Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

Botulism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Botulism is a rare but serious illness caused by toxins released by bacteria. These toxins are among the most lethal substances known to man. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rmHRzU via IFT...

Preeclampsia: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

Preeclampsia is a serious complication that can develop during pregnancy. It is characterized by high blood pressure and high levels of protein in urine. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1NuTn0e via IFT...

World's Largest (and Oddest-Looking) Aircraft Rolled Out for Tests

Why build a double-bodied airplane? To get to orbit. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qHE9Pg via IFT...

The Larsen C Iceberg Is on the Brink of Breaking Off

The crack that's been cutting into Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf is about to create a huge iceberg. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qHjf2B via IFT...

Coughing Canines? 6 Things to Know About Dog Flu

At least a dozen dogs in Florida are sick with "dog flu," but what exactly is this disease and where did it come from? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rceH80 via IFT...

Apple Co-Founder Bets on Tesla for Next Tech Breakthrough

Tesla is leading Apple in innovative tech, according to Apple co-founder. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qHDq0w via IFT...

Weighted Blankets: Harmless for Adults, Potentially Dangerous for Kids

Weighted blankets are touted for helping people to calm down, and sleep better. But do they really live up to these claims? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2soeInb via IFT...

Chronic Pain May Stem from Pain Receptors in Hiding

Scientists find that pain receptors can hide inside cells; but they can still find them and deactivate them, which may lead to better pain medication. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qBY7ja via IFT...

Elon Musk Says He'll Stop Advising Trump If US Pulls Out of Climate Pact

SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk said today (May 31) that he'll resign from the White House advisory councils on which he currently serves if President Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the Paris climate pact. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2soaBri via IFT...

See the 1st-Ever High-Speed Footage of Lightning Striking a Building

It's the first time that high-speed video of lightning hitting a building has been captured, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rFFqLN via IFT...

10th Annual World Science Festival Kicks Off in NYC: Watch the Events Online

Even if you can't make it to the Big Apple, you can catch some of the action live online. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2seYXj4 via IFT...

Can a Drug That Fights Parasites Also Help with Autism?

A 101-year-old drug that is often used to treat people in Africa with parasitic infections may help ease some of the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in children, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2snE30q via IFT...

Why a Great White Shark Jumped into Man's Boat

An Australian man got the surprise of a lifetime when a 9-foot great white shark jumped into his boat. Here's the likely reason for the leaping shark. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rpy9i5 via IFT...

Blood Pressure Goals: Aggressive Treatments May Be Best, Study Says

People with high blood pressure can benefit from reducing their blood pressure to levels well below those recommended in current guidelines, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rFvVvT via IFT...

Dog 'Scientist' Sits on Editorial Board of Medical Journals

A Staffordshire terrier named Ollie has squirmed his way onto the editorial board of seven scientific journals, highlighting the problem with peer review in shoddy journals. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rFfrE3 via IFT...

World's Most Powerful X-Ray Laser Creates Molecular 'Black Hole'

The world's most powerful X-ray laser has just created a molecular "black hole" – a molecule with such a strong positive charge that it sucks in electrons from neighboring atoms. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qGpEes via IFT...

Touching the Sun: NASA Mission Renamed 'Parker Solar Probe'

NASA's upcoming sun-studying mission, which will come much closer to Earth's star than any spacecraft in history, has been renamed the Parker Solar Probe, agency officials announced today (May 31). from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qB2LOj via IFT...

Death by Octopus: This Dolphin Bit Off More Than He Could Chew

A dolphin off Western Australia that tried to consume an octopus was choked in the process, say scientists who studied the dolphin's corpse. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2roLuY8 via IFT...

Global Warming Gas Can Now Be Extracted from Air and Resold

The world's first commercial facility that can extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and resell it for commercial purposes opened today. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qGkdMt via IFT...

10 Most Largest Cruise Ships Ever Built

It seems like every couple of years engineers who are in charge of building and designing cruise ships top their last feat in size. So we decided to share a cohesive list of the 10 Most Largest Cruise Ships Ever Built. These ships are so large that to a normal person, you aren’t quite sure how they float so majestically on the water. They really are some of the greatest engineering feats that...

You Can See the Living Heart of This 'Glass Frog'

In a tiny new frog species recently discovered in Ecuador, see-through skin over the frogs’ chests fully exposes their wee little hearts. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sdk5WV via IFT...

Trump's Proposed Science Cuts Go Far Beyond Climate Programs

The president's $4.1 trillion budget package for 2018 would ax a variety of medical, energy, and basic research programs, while boosting funding for defense and homeland security. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rjRrDz via IFT...

Martial Arts for Women: Century-Old Book Details Moves

A translation of a martial-arts book published in 1914, which was written by a woman for women, describes a group of Japanese women who banded together to form the Women's Self-Defense League in order to fight off attacks from men. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2slLO7h via IFT...

Photos: 1914 Martial Arts Book for Women in Japan

A recently translated book published in 1914 shows self-defense techniques that women in Japan could use to fight off attackers. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rnOjbQ via IFT...

Mass Grave from Thirty Years' War Battle Reveals Soldiers' Fatal Wounds

A mass grave from the Thirty Years' War was uncovered in Germany a few years ago. Now the bodies are giving up their battle secrets. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rjG4eR via IFT...

Photos: A 400-Year-Old War Grave Revealed

Archaeologists uncovered a mass grave in 2011 from the Battle of Lützen in Germany. Now, they have more clues about the violent lives and deaths of soldiers during the Thirty Years War. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qzJf4Z via IFT...

Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Corpse Flower: Facts About the Smelly Plant

The corpse flower is a pungent plant that blooms rarely and only for a short time. While it is in bloom, the flower emits a strong odor similar to rotting meat or, aptly, a decaying corpse. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1UY9OWQ via IFT...

Dreams and Brain Disease: REM Sleep Cells Linked to Disorders

A new finding about an rare disorder that makes people act out their dreams could point the way toward slowing the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qzdPaM via IFT...

Why You Should Chew Gum Until You Fart After a C-Section

Among the difficult things a woman has to do after having a C-section — from tending to her stitches to learning to breastfeed — now there's a recommendation that's a little easier: chew gum. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rlqQIi via IFT...

World Science Festival 2017: Watch It Live

Science enthusiasts take to the streets of NYC to get their fill of amazing ideas and discussion on everything from the human regeneration and artificial intelligence to evolution and human connectedness. Watch live webcasts on Live Science. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1wlsR23 via IFT...

The Most Charismatic Leaders Aren't the Most Effective Ones

There's a sweet spot of charisma for business leaders. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sak3Pu via IFT...

Wonderful & Strange: Why Viewers Love the Unsettling World of 'Twin Peaks'

What explains the enduring appeal of David Lynch’s unique and profoundly weird style of storytelling in "Twin Peaks?" from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r7gg7a via IFT...

Are Flat-Earthers Being Serious?

Members of the Flat Earth Society claim to believe the Earth is flat. Are they kidding? from Live Science http://ift.tt/16hCjef via IFT...

How a Total Solar Eclipse Helped Prove Einstein Right About Relativity

On Aug. 21, a total solar eclipse will cross the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina. Ninety-eight years ago today, another total solar eclipse changed the world by helping to confirm Einstein's theory of general relativity. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r7i6F9 via IFT...

Who Are the Coptic Christians?

Among the Christians of the Middle East, the largest number – some 8 million or so – is of Egypt's Copts. Here's their story. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQGMTx via IFT...

Ceramic Heads of Possible Goddesses Discovered in Ancient Waste Dump

Life-size ceramic heads dating back 2,400 years have been discovered in the ancient town of Porphyreon, located in modern-day Jiyeh, Lebanon. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rAimhs via IFT...

A Tumor with Teeth Discovered in Gothic Graveyard

Archaeologists digging up a gothic graveyard in Portugal discovered an ovarian tumor that had started sprouting teeth. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2riuyCn via IFT...

Senin, 29 Mei 2017

Why Is the Flag at Half-Staff Until Noon on Memorial Day?

On Memorial Day, when the U.S. honors its war dead, a whole new set of rules govern raising and lowering of the American flag. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rfiime via IFT...

JFK at 100: The Science of Kennedy's Popularity

John Fitzgerald Kennedy consistently ranks as one of America's most popular leaders. A presidential historian argues that didn't just happen – it was the result of an effort to create an image. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rcs8mK via IFT...

10 Most Amazing Places to Visit Before You Die

The world is full of amazing, beautiful and mysterious places. From gardens to caves, this is our list of the top 10 Most Amazing Places to visit before you die. 1. Pulpit Rock, Preikestolen, Norway: Situated 604 metres above Lysefjorden, Norway, Pulpit Rock is one of the countries most visited natural tourist attractions. The top of the cliff is a flat, 25 by 25-metre area where visitors can sit...

Minggu, 28 Mei 2017

Early Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice Is Another Ominous Sign of Rapid Warming

The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the lower latitudes, and scientists report sea ice across the Nares Strait just collapsed two months earlier than normal. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rbWF62 via IFT...

