An amateur astronomer appears to have made contact with the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) satellite, which lost contact with NASA in 2005.
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Rabu, 31 Januari 2018
Head and Heart: Migraines Linked to Heart Disease Risk
People who experience migraines may be more likely to develop cardiovascular problems, a new study from Denmark finds.
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Does Coffee Contain a Carcinogen? Here's What the Science Says
If a lawsuit in California is successful, Golden State stores that sell coffee will have to warn customers that drinking a cup of joe may be a cancer risk, according to news reports.
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Wearable Cameras Show Animals' Worlds Like Never Before
"Animals with Cameras" presents wildlife habits that have never been seen by humans.
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'Exceptional Points' Could Stop Light Waves in their Tracks
In a new paper, a team of researchers showed that light might be made to come to an absolute stop at certain "exceptional points."
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Can Owls Do What Kushner Can't — Foster Peace in the Middle East?
A conservation initiative using barn owls to control agricultural pests has nurtured a long-term collaboration between Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian scientists.
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Do Omega-3 Supplements Really Cut Heart Attack Risk?
A new review looks at whether omega-3 fatty acid supplements really benefit people with heart disease.
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Watch SpaceX's Elon Musk Play with a Flamethrower (Video)
Billionaire entrepreneur and SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveiled a new line of flamethrowers for his tunneling project, The Boring Company, with a wild Instagram video.
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Ancient Ale: Oldest Beer in Greece Dates to Bronze Age
The ancient Greeks may have liberally indulged in wine, but that's not the only alcoholic beverage they imbibed, according to a new study that describes the discovery of two potential Bronze Age breweries.
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Brain Scans Can Reveal Who Your True Friends Are
Great minds really do think alike (and fools seldom differ).
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See Gorgeous Pics of the #SuperBlueBloodMoon Eclipse
Amateur photographers are posting amazing shots of the rare lunar event. Check them out.
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Will Astronauts Someday Feast on Poop-Grown Microbes?
It's an extreme version of trash into treasure: New research finds that microbes can transform poop into fuel for edible bacteria.
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Killer Impression: Orca Mimics 'Hello' and 'Bye-Bye'
Say what? Orcas can mimic human speech — a few words of it, anyway.
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Selasa, 30 Januari 2018
It Looks Like the Flu, But Isn't: What Is Adenovirus?
The flu isn't the only virus that could leave you feeling feverish and generally miserable this winter.
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Why Does the Moon Turn Red During a Total Lunar Eclipse?
During the so-called Super Blue Blood Moon lunar eclipse, the face of the moon will turn a brick-red hue. Here's why.
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How to Watch the Super Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
A whole bunch of lunar stuff is happening this Wednesday. Don't miss it.
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Meet Erica, Japan's Next Robot News Anchor
This uncanny android has a job — and some say "a soul."
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Brain 'Pacemaker' for Alzheimer's Shows Promise for Slowing Decline
Implanting a pacemaker-like device in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease could help slow the decline of decision-making and problem-solving skills.
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Why Pot Smokers Scored Higher Than Nonsmokers on This Memory Test
Can weed improve your memo— wait, what were we talking about?
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Airstrikes Blast 3,000-Year-Old Temple in Syria
The early Iron Age temple, Ain Dara, was known for its intricate architectural carvings.
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Photos: Destruction at Syria's Temple of Ain Dara
The early Iron Age temple is known for its intricate carvings, some of which were blasted to bits in recent airstrikes.
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Cocktails to Make You Swoon Over the Super Blue Blood Moon of Jan. 31
Celebrate this week's Super Blue Blood Moon — which includes a total lunar eclipse — with some moony cocktails.
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Why Wednesday's Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse Is So Special
Imagine going to a drive-thru and ordering the following: a blue moon, a supermoon, a blood moon and a total lunar eclipse. Although such a request is impossible (if only!), all four events are actually happening tomorrow (Jan. 31).
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Weird: Naked Mole Rats Don't Die of Old Age
Naked mole rats are as likely to die at 3 as at 90.
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Will the Next Cold War Be Powered by Artificial Intelligence?
As tensions between the U.S. and Russia escalate, both sides are developing technological capabilities, including artificial intelligence that could be used in conflict.
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Are We Living in a Hologram?
In the late 1990s, theoretical physicists uncovered a remarkable connection between two seemingly unrelated concepts in theoretical physics.
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Oldest Fossil of 'Missing Link' Dinosaur Discovered in Germany
A fossil hunter in Germany found what may be the oldest specimen of the bird-like dinosaur Archaeopteryx.
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Senin, 29 Januari 2018
Superpowered Chinese Lasers Could Soon Rip Open Raw Vacuum
Chinese physicists are about to start building a 100-petawatt laser, powerful enough to rip matter out of a vacuum.
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New 'Hologram' Device Levitates Particles to Create 3D Objects in Thin Air
A team of researchers at Brigham Young University has developed a new device that creates fully three-dimensional images.
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This Is Why You Trust Some Strangers and Not Others
Is your brain hardwired for bias?
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Photos: School-Bus-Size Dinosaur Discovered in Egypt
Researchers in Egypt just uncovered a newly identified long-necked dinosaur known as Mansourasaurus shahinae. This is only the sixth dinosaur to be discovered in Egypt.
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Man Dies in MRI Accident: How Does This Happen?
A man in India has reportedly died after being yanked toward a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine, according to news reports.
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Lion and Dog 'Shake Hands': What's Really Happening?
What's the story behind the viral GIF of a dog and lion that appear to be "shaking hands?"
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Gross Souvenir: Caribbean Trip Lands Couple with Hookworm Feet
A Canadian couple is warning travelers about the risks of going shoeless on the beach after the pair returned from a Caribbean trip with hookworms in their feet.
