Senin, 31 Juli 2017

Facts About Vanadium

Properties, sources and uses of the element vanadium. from Live Science via IFT...

Who Invented Zero?

The concept of zero, both as a placeholder and as a symbol for nothing, is a relatively recent development. from Live Science via IFT...

Rare 'Balloon Syndrome' Causes Hedgehog to Puff Up Like a Beach Ball

What do you do when find a puffed-up, beach ball-size hedgehog? You take it to the vet to be deflated. from Live Science via IFT...

Rare Conjoined Bat Twins Found in Brazil

Conjoined twins are rare, but the condition is likely no rarer in bats than in any other mammals. from Live Science via IFT...

Blowing Out Birthday Candles Is Grosser Than You Think

It's hard to turn down birthday cake, but a new study might have you thinking twice about taking a slice. from Live Science via IFT...

Dark Ages Fort Built by Mysterious 'Painted People' Found in Scotland

A Pictish fort that was long thought demolished has recently been unearthed under a town in Scotland. from Live Science via IFT...

'13 Reasons Why': Suicide-Related Searches Spike After Show's Premiere

Internet searches about suicide increased in the weeks following the release of the Netflix series "13 Reasons Why." from Live Science via IFT...

Air-Breathing Fish 'Hibernate' in Pods on Dry Land (Video)

Most fish would be left high and dry during arid drought periods when bodies of water shrink and disappear — but African lungfish aren't most fish. from Live Science via IFT...

How Exercise Fights Inflammation

A new review explains exactly how exercise works to lower inflammation in your body. from Live Science via IFT...

Weird 'Rocks' at Robotics Test Site Turn Out to Be Dinosaur Fossils

Students searching for a Mars-like landscape in a Canadian park took an unexpected detour into paleontology. from Live Science via IFT...

Super Schnozzle: Tiny, Glow-in-the-Dark Shark Has a Huge Nose

A glow-in-the-dark shark that has a mouthful of pointy teeth and an impressively large bulbous nose is also quite small — about the weight of a pineapple, according to a new study. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: The World's Largest Bony Fish

Ocean sunfish are the world's largest bony fish, weighing up to a whopping 2,205 pounds and measuring more than 8 feet long. Now, scientists have discovered a new species of this monstrous fish hiding in plain sight. from Live Science via IFT...

New Sunfish Species Is 8 Feet Long and Looks Like a Giant Pancake

This fish looks like a head with fins. from Live Science via IFT...

Sticky, Gooey Science! Why Slime Is Awesome

Slime's slippery, gooey texture helps certain animals fend off predators or fight disease. It's also a lot of fun to make, as Live Science recently demonstrated. from Live Science via IFT...

Curious Kids: What Started the Big Bang?

This is one of the two questions I get asked a lot (the other one is: do aliens exist?) Both are very good questions! from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 30 Juli 2017

This Is How a Woman Died from a Tick-Borne Disease Without a Tick Bite

A woman in Japan died last year from a tick-borne disease — but she was never bitten by a tick. from Live Science via IFT...

Watch Swarms of Earthquakes Sweep Across Oklahoma

A new animated map illustrates the rapid increase in seismic activity in Oklahoma, which scientists attribute to the growth of the fracking industry. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017

Scientists Edit Human Embryo: This Is Why Designer Babies Are a Ways Off

The news may have come as a surprise, but it probably shouldn't have. A bioethics expert walks through how big a deal this announcement is – and what we should be considering now. from Live Science via IFT...

Iconic Photo of Einstein Sticking Out His Tongue Sells for $125,000

The image of Albert Einstein sticking his tongue out is probably one of most ubiquitous (and memorable) photos of the Nobel Prize-winning physicist. from Live Science via IFT...

DNA Analysis Reveals Why 'Water Bears' Are the World's Toughest Animals

Tardigrades are virtually indestructible, and scientists believe alien life could share some of the same qualities as these tiny creatures. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 28 Juli 2017

What Is a Scientific Theory?

A scientific theory is based on careful examination of facts. It is much different from the non-scientific use of the word. from Live Science via IFT...

What Is a Law in Science?

In science, a law describes an observed phenomenon. from Live Science via IFT...

Why a New York Bay Is Crucial to Baby Sand Tiger Sharks

A nursery in the waters of New York is critical to the survival of the area's sand tiger sharks, and scientists are now tagging these and other species to learn more about their needs. from Live Science via IFT...

Telegraph from WWI Lusitania Shipwreck Hauled Up from the Deep

Divers have recovered the main telegraph machine from the Lusitania, the wreck at the center of one of the most infamous maritime disasters of the 20th century. from Live Science via IFT...

Sorry, Scaramucci, Earth Is MUCH Older Than 5,500 Years

In a 2016 interview with CNN, Anthony Scaramucci — President Donald Trump's new White House communications director — said that Earth, as well as human history, is just 5,500 years old. But ample evidence exists to prove him wrong. from Live Science via IFT...

The Etruscans Were Expert Beekeepers, Ancient Honeycombs Suggest

The charred remains of 2,500-year-old honeycombs, as well as other beekeeping artifacts, have been discovered in an Etruscan workshop in northern Italy. from Live Science via IFT...

Scientists Use CRISPR to Edit Human Embryos

A biologist in Oregon has successfully used CRISPR to edit single-celled embryos carrying severe genetic defects. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Looking for Aliens Is Good for Society (Even If There Aren't Any)

The search for life elsewhere in the universe is one of the most compelling aspects of modern science. from Live Science via IFT...

Why a 2,500-Year-Old Hebrew Poem Still Matters

Psalm 137 – best known for its opening line, 'By the Rivers of Babylon' – is a 2,500-year-old Hebrew psalm that deals with the Jewish exile -remembered each year on Tisha B'av. from Live Science via IFT...

Canaanites Live: DNA Reveals Fate of Biblical People

The Bible's maligned Canaanites persisted despite conquest. from Live Science via IFT...

Swarms of CICADA Drones Could Aid Hurricane Research

U.S. Navy researchers are developing a tiny, gliding drone called CICADA, which could be dropped from airplanes to gather data from hurricanes. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 27 Juli 2017

The Evil Eye: A Closer Look

The evil eye is a specific type of magical curse. It is believed to cause harm, illness and even death. from Live Science via IFT...

Empirical Evidence: A Definition

Empirical evidence is information that is acquired by observation or experimentation. from Live Science via IFT...

Orca Calf Dies at SeaWorld: Why Killer Whales Get Sick in Captivity

Dozens of killer whales have died in captivity, including the 3-month-old orca named Kyara that just died at SeaWorld. So why do these marine mammals seem to fare so poorly? from Live Science via IFT...

Does Moderate Drinking Lower Your Risk of Diabetes?

Is alcohol good for your health or bad? With no shortage of contradictory findings, it's understandable if you're left feeling like you've had a little too much to drink. from Live Science via IFT...

The 2017 Solar Eclipse May Prove the Sun Is Bigger Than We Think

A growing number of researchers think that the sun is actually larger than commonly thought. from Live Science via IFT...

Moving Nose to Tail, Shrew 'Conga Line' Shimmies Online

A creepy, crawly video of tiny critters holding each other's tails and scurrying across the ground like a furry centipede has captured the internet's attention. from Live Science via IFT...

3,500-Year-Old 'Lunch Box' with Traces of Grain Found in Swiss Alps

Archaeologists found a lost lunch box near the top of a mountain in the Swiss Alps. They were even able to identify its 3,500-year-old contents. from Live Science via IFT...

Slug-Inspired Glue Patches Beating Hearts

A new glue inspired by slug slime can mend a broken heart. from Live Science via IFT...

Why We Need to Stop Talking About Work-Life Balance As a 'Female' Struggle

Men and women struggle similarly to balance work and family, meaning that "having it all" is not solely a female struggle. from Live Science via IFT...

Newfound Dino Looks Like Creepy Love Child of a Turkey and Ostrich

A farmer has discovered the remains of a dinosaur that could have passed for the ostrich-like cassowary in its day, sporting the flightless bird's head crest and long thunder thighs, indicating it could run quickly, just like its modern-day lookalike. from Live Science via IFT...

Would You Drink This Mummified-Toe Cocktail?

The notorious "Sourtoe Cocktail" — a shot of alcohol containing a dehydrated human toe — is a bizarre tradition at the Downtown Hotel's Sourdough Saloon, in Dawson City, Yukon Territory. from Live Science via IFT...

Cyclone 'Licks' Portugal Coast in Gorgeous Space Image

A curling tongue of clouds reaches out to taste the Iberian Peninsula in a new satellite image. from Live Science via IFT...

