Skywatchers tonight (March 31) will be treated to the second and final Blue Moon of 2018, just on the eve of Easter. What is this type of moon, and is it actually blue?
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Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018
Why It's So Hard to #DeleteFacebook
Here we go again: another Facebook controversy, yet again violating our sense of privacy by letting others harvest our personal information.
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China's Falling Space Station Highlights the Problem of Space Junk Crashing to Earth
Any day now, the Chinese space station Tiangong-1 is expected to fall back to Earth – but it's uncertain where it will crash land. We know that Australia is in the potential zone, and we have been hit before by a falling space station.
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Africa Is Splitting in Two, and Here's the Proof
A gaping gash just opened up in Africa's Rift Valley. Here's why.
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Jumat, 30 Maret 2018
Where Did the Easter Bunny Come From? Ask This Dead German Scientist
There are no egg-laying bunnies in the Bible. But there is one in this 1682 medical journal.
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Why Are People Freaking Out About These Boring SpaceX Satellites?
SpaceX pulled off another successful launch today, lofting a set of new polar-orbiting satellites. By itself, this Falcon 9 launch isn't unique. So why did the new launch generate worldwide attention?
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Arnold Schwarzenegger's Heart Surgery: Here's What We Know
Arnold Schwarzenegger underwent heart surgery this week to replace a heart valve.
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Here's How to Watch the Chinese Space Station's Uncontrolled Plunge to Earth
It's time to grab the popcorn: The Chinese space station Tiangong-1 is plummeting back to Earth this weekend, and anyone with an internet connection can watch the fiery demise live online.
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Why the Fire that Incinerated a Tesla Was Such a Nightmare to Put Out
A Tesla that crashed and caused a fiery inferno is raising questions about whether these cars are more dangerous if they catch fire.
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Doctors Don't Know Why This Synthetic Pot Is Making People's Eyes Bleed
Health officials in Illinois are warning people that synthetic marijuana can cause bleeding from the ears and eyes, according to news reports.
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Here's What a Single Milkshake Does to Your Blood Vessels
A chocolate milkshake may be bliss for your taste buds, but it's not so good for your blood vessels.
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Despite Court Ruling, There's No Certain Science Linking Coffee to Cancer
Attention coffee drinkers: a judge in California has ruled that coffee companies in the Golden State must label each cup of joe with a cancer warning label.
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Why Denmark Is the Happiest Country
The new World Happiness Report again ranks Denmark among the top three happiest of 155 countries surveyed – a distinction that the country has earned for seven consecutive years.
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This Elementary-School-Age T. Rex Is a '1 in 100 Million' Discovery
The little T. rex would have been just 6 or 7 years old when it died.
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This Week's Strangest Science News
Ready to get weird? Here are some of the strangest stories on Live Science this week.
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April Fool's Crash: China's Space Station Will Most Likely Fall to Earth on Sunday
It sure looks like the abandoned Chinese space station Tiangong-1 will put on its re-entry light show on April Fool's Day.
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Kamis, 29 Maret 2018
This Hidden 'Royal' Jewel, Taken from India, Will Sell for Millions of Dollars
A very fancy, expensive, hidden diamond is about to be openly sold for the first time in its 300-year history.
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The Knuckle-Cracking Debate Gets Twisty
A new paper contradicts old research about why knuckles crack.
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The Opioid Epidemic is Getting Even Worse, As Fentanyl Deaths Soar
Deaths from synthetic opioids such as fentanyl doubled in just a year.
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The Sahara Desert Is Growing. Here's What That Means
Since 1920, the Sahara Desert has grown by about 10 percent.
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Mesmerizing 'Self-Healing' Liquid Sculptures Hold Their Shape: How It Works
Scientists have devised a fascinating and beautiful way to create watery sculptures within other liquids.
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King Tut, the Boy Soldier? Here's What Other Stories Aren't Telling You.
Many news reports describing this warrior-pharaoh hypothesis aren't telling you the whole story.
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Carving of Famed Pharaoh Hatshepsut Found in Storage
A new carving of Hatshepsut has been discovered in storage.
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Jesus' Baptism Site Surrounded by Bombs and Booby Traps (But Not for Long)
One of the holiest sites in Christianity is surrounded by thousands of active land mines. Not for long.
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This Truck-Size Dinosaur Terrorized Prey with 'Razor-Sharp 'Meat Hooks'
A truck-size dinosaur that sported sharp, long claws the length of bowling pins once tore across the South American landscape, terrorizing animals it hoped to eat about 85 million years ago, a new study finds.
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You Can Overcome Embarrassment with Mental Training, Fart-Filled Study Finds
If you are prone to embarrassment, you might be too self-centered. Here's a mental trick to overcome it.
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Discover the Science of 'Star Wars' and 'Black Panther' at Future Con
Delve into the science of science fiction as Live Science visits Future Con in Washington, D.C.
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A Cancer 'Vaccine' Cured 97% of Tumors in Mice. What's That Mean for People?
A promising new cancer "vaccine" will soon be tested in humans for the first time.
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Crashing Chinese Space Station Will Go Down Shooting — Fireballs
Scientists expect that as the station burns up, it will generate huge fireballs visible from the ground.
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Rabu, 28 Maret 2018
Lise Meitner: Life, Findings and Legacy
Lise Meitner was a pioneering physicist who discovered nuclear fission. Her contributions have often been overlooked.
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How Easy Would It Be to Repeal the 2nd Amendment? History Has an Answer
It would take serious popular support.
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Poisoned by Bitter Squash, Two Women Lose Their Hair
Bitter squash leaves more than just a bad aftertaste.
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Telescope Spots Doomed Chinese Space Station (Photo)
With just a few days left before China's Tiangong-1 space station is expected to come crashing down on Earth, astronomers captured this incredible view of the derelict craft zooming through space.
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2 Pilots in Different Planes Saw the Same UFO. The FAA Can't Explain It.
The FAA is completely stumped by this mysterious sighting over Arizona.
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A Man's 'Beer Belly' Was Actually a Massive Tumor
A New Jersey man's "beer belly" turned out to be a 30-lb. (13.6 kilograms) tumor.
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Gonorrhea's Always Bad, But This Man's Case Might Be the 'Worst Ever'
This could be the "worst ever" case of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea that doctors have seen.