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Why Paleontologists Are Stoked to Find This Bus-Size Dinosaur in Egypt
Egypt is known its magnificent pyramids, but now the country is gaining fame among paleontologists, especially now that an international team has uncovered the remains of an 80-million-year-old dinosaur the size of a school bus.
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Teach Your Kids About the Super Blue Blood Moon of Jan. 31 with These Activities
Get children and teens ready for the lunar eclipse (and supermoon!) with these fun STEM activities.
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Photos: Ancient Arrows from Reindeer Hunters Found in Norway
As climate change melts the ice patches of Norway, artifacts from the past 6,000 years are being exposed.
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Reindeer Weapons: Ancient Hunting Implements Emerge as Ice Melts
Archaeologists have collected more than 2,000 artifacts dropped by ancient reindeer hunters in Norway's icy mountains.
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This Parasite Uses Your Own Gut Bacteria Against You
If you've ever sipped some untreated tap water while you were abroad on vacation, you may have returned home with an unexpected souvenir: diarrhea.
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800-Year-Old 'Knight' Chess Piece Discovered in Norway
The decorated game piece would have been used to play what was called shatranj.
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Minggu, 28 Januari 2018
Making the Case ― Again ― for Saving Imperiled Species (Op-Ed)
Extinction is not a good thing. Why are people still arguing about this?
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Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018
Tiny Volcano Crystals Could Help Predict Eruptions
Predicting when a volcano is going to explode is a very difficult task.
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Alien Life Hunt: Oxygen Isn't the Only Possible Sign of Life
Alien-life hunters shouldn't focus too narrowly on oxygen when scanning the atmospheres of exoplanets, a new study stresses.
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Killer Color: Dog's Life Endangered by Human Hair Dye
A dog suffered life-threatening injuries after its fur was colored with human hair dye.
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Video Peering at a Crow's Ear Is … Eerie
A viral video on Reddit reveals the "hole" truth about birds' ears.
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The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
Here are the most interesting, amazing and unusual things that happened in the world of science this week. A recap of Live Science's best.
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Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week
Here are the stories behind the most amazing images in the world of science this week. A recap of the coolest photos featured on Live Science.
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Jumat, 26 Januari 2018
These Bears Got Fishy Bandages After a Wildfire Burned Their Paws
A fishy treatment has helped heal two black bears and a mountain lion whose paws were badly scorched in the deadly Thomas Fire, according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW).
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Teen Has 6-Inch Screw Lodged in His Skull After Tree House Accident
In a life-threatening accident, a Maryland teenager fell while building a tree house and wound up with a 6-inch screw lodged in his skull.
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A Computer with Just 2 'Neurons' Can Learn to Ride a Bike
It takes a lot less than half a brain to learn how to ride a bike, according to neural network research.
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Is Marijuana Bad for Your Heart? Science Can't Say Yet
As marijuana legalization spreads across the U.S., questions about the drug's effects on public health become more relevant. But in at least one area — heart health — there's just not enough scientific evidence to reach firm conclusions about the effects.
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Should You Capitalize the 'Universe'?
Grammar wars innnnnn spaaaaaaaace!
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10 Most Expensive Vacation Spots In The World

The longest vacation since I became an adult is a 3 day 2-night stay in Puerto Princesa, Palawan (Philippines). I remember it didn’t cost me much, it was just about $500 give or take a little. It already covered all my expenses while I’m there (except airfare), accommodation, food, tours. In all fairness, I had fun on that “budgeted” vacation. So I can’t imagine how much more fun I can have with these...
Nope, Women's Cycles Don't Make Them Crave Macho Men
Women think all guys are hotter during fertile phases of their menstrual cycle.
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Kamis, 25 Januari 2018
Are 'Heat-Not-Burn' Tobacco Products Safer Than Cigarettes?
A new tobacco device, known as IQOS, could soon be sold in the U.S. But is it safer than a regular cigarette? An FDA panel has weighed in.
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Quantum Physicist Named 'Australian of the Year'
Chalk one up for the physicists, as 2018’s "Australian of the Year" title goes to a quantum physicist who created the world’s first transistor made from a single atom.
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Rare, Mohawk-Wearing Fish Discovered 'Walking' on Seafloor
The discovery of a new group of weird fish - which sport bright red, Mohawk-like fins on their heads and finger-like fins on their sides - has delighted the divers who encountered them, just as they were trying to find the extremely endangered species.
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'Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence' Needs a New Name, SETI Pioneer Says
SETI pioneer Jill Tarter thinks the "search for extraterrestrial intelligence" needs to undergo a rebranding.
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Immaculate Conception: Centuries-Old Theological Rift Shows Up on CNN
A tense argument about politics turns theological on prime time.
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Human History Gets Longer: Oldest Fossils Outside of Africa Found
The oldest fossils of modern humans outside Africa have been discovered in Israel.
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American Cats Are Too Fat — But This Diet Can Help
How do you get a house cat to lose weight? The onus is on the owner.
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Why a Pot 'Breathalyzer' Won't Work
It's really tricky to measure how much marijuana a person has used on a given day — and how impaired their driving may be as the result of that use — a new review says.
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Crystal Slab of 'Snowflakes' to Become World's Tiniest Sonic Shield
Acoustics go nano.
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Armageddon Update: 'Doomsday Clock' Stands at 2 Minutes to Midnight
The "Doomsday Clock," a hypothetical countdown to global Armageddon, gets a new position.
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New Ocean-Dwelling, Bacteria-Killing Tailless Virus Hid in Plain Sight
Scientists have identified a new family of ocean-dwelling, bacteria-killing viruses.
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Why Are So Many People So Unhappy?
The likely culprit? Changes in how we spend our free time.
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Origin of Universe's Most Energetic Particles Possibly Found
A new theory connects three of the most energetic particles in the universe.
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Do Supplements Really Work? Check Out These Fact Sheets for Answers
Several new resources from the National Institutes of Health aim to help people cut through the confusion over supplements.