That's a Woman's Job: How Do Certain Careers Acquire a Gender?

Why do we consider some occupations 'male' and other 'female'? New research sheds some light on how giving jobs genders hurts everyone, men included. from Live Science via IFT...

World's Smallest Satellites Launched into Orbit

The $100 million Breakthrough Starshot initiative has achieved what might prove to be a "Sputnik moment" in successfully lofting its first spacecraft — the smallest ever launched and operated in orbit. from Live Science via IFT...

400-Year-Old Physics Mystery Is Cracked

The mystery of Prince Rupert's drops, which are tadpole-shaped glass confections that can resist a hammer blow to the head but also shatter with slightest pressure on the tail, has finally been solved. from Live Science via IFT...

Next Stop, Westeros! Google Earth Posts 33 'Game of Thrones' Sites

The fantastical "Game of Thrones" world is now on Google Earth, with 33 locations — including medieval castles, maze-like gardens and rocky ports — showing exactly where key scenes were filmed. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: 33 Stunning Locations Where 'Game of Thrones' Was Filmed

The HBO hit show "Game of Thrones" takes place in a world of fantasy, but dozens of the scenes were filmed at real medieval castles and in wild forests and craggy mountainsides across Europe and Iceland. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 26 Juli 2017

Why You May Not Have to Finish All Your Antibiotics

The mantra to "complete the course" for antibiotics is wrong and possibly dangerous, scientists say. from Live Science via IFT...

Angelina Jolie's Facial Paralysis: What is Bell's Palsy?

In a new interview, Angelina Jolie told Vanity Fair that she developed a condition called Bell's palsy in 2016. What is Bell's palsy? from Live Science via IFT...

Western Men See Drop in Sperm Counts, But Cause Remains a Mystery

Sperm counts among men in Western countries have dropped considerably in the last several decades, according to a new study. from Live Science via IFT...

Stunning Dark Images Reveal Movement of Trillion-Ton Antarctic Iceberg

Stunning new images capture the movement of a gigantic iceberg that recently broke off from the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica. from Live Science via IFT...

5 Facts About Transgender Individuals in the Military

President Donald Trump said today (July 26) that transgender individuals could not serve in the military. from Live Science via IFT...

How to Make Puffy Slime

Love to play stretchy taffy-like substances? Or are you inside on a rainy day with a hankering for getting your hands messy? Here's a recipe for making puffy, fluffy slime for you and your kids. from Live Science via IFT...

Goopy Science: How to Make Slime with Glue

Here's a simple photo-illustrated guide to making colorful and goopy slime with your kids. from Live Science via IFT...

Dangerous Dance: Hurricanes' Dalliance May End in 'Cannibalism'

Hurricanes swirling in the Pacific Ocean could lock arms in a dance step meteorologists call the Fujiwhara effect. The do-si-do may lead in Hurricane Hilary cannibalizing Irwin. from Live Science via IFT...

Gulls' Love of Baby Seal Poop Leads to Gouged Butts

Seagulls target seal pups' poop, and the pups get it in the end. Maybe don’t read this one during lunch. from Live Science via IFT...

What Is a Scientific Hypothesis? | Definition of Hypothesis

A hypothesis is the first step in the scientific method. It begins by asking, 'What if …?' from Live Science via IFT...

Get Better Sleep in 2017

Falling asleep — sounds simple, right? But for people who struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night, or for those who can't stop hitting the snooze button in the morning, getting good sleep can feel pretty complicated. from Live Science via IFT...

Lego Boost Review: The Best Robot Kit for Kids

The best robot kit for younger kids, Lego Boost turns programming into a game your child will want to play. from Live Science via IFT...

Bazinga! 'Big Bang Theory' Catchphrase Inspires New Compound

The catchphrase "bazinga" — a zinger commonly uttered by Dr. Sheldon Cooper, a fictional theoretical physicist on the TV show "The Big Bang Theory" — has inspired the creation of a novel compound. from Live Science via IFT...

Booze in Space: The Universe Is Drowning in Alcohol

It's like one great big distillery up there. from Live Science via IFT...

Upcoming Solar Eclipse Is a Chance to Prove Einstein Right (Again)

For some skywatchers, the upcoming total solar eclipse is an opportunity to duplicate one of the most famous experiments of the 20th century. from Live Science via IFT...

Drinking Water Database: Put in Your Zip Code and Find Out What's in Your Water

What's in your drinking water? Whether you're wondering if your water is safe or just what that weird smell is, a new tool is now available that could help. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 25 Juli 2017

Facts About Gallium

Properties, sources and uses of the element gallium. from Live Science via IFT...

Not Aliens: Weird Radio Signal from Star Likely Has Duller Explanation

A strange radio signal that seemed to emanate from a small nearby star probably came from Earth-orbiting satellites, astronomers said. from Live Science via IFT...

Striking Study Shows How Football Affects the Brain

A study of the brains of more than 200 deceased football players — including 111 who played in the National Football League (NFL) — reveals that nearly 90 percent of the players had a brain disease called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). from Live Science via IFT...

Images: Brains with CTE

The vast majority of brains donated to science by former football players show signs of a debilitating brain condition. from Live Science via IFT...

Slimy Science! Make Two Types of Gooey, Goopy Slime

Animals use slime for defense, but these colorful, slippery slime recipes are purely for fun. from Live Science via IFT...

Adorable Hedgehogs Want You to Know About This Common Health Problem

A new public health campaign features something most people can't resist — adorable animal videos. from Live Science via IFT...

'Holy Grail of Civil War Swords' Found in Massachusetts Attic

The sword led the way for the first Union regiment made up of African-American soldiers. from Live Science via IFT...

Human Ancestor Mated with 'Ghost Lineage' And the Proof Is in Your Spit

A protein that helps make human spit slimy reveals signs that the ancestors of modern humans interbred with an extinct human lineage that was an even more distant relation than Neanderthals. from Live Science via IFT...

Butterfly Wing Optics Help to Cheaply Create Bright, Realistic Holograms

Researchers used complex 3D nanostructures to produce holograms with the rich colors and bright display that may one day make sophisticated holograms an everyday reality. from Live Science via IFT...

Mitochondria or Midi-Chlorians? 'Star Wars' Hoax Paper Published in 4 Journals

A ridiculous hoax paper mixing up mitochondria with 'Star Wars' midi-chlorians gets published in four predatory journals. from Live Science via IFT...

For Some Turtles, Science Is a Real Turn-On

Scientists are using vibrators to coax reluctant male turtles into, um, revealing themselves. from Live Science via IFT...

In Images: Solar Eclipses Depicted in Fine Art

For hundreds of years, artists have incorporated the spectacular sight of an eclipse into their paintings. from Live Science via IFT...

Imaging Reveals Medieval Manuscript Hidden in Book Binding

In 1537, a bookbinder used a piece of parchment — one that was centuries old —to bind a book of poetry. This parchment's text remained unreadable for nearly 500 years, but now people can read its words once more, according to a new study. from Live Science via IFT...

This New Cellphone Uses Such Little Power It Doesn't Need a Battery

The battery-free device can stay on 24/7. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 24 Juli 2017

Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning

Deduction starts out with a generalization that follows a process to reach a specific, logical conclusion. Induction is the opposite - making a generalization from a set of specific observations. from Live Science via IFT...

Facts About Uranium

Uranium is a naturally radioactive element. It powers nuclear reactors and atomic bombs. from Live Science via IFT...

Anorexia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Anorexia nervosa involves an obsession with food and weight that can end up consuming a person's life. from Live Science via IFT...

Child Born with HIV is Virtually Virus-Free for 9 Years, Without Meds

A child in South Africa who was born with HIV has been virtually free of the virus for nearly nine years now and didn't take anti-HIV drugs for most of that time. from Live Science via IFT...

Snooty, Oldest Manatee in Captivity, Dies at Age 69

An accident led to the untimely demise of the charismatic sea cow. from Live Science via IFT...

Great White Takes Gold! Shark Bests Phelps by 2 Seconds

It may come as no surprise that Michael Phelps didn't zoom past a great white shark in a "Shark Week" event that aired last night (July 23), but he did manage to beat a reef shark. from Live Science via IFT...

Cyborg Employees? Company Offers Free Microchipping to Workers

One company is offering their employees the unusual perk of getting a free microchip, which they see as the future of micropayments. from Live Science via IFT...

Fidget Spinners: What They Are, How They Work and Why the Controversy

Fidget spinners are delighting kids and driving teachers up the wall. from Live Science via IFT...

