Jumat, 30 Juni 2017

The Lore and Lure of Unicorns

Unicorns are among the most popular mythical creatures. Across many cultures, they have long symbolized purity. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tzJaiW via IFT...

Artificial Synapses Could Lead to Smarter AI

By replicating the function of the human brain's 100 trillion synapses, scientists hope to boost the versatility of artificial neural networks. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2usMSal via IFT...

Ancient Roman Skulls Reveal Local Groups' Distinctive Facial Features

Forensic techniques that are used to solve modern homicide cases helped American anthropologists reveal family resemblances in 2,000-year-old skulls from the Roman Empire. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t9nuXK via IFT...

New Island Pops Up Off the Coast of North Carolina

A new sandbar island popped up seemingly overnight off the coast of North Carolina's Cape Hatteras National Seashore. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sZ85e4 via IFT...

Secret Square Discovered Beneath Neolithic Stone Monument

A new archaeological survey at Avebury, England reveals that one of the largest prehistoric stone circles may have once been a smaller square. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2urAfMw via IFT...

Do Smokers' Lungs Heal After They Quit?

After a person quits smoking, the lungs can heal to a certain extent. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2suqqMM via IFT...

Do Some People Really Think Chocolate Milk Comes from Brown Cows?

Millions of Americans believe brown cows produce chocolate milk? The way the media reported this factoid raises questions about science literacy – but different ones than you may think. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2uqNhdh via IFT...

Air Pollution May Make Solar Panels Less Efficient

From inefficient grids, shortfalls in policy, and even an eclipse, solar-energy collection faces no shortage of hurdles. Scientists have discovered another stumbling block: air pollution.  from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ttfcME via IFT...

Has Anyone Ever Gone Blind from Staring at a Solar Eclipse?

It's not just an old wives' tale: Staring at the sun for too long can permanently damage detailed vision, evidence suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ur5GXE via IFT...

Nanotech's Big Ideas: From Tumor Zappers to Space Elevators

Scientists and engineers at Future Con described the latest discoveries in nanotechnology that are fueling research in space travel and in medicine. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tsU9tl via IFT...

Lake Ontario Facts

Lake Ontario may be the smallest Great Lake, but its waters run deep. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s8iK3e via IFT...

Great Facts About the Five Great Lakes

The Great Lakes — Superior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Erie — make up the largest body of fresh water on Earth. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t7h1MO via IFT...

Kamis, 29 Juni 2017

What Are Genies?

Genies are supernatural beings, but not necessarily the generous wish-fulfilling servants who live in lamps. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tw7PEP via IFT...

Millions of Pickle-Shaped Organisms Are Invading Northwest Waters

The waters off the Oregon coast are mysteriously awash with strange, jelly-like creatures that look like translucent slugs, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2u3KW8C via IFT...

Quitting Religion? Mom and Dad Would Prefer a Slow Fade

Quitting or switching religions can impact adult children's closeness with their parents. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sWq3xT via IFT...

Light Makes New Material Creep Like a Caterpillar

A new type of polymer — material made of long chains of molecules — inches along like a caterpillar when illuminated. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2slunIg via IFT...

July Fourth Comes Early: NASA Sounding Rocket Releases Colorful Morning Cloud Show (Photos, Video)

A NASA sounding rocket launched early this morning and lit up the skies over the U.S. East Coast with colorful clouds, ringing in an early July Fourth celebration. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2slwdbY via IFT...

Chicken Sandwich Takes One Giant Leap for Food-Kind

In what appears to be a historic first, a chicken sandwich was successfully carried to the edge of space today aboard a high-altitude balloon. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t5vbOv via IFT...

Why Scientists Are Growing Herpes-Ridden Turtle Skin in the Lab

Dr. Frankenstein, eat your heart out: Scientists have grown the pebbly green skin of sea turtles in the lab for the first time ever. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2u2FvXQ via IFT...

What Really Made the iPhone So Transformative?

The iPhone changed the game not because of the technical details of the device, but rather as a result of its creators' imagination and courage. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2u24j28 via IFT...

In Photos: Antarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf Through Time

A huge crack in Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf is about to calve a Delaware-size iceberg. Here's a look at the gorgeous, yet collapsing, ice sheet. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s5pgI8 via IFT...

KFC Chicken Sandwich to Launch to Edge of Space 6/29 @ 8AM ET

A Kentucky Fried Chicken sandwich is now scheduled to travel into the stratosphere on Thursday (June 29) aboard one of World View Enterprise's Stratollite high-altitude balloon systems. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2u1yVRe via IFT...

Delaware-Size Iceberg Is About to Break Off of Antarctica

Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf is speeding up, indicating that a massive iceberg could break off, or calve, anytime now. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ts0QN6 via IFT...

10 Cool Technologies You Have the iPhone to Be Thankful For

Ten years ago, the original iPhone hit stores in the U.S. and revolutionized how companies designed and built cellphones. Here are some of the technologies that the original iPhone and its successors have made must-haves for all modern smartphones. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2spiADX via IFT...

Rabu, 28 Juni 2017

Lake Huron Facts

Lake Huron has the longest shoreline of the Great Lakes. It is the second largest by surface area and the third largest by volume of water. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sTUnsI via IFT...

Brain-Infecting 'Rat Lungworm' Spreads in Florida

A parasitic worm that can infect people's brains has been found throughout Florida, according to a new study. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tZyI0M via IFT...

This Is What Happens When a Firecracker Explodes in Your Eye

A man in India suffered severe eye injuries after lighting a firecracker, according to a new case report. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2siyKnn via IFT...

Tiny Spider Shoots Web a Whopping 80 Feet (Amazing Video)

An incredible video shows what Darwin's bark spiders can do. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s3a3HB via IFT...

No, There Isn't Poop in Your Iced Coffee

Is there an unwanted add-in in your iced coffee? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tq2nDw via IFT...

Cockatoos Drop Sick Beats to Charm Mates

Music agents take note: There's an extraordinary drummer in town with impeccable rhythm, but instead of using drumsticks, this master of the beat bangs around seed pods and sticks, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tm0p6N via IFT...

Carved Human Skulls Reveal Cultic Rituals at Mysterious Site in Turkey

The skulls had been de-fleshed and carved soon after death. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tlGdBh via IFT...

In Photos: Carved Human Skulls Discovered at Ritual Site

Archaeologists have discovered round stone buildings, pillars and elaborate animal carvings at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. More recently, they have discovered carved human skulls that may have been part of rituals. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2uj8YvQ via IFT...

Is There a Limit to the Human Life Span?

There may be no limit to how long humans can live, or at least no limit that anyone has found yet, contrary to a suggestion some scientists made last year, five new studies suggest. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tYEgJa via IFT...

Tiny, Lens-Free Camera Could Hide in Clothes, Glasses

A tiny, paper-thin camera that has no lens could turn conventional photography on its head, according to new research. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tpypj9 via IFT...

OMG Mission: Greenland's Ice Melting Faster Than Previously Thought (Video)

Thanks to rising temperatures, glaciers in Greenland are melting faster than scientists previously thought — and a new NASA video shows how researchers are tracking the feet per day of changes. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2shWmbP via IFT...

Gene Thieves: Female Salamanders Hijack DNA from Multiple Males

Scientists are still trying to make sense of something extremely weird that happened between a pair of Ambystoma salamanders millions of years ago. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sh4GIV via IFT...

No More Glare: 'Moth Eye' Smartphone Coating Doesn't Reflect Sunlight

Unusual structures on moth eyes that help the insects see at night have inspired a new anti-reflection film for electronic devices. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tX0evZ via IFT...

Boaty McBoatface Is Back! Here's What the Sub Found on Its 1st Mission

The bright-yellow submersible famously known as Boaty McBoatface has collected "unprecedented data" in Antarctica on its maiden voyage, according to a team of researchers who conducted the mission. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2uhkIij via IFT...

iPhone Turns 10: Why It Has Isolated, Not Connected, Humans

How has the first generation of kids to grow up with the iPhone been affected? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tk0C9V via IFT...

This Country, Once Again, Is the Happiest Nation in the World

It's a tough world out there, a new report on the emotional well-being of people worldwide shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t0jCs1 via IFT...

Selasa, 27 Juni 2017

Lake Superior: Facts About the Greatest Great Lake

The largest Great Lake is superior in more ways than one. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sg4ucT via IFT...

Lake Erie Facts

Lake Erie, the fourth largest Great Lake, is also famous for a battle in the War of 1812 and for the Erie Canal. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ugVxN1 via IFT...

Too Much Tech Tied to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

People as young as college age are now showing early signs of developing the painful condition carpal tunnel syndrome, a new study suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ti55dk via IFT...

Photos: How 'Microneedles' Can Deliver the Flu Vaccine

Researchers in Georgia have developed a "microneedle patch" that can deliver the flu vaccine through a person's skin. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sjZlM0 via IFT...

'Microneedle' Patch Promises Painless Flu Vaccine

Would you be more likely to get your flu vaccine if, instead of getting a shot, you could simply apply a bandage-like patch to your skin? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sOM4ib via IFT...

Portly Pets: Report Highlights Obesity in US Dogs & Cats

As Americans are getting fatter, so are their pets — a new report says that about a third of pet cats and dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2thKypd via IFT...

3 People Have Caught Plague in New Mexico This Month

Three people in New Mexico have been infected with plague in June, which is close to the number of plague cases that the state saw in all of 2016. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sjeqNT via IFT...

Toothpick Crossbow: What They Are, How They Work and Safety Concerns

Miniature toothpick crossbows have been sweeping China, but exactly what are these toys and why are they so dangerous? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sY4YkR via IFT...

Can Your Pet Go Blind from the Solar Eclipse?

People with plans to watch the upcoming solar eclipse likely have a long checklist of things to do, but should that checklist include securing protective glasses for their furry friends? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sXXXka via IFT...

