Dozens of people in Alabama and North Carolina have developed a rare eye cancer, and doctors don't know what's behind the apparent spike.
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Senin, 30 April 2018
Toxic Caterpillars Will Invade London This Spring, Authorities Warn
Armed with highly toxic hairs, invasive caterpillars may soon be marching across London, threatening humans and oak trees alike.
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'Eaten Alive' By Scabies? No, But Here's How Scabies-Related Deaths Happen
An elderly woman died after reportedly being "eaten alive" by scabies. But can these mites really kill a person?
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Why Earth's Magnetic Field Might Not Flip After All
The magnetic field is likely to recover without major disruption, new research finds.
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Google Doodle Honors 'Prince of Mathematicians,' Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
German mathematician Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss used math to find the lost dwarf planet Ceres, and a Google Doodle commemorates what would have been his 241st birthday.
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Stolen Sumerian Tablets Come from the Lost City of Irisagrig
Hundreds of 4,000-year-old tablets that were looted in Iraq and bought by the U.S. company Hobby Lobby seem to hail from a mysterious Sumerian city whose whereabouts are unknown.
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NASA Will Solve a Massive Physics Mystery This Summer
What size is a pulsar?
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Can Animals Predict Earthquakes?
Can cats, dogs or other animals predict earthquakes?
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'Cork' Glacier Holding Back Sea Level Rise May Pop
How doomed are we?
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The 'Attoclock' Shows How Fast Electrons Move in a Millionth of a Billionth of a Second
An ultraprecise new "attoclock" helps physicists make molecular movies of ultrafast chemical reactions.
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These 'Spooky' Entangled Atoms Just Brought Quantum Computing One Step Closer
Physicists have pushed quantum computing one step closer to becoming a reality.
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Don't Believe the 'Hype': This New Book Separates Health Fact from Fiction
Dr. Nina Shapiro tackles medical misconceptions in her new book, "Hype."
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Sacrificed Kids Had Hearts Ripped Out 550 Years Ago
In one of history's largest human sacrifices, about 140 children and 200 llamas were killed at a site in Peru. Archaeologists aren't sure why.
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Minggu, 29 April 2018
Game-Changing Study Finds Dozens of Genes Tied to Depression
The finding may explain why antidepressant therapies work well for some people but are utterly ineffective for others.
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Sabtu, 28 April 2018
Heat Shield for NASA's Next Mars Mission Breaks During Testing
As for what caused the failture, NASA engineers aren't sure yet.
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How Many Uncaptured Serial Killers Are Out There?
The Golden State Killer isn't the only one.
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10 Most Popular Breeds of Family Dogs

Dubbed as “man’s best friend,” these loyal, loving and adorable creatures can be of great benefit to your family. A favorite pet for many, dogs can teach the kids on how to safeguard one’s belongings, apart from providing the home the security it needs for being truly responsible. Most important, they can also teach us how to love without conditions. However, when you think of buying a pet dog, make...
Jumat, 27 April 2018
North Korea Nuclear Agreement: What Is 'Tired Mountain Syndrome'?
Mountains can get tired under the stress of nuclear tests and North Korea's might be exhausted.
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Surgeons Reattached This Girls Leg Backwards. No, It Wasn't a Mistake
To treat a 7-year-old's cancer, doctors performed an unusual surgery.
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Photos: Amazing Insects of the North American Deserts
From the seven-spotted ladybug to clown beetles, the deserts are full of amazing insects with their own quirky features and lifestyles.
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This Biologist Cracked a Problem That's Stumped Mathematicians for 68 Years
An amateur mathematician just partially solved the Hadwiger-Nelson problem, which has vexed mathematicians since 1950.
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Bee-Harming Pesticides Face Complete Ban in Europe
The EU is planning to ban all outdoor use of a pesticide group that is harmful to bees.
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Arizona Woman Dies from Rare Rodent-Borne Virus
An Arizona woman who thought she had the flu turned out to have an infection with a rare, rodent-carried virus called hantavirus.
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Scientists Predict These Islands Are Doomed, But That's Not the Whole Story
Some scientists paint a brighter future for coral atolls.
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This Week's Strangest Science News
Ready to get weird? Here are some of the strangest stories on Live Science this week.
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Why One Woman Broke Out in Hives When Her Co-Workers Cranked Up the AC
Is it possible to be allergic to the cold?
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Deadly Fungus Cells Talk Amongst Themselves to Infect You Better
The fungal cells use a surprising method to communicate with each other, which may make them more virulent.
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Kamis, 26 April 2018
This 3,000-Year-Old Horse Got a Human-Style Burial
A horse entombed 3,000 years ago received a burial fit for nobility.
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Swiss Scientists Perform Massive Test of 80-Year-Old, 'Spooky' Quantum Paradox
This new experiment is a huge example of the behavior Albert Einstein called "spooky action at a distance."
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Comet Started Out with a Kiss, Ended Up Like a Duck
Rosetta's weirdly shaped comet may have formed in a cosmic kiss inside a dirt cloud, thanks in part to Neptune's protective shadow.
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What's Behind the Recent Rise in Autism in the US?
The percentage of kids with autism in the United States continues to rise, according to a new report.
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Brain Wrinkles May Point to Schizophrenia Before It Starts
Schizophrenia may have a special fingerprint in the brain, even before its symptoms fully emerge.
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Watch Scientists Blast a Fake Asteroid into a Fake Earth
Why build an asteroid cannon? 1) Because it could help explain the history of early Earth, and 2) because it's awesome.
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These Things Don't Cause Cancer, But People Think They Do
Which of the following raises the risk for cancer: alcohol, genetically modified foods or stress?
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Hey, Congress: Scientists Are Coming for Your Seats
From a nuclear commander to a Harvard-educated refugee, STEM-trained candidates are shaking up politics.