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Walk on the Beach 13,000 Years Ago Becomes Huge Archaeological Discovery
About 13,000 years ago, two shoeless adults and a child squished their bare feet through wet clay near the water's edge, leaving footprints that still exist today.
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Mysterious Brown Spots on King Tut's Tomb Are 'Dead'
Mysterious brown spots on the ancient artwork of Tutankhamun's tomb are not growing larger as previously feared.
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Astrophysicists Claim They Found a 'Galaxy Without Dark Matter'
Dark matter, if it exists, should be everywhere. But scientists just spotted a galaxy that seems to have none at all.
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Archaeologists Were Surprised to Find the Mummy of an Egyptian Priestess in This 'Empty' Coffin
An ancient Egyptian coffin, previously thought to be empty, holds the mummified remains of an Egyptian priestess who lived 2,500 years ago.
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See How a Single Cell Dies in Gory, Intricate Detail
Millions of cell corpses are piling up inside you. Who cleans them up?
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'Demonic' Fish Glows in Eerie Photo
An unsettling image of a very strange fish skeleton seems more suited to a conversation about demonology than one about marine biology.
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Dear Alpaca Thieves, Please Return This Alpaca's Missing Brother
Bambi the Kiwi alpaca is blind, and according to the Rodney Times "relies heavily on Charisma to help him find his way around his home.
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Chinese Space Station May Crash Like NASA's Skylab
The uncontrolled fall to Earth of China's Tiangong-1 space lab may share some similarities with the end of the Skylab space station in 1979; some of Skylab's pieces rained down on rural Australia.
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Selasa, 27 Maret 2018
Here's What Growing Inside Your Rubber Ducky
This will take the fun out of bathtime: Rubber ducky toys are teeming with bacteria and fungi, a new study finds.
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3 Boys Find Mastodon Jawbone in Mississippi
Three boys in Bovina, Mississippi, are having a very cool spring break, after finding a mastodon jawbone in some recently plowed dirt.
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These Scientists Have a Wild Plan to Throw Salt into the Atmosphere. Here's Why.
Sprinkling large amounts of salt into the atmosphere could stave off climate change, a group of researchers has proposed.
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Iron Age People in Scotland Really Knew How to Party, Ancient Trash Heap Reveals
About 1,700 years ago, Iron Age cooks served a massive, meaty feast along the Scottish coast of the North Sea, offering guests a spectacular view as they chowed down on sheep, pig and otter, and even received party favors — metal rings and brooches.
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Mysterious Geoglyphs Reveal Amazon Was Densely Populated Before Columbus
Earthworks that span a huge swath of the Amazon River basin reveal some parts of the region were once densely populated.
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New Images Spot Elusive 'Snacking' Brain Cells
New images show the brain's "helper cells" nibbling on synapses, the connections between neurons.
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What Makes an E-Cig Taste Good May Also Make It Toxic
With names like "Banana Pudding," "Blueberry Cinnamon-Streusel Muffin" and "Butter Crunch," the flavoring ingredients in electronic cigarettes sound not only harmless but immensely appealing.
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Divers Search for Wreckage of Mystery US Hercules Crash
The aircraft that crashed in 1969 off the coast of England after being commandeered by a rogue U.S. serviceman who was desperate to fly home.
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Here's Why Antibiotics May Give Viruses a Leg Up
Why are infections from the viruses that cause West Nile fever, dengue and even Zika deadly for some people but mild in others?
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This Could Be the 'Beginning of the End' for North Atlantic Right Whales
A lack of new babies for endangered Northern Atlantic right whales makes their future even more uncertain.
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Oldest Human DNA from Africa Reveals Clues About a Mysterious Ancient Culture
The DNA samples come from one of the most ancient cemeteries in the world.
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The Cannibalistic Tale of Doomed 19th-Century Arctic Expedition
The ocean journey made by adventurers who intended to navigate the Northwest Passage went horribly wrong in 1846.
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Why Is This Entire Italian Volcano Sliding Toward the Sea?
Mount Etna's entire bulk is moving.
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Meet Your 'Interstitium,' A Newfound Organ
Researcher say they've found a network of fluid-filled spaces in tissue that hadn't been seen before.
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Senin, 26 Maret 2018
Why Aren't There Any Supersize Whales?
Whales are giant beasts, but why aren't even larger, supersize whales swimming around?
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This Medieval Mother Had a Gruesome 'Coffin Birth' After Medieval Brain Surgery
A chilling skeleton in Italy shows a mother who gave birth after she and her baby were already dead.
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You Could Soon Buy an 'Artificial Meteor Shower' — for a Hefty Fee
A Japanese company has a plan to commercialize dropping metal pellets from space.
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What Will Happen to China's Tiangong-1 As It Falls Through the Atmosphere?
Heat and friction will destroy the space station.
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China's Out-Of-Control Space Station Is Nowhere Near the Biggest Thing That Ever Fell Out Of Space
Here's how China's Tiangong-1 space station will compare to other uncontrolled re-entries when it hits the atmosphere.
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Why Is China's Space Station Falling to Earth in the First Place?
The one-module station is in an uncontrolled fall and will re-enter the atmosphere somewhere underneath the spacecraft's orbit, but nobody knows exactly when or where that will happen.
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Black Holes Devour Stars, Spit Out Clues to How Galaxies Grow
Black holes may spit out energy in the form of radio waves in direct proportion to the amount of mass the black holes consume, new data suggests.
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Why Is Orange Snow Falling Across Eastern Europe?
Winter sports enthusiasts posted truly weird images of an orange landscape after tinted snow fell across Eastern Europe Friday.
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Weirdly Dimmable 'Alien Megastar' Darkens Again
One of the biggest dips in the brightness of Tabby's star points to a possible source for its dusty light-blocker.
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If the Falling Chinese Space Station Hits You, Is Anyone Liable?
The crashing space lab's orbital path includes the United States and most of the population of the world. On the off chance a piece of Tiangong-1 hits you, here's who is liable.
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Is West Texas Sinking Into a Hole of Its Own Making?
Oil and gas drilling are doing strange things to the West Texas landscape.
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Minggu, 25 Maret 2018
Flat-Earther Blasts Himself into the Sky on Homemade Rocket (and He Survives)
"Mad" Mike Hughes launched himself from the Mojave Desert on a self-made rocket before landing back to Earth, a little dinged up.
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In Photos: A Look at China's Space Station That's Crashing to Earth
Tiangong-1, China's first space station, is currently falling back to Earth and will soon make an uncontrolled entry through our atmosphere. Here's a look back at the 9-ton space lab.