DNA Solves 200-Year-Old Mystery of Weird Ice Age Creature

An oddball extinct animal discovered nearly 200 years ago recently confirmed its place on the mammal family tree, thanks to newly discovered DNA evidence. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sdubeh via IFT...

Can Acupuncture Treat Women's Health Issues? Studies Find Mixed Results

Whether acupuncture can really help treat certain health conditions is controversial, and now two new studies on the ancient practice have reached mixed conclusions. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tgIk9H via IFT...

Why We Find It Harder to Filter Out Background Noise As We Age

Hearing loss may be linked to the brain's inability to shut out background noises. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ueIn35 via IFT...

Monkey-Mapping Satellites Could Identify At-Risk Populations

A diverse range of technologies, including satellite observation, can combine with data collected on the ground to give a more accurate picture of global biodiversity. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2silASx via IFT...

Why Fake News Goes Viral: Science Explains

Stuff goes viral because of people's limited attention spans, plus the sheer overload of information on social media. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tSCZU3 via IFT...

Nearly One-Third of Ocean Animals Perished 2.6 Million Years Ago

Nearly a third of the world's largest ocean species may have died during what researchers are calling the Pliocene marine megafauna extinction, which occurred 2-3 million years ago. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tSqAze via IFT...

Internet History Timeline: ARPANET to the World Wide Web

Al Gore didn't invent the Internet. Vinton Cerf & Bob Kahn are often called Fathers of the Internet. Timeline: ARPANET to World Wide Web and Facebook. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sN1Nyd via IFT...

Great Barrier Reef Worth $56 Billion

The Great Barrier Reef brings real dollars to Australia. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sWIZuP via IFT...

Ancient Samurai Scroll Describes Blinding Powders, Moonless Battles

An enigmatic samurai text known as the "Sword Scroll" has been translated into English for the first time, revealing instructions for successful nighttime battles and recipes for blinding powders. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ti1BZa via IFT...

New Zealand's Long-Lost Pink and White Terraces May Have Been Found

The location of a long-lost natural wonder in New Zealand has been identified, thanks to an accidentally found diary of a 19th century geographer. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tRof7x via IFT...

Senin, 26 Juni 2017

No, NASA Hasn't Found Alien Life

NASA is not preparing to drop an alien-life bombshell, despite what you may have heard. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2te5gH0 via IFT...

Drug May Help with Common Form of Vision Loss

People with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) -- the leading cause of vision loss in industrialized countries -- may benefit from a new drug. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rVz7Qt via IFT...

Amazon's Delivery Drones Could Take Off from Beehive-Like 'Airport'

If Amazon's package-carrying drones ever become a reality, they may one day pick up deliveries from beehive-shaped buildings strategically placed in cities around the world, according to a patent application filed by the company. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2saA8IT via IFT...

Who Would Win a Human-vs.-Chimp Wrestling Match?

In the most detailed study to date comparing the muscles of chimps and humans, researchers found that chimps are 1.35 times more powerful than people. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sKjmio via IFT...

Babies Retain Their Early Exposure to Foreign Languages

Korean adoptees to the Netherlands recalled the sounds of their native tongue. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rUH9ta via IFT...

Puppy Love! How Baby Animal Photos Could Help Your Marriage

Photos of cute animals or with other pleasant images may help people to see their partners in a more positive light. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sf1cBV via IFT...

A Bizarre New Form of Liquid Water Is Discovered

Liquid water isn't just one simple form ― it's actually two forms that convert between each other, new X-ray images reveal. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tcs4GB via IFT...

'Burung Harry Potter' Owls Found in Indonesian Markets

Concerned scientists look for "Harry Potter" effect to explain Indonesia's new owl trade. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2seiqiK via IFT...

Bread's Done! This Company Wants to Help Astronauts Bake in Space

A team of engineers and scientists may have just found a way for astronauts to enjoy fresh bread in space. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2u9EzA7 via IFT...

4 Dead, Liverless Sharks Wash Ashore in Weird Whodunit

In a strange case of extremely picky eating, orcas off the coast of South Africa are killing great white sharks, but the killer whales are chowing down only on the sharks' livers and, in some cases, their hearts, researchers say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sJ8ukE via IFT...

Space Robots to the Rescue! How NASA Will Service Aging Satellites

Satellites were built to last, but how might space agencies service them if they run low on fuel? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tel4tV via IFT...

Why Total Solar Eclipses Are Total Coincidences

Ancient astronomers interpreted solar eclipses as omens of disaster, while folktales around the world typically explained the celestial events as a conflict between the sun and a devouring celestial dragon, wolf or rat. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tNslO8 via IFT...

Edges of Black Holes Re-Created in a Bathtub of Water

The chaotic region near the edge of a black hole's event horizon has just been simulated using a simple bath of water, and the results confirm a long-held theory about how black holes lose their angular momentum. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tbvb1t via IFT...

Facts About Gnus (Wildebeests)

Wildebeests, also called gnus, are large African antelopes. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sSIkNG via IFT...

The Second Amendment & the Right to Bear Arms

At the center of the gun control debate, few things are as hotly disputed in the United States as the Constitution's Second Amendment. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sJ5vJe via IFT...

Flood Facts, Types of Flooding, Floods in History

Wherever rain falls, a flood can occur. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tcHcEz via IFT...

What Are Sinkholes?

Sinkholes occur when the ground collapses gradually or suddenly due to dissolving bedrock, sometimes taking homes or cars with it. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tcEtL1 via IFT...

Coastal Louisiana Is Sinking Faster Than Expected

New research shows that the worst-case scenarios of years past are now the average along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, as sea level rise, erosion, and subsidence eat away a Manhattan-sized chunk of land each year. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tcbY03 via IFT...

10 Amazing Things Scientists Just Did with CRISPR

With CRISPR technology, advances in gene editing are now coming fast and furious. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s8kkGw via IFT...

Minggu, 25 Juni 2017

Do Giraffes Get Struck by Lightning More Than Other Animals?

They can reach 19 feet tall, meaning giraffes tower over the savannah they live in. So do they get struck by lightning more than other, shorter animals? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t9AS0L via IFT...

The Lives of Weird 500-Million-Year-Old Creatures Revealed

With no identifiable body parts, it's hard to know how these fossilized creatures lived. A new approach models how the ocean's water would interact with their unique shapes – hinting at their lifestyle. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s5isOs via IFT...

Sabtu, 24 Juni 2017

The Missing Link: Where Are Medium-Size Black Holes?

For decades, while astronomers have detected black holes equal in mass either to a few suns or to millions of suns, the missing-link black holes in between have eluded discovery. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rN2Pax via IFT...

Why Do Some Animals Eat Their Own Poop?

Why do some animals poop, and then turn around and eat their own droppings? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t61FLt via IFT...

Forensic Dogs Enlisted in Search for Amelia Earhart's Bones

This summer marks the 80th anniversary of Amelia Earhart's disappearance. In the latest search for clues, archaeologists and dogs will go to a remote Pacific island to look for bones. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sN9Jhi via IFT...

Jumat, 23 Juni 2017

Crystal Healing: Stone-Cold Facts About Gemstone Treatments

Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that employs crystals and other stones as conduits for natural healing energy. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rFNxDi via IFT...

Lactose Intolerance: Symptoms, Treatment & Coping Strategies

Lactose intolerance is not the same as milk allergy from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s0vcGt via IFT...

60% of Moms Have Been Mom-Shamed

Moms' discipline choices are a lightning rod for criticism from Live Science http://ift.tt/2szPBka via IFT...

Canada Issues Guidelines for Safer Use of Marijuana

Officials in Canada are releasing guidelines for how people can lower the health risks associated with using marijuana from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tD8DEH via IFT...

What Is a Solar Eclipse?

Solar eclipses are some of nature's most dramatic celestial performances. They occur when the Earth, moon and sun are aligned in the same plane and the moon passes between the two other bodies. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sQJ7Ow via IFT...

Weight Bias May Show Up in School Kids As Young As 9

School-age kids may be biased against their peers who are overweight or obese and not even know it, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s4AMCu via IFT...

Why 'Greener' Gas-Powered Vehicles Aren't As Clean As You Think

So called "cleaner" gas-powered cars still emit pollutants that eventually turn into harmful particulate matter in the atmosphere, new research shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tCWDTD via IFT...

Customizable 'Smart' Exoskeleton Learns from Your Steps

Assisted walking just got smarter. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sYIn9V via IFT...

The Gulf of Mexico's 'Dead Zone' Could Nearly Double in Size This Year

Agricultural runoff and biological waste from the Mississippi River fuel algae blooms each year in the Gulf of Mexico, depleting marine oxygen and sometimes triggering massive die-offs. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tClo2k via IFT...

Satellites Keep Eye on Huge Crack in Antarctic Ice Shelf

The Larsen C ice shelf is about to calve one of the biggest icebergs on record. And space agency satellites are watching. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sZ9yBp via IFT...

Planet 10? Another Earth-Size World May Lurk in the Outer Solar System

Another planet-size object may be orbiting beyond Pluto in the far, icy reaches of the solar system. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2syrtyt via IFT...

What Is Raspberry Ketone?

Raspberry ketone is touted as a weight-loss aid. But how strong is the evidence that taking raspberry ketone supplements may actually help you lose weight? And is it safe? Here's what experts had to say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sJKJHH via IFT...

The Serengeti: Plain Facts about National Park & Animals

The Serengeti is a vast ecosystem in east-central Africa. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sSRqtE via IFT...

Treading the Fine Line Between Climate Talk and Alarmism (Op-Ed)

Climate scientist Sarah Myhre talks about the impossible bind between being an alarmist and communicating the alarming science of global warming. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sJf5tL via IFT...

Yellowstone Grizzlies Lose Endangered Status

Yellowstone grizzly bears were stripped of their endangered status by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t1z2it via IFT...

Where the Mountains Meet: Take a Tour of Historic Fort Bowie (Photos)

Take a trip through Fort Bowie National Historic Site and journey back into time. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t1UFzn via IFT...