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Rabu, 25 April 2018
Oklahoma Suffers Its 2,724th Earthquake Since 2010
And oil and gas extraction are to blame.
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Incredible Fossilized Footprints Suggest That Early Humans Stalked Giant Sloths
A bigfoot-like giant ground sloth had unwelcome company about 11,000 years ago. No matter which way the creature went, ancient humans followed it, stepping in its elongated, kidney-shaped paw prints as they seemingly tracked the furry beast.
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Baby's Immune System May Reject the Mom in Preterm Birth
Sometimes, premature birth may happen because the baby's immune system essentially "rejects" the mother, like a person's body rejects a transplanted organ.
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Stunning Cosmic Map Shows the Location of 1.7 Billion Stars
The stunning new map from the Gaia mission shows 1.7 billion stars in the Milky Way.
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Does Marijuana Make You Forget to Remember?
Stoners may not be as forgetful and absent-minded as the stereotype suggests.
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What If Earth Started Spinning Backward?
If Earth were to spin in the opposite direction, it would transform the world as we know it.
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This Eerie Human-Like Figure Is Twice as Old as Egypt's Pyramids
Archaeologists also discovered a new "face" on the ancient carving, called the Shigir Idol.
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Massacre Victims Left to Rot on Island 1,500 Years Ago
The victims didn't even have time to look at their attackers.
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Photos: 1,500-Year-Old Massacre Site Unearthed
Archaeologists have uncovered the site of a 1,500-year-old massacre on the Swedish island of Oland.
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This Planet Is So Dark Scientists Have to Guess What It Looks Like
The gassy world is "darker than charcoal" and may swallow up to 99 percent of the light its local star sheds upon it.
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Rare Stone Head of Emperor Marcus Aurelius Discovered in Egyptian Temple
Egyptian archaeologists have unearthed a rare find at the temple in Kom Ombo.
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Selasa, 24 April 2018
Why New Guinea Warriors Prized Human Bone Daggers
Which of these bone-made daggers — the human or the cassowary — is stronger?
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This Is What It Sounds Like at the Bottom of the Ocean
The deep ocean is eerily dark, but not silent. Take a listen.
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Barely Buzzed or Super Stoned? An App Could One Day Reveal How High You Are
Are you high? An app could help you find out.
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This Light Therapy Could Zap Away Chronic Pain One Day
Just flicking on a light might one day provide pain relief to some patients with chronic pain, early research in animals suggests.
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A Google Street View Car Drove Right Through the Path of the 2017 Solar Eclipse
The most-viewed eclipse in history had an unexpected witness: A Google Street View car drives right through totality, offering a surprising celestial treat for visitors scoping out the event in Maryland Heights, Missouri.
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The Truth Behind This Amazing Video from the Surface of a Comet
A Twitter user managed to turn 25 minutes worth of images from the ESA's comet lander into a dramatic short film.
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Baby-Eating Ants Use Espionage, Chemical Warfare To Score Free Rent
Worst. Roommates. Ever.
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Why Dead Fingers (Usually) Can't Unlock a Phone
In March, two detectives went to a funeral home and asked to see a body. The reason? They wanted to unlock the man's phone.
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Why Does Microwave Popcorn Smell So Bad?
That microwave popcorn smell has a history. And while some people love it, others say it smells like vomit or urine.
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How the Heck Was a Foil Ball Transformed into This Smooth, Shiny Sphere?
Can you really make a polished metal sphere from a ball of aluminum foil?
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Stephen Hawking Signed This Book Before His ALS Took Over. Now It's Up for Auction.
A book that the late physicist Stephen Hawking signed in 1973, back when he was still able to hold a pen and scrawl out his autograph, is hitting the auction blocks.
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Senin, 23 April 2018
Does Drinking Alcohol Raise the Risk of PMS?
A new study finds drinking alcohol is linked with an increase risk of PMS. But experts are cautious about the findings.
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This Man Had a Key Lodged in His Brain. Here's How He Survived.
A young man in India survived having a key lodged more than an inch into his skull.
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Uranus Has 'Very Unpleasant and Odiferous Conditions,' Says Oxford Study
The upper cloud tops of Uranus are shot through with hydrogen sulfide, the gas that smells of rotten eggs.
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Fierce — and Free! Win a Book of Dinosaur Facts in Our Giveaway Tuesday
Here's how to win a book that details the rise and fall of the dinosaurs, including facts about Tyrannosaurus rex, which had eyes the size of grapefruits and more than 50 knife-sharp teeth.
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Aliens on Super-Earth Planets Could Be Stuck There...Literally
Any alien civilizations born on "super-Earth" planets may be ground-bound by their home worlds' powerful gravity, a new study suggests.
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Doctors Perform World's First Full Penis-and-Scrotum Transplant
Doctors at Johns Hopkins Medicine performed the world's first complete penis and scrotum transplant, the hospital announced today (April 23).
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'Mind-Reading' Headset Lets You Control a Computer with Your Thoughts … Sort Of
A new "mind-reading" headset can track the minute movements of your vocal muscles whenever you read or imagine a word.
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A Mysterious New Form of DNA Was Just Discovered in Human Cells
When you think of DNA, odds are, you picture the famous double helix, a ladder-like structure elegantly twisted like a corkscrew. But DNA doesn't always assume this form.
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NASA Doesn't Know What Poked These Holes in the Arctic's Sea Ice
NASA scientists flying over the arctic earlier this month spotted strange shapes out the window, but they aren't sure what caused them.
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Who Inherits the British Throne?
Since days of yore, the royal line of succession to the British throne — like most monarchies — was based on primogeniture.
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10 Most Dangerous Foods for Dogs Commonly Found in Your Kitchen

Did you know that most foods that we eat are not suitable for your best friend? Yes, you read it right. I know it is hard to say no, especially when you see their cute, doggie eyes that seem to say, “Please spare me a piece.” But beware! Some of the foods that we love to eat are, certainly, fit for them.