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Why Is Easter Called 'Easter'?
Everyone knows that chocolate eggs don't date from the roots of Christianity, but neither does the name (which the Venerable Bede says came from a pagan goddess).
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How Much Space Junk Hits Earth?
China's Tiangong-1 space station isn't the first spacecraft to shed bits of junk onto Earth, and it won't be the last.
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Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018
What Should You Do If You Find a Piece of China's Crashed Space Station?
So, you found a piece of space debris. Now what?
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Jumat, 23 Maret 2018
Viagra for … Cancer Prevention? Early Mouse Study Has Surprising Results
The "little blue pill" could one day have a surprising use as a cancer prevention drug, early research in mice suggests.
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In a Final TV Appearance, Stephen Hawking Imagines Humanity Colonizing Alien Worlds
One of Stephen Hawking’s final television projects was the documentary "Leaving Earth," airing March 25.
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Did These Children Have Their Hearts Ripped Out as a Sacrifice to an Ancient Rain God?
Construction workers in northern Peru recently uncovered a grisly discovery: The skeletal remains of 47 ancient people, including those of at least 12 children who were likely sacrificed by the ancient Chimú culture about 1,500 years ago.
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Whale Murder Was Sexually Motivated, Whale Detectives Say
Biologists have accused a killer whale of murdering another whale's child. Here are the facts of the case.
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Here Are Some of the Most Common Causes of Food Poisoning
Millions of Americans deal with the misery of food poisoning each year, and a new report looks at some of the most common germs that made people sick in 2017.
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'Smoking-Breathing' Elephant May Be Just Enjoying Some Charcoal
An elephant in India seems to have a smoking habit. Sort of.
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What Are the Odds of the Crashing Chinese Space Station Hitting You?
How unlucky would you have to be to get bonked on the head with any Tiangong-1 bits that survive the fiery plunge?
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More Than 100 Beached Whales Have Died, But Rescuers Are Trying to Save These 15
A commercial fisherman in Australia spotted an alarming site this morning: Upward of 100 whales were stranded and dying on a beach at Hamelin Bay, about 180 miles south of Perth.
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China's 8.5-Ton Space Lab Expected to Fall to Earth Over Easter Weekend
China’s Tiangong-1 space lab will likely fall to Earth between March 30 and April 2, according to the latest prediction by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Space Debris Office in Darmstadt, Germany.
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This Bizarre Sea Creature Has Parasitic 'Husband' Attached to Her for Life
In the deep North Atlantic, a small but ghastly-looking anglerfish floats in the inky black, eerily lit by her wispy, glowing fishing lure and the specks of light illuminating her long fin-rays.
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Move Over, 'Tomb Raider': Here Are 11 Pioneering Women Archaeologists
Popular "Tomb Raider" Lara Croft can't hold a candle to these groundbreaking women in archaeology.
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Kamis, 22 Maret 2018
Reproductive System: Facts, Functions & Diseases
This may be the most important system in the body. Without the ability to reproduce, a species dies.
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Your Grilled Burger May Come with a Side of High Blood Pressure
Regularly eating meats that are sizzled on the grill may increase the risk of high blood pressure, a new study suggests.
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Why This Lab Reeks of Animal Flesh and Contains a Suitcase Full of Slime
For one lab, the key to filling in the fossil record is in watching eels, worms and hagfish rot.
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Could Cutting Calories Slow Down Aging?
Cutting calories may reduce the risk of age-related diseases, and maybe even help you live longer, a new small study suggests.
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1 in 10 Sober People Have Cocaine or Heroin on Their Fingertips
There are a lot of drugs in the world, and there's a chance you've got a tiny bit on your body right now — even if you've never knowingly touched the stuff.
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Freezing This Nerve Could Trick Your Body into Losing Weight
To lose weight, freeze your nerves? That's the idea behind a new approach that may hold promise for weight loss.
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No, It's Not an Alien — Here's What That Tiny, Pointy-Headed Skeleton Really Is
Scientists have decoded a genetic explanation for an "alien" skeleton.
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Great Pacific Garbage Patch Has Quadrupled, Maybe Even 16-upled in Size
The enormous plastic soup floating in the vast North Pacific Ocean is growing. So much so that it's now three times the size of France.
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Astronomer Announces He Has Discovered ... Mars
In an online publication, this astronomer reports the detection of a very bright object in the night sky that wasn't there before. Turns out, he's thousands of years late for this discovery.
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Photos: WWII Battleship 'USS Juneau' Discovered
Wreckage from the USS Juneau was located off the Solomon Islands by the Research Vessel (R/V) Petrel. It is the final resting place of the five Sullivan brothers who served and died together.
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Here's Why Cockroaches Can Survive Just About Anything
Their genes let them essentially eat insecticides for breakfast.
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Why #OddlySatisfying Videos Are So … Satisfying
Why people love videos of slime, sand, factory equipment and cake decorating.
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Rabu, 21 Maret 2018
Are People Actually Smoking Bug-Spray-Laced Drugs? Either Way, It's a Bad Idea.
Street drugs in Indianapolis may be laced with an unusual ingredient: household bug spray, according to news reports.
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How This Bulging Lump on a Man's Hand Revealed a Serious Heart Infection
It started out as a red patch on a man's palm. But soon it turned into a raised, blue lump that pulsed with his heartbeat.
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Creator of 'Grand Unified Theory of Mathematics' Wins Prestigious Math Prize
Robert Langlands, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton University, won one of mathematics' most prestigious prizes for a lifetime for groundbreaking work.
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Famous Mathematician Joseph Fourier Would Have Been 250 Today. Here's Why He Matters
Fourier's discoveries can still be felt in modern-day radiology, climate science and physics.
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Sorry, Toby — Winter Storms Don't Have Names (Except on Cable News)
Only hurricanes get official names. Unless you're watching The Weather Channel.
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How Much Do You Poop in Your Lifetime?
Over time, a person's poop can really add up.
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Final Resting Place of 5 Navy Brothers Found Thousands of Feet Beneath Pacific
During WWII, the sinking of the warship USS Juneau doomed five brothers who served on it.
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Dream-Like Video Captures Minke Whale Gliding Beneath Antarctic Ice
It looks like a stereotypical hallucination of a whale floating beneath puffy clouds.