How Would Engineers Build the Golden Gate Bridge Today?

It's been 80 years since this beloved landmark opened to San Francisco traffic. In the interim, technology has advanced – is there a better way to span this strait? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2runrrF via IFT...

Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017

Why Do Men Run Faster Than Women?

Why is it that male runners tend to clock faster times than female runners do? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r7KZPM via IFT...

Best Outdoor Activities for Staying in Shape in 2017

If you still need to get in shape this year, don't fret — the balmy days of summer provide a great opportunity for exercising outdoors. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qn6IGj via IFT...

Jumat, 26 Mei 2017

The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week

Here are the most interesting, amazing and unusual things that happened in the world of science this week. A recap of Live Science's best. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1Pgf3MV via IFT...

Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week

Here are the stories behind the most amazing images in the world of science this week. A recap of the coolest photos featured on Live Science. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1dD6fox via IFT...

Woman Has Sextuplets: The Science of Multiple Births

A woman in Virginia recently gave birth to sextuplets, but how does such a high-order pregnancy happen? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rHODmh via IFT...

Massive California Landslide Visible from Space

A massive California landslide that covered a huge swath of a coastal highway in rubble was captured in satellite images. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r58SaC via IFT...

Shopping Hungry? Psychology Trick Could Stifle Bad Food Choices

It's a scenario you've probably experienced: You go to the supermarket hungry, and you end up with a shopping cart filled with foods you probably wouldn't buy if you weren't feeling famished. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rpBnTD via IFT...

Could This Backpack-Wearing Pigeon Really Deliver Drugs?

Police captured an unlikely drug smuggler — a homing pigeon — carrying a custom-made backpack loaded with what supposedly are 178 ecstasy pills. But are pigeons adept enough to navigate for deliveries? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r4BfGg via IFT...

Chewbacca to Jabba the Hutt: 10 Real 'Star Wars' Beasts in the Animal Kingdom

From Star Wars characters Wookies to the sarlacc in the Pit of Carkoon, here are 10 creatures you might recognize in the here and now. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qnAAyq via IFT...

Dark Energy May Lurk in the Nothingness of Space

The vacuum of empty space may be roiling with energy that drives the expansion of space itself, a new hypothesis proposes. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rHh6sl via IFT...

Dads' Brains React Differently to Sons and Daughters

Dads with daughters interact differently with their kids than fathers with sons, a new study suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r5Y7XO via IFT...

Less Invasive Autopsy Should Be Standard Practice, Study Says

A new, less invasive method of conducting autopsies could one day replace the traditional procedure for diagnosing the causes of many deaths, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r4HUjI via IFT...

Can a Woman's Heart Rate Show When She's Fertile?

A woman's heart rate appears to increase slightly when she's at the most fertile point in her menstrual cycle. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qk7fsx via IFT...

Kind of Blue: Beautiful Algae Images in Rare 19th-Century Book (Photos)

Nineteenth-century cyanotypes — an early form of photography — capture the delicate beauty of British algae. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s4bXqM via IFT...

10 Most Awesome Restaurants In New Hampshire

The Northeast is not always the first place that is associated with immaculate cuisine. You will find that it very well should be and we decided to zero in on the 10 Most Awesome Restaurants In New Hampshire. From rustic eateries to diners that have the ultimate comfort foods, New Hampshire has it all. Just as we did with our Connecticut list, we decided the best restaurants should be based...

Spray-On Touch Screens? How to Turn Any Flat Surface into a Touchpad

With just a can of spray paint, researchers can turn flat surfaces of any shape or size into touchpads. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r5qB3S via IFT...

Massive Marine Reptile Terrorized Squid During the Dinosaur Age

A newly identified, 130-million-year-old marine reptile was enormous, measuring the length of nearly three grand pianos lined up, but it wasn't a top marine predator, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qru9cC via IFT...

Henge Monument and Mysterious Burials Uncovered in England

Archaeologists found a 4,000-year-old henge in England that contained five human burials. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qn32jQ via IFT...

Robotic Exoskeletons Reveal the Complexity Behind Every Step You Take

Harvard researchers aim to improve robotic therapy for those learning to walk again. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rGSPT6 via IFT...

Mysterious New Henge in England (Photos)

Archaeologists in England discovered a Neolithic earthwork and burial site that could date back to 2000 B.C. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qnju3x via IFT...

Florida Paradise Nabs Top Spot on 2017 Best Beaches List

This year's top beach features expanses of fine-grained white-quartz sand and warm, clear waters. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rolmgO via IFT...

In Photos: The Best Beaches of 2017

Summer is here, and that means that "Dr. Beach" has again released his top 10 list of public beaches in the United States. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s2PSJ7 via IFT...

2 Missing WWII B-25 Bombers Found in the Pacific Ocean

Using a sonar-equipped underwater robot, a team of scientists has discovered the debris of a missing World War II-era B-25 bomber plane off the coast of Papua New Guinea. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rXPxZl via IFT...

Kamis, 25 Mei 2017

Mermaids & Mermen: Facts & Legends

Mermaids — legendary half-human, half marine creatures — have fascinated people for centuries and inspired many "sightings." from Live Science http://ift.tt/1u4bwWU via IFT...

'Lotus Birth:' What Experts Say About Cutting the Cord

Experts are skeptical about the neonatal practice of "lotus birth," in which parents opt out of severing their newborn's umbilical cord. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qU6eX4 via IFT...

Lake Michigan Facts

Lake Michigan is the only Great Lake located entirely in the United States. from Live Science http://ift.tt/18JaEzz via IFT...

A Guide to Hurricane Season 2017

Here’s a guide to the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season including predictions, naming conventions and how to make storm preparations. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2kGOAAZ via IFT...

Mysteries at Jupiter: NASA's Juno Probe Reveals Cyclones, Auroras & Surprises

Huge cyclones rage near Jupiter's mysterious poles, and the giant planet's powerful auroras are fundamentally different from Earth's northern and southern lights, the first science results from NASA's Juno mission reveal. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qoBJVF via IFT...

Expect a Wild Hurricane Season This Year

This year's hurricane season is shaping up to be more active than usual, a forecast from NOAA predicts. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r0SmII via IFT...

'Seal Finger' Worries Prompt Antibiotics After Sea Lion Attack

A young girl who was pulled underwater by sea lion in Canada is now receiving treatment for an infection known as "seal finger," just to be on the safe side, according to news sources. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r1MtNr via IFT...

Vikings Wintered and Planned Raids at 9th-Century English Site

Thousands of Viking warriors spent the winter camped along a river in Lincolnshire, England, in the late ninth century, playing games and preparing for the next raiding season. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qkAdoc via IFT...

Doctor of Baby Poop: Q&A with Author of 'Looking Out for Number Two'

A new book makes understanding baby digestion less of a crap shoot. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r1ys2l via IFT...

Deaths from Alzheimer's Increase 50 Percent

Deaths from Alzheimer's disease are on the rise in the United States. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qgs4Fj via IFT...

Why Sleep Is So Important for People at Risk for Heart Disease

Not getting enough sleep is linked to an increased risk of dying early, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rlPFo6 via IFT...

9 Animals with 'Star Wars'-Inspired Names

Though the process of naming a species has to follow certain rules, there's also room for adding a personal touch — or even a whimsical one. These "Star Wars"-inspired examples are the species you've been looking for. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qnGHlo via IFT...

Enlightening: Meditation May Trigger Unpleasant Experiences

People experience a range of unpleasant feelings — including fear, anxiety and panic — related to meditation, researchers found. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rUyrev via IFT...

Book Excerpt: 'Looking Out for Number Two' (Harper Wave, 2017)

A new book by a pediatric gastroenterologist offers a reassuring (and humorous) perspective on the mysterious effluvia that infants produce. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qk2LOF via IFT...

Photos: Take a Tour of Crater Lake National Park's Natural Wonders

Crater Lake is a caldera lake and is one of the most spectacular natural wonders of North America. Check out these incredible photos of the region. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qT2jJU via IFT...

Celebrate Star Wars' 40th Anniversary with Epic Soundtrack and Encyclopedia [Deal]

While there are hundreds of ways to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Star Wars, below we're listing two of our favorites. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qnpMQ6 via IFT...

Spitting, Tree-Climbing Goats Spread Seeds

Tree-climbing goats in Morocco give their roosts a boost … by spitting the trees' seeds on the ground. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rkRGRN via IFT...

Whales Only Recently Evolved into Giants

The early ancestors of 100-foot-long blue whales were dolphin-sized, according to new research that explains how they and other whale giants got to be so big. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rCv52G via IFT...

4 Squirrels Get Tails Entangled in Bizarre Video (Here's How)

A bizarre video shows four baby squirrels limping along with their tails entangled, likely because they got them stuck in tree sap. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rY8wC7 via IFT...

Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

Keeping Cool: The Science of Sweat

Sweating is the human body’s way to keep cool through the evaporation of liquid released from the sweat glands. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rSAfoo via IFT...

Trouble Sleeping? Air Pollution Could Be the Culprit

People in a new study who lived in areas with high levels of air pollution slept worse. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rVBW3F via IFT...

From 'Magic' Mushrooms to Meth: The ER Rates for Drug Users

Alcohol and marijuana may be the most commonly used recreational drugs in the world, but magic mushrooms appear to be the safest, a new survey finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qlnctP via IFT...

Your Intelligence Genes: 52 and Counting

The genes only explain a small portion of the differences in intelligence among people. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2riCbK3 via IFT...

Marijuana Extract Reduces Seizures in Kids with Rare Disorder

A clinical trial finally supports what anecdotal evidence had suggested for some time. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rVKQ0Z via IFT...

In Images: Meet the Top 10 Newfound Species

A "bleeding" tomato, a "Game of Thrones" ant and others made the list. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rRNtC6 via IFT...

New Map Tracks Germs' Travels Around Hospitals

In a yearlong study, researchers watched bacteria populate a newly opened hospital. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qXlNxg via IFT...

Rip Currents: The Ocean's Deadliest Trick

Each year, rip currents kill more people than sharks or jellyfish or even hurricanes. from Live Science http://ift.tt/VjoCWB via IFT...

Taiwan's Top Court Rules in Favor of Same-Sex Marriage

A ruling by Taiwan's Constitutional Court this morning paves the way for the island to become the first place in Asia to approve same-sex unions. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qcTaxf via IFT...

US Military's XS-1 Space Plane Will Be Built by Boeing (Video)

The U.S. military's new XS-1 space plane will be built by Boeing, and it's called the Phantom Express. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rhSZAH via IFT...

How Accurate Is Your Fitness Tracker, Really?

A new study put seven popular fitness trackers to the test, to check the accuracy of their heart rate and energy expenditure measurements. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qcpqk7 via IFT...

Double First: 19th-Century Book Is 1st with Photos, by 1st Female Photographer

The Rijksmuseum in the Netherlands has acquired a photography first: the first book to be illustrated with photos, by a pioneering female photographer. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qWBR0t via IFT...

Nimble Robot Has Flexible, 3D-Printed Legs | Video

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a soft robot that is capable of walking on rough surfaces, such as sand and pebbles. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qPti96 via IFT...

New Experimental Space Plane Design Released by DARPA | Video

The new design will give the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency the ability to launch within days. The new Experimental Spaceplane (XS-1) is called Phantom Express. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQL0aN via IFT...

9 Craziest Skydives of All Time

A history of risky high-altitude stunts. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2b0OS15 via IFT...

Dragon Ant, Devil Orchid Star in Top 10 Newfound Species

The top 10 highlight global biodiversity — as well as a slew of interesting names. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rTWYjc via IFT...

Pope Francis Gifts Trump His Encyclical on Climate Change

During a meeting today (May 24) at the Vatican, Pope Francis not only urged President Donald Trump to be a peacemaker, but also brought up the need to protect planet Earth — the pope gave the U.S. president his 2015 encyclical on the environment. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qPgcZv via IFT...

Feats of Balance: How Do Flamingos Stand on One Leg?

These birds spend long periods, often asleep, standing on one leg. Is it passive biomechanics or active nervous system control of their muscles that allows them to do easily what's impossible for us? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qUYSTC via IFT...

Hot-Donut Earth? Planet May Once Have Taken on Odd 'Synestia' Form

Earth probably became a "synestia" for a brief period about 4.5 billion years ago. That's the term for a newly proposed cosmic object: a huge, hot, donut-shaped mass of vaporized rock that results from the collision of two planet-size bodies. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qV3KrC via IFT...

Soft 3D-Printed Robot Is Agile Even on Sand and Rocks

A robot with elaborate, 3D-printed legs is able to walk across different types of surfaces, including sand and pebbles. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rgypRm via IFT...

Hunting Big Game: Why People Kill Animals for Fun

What motivates people to hunt wild animals for pleasure, and to display them as trophies? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rPBxR2 via IFT...

Selasa, 23 Mei 2017

Facts About Astatine

Properties, sources and uses of the element astatine. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rxQ1Ic via IFT...

Heat Stroke: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Heat stroke is a very serious medical condition that causes at least 240 deaths in the United States each year. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rOoXkX via IFT...

Sweet Therapy: Chocolate May Help Prevent Irregular Heartbeat

Eating a few ounces of chocolate a week may be a sweet way to lower your risk of atrial fibrillation, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q93rdS via IFT...

Tainted Nacho Cheese: Why Botulism Is So Deadly

A botulism outbreak has killed one man and sickened nine other people who ate nacho cheese sauce contaminated with the toxic bacterial protein. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rNPGOV via IFT...

How Alcohol & Gut Fungus Team Up to Damage Your Liver

Fungi living in the human gut may contribute to the development of alcoholic liver disease. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2reJXVj via IFT...

Robo-Venus Flytrap Could Help Bots Grasp Objects

The artificial Venus flytrap could give soft robots a way to grasp and release objects autonomously, according to scientists. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qdHFBG via IFT...

Less Than 1 Drink Per Day May Raise Your Breast Cancer Risk

Women who can't wait to have their glass of wine at the end of the day, take note: A new report concludes that even one small drink daily can raise a woman's risk of breast cancer. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q8ODvB via IFT...

Catherine the Great: Biography, Accomplishments & Death

Catherine the Great was Russia's longest-ruling female leader. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1ejUaDE via IFT...

Fiction Imitates Horrific Reality in Zombie Sci-Fi Novel | Video

Parasitic fungus turns people into flesh-eating zombies in the chilling new sci-fi novel "The Boy on the Bridge." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rNrnAA via IFT...

Meet the Top 10 Newfound Species of 2016 | Video

The annual list highlights the top 10 newly discovered and named species of the previous year. This year’s list includes new species with bizarre names, unique diets, and more. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qLXi5M via IFT...

Narwhals Use Tusks to Stun Prey, Drone Footage Reveals

New video footage revealed the narwhal tusk's violent purpose. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rNzopc via IFT...

Remains of Mini 'Komodo Dragon' Found in Greece

The last monitor lizard in Europe is discovered. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2re7OEl via IFT...

Watch This Artificial Venus Flytrap Pick Up Tiny Objects | Video

The light-driven artificial Venus flytrap could one day enable soft robots to grasp and release objects autonomously, according to scientists. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q7NiFb via IFT...

What Really Counts as Binge Drinking? | Video

You might be surprised about what health experts consider binge drinking. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qSFa8E via IFT...

Are Cats Responsible for 'Cat Ladies'?

The strange neuroscience of the cat parasite called Toxo. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qSCmsd via IFT...

Freeze-Dried Space Sperm Gives Rise to Healthy Baby Mice

Mouse sperm preserved on the International Space Station for nine months gave rise to healthy pups, a new study finds, suggesting that people could one day reproduce safely in space. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q7wyy4 via IFT...

'Space Aggressors' Train US Forces for Extraterrestrial Conflict

Elite military units are specializing in mock space warfare, as Russia and China develop anti-satellite weaponry. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rw7m4e via IFT...

Zombies in Sci-Fi Novel Have Gruesome Real-World Inspiration

Unlike most of the zombie plagues that populate sci-fi movies and novels, the infectious agent in "The Boy on the Bridge" is grounded in horrific reality. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rcNinR via IFT...

Why Bad Moods Are Good For You

Bad moods and sadness are a normal, and even a useful and adaptive part of being human, helping us cope with many everyday situations and challenges. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rLMOlq via IFT...

Italy's Supervolcano Builds Up Stress — But No Eruption Coming

A large caldera called Campi Flegrei in Naples may be more stressed than previously thought. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rcDpXf via IFT...

New Sunscreen Recommendations for 2017: Here's What to Look For

Not all sunscreens are created equal: Nearly three-quarters of sunscreens are either ineffective or contain chemicals that could harm your health, a new report finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qJLKQG via IFT...

5 Things You Didn't Know About Sunscreen

A stroll down the sunscreen aisle can be a stressful experience. Here's what to keep in mind. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qeDkxh via IFT...

Senin, 22 Mei 2017

Facts About Sunscreen and Sun Protection

Sunscreen is the best line of defense against skin cancer. However, many people aren't using it correctly. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q5w3Vi via IFT...

Chaco Culture: Pueblo Builders of the Southwest

The Chaco Culture flourished between roughly the 9th and 13th centuries A.D. in what is now New Mexico. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qPrvkY via IFT...

Facts About Americium

Properties, sources and uses of the element americium. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rKCryt via IFT...

Jessica Simpson Has an IUD: 7 Things to Know About This Form of Birth Control

Jessica Simpson recently revealed she has an intrauterine device (IUD). Here are some important facts to know about IUDs. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qOEYJT via IFT...