Kamis, 22 Juni 2017

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): Facts & Symptoms of Lou Gehrig's Disease

Ice bucket challenges aside, treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive and fatal neurological disease, is limited. However, promising research is ongoing. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rKg3IY via IFT...

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is important for sexual and reproductive development. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rI63Mt via IFT...

Melanoma: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that begins in the skin's pigment-producing cells, called melanocytes. These cells make melanin, which is responsible for the color in skin, eyes and hair. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t0qQ22 via IFT...

House Pushes for Creation of Military 'Space Corps'

Lawmakers may compel the U.S. military to establish a dedicated fighting force for space — against the wishes of some senior Air Force leaders. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sw1jwl via IFT...

Many Women (and Docs) Are in the Dark on No. 1 Killer ― Heart Disease

Can you name the No. 1 killer of women in the U.S.? Nearly half of women can't, a new study finds — and that's a problem. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sH2vey via IFT...

5,000-Year-Old 'Billboard' of Hieroglyphs Contains a Cosmic Message

Archaeologists have discovered a "billboard" of hieroglyphs carved into the rocks near the Egyptian village of El-Khawy. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rX3ev8 via IFT...

With Legal Pot, Fatal Car Crashes Haven't Increased

In Washington and Colorado, legalizing marijuana hasn't seemed to increase fatal car crashes, new research shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sH1tPI via IFT...

Night Owl or Early Riser? Sleep Patterns Can Vary by 10 Hours

What's your 'chronotype'? Researchers have found that sleep habits vary widely. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s0y7K4 via IFT...

Is There a Link Between Having Children and Heart Disease?

Some of the genes that up your risk of heart disease are also linked with having more kids, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2svjeD4 via IFT...

Cold-Blooded Mummy: How India's Hot Weather Preserved a Reptile

A thirsty chameleon that perished during its desperate search for water may no longer be of this world, but its mummy — naturally preserved by India's hot, tropical climate — has intrigued people the world over. That includes those who think it's a hoax. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tyaVos via IFT...

In Photos: Take a Tour of Grand Teton National Park

The Teton Mountain Range is one of the most dazzling, awe-inspiring natural places still found on the North American continent. Check out these incredible photos of Grand Teton National Park. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rGVI34 via IFT...

3,000-Year-Old Wooden Toe Prosthetic Discovered on Egyptian Mummy

The 3,000-year-old wooden toe was recently reexamined by researchers. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sFHcKv via IFT...

Pew Pew Pew! Why Scientists Are Fired Up About Futuristic Space Lasers

Lasers are helping scientists conduct highly precise measurements and observations on Earth, in orbit around our planet and in space. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sU9VgE via IFT...

Even Ugly Animals Can Win Hearts and Dollars for Conservation

Must the money raised to save wildlife always aid the most popular animals? New research suggests that marketing can persuade donors that northern hairy-nosed wombat lives matter too. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2twzUIV via IFT...

Blooming Beasts: Dinosaurs Are Coming Up Roses in AI Artwork

A programmer used artificial intelligence to create images of dinosaurs that were constructed entirely out of flowers. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2twol4t via IFT...

Dinosaurs That Once Roamed Antarctica 'Live' Again in Exhibits and Film

Collaborations among paleontologists, museum exhibit developers and artists offer a glimpse of how Antarctic dinosaurs might have appeared in life. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2twU99B via IFT...

How Many Teens Are Really Having Sex These Days?

The percentage of teens in the U.S. who have had sex had ticked down since the 1980s, a new report finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sXrjSk via IFT...

Rabu, 21 Juni 2017

What is Acupuncture?

Treatment with acupuncture needles does work to alleviate pain and nausea, studies show. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sWkIrt via IFT...

Head Lice: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

It may take more than a month for symptoms of head lice to show. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rETKAr via IFT...

Pets Help in Hospitals, But Safety May Be Lacking

Policies for pet therapy programs in health care facilities may fall short in protecting the people and pets involved. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rEfOuQ via IFT...

Breastfeeding May Lower Women's Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke

Breastfeeding may literally be good for the heart: A new study suggests that breastfeeding may lower women's risk of heart disease and stroke. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tPw4d6 via IFT...

Good-Luck Root? Actually, That's a Lizard Penis

Buyers beware, the tantric Indian root you ordered online may actually be dried lizard penis. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sRIm7O via IFT...

How Much of the Ocean Is Whale Pee (and Worse)?

For marine wildlife, the ocean isn't just their home. It's also their toilet. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rSFwA6 via IFT...

New High-Speed, Sustainable Helicopter Concept Whirls into Air Show

Construction of a demonstrator craft is expected to begin in 2019, with initial flight tests the following year. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2srsgky via IFT...

US National Parks Prepare for the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

On Aug. 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will cross the continental U.S. and briefly cast a shadow over 21 of the nation's national parks. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sBX7cD via IFT...

Insomnia: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulties falling or staying asleep, even though people have the chance for adequate sleep. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tuhQiA via IFT...

Hiking in Bear Country? How to Prevent an Attack

Bear attacks are rare, but when news of bear aggression hits the airwaves, even avid adventurers may wonder what's the best way to escape the long and curved claws of such a wild animal. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tu76AH via IFT...

Kim & Kanye Plan Another Baby: 4 Reasons Why Couples Use Surrogates

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have reportedly hired a surrogate to carry their third child. Here are some reasons why couples choose surrogates. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sqvUeo via IFT...

Watch: The Mysterious Graveyard Where Turtles Go to Die

A mysterious turtle graveyard just off the island of Borneo has stymied experts for years, ever since Jacque Cousteau discovered it in 1998. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sVEUJI via IFT...

Shimmering Sea: Why a Beautiful Blue Glow Lit Up the Coast of Wales

Tiny plankton shimmer under a glowing Milky Way. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sAViN9 via IFT...

New Pollution Map Offers Unprecedented View of City's Air Quality

The new map for the city of Oakland, California, offers the highest-resolution view to date of air quality on a block-by-block basis. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sTXhio via IFT...

Your Genes May Influence Your Risk of Insomnia

If you have insomnia, it may be in your genes. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rRnb6z via IFT...

Solving the Riddle of Why Rolling Luggage Wobbles

Research suggests that acceleration can stabilize shaky suitcases. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sQdpkr via IFT...

Vitamin B12: Deficiency & Supplements

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common problem. Supplements can treat a deficiency, but doctors recommended getting vitamin B12 from foods. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tNTNKX via IFT...

200-Million-Year-Old Weird 'Worm' Creature Finally Identified

A new fossil discovery links a bizarre modern amphibian to bizarre ancient amphibians with toilet-seat heads — and rescues a group of weird Triassic animals from their previous status as an evolutionary dead end. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sSDmk5 via IFT...

When Did People Start Using Money?

Currency first hit the scene thousands of years ago. An anthropologist explains the early origins and uses of money – and how archaeological finds fill in our picture of the past. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tMW3lL via IFT...

Is It Time to Rethink How We Search for Alien Life?

Intelligent, extraterrestrial life could be advanced in ways that would stymie efforts to find them. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tskQw4 via IFT...

Thousands of Decaying Wildebeest Corpses Keep Serengeti Well Fed

Every year, thousands of wildebeests drown while trying to cross the Mara River in eastern Africa, but there is a silver lining to their deaths: The wildebeest remains provide essential nutrients to wild animals throughout the Serengeti food web. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sSPCRK via IFT...

Selasa, 20 Juni 2017

Drugs and Carrie Fisher: How Cocaine, MDMA Affect Heart

Actress Carrie Fisher had a number of drugs in her system, including cocaine and MDMA, when she went into cardiac arrest before her death in December. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tqQGsP via IFT...

Photos: The US Military's Next-Generation F-35 Fighter Jet

Check out these incredible photos of F-35 fighter jets in action. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rABND7 via IFT...

What Can an Autopsy on Otto Warmbier Reveal?

An autopsy on Otto Warmbier, the 22-year-old American student who was imprisoned in North Korea in 2016 and died yesterday (June 19) in Cincinnati, will be conducted to further investigate his death, according to news reports. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sQI7uv via IFT...

NYT Bestseller Celebrates Trailblazing Women in Science [Deal]

"Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World" is an illustrated glossary that is on sale at Amazon for $10.27. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rNXILg via IFT...

Stephen Hawking: Humans Should Ride a Beam of Light to Other Planets

For humanity to ensure its success, it must explore new worlds, and one way of achieving that goal is to first send tiny space probes at blistering speeds to exoplanets near neighboring stars, he said. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sy3GNh via IFT...

'Hyperloop Hotel' Could Be the Future of Luxury Travel

The mobile hotel concept combines high-speed rail with luxury accommodations. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rRZ3Mf via IFT...

'Breast Cancer Genes': How Much Do They Increase Cancer Risk?

A new study looks at the lifetime risk of breast and ovarian cancer for women who have mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rzUCpW via IFT...

Sky-High Doses: Taking Large Amounts of Vitamin D Is on the Rise

The number of people taking sky-high doses of vitamin D has increased dramatically in recent years, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sMe6Lu via IFT...

It’s So Hot in Phoenix, Planes Can’t Takeoff

Planes have been grounded in Phoenix as life-threatening heat descends across the Southwest. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sPDXmp via IFT...

Photos: Ancient Cat Remains Tell the Tale of Kitty Domestication

Neolithic farmers in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) domesticated cats about 10,000 years ago to keep vermin at bay, and the kitties, so to speak, went viral on the world stage after that. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rMUGH3 via IFT...

10 Real-Life Technologies That Will Turn You Into a Superhero

Whether you're looking to scale skyscrapers like Spider-Man or wish you could have Wolverine's amazing powers of self-healing, researchers are devising ways to bring extraordinary abilities to the average mortal. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2swH8N2 via IFT...

Oh, the Humanity: What Will Tech Upgrades Do to People?

To what extent are technological "upgrades" to our bodies possible, and at what point would we simply stop being human? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sLjhvg via IFT...