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US Can't Stop Hypersonic Weapons, Air Force General Says
Missiles that spit out warheads traveling up to 20 times the speed of sound and with the ability to perform elusive acrobatics may be too much for the U.S. defenses to block, U.S. Stratcom chief says.
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Bizarre, Nessie-Like Creature Washes Ashore in Georgia, and Marine Experts Are Mystified
Is it a dead frilled shark? Or a decayed whale or an oarfish? Or even a hoax?
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These 2 Genes May Increase the Risk for Extreme Morning Sickness
Researchers have identified two genes that may increase risk for hyperemesis gravidarum, a debilitating condition that causes extreme morning sickness during pregnancy.
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Why Some People Can 'Hear' Silent Images
Here's a riddle: If a tree falls in a silent GIF, does it make a sound?
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Selasa, 20 Maret 2018
New Stem Cells Treatment Reverses Blindness in 2 Patients
Two people who were going blind can now see the word in much greater detail than before thanks to an experimental stem cell treatment for macular degeneration.
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Stephen Hawking to Be Interred in Westminster Abbey Near Newton, Darwin
Stephen Hawking will spend eternity in the company of some other tremendously influential English scientists.
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China's First Space Station Is Going to Fall Out of Space Very Soon
A Chinese space station is going to fall out of space, and now trackers know when. Kind of.
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A Mysterious Infection Killed This Man. Here's How Doctors Finally Found the Cause
The man had a mysterious infection in his brain, but tests for dozens of viruses and bacteria came back negative.
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Stephen Hawking's Last Paper (Probably) Doesn't Prove We Live in a Multiverse
Stephen Hawking's last paper has been touted to provide a way to finally test for the existence of a multiverse, but it's unlikely to do that, several experts said.
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Can You 'Speed Up' Your Metabolism?
Metabolism refers to the calories the body uses at rest.
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Psychologists Have a Plan to Fix the Broken Science of Psychology
Psychologists have known that something was wrong with their field since at least 2011. Now, there's a real plan to fix things, and it seems to be working.
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The Weirdest Things That Fell From The Sky
Umbrellas and galoshes will shield you from the rain, snow and hail — but what about the showers of spiders, satellites, and raw mystery meat?
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In Images: Cut Marks from Samurai Swords and Machetes
Slashing pigs with swords doesn't sound like science. But that's exactly what scientists had volunteers do — hack away at a pig carcass with a Japanese samurai sword called a katana.
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Why Scientists Are Stabbing Pig Carcasses with Samurai Swords
Pay no attention to the person wielding a samurai sword and hacking away at a pig carcass — he's doing it for science.
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Facts About Rhinos
Their horns are made of the same stuff as human fingernails!
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Self-Driving Car Kills Pedestrian in Arizona. Human Drivers Will Kill 6,000 This Year.
Will self-driving cars ultimately be safer than human-piloted vehicles? So far, the numbers say yes.
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Icelandic Epic Prophesized Fiery End for Pagan Gods, and then this Volcano Erupted
A series of Earth-shattering volcanic eruptions in Iceland during the Middle Ages may have spurred the people living there to turn away from their pagan gods and convert to Christianity.
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Did Prehistoric 'Astronomers' Build Stonehenge?
Ever since humans could look up to see the sky, we have been amazed by its beauty and untold mysteries. Naturally then, astronomy is often described as the oldest of the sciences, inspiring people for thousands of years.
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Sudan, the Last Male Northern White Rhino, Has Died
Over the last 24 hours, Sudan's health declined to the point where he was suffering a great deal and unable to walk.
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Astronomers Have Found Their Paradise, and It's the Coldest and Most Remote Point in Antarctica
Antarctica. The name evokes images of bitter extremes, an environment unkind to humans. Stories of polar explorers battling with the weather and perishing on their way back to safety. Why would astronomers choose to go there?
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Senin, 19 Maret 2018
Live Bee Sting 'Acupuncture' Triggers Lethal Allergic Reaction
An "acupuncture" session using live bees had a lethal ending.
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Male Birth Control Pill Blocks 'Sperm Hormones,' But Will It Work?
Scientists say they're getting closer to developing a birth control pill for men.
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Big Cats and 'Ritual' Dogs Lived in Mayan Captivity
The ancient Maya were trading dogs and holding cats in captivity as early as 400 B.C.
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No, One Sick Passenger Won't Infect Everyone on the Plane
Finally, some good news about airplane travel.
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Scientists Made a Startling Discovery After Dosing People with LSD
Scientists in Switzerland dosed test subjects with LSD to investigate how patients with severe mental disorders lose track of where they end and other people begin.
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12 Extremely Strange Animal Feet
Whether they're used as digging tools, grasping suckers or killing machines, animal feet can be downright bizarre.
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Russian Scientists Tested their Asteroid-Nuking Plan with Powerful Lasers
Russian scientists have a plan to deal with the asteroid threat straight out of the movie "Armageddon."
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Young Blood: Magic or Medicine?
Recent scientific studies have claimed, almost vampire-like, that transfusions of blood from teenagers can help delay or reverse the ageing process. Where do these claims come from? Do they stack up?
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Adults Stop Growing New Neurons in This Part of the Brain
When our recent study met significant skepticism, we weren't surprised. After all, we ourselves remained skeptical of what we were seeing throughout our investigation.
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17th-Century Houseguests Slaughtered Hosts, and Archaeologists Are Investigating
For the chief of a 17th-century Scottish clan, missing a deadline was nothing to shrug off. Here's why.
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Minggu, 18 Maret 2018
Expect a Warm, Wet Spring Across the US
Even so, regions hit by drought will see little relief, NOAA forecasts.
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Photos: These Animals Used to Be Giants
These animals used to be giant.
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Sabtu, 17 Maret 2018
17 Billion? How the CDC Estimated How Many Binge Drinks US Downs Each Year
U.S. adults consume more than 17 billion alcoholic drinks during binges each year. But how did researchers calculate this?
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'Virtual Particles' Could Create Dark, Echoing Dead Stars
There might be a massive, dead star out there that bends the stuff of raw vacuum and prevents itself from collapsing into a black hole.
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Jumat, 16 Maret 2018
5 Weird Effects of Bug Bites
As if bug bites weren't already the worst.
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Turkey Vultures: Photos Reveal an Icon of the American West
The American West has long been as much of an idea and a dream as an actual place. And one of its stars is surely the turkey vulture. Here's a look at the majestic birds in all their glory.
