Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

Why Can't We Remember Our Dreams?

In waking life, such a case of quickly forgetting recent experiences would surely land you in a doctor's office. With dreams, however, forgetting is normal. Why? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JnwuDi via IFT...

No, This Tiny Beast Is Not Half-Mammal, Half-Reptile (But It's Still Super Cool)

Half-mammal, half-reptile? That's not a thing. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L6X68D via IFT...

One-Third of New Heroin Users Become Dependent on It

Every day, an estimated 300 to 520 people in the U.S. try heroin. But how many develop a dependency? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JfHClz via IFT...

Why You Should Spend Time Doing Nothing, According to Science

Technology disturbs our leisure time, our family time – even our consciousness. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2LNIP1Q via IFT...

Here's How Much Exercise You Need to Give Your Brain a Boost

Any physical exercise will improve thinking, as long as you do it somewhat consistently and stick with it long enough, according to an analysis of 98 previous studies. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2J7nizd via IFT...

Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

You May Have a 'Second Brain' in Your Butt... And It's Smarter Than You Think

The neurons in your colon don't need to be told what to do. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IZKCit via IFT...

Ötzi the Iceman Was a Heart Attack Waiting to Happen

If a modern heart doctor could give medical advice to the iceman Ötzi — the man who was preserved as a mummy in the Alps — it would be this: Stop eating so much fatty meat and consider taking medications that lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2xrybdQ via IFT...

Is Too Much Protein Bad for Men's Heart Health?

High-protein diets are popular these days, but such diets may increase the risk of heart failure in middle-aged men, a new study from Finland suggests. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L6u34X via IFT...

Lost City of Irisagrig Comes to Life in Ancient Stolen Tablets

The cuneiform tablets reveal what the 4,000-year-old city would have been like. Nobody really knows its exact location in Iraq. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IXOyjF via IFT...

Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Will 'Manhattanhenge' Always Light Up NYC Streets?

Could anything disrupt NYC's "Manhattanhenge" sunsets? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2xmOPvp via IFT...

Japanese Whalers Murdered 122 Pregnant Whales and 114 Babies Last Summer

The country remains unapologetic for its "scientific research" program in the South Ocean. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GY0YGA via IFT...

What Ever Happened to the 'Mission Impossible' Rare-Book Thieves? We Investigated.

Three thieves who stole 160 rare books more than a year ago by rappelling down the skylight of a warehouse in London continue to evade police. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2LEEfCQ via IFT...

Populating a Mars Base Will Be Dangerously Unsexy

For a permanent Mars base to survive, we might have to turn humans into Martians. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IS1ITj via IFT...

Lab-Grown Human-Chicken Hybrid Embryos Are No 'Frankenfowl'

Scientists grafted human stem cells onto chicken embryos, but that doesn't mean the researchers are breeding "frankenfowl." from Live Science https://ift.tt/2snPbMe via IFT...

The Ethics Behind Using Genealogy Websites to Find Crime Suspects

The Golden State Killer was caught last April thanks to a genealogy website. NIH bioethicists discuss the ethics behind this controversial use of genetic data. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2kw0hvi via IFT...

Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Bad Vibes? Heavy Marijuana Users Hold On to Negative Feelings

Many people tend to look back on the past with "rose-colored glasses," remembering the good times and the good feelings… while forgetting the bad. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IVrQJ5 via IFT...

Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

Intelligent Aliens Might Speak Our Language. And You Can Help Decode Their Messages.

Stay sharp! You may be needed to help decode a message from intelligent aliens someday. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IVaQ5u via IFT...

Your Summer 'Base Tan' Is Wrecking Your Skin

There is no safe amount of tanning, and no amount of tanning that won't prematurely age your skin. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2LAXcX1 via IFT...

Do Animals Ever Get Sunburned?

Animals are at risk of sunburn, but do they ever burn their skin? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2kuH112 via IFT...

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018

What's the Absolutely Amazing Theory of Almost Everything?

Here's why the Standard Model of particle physics is seriously amazing. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GSSuAo via IFT...

World's Oldest Dandruff Left Behind by Very Embarrassed Dinosaurs

The world's oldest dandruff has been found in a feathered dinosaur fossil — and scientists are stoked. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ksVvih via IFT...