You have to know which ones are detrimental to them to safeguard the well-being of your dog. It’s...
How a Guy in the Netherlands Spotted the Super-Secret X-37B Space Plane
The spy craft is on its fifth mission, but the U.S. Air Force is mum on what the X-37B is doing right now.
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The 'End of the World' Is Today. Here's Why We're Still Here
Here's the numerical and cosmic gymnastics Meade used to come up with today's apocalypse, one that, of course will not come to be.
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Minggu, 22 April 2018
Here's How We Know the Big Bang Happened
At 13.8 billion years ago, our entire observable universe was the size of a peach and had a temperature of over a trillion degrees.
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This Woman's Kidney Fell into Her Pelvis Whenever She Stood Up: Here's Why
Generally, you can trust your organs to stay in one place, but that wasn't the case for a young woman in Michigan.
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Sabtu, 21 April 2018
Famed Doctor Hans Asperger Helped with Nazi Child Euthanasia, Notes Reveal
Hans Asperger, a pioneer in autism research whose name is used to describe high-functioning people with the disorder, had a previously unknown dark past that included sending children with disabilities to a Nazi regime "euthanasia" program.
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Watch the Sky Fall Before the World 'Ends' on Monday
A stunning meteor shower — and the end of the world — are both expected to show up over the weekend.
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Jumat, 20 April 2018
E. coli Warning Expands to Include Heads, Hearts of Romaine
Consumers are being warned to avoid even more romaine lettuce products.
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This Ice Is Nearly As Hot As the Sun. Scientists Have Now Made It on Earth
For the first time, researchers re-created the high-pressure water ice likely found in the interiors of Uranus and Neptune.
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U.K. Man With 'Worst Ever' Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Is Now Cured
The U.K. man who caught the "worst ever" case of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea has been cured.
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Scientists Built A New Microscope To Watch Cells, And The Footage is Breathtaking
Stunning new microscope images reveal human cancer cells slinking through blood cells and show molecules coursing through a zebrafish embryo's tiny ear canal.
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Dark Photons Probably Don't Exist, and If They Did, They'd Be Super Weird
A measurement of the fine structure constant puts significant limitations on the existence of these dark partners to ordinary light particles.
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A Marijuana-Derived Drug Is on Track for FDA Approval
The drug, which contains cannabidiol, may soon gain official U.S. approval to treat severe forms of epilepsy.
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This Is Your Brain on Drugs (Really)
Readers of a certain age will know the reference.
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The Whole Earth Could Be Watched by Live Cameras in Space
A bunch of very big corporations and rich men are hoping to start watching the whole Earth at all times with video cameras in outer space.
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A Single Concussion May Increase Parkinson's Risk
Having a single concussion may increase a person's risk for Parkinson's disease, a new study suggests — but the overall risk of developing the disease still remains low.
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This Contorted Mystery Squid May Be the 'Most Bizarre' Ever Seen
An unidentified species of squid recently performed an unusual "twisted" ballet.
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Iridescent Algae Glow with Their Very Own Opals
Algae can be glamorous, too.
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Quantum Radar Could Make Stealth Technology Obsolete
Using entangled photons, scientists want to create a 'quantum radar' that can detect stealth bombers.
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These 'Dirty' Thunderstorms Fill Sky with As Much Smoke As Volcanic Eruption
Wildfires can fuel "dirty" thunderstorms that fill the stratosphere with as much smoke as a volcanic eruption.
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Exorcisms Enter 21st Century with Cellphone-Enabled Demon Busting
Catholic priests have flocked to Rome for this year's exorcism training. Here's what that entails.
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Quinoa: Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts
Quinoa, a plant from the Andes, is packed with protein, fiber and various vitamins and minerals.
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Kamis, 19 April 2018
World's Most Famous Dodo Didn't Die — It Was Murdered
Dodos went extinct more than 300 years ago, but scientists are only now opening up a cold case after learning that one of the birds — the prized dodo specimen that likely inspired author Lewis Carroll to create a dodo character in the 1865 book "Alice in
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Do You Need a Vaccine to Go to the Kentucky Derby?
Kentucky Derby fans may need to take some extra precautions before heading off to the races.
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Are Those Gravitational Waves? Nope, They're Just Thirsty Ravens
Bizarre data glitches have set gravitational-wave scientists — and a conspiracy of ravens — all aflutter.
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Exploding Ants Kill Foes, and Themselves, with a Blast of Toxic Goo
Treetop-dwelling ants have an explosive defensive move.
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No, Having a Little Extra Fat Won't Make You Live Longer
If you dig through medical data on people's weight and risk of dying, you may spot something curious.
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Humans Probably Practiced Brain Surgery on This Cow 5,000 Years Ago
About 5,000 years ago, humans used crude stone tools to puncture a hole in a cow's head, making it the earliest known instance of skull surgery in an animal.
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Is Sparkling Water As Healthy As Regular Water?
So refreshing. But is it hydrating?
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Nazi Germany's Most High-Tech Submarine Has Been Found Near Denmark
The deadly quiet, superfast U-boat was sunk by an Allied aerial assault on May 6, 1945.
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Why Is a Train Filled with Human Poop Stuck Outside This Alabama Town?
A train filled with smelly human excrement from New York City has been stranded in a small Alabama town for two months, according to news sources.
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Why More Vitamin D May Not Always Be a Good Thing
A new study finds that high levels of vitamin D in the blood are linked with an increased risk of some cancers.
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Rabu, 18 April 2018
'The Truth About Animals': Storks Flying to the Moon, and Other Wild Tales
Did you know that the late drug lord Pablo Escobar flew kidnapped hippos to Colombia? Or that the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis was once used as a pregnancy test for humans?
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Hundreds of Purple Octopus Moms Are Super Weird, and They're Doomed
What's the story behind a mysterious gathering of octopus mothers?