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Watch a Robot Solve a Rubik's Cube in 0.38 Seconds
This robot goes to MIT and just set a world Rubik's Cube speed record. If robots had grandparents, this one's would be very proud.
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These 'Alien' Mummies Appear to Be a Mix of Looted Body Parts
Bizarre images of three-fingered "mummies" seem to be a collection of parts stolen from actual human mummies in Peru.
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We Were Totally Wrong About That Scott Kelly Space Genes Story
We reported that after a year in space, Scott Kelly's genes were altered to the degree that he and his brother were no longer identical twins. Here's what we got wrong.
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Pythons Are Cold-Blooded Killers But At Least They're Not Negligent Mothers
Python moms care for their babies, even though it wears them down.
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I Went to Space and Floated Above Earth Thanks to This Immersive Helmet
A space helmet "theater" showed me an astronaut's view of Earth.
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Chillaxing? 'Snorkeling' Walrus Charms Twitter
A "snorkeling" walrus has achieved its 15 minutes of fame after a photo of the flippered behemoth was tweeted along with this oddly charming wildlife fact: "Good morning, walruses sometimes hook their teeth on the ice and relax."
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You Should Be Very Skeptical of Nectome's Deadly 'Mind-Uploading Service'
Don't upload your brain, folks.
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A Russian Cargo Plane Just Dropped 3 Tons of Gold Over Siberia
About $378 million in gold rained down from the skies of Siberia after the back of a cargo plane holding the treasure ripped off.
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Kamis, 15 Maret 2018
The FDA Wants to Take Nicotine Out of Tobacco. How Do You Do That?
The FDA is taking steps to lower nicotine levels in cigarettes. But exactly how do you take the nicotine out of tobacco?
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Oklahoma Turns to Nitrogen Gas for Executions
After an ongoing shortage of execution drugs that has left states scrambling, Oklahoma authorities have announced that it will use nitrogen gas to execute death-row inmates.
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Neanderthals Weren't Humans' Only Mating Partners. Meet the Denisovans.
The mysterious extinct human lineage known as the Denisovans may have interbred with modern humans in at least two separate waves, a new study finds.
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Should You Worry About Microplastics in Bottled Water?
There are some very good reasons why you shouldn't panic about a study reporting microplastics in bottled water.
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Why Coffee Could Be the Opposite of Cannabis
Coffee acts on the same system in the body as marijuana does.
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Real-Life Pot o' Gold Discovered During Dutch Construction Project
Sometimes you don't need to follow a rainbow, but rather a drain pipe, to find a pot o' gold.
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Funky Protein in Platypus Milk Could Beat Antibiotic Resistance
A ringlet-like protein could give platypus milk its antimicrobial properties.
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Celebrities Mourn Death of Stephen Hawking
The world lost one of its most brilliant minds yesterday (March 14) when the renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking passed away at the age of 76. Celebrities took to social media to mourn his death and celebrate his incredible life.
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Stephen Hawking Never Reached Space, But He Sought to Lift All of Humanity
Stephen Hawking was most famous for melding general relativity with quantum mechanics and bringing big-picture cosmology to the masses in a series of best-selling books. But he was a passionate advocate for space exploration as well.
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'He Inspired Us All to Wonder': Scientists and the Public Remember Stephen Hawking
The death of iconic physicist Stephen Hawking Wednesday (March 14) has spawned an outpouring of respect and emotions from scientists the world over.
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A Vast, Growing Web of Cracked Ice Is Sucking Greenland's Lakes Dry
Greenland's lakes are vanishing, and a chain of cracking ice is to blame.
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Fossilized Brains of Ancient 'Sea Monster' Discovered in Greenland
The discovery of not just one, but 15 fossilized brains from a 520-million-year-old marine predator is helping scientists understand how ancient brains evolved into the complex command centers they are today.
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Rabu, 14 Maret 2018
Prenatal Genetic Screening Tests: Benefits & Risks
Prenatal genetic testing may diagnose any complications or developmental issues.
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Stephen Hawking Never Answered His 'Most Interesting' Scientific Question
The defining question of Hawking's later career was never resolved in his lifetime, but he offered physicists the tools to do so.
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These Gut Bugs Need Their Own Gut Bugs
It's a Russian nesting doll of sorts: Parasitic bugs that live in the human gut have their own set of gut bugs inside their intestines.
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Fitness Could Ward Off Dementia for Women — If They Start At the Right Age
For women, physical fitness in midlife may do more than give the heart a boost; it may also benefit the brain, a new study from Sweden suggests.
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'He Inspired Us All to Wonder': Scientists and the Public Remember Stephen Hawking
The death of iconic physicist Stephen Hawking Wednesday (March 14) has spawned an outpouring of respect and emotions from scientists the world over.
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Best Pi Day Deals for Kids & DIYers
Pi Day is here and while the Internet is brimming with discounts on pizza and pastry, we're honing in on Newegg's Pi Day Sale.
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How Do People Die from ALS?
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, who died today (March 14) at the age of 76, battled amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) for most of his life.
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Stephen Hawking: A Physics Icon Remembered in Photos
One of the world's most brilliant minds, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has died. Here, we honor the man who changed the way we look at the universe.
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How Stephen Hawking Transformed Humanity's View of the Universe
Stephen Hawking reshaped the landscape of theoretical physics, popularized physics for millions, and left a legacy that will be hard for others to match.
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Archaeopteryx: The Transitional Fossil
Archaeopteryx was an evolutionary link between dinosaurs and birds.
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Stephen Hawking's Most Far-Out Ideas About Black Holes
From the notion of hairy black holes to Hawking radiation, the late Stephen Hawking revolutionized our understanding of black holes.
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Stephen Hawking's Most Intriguing Quotes on the Future of Humanity, Aliens and Women
One of the brightest minds, Stephen Hawking has died at age 76. As we mourn his death and celebrate his life, here's a look back at some of his most intriguing words.
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Woman Gives Birth in the Red Sea (But Here's Why You Shouldn't)
A pregnant woman visiting Egypt certainly has a unique story to tell about her labor: She appears to have given birth in the Red Sea.
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What Was the Most Pointless Battle in History?
Some would argue that there are no winners in warfare. But in some battles, the losses are more embarrassing than others.
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10 Surprising Facts About Pi
From its ancient origins to the unanswered questions, here are some surprising facts about pi.