Here's What NASA's 'Toasty' Camera Saw As It Melted After a SpaceX Launch

When a SpaceX rocket launches, it's awesome. But when a SpaceX rocket launch sparks a brush fire that melts a NASA photographer's camera, it goes viral. Now you can see what the camera saw as it melted. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2saYm3v via IFT...

Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

Scientists Say Elon Musk's 'Nano' Claims Don't Make Any Sense

The SpaceX and Tesla founder is having a very public meltdown right now, and making some weird claims about a prefix used in some sciences. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ks6TuO via IFT...

Seattle Mussels Test Positive for Opioids

Why are scientists are searching for drugs in shellfish? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2LuEi4m via IFT...

Extinct Doggos' Bone-Crushing Diet Preserved in Fossil Poop

Fossil poop provided scientists with the scoop on extinct dogs' bone-crushing diet. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2kq0tMH via IFT...

Where Did the Deadly Nipah Virus Come From — And What Other Outbreaks Should We Expect?

Are deadly viruses lurking, waiting for the right moment to pop up and start an outbreak? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IJGt6e via IFT...

Massive Ice Highways Found Hiding Under Antarctica

Scientists have found huge valleys linking the smaller west Antarctic ice sheet to the massive east Antarctic ice sheet, hidden deep under the ice. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GQBjzv via IFT...

SpaceX's Elon Musk Proposes Media Company That Rates Journalists. Is He Serious?

What's behind his posts? Is it just another Musk prank, or is he actually serious about the idea? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KUnhPA via IFT...

This Week's Strangest Science News

Ready to get weird? Here are some of the strangest stories on Live Science this week. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2weY1x8 via IFT...

Could Eating More Seafood Help Couples Conceive?

Eating seafood twice a week could up your odds of getting pregnant. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2xeAjFS via IFT...

World's Largest Pterosaur Jawbone Discovered in Transylvania

This enormous jaw would have let the beast down turtles and other oversized meals. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2J4uG1Q via IFT...

Kamis, 24 Mei 2018

Hurricane Season 2018: How Long It Lasts and What to Expect

Here's a guide to the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season, including predictions, naming conventions and how to prepare for a storm. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2gbWdRW via IFT...

Stronger-Than-Average Hurricane Season Is Heading Our Way

Will hurricane season in 2018 be as intense as last year's? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2sarlnq via IFT...

Can You Teach Evolution Without Saying the Word? Arizona Is About to Find Out.

Mentions of evolution could be replaced with "change over time," according to the state's superintendent. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2xbqc4J via IFT...

This NASA Camera Melted During a SpaceX Rocket Launch, But the Photos Survived!

Veteran NASA photographer Bill Ingalls is no stranger to rocket launches, but even he seemed surprised when one of his remote cameras melted in a fire sparked by a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch Tuesday and STILL managed to snap pictures. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KTevBp via IFT...

Will AI Ever Become Conscious?

How might artificial intelligence achieve consciousness? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KQOiDL via IFT...

Clothes Treated with 'Hot Feet' Coating Could Keep Ticks Away

Spray clothes with permethrin, researchers found, and ticks tend to fall off them and die. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GMtnzd via IFT...

Why Eerie Blue Flames Just Erupted from Hawaiian Volcano

Eerie blue flames flared from the ground on Hawaii's Big Island on Tuesday night (May 22), marking a rarely seen phenomenon that can arise during volcanic eruptions. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Lqey9f via IFT...

Here's What We Know About Russia's Hypersonic Waverider Weapon

Warnings of a Russian hypersonic weapon that the U.S. can't defend against may have had you running for the bomb shelter last week. But what, exactly, is this weapon, and how does it work? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Lq5916 via IFT...

HIV Can Lie Dormant in the Brain. Here's What That Means.

The HIV virus, which causes AIDS, has long been known to target and disable cells of the immune system, which are responsible for fighting off invading microorganisms and for suppressing malignant cancers. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2LrR5ob via IFT...

How Long Does It Take a Parked Car to Reach Deadly Hot Temperatures?