Moral Outrage: Why Some Expressions of Anger Backfire

When outrage is misplaced or excessive, it can have negative consequences for a healthy public discourse. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2swpvwI via IFT...

This Volcano-Shaped Pyramid in Peru Has Experts Stumped

Archaeologists are trying to make sense of an artificial "volcano" built in Peru. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sOo2Vq via IFT...

Wine, Please! Ancient Pottery Inscription Requests More Drinks

A previously overlooked inscription on a pottery shard found in Israel calls for the delivery of more wine, according to a new study, showing that not much has changed in 2,600 years for humanity, at least when it comes to wetting our whistles. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tIG1sU via IFT...

Genetics of Wizardry: Were Harry Potter's Magical Powers Written in His DNA?

What are the genetic factors that could explain why someone is born a witch or a wizard — or without any magical ability at all? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sKKPRk via IFT...

1,800-Year-Old Roman Sculpture Fetches Nearly $1 Million at Auction

A striking 1,800-year-old sculpture depicting a Roman military officer has been sold at auction by the Denver Art Museum for about $930,000. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tIxdTS via IFT...

Senin, 19 Juni 2017

NASA's Kepler Space Telescope Finds Hundreds of New Exoplanets, Boosts Total to 4,034

NASA's Kepler Space Telescope has been used to detect 219 new planet candidates, including 10 in the so-called habitable zones of the stars they orbit. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sJUx6G via IFT...

Gallstones: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Gallstones are small deposits of bile inside the gallbladder, a saclike structure that stores the bile for digestion in the small intestine. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2skKxQC via IFT...

Downward Dog, Doctor's Order: Yoga Could Ease Back Pain

To ease low back pain, you may want try a downward dog: A new study suggests that doing yoga may be as effective as physical therapy for reducing low back pain. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sIIZjM via IFT...

Doctors Want Sugar and 'Cancer-Causing' Foods Out of Hospitals

The AMA is taking aim at hospitals with a policy recommendation encouraging healthier food and drink options for patients, visitors and staff. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sjHJmU via IFT...

Snake Solution: Dangerous Venom Could Fight Kidney Disease

The green mamba snake is one of the deadliest in Africa. But one compound isolated from it's venom could help fight kidney disease, research suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rJv11O via IFT...

Hello Kitty! Ancient Cat DNA Reveals Domestication Details

Modern cat lovers can thank the famers of ancient Anatolia in the Near East for domesticating their fluffy friends about 10,000 years ago, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2strKAT via IFT...

Star Man: Q&A with Astronaut Chris Hadfield

Before taking the stage at Future Con, Hadfield spoke with Space.com about sharing his spacefaring adventures with eager audiences on Earth. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rOty5G via IFT...

If We Live in a Multiverse, Where Are These Worlds Hiding?

What is the scientific basis for the popular science-fiction convention of multiple universes? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rIqb4R via IFT...

Photos: 3,400-Year-Old Tomb Along Nile River

Images reveal an ancient tomb and burial chambers holding possibly mummified individuals. The tomb was discovered on Sai Island, located in Sudan along the Nile River. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sHuME2 via IFT...

Ancient Tomb of Gold Worker Found Along Nile River

A 3,400-year-old tomb holding the remains of more than a dozen possibly mummified people has been discovered on Sai Island, along the Nile River. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tF2Cql via IFT...

Here's Why You Get Diarrhea When You're Sick

Nobody likes diarrhea. But is the icky and uncomfortable experience actually the body's way flushing bad stuff out of your system? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rNcLzS via IFT...

4 Myths About the History of American Slavery

On Juneteenth, the day that commemorates the ending of slavery in the US, a historian dispels myths about the 'peculiar institution' of slavery. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tjurFm via IFT...

Brrr! How Much Can Temperatures Drop During a Total Solar Eclipse?

How much does the temperature drop during a total solar eclipse? It depends on season and location, but get ready for a sudden and noticeable chill. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rvEZ2G via IFT...

The Mummy Returns: Egyptian Dignitary's Face and Brain Reconstructed

An international team of researchers has reconstructed the face and brain of a 3,500-year-old Egyptian mummy, revealing a unique "packing" embalming treatment. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sOyImS via IFT...

Haunting Discovery: Medieval Skeletons Bear Evidence of Barbaric Punishment

Archaeologists who were digging in a medieval Portuguese necropolis unearthed three skeletons of young men who had their hands and feet cut off just before they died. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tEdpkw via IFT...

Minggu, 18 Juni 2017

Shootings Are Now the 3rd-Leading Cause of Death in US Kids

Gun-related injuries are now the third-leading cause of death among kids in the United States, according to a new report. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tDsMdd via IFT...

Sabtu, 17 Juni 2017

Why Do Men Have Nipples?

Men can't nurse babies, so why on Earth do they have nipples? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2scdVIx via IFT...

Why Do Cats and Dogs Love a Good Head Scratch?

Why do some cats and dogs practically melt with joy when they get a good head scratch? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rGKQl7 via IFT...

Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

HPV (Human Papillomavirus): Symptoms & Treatment

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2saS0S8 via IFT...

Cavities (Tooth Decay): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cavities, also referred to tooth decay or caries, are holes in the teeth. Cavities are the second-most common health disorder in the United States. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2txtYyI via IFT...

C-Section: Procedure & Recovery

A Cesarean section is a type of surgery used to deliver a baby through an incision in the mother's abdomen. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2szugrv via IFT...

Rep. Scalise's Injuries: Why a Bullet in the Hip Can Be So Damaging

Congressman Steve Scalise is still in critical condition. How does a bullet to the hip lead to life-threatening injuries? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rFgsaW via IFT...

Ebola Leaves Unique Scar Inside Survivors' Eyes

In some Ebola survivors, the virus leaves a unique scar at the back of the eye. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sIboqA via IFT...

Ghostly Satellite Images Show Thick Fog Snaking into Strait of Juan de Fuca

A satellite spied fog filling the Strait of Juan de Fuca in western Washington. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sC7r7x via IFT...

The Science of Sexism: Why Workplaces Are So Hard to Change

The recent case of man in a powerful position making a sexist comment — during a company meeting aimed partly at addressing discrimination against women — raises the question of why gender issues in the workplace are so difficult to quash. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sjNizM via IFT...

Has Everest's Iconic Hillary Step Really Collapsed? Here's the Science

The Hillary Step, a rocky outcrop just beneath the summit of Everest, has finally succumbed to gravity and partially collapsed. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rouVZl via IFT...

New Biofuel Could Work in Regular Diesel Engines

A new way of refining biodiesel so that it works in standard diesel car engines could help broaden the use of renewable fuels, according to scientists. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2twccf9 via IFT...

Ancient Jerusalem Tower Is (Much) Younger Than Thought

A stone tower that guarded a precious water supply for the ancient city of Jerusalem isn't quite as old as previously thought, according to new results from an extremely precise dating technique. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rzzIvi via IFT...

'Accidental Curator' Author Shares Zoo Stories with Live Science

Join Live Science as we sit down with Annette Libeskind Berkovits, author of "Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2taluhj via IFT...

10 Most Photogenic Places On The West Coast

The East Coast may rule the photogenic list for the fall months, however, the West Coast rules it year-round. We decided to created a list of the 10 Most Photogenic Places On The West Coast. You’re going to love these unique destinations. Photography takes a keen eye and some expensive equipment. But what if you just wanted to snap an awesome photo with your smartphone? Where can you visit on...

SpaceX's Mars Colony Plan: How Elon Musk Plans to Build a Million-Person Martian City

You can now read all about how Elon Musk plans to establish a million-person city on Mars. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sy10Bv via IFT...

Robots! Lasers! Dinosaurs! Geeky Fun Abounds at Future Con

Do you harbor a fondness for space robots and lasers? You might be ready for Future Con. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sj2n4M via IFT...

Live Science Book Giveaway: 'Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator'

Enter Live Science's book giveaway for a chance to win a copy of "Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator" by Annette Libeskind Berkovits. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sxsNBX via IFT...

Global Coal Production Takes a Dive

President Trump has promised to reverse the coal sector's decline, but coal production plunged by the largest percentage on record in 2016. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tuS39h via IFT...

25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

From prehistory to the 21st century, human sacrifice has been practiced around the world by numerous cultures. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tuIYgB via IFT...

Ancient Human Sacrifice Victims Faced Slavery Before Death

At an ancient site of human sacrifice in China, may have claimed the lives of war captives may have been kept for years as slaves for years before they were killed, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t9Ch4o via IFT...

Apple's New iMac Can Display 1 Billion Colors: Will You Notice?

Apple announced a major update to its iMac computers last week, including a screen that can display 1 billion colors. How does that work, and are there real benefits to having such a color-filled display? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tunQac via IFT...

Kamis, 15 Juni 2017

Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Oral Surgery and Extraction

Pulling wisdom teeth easier before 30 from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rBLXCM via IFT...

Unproven Treatments for 'Chronic Lyme Disease' Lead to Severe Infections

In a small number but growing number of cases, people in the U.S. are suffering from serious bacterial infections because of treatments they received for a condition called "chronic Lyme disease." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rlLdSD via IFT...

New Drug Gives Skin a 'Natural Tan,' Without the UV Rays

A new drug can give human skin a "natural" tan — it activates the same process that causes skin to darken in the sun, without exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rwFbCO via IFT...

Tenochtitlán: History of Aztec Capital

Modern-day Mexico City sits atop the ruins of this once-great center of the Aztec Empire. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tsEFSZ via IFT...

Science Leader No More? China Challenges US Dominance

The United States still leads the world in scientific research, at least in publishing the most biomedical studies in top-tier journals and spending the most money on research and development. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rBlJjx via IFT...

Broccoli: Health Benefits, Risks & Nutrition Facts

Broccoli, the green vegetable both reviled and revered by U.S. presidents, is a nutrient powerhouse. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sg30fB via IFT...

Climate Change Prevents Study of Arctic Climate Change

The warming Arctic forced a climate change research ship to cancel expedition. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rwjV09 via IFT...