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Selasa, 13 Maret 2018
This Futuristic Flying Car Requires Zero Piloting Skills
A "flying car" company funded by Google co-founder Larry Page seems to finally have a prototype that looks something like a personal aircraft people might actually use.
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Future Medical Implants May Be Blinged-Out in Tiny, Microwaved Diamonds
Get a diamond-coated hip replacement for your health; keep it for the street cred.
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Would You Eat Human Meat Grown in a Lab?
Richard Dawkins wants to know if lab-grown meat will open the door to a synthetic version of human cannibalism.
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Why Did These Medieval European Women Have Alien-Like Skulls?
Genetic sleuthing has helped scientists crack the case of mysterious egg-shaped skulls unearthed from medieval Bavarian graves: The pointy skulls likely belonged to immigrant brides who traveled to Bavaria to get married.
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Get Used to Nor'easters — Arctic Warming May Mean More Severe Winters in the Northeast
Temperature spikes in the Arctic coincide with severe winter weather in the northeastern U.S.
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Great, Now We're Using Smartphones for Brain Surgery
Actually, it seems to be working pretty well...
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The Science Websites That We Read Every Day
There's a lot of junk on the internet, but the world wide web is still a wonderful place to share and discover knowledge. These are the sites we love to read.
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What This Optical Illusion Reveals About the Human Brain
You can interpret the image as either one of these animals or the other, but not both at the same time.
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The Happiest US Communities: Full List
A new poll ranks nearly 186 U.S. communities based on the well being of their residents.
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This Florida City Is Nation's Happiest for 3rd Year in a Row
The state may be declining in well-being, but this spot is a ray of sunshine.
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Why This Ancient Book of Hymns Is Getting Blasted with X-Rays
Researchers have a great reason for firing high-powered x-rays into a very old book of not-very-interesting hymns.
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Senin, 12 Maret 2018
What Is Novichok, the Poison that Nearly Killed a Russian Ex-Spy?
A Soviet-era poison called Novichok was used to poison an ex-Russian spy and his daughter last week in England, Prime Minister Theresa May told Parliament today (March 12).
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Scott Kelly Spent a Year in Space, and Now He's No Longer His Brother's Identical Twin
In space, no one can hear your DNA change.
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Would You Save a Hairy, Hand-Size Tarantula from Drowning?
A giant, hairy tarantula that was clinging for dear life to a branch with all eight of its legs is now in a much safer - and somewhat drier - spot, thanks to two spider lovers who rescued it from a flooded street in Queensland, Australia.
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The Pentagon Needs an Alien Investigation Team, Official Says
One former official said the government is turning away from its responsibilities.
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These Personality Traits Could Put You At Risk for Social Media Addiction
Whether it's scrolling through Instagram or constantly refreshing your Facebook feed, social media can eat up hours of your day.
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Burger-Flipping Robot 'Flippy' On Leave After Doing Its Job Too Well
Being a fry cook isn't as easy as it looks, as a burger-flipping robot named "Flippy" recently discovered.
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Quantum Physicists Doubled the Information Speed Limit of the Universe
A team of quantum physicists has busted the limit on how fast information can move through the universe.
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Florida Scientists Are Running Around at Night Bashing in Iguanas' Skulls
A team of scientists in Florida are on a three-month, $63,000 iguana-bashing spree.
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The Guardian Is Reporting Astrologers' Ramblings about Quantum Physics for Some Reason
"Sceptics will say that it is not science-based; practitioners will argue roots in astronomy and connections to quantum physics." What?
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Europe's Clocks Are Losing Time and Here's Why
It's the former Yugoslavia's fault.
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Yep, the Earth Is Still Round, Neil deGrasse Tyson Says
"Cosmos" host and astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson recently shot down the ideas of anyone out there who still thinks the Earth is flat.
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Men Don't Get Your Feelings, And Science Still Can't Explain It
For women who think that men just don't seem to understand, well, you're right.
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Famed Archaeologist 'Discovered' His Own Fakes at 9,000-Year-Old Settlement
Apparently, he ran a forger's workshop of sorts, where he created "ancient" murals and inscriptions.
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Minggu, 11 Maret 2018
9 Surprising Risk Factors for Dementia
Here are nine recent studies that are changing the way we think about how to prevent dementia.
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7 Years After Fukushima Disaster: Little Radioactive Material in US Waters
Now that seven years have passed since the Fukushima disaster, how radioactive are the waters around the U.S.-Canadian West Coast?
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Sabtu, 10 Maret 2018
How a Shaolin Monk Threw a Needle Through a Pane of Glass
Throw a needle through a pane of glass, and it will break. At least, it will break if you throw it with the strength and precision of Feng Fei.
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Spring Daylight Saving: Lose an Hour of Sleep, But Save a Koala
This Sunday marks the 100th anniversary of daylight saving time (DST), and what better way to celebrate than by losing an hour of sleep in the morning and gaining an hour of sunlight in the evening.
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Jumat, 09 Maret 2018
Urinary System: Facts, Functions & Diseases
The urinary system — also known as the renal system — produces, stores and eliminates urine, the fluid waste excreted by the kidneys
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Facts About the JFK Assassination
President John F. Kennedy was killed on Nov. 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald. Conspiracy theorists believe there is more to the story, but the recent release of classified documents has not changed the basic facts.
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A Mysterious Lung Disease Is Striking Virginia Dentists
Health officials don't know what's behind this cluster of cases.
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Let's Spy on Russia: Aerial Photos of the World's Biggest Country
The world's largest nation looks even more striking from space.
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A Power Company Just Gave MIT $30 Million to Build the World's Strongest Electromagnet
What are they going to do with it? Why, solve the energy crisis, of course.
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Antarctic Penguins Find Research Camera, Proceed to Take Most Adorable Selfies
An adorable pair of emperor penguins recently captured the cutest of all animal selfies when they encountered a camera left behind in their rookery.
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Brilliant Fireball Lights Up the Sky Over Washington
A space rock slammed into Earth's atmosphere over the Pacific Northwest on Wednesday night (March 7), putting on a brief but brilliant sky show, according to media reports.
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Can (and Should) the Northern White Rhino Be Saved?
With the last northern white rhino named Sudan standing on his last leg, conservationists are debating whether his subspecies has a chance at survival.
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8 Reasons Why We Love Tardigrades
Whether you know them as water bears or moss piglets, tardigrades are microscopic bundles of awesomeness.