It's well known that a car parked outside on a hot summer's day can turn into a scorching oven. But how fast does it take the inside of a car to heat up to deadly temperatures? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2s4SEQy via IFT...

Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

Scientists to Hunt for Loch Ness Monster DNA

Could DNA sequencing finally reveal whether the Loch Ness monster exists? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GIrAuQ via IFT...

Can You Make Up for Lost Sleep on the Weekend?

Good news for weekend snoozers. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2x51qmF via IFT...

Mysterious Ailment Strikes U.S. Employee in China, Drawing Comparisons to Cuba 'Sonic Attacks'

A U.S. government employee experienced mysterious symptoms after working at a U.S. consulate in China, in a case that's being likened to the so-called "sonic attacks" in Cuba last year. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IXQyMf via IFT...

This Mysterious, Deep-Sea Jellyfish Looks Like the Ghost of an Alien

A remotely operated vehicle named Hercules filmed a rarely seen jellyfish that looks like a cross between an alien and a pinkish makeup bag. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GKQgmz via IFT...

Sunscreen Pills Are Fake, FDA Warns

As summer approaches, the FDA warns that there is no such thing as a sunscreen pill. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2s8c1Yp via IFT...

Summer BBQs Could Expose Your Skin to Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Summer barbecues may expose you to potentially cancer-causing chemicals in a surprising way: The chemicals may literally get under your skin. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KPAE3P via IFT...

Does Humanity Need a Backup Earth?

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has a vision: He wants to get humans to Mars as soon as possible. Is that humanity's best option? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2II8tHh via IFT...

Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

Archaeologists Find 'Holy Grail of Shipwrecks' Carrying Stash Worth Up to $17 Billion

After 310 years at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, the Spanish San José shipwreck has finally been identified. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IYYgFW via IFT...

Archaeologists Just Discovered the Mangled Remains of a Slaughtered Barbarian Tribe in Denmark

2,000 years ago, a ragtag group of Germanic tribesmen was slaughtered in battle. How they were buried has archaeologists turning their heads. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IDuwLi via IFT...

Aliens Could 'Slingshot' Their Way Off Earth-Like Worlds (Well, Maybe)

Slingshot your way to space. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2LiJR5w via IFT...

Giant Hammerhead Worms Have Been Invading France for Decades

Invasive hammerhead flatworms have been quietly infiltrating French ecosystems since 1999. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2x3kYHX via IFT...

Sally Ride Is Getting Her Own Forever Stamp

Physicist Sally Ride, the first American woman in space and the first astronaut to come out as having a same-sex partner, will have her likeness on a stamp. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2khw4zU via IFT...

Nuclear Detectives Hunt Invisible Particles That Escaped the World's Largest Atom Smasher

The Large Hadron Collider hasn't found any new physics since the Higgs boson. A team of outsider physicists think they know why. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2x0yhc8 via IFT...

Forgotten Element Could Redefine Time

Why are scientists trying to make precise clocks even more precise? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2LmUhRW via IFT...

Here's Why Saturn's Inner Moons Are Shaped Like Ravioli and Potatoes

The odd shapes of the inner moons of Saturn, from ravioli to potatoes, may be due to mergers of tiny moonlets, a new study finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IH7XFz via IFT...

Why You Say 'Um' Before Certain Words

What's that … um … word? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IAS4Es via IFT...

The 'Best' Sunscreens of 2018: What to Look For

About two-thirds of sunscreens available in the U.S. offer subpar protection or contain ingredients that may harm your health, a new report finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2x2zPm3 via IFT...

Senin, 21 Mei 2018

How a Prairie-Dog Plague Vaccine Could Protect Ferrets (and Maybe People, Too)

Yes, there's a vaccine for the plague, one of the most notorious diseases known to humanity. But unfortunately, this vaccine isn't for humans — it's for prairie dogs. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rZBmEx via IFT...

Giant Waves Nearly Half a Million Miles Across Seen on the Sun for the First Time

Huge, slow-moving waves that drive Earth's weather and shape the swirls in Jupiter's atmosphere also exist on the sun, new research reveals. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IGooC8 via IFT...