Man Burned in Yellowstone Hot Spring: Why These Geysers Are So Dangerous

A man was severely burned after falling into a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sErQbu via IFT...

Tiny Organisms Turn the Black Sea Turquoise in Amazing NASA Earth Photo

Turquoise swirls in the Black Sea — caused by phytoplankton carried on local water currents — shine brightly in a new image from NASA's Aqua satellite. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rlacpp via IFT...

New Quantum-Entanglement Record Could Spur Hack-Proof Communications

A Chinese satellite has split pairs of "entangled photons" and transmitted them to separate ground stations 745 miles apart, smashing the previous distance record for such a feat and opening new possibilities in quantum communication. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sxhOJr via IFT...

Book Excerpt: 'Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator' (Tenth Planet Press, 2017)

What goes on behind the scenes at a zoo? Author Annette Libeskind Berkovits, retired general curator at the Bronx Zoo, has plenty of stories to tell. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sff2Wg via IFT...

Parkinson's May Begin in Gut Before Affecting the Brain

Parkinson's disease ravages brain cells, but the condition may actually start out in the gut, and then spread through nerves to the brain, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2swEqd3 via IFT...

New Weapon Against Desert Locust Plagues: Satellite Images

Plagues of desert locusts can devastate crops, leading to famine. A new satellite method could give officials two to three months' notice so they can prepare for locust swarms. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tqSaCR via IFT...

Facial Fractures Increase: How Older Adults Hurt Themselves Exercising

For older adults, it's important to stay active, but recreational activities come with a risk of injury: A new study finds that facial injuries are on the rise in adults ages 55 and up. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ssQOdp via IFT...

Please and Thank You: How DARPA Is Teaching Robots Manners

By teaching robots social norms, researchers think the machines could more seamlessly interact with humans. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2seRSPR via IFT...

Two-headed Conjoined Porpoises Hauled Up from the Deep

Fishermen near the Netherlands recently hauled up a two-headed conjoined porpoise carcass from the deep. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rzn9ej via IFT...

Insect Walking Dead: How a Fungus Turns Beetles into Killer Zombies

A fungus worthy of its own horror film is on the loose, taking over the bodies of goldenrod soldier beetles and turning them into contagious zombies that can infect their beetle brethren, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ruDG8g via IFT...

Photos: Zombie Beetles Hang from Flowers

Just before a deadly fungus kills the goldenrod soldier beetle, it instructs the beetle to climb a plant and clamp its mandibles around a flower. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2se2SwZ via IFT...

Rabu, 14 Juni 2017

Trying to Conceive: 12 Tips for Women

For a woman trying to get pregnant, there are a number of ways to increase the chances and make it more likely that she will conceive a child. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2toXMNH via IFT...

Mesa Verde: Cliff Dwellings of the Anasazi

A society of pueblo people built entire villages in the sides of cliffs in southwestern Colorado. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sqOqnq via IFT...

Demi Moore's Missing Teeth: Can Stress Really Make Teeth Fall Out?

Actress Demi Moore's smile looked a little different recently — she lost her two front teeth, a problem she says was the result of stress. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t36CBB via IFT...

100-Year-Old Shipwreck Discovered Off California Coast

The U.S. Coast Guard discovered one of its lost ships 100 years after the vessel sank off the coast of California. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t35tdj via IFT...

In Photos: Century-Old Sunken Ship Found

During an underwater search off the coast of California, researchers found the wreck a U.S. Coast Guard ship that sank 100 years ago. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2stv55V via IFT...

Mom with Rare Blood Disorder Adopts 3 Kids with Same Condition

A Massachusetts mom recently spoke to People magazine about the rare genetic disease that she shares with the three daughters who she adopted from China. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rwLpOs via IFT...

Broccoli Compound Could Help Treat Type 2 Diabetes

A compound found in broccoli could hold the key to slowing type 2 diabetes, researchers say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sbNWiQ via IFT...

'Wired' Roads Could Power Electric Cars As You Drive

A new wireless power system could help people avoid the inevitable jumbled mess of tangled cords and offer a more efficient way to charge electric vehicles on the go. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sbwR8Z via IFT...

Long-Lost 'Faceless' Fish Shows Up Near Australia

The "faceless" fish had not been seen near Australia for more than a century. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sbdWLs via IFT...

In Photos: 'Faceless' Fish Rediscovered After More Than a Century

The "faceless" fish had not been seen near Australia for more than a century. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rrSIvF via IFT...

London Tower Disaster: How Did the Fire Spread So Quickly?

Massive damage and suffering was caused when a London apartment building became an inferno; it apparently was lacking in modern fire safety features. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t2n30G via IFT...

Images of the Eyeborg, the Man with the Camera Eye

Rob Spence lost his eye in a shooting accident as a child. Now he has replaced the older version with a camera-fitted prosthetic eye. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sAdY28 via IFT...

Meet the 'Eyeborg': The Man with a Camera Eye

Rob Spence, a documentary filmmaker in Canada, has a prosthetic eye fitted with a camera, and calls himself the Eyeborg. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sb2hw2 via IFT...

Science Calls Out Jeff Sessions on Medical Marijuana

Rolling back protections from federal interference in state legalization laws could worsen the opioid overdose crisis. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ssMlZ4 via IFT...

A Politician's Name & Face: Why a Good Match May Win Votes

We associate people's first names with certain stereotypes, a new study suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rs13zl via IFT...

We Live in a Cosmic Void, Another Study Confirms

Earth and its parent galaxy, the Milky Way, exist in a cosmic desert — a region of space largely lacking other galaxies, stars and planets. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2soMn3s via IFT...

Man's 29 Lbs. of Poop Removed: What Is Hirschsprung's Disease?

When doctors in China removed 30 inches of a young man's colon, they also removed nearly 29 lbs. (13 kilograms) of his feces. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rhAJE4 via IFT...

Climate Change Is Shrinking the Colorado River

The Colorado River supplies water to millions of people and irrigates thousands of miles of farmland. New research warns that climate change is likely to magnify droughts in the Colorado Basin. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rr6m25 via IFT...

In Photos: A Rare Albino Risso's Dolphin

A whale-watching crew has spotted a rare albino Risso's dolphin off the California coast, likely the only such creature in the eastern Pacific. Here are photos of the cute juvenile dolphin. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2so2fTA via IFT...

Rare Albino Dolphin Spotted Off California Coast

A 3-year-old albino dolphin was spotted swimming with its mom in California's Monterey Bay last week, and the little one appears healthy, scientists say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tlQJFz via IFT...

Aztec Temple in Mexico City Contains the Remains of Sacrificed Children

An ancient temple and ceremonial ball court dedicated to the Aztec wind god Ehécatl have been identified at a site in what is now a modern section of Mexico City. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s9Q2Qp via IFT...

Darwin's Tree of Life to Become Multi-Dimensional

Darwin's tree of life, which was conceived more than 150 years ago, needs to be rethought to account for the symbiotic relationships among widely divergent species, research says. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rr7ClF via IFT...

This Terrifying, Toothy 'Monster' Is the World's Deepest Living Predator

In the inky darkness of the ocean's abyss swims the world's deepest living superpredator: a fish with a long, eel-like body; the face of a lizard; and a mouth full of sharp teeth. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sa5j3x via IFT...

Polynesian Seafaring Canoe to Complete Globe-Circling Voyage

The Hōkūle'a vessel is set to finish its first circumnavigation later this week in Honolulu. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2szYuLw via IFT...

Selasa, 13 Juni 2017

Canker Sores: Causes & Treatments

Canker sore causes & treatment from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tjSN0J via IFT...

Lonely? Take the Focus Off Yourself, Study Suggests

When people feel lonely, they may become more self-centered, which, in turn, can make them even lonelier, thus fueling a vicious cycle. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rouFh2 via IFT...

Poop Stains Help Scientists Track Antarctic Penguin Colonies

Adélie penguins in Antarctica nest in large colonies, and these groupings leave behind massive poop stains on the icy landscape — marks that are so large they can be tracked by satellites. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rY7J6U via IFT...

New Selfie Danger? Camera Flash May Trigger Seizure-Like Response

Snapping a selfie may come with an unwanted side effect, at least for one teen. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tiu252 via IFT...

Apple CEO Reveals Tech Giant Is Working on AI for Self-Driving Cars

Tim Cook called it "the mother of all AI projects." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2soQkpy via IFT...

Smoking Out Sleep Problems: Pot May Fight Restless Legs Syndrome

People who experience theu npleasant and often painful sensations of restless legs syndrome (RLS) may find relief in using the marijuana compound cannabidiol, a very small new study suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sYlxNq via IFT...

Sex in Space: The Final Frontier for Mars Colonization?

We just don't know enough about how human reproduction and development work in the final frontier to confidently map out permanent, sustainable settlements on the Red Planet or anywhere else away from Earth, experts say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sY9Equ via IFT...

'Antivirus Software' That Protects Health Could Halt Next Pandemic

This antivirus software protects health, not computers. Researchers are beginning to combat deadly infections using computer-generated antiviral proteins – a valuable tool to fight a future pandemic. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sXGJDg via IFT...

1,000-Year-Old Colored Glass Beads Discovered in West Africa

A trove of more than 10,000 colorful glass beads suggests that an ancient city in Nigeria was one of the first places in West Africa to master the complex art of glassmaking, scientists say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rVroEu via IFT...

Worm Grows 2 Heads in Space, Surprising Scientists

A group of flatworms that recently visited the International Space Station had a few surprises to share when they returned to Earth. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rqgp2B via IFT...

Senin, 12 Juni 2017

Nail Fungus: Symptoms and Treatment

Nail fungus, also medically known as onychomycosis, is a chronic fungal infection of the fingernails and/or toenails. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2shUNcw via IFT...

Rare Genetic Mutation Makes People Prone to Colds

The case of a young girl who frequently got sick from colds has helped scientists pinpoint a rare genetic mutation that makes people more susceptible to cold viruses. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2slSRRn via IFT...