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Tomo the Big Cat Gets a CAT Scan
A big cat just got a CAT scan.
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Man's 'Missing' Brain Was Actually a Large Air Pocket Inside His Head
A scan of the 84-year-old's brain revealed something quite unexpected.
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Daylight Saving Time 2018: A Guide to the When, Why, What and How
Here's everything you've ever wanted to know about Daylight Saving Time (often misspelled as "savings"), including times, dates, its history and more.
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Russian Gov't Says Not to Worry About These 54 Severed Human Hands Found in Siberia
A bag of 54 dismembered hands found in the snow was probably 'not criminal' in origin, officials say.
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Spacecraft Could Nuke Dangerous Asteroid to Defend Earth
The next time a hazardous asteroid lines Earth up in its crosshairs, we may be ready for the threat.
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This Week's Strangest Science News
Ready to get weird? Here are some of the strangest stories on Live Science this week.
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These 2 Photographers Never Met, But They Took the Exact Same Photo
Two photographers captured photographs so much like one another that a stranger thought one of them was stolen.
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Kamis, 08 Maret 2018
In Photos: Ancient Home and Barracks of Roman Military Officer
Photos reveal a recently discovered 1,900-year-old home that would have belonged to a Roman military commander.
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Roman Military Commander's Sprawling Home Found Beneath Subway System
The home includes 14 rooms with elaborate mosaic floors, fountains and pools.
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Why 23andMe's New BRCA Test Won't Tell You Much About Your Breast Cancer Risk
People can buy all kinds of take-home medical tests these days, but the latest test to get government approval - one that looks for a certain type of breast cancer risk - is problematic, a bioethicist told Live Science.
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Russian Ex-Spy Poisoned: What Is a Nerve Agent?
You can't see them, smell them, or taste them. By the time you feel them — it's already too late.
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In Photos: Research Vessel Headed to 'Hidden' Antarctic Ecosystem Turns Back Due to Ice
The expedition was meant to explore the newly exposed seafloor that had been covered by the Larsen C Ice Shelf for about 120,000 years.
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Mysterious Sandbar Island That Formed Last Summer is Gone Once Again
Shelly Island, which formed in June of 2017 off the coast of North Carolina's barrier islands, has disappeared due to strong hurricanes and storms, new NASA images reveal.
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Man with Life-Threatening Heart Infection Saved by Virus Plucked from Lake
A virus scooped up from a lake saved an 80-year-old Connecticut man who had a life-threatening bacterial infection in his heart.
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Rabu, 07 Maret 2018
Google Wants to Make Military Spy Drones Even Smarter
Google has partnered with the military to enhance surveillance drone software.
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Every Year, the Swiss Cover Their Melting Glaciers in White Blankets
Summer's coming, which means that soon enough it'll be time to tuck the glaciers in.
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Here's the Best Way to Protect Yourself From a Norovirus Outbreak
It's a vacation nightmare: You board a cruise ship for a weeklong getaway, only to have an outbreak of norovirus, or "stomach bug," take the ship by storm.
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Was Ex-Russian Spy Sergei Skripal Poisoned? We Asked Toxicology Experts
It's still a mystery as to what sickened former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter on Sunday (March 4) at a shopping mall outside of London, but several clues point toward poison, toxicology experts told Live Science.
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The Fascinating Story Behind the Oldest Message in a Bottle
The oldest message in a bottle on record wasn't discovered by a historian, but by a woman picking up trash strewn across the coastal dunes of Western Australia.
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Selasa, 06 Maret 2018
What Is Ovulation?
Ovulation occurs when an egg moves from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes and is ready for fertilization.
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Why Meteorologists Don't Know if Tonight's Nor'easter Will Bring Rain or Snow
Why is tomorrow's snowfall proving so tough to predict?
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Quantum Physicists May Have Finally Solved the Riddle of Ball Lightning
An experiment on ultracold atoms may have revealed the electromagnetic knot that traps the hot plasma of ball lightning.
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Long-Lost Footage of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Discovered at Flea Market
This haunting film reel was lost for 100 years. Soon, the world will see its contents.
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Rare Footage of the Devastation of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
The devastation of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake is revealed through this long-lost footage discovered at a California flea market.
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Linebacker with One Hand Wows NFL: What Is Amniotic Band Syndrome?
College football player Shaquem Griffin lost his left hand when he was 4 years old due to amniotic band syndrome.
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No, Those Aren’t Animal Tracks on Mars
A United Kingdom-based researcher claims he's seen evidence of ancient animal tracks on Mars, but don't get too excited. The features he's talking about are widely documented by NASA as interesting crystal shapes that likely formed in water.
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Why Some Babies Get a Boost From Looking Like Dad
Babies who look like their dads are healthier, likely because they get more love and "paternal investment" from their fathers.
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Nor'easter Exposes Revolutionary-War-Era Shipwreck on Maine Beach
A shipwreck that may date to the Revolutionary War era was exposed on a Maine beach after the recent "bomb cyclone."
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Tattoos Last Forever Because Your Immune Cells Are Hungry for Dead Skin
Tattooed mice reveal why some ink never fades.
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WWII Aircraft Carrier, USS Lexington, Discovered Beneath Coral Sea
The wreck had been lost to history.
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Archaeologists Closer to Finding Lost Viking Settlement
The famed Viking post has been described in sagas passed down over hundreds of years. But its location has been lost to history, until now.
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10 Species That Are in So Much Danger They'll Be Featured on Limited-Edition Shirts
In collaboration with the IUCN, sportswear brand Lacoste is temporarily booting its iconic crocodile embroidery from the chest of a limited number of its polos in favor of 10 endangered species.
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Senin, 05 Maret 2018
DARPA Wants to 'Freeze' Bodies on the Battlefield — to Keep Them Alive
A new military program aims to develop treatments that slow down the body's biochemical reactions, to buy time for battlefield injuries.
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Remains of US Pilot from WWII Found at the Bottom of Pacific Ocean
More than 70 years ago, during World War II, a U.S. pilot was shot down as he was flying over the Pacific. Over the decades, sand and sea life at the bottom of the ocean covered the wreckage, further obscuring it from view.
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Why Can Some People 'Hear' Colors?
About 4 percent of the people on Earth experience a mysterious phenomenon called synesthesia.