In Science, Good Looks Don't Pay, Study Finds

People make snap judgements about scientists too. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qOxJlg via IFT...

Terrifying Video: Why a Sea Lion Pulled a Little Girl into the Water

Why did a sea lion pull a little girl who was sitting on a dock into the water, only to release her an instant later? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rJNkjV via IFT...

World's Largest Aircraft Completes Successful Test Flight

The Airlander 10, a massive blimp-like aircraft, successfully flew and landed during a reecent test of new improvements. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qdeLkl via IFT...

Why We Probably Can't Use Tech to Become More Moral

Could drugs or devices make people more moral? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ragOdF via IFT...

Intact Spine of Hominin Toddler Revealed for 1st Time

For the first time, researchers have revealed the very complete spine of Selam, a 2.5-year-old Australopithecus afarensis who lived more than 3 million years ago. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qPmcQs via IFT...

Image Gallery: 3-Year-Old Human Ancestor 'Selam' Revealed

The bones of "Selam" suggest early humans were tree climbers. from Live Science http://ift.tt/WqdPau via IFT...

Trump Meets Orb: 5 Interesting Facts About Crystal Balls

From their origins with the Druids to their modern manufacture, here are five facts about crystal balls. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rJw1zu via IFT...

Doomsday Seed Vault to Get Upgrade After Flooding Incident

The permafrost "fail-safe" of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is now becoming a danger. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rao6yj via IFT...

How the Net Neutrality Debate Affects Your Internet

The FCC voted to start dismantling 2015 rules that regulated internet service providers the same way as utilities. So what does that mean for your internet access? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qHSkH7 via IFT...

Swiss Voters Support Renewable Energy and Ban Nuclear

The Swiss voted to ban new nuclear power plants. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rJ7Gd5 via IFT...

Hunter Crushed by Elephant in Zimbabwe

A professional big-game hunter died after he was crushed by a female elephant. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ra1ldv via IFT...

Gender-Confirmation Surgeries on the Rise in US

The number of surgeries done to confirm a person's gender identity, also referred to as sex reassignment surgeries, has increased in recent years. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rIAOBn via IFT...

Nuclear Explosions and Submarine Comms Distort Space Weather Near Earth

Space weather typically refers to charged particles ejected by the sun that can interact with the Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field. However, a new study shows that humans also can change the near-Earth space environment. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rIqjhd via IFT...

'Alien Megastructure' Star Is at It Again with the Strange Dimming

Tabby's star, the mysterious object that has exhibited a perplexing pattern of dimming and brightening, is at it again, and telescopes around the world are heeding the call to gather data on during the event. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qHp8Ad via IFT...

The Wild History of Witch Hunters

Witch-finders of early modern Europe and modern Africa made themselves indispensable by showing people a threat of a growing crisis of threatening evil. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qNZEj6 via IFT...

Could Humans Ever Regenerate a Limb?

If you cut the leg off a salamander, it grows back. Humans, however, can't manage the trick. The reasons are far from simple, and to some extent are still a bit of a mystery. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qGSZsJ via IFT...

British Daredevil Aims to Break 4 World Records in Wingsuit Jumps

A wingsuit pilot is hoping to break four world records in two death-defying jumps from an altitude higher than where commercial airliners fly. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qbENEc via IFT...

Skip the Juice for Babies Under 1, Pediatricians Say

New recommendations from pediatricians set limits on how much juice kids of every age should drink. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qb7DEZ via IFT...

Minggu, 21 Mei 2017

Charles Lindbergh Made Flight History 90 Years Ago, Changing Aviation Forever

American aviator Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean on May 21, 1927, without stopping. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r5FaFs via IFT...

Sabtu, 20 Mei 2017

The Sky's the Limit: 15 Key Milestones in Aviation History

Since people first took to the skies, numerous milestones have marked our progress, as intrepid pioneers tested the limits of how far and how fast we could fly. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qIu9qJ via IFT...

Tale of 2 Tails: Why Do Sharks and Whales Swim So Differently?

The graceful whale swims by undulating its wide tail up and down, while the shark swims by moving its tail side to side. Why the difference? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rDE2F4 via IFT...

Jumat, 19 Mei 2017

The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week

Here are the most interesting, amazing and unusual things that happened in the world of science this week. A recap of Live Science's best. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1Pgf3MV via IFT...

Sunburn: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sunburn is serious. Millions of people in the United States are treated for skin cancer every year. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rB0Vdd via IFT...

Is the Baby Coming? | 6 Signs of Labor

Every labor story is different, but there are definitely signs that can let you know if you are in the early stages of labor. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1h1viBo via IFT...

3D-Printed Ovaries Offer Promise as Infertility Treatment

In a promising development for a future fertility treatment, a female mouse with synthetic ovaries that were created on a 3D-printer conceived and gave birth to healthy baby mice. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qCWzEy via IFT...

This 'Alien' Coloring Book Promises Out-of-This-World Experience [Deal]

Titan Books is now selling their 80-page homage to the popular horror/sci-fi franchise, "Alien: The Coloring Book." It's the official coloring book of the sci-fi series. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q4ZGB3 via IFT...

The 4 Types of Exercise Every Person Needs | Video

When it comes to exercise, it's not just about cardio. Here are the four types of exercise that improve a person's overall physical fitness. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r1b7Pn via IFT...

How Regular Exercise May Make Your Body 'Younger'

High levels of exercise may keep your cells looking young, new research finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qG3ZF3 via IFT...

Superhot 'Dragon's Breath' Chili Pepper Can Kill. Here's How

Death by chili pepper may not be a common way to die, but it's certainly a possibility for unlucky souls adventurous enough to try Dragon's Breath, the new hottest pepper in town. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r0W2gG via IFT...

Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Carving Found in Looting Hole

A block that bears the symbol of the ancient Egyptian King Nectanebo II was recovered in Abydos. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q4hnRa via IFT...

13 Famous People Who Believe in Aliens

From pop stars to actors to politicians, here are some famous people think E.T. is out there. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qzHm6x via IFT...

8 Weird Things People Have Swallowed

People have swallowed all sorts of weird objects, from household items to tech gadgets. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1rIdC5b via IFT...

'ExoCube' Kickstarter Wants Your Help in the Search for Alien Life

A team of astronomers needs your help with the hunt for alien life, and they're offering some pretty cool exoplanet swag in return. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rzKq0Z via IFT...

Can Humans Smell Beauty?

Researchers surveying 30 years of studies on attraction found that olfactory and acoustic factors played a major role in attractiveness. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qBRigl via IFT...

Meet the 'Cyclops Kid': One-Eyed Goat Born in India

A goat with one large eye in the middle of its forehead, a birth defect caused by cyclopia, was born in a village in Assam, India, on May 10. Here's what causes the condition. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r0qHdJ via IFT...

Mouse with 3D-printed Ovaries Gives Birth to Healthy Pups | Video

from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q4fxQx via IFT...

Drowned City: Jordan to Search for Ancient Site's Underwater Remains

Archaeologists will search for offshore remains of Ayla, an early Islamic city in modern-day Aqaba, Jordan. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q0z4Cg via IFT...

Why Women Vary So Much in What They Find Offensive

What women think of as an intrusive behavior on the part of men in one country may be different in another country. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qBcOSD via IFT...

Adorable 'Panda' Porpoise Could Go Extinct As Soon As 2018

Only about 30 vaquitas are left in the wild. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q0qYcu via IFT...

Device Purifies Air and Creates Energy All at the Same Time

A small innovation could have a big impact on air pollution. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ryXeVl via IFT...

Kamis, 18 Mei 2017

'Truly Chilling': US Satellites Vulnerable to Enemy Attack, Ted Cruz Says

The United States' critical satellite infrastructure is vulnerable to attack by increasingly capable adversaries, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, warned Tuesday (May 16). from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qXWo7B via IFT...

Trying to Conceive: 12 Tips for Men

There are several things a man can do to increase the chances that he will get a woman pregnant. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1lRG0cB via IFT...

What is THC?

THC is the main mind-altering ingredient found in the Cannabis plant. from Live Science http://ift.tt/19MymxD via IFT...

Marijuana: Facts About Cannabis

Cannabis, or marijuana, is one of the oldest psychoactive substances. It is often smoked, brewed or eaten for its medicinal and recreational effects. from Live Science http://ift.tt/17w0SwN via IFT...

Strange Snail Love Triangle Leaves 'Lefty' Jeremy Without a Partner

It may sound like the plot of a twisted romantic comedy, but after a public campaign to find Jeremy — a snail with a rare left-spiraling shell — another "lefty" partner, the poor snail is still looking for love. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qC5kwF via IFT...

Photos: 'Lefty'-Shelled Snails Have 'Righty' Babies

Jeremy is a rare snail, and despite many efforts by his caretakers, he is still looking for love. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pQDDTq via IFT...

Fidget Toys Aren't Just Hype

Fidget items can have practical uses that help people calm down and stay focused. The problem with spinners may be that they require visual attention, which can distract users and others nearby. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qwwbM9 via IFT...