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What Made the Whites of This Man's Eyes Turn Blue?
The 70-year-old man's eyes seemed fine, expect for one thing — the whites of his eyes were turning blue.
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There Is Evidence That a Planet in Our Solar System Was Destroyed
The lost planet was the size of Mercury or perhaps Mars, researchers now say.
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What Do Blind People 'See' When They Take LSD?
What would LSD feel like if you couldn't see?
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Healthy Eaters May Waste the Most Food
Healthy eaters have a lot to be proud of in their nutrient-packed diets, but a new study finds that a health-conscious diet may have a planet-harming downside.
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Star 'DNA' Survey Could Reunite the Sun with Its Long-Lost Siblings
Is the sun due for a cosmic family reunion?
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The Entire Island of Puerto Rico Just Lost Power Again — Here's Why
The entire island of Puerto Rico is without power again, 210 days after its grid first collapsed during Hurricane Maria on September 20, 2017.
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How Would We Know If Intelligent Life Existed on Earth Before Humans?
This is a serious question, and serious scientists are speculating about what traces these potential predecessors might have left behind.
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Polar Explorer Shackleton's Lost Ship Could Be Hidden Under Antarctic Ice
Just over a century after the polar explorer's Endurance sank, another scientific expedition will search of the wreck.
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In Photos: Searching for Shackleton's 'Endurance' Shipwreck
In his bid to be the first to cross Antarctica, Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew set out on the Endurance, only for the ship to be overtaken by ice in the Weddell Sea.
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Hurricane Irma Turned the Everglades into a Tree 'Graveyard,' NASA Lasers Reveal
There were mass tree casualties.
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Mushroom Clouds Burst Through Neutron Stars, and NASA Can Watch It Happen
The energetic explosions release clouds of debris similar to those launched from nuclear explosions.
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Selasa, 17 April 2018
A New Lung Cancer Drug Is Shaking Up Treatment: How Does It Work?
A drug that acts on the immune system appears to help extend the lives of patients with advanced lung cancer when given alongside standard chemotherapy.
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Knife-Armed Man Leaves World's Coolest Skeleton
Losing a hand should have killed him. Instead, it made him an even bigger badass.
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Elon Musk Finally Had Something Nice to Say About Humans
Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk just paid a rare compliment to his own species, calling humans "underrated" on Twitter last week.
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The Weird Pit of Magma Beneath Yellowstone Is Still a Mystery
But researchers are now closer than ever to understanding how magma got into the hot bowels of the supervolcano where it lies today.
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Lab 'Accident' Becomes Mutant Enzyme That Devours Plastic
A new enzyme unintentionally produced by researchers has a voracious appetite for plastic.
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The Amazing Tech in 'Black Panther' Is More Realistic Than You Think
Much of the tech that is part of everyday life in Wakanda is grounded in technologies that are used today.
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Scientists Spot the Shadow of a Strange Wind Blowing Past a Black Hole
The white-hot winds blowing through space, carrying vast pillars of matter away from the event horizons of black holes, are even stranger than scientists thought.
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Sharks Lay Eggs. Here's Some Creepy Footage of What That Looks Like
An epic GIF shows the slithering specter of a shark embryo within. And apparently, Jaws Jr. is none too pleased about the bright light shining into its home.
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Ancient Egyptian Incantations Tell of Biblical Human Sacrifice
Deciphered text on a papyrus found near an Egyptian pyramid describes the biblical story of Isaac.
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This Mysterious 'Flesh-Eating' Disease Is Spreading in Australia
Scientists still don't know how the disease is spread, or how to prevent infection.
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Teenager Finds King Bluetooth's Lost Treasures, Including a Thor's Hammer
A medieval treasure trove that belonged to the legendary King Harald Bluetooth — the Danish ruler who inspired the name for Bluetooth technology — was recently unearthed on a German island by a 13-year-old and an amateur archaeologist, according to news s
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Senin, 16 April 2018
April the Giraffe's Calf Celebrates His 1st Birthday with Cauliflower 'Cake'
April the giraffe, a former internet sensation, recently celebrated her baby's first birthday.
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Organ Donations from Overdose Victims Save Thousands
Lives tragically claimed by the American opioid epidemic may benefit people desperately in need of organ transplants.
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Punk-Rock Turtle Has 'Green Hair,' Will Probably Die Alone
No, that's not hair. This endangered turtle's mohawk is made of algae.
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200 Million Eggs Recalled: How Does Salmonella Get into Eggs, Anyway?
How do the bacteria get into eggs in the first place?
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SpaceX Rocket Launching NASA's TESS Exoplanet Hunter Today: Watch Live
NASA's next exoplanet-hunting mission is scheduled to launch today (April 16) atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, and you can watch the action live.
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Can an Opioid Overdose Drug Help Stroke Patients Recover?
The same medication used to save lives by reversing opioid overdoses may also benefit nonopioid users
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Elon Musk Says SpaceX Will Try to Land a Rocket with a 'Giant Party Balloon'
From anyone else, it would sound ridiculous: Elon Musk says SpaceX is going to try to land a rocket stage with … wait for it … a "giant party balloon."
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Wormholes Cast Weird Shadows That Could Be Seen by Telescopes
Wormholes could leave a signature smooshed shadow that future telescopes could detect.
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How a Football Field-Size Asteroid Caught Us by Surprise
Earth received a cosmic close shave on Sunday (April 15) when a football field-size boulder passed by at half the moon's distance from our planet.
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As World Warms, America's Invisible 'Climate Curtain' Creeps East
A climate boundary divides the U.S. — and it's on the move.
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Why Every Parent Will Love This 'Everything Repellant'
A new clear coating can keep fingerprints and jelly smears off your walls, windows and even your phone screen.