Why It's Not Weird that Salvador Dali Still Has His Mustache

The exhumation of the body of Salvador Dali reveals that his mustache has not degraded even 28 years after the artist's death. Here's why. from Live Science via IFT...

Kids Can Prep for Total Solar Eclipse with 'Space Racers' Website

The coast-to-coast total solar eclipse on Aug. 21 will be memorable for children and adults alike, and a new website will help kids get interested in the big event and view it safely. from Live Science via IFT...

The Moon's Interior Could Contain Lots of Water, Study Shows

Ancient volcanic deposits on the moon reveal new evidence about the lunar interior, suggesting it contains substantial amounts of water. from Live Science via IFT...

Old NASA Computers, Tapes Found in Dead Man's Basement

Two huge, Apollo-era NASA computers and more than 300 data-recording tapes were found in the basement of a dead engineer in late 2015, according to media reports. from Live Science via IFT...

5 Comic Book Superpowers That Really Exist in Animals

Evolution has been occurring for billions of years, producing organisms that are perfectly adapted to their environments. And this includes abilities that we would normally consider superpowers if humans were to have them. from Live Science via IFT...

Stoned Plus Buzzed: Mixing Caffeine and Pot Brings New Risks

What happens when you combine caffeine and marijuana? from Live Science via IFT...

Biblical Battles: 12 Ancient Wars Lifted from the Bible

From the story of Jewish people fleeing Egypt in the Book of Exodus to the tale of Israelis taking of the city of Jericho, here's a look at conflicts detailed in the bible. from Live Science via IFT...

A Bird Murder Witness: Why Parrots Are Such Great Mimics

A bizarre murder case highlights the vocal abilities of the African grey parrot. from Live Science via IFT...

'Tail-Standing' Sperm Whales Snooze in Stunning Photo

Sleeping dogs lie, but sleeping whales … "stand" on their tails? from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 23 Juli 2017

Final New Moon Sunday Starts the Countdown to the Great American Eclipse

The total solar eclipse is coming across the United States on Aug. 21; early Sunday morning (July 23) marks the first new moon before the dramatic event. from Live Science via IFT...

Phelps vs. Shark! Why the Olympic Medalist Stands Little Chance

It's hard to imagine how Olympic-gold-medal swimmer Michael Phelps could win in a race against a great white shark, but the Discovery Channel is giving him every advantage in the book. from Live Science via IFT...

The Monofin: Will High-Tech Tail Help Phelps Beat a Great White Shark?

During a race with a great white shark, decorated athlete Michael Phelps will sport a special monofin that should mimic a shark's tail. But how much will it help? from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 22 Juli 2017

Shark Week: How to Watch It Like a Scientist

As the Discovery Channel and National Geographic Wild unleash a week of dueling shark programs, a biologist advises viewers to take what they see with a large grain of sea salt. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Does Hunger Vanish When You Ignore It Long Enough?

Why is it that when you're tremendously hungry, you're able to forget about it if you're in the middle of an intriguing activity, such as reading a good book? from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 21 Juli 2017

French Culture: Customs & Traditions

The customs and traditions of France, center of fashion, art and architecture. from Live Science via IFT...

How Brain's 'Helper Cells' Could Contribute to Schizophrenia

Brain cells called glial cells from people with schizophrenia are highly dysfunctional, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Be Cautious of Birth Control Apps, Experts Say

An app approved as contraception in Europe may not be as foolproof as advertised. from Live Science via IFT...

How Two Bodies Stayed Mummified for 75 Years in a Swiss Glacier

The two bodies were so well preserved thanks to the cold and dry conditions deep within the ice. from Live Science via IFT...

How Sugary Drinks May Change the Way Your Body Burns Fat

Washing down your bacon cheeseburger with a big, cold soda may trigger the body to store more fat than it would if you drank something without sugar, a new small study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Cool the Planet? Geoengineering Is Easier Said Than Done

Scientists are exploring ways to re-engineer the planet to counter the effects of global warming. from Live Science via IFT...

How 'Bad' Gut Bacteria Can Change Their Evil Ways

The idea that gut bacteria can either be "good" or "bad" may not tell the whole story. from Live Science via IFT...

Did Oxygen Therapy Really 'Reverse' Child's Brain Damage? Experts Are Skeptical

Two doctors claim to have used controversial oxygen treatments to reverse brain damage in a 2-year-old, but other experts are very skeptical of the claim. from Live Science via IFT...

Magic Bots: Vine-Inspired Robots Can Grow on Demand

Robots that mimic ivy vines can grow thousands of times their original lengths at speeds faster than the average person can run, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Sour Note: In Ancient Rome, Lemons Were Only for the Rich

Citrus trees — including lemon, orange, lime and pomelo trees — are native to Southeast Asia, so how on Earth did they end up in the ancient Mediterranean? from Live Science via IFT...

The Science of Cooking Oils: Which Are Really the Healthiest?

There are lot of options for cooking oils these days. But which are really the healthiest? We talked to nutrition experts and took a deep look at what's in these oils. Here's what we found. from Live Science via IFT...

History's 1st Emoji? Ancient Pitcher Shows a Smiley Face

The iconic smiley face may seem like a modern squiggle, but the discovery of a smiley face-like painting on an ancient piece of pottery suggests that it may be much older. from Live Science via IFT...

Don't Believe the Spin: Fidget Spinners Have No Proven Benefits

There is no evidence that fidget spinners offer any benefits for ADHD, autism or anxiety, a small new review study reveals. from Live Science via IFT...

Solar Eclipse Day Craziness Could Resemble the Zombie Apocalypse — Are You Ready?

Only one month left until the Great American Eclipse passes across the continental United States. from Live Science via IFT...

Huge Underground Lab Seeks to Explain 'Ghosts of the Universe'

Today, scientists will break ground on a huge underground neutrino laboratory that they hope will reveal something about the rules that govern the universe. from Live Science via IFT...

Archaeologists Return to Legendary Birthplace of King Arthur

The legendary birthplace of King Arthur could give up its secrets about early medieval life in Britain. from Live Science via IFT...

Gold Rush! Oroville Spillway Emergency Creates Bonanza of Gold

The Oroville Spillway emergency may have led to an increase in gold particles in the rivers of the Sierra Nevada. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 20 Juli 2017

Indian Culture: Traditions and Customs of India

India is one of the world's oldest and most diverse cultures. Here is an overview of Indian customs and traditions. from Live Science via IFT...

Cecil the Lion's Son Shot Dead, 2 Years After His Father

The 6-year-old son of Cecil the Lion was shot and killed on July 7 just outside Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, meeting the same end his father did in 2015. from Live Science via IFT...

The Weather Forecast for August, September and October? Hot!

Grab that iced tea — much of the U.S. has had a hot summer so far, and it's only going to get hotter, according to a report released today (July 20) by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). from Live Science via IFT...

'Atypical' Mad Cow Case Identified in Alabama

A cow in Alabama recently tested positive for the neurological disorder commonly known as mad cow disease. from Live Science via IFT...

Chipotle Outbreak: How Does Norovirus Get into Restaurant Food?

The "stomach bug" norovirus is behind the latest outbreak of foodborne illness linked to Chipotle, according to health officials. from Live Science via IFT...

Tuna Fins Are Weirder Than You Think

Tuna fish repurpose their lymphatic system to control their movement. from Live Science via IFT...

NYC to DC in 30 Minutes? Musk Claims Verbal OK for Hyperloop

Elon Musk recently announced on Twitter that he had received "verbal government approval" for his Boring Company to build a superfast Hyperloop transit system that would take people from New York to Washington, D.C., in just under 30 minutes. from Live Science via IFT...

Boy Face-Plants Right Onto a Million-Year-Old Stegomastodon Skull

A 9-year-old boy hiking in the Las Cruces desert in New Mexico recently tripped over what is now thought to be a 1.2-million-year-old Stegomastodon skull. from Live Science via IFT...

5,000-Year-Long Tsunami Record Found in Guano-Encrusted Sumatran Cave

The discovery of sediment layers in a seaside cave represents the longest record of tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, and the clearest record of tsunamis anywhere in the world. from Live Science via IFT...

Unusual Phobia: Researchers Suggest New Reason for Fear of Bubbles

Trypophobia is an unusual phobia -- people feel strongly disgusted when they see clusters of circle-shaped objects, such as bubbles or holes. from Live Science via IFT...

Advanced Vision Algorithm Helps Robots Learn to See in 3D

Researchers are improving the ability of robots to identify three-dimensional objects even if their shape is partially obscured. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Dog Breeds Look So Very Different, But Cats Don't

Why don't pedigreed cats show the extremes in body size and shape that dog breeds do? from Live Science via IFT...

