women’s parenting time too has increased. This has resulted in a smaller but persistent gap in the time mothers and fathers spend on parenting.
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Physicists 'See' Location of 23,000 Single Atoms for First Time
For the first time, scientists have seen the exact locations of more than 23,000 atoms in a particle that's small enough to fit inside the wall of a single cell.
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Kamis, 02 Februari 2017
Here's Why Synthetic Marijuana Isn't Safe
Synthetic marijuana compounds, sometimes called K2 or Spice, are actually chemically different from marijuana, and are more dangerous, according to a new review.
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Here's How Camping Helps You Fall Asleep
For people who have trouble falling asleep, a weekend camping trip could help, a new study finds.
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Dutch Zoo Tests ‘Tinder for Orangutans’ Mating Program
It's not as simple as asking an orangutan to swipe right or left.
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Smile! New Bucktoothed Ghost Shark Species Discovered
A previously unknown ghost shark with rabbit-like teeth and a bulky head is making waves in record books; it's the 50th ghost shark species known to science, a new study reported.
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RoboDragonfly: Tiny Backpack Turns Insect into a Cyborg
Engineers have fitted dragonflies with tiny backpack controllers that connect directly to the neurons controlling the insects' flight.
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Octopus Puffed Itself Up Like a Balloon, Biologists Split on Why | Video
When diver PT Hirschfield came across this octopus off the coast of Melbourne, Australia, the eight-legged creature puffed itself up like a parachute. But scientists aren’t sure why the octopus did that.
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Trump's Hair Growth Medicine: What Is Finasteride?
President Trump uses a hair-loss drug called finasteride, which works by inhibiting the action of a testosterone byproduct at the hair follicle.
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Sleeping Shrinks the Brain … and That's a Good Thing
Sleep provides a time for the brain to prune synapses to ensure only the most important information is retained.
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3,000-Year-Old Tomb of Royal Scribe Uncovered in Egypt
Richly decorated with images of gods, baboons and mortals alike, the burial chamber of a royal scribe dates back to the Ramesside period, around 1200 B.C.
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Marijuana Compound Shows Some Potential for Treating Opioid Addiction
A marijuana ingredient may help heroin users resist the urge to use the drug and alleviate withdrawal symptoms, but more research should be done in this area, researchers say.
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Why Young Kids Should Spend Equal Time with Divorced Parents
When parents separate or divorce, they often wonder what's best for their young children: should they spend more time with their mother in order to maintain a strong relationship? Or, should time be split equally?
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Newfound Asteroid to Buzz Earth Today: See It Live with Slooh
A small asteroid will pass between Earth and the moon today (Feb. 2), only a couple days after astronomers first discovered it. It's one of many small asteroids that have recently sped past the planet, and one of three flying by today, according to NASA.
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E-Cigarette Smoking May Be Bad for Your Heart
A new study finds that certain markers for heart disease risk are higher in e-cigarette users than in nonusers.
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Scientists Plan Washington March in Response to Trump
What began as a political conversation on Reddit is turning into a national movement: Scientists are planning to march on Washington to express their support for rigorous scientific research.
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Laundry Pods and Kids: Eye Injuries on the Rise
Laundry pods filled with detergent are a growing source of eye injuries in young kids, a new study finds.
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Watch Boxer Crabs Get Their Pom-Poms On | Video
These boxer crabs are always observed with a sea anemone on each of their two claws, and now scientists know how they get their pom-poms. They sometimes take an anemone from another boxer crab and then clone it so they have a pair.
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Why Are There 9 Supreme Court Justices?
The ninth justice may be the swing vote in future court cases.
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How Accurate Are Punxsutawney Phil's Groundhog Day Forecasts?
As legend goes, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow on Groundhog Day, you should expect six more weeks of winter; if he doesn't, plan for spring. Life's Little Mysteries investigates the accuracy of Phil's predictions.
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Groundhog Day: How Often Does Punxsutawney Phil Get It Right?
Every February, a small, furry mammal with buck teeth gets trotted out in front of a crowd in Pennsylvania to take part in a time-honored Groundhog Day tradition: If the beloved groundhog Punxsutawney Phil "sees" his shadow, the country is in for six more
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Punxsutawney Phil Spies His Shadow, Signaling 6 More Weeks of Winter
The famous weather prognosticator, a pudgy groundhog, has crawled out of its burrow on Gobbler's Knob to reveal whether an early spring is on its way.
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Could Wormholes Really Work? Probably Not
Could we actually warp and bend space-time to make a convenient tunnel, making all our galactic dreams come true? Short answer: not likely.
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No Hands! Gadget Taps Brain Waves for Netflix Picks
For when the remote truly is too far away.
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How Dragonfish Open Their Fearsome Mouths So Wide
A new study has discovered one of the secrets to deep-sea predatory dragonfishes' wide-gaping jaws.
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Rabu, 01 Februari 2017
Hunting or Angry? Scientists Can't Agree on Odd Octopus Behavior
A wild octopus surprised an Australian diver this week by suddenly, and quite dramatically, inflating itself with water, ballooning up like a parachute.
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Stone Cold Vodka? Drinking Habit 'Calcifies' Man's Pancreas
A 50-year-old man who drank half a pint of vodka a day for more than a decade developed numerous calcium deposits in his pancreas.
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Beyoncé Expecting Two: 5 Fun Facts About Twins
Singer Beyoncé Knowles announced today on her Instagram account that she is pregnant with twins.
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New Quantum-Computer Design Could Lead to Practical Hardware
Scientists have proposed a new way to build a quantum computer using microwaves to control individual atoms, and they say the new method offers a blueprint for a more useful computing machine.
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The Physics of Wall Street Revealed: How to Watch Live
University of California, Irvine professor James Weatherall talks about how physics and math play a role in predicting today's stock market.
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Watch Live @ 7 p.m. ET: The Physics of Wall Street
A scientist discusses how "quants" transformed predictions of the stock market and how they are alive and well today.
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This State Is the Nation's Happiest, for the 6th Time in Annual Poll
A new poll from Gallup-Healthways shows which states had the highest and lowest well-being in 2016.
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Scientists Untangle the Soy-Breast Cancer Paradox
To eat soy or not: That's the question many U.S. women have been asking.
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The Happiest States in 2016: Full List
Here's how each state ranked in a new national survey of well-being from Gallup-Healthways.
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'Bat Bot' Can Pull Off Impressive Aerial Acrobatics
Whether they're swooping around to catch dinner or delicately hanging upside down to sleep, bats are known for their acrobatic prowess. Now, scientists have created a robot inspired by these flying creatures.
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Open Wide! Scientists Find the Secret to Dragonfishes’ Gaping Jaw | Video
Deep-sea dragonfish are known for their prominent, fearsome jaws, but they can also stretch their jaws extremely wide — up to 120 degrees.
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Oldest Prostate Stones Ever Found Suggest a Man Was in Agony 12,000 Years Ago
The discovery in an ancient cemetery in Sudan reveal the disease has been affecting men for millennia.
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Infants Exposed to Languages Can Retain Them Later in Life
A new study suggests we learn the sounds of language well before we learn to speak.
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All In: Artificial Intelligence Beats the World's Best Poker Players
Artificial intelligence has bested the world's top poker players in a 120,000-hand match of Heads-Up, No-Limit Texas Hold'em poker.
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