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Photos: Burnt Wreck May Be Last Known Ship to Carry Slaves to US
A burnt wreck found near Mobile, Alabama, may be the long-lost Clotilda, the last known ship to bring slaves to the United States.
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Alabama Reporter Finds Last Known Slave Ship in US
The discovery of a burnt, 19th-century wreck near Alabama has experts wondering whether the Clotilda's remains have finally been found.
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Rabu, 24 Januari 2018
Liver: Function, Failure & Disease
The liver is a vital organ that supports nearly every other organ to some capacity. You cannot live without a healthy liver.
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How Getting the Flu May Put You at Risk of a Heart Attack
The flu can be a serious illness itself, but it may also increase the risk of having a heart attack, a new study from Canada finds.
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Little Legs, Big Impact: Baby's Kicks Pack a Punch in Mom's Womb
Babies aren't so wimpy after all - here's how much force is behind a baby's kick.
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If Your Cat Swats with Its Left, It's Probably Male
Cats have dominant paws (and will probably slap you with them).
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No Needles: Contact Lens Could Monitor Glucose for People with Diabetes
Many people with diabetes need to prick their finger for a drop of blood up to eight times a day to monitor their glucose levels, an uncomfortable and cumbersome task. It can all add up to tens of thousands of finger pricks over a person's lifetime.
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Monkeys Have Been Cloned, Paving the Way for Human Cloning
For the first time, scientists have cloned non-human primates.
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Interstellar Influenza? Space Viruses Could Reveal Alien Life
You probably think about viruses only when you're sick, but there's a group of microbiologists who want to change that. In fact, they want you to consider the possibility that viruses may be found in space.
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Watch a Monster Spider Abduct a Cricket in a Horrifying Sneak Attack
A horror-movie-like GIF shows an African trapdoor spider ambush.
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Ursula K. Le Guin, Influential Science-Fiction Writer, Dies at 88
Writer Ursula K. Le Guin, whose work spanned multiple genres including science fiction, fantasy, poetry and essays, died on Monday (Jan. 22) at the age of 88.
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Tractor Beam Levitates Large Orbs with Sound
Scientists are figuring out how to make larger and larger objects float on sound waves.
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Photos: The Reconstruction of Teen Who Lived 9,000 Years Ago
Swedish sculptor Oscar Nilsson reconstructed the face of an 18-year-old young woman, dubbed Avgi, whose 9,000-year-old bones were found in a cave in central Greece.
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Face of 9,000-Year-Old Teen Girl Recreated
Bones from the 18-year-old woman dubbed Avgi were left in the Theopetra cave in Greece 9,000 years ago.
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Medieval Text Resolves Mystery of Viking-Irish Battle
The famous Irish king, Brian Boru, is credited with defeating the Vikings at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014. But not everyone heaps praise on the king. Historians have cast doubt on whether Boru's main enemies were the Vikings, or his own countrymen.
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Selasa, 23 Januari 2018
Probiotic Milk May Help Reduce the Risk of Pregnancy Complications
Drinking probiotic-rich milk during pregnancy may decrease a woman's risk of developing two pregnancy-related problems, a new study from Norway suggests.
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Dead Sea Scroll Remains a Puzzle After Scientists Crack its Code
The scroll contains part of a 364-day calendar of holy days.
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12 Sexy Camels Kicked Out of Beauty Contest for Using Botox
Saudi Arabia's King Abdulaziz Camel Festival kicked out a dozen camels from a beauty contest for receiving Botox injections.
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Could 'Zombie Deer' Disease Spread to Humans?
Deer dying from a fatal neurological disease have been found in at least 22 states in the U.S. and in parts of Canada.
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Man Bites Phone Battery, Exploding Battery Wins
What happens when you bite down on a smartphone battery? The results are fairly shocking.
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The New Thinnest Mirrors in the World Use Quantum 'Excitons' to Reflect Light
Two separate teams of scientists have built the thinnest mirrors in the world: sheets of molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2), each just a single atom wide.
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How a Norwegian Jetliner Just Set a Trans-Atlantic Speed Record
An unusually fast jet stream is offering commercial jets the chance make the crossing at unheard-of speeds.
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Dumpster Rats! A Pile of Pests Swarm in a Paris Bin
If you suffer from musophobia, a fear of rodents, this would be a scene out of your worst nightmare.
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Why 200,000 Antelope Dropped Dead in 3 Weeks
A killer was lurking inside the rare saiga antelope.
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Major Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Warning in Alaska
A 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Kodiak, Alaska, this morning. A tsunami warning is in effect for parts of Alaska and British Columbia, Canada.
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What Is 'Ice' Psychosis?
A new study has looked at why some crystal meth users suffer psychosis and others don't.
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Senin, 22 Januari 2018
Could This Newfound Cave Hold More Dead Sea Scrolls?
Archaeologists have hopes of finding new fragments of these biblical manuscripts.
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Einstein's Letter Defending Murderous Friend Up for Auction
When a close friend of Albert Einstein committed murder, Einstein rushed to defend his character, according to a letter the Nobel Prize winner wrote that is hitting the auction block.
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New Blood Test Can Detect 8 Types of Cancer
Researchers have developed a new blood test that can detect eight common types of cancer, including the notoriously elusive liver and pancreatic cancers.
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Nobody Knows Why These Bees Built a Spiral Nest
This Australian stingless bee builds spiral towers of its unborn young. That may be the least weird thing about it.
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1.7-Billion-Year-Old Chunk of North America Found Sticking to Australia
Rocks from opposite sides of the globe reveal that part of Australia was once attached to North America.
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Flat Earth Rocketeer Says He Will Launch in Two Weeks
"Mad" Mike Hughes, a flat-Earth conspiracy theorist, appears to have a new rocket and a new launch date for his mission to prove our oblate spheroid world is actually a disc.