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NASA's Got a Plan for a 'Galactic Positioning System' to Save Astronauts Lost in Space
Exotic, ultra-precise pulsing stars would be used to navigate probes and crewed ships through deep space.
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Minggu, 15 April 2018
A City-Sized 'Telescope' Could Watch Space-Time Ripple 1 Million Times a Year
A gravitational wave detector that's 2.5 miles long isn't cool. You know what's cool? A 25-mile-long gravitational wave detector.
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2 Military Satellites Launched into Orbit Around Earth
A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket launched two U.S. Air Force satellites into orbit Saturday (April 14), setting the stage for improved military satellite communications and a new generation of space vehicle design.
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Why We Might Miss Extraterrestrial Life Even If It's Staring Us in the Face
Researchers use a cosmic gorilla to uncover the dangers of inattention in the search for alien life.
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Sabtu, 14 April 2018
This Creepy Fish Packs 'Switchblades' in Its Face and Could Kill You with Its Venom
If you invite the deadly, armored stonefish to a party, know this: It's going to bring not one, but two "switchblades" with it.
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Jumat, 13 April 2018
These Hellish Storms on Jupiter Are Mesmerizing to Watch
Jupiter's North Pole shows off its tumult in a new animation.
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You Could Drink This Man's Frostbitten, Amputated Toes in a Cocktail
A winter race participant lost three toes to frostbite, and what he did with them next was toe-tally bizarre
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Shaking Up Guinness Drinkers: Why a Martini Glass May Be Best for the Brew
A mathematician says this actually might be the best glass to use to serve Guinness.
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How a Bizarre Nazi Military Machine Left a Lasting Mark on the Environment
Hitler's navy used a toxic artificial fog to conceal its biggest battleship.
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Too Much Sitting May Shrink the Part of Your Brain Tied to Memory
It may be time to ditch the desk chair.
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Would You Eat a Tarantula-Topped Burger?
Tarantula — it's what's for dinner.
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Waiters, White Guys Top Legal Weed Lists
After more than four years of legal weed in Colorado, the results are rolling in.
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Greenland's Biggest Fire Is a 'Warning' for Its Future
Are more wildfires in Greenland’s future?
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Curious About Stoned Sloths and Lovelorn Hippos? Enter to Win This Book
Want to know some wild facts about wildlife? How about these: Penguins cheat on their mates, moose get drunk, and worker ants are known to laze around.
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This Week's Strangest Science News
Ready to get weird? Here are some of the strangest stories on Live Science this week.
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14 Drinks a Week? US Alcohol Guidelines Should Be Lowered, Study Says
U.S. drinking guidelines are too boozy, according to a new study.
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Kamis, 12 April 2018
Totally Bogus Doomsday Predicted for April 23
Call it the recycled doomsday: A new prediction for the end of the world sets the date for Monday, April 23, based on a mishmash of old numerology, re-readings of the Biblical Book of Revelation, and rehashed conspiracy theories about a rogue "Planet X."
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What's to Blame for Fatal Tesla Crash? Nobody Can Agree
Tesla is blaming last month's fatal Tesla Model X car crash largely on the driver, not the car itself, according to a statement released by Tesla this week.
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What 3 Facial Expressions from Zuckerberg's Congressional Testimony Mean
Facial expressions and body movements, whether we make them knowingly or not, can persuade people.
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2 Tornadoes Drop in on Fort Lauderdale in Just One Day
Two tornadoes touched down in Fort Lauderdale Tuesday, but how exactly does that happen?
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People Are Using Fake Urine to Cheat Drug Tests
Fake urine has become such a problem for those issuing drug tests that some states are moving to ban it.
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Here's How Norovirus Takes Hold in Your Gut — and Doesn't Let Go
How the notorious virus takes hold.
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Chimps Seen Sucking Brains from Monkeys' Heads
For monkey-eating chimps, the youngsters' brains are the best part.
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What the Heck Are These 520-Million-Year-Old Blobs? Experts Can't Agree.
Here's a brainteaser: Do the 520-million-year-old fossils of an ancient, bug-like creature actually show a silhouette of its brains? Or are these blobby shapes in its head merely fossilized bacteria?
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Mayor Takes Credit for Dead Monkey Found in Minneapolis Department Store
The primate was found 'mummified' in a ceiling duct.
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Solar Wind Lights Up Night Skies, After Bursting Through a 'Hole' in the Sun
A powerful gust of solar wind is crackling its way through Earth's upper atmosphere. Here's what that means for you.
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Climate-Regulating Ocean Current Is the Weakest It's Been in 1,500 Years
A recent decline in the strength of a climate-regulating ocean current could spell trouble for weather patterns in the future.
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How Human Error Led the Vikings to Canada
Here's how Viking navigators may have accidentally sailed on to the mainland of North America while looking for Greenland.
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Late to Bed, Early to Die? Night Owls May Die Sooner
Bad news for "night owls": Those who tend to stay up late and sleep in well past sunrise are at increased risk of early death, a new study suggests.
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Rabu, 11 April 2018
Whale Sneezes Rainbow, Proving Nature is Beautiful and Weird
This whale sneezed a rainbow, and all is right in the world.
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Here's What Causes Some People's Bones to 'Drip' Like Candle Wax
Researchers have discovered a genetic cause of "dripping candle wax" bone disease.
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Synthetic Marijuana Tainted with Rat Poison Linked to 3 Deaths
Synthetic marijuana that causes severe bleeding has killed three people and sickened more than 100 others, and now, officials believe they have identified the dangerous drug's contaminant: rat poison.
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Oceans' Mysterious Magnetic Field Is Mapped in Stunning Detail from Space
Satellites circling Earth have mapped an elusive, invisible force in unprecedented detail: the magnetic field created by the currents in the planet's salty oceans, according to new research.