1 in 3 Cases of Dementia Could Be Prevented by Healthier Lifestyles

Strategies aimed at helping people to be healthy could help to decrease the global numbers of dementia cases. from Live Science via IFT...

Senator John McCain's Brain Cancer: What Are Glioblastomas?

Senator John McCain was diagnosed with a type of brain tumor called a glioblastoma, his office said yesterday (July 19). from Live Science via IFT...

Humans Arrived in Australia 65,000 Years Ago

A new study pushes back the first known evidence of human activity in Australia - to 65,000 years ago. from Live Science via IFT...

Elon Musk Calls for Moon Base

Elon Musk may be focused primarily on Mars, but he'd also like to see a human outpost on a world much closer to home. from Live Science via IFT...

Will Melting Permafrost Release Global 'Methane Bomb'?

Rising global temperatures are melting areas of permafrost that hold enormous stores of planet warming gases — but the risk of a doomsday methane bomb remains low. from Live Science via IFT...

13 Bizarre Things That Washed Up on Beaches

What's that on the beach? Unusual objects can stump even ocean experts. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 19 Juli 2017

REM vs. Non-REM Sleep: The Stages of Sleep

Scientists once thought that sleep was a time when a person's brain and body shut down for the night. But now, researchers know that sleep is a highly active time. from Live Science via IFT...

What Are Selenium Supplements?

Selenium supplements are taken by people who want to prevent cancer, heart disease, memory loss and diabetes. But does taking selenium work? Here's a look at what the science says. from Live Science via IFT...

Mexican Culture: Customs & Traditions

The culture of Mexico varies widely throughout the country, but traditions are highly valued. from Live Science via IFT...

Pregnant Women Can Do These 2 Things to Lower Odds of a C-Section

Women may have another reason to eat healthy and exercise during pregnancy: These behaviors may lower their odds of having a cesarean section, a new meta-analysis finds. from Live Science via IFT...

New High: Nearly Half of Americans Have Tried Pot, Gallup Poll Says

The percentage of Americans who say they've tried pot has reached a new high. from Live Science via IFT...

Deadly Kiss: Can a Baby Contract a Lethal Virus from a Cold Sore?

A newborn baby in Iowa died this week from an infection with the virus that causes cold sores, which she likely contracted from a kiss, her doctors say. from Live Science via IFT...

Yes, Dads Give Kids Less-Healthy Food: Here's Why

New research shows that dads really do make less-healthy choices when feeding the family — and this can take a toll on moms. from Live Science via IFT...

Surprise Fertility Treatment: How a Cancer Drug Helped One Woman Get Pregnant

In a surprising case, a drug that is normally toxic to ovaries actually helped one woman get pregnant. from Live Science via IFT...

Images of a Primeval Underwater Forest Revealed

from Live Science via IFT...

Rare Human Syndrome May Explain Why Dogs are So Friendly

Dogs and people with Williams syndrome may both owe their sociable personalities to changes in the same genes. from Live Science via IFT...

6 Ways Apple Messed Up Its T. Rex Emoji

Apple's new green-and-toothy Tyrannosaurus rex emoji may be cute, but its anatomy is wildly inaccurate, a paleontologist told Live Science. from Live Science via IFT...

The Mysterious Rosetta Stone Turns 218, Here's Why It's So Cool

On July 19, 1799, the now-famous basalt tablet called the Rosetta Stone was discovered. The tablet has a weird and wild history and helped decipher masses of texts written in Egyptian hieroglyphs. from Live Science via IFT...

Exhuming Salvador Dalí: Paternity Suit Leads to Artist's Grave

In a surreal development almost worthy of one of his paintings, Salvador Dalí's grave is scheduled to be opened in an effort to collect DNA samples that could settle a paternity claim against the artist's estate. from Live Science via IFT...

The Larsen C Iceberg Is Already Cracking Up

It's been less than a week, but the Larsen C ice shelf and the iceberg it calved are already changing. from Live Science via IFT...

Aardvarks May Starve to Death in Warming World

Aardvarks may struggle to survive as climate change heats up their habitat. from Live Science via IFT...

Humans Have Produced Whopping 9 Billion Tons of Plastic

Since large-scale manufacturing of plastics took off in the 1950s and until 2015, humans have produced approximately 9 billion tons of plastic. from Live Science via IFT...

Future Space Colony? Maybe We Should Look Beyond Mars to Saturn's Titan Moon

Instead of just sending humans on a one-shot mission to look for life on the surface, a new paper envisions a future outpost on Titan that could generate power for years. from Live Science via IFT...

Mysterious, Gross Yellow Fluff Balls Wash Up on French Shores

Thousands of clumps of weird, yellow foam have washed ashore on France's northern coastline, but no one knows exactly what it is. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Weird Yellow Fluff Balls Wash Up on French Beaches

Weird, yellow fluffballs that look a bit like paraffin wax washed ashore along beaches in Northern France this week. from Live Science via IFT...

New 3D Computer Chip Uses Nanotech to Boost Processing Power

A new type of 3D computer chip that combines two cutting-edge nanotechnologies could dramatically increase the speed and energy efficiency of processors, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Underwater Cypress Forest from Ice Age Reveals its Secrets

An underwater forest of bald cypress that dates to 50,000 years ago may reveal secrets of a rapidly changing climate in the last ice age. from Live Science via IFT...

'Atomic Fingerprinting' Tech Could End Counterfeit Goods

Scientists have developed a new method that can stamp things with "atomic fingerprints" to keep phony products at bay. from Live Science via IFT...

Cracking Codes: 5 Ancient Languages Yet to Be Deciphered

helped scholars decipher ancient Egyptian writing. Even so, there are still a number of ancient languages that await full decipherment. from Live Science via IFT...

Here's Why Newborns Know to Move Toward Mom's Nipple

Newborn babies can't do much, but place them on their mom's chest and they'll instinctively gravitate to the nipple, to breast-feed. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 18 Juli 2017

People with Alzheimer's May Have More Bacteria in Their Brains

People with Alzheimer's disease may have higher levels of bacteria in their brains compared to people without the condition, a small new study suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

Gunshot Victim Becomes Youngest Person in US to Receive a Face Transplant

A 21-year-old woman who was shot in the face as a teenager has become the youngest person in the United States to receive a face transplant. from Live Science via IFT...

No, Congressman, There's No Evidence of an Ancient Mars Civilization

In case you were wondering, there's no evidence that Mars hosted an alien civilization thousands of years ago, or at any time, for that matter. from Live Science via IFT...

Video: How to Make a Solar Eclipse Viewer

The moon will pass directly between the sun and the Earth on Monday, Aug. 21, causing a total solar eclipse. If you want to see it happen, learn how to build a simple eclipse viewer out of a shoe box. from Live Science via IFT...

How to Make a Solar Eclipse Viewer (Photos)

Watch the upcoming solar eclipse indirectly with this home-made viewer. from Live Science via IFT...

Scientists Journey to the World's 'Lost' 8th Continent

A new scientific expedition to the world's eighth continent, Zealandia, could reveal secrets about the submerged continents formation. from Live Science via IFT...

World's 1st Laser Weapon Is Ready to Blast Rogue Drones

The world's first laser weapon — one that can "kill" threatening, airborne drones — is ready for action, according to news sources. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Do We Sleep?

Researchers who study sleep now have a few theories about why we spend one-third of our lives in dreamland. from Live Science via IFT...

How Experiments in Space Can Lead to Better Treatments for Nerve-Gas Poisoning

Scientists are hoping to develop better treatments for nerve-gas poisoning by sending their experiments into space. Here's how this helps. from Live Science via IFT...

Watching the Eclipse? Why Sunglasses Won't Cut It

Even though both look like tinted shades, eclipse viewers are very different from ordinary sunglasses, because they filter out far more light. from Live Science via IFT...

What Could Space Archaeologists Tell Us about Astronaut Culture?

Space archaeologists want to understand the "microsociety" of astronauts aboard the International Space Station. from Live Science via IFT...

Remains of Medieval Saint's Hut Could Aid Search for Missing Monastery

The evidence could tell archaeologists where to look for an influential monastery. from Live Science via IFT...

King Tut's Wife May Be Buried in Newly Discovered Tomb

Famed archaeologist Zahi Hawass and his team say they've found evidence of a tomb that could belong to King Tut's wife. from Live Science via IFT...

BB-8 Flies? Adorable Japanese Drone Ball Tours Space Station

Space watchers have seen footballs, mini-soccer balls and water balls float through the International Space Station — but never a drone ball. New footage of a Japanese robot on YouTube shows it hovering and skittering around the Destiny laboratory. from Live Science via IFT...