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Why Flesh-Eating Bacteria Can Look Like the Flu
An Arizona woman who was initially diagnosed with the flu turned out to have a life-threating infection with "flesh eating" bacteria, according to news reports.
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Photos: 508-Million-Year-Old Bristly Worm Looked Like a Kitchen Brush
The fossils of an ancient, eyeless worm show it was covered in so many bristles that it looked like a kitchen brush. The finds are helping researchers solve an evolutionary mystery.
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508-Million-Year-Old Bristly Worm Helps Solve an Evolutionary Puzzle
An eyeless, alien-like worm with two tentacles sprouting out of its head and covered in so many bristles it looked like a kitchen brush, would have been quite a sight during its heyday as it scarfed down seafloor mud some 508 million years ago.
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Philippines Mayon Volcano Explodes, Violent Eruption Imminent
Explosions shook the Mayon volcano, while fountains of lava spewed from its summit today (Jan. 22), causing the Philippines government to raise the hazard level from 3 to 4, indicating a violent eruption is imminent.
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Do Worms Have Tongues?
The short answer is no, but they do have a stylet. Here's how that works.
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In Photos: The Amazing Caves of Arizona
Gorgeous caves, from winding networks of tunnels to lave tubes, are hidden across Arizona.
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Fireball Finds! Meteorite Fragments from Dazzling Michigan Meteor Found on Ice
Meteorite hunters in Michigan found six rocks Thursday (Jan. 18) that likely came from a spectacular fireball that lit up local skies earlier this week.
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Minggu, 21 Januari 2018
24 Underwater Drones – The Boom in Robotics Beneath the Waves
Aerial drone concepts are being adopted and adapted to work in a very different environment – underwater.
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Jumat, 19 Januari 2018
Stand Back, Way Back: Flu Virus Can Be Spread Just by Breathing
Simply standing back when someone coughs or sneezes won't necessarily protect you from the flu — the virus can spread just by breathing.
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How Did These Kids Make a Towering Bubble Bath Igloo?
A GIF shows kids playing inside a huge tower of bubbles.
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Pineapple: Health Benefits, Risks & Nutrition Facts
Spiny on the outside, sweet on the inside, pineapples are one fantastic fruit.
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His and Her Hookworm: Same Rash Strikes Couple on the Rear
A husband and wife returned home from a Caribbean cruise with identical souvenirs from their vacation: parasitic infections that caused itchy, red rashes on the couple's backsides.
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Tableware from the Toilet: Colonial Pottery from Philly Privy on Display
It may look pretty, but you don't want to know where it's been.
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The History of Russia's 'Plague Fort,' Where Scientists Battled Death (and Lost)
A military outpost jutting from the Gulf of Finland has an eerie history.
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This Spiny Plant Is Sending People to the Emergency Room
The sharp, spiny leaves of the yucca - a trendy plant found in gardens the world over - has caused serious ear injuries that have sent more than two dozen people to the emergency room, a new report from Australia finds.
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Don't Poo-Poo This: Why Dogs Feast on Feces
For poop-eating dogs, not just any old poo will do.
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Can Hobbits Swim? 'Mordor Under the Sea' Found Off Australia
One does not simply swim into Mordor.
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Surprise! California Man Finds Huge Tapeworm in His Gut
A California man pulled a shockingly large tapeworm from his body, which he may have contracted from eating sushi, according to his doctors.
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China's Quantum-Key Network, the Largest Ever, Is Officially Online
The Chinese satellite Micius has once again shattered records, this time enabling practical quantum encryption between Beijing and Austria.
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Boy's Strange Choking Episode: What Is Eosinophilic Esophagitis?
A 14-year old boy in Missouri who appeared to choke on a ham and cheese sandwich turned out to have a rare immune condition that can injure the esophagus.
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Kamis, 18 Januari 2018
10 Most Famous Athletes in the World

How is a person’s popularity measured? Is it by the number of people who know or have heard about him? Maybe the frequency of his TV or radio guestings? How about the number of billboards and ads with his face on it? People might have a varying basis for measuring popularity, depending on the industry they are in. Like if you are a business icon, your popularity would probably be measured according...
Day Zero: Cape Town Could Become 1st Major City To Run Out of Water
Cape Town authorities are pleading with residents to save water, warning that the city's taps could go dry by April.
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Mystery Solved: Here's What Caused a Massive Epidemic in Colonial Mexico
Researchers have cracked a nearly 500-year-old mystery about the germ that caused the so-called cocoliztli outbreak, an epidemic that killed countless indigenous people in Mesoamerica shortly after the Spaniards arrived in the New World.
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Did Researchers Just Take a Big Step Toward a Universal Flu Vaccine?
A single vaccine seemingly protects against multiple strains of flu.
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The Scientific Reason People Love Pimple-Popping Videos
Turns out a little disgust is good for you.
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How Many Drinks Could You Have If Blood Alcohol Limit Is Lowered?
To help combat drunk-driving deaths, the legal limit for a person's blood alcohol level while driving should be lowered, according to new recommendations.
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Maya Underworld: Peek Inside the World's Longest Flooded Cave
The underwater cave is otherworldy.
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This Otherworldly Maze Is Now the World's Longest Underwater Cave
A labyrinth of underwater passageways lined with chandelier-like rocky features and lit by sparse sunrays is the world's largest flooded cave system.
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Why the UK Just Appointed a Minister of Loneliness
There's a new minister in the United Kingdom, and the position's theme song might as well be The Beatles' hit song "Eleanor Rigby," which implores the public to "look at all the lonely people."
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Scorcher! 2017 Ranked Among Three Hottest Years Ever
Last year was one of the three warmest years on record, according to a new report by NASA and NOAA.
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How Do You Die from the Flu?
This year's flu season is off to a killer start — literally.