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Spooky Entangled Photons Create Perfectly 'Unhackable' Random Numbers
A special experimental setup produces certifiably random numbers to use in the creation of "unhackable" messages
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Scientists Solve the Molecular Puzzle of 'Flammable Ice'
Where does "flammable ice" come from?
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New Ocean Current Discovered Off the Coast of Madagascar
A new ocean current has been discovered off the coast of Madagascar, and it could influence the climate patterns of the globe in surprising ways.
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This 'Disappearing' Optical Illusion Proves Your Brain Is Too Smart for Its Own Good
Stare at these colors for 20 seconds and see what happens.
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Vast 'City of the Dead' Harbors Stones with Southern Africa's Oldest Written Language
A vast "city of the dead" in Sudan revealed stones inscribed with the oldest language in southern Africa.
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That's Cheating! Medieval Dice with No 1 or 2 Found on Street in Norway
The dice had two 4s and 5s, but no 1s or 2s.
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Selasa, 10 April 2018
Why This Medical Examiner's Office Wants Dead People's Bacteria
You don't need to be alive for your microbiome to be useful to science.
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Greenland Has a Mysterious 'Dark Zone' — And It's Getting Even Darker
A new study investigates the dark zone that seems to be getting bigger on the western edge of the ice sheet.
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If 'Oumuamua Is an Alien Spacecraft, It’s Keeping Quiet So Far
Are there intelligent aliens living on the cigar-shaped, interstellar object that's zooming through our solar system? To find out, astronomers in Western Australia used the Murchison Widefield Array telescope to eavesdrop on the rocky visitor.
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If You Want Your Friend to Vaccinate Their Kids, Don't Try to Change Their Mind
Nudging people toward the right behavior without trying to win their hearts is the key to improving vaccination rates.
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65 Pounds of Plastic Trash Tore This Whale Apart From The Inside
The sperm whale likely died of an infection after it could not expel all the plastic.
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How (and Where) Did Hannibal Cross the Alps? Experts Finally Have Answers
A documentary takes a fresh look at the incredible journey made by Hannibal — and his famous elephants.
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Have Archaeologists Discovered the Tomb of King Tut's Wife? Maybe.
So far, archaeologists have remained tight-lipped about their findings.
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This Pouched Rat Can Sniff Out Tuberculosis in Kids
Tuberculosis is both deadly and difficult to test for. But a new paper suggests rats might make the illness easier to sniff out.
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SpaceX Not to Blame for Loss of Top-Secret Spy Satellite
SpaceX isn't responsible for the loss of the top-secret Zuma spy satellite during the craft's launch earlier this year, according to media reports.
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Weird Neutrinos Can't Quite Explain Matter's Huge Riddle Yet
Early results from an experiment deep underground have found no evidence that neutrinos are their own antiparticles.
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Restroom Hand Dryers Are Blowing Bacteria Everywhere
Using a restroom hand dryer? Your digits aren't as clean as you think.
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What Happens If IV Saline Is Replaced with Formaldehyde?
A woman in Russia died after doctors allegedly gave her an IV drip containing a formaldehyde solution instead of saline, according to news reports.
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Senin, 09 April 2018
A Man Ate the 'World's Hottest' Pepper. Then the 'Thunderclap' Headaches Started
Biting into the "hottest pepper in the world" sounds painful enough. But for one man, the daring feat resulted in excruciating headaches.
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Please Help Name These Adorable Bald Eagle Hatchlings. Democracy Depends on It.
For the love of democracy, please vote on what these adorable baby eagles should be named.
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Prehistoric Sea Monster Was Nearly the Size of a Blue Whale
About 205 million years ago, a ginormous sea monster — so large it was nearly the size of a modern blue whale — swam through the ocean, fueling its colossal body by preying on prehistoric squid and fish, a new study finds.
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85,000-Year-Old Finger Bone May Rewrite the Story of Human Migration Out of Africa
A sliver of bone the size of a Cheeto may radically revise our view of when and how humans left Africa.
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Deadly Pressure: Why These Two Men's Muscles 'Blew Up' From the Inside
A life-threatening condition with a boring-sounding name has consequences that are gruesome and potentially deadly.
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The Story Claiming Buzz Aldrin Saw Aliens in Space Is Utter Nonsense
A viral story claims Buzz Aldrin passed a lie-detector test proving he saw a UFO in space. This is complete nonsense.
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There's a Lot of Sperm on the International Space Station Right Now
For the first time (officially), NASA will set loose some human sperm in outer space.
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Did You Buy Bitcoins? Your Brain's Anatomy Might Be to Blame
Scans show people who can endure greater risk share certain neurological features.
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This Mysterious Marijuana Syndrome Is Relieved by Hot Showers
A mysterious vomiting condition tied to marijuana use has an even stranger antidote: hot showers. Here's a possible reason.
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Could Beasts Like Frankenstein's Monster Exist in Real Life?
"Monsters" from science fiction are more common in the real world than you may expect.
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Glass 'Bread Crumbs' Could Lead the Way to Missing Crater
Glassy debris found in Antarctica could reveal an ancient meteor crater thousands of miles away.
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Minggu, 08 April 2018
Why Extraterrestrial Life May Be More Unlikely Than Scientists Thought
One key ingredient for life may be less abundant in our galaxy than scientists thought.
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Sabtu, 07 April 2018
10 Yummy Foods to Boost your Mood

As far as we all know, the food that we eat has a huge impact on our health especially to our skin up to our moods. The function of your brain really depends on your food consumption. We all know for a fact the difference of healthy foods and not. Increase in water intake allows us to be kept hydrated and by adding the food below into your diet, I’m sure it will make you feel energetic and it has...
'Space Alien' Mummy Spurs DNA Debate
The remains of a 6-inch long mummy from Chile are not those of a space alien, according to recently reported research. These findings were supposed to end the controversy but they ignited a new one.