Why Radioactive Waste Is Being Melted into Glass

Dangerous radioactive waste has been trapped inside solid glass in a first-of-its-kind demonstration, according to a statement from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in southeastern Washington. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IClFt4 via IFT...

Found! New Evidence Suggests Planet Nine Is Real

The solar system just got a bit stranger. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KKVL7t via IFT...

The Next Cascadian Megaquake May Be Sooner Than You Think

Devastating Cascadia megaquakes may rock the Pacific Northwest more frequently than previously suspected. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rZ6VhL via IFT...

Why Is Ice Slippery?

No, it's not because there's a thin layer of melted water on the top. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GBWiGg via IFT...

New Controversial Idea About Stonehenge Has Archaeologists Shaking Their Heads

In a new book, this scientist says glaciers, not Neolithic people, carried the huge rocks to Stonehenge. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IUOSTM via IFT...

This Box Could Become the Coldest Spot in the Universe

Lasers and microgravity will chill this ice chest-size box to 10 billion times colder than the vacuum of space. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rYwyPH via IFT...

Celebrities Are Obsessed with the Keto Diet. Why You Shouldn't Be.

The fad diet, which promises weight loss without sacrificing bacon, is not all it's cracked up to be. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2LkLEY2 via IFT...

How Can a Smartphone Survive a 100-Foot Drop But Crack on Your Floor?

It's all about the angle of contact. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KIa0tE via IFT...

Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

10 Most Dangerous Spiders on Earth

Spiders are equally fascinating and terrifying. Watching them weave their intricate and surprisingly strong webs fills you with both fear and curiosity. While most people are afraid of spiders, some are truly disturbed by them, this is called arachnophobia. Not all people who have this phobia can explain the reason why they fear spiders. It could be the way they crawl or their hairy body or just the...

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

What Can the Death of a Neutron Tell Us About Dark Matter?

Physicists speculate that decaying neutrons may be producing particles unknown to science that make up the elusive dark matter. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rSvInt via IFT...

Here's How Health Officials Plan to Use the Ebola Vaccine in New African Outbreak

The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is spreading, but this time around, there's a vaccine. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IvjXxW via IFT...

Jumat, 18 Mei 2018

Something Is Sucking Iron Out of Earth's Crust, and Scientists Think They Know What

Earth would look a lot more like Mars if a mysterious mineral wasn't sucking iron out of the planet's crust. Scientists think they now know the culprit — and it's a gemstone. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L9iR8u via IFT...

Trump Asked About 'Difference Between HIV and HPV,' Bill Gates Says

Bill Gates says President Trump repeatedly asked him about the difference between two notorious viruses: HIV and HPV. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IPHusF via IFT...

Ghostly 'Lightning' Waves Discovered Inside a Nuclear Reactor

Whistler waves are normally produced in the atmosphere by lightning. They could help protect nuclear fusion reactors from runaway electrons. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Is0fmA via IFT...

Why Are Sweaty-Armpit Stains So Dark?

When we spill water down our front, or sweat profusely, our clothes get darker. Why? The fabric isn't actually changing colors in real time. Rather, our perception of the fabric's color is changing. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KCR5R1 via IFT...

Here's Why Mosquito Bites Itch for Such a Long Time

Mosquito spit makes you itch, and it probably also helps viruses invade from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Irid8J via IFT...

Kamis, 17 Mei 2018

These Volunteers Drank E. Coli-Laced Water and Got Diarrhea, for Science

Volunteers bravely downed a cup of E. coli. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IuLD68 via IFT...

Wireless 'RoboFly' Looks Like an Insect, Gets Its Power from Lasers

A new type of flying robot is insect-sized, weighs about as much as a toothpick, and is powered by lasers. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GrFYYg via IFT...

Kilauea Spews Boulders in 5-Mile-High Eruption

An explosion at Kilauea volcano's summit spawned chunky boulders and a tremendous volcanic cloud that reached as high as commercial airplanes fly — about 30,000 feet (5.6 miles, or 9.1 kilometers) above sea level — early this morning (May 17) local time. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rSn8o3 via IFT...