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A Space Magnet, Hunting Dark Matter, Turns Up Juicy Secrets of Cosmic Rays
An experiment based on the International Space Station has turned up new results about the shape and character of mysterious cosmic rays.
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'Inflammatory Diet' May Boost Colorectal Cancer Risk
An "inflammatory diet" may increase a person's risk of colorectal cancer, a new study suggests.
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Rare Snowfall in Sahara Desert Seen from Space
Stunning views show the snow-covered dunes on the edge of the Sahara Desert — an area known to be one of the hottest places on Earth.
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Watch This Bottle of Water Freeze Over in the Blink of an Eye
A way-cool clip posted on Reddit shows the strange phenomenon of a "snap freeze."
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Rabu, 17 Januari 2018
Woman Coughs So Hard, She Breaks a Rib
A woman in Massachusetts with "whooping cough" broke her rib in a fit of spasmodic coughing, according to a new report of the case.
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Surgeon Left Scalpel in Veteran's Abdomen, Lawsuit Claims
A veteran in Connecticut is suing a Veterans Affair Hospital, claiming that someone left a scalpel handle inside of his abdomen after surgery, according to news reports.
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New Threat to Extremely Endangered Cat: Deadly Dog Virus
A critically endangered Amur leopard turned up along the side of a road suffering from canine distemper virus (CDV) — a disease that typically infects domestic dogs.
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Amoebae Give Black Death Bacteria a Safe Place to Hide
The simple amoeba — a single-celled organism found in the water and soil — may provide a safe haven for the deadly bacteria that cause the plague, a new study finds.
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Chameleons' Secret Glow Comes from Their Bones
Previously unknown glow-in-the-dark patterns in chameleons have a bony origin.
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Trash-Blasting Lasers Could Help Clean Up Space Junk, China Says
Lasers: the ultimate cleaning solution.
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Fireball Over Michigan: Did Meteor Really Cause an Earthquake?
The earthshaking rumblings felt in Michigan last night weren't an earthquake, but rather vibrations from a booming noise caused by a meteor whizzing overhead, according to the National Earthquake Information Center.
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The Weird Tale of a Larger-Than-Life Wolf That Outran the Law, Almost
At the dawn of the 20th century, a lone — and furry — figure cut a criminal swath across South Dakota's Badlands.
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What Do Trump's Cognitive Test Results Show?
President Donald Trump aced a cognitive test designed to detect early signs of dementia, White House physician and Navy Rear Adm. Dr. Ronny Jackson told reporters yesterday (Jan. 16).
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‘Castle Cloud' Caught in Spectacular Astronaut Photo
It looks like a ghostly medieval tower — like something out of "Game of Thrones" — looming over the crystal-blue Caribbean waters of the Bahamas.
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4,000-Year-Old Mummies Are Half-Brothers, DNA Analysis Shows
The finding settles a 111-year-old mystery that began when excavators exhumed the two mummies in Deir Rifeh.
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Mini 'Gamma Ray Burst' Created in Lab for 1st Time
Gamma ray bursts, intense explosions of light, are the brightest events ever observed in the universe – lasting no longer than seconds or minutes.
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Gene Location for Paranoia Found
Researchers identified a genetic location linked to paranoia by studying a rare neurogenetic disorder.
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Selasa, 16 Januari 2018
Attention, Bond Villains! 910-Carat Diamond Hulled from African Mine
The find is the fifth-largest gem-quality diamond ever discovered.
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Rats May Not Be to Blame for Spreading 'Black Death'
Rats get a bad rap for spreading the plague, or Black Death, that killed millions of people in medieval Europe. But they may not be to blame.
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6-Year-Old Hallucinates After Taking Tamiflu: Why You Shouldn't Panic
Tamiflu can sometimes cause psychosis. You should probably still take it if your doctor prescribes it.
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Archaeologists Begin Search for Tomb of King Tut's Wife
Nobody knows when King Tut's wife died, or even how she died, but they have an idea about where she was buried.
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The Internet Is Changing the Way People Feel About Religion
Does more Internet mean less God? Probably not — but it might mean less church.
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Uganda Confirms Case of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever: What Is It?
A 9-year-old boy in Uganda has tested positive for a potentially life-threatening disease called Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever.
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Facelift by Lava: Eruption Makes Volcano a Perfect Cone
A fiery eruption just gave the Philippines's most active volcano a facelift, according to news reports.
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Is America's Hypersonic Spy Plane Back and Better Than Ever?
The SR-71 Blackbird hypersonic spy plane may be back and faster than ever.
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What's Hiding Inside Egypt's Great Pyramid? Tiny Robots May Find Out
Possibilities range from a new burial chamber to a sealed-off construction passage.
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Apollo 17 Astronaut Laments Size of Moon Rock at Trump Signing Ceremony
Apollo 17 astronaut Jack Schmitt wishes NASA had brought a bigger moon rock to the December 2017 signing ceremony for Space Policy Directive 1.
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How Fast Can Quantum Computers Get?
Turns out, there's a quantum speed limit.
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What in the World Is Metallic Hydrogen?
Hydrogen in extreme conditions, like below the cloud tops of Jupiter, starts acting…very strange.
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Untouched 'Frozen Tomb' Discovered in Siberia
The 2,800-year-old burial mound is hoped to contain the graves of Scythian royals.
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Senin, 15 Januari 2018
Here's a Perfect Example of Why You Shouldn't Stifle Your Sneeze
A 34-year-old man in England ruptured his throat when he tried to stop a sneeze.
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Brain Connections Set Creative Thinkers Apart
Being creative is all about making connections — in your brain, that is.
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Photos: This Dinosaur's Feathers Shimmered with Iridescence
During the Jurassic period, about 161 million years ago, a duck-size dinosaur dazzled its fellow paleo-beasts with its rainbow-colored, iridescent feathers.
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Little 'Rainbow' Dinosaur Discovered by Farmer in China
This is the oldest iridescent dinosaur on record.