Drone Footage Solves Mystery Purpose of Narwhal’s ‘Unicorn’ Tusk | Video

Researchers observed wild narwhals using their tusks to hunt fish, hitting and stunning them to make the fish easier to consume. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qBVRp7 via IFT...

Scientists Craft Caterpillar 'Dummies' To Tempt Predators | Video

Researchers modeled thousands of clay caterpillars to tempt insect-eating predators and study global feeding patterns. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q1cqsv via IFT...

Ebola Survivor's Blood Could Lead to Future Vaccine

Blood from one survivor of the West African Ebola outbreak contains remarkable antibodies. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q1knh7 via IFT...

NASA's IceBridge Mission Ends Its 'Best Year Ever'

The 2017 spring campaign was "the most ambitious" data-collection mission over Greenland yet. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qBuATn via IFT...

Why Are Thousands of Clay Caterpillars Swarming the Globe?

Scientific discovery takes patience, determination, focus and perseverance. And sometimes it also takes 2,879 Plasticine caterpillars. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rvP4MQ via IFT...

'Crypto' Parasite Top Culprit for Pool-Related Illnesses

If you got sick from swimming in a pool last summer, there's a good chance it was due to a tiny parasite called Cryptosporidium. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rvFGcK via IFT...

Stained-Glass Earth: Huge Foam Threads Glisten in New Satellite Image

Huge threads of foam that formed in a lagoon near the Caspian Sea look gorgeous in a new satellite image. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pPdBAa via IFT...

Ultrathin Loudspeaker-Mic Also Generates Energy from Motion

Researchers have developed a sheet-like device that acts as a loudspeaker and microphone and can generate energy from human motion. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rvz9yY via IFT...

How Scientists Created a Paper-Thin Loudspeaker | Video

Researchers demonstrate how they created a flag that acts as a loudspeaker and microphone and can generate energy from human motion. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qWfKtH via IFT...

Cremated Remains Set to Launch Toward the Heavens on SpaceX Rocket Next Year

If a celestial memorial seems fitting for a deceased loved one, you may consider sending their ashes into the heavens aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pOyuv7 via IFT...

Russian Rocket Chief Throws Some Shade on Elon Musk's Moon Plan

The head of Russia's most prominent spaceflight company questioned whether Elon Musk's SpaceX will be able to launch people around the moon next year and said Russia plans to revive tourism flights to the International Space Station by 2020. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rhXavS via IFT...

How Does 'Kinetic' Sand Work?

A mesmerizing material called "kinetic sand," which can be molded like clay but also somehow feels silky, is enjoyable for kids and adults alike. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pWFkea via IFT...

How Do Scientists Search for Extraterrestrial Life?

The search for signs of extraterrestrial life extends from eavesdropping on radio signals, to observing the atmospheres on distant worlds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rifFR8 via IFT...

The 'Charlie Sheen Effect': Surge Seen in HIV Test Sales

Actor Charlie Sheen's disclosure that he is HIV positive appears to have had a striking effect on sales of home HIV testing kits. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rhxr6V via IFT...

Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Are Ghosts Real? — Evidence Has Not Materialized

Ghost hunters like to believe that ghosts exist, but science and logic are ghost busters. from Live Science http://ift.tt/ZcZEmR via IFT...

Sleeping for Two: Sleep Changes During Pregnancy

The physical discomforts of pregnancy as well as the emotional stress of this major life change can cause sleep problems and keep a mother-to-be awake at night. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1EKJYzk via IFT...

In Treadmill Study, Polar Bear Steps Up | Video

Researchers put a polar bear on a treadmill at the San Diego Zoo, to better understand the energy demands faced by bears in a warming Arctic. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qt0JOF via IFT...

Combining Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Works Best for Older Adults

People who are both elderly and obese face a tough conundrum: Weight loss is important for health, but weight loss can also lead to a decline in muscle mass. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pUUCzR via IFT...

How Robots Acting Randomly Can Help Speed Human Problem-Solving

Robots that occasionally act randomly can help groups of humans solve collective-action problems faster, new research has shown. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qtPBBF via IFT...

Orangutans Are Champion Nursers | Video

New tooth analysis finds that baby orangutans nurse for more than 8 years, more than half their childhoods. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rsmpJj via IFT...

'Extreme' Binge Drinking Is on the Rise in the US

Millions of Americans say they engage in extreme binge drinking — or downing at least eight to 10 drinks containing alcohol on a single occasion. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rs9YMT via IFT...

Sweating the Details: Polar Bear Hits the Treadmill for Science

A polar bear at the San Diego Zoo named Tatqiq recently went the extra mile to help scientific research. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qtrliS via IFT...

Anti-Vax Efforts Help Measles Take Hold | Video

Recent measles outbreaks in the U.S. can be traced to anti-vaccination campaigns linking vaccines to autism, which discourages immunization. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pLUqae via IFT...

Orangutans Nurse Their Babies For 8 Years

Orangutans nurse for a huge chunk of their babies' childhoods, especially when fruit gets scarce. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qSaEPc via IFT...

Antikythera Anniversary: Astronomical Computer Still Puzzles After 115 Years

Today's Google Doodle honors an intricate and mysterious astronomical computer found at the bottom of the Aegean Sea aboard a Roman cargo ship in 1902. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pWMeiH via IFT...

Stretchy Holograms Could Power 3D, Morphing Projections

Almost all holograms contain a recording of just a single image, but now scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have built a hologram on stretchy material that can hold several images. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qs0Vhe via IFT...

T. Rex Ants Turn Out to Be Timid | Video

An ant named after a fearsome dinosaur turns out to be kind of a softie. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pU1FZK via IFT...

'Scrotum Frog' Tadpoles Hatch For 1st Time in North America

Critically endangered Lake Titicaca tadpoles hatch in Denver. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pW535H via IFT...

Towering Rock Once Hidden Beneath Earth Seen from Space

The last vestiges of an ancient volcano are visible from orbit. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pTgvjn via IFT...

How Did Pluto Get Its 'Whale'?

Some scientists believe Pluto's red "whale"-shaped region is the mark of a giant impact — the same one that produced Pluto's huge moon Charon. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qQT5iz via IFT...

Beyond Fidget Spinners: 10 Ways to Help Kids Concentrate

What's the best way to help children concentrate? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qrHFAW via IFT...

'Winged Serpent' Fossil Found in 5-Million-Year-Old Sinkhole

The fossilized remains of an ancient "winged serpent" were discovered among hundreds of other snake bones. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rquhv0 via IFT...

T. Rex Could Pulverize Bones with a Force of Nearly 8,000 Pounds

Tyrannosaurus rex could gnash and chomp its teeth together with such force that it could easily pulverize the bones of its prey, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rpTxAD via IFT...

Selasa, 16 Mei 2017

Teen's Death: How Caffeine Can Kill a Healthy Person

A teen in South Carolina has died after drinking three caffeinated beverages in a short period of time. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pRHDyT via IFT...

Hubby's Dislike of Wife's Friends Linked to Greater Divorce Risk

Divorce is more likely when husbands disapprove of their wives' friends or think they're interfering. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rcFXnS via IFT...

What the Higgs Is Going on with Mass?

By now, most people have heard the refrain: "The Higgs boson creates mass." But the reality is a bit more complicated than that. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pHEQwb via IFT...

NASA Awards $100,000 in 3D-Printing Habitat Competition

The first printing segment of NASA's 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge is now complete, and the U.S. space agency has awarded $100,000 to the winning two teams. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rnImbp via IFT...

Fearsome Armored Dino 'Frozen in Time' for 110 Million Years | Video

A 110-million-year-old, statuesque and spiky nodosaur is the best-preserved armored dinosaur on record. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qp001m via IFT...

Cannibal 'T. Rex' Ants Seen Live for 1st Time Ever (and They're Shy)

The first-ever observations of the rare T. rex ant in action reveal a secretive, timid species, albeit a cannibal. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qoPXsF via IFT...

Turtle Triumph: Nine New Cambodian Royal Turtles Hatch

Nine hatchlings raise hope for the critically endangered Royal Turtle. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rnujU9 via IFT...

Fidget Spinners: What They Are, How They Work and Why the Controversy

Fidget spinners are delighting kids and driving teachers up the wall. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2oZjOUB via IFT...

What Is Gluten Sensitivity? | Video

How is gluten sensitivity different from celiac disease? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qo8fKC via IFT...

Sea Star Chows Down on Unusual Dinner in New Video

The sea star finds its dinner where it can. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qsiqMI via IFT...

Incredible! Most Well-Preserved Armored Dinosaur Was a 'Spiky Tank'

A spiky, tank-like dinosaur discovered in a Canadian mine is so well-preserved, it looks as if the fossilized creature were frozen in time for 110 million years. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qnMxa2 via IFT...