Another Tropical Paradise Enacts a Sunscreen Ban

The island of Bonaire follows Hawaii's lead. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L5SD6R via IFT...

Your Bed Has More Body Bacteria Than a Poop-Throwing Chimp's

Human beds are teeming with more body microbes than the beds of chimpanzees. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2k3W1Tt via IFT...

No, Octopuses Don't Come From Outer Space

Scientists are skeptical of a new paper that suggests frozen octopus eggs rode a meteor to Earth 540 million years ago. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KxEAGl via IFT...

Ancient Horse and Stable Found Under Pompeii Ash

The horse likely swiveled its ears when it heard the deafening roar from Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79. That was one of the last things the animal ever did: After that, it died, buried in the massive amounts of ash that destroyed Pompeii. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rONjNd via IFT...

Dogs Might Be More Rational Than Humans

Laurie Santos, a cognitive psychologist at Yale, demonstrates how dogs can sometimes be more rational than humans. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L6ralA via IFT...

Hippo Poop Is Literally Suffocating Fish

Thousands of hippos in Kenya's Mara River poop out 9.3 tons of feces every day! from Live Science https://ift.tt/2k3s2uX via IFT...

US Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low: What's Behind the Decline?

2017 saw the lowest birth rate in more than 100 years. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L9Gcao via IFT...

Moon Dust Could Give Astronauts Permanent DNA Damage, Study Finds

Turns out moon dust is really bad for human cells. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L5AZAe via IFT...

Rabu, 16 Mei 2018

We Still Don't Know Why These Lizards Have Lime-Green Blood

A new evolutionary investigation finds that skinks likely evolved to have green blood a total of four different times throughout history. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ILH1aY via IFT...

Images: Amazing Artifacts from a Java Sea Shipwreck

Here’s a look at artifacts discovered on a merchant ship that wrecked in the Java Sea in the late 1100s. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IrgPDi via IFT...

12th-Century Shipwreck Came with Handy 'Made in China' Tag

A bureaucratic label alters the timeline for a sunken ship. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rN6J4d via IFT...

New Smallpox-Related Virus Found Lurking in Texas Rodents

A never-before-seen virus that's a relative of the smallpox virus has been found lurking in rodents in Texas. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L33luW via IFT...

10 Most Unusual Deep-Sea Creatures

With the help of developing technology, scientists every year explore new regions and find new creatures under the sea. Definitely, there are unknown and unseen sea creatures since a lot of regions in the deep sea are not yet explored. Another world can be found in deep seas which have countless plants and sea creatures. Most of the newly discovered deep-sea creatures looked horrible, creepy and weird....

What Is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year in Islamic culture. During Ramadan, Muslims fast, abstain from pleasures and pray to become closer to God. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2oeE4nS via IFT...

'Yanny' or 'Laurel'? Why Your Brain Hears One or the Other in This Maddening Illusion

The auditory version of the blue/gold dress is dividing Yanny and Laurel camps across the internet. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GomKD1 via IFT...

The Universe's Fastest-Growing Black Hole Eats Suns Like Ours for Breakfast

The fastest growing black hole in the known universe eats a mass the size of the sun every two days. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L4kC6Q via IFT...

Bitcoin Is Sucking Up So Much Energy, It Could Stop Being Profitable

If bitcoin energy trends continue, mining bitcoin could soon stop being profitable, an economist found. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rLnBIE via IFT...

What's Next for Exoplanet Searches? Live Science Talks with Astrophysicist Sara Seager

How will we know when we've found another Earth? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L1vLW5 via IFT...

Earliest Version of Our ABCDs Possibly Discovered

A 3,400-year-old piece of pottery may hold the earliest example of our alphabet sequence. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Im2ffZ via IFT...

Peak Puppy Cuteness Achieved at 8 Weeks, Puppy Scientists Say

There's no debating it: Puppies are adorable. But is there an age when they reach "peak" cuteness? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GmXQDL via IFT...

Why Do Some Fruits and Vegetables Conduct Electricity?

Many people may think it's amazing that a simple piece of produce can conduct electricity. As it turns out, that's not the whole story. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rJINjc via IFT...

Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

Could Reviving Woolly-Mammoth Genes Fight the Effects of Global Warming?