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Minggu, 14 Januari 2018
Wild 360-Degree Video Lets You See the Milky Way As a Giant Black Hole Would
A new 360-degree simulation that uses data from NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory is helping astronomers better understand more than 22 stellar giants found at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
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Sabtu, 13 Januari 2018
Goopy GIF: You Can't Look Away from This Mesmerizing Experiment
A weird GIF highlights the magic of ferrofluids.
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Writing a To-Do List Before Bed Could Help You Sleep
Five minutes should be enough.
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Scientists 3D-Printed Squishy, Brain-Like Tissue for the 1st Time
A new 3D-printing technique can create tissues as soft as a human's squishy brain or spongy lungs — something that has not been possible before.
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Jumat, 12 Januari 2018
US Launches Spy Satellite on Secret Mission
The NROL-47 spacecraft soared into Earth orbit today (Jan. 12), riding atop a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Medium rocket that lifted off from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base at 5:11 p.m. EST (2211 GMT; 2:11 p.m. local California time).
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Wild Rumors Fly as Pentagon Shuts Down Questions on Secretive 'Zuma' Mission
It's been perhaps the weirdest week of news and mysteries in the history of private spaceflight. And it's ending in a swirl of confusion, silence, and whispers at the Pentagon.
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'Alien' Shark with Goblin-Like Jaws Hauled Up from the Deep Sea
Imagine this fearsome sight: an ink-black shark with gnarly, needle-like teeth; creepy, glass-like eyes; a glowing belly and a potentially extendable jaw. That's what scientists saw when they pulled up this rare creature, along with four of its pals.
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Scientists Just Created the Creepiest Robot You'll Ever See — Here's Why
This dirt-dispersing robot-baby torso will crawl out of the lab and into your nightmares.
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Don't Eat Laundry Pods: Why the 'Tide Pod Challenge' Is So Dangerous
Teens are deliberately eating laundry pods as part of a new online fad called the Tide Pod Challenge.
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Even Chemists Are Baffled by This GIF of a Molecule Spiraling to Its Doom
Why does this drop of liquid look like a spinning galaxy? It's complicated.
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Why Do Hurricanes Have Eyes? Scientists Still Don't Really Know
A new paper offers the most complete model yet of how a hurricane gets its eye.
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You Have the Flu. Should You Go to the Doctor, or Wait It Out?
When you have the flu, one choice looms large in front of your feverish eyes: Should you drag your aching body out in the cold to go to the doctor or hospital, or should you just wrap yourself in blankets, drink fluids and stay put?
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'Raw' Diet for Pets Not As Healthy As You Might Think
A "raw" diet for pets carries risks of their exposure to parasites and bacteria.
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Huge Glaciers Found Hiding Beneath Mars Surface
The newfound sheets are buried by just a few feet of Martian dirt in some places, meaning it might be accessible to future crewed missions.
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Why Women Have the Survival Advantage in Times of Crisis
Women have a longer life expectancy than men do under normal circumstances, and now a new study from Denmark and Germany reveals that women also outlive men even in the worst of times.
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Serena Williams' Blood Clot After Childbirth: How Does It Happen?
Tennis star Serena Williams has revealed that she experienced potentially life-threatening blood clots after giving birth to her daughter last year.
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This Week's Strangest Science News
Ready to get weird? Here are some of the strangest stories on Live Science this week.
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Silk Road Travelers' Ancient Knowledge May Have Irrigated Desert
More than 1,700 years ago, ancient farmers in China transformed one of Earth's driest deserts into farmland, possibly by using ancient knowledge of irrigation passed along by Silk Road travelers, a new study finds.
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Kamis, 11 Januari 2018
Cahokia: North America's First City
Cahokia, in modern-day Illinois, was one of the largest cities in the world.
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Out-of-This-World Diamond-Studded Rock Just Got Even Weirder
The mysterious Hypatia stone fits no known profile.
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10 Most Exotic Pets You Can Legally Own
Getting tired of the usual dogs and cats and up for a new, more challenging pet? Or have you really been into caring for more exotic species and not domesticated ones? Well, need not to worry because not all exotic animals will get you charged with illegal wildlife trade. Here is a list of the most exotic pets that you can legally own.
Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictors can grow between three...
The 'Black Hole' Optical Illusion of the Bird of Paradise Explained
Black doesn't get much blacker than the plumage of male birds of paradise, and new research reveals why.
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Don't Touch the Monkeys! Florida Macaques Carry Virus Lethal to Humans
Macaques in Florida's Silver Springs State Park carry a strain of herpes that can be deadly to humans.
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This Bird 'Eyeball' Survived 120 Million Years
Scientists have discovered a surprisingly "visionary" detail about a dinosaur-age bird that had a tooth-filled beak: It could likely see in color.
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UFO Legacy: What Impact Will Revelation of Secret Government Program Have?
The New York Times and Politico Magazine revealed last month that the United States government ran a mysterious UFO-investigation program from 2007 to 2012. Will this information change the way Americans and the world regard UFOs?
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Owls Dying Near Marijuana Farms (Here's Why)
If asked, spotted owls would likely vote against marijuana legalization.
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Going into Space Crushes the Delicate Nerves in Your Eyeballs
Researchers have shown that space travel puts a powerful, dangerous squeeze on the fragile tips of optic nerves.
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Pelican Spiders Are the Weirdest-Looking Assassins You'll Ever See
Meet the spider that eats other spiders — with venomous chopsticks
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Why Are Women Really Accused of Witchcraft?
Most anthropologists believe that witch labeling has evolved to get people to conform. But new research suggests an alternative explanation.
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Is There Radium In Your Tap Water? New Map Can Show You
You might be surprised to hear that tap water for more than 170 million Americans contains the radioactive element.