NASA Rocket to Create Colorful Artificial Clouds Over US East Coast Tonight (Watch Live)

A small NASA rocket will launch to create colorful artificial clouds tonight (June 12), and you can watch all the action live. Weather permitting, the launch could be visible to spectators on the U.S. East Coast from New York to North Carolina. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2teDSou via IFT...

Anne Frank: History & Legacy

Anne Frank was a teenage girl whose diary about her family's experiences while hiding from the Nazis continues to inspire and educate. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s42pNK via IFT...

High-Profile 'Clean Coal' Project Staggers, as Trump Seeks to Slash R&D Funds

President Trump has promised to revive the nation's coal industry, but proposed last month to slash funding to programs that might provide it a lifeline. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2slRBNX via IFT...

How Your Education Level May Be Linked to Your Risk of Heart Disease

People who do not finish high school are more likely to develop heart disease later in life than those who complete graduate school, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sVm8PZ via IFT...

Why Atheist Richard Dawkins Supports Religious Education in Schools

Despite his criticism of intelligent design and creationism, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins told people at a science festival this past the weekend that he believes religious education is a key subject for schoolchildren. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sgbYLQ via IFT...

Renaissance Mom: Leonardo Da Vinci's Mother Identified

The identity of Leonardo da Vinci's mother has eluded historians for years, but now one scholar said he's found the woman behind the Renaissance man. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rb72Et via IFT...

How Scientists Predict the Path of the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

Here's how NASA scientists figure out exactly where the moon's shadow will fall on the surface of the Earth, down to the city block. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sUuEyr via IFT...

Cicadas Are Coming! Brood VI Returns After 17 Years

This spring, Brood VI periodical cicadas make their first appearance in 17 years. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s36OAA via IFT...

Massive Poppy Bust: Why Home-Grown Opium Is Rare

Despite a massive opioid-addiction epidemic, few people try to grow opium in the United States. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2su8ANN via IFT...

Zesty Zucchini? Indulgently Named Veggies More Appealing

A new study finds that serving up vegetables with tantalizing names could get people to eat more veggies. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2raBUVN via IFT...

1,600-Year-Old Paintings of Christ Discovered in Roman Catacombs

Archaeologists have revealed elaborate frescoes on the walls of the ancient catacombs of St. Domitilla, a labyrinth of tunnels beneath Rome that contains numerous tombs. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sjQGO0 via IFT...

Comet Likely Didn't Cause Bizarre 'Wow!' Signal (But Aliens Might Have)

A source of mysterious radio signals could be from a passing comet, but astronomers are skeptical. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2stxLA5 via IFT...

5 Times 'Aliens' Fooled Us

Radio signals sometimes trick us into thinking an alien civilization is contacting humanity. Here are some of the more (in)famous examples of such mistaken signals. Some of these have deepened our understanding of the mysterious universe we live in. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ra4IOh via IFT...

Photos: Paintings of Christ and a 'Baker' Revealed in Roman Burial Chambers

Using a laser technique, archaeologists have uncovered frescoes decorating the walls of the ancient catacombs of St. Domitilla in Italy. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sTrf2R via IFT...

Medieval Farmers May Have Skined Cats for Pagan Rituals

Farmers skinned cats about 1,000 years ago in Spain, possibly for the medieval cat-fur industry or a "magical" pagan ritual, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rmz8Mn via IFT...

'Dear Diary': 14 Noteworthy Journal-Keepers

For centuries, scientists, explorers, activists and artists have recorded their daily thoughts, providing inspiration for fascinated readers worldwide. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2seiUZA via IFT...

After 75 Years, Anne Frank's Diary Still Holds Lessons for Us All

On June 12, 1942, a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank made her first entry in the diary that would stand as a testament to her years in hiding during the Holocaust. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2tc5eff via IFT...

Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

Talking to E.T.? Why Math May Be the Best Language

Communication between Earthlings and intelligent aliens should be based on mathematics — exo-arithmetic greetings that form a shared lingo, some researchers say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rjTVQH via IFT...

'Flammable Ice' Harvesting Could Spell Trouble for the Climate

Vast troves of an energy source called methane locked deep beneath the ocean floor could be harvested. But doing so would worsen climate change, several experts say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rjCfV6 via IFT...

Tourette Syndrome: Finally, Something to Shout About

Over the last several years, many life-altering treatments of this tic disorder have become available to patients and their families. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t9gFnI via IFT...

Sabtu, 10 Juni 2017

Fidget Spinners: What They Are, How They Work and Why the Controversy

Fidget spinners are delighting kids and driving teachers up the wall. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r3KHsn via IFT...

Why Are the Vermilion Cliffs So Red?

If you've ever visited the Grand Canyon, Arizona's Vermillion Cliffs or the astonishingly rainbow-colored hills of China's Zhangye National Geopark, you likely noticed they have one thing in common: red-colored rocks. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2soXjhE via IFT...

12 Possible Reasons We Haven't Found Aliens

liens should be common, yet there is no convincing evidence that they exist. So why haven't we found them? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sNMUJU via IFT...

'Liquid Light' Can Bend Around Objects in a Frictionless Flow

Scientists discover that light, under certain conditions, can move around objects like a frictionless liquid, which could help improve a wide array of devices like lasers and solar panels. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2selFv7 via IFT...

The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week

Here are the most interesting, amazing and unusual things that happened in the world of science this week. A recap of Live Science's best. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t63fc5 via IFT...

Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week

Here are the stories behind the most amazing images in the world of science this week. A recap of the coolest photos featured on Live Science. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sNEmCE via IFT...

Jumat, 09 Juni 2017

Lower Back Pain: Causes, Relief and Treatment

Chronic lower-back pain is one of the most common complaints, but no single therapy has been proven to work. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rW0Kd0 via IFT...

The Crop Circle Mystery: A Closer Look

These mysterious patterns in fields crop up overnight. Who — or what — is making them? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rKTyBX via IFT...

Boy Dies Days After Swimming: What Is 'Dry Drowning'?

A 4-year-old boy in Texas died recently, nearly a week after he went swimming, from what his parents were told was "dry drowning." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t43wMO via IFT...

Do Fidget Spinners Contain Lead? What Parents Should Know

An unofficial report may be stoking fears that fidget spinners, the hottest toy of the year, could contain dangerous amounts of lead. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r42BLR via IFT...

Heroin Vaccine Could Turn Body's Defenses Against the Drug

Researchers say they are one step closer to developing a vaccine that could block heroin's addictive high. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r3IMnS via IFT...

'There Is No Future': Brad Pitt's Gives Doomsday Forecast in Comedy Skit

Brad Pitt's latest role is a doomsday weatherman explaining climate change. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sbZdCA via IFT...

How Do Scientists 'Weigh' Stars?

How do scientists "weigh" the mass of a gaseous sphere light-years away? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sL55zH via IFT...

After Life of Adventure, Attenborough Regrets Missed Family Time

Sir David Attenborough has traveled around the world and back, but despite his countless wildlife adventures and exploits in the natural world, said he does have one major regret. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2smKlAZ via IFT...

Photos: Notoriously Dangerous Ocean Reef Holds Shipwreck Secrets

An Australian expedition to a remote ocean reef notorious for sinking ships in the 19th century has discovered several previously unidentified wrecks at the site. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sbMNLg via IFT...

Hair Regrowth Products for Women & Men: Who Pays More?

Products aimed at regrowing hair cost more when they are marketed to women than when they are marketed to men, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rUvnQ6 via IFT...

100-Million-Year-Old Amber Holds Tiny, Feathery Chick

The body of a tiny chick in a piece of Burmese amber from the Cretaceous period was preserved in incredible detail. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sKKwDN via IFT...

Hatchling Preserved in Amber (Photos)

Scientists recently found the most complete fossil to date of a type of bird from the Cretaceous, trapped in a piece of amber. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sbB6nt via IFT...

Can World's Largest Atom Smasher Solve the Universe's Deepest Mysteries?

The Large Hadron Collider has the potential to solve some of the universe's deepest mysteries, including what is dark matter and dark energy and how did the universe come to be. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rdCLE4 via IFT...

Comey 'Stunned' by Trump: Why We 'Freeze' in Uncomfortable Situations

How could former FBI Director James Comey, a 6-foot-8 onetime prosecutor known to stand up to power — feel "stunned" and lapse into an "awkward" silence during a conversation with President Donald Trump? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r9FeEt via IFT...

Groundswell of Local Support to Meet US Goals in Paris Accord

America's Pledge is part of a growing effort by local governments to meet the U.S. Paris Agreement goals. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s49y2y via IFT...

NYC's Hidden Marine Wonderland Revealed in New Map

The sea near New York City is teeming with life. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2t1QVtA via IFT...

Pretty Volcanic Plume Seen in Space Image

A seaborne sediment plume turns the Bering Sea green. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2saDcnC via IFT...

Take a Whiff of Cities' Unique Smells with 'Pollution Pods'

A science/art installation for a Norwegian festival offers visitors the chance to sniff the polluted air from six different cities. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sb1q17 via IFT...

A Famous 19th-Century Shipwreck Has Vanished from the South Pacific

Time and the tides have washed away the last traces of a famous 19th-century shipwreck from a coral reef in the South Pacific. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2saxZwh via IFT...

Kamis, 08 Juni 2017

FDA Asks Drug Company to Pull Painkiller in First

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today (June 8) that it has requested that Endo Pharmaceuticals, a drug company, remove the opioid painkiller Opana ER from the drug market. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s9db8j via IFT...

Endangered Gorilla Gives Birth at Philadelphia Zoo

A healthy baby boy gorilla was born at the Philadelphia Zoo. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sIEPWI via IFT...

Deep-Brain Stimulation May Be Possible with Noninvasive Technique

"Deep-brain stimulation" doesn't have to be so deep. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sZxAJj via IFT...

Octopus Facts

These eight-armed, blue-blooded animals are quite intelligent. Sad about their sex lives, though. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s98ETc via IFT...