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X Prize Is Relaunching a Private Moon Race Without Google (or a Prize)
A private race to the moon is back on, without a title sponsor or a big cash prize.
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Watch These Adorable Baby Eagles Weather the Southern California Earthquake
Thursday's temblor alarmed an eagle family on Santa Cruz Island.
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Jumat, 06 April 2018
How a Stranded Nurse Saved His Own Life During a Heart Attack
What do you do if you're in the middle of nowhere and you have a heart attack?
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Lin-Manuel Miranda's Shingles: Why He Was 'Quarantined' from His Newborn Son
Actor Lin-Manuel Miranda recently revealed that he has shingles and needs to be "quarantined" from his newborn son.
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German Scientists Harvest Their 1st Antarctic Salad, and It Looks Amazing
Lettuce, cucumbers and radishes are among the first plants to be collected from the greenhouse.
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Elon Musk Worries That AI Research Will Create an 'Immortal Dictator'
"It would live forever... and we could never escape," Musk says in a new documentary.
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Sprawling, 2,000-Year-Old Desert Carvings Show Up in Drone Photos
Drones hovering and darting over the mountainous landscape of Peru have spied some amazing ancient "artwork": previously unknown and sprawling geoglyphs called Nazca Lines that were likely made by the Nazca people and their predecessors.
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Sewage Suggests That People Got High for 2017 Solar Eclipse
Illicit drug residues in sewage spiked for holidays and special events during summer 2017 in rural Kentucky.
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Hurricane Season 2018: How Long It Lasts and What to Expect
Here's a guide to the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season, including predictions, naming conventions and how to prepare for a storm.
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This Prehistoric Sea Monster Was About to Be an Octomom
A jumble of tiny bones turns out to be eight unborn ichthyosaurs.
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Is Dark Matter Made Up of Mini Black Holes from the Big Bang?
Dark matter may actually be a scattering of primordial black holes that arose soon after the Big Bang as a result of instabilities in the Higgs field, according to a new theory.
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Military-Funded Study Successfully Tests 'Prosthetic Memory' Brain Implants
This computer chip will do some of your remembering for you (but you'll need brain surgery first).
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Kamis, 05 April 2018
How Did an App Know an Earthquake Was Hitting California Before It Happened?
Some people in Los Angeles knew about today's earthquake before it even hit.
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A 5.3-Magnitude Earthquake Just Struck Southern California
A 5.3-magnitude earthquake struck 38 miles off the coast of California Thursday afternoon, rattling Los Angeles.
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Hospital 'Breach' May Have Exposed Patients to HIV, Hepatitis: What Went Wrong?
Some patients at a Colorado hospital may be at risk for HIV or hepatitis infection after the hospital discovered an issue with the way it cleaned certain surgical instruments.
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Virgin Galactic Completes 1st Powered Test Flight Since Fatal 2014 Crash
Virgin Galactic's new SpaceShipTwo VSS Unity launched its first rocket-powered test flight over Mojave, California, on April 5, 2018. The flight did not go to space, but was the company's first powered test since a 2014 crash.
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'Killer Robot' Lab Faces Boycott from Artificial Intelligence Experts
The artificial intelligence (AI) community has a clear message for researchers in South Korea: Don't make killer robots.
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Stop Peeing in Walden Pond
Urine and climate change are destroying a historic landmark. Just Thoreau-ing that out there.
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Scientists Find Very Young Cells in Even Very Old Brains
A new study finds baby nerve cells even in very old brains. But the research remains controversial.
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Meet 7 Versions of BB-8, the Lovable 'Star Wars' Droid
Creators of the endearing "Star Wars" droid BB-8 revealed how they constructed this adorable mechanical marvel.
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Google Employees Are Livid About Company's 'Evil' Military Partnership
Google's motto is "don't be evil." Does making military drones smarter breach that code?
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Cholla Photos: See these Amazing Desert Cacti
Spring has once again returned to the deserts of North America and with her return, so too has the amazing colorful blooms of desert wildflowers and cacti.
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These Scientists Say Scott Pruitt Is Trying to 'Kill' the EPA
An academic suing the EPA over its decision to bar certain scientists from serving on advisory boards says the EPA needs to address legitimate criticisms to rebuild after Pruitt.
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Teeth-Bearing 'Zombie' Raccoons Scaring Residents of Ohio Town
Raccoons acting like "zombies" have been scaring residents of one Ohio town, according to news reports.
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Rabu, 04 April 2018
Spleen: Function, Location & Problems
The spleen is an important organ for keeping bodily fluids balanced. It is possible to live without it, but removal of the spleen has serious consequences.
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Could Boeing's 'Starliner' Spacecraft Be a Next Step for Reaching the Moon and Beyond?
The space travel of science fiction could be closer than you think.
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A Third of Young Millennials Are Confused About This Incontrovertible Fact
Younger people seem perplexed about whether Earth is round or flat.
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Can Eating Pasta Really Help You Lose Weight?
Is this mainstay of Italian cuisine really good for your waistline?
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What's in a Fat Cell?
It's a crucial component of the human body.
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500 Million Years Ago, a Sea Worm Hosted a Poop Picnic for His Shelled Friends
About 500 million years ago, a sea worm ate dinner and left behind the mother lode of turds. Then, the worm left its burrow on the seafloor, and some shelled critters discovered the droppings and died — fossilized for eternity around the poopy picnic.
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The 22 Weirdest Military Weapons
From bat bombs to chicken-heated nukes, here are some of the most outlandish military weapons ever conceived.
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The Most Precise Measurement of Antimatter Yet Deepens the Mystery of Why We Exist
The incredibly precise measurement could help explain why the universe exists.
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Cellphone-Spying Devices Detected in D.C.: How They Work
Government officials admitted that rogue spying devices are being used in Washington, D.C., to intercept people's cellphone data. What exactly are these devices?
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What on Earth Is This Fiery Blob?