Sea Star Dines On Unusual Dinner | Video

A Researchers aboard the Okeanos Explorer recently captured video of the unusual behavior of a sea star eating a crinoid. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pSHHh7 via IFT...

Measles in Minnesota: Outbreak Linked to Anti-Vax Efforts | Video

In Minnesota, a recent measles outbreak can be traced to anti-vaccination efforts that discouraged immunization. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qnNXRv via IFT...

Fidget Spinners Renew Focus on Kids' Attention Spans

Fidget spinners are one of the year's hottest toys, and while the devices can be a distraction in the classroom, they seem to be sparking a conversation about how to help kids pay attention, experts say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qntE6K via IFT...

A Cloud 'Tide' Fills the Grand Canyon in Gorgeous Time-Lapse Video

Time-lapse images recently captured an incredible sight — a "tide" of clouds rolling in to fill up the Grand Canyon. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pS7E0s via IFT...

The Search for Life on Mars Is About to Get Weird

Astrobiologists ponder sending gene sequencers, weather stations, drilling rigs and more to the Red Planet from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qnl1tm via IFT...

Search Begins for Roman Emperor's Legendary Party Ships

Caligula's luxury boats disappeared long ago, but Italian authorities are searching a lake southeast of Rome for any remains of his "orgy ships." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pQyJ4Q via IFT...

Senin, 15 Mei 2017

Diarrhea: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Diarrhea is one of the most commonly reported ailments in the United States. It can be caused by parasites, viruses or bacteria. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1hFMfm7 via IFT...

Denali: Facts About North America's Tallest Mountain

Denali, formerly known as Mount McKinley, rises more than 20,000 feet above sea level. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1w0Si5P via IFT...

Mysterious Light Flashes 1st Spotted by Carl Sagan Explained

Mysterious flashes of light shown in images of Earth from space come from ice crystals lodged high in the atmosphere, new research suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ql6COr via IFT...

Robotic Exosuits Help Workers Lift Heavy Loads

Mechanical exoskeletons help Lowe's workers lift and move heavy objects. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pOS0U5 via IFT...

In Year 1 Million, What Will Humanity Look Like?

In the year 1 million, humans might still exist — but they won't be like humans today. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qlBnCn via IFT...

To Avoid Being Eaten, Tadpoles Aren't Choosy About Escape Vehicle

Researchers have now found that abandoned tadpoles don’t wait for their father to return, because they run the risk of getting eaten by cannibalistic siblings. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pDOCiY via IFT...

Giant 'Lava Lamp' Inside Earth May Cause Magnetic Poles to Flip

Geoscientists have discovered that regions on top of the Earth's core could behave like giant lava lamps, with blobs of rock periodically rising and falling deep inside our planet. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qkWC7C via IFT...

'Star Wars' Names Race Up Popular Baby Name Charts | Video

Names like Kylo, Rey and even Jedi are racing up the charts, while other pop culture names like Zayn also rise in popularity. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qoQuJq via IFT...

One of the World's Most Remote Islands Is Also the Most Polluted

This UNESCO World Heritage Site is covered in plastic. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qlc6bj via IFT...

Glints of Light on Earth Captured from Million Miles Away | Video

The Deep Space Climate Observatory’s (DSCOVR) Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) has captured specks of light reflecting off ice particles in Earth’s atmosphere on several occasions. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ql2GN1 via IFT...

Baby Kylo: 'Star Wars' Names Raced Up the Charts in 2016

Some of the fastest-rising baby names of 2016 were inspired by Star Wars characters – even the evil ones. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qoA2ct via IFT...

Top 10 Baby Names of 2016

From Liam to Emma, here are the most popular baby names for children born in the United States in 2016. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pD98Ao via IFT...

Lowe’s Workers Test Robotic Suits | Video

Engineers and designers at Lowe’s Innovation Labs and Virginia Tech partnered to create a wearable robotic suit that can help hardware store employees safely lift heavy loads. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qkif7R via IFT...

Life Among the Stars? Tiny Interstellar Probes May Test 'Panspermia' Idea

Some of the first spacecraft that humanity sends to other solar systems may carry microscopic ambassadors from Earth. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qnBAn3 via IFT...

Measles Outbreak Caused by Anti-Vax Campaign, Officials Say

A recent measles outbreak that has so far sickened over 50 Somali-Americans in Minnesota can be traced to anti-vaccination campaigns. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qnqCOg via IFT...

Comet 67P Produces Its Own Oxygen in Deep Space

The finding shows that oxygen can be generated in space without the need for life, and could influence how researchers search for signs of life on exoplanets. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ri7lh5 via IFT...

Students Design Ways to Mine the Moon for Rocket Fuel

To get us to Mars and beyond, a team of students from around the world has a plan involving lunar rovers mining ice and a space station between the Earth and the moon. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pOjqZt via IFT...

Minggu, 14 Mei 2017

Elon Musk Demos Futuristic Car-Transporting Sled

Elon Musk posted a prototype of a super-fast electric sled to fast-track cars through underground tunnels in Los Angeles. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pL4FaI via IFT...

10 Animal Mothers That Carry Babies on Their Backs

A surprising variety of animals "piggyback" their young. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2py8zb8 via IFT...

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

Awww! 12 Incredible Interspecies Moms in the Animal Kingdom

Some animals' maternal instincts go beyond the bounds of their species. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rcRQHd via IFT...

Underground Catacomb Filled with Mummies Discovered in Egypt

Archaeologists have discovered an underground catacomb containing numerous mummy-filled corridors at an ancient cemetery at the site of Tuna el-Gebel in Egypt. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qg7pxO via IFT...

Animal Moms Have It Tough! 8 Extreme Creature Births

Giving birth to the next generation can be an extreme event for mothers in the animal kingdom. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pIONEJ via IFT...

Jumat, 12 Mei 2017

The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week

Here are the most interesting, amazing and unusual things that happened in the world of science this week. A recap of Live Science's best. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1Pgf3MV via IFT...

Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week

Here are the stories behind the most amazing images in the world of science this week. A recap of the coolest photos featured on Live Science. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1dD6fox via IFT...

Cucumbers: Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts

Few foods are as cool as a cucumber, which is low in calories and high in valuable nutrients. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1J3sZvj via IFT...

Facts About Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a geological wonder and one of the most famous waterfalls in the world. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pHpHqW via IFT...

Mystery Sea Monster? Nope, Just a Dead, Stinky Whale

A decomposing sea monster that washed ashore on a remote Indonesia beach is probably a baleen whale that died from either trauma or infection, researchers speculated. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qBH2p4 via IFT...

15 'Toddler' Great White Sharks Swarm Near Paddleboarders

A group of more than a dozen great white sharks were spotted swimming in the surf off a Southern California beach, but beachgoers shouldn't panic, say shark experts. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pHda6D via IFT...

Rainbow-Colored, Animated Temperature Spiral Gets an Update

A year ago, climate scientist Ed Hawkins unveiled a climate visual that wowed the world: an animated spiral showing the inexorable rise of global temperatures thanks to humanity's release of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qeo59c via IFT...

Drones Past and Present on Display: In Photos

Images of drones featured in the new Intrepid Museum exhibit, “Drones: Is the Sky the Limit?” highlight their uses in research, defense, agriculture and art. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ptdSbI via IFT...

Homo Naledi in Photos: Images of the Small-Brained Human Relative

See photos of the primitive-looking relative to modern humans. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r992Ni via IFT...

Man Contracts Gut Parasite After Eating Sushi

A 32-year-old man in Portugal went to the hospital after experiencing stomach pain, vomiting and fever. The culprit? A parasitic worm called Anisakis in the sushi he had just eaten. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pGuDeD via IFT...

Small-Brained Human Cousin Was Surprisingly Smart

Paleoanthropologists now also say a primitive-looking relative to modern humans was likely much smarter than the current understanding of the primitive hominins would suggest. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qa3STF via IFT...

Rare Page from England’s First Printer Found in Library | Video

A rare, 540-year-old page from a medieval priests’ handbook that dates back to the earliest days of book printing in England was discovered in a library at the University of Reading. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r8vFkE via IFT...

Thanking 'Cigars and God,' Oldest US Vet Turns 111

The oldest verified surviving U.S. war veteran, Richard Overton, turned 111 years old yesterday (May 11), and he credits cigars and God for his supercentenarian life. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qdNaRp via IFT...

'Drones' Exhibit Takes Flight at the Intrepid Museum | Video

The past, present and future of drones are on display in "Drones: Is the Sky the Limit?", a new exhibit at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r1T22Z via IFT...

540-Year-Old Page from Medieval Priests’ Handbook Discovered

The page was ripped from a priests' handbook hundreds of years ago, and it could be one of England's oldest fragments of printed text. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pt2PiO via IFT...

Water, Weird Clouds Found on Alien 'Warm Neptune'

Astronomers have detected water vapor and evidence of exotic clouds in the atmosphere of a Neptune-mass planet known as HAT-P-26b. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qcIGdQ via IFT...