Bizarre Hammerhead Worm with a 'Mustache' Captured on Video

A Facebook user in Malaysia captured images of a worm with a head like a mustache. from Live Science via IFT...

NASA Unveils New Maps of Pluto, Moon Charon for Flyby Anniversary

On the two-year anniversary of the New Horizons probe's flyby of Pluto, mission scientists unveiled two detailed global maps of the dwarf planet and its largest moon, Charon. from Live Science via IFT...

Cyclops and Dragon Tongues: How Real Fossils Inspired Giant Myths

Throughout history, the bones of extinct giant animals were mistaken for the bones of giant humans. from Live Science via IFT...

The 'Game of Thrones' Body Count Is Barbarically Realistic

Turns out, George R.R. Martin isn't far off. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 17 Juli 2017

Duped by Photoshop: People Are Bad at Spotting Fake Photos

A new study shows why so many people can be fooled by doctored images. from Live Science via IFT...

The 13th Doctor Is Female, and That's Absolutely Fantastic

The Doctor is in — and for the first time in more than 50 years of "Doctor Who," she's a woman. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Some Plant-Based Diets Are Healthier Than Others

Eating a plant-based diet is good for your health — but some plant-based diets are better than others, a new study that spanned nearly three decades finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Cotton Candy Grapes: The Science Behind the Sweet, Carnival Taste

A new breed of green grapes isn't fluffy or flossy, but it tastes just like cotton candy, according to news sources. from Live Science via IFT...

Pacemaker Data to Be Used as Trial Evidence: What Could It Show?

A judge in Ohio recently ruled that the data from the pacemaker of a man accused of arson could be used at his trial, according to news reports. from Live Science via IFT...

Weird Radio Signals Detected from Nearby Red Dwarf Star

Strange radio signals have been spotted coming from the vicinity of a nearby star — but don't get your hopes up that aliens are responsible. from Live Science via IFT...

Bizarre Marine Worm Resembles a Christmas Ornament from Hell

An 8-inch marine worm's oval body is ringed with shiny golden bristles and topped with a sharp-toothed maw. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: Weird Bristle Worm Calls Antarctica Home

This little polychaete has a bulbous, extendable throat bearing rows of teeth and a ring of bristles around its body that it uses for crawling on the seafloor and swimming in the Antarctic Ocean. from Live Science via IFT...

Elon Musk Tells Governors: Regulate AI Before Robots Start 'Killing People'

Elon Musk has urged a gathering of governors to regulate artificial intelligence now, before potentially dangerous outcomes start occurring. from Live Science via IFT...

Doctors Discover 27 Contact Lenses in Woman's Eye

Doctors in England recently removed 27 contact lenses from a woman's eye, according to a new case report. from Live Science via IFT...

Lawbreaking Particles May Point to a Previously Unknown Force in the Universe

Scientists aren't yet certain that electrons and their relatives are violating the Standard Model of particle physics, but the evidence is mounting. from Live Science via IFT...

Why the Biggest Animals Aren't the Fastest

Here's why elephants can't run as fast as cheetahs. from Live Science via IFT...

Speedy & Swift: The Fastest Animals in the World

From cheetahs to the Peregrine falcon to slippery squid, the animal kingdom is full of speedy organisms built for their environment. from Live Science via IFT...

'Stalker' Velociraptor Relative Sported Feathers, Serrated Teeth

About 71 million years ago, a feathered dinosaur that was too big to fly rambled through parts of North America, likely using its serrated teeth to gobble down meat and veggies, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Possible Human Remains Recovered from Sunken WWII Bomber

Divers completed a recovery mission to the wreck of the Tulsamerican, an American bomber that crashed off the coast of Croatia in 1944. from Live Science via IFT...

What If Earth Was 50% Bigger?

If Earth were to grow, gravity would mean humans couldn't venture into space on rockets, one scientist says. from Live Science via IFT...

It Takes Guts: The Yucky Way Sea Spiders Get Oxygen to Their Legs

It would take a lot of energy for a heart to pump blood through all those long legs. from Live Science via IFT...

Electric Avenue: Energy-Harvesting Tiles Line London 'Smart Street'

Interactive tiles recently installed in a London lane transformed it into an energy-harvesting "smart street." from Live Science via IFT...

Artificial Sweeteners Have Little or No Benefit to Health, Researchers Conclude

For people who are overweight, or have high blood pressure or diabetes, the benefits of artificial sweeteners are modest to nil. from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 16 Juli 2017

What Are Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates — one of the basic food groups — are the sugars, starches and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products. They are important to a healthy life. from Live Science via IFT...

Is Dark Matter Real?

While many people take the existence of dark matter for granted, it's still a theory that has yet to be proven. But new evidence could bolster support for dark matter theories. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 15 Juli 2017

Pot Innovation: Patents for Marijuana Could Lead to Court Battles

The federal government outlaws marijuana, but many states are legalizing it. Coupled with the growing number of cannabis-related patents, the potential for court battles is dizzying. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 14 Juli 2017

Missouri Woman's Dies from Tick Bite: What Is Bourbon Virus?

A woman in Missouri recently died from a rare tick-borne illness called Bourbon virus disease, which was first identified only a few years ago. from Live Science via IFT...

How Does the New 'Gene-Altering' Therapy Fight Cancer?

A new type of cancer treatment that involves altering a person's genes passed a major hurdle this week, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel recommended that the agency approve the therapy, the New York Times reported. from Live Science via IFT...

Chinese Scientists Just Set the Record for the Farthest Quantum Teleportation

Chinese scientists have just shattered a record in teleportation. They sent the quantum state of a photon from the ground in Tibet to a satellite in orbit, 870 miles (1,400 kilometers) above the Earth's surface. from Live Science via IFT...

People Could Make Smallpox from Scratch in a Lab, Scientists Warn

Scientists have re-created a relative of the smallpox virus in a lab, from scratch. from Live Science via IFT...

Wild Lioness Nurses Leopard Cub in 'Unprecedented' Sighting

Lions and leopards normally don't get along, but one wild lioness — recently spotted nursing a leopard cub in Tanzania's Ngorongoro Conservation Area — apparently didn't get that memo. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: In Wildlife First, Lioness Nurses Leopard Cub

In an unexpected first, wildlife experts have identified a lioness nursing a leopard cub. from Live Science via IFT...

Divers Find 8 More Wrecks at Sunken-Ship Hotspot in Greece

Eight sunken ships have been found around Fourni, a cluster of Greek islands that's a hotspot for wrecks, a team of underwater archaeologists announced. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: 8 New Shipwrecks Discovered in Greece

A cluster of Greek islands called Fourni is a hotspot for shipwrecks, the oldest of which date back as early as the sixth century B.C. from Live Science via IFT...

Netflix Film 'Chasing Coral' Warns of Grim Future for Imperiled Reefs

Climate change's devastating impact on coral reefs is on display in the new Netflix film "Chasing Coral." from Live Science via IFT...

Should We Fear the Rise of Intelligent Robots?

A scientist who spends his days developing artificial intelligence systems, reveals what about AI keeps him up at night. from Live Science via IFT...

Hwasong-14 Missile Test: Can North Korea's Rockets Reach the US?

Are North Korean rockets capable of reaching American shores? from Live Science via IFT...

7,500 Pounds of 'Eels' Cover Oregon Road with Slime (Here's Why)

A highway in Oregon was recently closed when a crate filled with slime eels overturned on the highway, releasing tons of gooey slime. But what exactly are those creatures, and why do they produce the slime? from Live Science via IFT...

Charlie Gard Controversy: Why a Baby's Head Size Matters

In a recent court hearing, the parents of Charlie Gard were at odds with their son's hospital over a seemly straightforward fact: The size of their baby's head. from Live Science via IFT...

Ready, Aim, Blast! NASA Engineer Creates World's Largest Super Soaker

If you're going to challenge someone to a water gun fight this summer, it's best you don't take up arms against Mark Rober, a former NASA engineer who has created the world's largest Super Soaker. from Live Science via IFT...

Computerized Fabric Could Transform Any Piece of Clothing Into a Fitness Tracker

The flexible fabric, developed by Harvard researchers, might also one day assist with movement, acting as a soft exoskeleton for wearers. from Live Science via IFT...

Facts About Tardigrades

Tardigrades, often called water bears or moss piglets, are near-microscopic animals that are almost indestructible and can even survive in outer space. from Live Science via IFT...

Mount Vesuvius Is on Fire (Not Like That, Though)

Smoke is rising from Mount Vesuvius. from Live Science via IFT...