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Rabu, 10 Januari 2018
Merge Made A VR Headset Suited For Kids
Merge wants to introduce your kids to VR. The company announced the Merge Mini, a smaller version of its lightweight smartphone-based VR headset designed to fit the heads of kids better than previous models.
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This Colorful Kit Lets Kids Build a Programmable Camera
The Kano Camera Kit gives kids the tools to construct and write code for a digital camera with LED lights.
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Root Is a Coding Robot That Will Grow With Your Kids
This disc shaped, programmable robot is simple enough for four-year-olds, but challenging enough for teens.
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The Oldest Butterflies on Earth Had No Flowers to Feed On
Butterflies and moths are so ancient, they lived before the existence of flowers, a new study finds.
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Hepatitis Scare at 7-Eleven: How Do You Get The Virus?
Up to 2,000 people in Utah who visited a 7-Eleven store may have been exposed to hepatitis A, officials warned this week.
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A Neutron Star Hiding Out Near a Black Hole Is Pelting Earth with Radio Waves
New work probes the extraterrestrial source of incredibly powerful explosions of radio waves, investigating why that spot is the only known location to repeatedly burst with these blasts.
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In Photos: SpaceX Rocket Launches Secret Zuma Spacecraft
On Jan. 7, 2017, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched the secret Zuma mission for the U.S. government in a nighttime liftoff from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. See photos of the dazzling launch here.
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Runners' Back Pain Starts Deep, 3D Models Show
Motion capture reveals that the source of runners' back pain lies deeper than expected.
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Alligators 'Snorkel' to Survive Ice-Covered Swamp
The gators have devised a clever trick to breathe during the cold snap.
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Kitchen of Thomas Jefferson's Enslaved Chef Is Uncovered
James Hemings was a masterful, French-trained chef who introduced many culinary delights to the U.S. He was also the brother of Sally Hemings.
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Photos: Monticello's Original Kitchen Excavated
Archaeologists have uncovered the foundations of stew stoves in the original kitchen of Thomas Jefferson's enslaved chef, James Hemings.
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Pack of Female Wolves Destroys Enemy Intruder in Brutal Fight (Video)
Girl power.
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Selasa, 09 Januari 2018
Pregnancy Diet & Nutrition: What to Eat, What Not to Eat
A variety of healthy foods and beverages helps a mother-to-be provide the important nutrients a baby needs for growth and development.
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Ectopic Pregnancy: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus or not within the uterine cavity.
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Sleeping More May Curb Sugar Cravings, Really
Is the trick to cutting cravings for sugary foods as simple as getting a good night's sleep? A new small study from the United Kingdom suggests that may be the case.
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Man Declared Dead Snores to Life Right Before His Autopsy
A man in Spain who was declared dead by three doctors was actually still alive.
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Strange Sky Spiral May Come from Secretive SpaceX Zuma Launch
Is this ethereal spiral in the night sky the upper stage of the secret satellite launched by the U.S. government?
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Mitt Romney's Prostate Cancer: What's a Good Prognosis?
Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was treated for prostate cancer last summer, according to news reports.
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How High Doses of Ibuprofen May Impact Male Infertility
Men who take relatively high doses of ibuprofen may be at increased risk for fertility problems, early research suggests.
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This Humpback Whale Saved a Woman's Life, But Probably Not on Purpose
First the whale head-butted her. Then is saved her life. What gives?
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Working Human Mini Muscles Grown from Skin Cells in Scientific First
Scientists have created tiny artificial human muscles that contract and respond to neural and electrical stimuli just like real muscles do, a new study reports. There's just one twist: The functioning muscle fibers were made from skin cells.
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Wreck of Dutch Warship Found Buried Beneath Coral
Divers in the blue waters around the Yucatán Peninsula have discovered three historic treasures: a sunken lighthouse and the remains of an 18th-century Dutch warship and a 19th-century British steamer.
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How Onion Peels Landed One Farmer in the Hospital
Workers may like to complain that their job is making them sick, but for one man in Japan, that turned out to be the case: The 62-year-old, who worked as an onion farmer, developed a rare allergic reaction from repeated exposure to moldy onion peels.
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Here's What We Know About SpaceX's Possibly-Failed 'Zuma' Launch
Something weird is going on with a classified SpaceX payload launched Sunday night (Jan. 7), codenamed Zuma.
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Burn, Baby, Burn: Australian Birds Steal Fire to Smoke Out Prey
They didn't start the fire — but they know how to use it.
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Rare Hybrid Bird Discovered in the Amazon in a First
A rare, vivid green bird with radiant yellow feathers on its head is actually a unique hybrid species living in the Amazon rainforest, researchers have found.
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Pill-Size Sensor Sniffs Out Gases as It Passes Through Your Gut
A swallowable, pill-size sensor that can sense gases as it travels through the human digestive tract may one day help doctors diagnose patients' gut conditions, such as lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome, a new, small study finds.
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Climate Change Turned 99.8% of These Sea Turtle Babies into Girls
A new study found that sea turtles born in areas most heated by climate change are 99.8 percent female.
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A Nose for Loot? Dogs Training to Sniff Out Stolen Artifacts
Scientists are hoping the canines can use their noses to find smuggled antiquities and the associated tomb raiders.
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Senin, 08 Januari 2018
Bleeding and Spotting During Pregnancy: Symptoms & Causes
When a woman sees blood on her underpants during pregnancy, it's typically a frightening and worrisome sign. But not all bleeding is a sign of trouble.
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Hundreds of 'Boiled' Bats Fall from Sky in Australian Heat Wave
Extreme heat in Australia has deadly consequences.
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The Hole in Earth's Ozone Layer Is Healing
Efforts to heal the hole in Earth's ozone layer over Antarctica appear to be paying off, according to a first-of-its-kind study that looked directly at ozone-destroying chemicals in the atmosphere.