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This Is One of the Tiniest Ancient Birds, and It Lived Alongside Giant Dinosaurs
About 127 million years ago, tiny birds the size of grasshoppers lived alongside some of the biggest animals to walk the Earth, including the long-necked sauropods, a new study finds.
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SpaceX Roadster Could be Martian 'Biothreat'
Elon Musk's spacefaring Tesla Roadster is likely carrying the biggest bacteria payload to ever leave Earth.
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Man's Foot Blister Turns Out to Be Deadly Flesh-Eating Bacteria
A Texas man who thought he had a simple blister on his foot turned out to have a life-threatening infection.
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Why 17 People Volunteered to Be Infected with Parasitic Worms
At a university hospital in the Netherlands, 17 students have a tropical parasitic disease.
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This Weird Google Earth Picture Does Not Show a Crashed UFO
A popular YouTube channel is trying to convince viewers that photos of an avalanche on an island near Antarctica depict an alien spaceship crash site.
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Bizarre, Parasitic 'Fairy Lantern' Reappears in the Rainforest After 151 Years
A strange plant that needs no sunlight and sucks on underground fungi for nutrients has turned up in Borneo, Malaysia, 151 years after the last time a scientist found it.
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Is Earth's Missing Xenon Hidden in the Core?
Earth's xenon is missing. But a new experiment suggests it might have been right under our feet all along.
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Experts Are Stumped by the Toad with a Stump for a Face
Why does this toad have no face?
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1.6-Billion-Year-Old Breath of Life Frozen in Stone
Tiny voids in rock are the exhalations of ancient microbes.
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Minggu, 04 Maret 2018
A Woman Needed a New Hip Replacement Because of … a Dog Scratch
For one woman in the U.K., a dog scratch turned into a much bigger ordeal than she could've expected.
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Will the US Be Able to Stop Russia's New Arsenal of Missile Defense-Piercing Nukes?
Russia could soon be able to conduct nuclear strikes all over the world without any chance of being intercepted. Here's how we got to this point.
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Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018
What Were George Washington's Teeth Made Of? (It's Not Wood)
Here's the horrifying story behind the former president's dentures.
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Oldest Tattooed Woman Is an Egyptian Mummy
An archaeologist who followed a hunch has discovered the oldest figural tattoos in the world on the bodies of two 5,000-year-old mummies from Egypt.
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Jumat, 02 Maret 2018
Satellite View Shows 'Bomb Cyclone' Battering US East Coast
A stunning video from space shows a winter storm – also known as a "bomb cyclone" – slamming into the northeast United States today (March 2). Flooding and sheets of snow and rain accompanied the storm, along with strong waves along the coasts.
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The 5 'New' Types of Diabetes, Explained
Diabetes just got a little more complicated, or clearer, depending on your perspective. Researchers proposed classifying diabetes as five types.
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Pollution from Ships Creates Massive Clouds Visible from Space
Thicker clouds above the North Atlantic, captured by NASA, are the result of pollution from ships passing below.
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Stephen Hawking Says He Knows What Happened Before the Big Bang
What was there before there was anything? Stephen Hawking might know the answer.
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Expedition to 'Hidden' Antarctic Ecosystem Turned Back by Heavy Ice
Scientists on their way to investigate a mysterious region of Antarctica’s seafloor, hidden by thick ice for 120,000 years, have run into an obstacle: too much ice.
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How Much Trash Is on the Moon?
Moon-based detritus includes leftover urine-collection kits, an olive branch and tons of robotic equipment from lunar probes.
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Salmonella-Tainted Kratom Sickens a Dozen More People in Outbreak
A dozen more people have been sickened in a Salmonella outbreak linked to kratom, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced today (March 2).
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Unfortunate Python Paid 'Deerly' for a Too-Big Meal
A deer swallowed (and barfed up again) by a snake weighed more than its predator.
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'Floating Brain' to Assist Astronauts Aboard ISS
The crew onboard the International Space Station (ISS) will soon welcome a new member, described by its creators as "a kind of flying brain."
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Poop Stains Lead Researchers to Hidden 'Supercolony' of 1.5 Million Penguins
Antarctica's Danger Islands hold an adorable secret.
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This Week's Strangest Science News
Ready to get weird? Here are some of the strangest stories on Live Science this week.
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Party Served Wild Boar Meat And Guests Got This Rare Infection
A party in Northern California served a traditional raw pork dish, but then a dozen guests wound up sick.
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LSD Trips Are Like Waking Dreams, Man — According to Science
Life is but a dream – if you're on LSD.
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Kamis, 01 Maret 2018
Can Sound Be Used As a Weapon?
Were foreign diplomats and tourists attacked with a "sonic weapon," or was it something else? Ultrasound researchers dissect the bizarre case and offer a reasonable explanation.
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Giant Family Tree of 13 Million People Just Created
Genealogists have created the largest-known family tree, finding connections between a whopping 13 million people - greater than the population of Cuba.
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'Bomb Cyclone' Will Pummel Parts of the US East Coast Starting Tonight
Recent warm temperatures in the northeastern U.S. might have convinced you that spring is on the way, but winter isn't done quite yet.
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A Single Psychedelic Drug Trip Can Change Your Personality for Years
When your trip ends, does your mind stay on vacation?
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What Caused This Eerie White Ring in a Woman's Eye?
An unusual white ring in the front of a woman's eyeball was the result of a very rare condition.
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This is the World's Last Male Northern White Rhino — And He's Sick
Sudan, a 45-year-old rhino, is suffering from an age-related infection.
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How a Little Bit of Anxiety May Improve Your Memory
Can anxiety be a good thing?
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'Resurrected' Shark Species Found Dwelling Deep in the Atlantic
The Atlantic sixgill shark is a different species than its Pacific relatives.
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Birdwatchers Are Flocking to Alabama to See This Bird: Why It's So Special
Apparently, there's a one-in-a-million chance of spotting the yellow mutant bird.
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Selfies Distort Your Face by 30% — And Here's the Math to Back It Up
If you've ever taken an unflattering selfie, it's not you — it's geometry.
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Ancient Native American Burial Site Discovered Off the Coast of Florida
A 7,000-year-old Native American ancestral burial site has turned up off the coast of Venice, Florida.
from Live Science
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What Happens If You Don't Poop for 40 Days?
It's not a pretty situation.
from Live Science
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Tick Bites Tick! Tiny Male Puts the Bite on an Engorged Female
A tiny tick had an even tinier bloodsucking hitchhiker.
from Live Science
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