See the New Trillion-Ton Antarctic Iceberg in Image from Space

A new view from space shows Antarctica's newest bouncing baby iceberg. And it's huge. from Live Science via IFT...

8-Legged Extremophile Freaks Will Outlive Humanity (& Maybe the Sun)

The eight-legged micro-animal called a tardigrade could survive nearly all the way until the death of the sun, a new study suggests — long after humans are history. from Live Science via IFT...

Half of Kids Don't Get Epinephrine Until They Get to the ER

When a person has a severe allergic reaction, an injection of epinephrine is absolutely essential, and the sooner, the better. from Live Science via IFT...

World's Brightest Laser Could Pave Way for Lower-Radiation X-Rays

The world's brightest laser can "transform" visible light into X-rays, making the shape and color of objects appear different, new research shows. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

American Culture: Traditions and Customs of the United States

Nearly every region of the world has influenced the customs and traditions of the United States. from Live Science via IFT...

What is Metformin?

Metformin is a prescription drug used primarily in the treatment of type II diabetes. from Live Science via IFT...

Link to the Past: Evidence of Humanity's Oldest Ropes Unearthed

"Perfect forms" carved in ivory reveal humanity's oldest set of ropes, research suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

How Much Pee Is in Swimming Pools?

Before you take a dip, know this: There is definitely pee in the swimming pool. But, it's probably not that much. from Live Science via IFT...

How Scientists Stored a Movie Inside DNA

Researchers have encoded the data to make a short video into the DNA molecules of bacteria. from Live Science via IFT...

What the Heck? Odd, Slimy Sea Creature Defies Explanation

A beachgoer recently came across a bizarre sight on the California shore: a decaying white, black and purple blob covered with sand. from Live Science via IFT...

NASA Images Show Gradual Separation of Massive New Antarctic Iceberg

Multiple NASA satellites have captured images of the dramatic and long-awaited birth of one of the largest icebergs ever recorded, which broke off an Antarctic ice shelf this week. from Live Science via IFT...

See Juno Probe's Amazing Up-Close Views of Jupiter's Great Red Spot (Photos)

On Monday night (July 10), NASA's Juno spacecraft zoomed just 5,600 miles (9,000 kilometers) above the Great Red Spot's cloud tops — closer than any probe had gotten before. The images Juno took that night have now come down to Earth. from Live Science via IFT...

Ancient House of the Dead Unearthed Near Stonehenge

A nearly 6,000-year-old long barrow, or house of the dead, has been unearthed in the same region that houses Stonehenge. from Live Science via IFT...

Tiny Bird Fossil Solves Big Mystery About Life After Dinosaurs

A teeny-tiny fossilized bird skeleton is helping researchers understand the explosive rate at which birds diversified after the dinosaur age, new research shows. from Live Science via IFT...

Space Images Reveal Speed of New Island's Growth

A new island in North Carolina popped up seemingly overnight. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: Tomb Discoveries in the Land of 'Dead Fire'

Here's a look at ancient stone tombs, some made of towering, flattened rocks, that have been discovered in a desert in Jordan that is so desolate an explorer once called it the land of "dead fire." from Live Science via IFT...

Hundreds of Stone Tombs Discovered in Land of 'Dead Fire'

Hundreds of ancient stone tombs, some made with towering, flattened rocks, have been discovered in Jebel Qurma, a desert region in Jordan that is so desolate that one early explorer called it a land of "dead fire." from Live Science via IFT...

Feline Purr-fection: What Makes a Cat Best of Breed?

What are the traits that identify a domestic cat as the best of its breed? from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Champion Cats are Show-Stopping Stunners

Meet a few of the cats that took home top prizes for the Cat Fanciers Association show season of 2016 and 2017. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 12 Juli 2017

What is Diclofenac (Voltaren)?

Diclofenac is often used to treat pain, tenderness, swelling and stillness resulting from various types of arthritis. from Live Science via IFT...

What Is Culture? | Definition of Culture

Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts from Live Science via IFT...

Eat Better, Live Longer? Small Food Changes Make a Difference

Making even small changes in your diet really can help you live longer, a new study shows. from Live Science via IFT...

Humanity's Daily Steps Counted via Smartphone Data

A new study analyzed anonymous smartphone data from more than 700,000 people in 111 countries to track step counts around the world. from Live Science via IFT...

Flea Market Find: World War II Enigma Machine Sells for $51,000

A German Enigma machine found at a flea market in Bucharest, Romania, has sold for about $51,000 at auction. from Live Science via IFT...

Why ER Doctors Want to Banish the Term 'Dry Drowning'

Some emergency-medicine doctors want to banish the phrase "dry drowning" because the term doesn't actually refer to any medically accepted conditions. from Live Science via IFT...

How Antarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf Birthed Such an Enormous Berg

The calving of a massive iceberg from Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf progressed rapidly in recent months, growing from a crack that first appeared in 2010. from Live Science via IFT...

Alexander Hamilton's 'The Grange': His Last Home Before the Duel

Like other well-to-do New Yorkers in the late 1700s, Alexander Hamilton and his family moved to Harlem Heights in Upper Manhattan, a rural area with cool breezes that also provided an escape from the yellow fever threat in Lower Manhattan. from Live Science via IFT...

Vatican Frescoes Found to Contain 2 Female Figures Painted by Raphael

A room in the Vatican apartments contains two old paintings that deserve a fresh look. from Live Science via IFT...

Eco-Friendly Technique Spins Super-Strong Artificial Spider Silk

Cambridge researchers have developed a non-toxic method for producing ultra-thin — and very strong — fiber for use in traditional clothing, medical devices, and even shrapnel-resistant military apparel. from Live Science via IFT...

No, That's Not Amelia Earhart in That 'History Channel' Photo

It's not her. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Alexander Hamilton Lived Here Until the Infamous Duel

Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, owned only one home during his entire life: the Hamilton Grange. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: Antarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf Through Time

A huge crack in Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf is about to calve a Delaware-size iceberg. Here's a look at the gorgeous, yet collapsing, ice sheet. from Live Science via IFT...

Trillion-Ton Iceberg Breaks Off Antarctica

One of the largest icebergs ever recorded, packing about a trillion tons of ice or enough to fill up two Lake Eries, has just split off from Antarctica, in a much anticipated, though not celebrated, calving event. from Live Science via IFT...

Diatoms Have Sex, and Ammonium Is a Turn-On

Diatoms, long thought to reproduce asexually, do engage in sexual reproduction, with ammonium acting as an aphrodisiac. from Live Science via IFT...

Earth Faces 'Biological Annihilation' as Animal Populations Decline Dramatically

A human-caused mass extinction is underway, threatening the foundations of civilization, researchers argue in a study of the planet's declining biodiversity. from Live Science via IFT...

2 Whale Shark Sightings in Maryland: Are These Colossal Fish Dangerous?

Two separate sightings of majestic whale sharks have occurred in the past few weeks near Ocean City, Maryland. from Live Science via IFT...

Fire Ants Build Sinking 'Eiffel Towers' from Their Own Bodies

Fire ants can build miniature look-alikes of the Eiffel Tower from their own bodies, and the insects perpetually rebuild the structures to save them from collapsing, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 11 Juli 2017

Scabies: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Scabies is a skin condition caused by a microscopic mite. Symptoms include itching and red bumps or blisters. from Live Science via IFT...

Atorvastatin (Generic Lipitor): Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

Atorvastatin is a prescription medicine used to treat high cholesterol. It is sold under the brand name Lipitor. from Live Science via IFT...

Camels: Facts, Types & Pictures

Camels are mammals with long legs, a big-lipped snout and a humped back. There are two types of camels: dromedary camels, which have one hump, and Bactrian camels, which have two humps. from Live Science via IFT...

Summer Health Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of This Season's Hazards

The balmy days of summer provide plenty of opportunity for adventure, but the season also brings with it a number of health woes, from sunburns to insect bites. from Live Science via IFT...

How John F. Kennedy's Back Pain Affected His Life and Death

For the first time, researchers have pieced together a detailed story of John F. Kennedy's back pain. from Live Science via IFT...

Medication Mistakes Getting More Americans Sick

The number of Americans getting sick from making medication mistakes at home is rising. from Live Science via IFT...

Awesome 'Star Wars' Lego Sets On Sale for Prime Day

The Amazon Prime Day force is strong with these Lego "Star Wars" sets. from Live Science via IFT...

Dazzling Auroras Dance on the Southern Horizon in Astronaut's Photo

The southern lights appear to dance on the horizon off the southern coast of Australia in a stunning new photo taken by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station. from Live Science via IFT...