Which Came First? Sleep Problems or Anxiety

There's a strong link between anxiety and depression, and sleep problems, and it goes both ways. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qae2U1 via IFT...

Famed Tree-Climbing Lions Running Low on Prey

A rare group of tree-climbing lions living in Uganda must range farther and farther to find enough prey to survive, a new study found. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pFRFDj via IFT...

Hidden Landforms Beneath Antarctica Contribute to Ice Sheet's Melting

Giant sediment ridges about the size of the Eiffel Tower are carving the ice sheet from below. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r0EiBu via IFT...

New Drones Exhibit Has It All: Cool Tech, Games and Science

Live Science peeks at a new exhibit at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum called "Drones: Is the Sky the Limit?" from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r7rLbT via IFT...

Kamis, 11 Mei 2017

Binge Drinking Common Among U.S. High Schoolers

About one-third of U.S. high schoolers say they drink alcohol, and one in six say they binge drink, according to a new report. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q8sBYq via IFT...

Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril): Dosage & Side Effects

Cyclobenzaprine is a prescription medication that is used as a muscle relaxant. It is intended for short-term use, and should be used with other medications. from Live Science http://ift.tt/IpBval via IFT...

Hepatitis C Cases Triple and Opioid Crisis Is Mainly to Blame

Cases of hepatitis C have tripled over a five-year span, thanks in large part to the exploding opioid epidemic, which leads to IV drug use. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r7zbgb via IFT...

Baby Endangered Royal Turtles Hatch in Cambodia | Video

Conservationists recently announced the successful hatching of nine Cambodian Royal Turtle babies, offering hope for the critically endangered population. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r5ooSY via IFT...

How 450-Million-Year-Old Bacteria Evolved into a Dangerous Superbug

A dangerous bacteria found in hospitals might have originated from an ancestor that lived in the guts of the first animals to walk on land. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r4Un5x via IFT...

3D-Printed 'Eyes' Could Help Blind Children's Faces Grow Naturally

Researchers used a 3D printer to create eye-like structures to help the faces of kids who are missing eyes to grow naturally and symmetrically. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pDUVPy via IFT...

'Alien: Covenant In Utero' Lets You Experience a Neomorph Birth in VR

The team behind the upcoming "Alien: Covenant" - the latest entry in Ridley Scott's "Alien" science fiction franchise - has released a virtual reality video experience that shows exactly what it's like to be one of the space horror film's neomorph aliens. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6oAlr via IFT...

People Smell Great! Human Sniffers Sensitive as Dogs'

Turns out, humans are better at smelling than we thought. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qwGUYe via IFT...

Orcas May Be Eating Great White Sharks' Livers | Video

Orcas are thought to be the culprits behind the deaths of three great white sharks found dead and liverless in South Africa. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6FnFd via IFT...

Cotton Swabs Send 34 Kids to the ER Every Day

Don't put it in your ear! Cotton swabs cause thousands of injuries. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pC2pBM via IFT...

What Is Intelligence? 20 Years After Deep Blue, AI Still Can't Think Like Humans

Twenty years ago, IBM computer Deep Blue beat the world's greatest chess player in a first for machines. How far has artificial intelligence come since then? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2poqkcG via IFT...

What's Behind the Fidget Spinner Fad?

Adults are dumbfounded by the popularity of these spinning things, and according to an expert on fads, that's probably the point. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r5QvC0 via IFT...

After the Flood: Author Kim Stanley Robinson Describes Future NYC Underwater

Space.com talked with author Kim Stanley Robinson about how he developed his vision of a drowned New York, his thoughts on climate change and what role fiction has to play in determining what humans do next. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q67PsT via IFT...

Burial Chamber of Royal Princess Possibly Found in Ancient Egypt Pyramid

The burial chamber of a royal princess was possibly discovered in a 3,800-year-old pyramid in Dahshur, Egypt, archaeologists say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qXM3bf via IFT...

Deep Blue vs. Garry Kasparov: 20th Anniversary of Epic Chess Match

Today marks the 20th anniversary of an epic chess match between IBM's computer Deep Blue and world chess champion Garry Kasparov. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qw7JeO via IFT...

Can a 'Poop Transplant' Change Your Weight?

Studies in mice have garnered attention for a remarkable result: When the feces of one mouse was transplanted to another mouse, the recipient mouse either gained or lost weight. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r5IfSB via IFT...

Weird Ants Have Hairy Blobs for Babies

Trap-jaw-ant babies look totally bizarre. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q6oRXr via IFT...

In Photos: Trap-Jaw Ant Babies Grow Up

Here's a look at the gruesome details of how a trap-jaw ant larvae goes through its stages of development, from a hairy blobs that hang nest walls to baby ants with mandibles that snap shut on prey. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pC7r1X via IFT...

3 Dead, Liverless Sharks Wash Ashore in Weird Whodunit

In a strange case of extremely picky eating, orcas off the coast of South Africa are killing great white sharks, but the killer whales are chowing down only on the sharks' livers and, in some cases, their hearts, researchers say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pAAiD3 via IFT...

Photos: Orcas Are Chowing Down on Great-White-Shark Organs

When three great white sharks mysteriously washed ashore along the coast of South Africa, researchers weren't sure what to think. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qXfU3B via IFT...

Laser-Printed Nanotech Makes Colors That Never Fade

Laser printers that "sculpt" images at miniscule scales could one day make color photos that don't fade over time the way ink does, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q8FgJe via IFT...

Rabu, 10 Mei 2017

Watermelon: Health Benefits, Risks & Nutrition Facts

Watermelons may be mostly water but these refreshing fruits are soaked with nutrients. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1pGd4X1 via IFT...

Lava Waves Behind Jupiter Moon Io’s Temperature Changes? | Video

A new study of Io’s lava lake Loki Patera suggests that overturning lava explains the temperature changes observed by the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory in Arizona. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q6BRun via IFT...

Wedding Fireworks Ruptured Man's Eardrums

Celebratory fireworks at a wedding led to the rupturing of both of a man’s eardrums, according to a brief report of the man's case. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qt8FRp via IFT...

Ammonite 'Death Drag' Preserved in Stone | Video

After death, a Jurassic ammonite was dragged 28 feet (8.5 meters) by a gentle sea current. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qUtogI via IFT...

7,000 Bodies Found Under University Campus | Video

The Mississippi State Insane Hospital admitted about 35,000 patients between 1855 and 1935, and about 9,000 of them died there. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q48avT via IFT...

Why Multitasking Harms Your Productivity

Researchers looked at what happens in the brain when the process of gathering information and absorbing it is interrupted. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pkTIkh via IFT...

Taking ADHD Medications May Help Reduce Car Accidents

Adults with ADHD may be safer behind the wheel if they've taken their meds, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q3Rwfm via IFT...

New Battery Could Power Electric Cars 620 Miles on Single Charge

The redesigned battery could ease people's "range anxiety" when it comes to electric cars. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pAlXHD via IFT...

Jurassic Creature Preserved with Own 'Death Drag'

A 28-foot-long (8.5 meters) drag mark ends with the fossil of the animal that made it. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pxG0pg via IFT...

Glacier National Park Is Losing Its Glaciers

Over the past 50 years, 39 of the park's glaciers have shrunk dramatically, some by as much as 85 percent. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pxAXFn via IFT...

World War I Battle Artifacts Unearthed in Israel

A cache of artillery shells, shrapnel and other military artifacts unearthed in Israel reveal the history of a World War I battle between the Turks and the British. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qTHn6k via IFT...

Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Exercise

President Donald Trump reportedly eschews exercise because he believes it drains the body's "finite" energy resources, but experts say this argument is flawed. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qTtQfi via IFT...

In Photos: Thousands of Asylum Patients' Bodies Buried Under University of Mississippi Campus

Recent radar scans revealed as many as 7,000 bodies buried on the grounds of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, where a formal state mental institution once stood. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pzVutR via IFT...

Blasphemy Laws Are More Widespread Than You Might Think

Many in the West treat blasphemy as an obsolete concept. A scholar argues that blasphemy laws in the West suggest otherwise, while also sharing common features with such laws in the Muslim world. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qxWm33 via IFT...

Buried Secrets: 7,000 Bodies Lie Beneath Former 'Insane Hospital'

An estimated 7,000 bodies are thought to be buried under The University of Mississippi Medical Center, according to radar scans of the campus grounds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r1Zy70 via IFT...

Rare 'Dragon-Skin' Ice Spotted During Antarctic Research Voyage

"Dragon skin" had not been seen in Antarctica since 2007, according to researchers. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pwPNMs via IFT...

Ankylosaurus: Facts About the Armored Lizard

Thick plates protected this massive dinosaur from predators. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1CcYpeU via IFT...

Hanford Disaster: What Happens to Someone Who's Exposed to Plutonium?

A nuclear-waste tunnel collapse might have released radioactive substances, such as plutonium, into the area near the Hanford nuclear facility, which could be dangerous for the people nearby. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pyY9DW via IFT...