2 Cases of Legionnaires' Disease in Newborns Linked to Water Births

Two Arizona babies who were born by "water births" developed Legionnaires' disease. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sZeL9k via IFT...

Should a 'Resurrected' Dodo or Mammoth Get New Names?

If scientists could resurrect extinct animals — such as the dodo, Columbian mammoth or Tasmanian tiger — should these animals have different names that distinguish them from the original species? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rRfs58 via IFT...

'Subway for the Street' Driverless Train Unveiled

The train system has no driver and no rails. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s0TcHV via IFT...

Despite Stigma, 'Electroshock' Therapy Gains Patient Appreciation

Many patients who receive electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) today have a positive view of it. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sZbDKi via IFT...

Save $15 On This Easy-to-Fly Drone [Deal]

The TobyRich Moskito was designed for first-time pilots who want a drone they can fly immediately after unboxing. Although it normally costs $60, it's on sale for $44.99. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQF2Y2 via IFT...

California Prepares for Solar Power Loss During the Great Eclipse

A total solar eclipse that will sweep across the United States on Aug. 21 is expected to make a noticeable dent in solar-energy collection, prompting energy workers to concoct workarounds that will help them meet energy demands. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6iTb2 via IFT...

Mysterious Fire Monument in England Predates Stonehenge by 800 Years

A massive wooden circle that lies not far from Stonehenge may be even older than previously thought, new data suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rR4JaY via IFT...

Surprising Find: Ancient Mummy DNA Sequenced in First

For the first time, researchers have successfully sequenced the DNA from Egyptian mummies. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6HH2D via IFT...

Victorians Missed Key Dental Detail in 1st Dinosaur Ever Named

When William Buckland described the first-named dinosaur, Megalosaurus, in 1824, he missed teeth hidden in the dinosaur's jaw, researchers have uncovered. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQZTu7 via IFT...

The Long History of the Shia-Sunni Divide

The strike in Iran once again exposes the centuries-old sectarian Shia-Sunni divide. What is at the heart of this schism? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6ybg4 via IFT...

In First, Einstein Relativity Experiment Used to Measure a Star's Mass

A phenomenon first predicted by Albert Einstein has been used for the first time to measure the mass of an individual star. The finding has helped settled a century-old dispute. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQKF8o via IFT...

Facts About Promethium

Properties, sources and uses of the element promethium. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6o6zn via IFT...

Teen Pot Use Linked to Illegal Drug Use by Age 21, Study Suggests

A new study adds to evidence suggesting that marijuana really is a gateway drug for teens. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQrtYl via IFT...

How Your Belly Fat Is Linked to Your Immune System

You may not love your belly fat, but the large sheet of fat that stretches across your abdomen serves a purpose. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6P3TT via IFT...

Death by Vampire Bat: How Rabies Kills

A man in Brazil died of rabies in May after being bitten by a vampire bat. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQv88U via IFT...

Hawaii Rebuffs Trump by Enacting Laws Supporting Paris Agreement

Hawaii became the first state to enact climate laws that follow the Paris accord. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6sDC4 via IFT...

Warts and All: Octopus' Skin Bumps Divide Species

Two species of highly similar deep-sea octopus are hard to tell apart — unless you look closely at their "warts." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQvGv8 via IFT...

Overweight Kids More Likely to Be Ostracized

New research finds that overweight children may be actively ostracized by their peers. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6CqIb via IFT...

AI Predicts Autism Based on Infant Brain Scans

A new machine learning program can predict, in 6-month-old babies, which ones will go on to develop autism, researchers report. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQIvG3 via IFT...

World's Oldest Fossilized Mushroom Sprouted 115 Million Years Ago

About 115 million years ago, when car-size pterosaurs flew overhead, a tiny mushroom no taller than a chess piece fell into a river and later fossilized — a feat that makes it the oldest-known fossilized mushroom on record, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6GWGA via IFT...

In Photos: Oldest Homo Sapiens Fossils Ever Found

Scientists have discovered the remains of five Homo sapiens individuals in a cave in Morocco. The fossils date back about 300,000 years, pushing back the origin of humanity at least 100,000 years, they say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQpFPh via IFT...

Oldest Fossils of Our Species Push Back Origin of Modern Humans

The oldest known bones of our species, dating back around 300,000 years, have been discovered in a cave in Morocco. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6o3Ud via IFT...

Cracked Cellphone Screens Could Soon Be a Thing of the Past

Researchers have developed a durable and energy-efficient material that could replace today's fragile screens — and might one day even charge your phone's battery. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQMqCB via IFT...

Plant Seeds Use Mini 'Brains' to Decide When to Sprout

Just like animal brains, plant seeds use a system of two competing hormone-signaling systems to decide whether to sprout or stay dormant, new research shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6jzNI via IFT...

Save $15 On This Easy-to-Fly Drone [Deal]

The TobyRich Moskito was designed for first-time pilots who want a drone they can fly immediately after unboxing. Although it normally costs $60, it's on sale for $44.99. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s8fmsD via IFT...

Total Solar Eclipse Will Dim California's Solar-Energy Collection

A total solar eclipse that will sweep across the United States on Aug. 21 is expected to make a noticeable dent in solar-energy collection, prompting energy workers to concoct workarounds that will help them meet energy demands. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rQpzHa via IFT...

Wooden Circular Bonfire Monument Predates Stonehenge by 800 Years

A massive wooden circle that lies not far from Stonehenge may be even older than previously thought, new data suggests. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sj6j8a via IFT...

Surprising Find: Ancient Mummy DNA Sequenced in First

For the first time, researchers have successfully sequenced the DNA from Egyptian mummies. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rZwss9 via IFT...

Victorians Missed Key Dental Detail in 1st Dinosaur Ever Named

When William Buckland described the first-named dinosaur, Megalosaurus, in 1824, he missed teeth hidden in the dinosaur's jaw, researchers have uncovered. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rZ9mlt via IFT...

The Long History of the Shia-Sunni Divide

The strike in Iran once again exposes the centuries-old sectarian Shia-Sunni divide. What is at the heart of this schism? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qZ3Mfk via IFT...

In First, Einstein Relativity Experiment Used to Measure a Star's Mass

A phenomenon first predicted by Albert Einstein has been used for the first time to measure the mass of an individual star. The finding has helped settled a century-old dispute. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r9lHiK via IFT...

Facts About Promethium

Properties, sources and uses of the element promethium. from Live Science http://ift.tt/14Mp7Ze via IFT...

Rabu, 07 Juni 2017

Teen Pot Use Linked to Illegal Drug Use by Age 21, Study Suggests

A new study adds to evidence suggesting that marijuana really is a gateway drug for teens. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rX6DJg via IFT...

How Your Belly Fat Is Linked to Your Immune System

You may not love your belly fat, but the large sheet of fat that stretches across your abdomen serves a purpose. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2shd2iT via IFT...

Death by Vampire Bat: How Rabies Kills

A man in Brazil died of rabies in May after being bitten by a vampire bat. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qXrUPH via IFT...

Hawaii Rebuffs Trump by Enacting Laws Supporting Paris Agreement

Hawaii became the first state to enact climate laws that follow the Paris accord. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sEwWli via IFT...

Overweight Kids More Likely to Be Ostracized

New research finds that overweight children may be actively ostracized by their peers. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qXuXar via IFT...

Warts and All: Octopus' Skin Bumps Divide Species

Two species of highly similar deep-sea octopus are hard to tell apart — unless you look closely at their "warts." from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sU047x via IFT...

AI Predicts Autism Based on Infant Brain Scans

A new machine learning program can predict, in 6-month-old babies, which ones will go on to develop autism, researchers report. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rMpowT via IFT...

World's Oldest Fossilized Mushroom Sprouted 115 Million Years Ago

About 115 million years ago, when car-size pterosaurs flew overhead, a tiny mushroom no taller than a chess piece fell into a river and later fossilized — a feat that makes it the oldest-known fossilized mushroom on record, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r6IWK6 via IFT...

In Photos: Oldest Homo Sapiens Fossils Ever Found

Scientists have discovered the remains of five Homo sapiens individuals in a cave in Morocco. The fossils date back about 300,000 years, pushing back the origin of humanity at least 100,000 years, they say. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r2GIAy via IFT...

Oldest Fossils of Our Species Push Back Origin of Humanity

The oldest known bones of our species, dating back around 300,000 years, have been discovered in a cave in Morocco. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rMq45a via IFT...

Cracked Cell Phone Screens Could Soon Be a Thing of the Past

Researchers have developed a durable and energy-efficient material that could replace today's fragile screens — and might one day even charge your phone's battery. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qWzJ8b via IFT...

Plant Seeds Use Mini 'Brains' to Decide When to Sprout

Just like animal brains, plant seeds use a system of two competing hormone-signaling systems to decide whether to sprout or stay dormant, new research shows. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sfTiMs via IFT...

Neil deGrasse Tyson Becomes 1st American to Receive Stephen Hawking Medal

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson received the Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication Tuesday (June 6), becoming the first American scientist to earn the prestigious award. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s47jNG via IFT...

French Astronaut Throws Shade at Trump Over Withdrawal from Climate Deal

French astronaut Thomas Pesquet registered his objection to Trump's decision, throwing some shade via Twitter today (June 6) at Trump and the president's "Make America Great Again" tagline. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qWyrtD via IFT...

Rat Mob! Rodents Swarm in Myanmar Villages

Villages in a region of Myanmar were recently deluged with thousands of rats, according to local officials. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2r5mMb7 via IFT...

Earth Faces an Increased Risk of Being Hit by an Asteroid, Astronomers Warn

Large asteroids may be lurking undiscovered within a meteoroid stream whose particles are hitting Earth, and scientists are urging a concentrated search for them. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sfi1As via IFT...

Many Women Experience Paralysis During Sexual Assault

Many people assume that during a sexual assault, the victim will fight back. But a new study from Sweden finds that, during an attack, it's common for victims to experience an innate, defensive reaction that renders them paralyzed. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s2STNK via IFT...