Mysterious Sea Creatures Surface in 'Big Pacific'

Author Rebecca Tansley told Live Science how the photos and stories of the book "Big Pacific" came together. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: The Stunning Sea Life 'Stars' of 'Big Pacific'

The photo book “Big Pacific,” companion to the five-part PBS series, showcases the stunning marine life living in the Pacific Ocean, and highlights the conservation challenges they face. from Live Science via IFT...

Brewing Up a Longer Life: Drink Coffee, Studies Suggest

People who drink coffee live longer, new studies find. from Live Science via IFT...

Superdense Extraterrestrial Ice Formed in a (Laser) Flash

In a new experiment, researchers have created a super-dense version of ice found deep within icy moons and colliding comets, and watched it form in nanoseconds. from Live Science via IFT...

Climate Cities: Can Urban America Save Paris Agreement?

U.S. cities committed to the Paris climate accord after President Trump announced the country's exit. But how much can urban areas do? from Live Science via IFT...

The 'Chickens From Hell' Were Probably Good Parents

Analysis of dinosaur fossils showed that some parents warmed their eggs with body heat. from Live Science via IFT...

Hey, Star Wars Fans! Check Out These Amazon Prime Day Deals

For those who want the force to be with them, a ton of Star Wars-themed deals are being offered today, from a Yoda-shaped alarm clock to a Bantha costume for Fido. from Live Science via IFT...

Beer and Birthdays: Personal Roman Letters Unearthed Near Hadrian's Wall

A cache of ink-written letters unearthed near an ancient Roman fort is revealing insights about life in a frontier post of the Roman Empire. from Live Science via IFT...

Meet the Beetles: Stunning Museum Specimens from London

Approximately 10 million beetle specimens make up the Coleoptera collection at the Natural History Museum in London. from Live Science via IFT...

I Know Your Next Move: Game Reveals How the Brain Strategizes

In a new study, brain scans taken during a strategy game reveal how people strategize about what they think their opponent will do. from Live Science via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day: The Best Science Kit Deals

From gross and slimy to gleaming, these science kits are sure to be fun and educational for your kids. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Does the Holy Communion Wafer Need Gluten?

The purity of bread matters to the Catholic Church. from Live Science via IFT...

Can You Open a Plane Door Midflight? If You Can Lift Elephants

What would it take to open a plane's exit door at cruising altitude? from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 10 Juli 2017

Clindamycin: Uses & Side Effects

Clindamycin is a prescription antibiotic commonly used to treat acne, vaginal infections and certain bacterial infections. from Live Science via IFT...

Wolf Facts: Gray Wolves, Timber Wolves & Red Wolves

Wolves are large carnivores — the largest member of the dog, or Canid, family. Wolves are common to all parts of the Northern Hemisphere. from Live Science via IFT...

'Brain Training' Games May Be No Better than Video Games, Study Finds

Brain training games such as Lumosity may not boost people's overall thinking abilities, a new study suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

Satellite Spots Bolivian Salt Plain from Space

The more than 3,861 square miles of the giant Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia provides salt to locals, lithium for the world's batteries and even technical help for satellite radar altimeters. from Live Science via IFT...

US Military Seeks Neural Implants to Restore Hearing, Sight

Could a portable computer system one day interact directly with the human brain to improve how it processes sensory information? from Live Science via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day: Best Health & Fitness Deals

Here's our roundup of the best deals on health and fitness products for Amazon's prime day. from Live Science via IFT...

Some of Earth's 1st Big Animals Were Shape-Shifters

Among the first nonmicroscopic life-forms on Earth were frondy things that changed depending on their environment. from Live Science via IFT...

Centuries of Tradition: Stunning Photos of Native American Hopi Pottery

For hundreds of years in the southwestern deserts of the United States, Native American potters have searched for the finest of clay soils and fashioned to create beautiful ceramic items. from Live Science via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day: Best Health & Fitness Deals

Here's our roundup of the best deals on health and fitness products for Amazon's prime day. from Live Science via IFT...

'True Blood' Actor Dead at 39: What Causes Heart Failure?

Actor Nelsan Ellis, who starred on the HBO show "True Blood," has died of heart failure. But what causes this condition? from Live Science via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day: Live Science Is Watching These Deals

Here are some of the deals we're watching for Amazon Prime Day, including science kits, kinetic sand and more. from Live Science via IFT...

200,000-Year-Old Tooth Reveals Clues About Mysterious Human Lineage

DNA in a fossil from a young girl has revealed that a mysterious extinct human lineage occupied Asia longer than previously thought, allowing more potential interbreeding with Neanderthals. from Live Science via IFT...

'Striking' Face of 4,500-Year-Old English Man Revealed

The face of a man who died in England around 4,500 years ago has been reconstructed, revealing a "striking" image that should help humans alive today feel a personal connection. from Live Science via IFT...

'Screen Time' Is About More Than Setting Limits

For decades, parents have fretted over 'screen time,' limiting the hours their children spend looking at a screen. But as times change, so does media... and how parents should (or shouldn't) regulate it. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 08 Juli 2017

Uranus May Have Odd, Strobe-Like Magnetic Field

The planet Uranus just keeps getting weirder. The icy gas world that strangely orbits the sun on its side may also have a wonky magnetic field that constantly flickers on and off, new research suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

The Larsen C Iceberg Is Expected to Have Company

In addition to the main iceberg, a swarm of smaller icebergs is expected to break off Larsen C soon. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 07 Juli 2017

How Bad Is Gonorrhea's Resistance to Drugs? Some Cases Are Untreatable

Around the world, a growing number of cases of gonorrhea are becoming more difficult, or at times even impossible, to treat with antibiotics. from Live Science via IFT...

Why NASA Says It's OK That VP Mike Pence Touched Orion Cover

It's A-OK that Vice President Mike Pence touched a piece of titanium equipment destined for outer space, despite a sign on it that stated, "Critical Space Flight Hardware, Do Not Touch," NASA said. from Live Science via IFT...

Furry 'Harry Potter' Spider Discovered in Mountain Burrow

A newly identified wolf spider looks so much like Aragog, the giant, fictional spider from the "Harry Potter" series, that the creature is being named after the colossal arachnid, a new study reports. from Live Science via IFT...

Snortable Chocolate Claimed to Boost Energy: Is It Safe?

A new "snortable" chocolate product is being marketed as a drug-free way to feel energized. But some health experts are wary of the potential health effects. from Live Science via IFT...

Follow Wild Animals in Real Time in Nat Geo Special This Weekend

This weekend, National Geographic is unveiling a live nature feature that will show viewers dozens of wild animals — including bats, bull sharks and leaf-eating monkeys — in real time as these creatures endure in their quest for survival. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: See the Animal 'Olympics of the Natural World'

National Geographic invites you to fly with Mexican free-tailed bats, swim with bull sharks and roost with leaf-eating monkeys, all from the comfort of your couch. from Live Science via IFT...

Calm Seas on Titan: Saturn Moon's Waves Less Than 1 Inch High

The liquid-hydrocarbon lakes on Titan are incredibly calm, suggesting that future missions to the huge Saturn moon could enjoy a smooth ride to the surface. from Live Science via IFT...

Kinect Scans of T. Rex Skull Shed Light on Mysterious Holes

Motion-sensing tech used by gamers — the Kinect — helped scientists conduct serious research, when they used it to scan and 3D-model the skull of a T. rex. from Live Science via IFT...

How Much Should We Spend on Miracle Drugs? (Op-Ed)

Specialty prescription drugs are responsible for countless medical miracles, but their high price tag is the main reason health care costs are out of control. from Live Science via IFT...

Sandbox Sickness: Diarrhea-Causing Bacteria Found in Playgrounds

What's lurking in the playground sandbox? According to a new small study from Spain, the answer may confirm a parent's worst fears: dangerous germs. from Live Science via IFT...

'Charming' Heavy Particle Discovered at World's Largest Atom Smasher

The world's largest atom smasher, the large hadron collider, has uncovered a long-predicted type of heavy particle, known as the Xi-cc, which is made up of two charm quarks. from Live Science via IFT...

Electrified Droplets Create Mini Saturn Planets

By electrifying tiny drops of fluid, scientists have created miniature versions of the ringed planet Saturn. from Live Science via IFT...

Carved in Stone: The Ancient City of Petra (Photos)

Sculpted into cliffs thousands of years ago, the massive stone city of Petra endures as a monument to what was once a thriving civilization in Jordan's distant past. from Live Science via IFT...