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Coca-Cola Plus … Laxatives? What's in Coke's 'Healthy' Japanese Drink?
The Japanese government has given a "gold label" to the soda Coca-Cola Plus, a designation meant to certify the drink's "health benefits."
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Woman Dies After Eating Raw Oysters: What Are Vibrio Bacteria?
A Texas woman developed a fatal infection with flesh eating bacteria after eating raw oysters, according to news reports.
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Are iPhones Bad for Kids? Two Investors Are Urging Apple to Investigate
Should Apple be responsible for controlling kids' screen time? Two big investors think so.
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Why Is Flu Season So Bad This Year?
Flu season is off to an early — and severe — start, with rates of hospitalizations and deaths from flu higher than what's typical for this time of year.
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This Huge New Prime Number Is a Very Big Deal
This prime is worth $3,000, but a $250,000 prime is getting much closer.
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Not Cool: Why an Ice Cream Museum Got Fined for Its 'Sprinkles'
A swimming pool filled with fake sprinkles recently landed a Florida museum in hot water.
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Why Stephen Hawking Still Matters on His 76th Birthday
Stephen Hawking, the physicist who rewound the universe and skimmed boosted particles from the hot boundary regions of black holes, turns 76.
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Daylight Saving Time 2018: A Guide to the When, Why, What and How
Here's everything you've ever wanted to know about Daylight Saving Time (often misspelled as "savings"), including times, dates, its history and more.
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Astronaut John Young, Who Walked on the Moon and Led 1st Shuttle Mission, Dies at 87
John Young, NASA's longest-serving astronaut, who walked on the moon and flew on the first Gemini and space shuttle missions, has died. He was 87.
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Megalodon Ancestor: Newfound Fossil Beast Related to Earth's Largest Shark
The newly identified mega-toothed shark lived about 83 million years ago, during the dinosaur age.
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Stephen Hawking Is Worried About Humanity's Future
In a new episode of "Favorite Places," Hawking wonders if humans will understand existence before destroying themselves.
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Stephen Hawking Turns 76: How Has He Lived So Long With ALS?
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking turns 76 today, reaching an age well beyond what was expected when he was diagnosed with ALS decades ago.
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Minggu, 07 Januari 2018
How Much Water Do You Really Need To Drink?
Do you drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day? That's nice — but you really don't need to.
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Why Sniffing Your Partner's Shirt Helps Reduce Stress
If you're feeling stressed, a whiff of your romantic partner's shirt may help you feel more relaxed, a new study shows.
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Sabtu, 06 Januari 2018
Frozen Sharks Washing Up on Cape Cod (And Scientists Don't Know Why)
The thresher sharks likely didn't die of hypothermia.
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Curiosity Rover Spots Weird Tube-Like Structures on Mars
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has found intriguing structures on Mars that look like tiny, fossilized worm burrows — but mission team members aren't claiming that the finds are evidence of life.
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Here's How Alcohol Can Damage DNA and Increase Cancer Risk
Drinking alcohol can cause damage to DNA that can lead to an increase in cancer risk, according to a new study done in animals.
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Nikola Tesla: The Extraordinary Life of a Modern Prometheus
The 75th anniversary of Tesla's death on Jan. 7 provides a timely opportunity to review the life of a man who came from nowhere yet became world famous.
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Jumat, 05 Januari 2018
The Straight Poop on Goop's Coffee Enema: Don't Do It
Colon cleansers have landed people in the hospital, but that hasn't stopped actress Gwyneth Paltrow from touting one — known as the Implant O'Rama System — on her lifestyle website, goop.
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Thai Clinic Offers 'Brighter' Genitals: What Is Laser Skin-Lightening?
A hospital in Thailand recently experienced a surge in popularity for an unorthodox cosmetic procedure: penis lightening.
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Photos: Book Fragments from Blackbeard's Ship
Fragments from a 1712 book were found wadded up inside a cannon on the pirate Blackbeard's flagship.
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Blackbeard's Book Club? Document Discovery May Reveal Pirate Reading List
Found at Blackbeard's shipwreck, the paper fragments had been ripped from an adventure tale that inspired Robinson Crusoe.
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Watch for Falling Iguanas! Bomb Cyclone Drops Frozen Lizards
It's snowing iguanas in Florida. The good news is they probably aren't dead.
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Brrrr! Why It's So $#%*! Cold
The "bomb cyclone," with its whipping winds and foot-plus snowdrifts, has passed. So what gives?
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NASA Goes for 'GOLD' to Scan the Border of Earth and Space
A new NASA mission, the first to hitch a ride on a commercial communications satellite, will examine Earth's upper atmosphere to see how the boundary between Earth and space changes over time.
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Rudeness Wins: Bonobos Are Attracted to Creeps
Bonobos, known as largely peaceful primates, are attracted to behavior that's not very nice.
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Breast Implants Linked to a Rare Cancer: How Big Is the Risk?
Women with breast implants are at increased risk of developing a rare type of cancer, but what exactly are the chances of getting cancer from implants?
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Real-Life 'Game of Thrones' Tale Told in Medieval Scroll
The scroll dates to the War of the Roses.
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Cutting-Edge Camera Deciphers Messages Written on Mummy Wrappings
About 2,000 years ago, ancient Egyptians made homemade wrappings for mummies from "recycled" scraps of paper that people had first used to scribble down shopping lists and personal notes.
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1,000-Year-Old Stone Structure in Mexico May Depict Creation of Earth
The underwater stone structure may represent a fish monster that legend says created the Earth.
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Kamis, 04 Januari 2018
10 Most Expensive Pets In The World
There are 2 different kinds of pet owners. Those who are really just fond of having pets and will keep and care for a cat or two around. There are also those who love (and borderline obsessed with) pets. I even saw an article about this lady who currently has a thousand cats under her care and had to give up her house, car and wedding ring. Since I’ve been writing about a lot of expensive things lately...