At first glance, it looks like a fiery monster out of "The Incredibles" movie. Or maybe a giant, irritated zit popping up above the Earth's surface. But it's neither. Rather, it's an incredibly rare, 65-foot-tall (20 meters) lava-dome fountain.
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Snow Monkeys Draw Crowds When They Bathe. And Now We Know Why They Do It
Japanese snow monkeys seem to love hot baths just like humans.
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Tiny, Lab-Grown Minibrains Sprout Blood Vessels
Scientists have coaxed a minibrain into growing blood vessels and capillaries.
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Neanderthals' Big Noses Get an Airy Explanation
Neanderthal bites weren't especially impressive, but their breathing was.
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Selasa, 03 April 2018
After Break with MIT, Nectome Clarifies It Has No Immediate Plans to Upload Brains
Nectome wants to "back up" your brain before you die, a deadly process. But following backlash, its founders say it has no plans to do so anytime soon.
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Female Mass Killers: Why They're So Rare
The female San Bernardino mass shooter is a rare outlier among mass killers and terrorists who are mostly men. Here's why scientists say most mass violence is carried out by men.
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New 'Nightmare' Bacteria Are Popping Up All Over the US
Researchers identified more than 200 cases of "nightmare" bacteria with new or rare antibiotic-resistance genes in the U.S. last year.
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NASA's Supersonic X-Plane Will Tear Through The Sound Barrier With 'A Gentle Thump'
The sleek, single-pilot plane will reduce the roaring sonic boom of supersonic travel to a quiet thump, NASA says.
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Meet the Bubble That Will Destroy the Universe. Maybe.
Scientists have calculated an end date for the universe. Presuming there are no surprises, of course.
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This Injectable Bandage is Made of Pastry Gel. It Could Save Your Life One Day.
There are a lot of ways to die from a traumatic injury, but many of them come down to this: So much blood spills out that your body just stops working.
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7 Strange Signs You're Having an Allergic Reaction
Most allergies involve a runny nose and watery eyes, but black spots on your skin and a bright red butt can also be signs of an allergic reaction.
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Most Distant Star Ever Seen Is 9 Billion Light-Years Away
Astronomers have observed a star that's so far away, its light took 9 billion years to reach us here on Earth — about 4.5 billion years before our solar system even existed.
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Woman's Bones Vanish Before Doctors' Eyes
In a series of X-rays, a woman's bones seemed to be disappearing before doctors' eyes — the result of an extremely rare condition.
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NASA Has a Plan to Put Robot Bees on Mars
These Marsbees would flap their way around the Red Planet, mapping the terrain and collecting air samples.
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Giant, Clawed Dinosaurs Left These Footprints in Ancient Lagoon
Dozens of purple and brown sea snails and limpets on Scotland's Isle of Skye have made a home in a rather unorthodox place: the water-filled, fossilized track marks left by dinosaurs about 170 million years ago, a new study finds.
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Photos: Dinosaurs Sloshed Around Ancient Lagoon
Researchers have found about 50 dinosaur footprints in what used to be a warm, muddy lagoon on the Isle of Skye, in Scotland.
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Antarctica's Underwater Ice Is Retreating 5 Times Faster Than It Should Be
When you imagine an Antarctic glacier melting, you probably envision great walls of ice avalanching into the ocean. This is certainly happening — but it's only half the story.
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Senin, 02 April 2018
MIT Just Cut Ties with Nectome, the '100-Percent-Fatal' Brain-Preserving Company
MIT cut ties with the brain-preserving company citing a lack of research.
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Meet 'Norman,' the Darkest, Most Disturbed AI the World Has Ever See
A team of computer programmers trained a neural network to be a "psychopath." What could possibly go wrong?
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Pacific 'Space Cemetery' Contains Dismembered Corpses of 300+ Spaceships
Welcome to the actual middle of nowhere — home of the world's largest spaceship cemetery.
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Why the 'Condom Snorting Challenge' Is Not Just Gross — It's Dangerous
Some teens are reportedly inhaling condoms up their nostrils, which is not only gross but potentially dangerous.
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Here's Why an Ancient Lizard Had 4-Eyes
About 49 million years ago, a long-tailed monitor lizard perceived the world not with two but with four eyes, a new study finds.
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This 4,000-Year-Old Mummy Just Solved a Century-Old Mystery
A team of forensic scientists has managed to extract DNA from a 4,000-year-old mummy, and their finding has solved a century-old mystery of its ransacked tomb.
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Legalizing Marijuana Could Have This Unexpected Benefit
Access to medical marijuana may have cut patients' need for this other drug.
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Volcanoes, Swamps and the South Pole: NASA Scientists Take Research to Extremes
For some NASA scientists, the extreme environments they study aren't on a distant planet or moon — they're right here on Earth.
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Top 11 Deadliest Natural Disasters in History
Earthquakes, cyclones, floods... The deadliest natural disasters have a combined estimated death toll of nearly 10 million people.
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How Expensive It Is to Have Kids? These 5 Charts Reveal the Hefty Price Tag
Today, roughly one in five women in the U.S. doesn't have children. Thanks in part to this decline in birthrate, for the first time in U.S. history, there may soon be more elderly people than children.
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1,500-Year-Old Coin Stash Leaves Archaeologists with Mystery
The coin stash was found in a collapsed building in the ancient city of Corinth.
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Artificial Chameleon Skin Is Weird and Cool
It doesn't swell when dipped in "bodily fluids." Hmm.
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Minggu, 01 April 2018
Chinese Space Station Comes Tumbling to Earth Over Pacific Ocean
After weeks of uncertainty about when and where it would crash, the Chinese space station Tiangong-1 has tumbled to Earth.
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Why Is It So Hard to Predict the Crash of China's Space Station?
Here's why nobody can say for sure exactly when and where Tiangong-1 will drop to Earth's surface.
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