Christopher Columbus to Thailand's Kings: 11 Curious Stories About Eclipses

Solar and lunar eclipses have sometimes played quite a remarkable role in human history. From foretelling evil omens to inspiring early works of science fiction, here are 11 of the most curious stories about eclipses. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 06 Juli 2017

Parasitic Worm in Walrus Meat Infects 10 People in Alaska

Ten people in Alaska were recently infected with a relatively rare parasitic worm that they got from eating walrus meat. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: The Incredible Life and Times of Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart remains one of the most celebrated aviators in history. Check out these photos of her incredible life and career. from Live Science via IFT...

How Opioid Prescriptions Have Changed Recently: New Report

Too many Americans are prescribed too many opioids for too long, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). from Live Science via IFT...

Blood in the Water: Drone Video Films Whale-Hunting Orcas

A pod of orcas recently pursued and killed a minke whale off the coast of Kamchatka, Russia. from Live Science via IFT...

Amelia Earhart: Biography & Disappearance

Amelia Earhart's disappearance during an attempt to fly around the world remains a mystery, but recent expeditions may have found clues to her fate. from Live Science via IFT...

Did Amelia Earhart Survive Crash? New Photo May Offer Tantalizing Clue

A newly found back-and-white photo taken on the Marshall Islands may help solve the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance, but not everyone is convinced that the famous aviator is in the photo. from Live Science via IFT...

The World Is on the Brink of an Electric Car Revolution

The internal combustion engine had a good run. from Live Science via IFT...

Hobby Lobby to Pay $3 Million, Give Up Artifacts Smuggled from Iraq

Hobby Lobby bought thousands of objects, including cuneiform tablets and and clay stamp seals, that were smuggled out of Iraq, according to federal authorities. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: Searching for Amelia Earhart

Photos from a search expedition to solve the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance. from Live Science via IFT...

Lunch on the Wing: Mantises Snack on Birds (Photos)

Praying mantises primarily hunt insects and spiders, but a new study found that for many large mantises, birds are also on the menu. from Live Science via IFT...

Secret Tunnel Discovered Beneath the Ancient Temple of the Moon

A secret passageway discovered near the Pyramid of the Moon in the ancient city of Teotihuacan may have been a way for the people there to emulate the underworld, archaeologists said. from Live Science via IFT...

Antarctica's Larsen C Iceberg Will Tower 600 Feet Over the Ocean

Scientists have estimated the size of the soon-to-be iceberg calving off Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf. from Live Science via IFT...

Aryan Invasion May Have Transformed India's Bronze-Age Population

A new genetic analysis reveals that ancient invaders from the steppes of Central Asia may have swept across Northern India about 3,500 years ago. from Live Science via IFT...

Oozing Methane Blasts Holes in Siberian Tundra

New craters in Siberia have formed amid local reports of fiery explosions. from Live Science via IFT...

Bug vs. Bird: Praying Mantises Feast on Feathered Prey

For a dozen species of praying mantises, birds aren't the predators — they're the prey. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: Flashy Collared Lizards of the North American Deserts

North America has 155 species of lizards classified into eight families native to the continent. Check out some of these amazingly colorful creatures. from Live Science via IFT...

If the Sun Is 93 Million Miles Away, Why Can't We Look Directly at It?

During next month's solar eclipse, you may be tempted to gaze directly at the sun, but you absolutely should not do this without the proper eye protection. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 05 Juli 2017

Psychopaths' Brains Reveal Secrets of Their Immoral Behavior

Known for their superficial charms but lack of empathy, psychopaths behave in impulsive ways. Now, a new brain scan study may reveal why. from Live Science via IFT...

Charlie Gard Controversy: What Causes Infant's Rare Condition?

Charlie Gard has a rare genetic condition that usually results in death in the first few months of life. Here's why the condition has such devastating effects on the body. from Live Science via IFT...

Missile Test-Launched by North Korea Was an ICBM, US Officials Confirm

North Korea did indeed test-launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) yesterday, as the nuclear-armed nation claimed, U.S. officials said. from Live Science via IFT...

Super Croc with T. Rex Teeth May Have Chowed Down on Dinosaurs

A scary representative of a Jurassic "ghost lineage" appears in Madagascar. from Live Science via IFT...

Cancer Vaccines Help Patients Get Tumor-Free in 2 Studies

Cancer vaccines showed promise in two small new studies. from Live Science via IFT...

How Hot Will Your City Get By 2100?

Summers around the world are already warmer than they used to be, and they’re going to get dramatically hotter by century’s end if carbon pollution continues to rise. from Live Science via IFT...

How the Nazis Destroyed the First Gay Rights Movement

The 1920s and early ‘30's looked like the beginning of the end for centuries of gay intolerance. Then came fascism and the Nazis. from Live Science via IFT...

Stephen Hawking: Earth Could Turn Into Hothouse Planet Like Venus

Stephen Hawking recently described a runaway climate scenario in which Earth turns into a hothouse planet like Venus, but most climate experts say it is a gross exaggeration. from Live Science via IFT...

What Were the First Records of Solar Eclipses?

People have been describing and documenting eclipses for thousands of years. from Live Science via IFT...

Spam, Lovely Spam! Mystery Meat Celebrates 80th Spam-iversary

Spam has maintained its popularity (or notoriety) for nearly a century. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Solar Eclipses That Changed Science

Although they were once feared as an evil omen, solar eclipses have helped to shape human history. from Live Science via IFT...

Adults with ADHD May Face Higher Risk of Dementia

Adults with ADHD may have an increased risk of developing dementia later in life, a new study from Taiwan finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 04 Juli 2017

11 Animals Named After US Presidents

In honor of the birth of American independence, here are U.S. presidents who have been immortalized in "life's filing system." from Live Science via IFT...

Hybrid Driving-Flying Robots Could Go Beyond the Flying Car

Whether they're swooping in to deliver packages or spotting victims in disaster zones, swarms of flying robots could have a range of important applications in the future. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 03 Juli 2017

Common Heartburn Meds Linked to Increased Risk of Death

Taking a popular type of heartburn drug may increase a person's risk of death, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

How Do Fireworks Get Their Glorious Colors?

Each firework is packed with just the right mix of chemicals to create their colorful lights. from Live Science via IFT...

'Placenta Pills' Led to Bacterial Infection in Baby

A woman who ate her placenta in encapsulated form retransmitted a potentially deadly infection to her baby, a new case report reveals. from Live Science via IFT...

Dinosaur Extinction Allowed Frogs to Conquer the Planet

The massive extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs paved the way for frogs to explode in diversity, new research suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

Maria Menounos' Brain Tumor: 5 Things to Know

TV host Maria Menounos had surgery to remove a brain tumor last month, according to People magazine. from Live Science via IFT...

More Than a View: Windows Double as Solar Panels

A tech startup on a mission to make modern commercial and housing estates energy neutral has outfitted the headquarters of a Dutch bank with the world's first commercial, fully transparent solar-power-generating windows. from Live Science via IFT...

Could CRISPR Sniff Out Viruses?

The gene-editing tool CRISPR is fast becoming known for its potential to treat disease, but it also has other possible capabilities, such as the ability to screen people for viruses. from Live Science via IFT...

Soap Ingredient May Be Linked to Antibiotic Resistance

Scientists in England have uncovered a possible link between an antibacterial ingredient and antibiotic resistance. from Live Science via IFT...

Mammoth Resurrection: 11 Hurdles to Bringing Back an Ice Age Beast

The road to bringing back the mammoth — a giant that went extinct at the end of the last ice age — is filled with barriers. from Live Science via IFT...

Animal Sex: How Western Toads Do It

Western toad sex involves quiet searches, mating balls and streams of eggs. from Live Science via IFT...

'Star' in Lord Byron Poem Finally Identified

Some crafty celestial sleuthing has helped astronomers identify the "star" that inspired Lord Byron's famous poem "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage." from Live Science via IFT...

How Do the Chemicals in Sunscreen Protect Your Skin?

Energy from the sun's rays can cause skin damage and cancers. Sunscreens can absorb or reflect the dangerous UV light. Here's everything you need to know to read the labels in the sunscreen aisle. from Live Science via IFT...

11 Body Parts Grown in the Lab

Re-growing lost organs or body parts is beyond the scope of human biology. But in recent years, scientists have successfully cultivated a range of miniature organs and human body parts in laboratories. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 01 Juli 2017

Bullied Kids More Likely to Have Loaded Guns, Report Suggests

For school-aged youth, access to a gun can increase their risk for becoming a victim of or for committing a violent crime, including suicide and homicide. from Live Science via IFT...

Ancient Gap-Toothed Whale Led to Evolution of Efficient Filter Feeding

A new fossil find, named Coronodon havensteini, helps explain the unusual eating habits of the blue whale. from Live Science via IFT...