Hooked on the Shadow: 'Mr. Eclipse' Shares Tips for the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

Space.com caught up with Mr. Eclipse to hear about his very first eclipse, his crucial tips for eclipse-viewing newcomers and — most importantly — what he'll do if it's looking like rain before the Aug. 21 event. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pvJXL2 via IFT...

Hidden, Briny Heart of Antarctica's 'Blood Falls' Uncovered

New research links a striking red waterfall in Antarctica to underground brines. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pyIyEr via IFT...

Photos: See the Armored Dinosaur Named for Zuul from 'Ghostbusters'

An armored dinosaur known as an ankylosaurus looked so much like Zuul from the 1984 movie "Ghostbusters" that paleontologists made the monster the dinosaur's namesake. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q5gGcb via IFT...

Spiky Ankylosaurus Looks Like Monster from 'Ghostbusters'

What's as long as a pickup truck, as heavy as a white rhinoceros and as weird-looking as Zuul, the monster from the 1984 "Ghostbusters" movie? A newfound species of ankylosaurus. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qpitLV via IFT...

North Korea: A Hermit Country from Above (Photos)

Images of North Korea snapped from NASA satellites reveal interesting details about the country, including the stark difference between the GDP of South and North Korea, and its economic and other development. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q2K6tB via IFT...

Selasa, 09 Mei 2017

Zuul Lives! New Dino Looks Like 'Ghostbusters' Monster | Video

A newfound species of ankylosaurus — an armored dinosaur with a weaponized tail — reminded researchers of the monster from the 1984 movie "Ghostbusters," so they named the dino Zuul. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ptRGt6 via IFT...

Adrenal Glands: Facts, Function & Disease

The adrenal glands affect metabolism, blood pressure, the immune system, sex hormones and the body’s response to stress. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q1N4hB via IFT...

Brad Pitt Goes Sober: Why It's So Tough to Quit Alcohol

Only a small fraction of people with an alcohol use disorder manage to stop drinking. Here's a look at what happens in the brain. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q02HpH via IFT...

Gin Recall: What Does Drinking 77 Percent Alcohol Do to You?

Canadian authorities recalled the overly potent gin, which had nearly twice the alcohol advertised. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q3TD1r via IFT...

Why Fitness (Not Just How Much You Exercise) Matters in Cancer Risk

A person's overall cardiorespiratory fitness is linked to his or her risk of developing precancerous polyps in the colon, which can grow into colon cancer, a new study from Singapore found. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pwr8bA via IFT...

Onions: Health Benefits, Health Risks & Nutrition Facts

Onions have layers and layers of health benefits. Some of the nutrients in onions may help promote heart health, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk of cancer. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1jmVo17 via IFT...

Celiac Disease Linked to Higher Risk of Pneumonia

People with celiac disease may face an increased risk of pneumococcal infections, a new meta-analysis finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qYsL2V via IFT...

Science Movies on Netflix in May

Catch a whiff of the fresh science movies, documentaries and television shows springing up on Netflix in May. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2nStOC3 via IFT...

Does LSD 'Microdosing' Really Work? Study Aims to Find Out

Researchers in the United Kingdom say they plan to conduct the first rigorous scientific study on the effectiveness of microdosing. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pYQbXj via IFT...

Photos: Fossilized Dino Embryo Is New Oviraptorosaur Species

In 1992, a Chinese farmer discovered an extraordinary fossil: the embryo of a rare and giant bird-like dinosaur that lived 90 million years ago. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q0qLZE via IFT...

Embryo of Giant Dinosaur Was Preserved for 90 Million Years

About 90 million years ago, a gigantic bird-like dinosaur with a toothless beak and a crest atop its head laid a clutch of enormous eggs. At least one of these eggs never hatched, but rather became the first and only one of its species on record to fossi from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q0yjf8 via IFT...

Hexagon Eye of Saturn Stares into Space in Stunning Photo

Saturn's bizarre "eye" — the ringed planet's north polar vortex and surrounding hexagonal jet stream — stares impassively out into space in an amazing photo by NASA's Saturn-orbiting Cassini probe. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2q2IRrX via IFT...

Mega-Quakes Can Cause Earth’s Crust to Rip Open and Snap Shut

Like a crocodile's jaw opening and snapping shut, Earth's crust can rip apart and then violently close back up during an earthquake, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pvLZLZ via IFT...

Oldest Evidence of Life on Earth Possibly Found in Australian Rocks

The oldest traces of life on Earth may have been found in 3.48-billion-year-old rocks from Australia. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qYbh6B via IFT...

'Baby Louie,' the Fossilized Dinosaur Embryo | Video

A fossilized dinosaur embryo from China is proof that a previously unknown species of giant oviraptorosaur lived about 90 million years ago. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pvken3 via IFT...

Dead Orca Contained Highest Levels of Toxins Ever Recorded in a Whale

This could be the world's most polluted whale. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qYd8bG via IFT...

Australia Incinerates 'Irreplaceable' Plant Specimens After Paperwork Error

During the time that the paperwork was being sorted out, the collection was destroyed. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qmVr8F via IFT...

'Stone Animal' Lake Seen from Space in All Its Crimson Glory

Lake Natron's bizarre chemistry leads to beautiful colors. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pg20d7 via IFT...

Can a 12-Year-Old Really Be Smarter Than Einstein?

A 12-year-old in England scored 162 on a Mensa IQ test, putting her in the top 99.998 percentile of test takers of her age. But what does a high intelligence mean? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qm2QoR via IFT...

In Photos: Ancient Egyptian Tombs Decorated with Creatures

Archaeologists have discovered 4,000-year-old tombs in an Egyptian cemetery and the tomb walls are decorated with creatures, including a leashed Egyptian mongoose and a colorful pelican. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2puxgkC via IFT...

Tomb Drawing Shows Mongoose on a Leash, Puzzling Archaeologists

A mongoose on a leash, a colorful pelican and various bats are just a few of the rare animal drawings revealed in a new survey of 4,000-year-old tombs in Egypt. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qlGrrt via IFT...

Energy Drinks May Be Risky for People with Genetic Heart Condition

Consuming energy drinks may be particularly risky for people with a certain genetic heart condition, a new study from Australia suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pucKRe via IFT...

Senin, 08 Mei 2017

Carbs Could Cause Trouble for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Certain types of carbohydrates may worsen symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pZQJdZ via IFT...

Babies Can Sort Colors Before They Learn the Words for Them

Babies can discern five color categories — red, blue, green, purple and yellow — which suggests there is a biological basis for categorizing color that's independent of language. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pZHLgB via IFT...

Robot Completes Delicate Eye Surgery in First

The first robotic surgical technique for the eye brings great precision and safety to a delicate surgery on the retina. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qKILs9 via IFT...

Magnetic Robot Can Perform Colonoscopies

In the future, robots may perform your colonoscopy: Scientists at Vanderbilt University have developed a robot that can perform complex colonoscopy maneuvers in pigs. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qKUTsS via IFT...

Fake Walls, Real Shocks: VR System Simulates Physical Barriers

What happens when you walk into a wall in virtual reality? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pnYJUk via IFT...

EPA Dismisses Key Scientific Advisers

The Environmental Protection Agency has declined to renew the terms of several scientific advisers, citing a desire to get voices from industry. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pUyGaz via IFT...

Americans Claim Gluten Sensitivity More Than Others

Avoiding gluten is a worldwide phenomenon, but the reasons why people do so vary, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pscW3j via IFT...

Marijuana's Mind-Altering Compound May Improve Memory

The marijuana compound THC may be linked to improved memory during aging, a new study in older mice finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qi7dBi via IFT...

Air Force's X-37B Space Plane Lands in Florida After Record-Breaking Secret Mission

The record-breaking, hush-hush mission of the U.S. Air Force's robotic X-37B space plane is finally over. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qTvF92 via IFT...

Air Force's X-37B Space Plane Lands in Florida After Record-Breaking Secret Mission

The record-breaking, hush-hush mission of the U.S. Air Force's robotic X-37B space plane is finally over. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qSHuvj via IFT...

Flying High: 7 Post-Hindenburg Airships

The Hindenburg disaster effectively ended the nascent airship industry, but dirigible designs persist today. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pWjYQX via IFT...

Gulag Letters: Translated Text Reveals Life Inside Stalin's Labor Camps

The recently translated letters of Latvian poet and journalist Arsenii Formakov depict everyday life – and suffering – in the Gulag. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pcFSA9 via IFT...

Animals Can No Longer Escape Human Noise Pollution in the US

Millions of hours of recordings made in national parks and other protected areas reveal what 'nature' in the US often sounds like: roaring airplane engines, accelerating cars, and clattering factories. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pqrvEF via IFT...

Pinky-Sized Marine Animal Breaks Record for Ocean Filtration

A small marine creature just broke the world record for ocean filtration and is a newly named champion in the fight against climate change. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2pcmmny via IFT...