Selasa, 06 Juni 2017

Medical Marijuana: Benefits, Risks & State Laws

Medical marijuana is legal in some states, but debate rages on about whether the health benefits outweigh the risks. from Live Science http://ift.tt/17w0SwQ via IFT...

Marijuana: Effects of Weed on Brain and Body

Marijuana produces a range of psychological and physical effects that can be unpredictable at times. from Live Science http://ift.tt/1bvfzVh via IFT...

Tuna Steaks Recalled in 3 US States for Hepatitis A

Dozens of restaurants in California, Oklahoma and Texas received shipments of frozen tuna steaks that may be contaminated with hepatitis A, according to health officials. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rJylXu via IFT...

George & Amal Clooney's Twins: How Can You Get 1 Boy and 1 Girl?

George and Amal Clooney are the parents of twins: Amal Clooney gave birth to a boy and a girl today (June 6), People Magazine reported. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sdLsCW via IFT...

Saint John Bosco's Brain Vanishes from Italian Basilica

A Catholic church near Turin, Italy, reported part of the brain of Don Bosco, a revered saint, has been stolen. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s1I9PG via IFT...

Self-Replicating 3D Printers Could Build Moon Bases, Fight Global Warming

A 3D-printer that could re-create itself from lunar material is in development at a university in Canada. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s20rjI via IFT...

After a Life in Slow Motion, World's Oldest Sloth Dies

The world's oldest sloth, and the last one living in Australia, has died at the Adelaide Zoo. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sAT3ZG via IFT...

In Photos: WWII Ship Discovered 77 Years After Sinking

The sunken Italian naval ship was discovered by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's research vessel. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sdvrgD via IFT...

Lip-Smacking Good! How 'Mushroom-Lipped' Fish Score Hard-to-Get Meals

For a reef fish species, sloppy, slimy lip dribbles serve as a vital defense against its coral prey's venomous stings. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rRaeIz via IFT...

Sunken WWII Destroyer Found by Paul Allen's Research Company

The naval ship was sunk in 1940 during the Battle of Cape Passero in World War II. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rICAT8 via IFT...

Trump's Seldom-Seen Glasses: Why Vision Declines with Age

President Donald Trump is 70 years old, an age at which many people need reading glasses or other devices to aid their vision. So where are Trump's glasses? from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rxyqza via IFT...

Scary Snake Strategy: Cuban Boas Hunt in Packs

Snakes are more social than scientists thought. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s13aKx via IFT...

One of Malaysia's Last Sumatran Rhinos Dies

Fewer than 100 Sumatran rhinoceroses are left on the planet. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2scxDVG via IFT...

Why Are Super-Destructive Supervolcanoes So Rare?

The most powerful and destructive volcanic eruptions — called super-eruptions — can take millions of years to form because magma doesn't gush, but rather slowly trickles into the system, a new study finds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s0GREF via IFT...

These Lab Chimpanzees Are Getting a 2nd Lease on Life

Chimpanzees that formerly served as laboratory research subjects will receive long-term care on island sanctuaries in Liberia. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qYi4B6 via IFT...

Former 'Bachelorette' Star's Health Scare: What Causes Seizures?

Trista Sutter, who starred in the first season of ABC's "The Bachelorette," recently suffered a seizure while on vacation. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s0CbhR via IFT...

Hurricane Season: Here's What to Expect

Here's a guide to the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, including predictions, naming conventions and how to prepare for a storm. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2jJGx7W via IFT...

Charmed Existence: Mysterious Particles Could Reveal Mysteries of the Big Bang

So-called charm quarks — ultraheavy particles that are formed in the fiery collision of gold particles at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider — interact more with other particles than scientists previously thought. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sbrVDu via IFT...

This Mask Is the Oldest Human-Made Metal Object in South America

A rectangular copper mask recently found in the southern Andes in Argentina is 3,000 years old — the oldest human-made metal object from South America. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2syUTKK via IFT...

Hottest Alien Planet Ever Discovered Is a Real Scorcher

Astronomers have found the hottest known exoplanet, a world where temperatures exceed those on the surface of most stars. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rZiRl6 via IFT...

Baby Volcanic Domes Pop Out in Space Image

It's hard to believe this image was taken over Earth. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qSQEbw via IFT...

Marijuana for Menstrual Cramps? New York Considers Medical Option

Women with menstrual cramps in New York State may soon have a new option for easing their monthly pains: medical marijuana. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2syQpUr via IFT...

Senin, 05 Juni 2017

Herbal Tea Linked to Man's Psychosis in Unusual Case

After drinking herbal tea made with St. Johns's wort for several months, a man in Italy developed a serious mental health condition. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rN8T5w via IFT...

The Science of Jet Lag: 5 Surprising Findings

Nothing can throw off the start of a fun vacation faster than jet lag. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rMSIW3 via IFT...

Inexpensive Kit Offers Augmented Reality Alternative to High-End Headsets

The $30 Aryzon AR kit costs far less than many wearable headsets, yet adds a 3D experience to your smartphone, which has been limited to 2D games like Pokémon Go. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qZnHtR via IFT...

Climber Becomes 1st to 'Free Solo' Yosemite's Most Challenging Peak

Alex Honnold, a 31-year-old climber from Sacramento, California, has summited one of Yosemite's most difficult rock faces without any ropes or safety gear. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qQFlkg via IFT...

Snowball 'Tumbleweeds' Blow Across Antarctica

Antarctica's "tumbleweeds" are wind-made snowballs. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s9LbkC via IFT...

'Twilight Zone' Horror Story: Lionfish Prey on Unknown Fish Species

Fish unknown to science are being scarfed down by an invasive species. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rtFQTW via IFT...

Photos: Lionfish Invade the 'Twilight Zone'

Video reveals the invasive lionfish has reached the ocean's twilight zone. There lionfish are threatening local fish species, including ones that science has yet to discover. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qYOtCq via IFT...

Preschoolers Happier When They Share Because They Want To

Kids who share their stuff because they want to feel differently about sharing than kids who share because they have to. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qQJynU via IFT...

Photos: Artistic Views of Earth from Above

Rivers, lakes, volcanoes and even human development on Earth can take on an abstract aesthetic when viewed from space. Here's a look at our planet as seen from NASA's Earth-orbiting satellites from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rWHu1O via IFT...

Why Are Atheists Generally Smarter Than Religious People?

For more than a millennium, scholars have noticed a curious correlation: Atheists tend to be more intelligent than religious people. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sw0Ho5 via IFT...

Mars Crater or Collapse? A Photo Mystery in Martian 'Swiss Cheese'

Scientists aren't sure if a big dimple on Mars came from something smacking into the Red Planet's surface or if it was simply caused by a collapse. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qTZhqv via IFT...

History at Risk: 20,000 Archaeological Sites Threatened by Conflict

The imperiled sites are detailed in a new online database. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2sJ1Nwm via IFT...

The Grand Canyon Is Extra Grand in This Stunning Student Photo from Space

One of the world's largest canyons – the United States' Grand Canyon – dominates below wispy clouds in this jaw-dropping view from the International Space Station. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qPr0Ez via IFT...

Animal Sex: How Narwhals Do It

Little is known about the mating behaviors of arctic-loving narwhals, also called the unicorns of the sea. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2s8Njt1 via IFT...

Gay Dads More Involved in Kids' Lives Than Heterosexual Fathers

Research reveals few differences between the parenting of gay men and their straight peers. But it looks like gay fathers could be more apt to volunteer at their children's schools. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qPDk7S via IFT...

Skeleton of Teen Girl Yields Central America's Oldest Cancer Case

Researchers diagnosed a case of adolescent bone cancer in the 700-year-old remains of a teen buried in Panama. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rVDVt4 via IFT...

Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

Get Gutsy About Your Digestive Health in 2017

Gut health affects everyone, whether they have a chronic condition or an occasional tummy ache. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rwnnEU via IFT...

How Hot Were the Oceans When Life First Evolved?

We know little about Earth's surface temperatures for the first 4 billion years or so of its history. This presents a limitation into research of life's origins on Earth and how it might arise on distant worlds. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rn7x0X via IFT...

Ancient Sloth and Bison Fossils Turn Up in LA Metro Dig

Fossils from a bison and a giant sloth were unearthed on May 16 in Los Angeles by the LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qRXeOJ via IFT...

Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

Uterine Fibroids: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

from Live Science http://ift.tt/1jtKQQY via IFT...

Spider Bites and Bee Stings: Symptoms and Treatments

Most bug bites and stings are usually just uncomfortable. However, some people are allergic to the venom of certain insects or spiders and can have severe, even life-threatening reactions. from Live Science http://ift.tt/11xausn via IFT...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Abdominal pain, bloating and gas all symptoms of IBS from Live Science http://ift.tt/1RPIQQo via IFT...

Want to Really Boost the Economy? Stay in the Paris Agreement

President Trump cited economic factors for withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, but most research suggests reducing emissions will actually boost the economy. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2ruaQ4E via IFT...

1st Test Track for Superfast Hyperloop Transport System Opens in Europe

Europe’s first hyperloop test facility was unveiled this week. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2snssiP via IFT...

Man Dies After His Tattoo Gets Infected with Ocean Bacteria

A 31-year-old man died after he went swimming in the Gulf of Mexico and his tattoo became infected with flesh-eating bacteria. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rOlYwk via IFT...

Sleepiness and Snoring Tougher for Women, Study Suggests

Sleep disorders may affect women more severely than men. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2qKU6Jx via IFT...

Beyond Wonder Women: 12 Mighty Female Warriors

Fictional Wonder Woman has no shortage of precedents — history offers plenty of examples of women who were fierce fighters and highly skilled military leaders. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rtrZvn via IFT...

Northern Lights from Space! Astronaut Captures Aurora Over Europe

The northern lights shimmer over Europe in a new Space Station photo. from Live Science http://ift.tt/2rkiDnd via IFT...