Scientists hope to mingle woolly mammoth genes with those of today's elephants to help permafrost from melting. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2L5kOCX via IFT...

'Lost' Asteroid 2010 WC9 Will Make an Unusually Close Flyby of Earth Today

A jumbo-jet-size asteroid will give Earth a close shave today (May 15), whizzing past our planet at a safe distance of 126,000 miles (203,000 kilometers) — or about half the distance between Earth and the moon. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2k0K2pZ via IFT...

Two-Headed Deer Found Dead in Minnesota Woods

A mushroom hunter found more than he was looking for when he stumbled upon a two-headed deer, which was actually a pair of conjoined, stillborn fawns. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IjS2kb via IFT...

What Did Michael Pollan Experience on a Mind-Altering Psychedelic Trip?

In a new book, bestselling author Michael Pollan explores psychedelics and the mind. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IGUSiQ via IFT...

Is It Possible to Predict Earthquakes?

How do scientists know when an earthquake is expected to hit an area? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IlPFcH via IFT...

For 'Flesh-Eating' Bacteria, Your Agonizing Pain Is Their Pleasure

Bacteria that eat your flesh are also hijacking your pain receptors for their own benefit. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2k0tChc via IFT...

Senin, 14 Mei 2018

Lasers Could Make Computers 1 Million Times Faster

Pulses of light from infrared lasers can speed up computer operations by a factor of 1 million, and may have opened the door to room-temperature quantum computing. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IfCHkW via IFT...

Scientists Sucked A Memory Out of a Snail and Stuck it in Another Snail

The researchers have no idea how the memory actually moved from one snail to another, but it happened. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IBtzGD via IFT...

Why Some People Just Can't Have a Boss: Study Reveals Brain Differences

A curious brain connection may explain why some people are more control-averse than others. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2GfIOjc via IFT...

Aliens May Well Exist in a Parallel Universe, New Studies Find

Could alien life be hiding in the multiverse? New studies say, "sure!" from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KlvMTG via IFT...

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Pilot Crashed Plane Deliberately, '60 Minutes' Panel Says

Aviation experts think they know what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, according to a report from "60 Minutes Australia." from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ICfOr8 via IFT...

Here's Why You Hate Movie Spoilers (But You Shouldn't)

Recently I did something that many people would consider unthinkable, or at least perverse. Before going to see "Avengers: Infinity War," I deliberately read a review that revealed all of the major plot points, from start to finish. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IcaVFI via IFT...

Is Pluto a Planet? That Is the Question ... Again.

The long-simmering argument about Pluto's planethood has just flared up again. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rEo4gy via IFT...

Where Is the Center of the Universe?

It's a trick question. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IevVf6 via IFT...

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2018

This Alien World Has No Clouds, and That's Weird

In a first, an international team of scientists has discovered an exoplanet with no clouds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rBKMVV via IFT...

Why Americans Are More Anxious Than Ever Before

Americans are becoming more anxious about their safety, health, finances, politics and relationships, a new online poll from the American Psychiatric Association finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IbAzKT via IFT...

What Can Human Mothers (and Everyone Else) Learn from Animal Moms?

Carin Bondar, author of "Wild Moms," shares motherhood challenges from the natural world. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IyPiPr via IFT...

Here's What the Next Pandemic Pathogen Might Look Like

What kind of pathogen will cause the next global pandemic disaster? A new report addresses the question. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2jQcoD2 via IFT...

Jumat, 11 Mei 2018

The Jerusalem Quandary: Why Trump's Embassy Move Could Be Problematic

President Trump declared his intent to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. Here's a historical look at why that move is so controversial. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zQxAze via IFT...

Here Are the Most Popular Baby Names in the US Right Now

Emma and Liam topped American parents' lists for baby names in 2017. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2G6ZhWZ via IFT...

The 50 Most Popular Baby Names of 2017

The Social Security Administration has announced the top baby names of 2017. And the winners are … Liam and Emma! from Live Science https://ift.tt/2jRL0EX via IFT...

Ancient Lost City of Mardaman Uncovered in Iraq

The cuneiform tablets were hidden inside a pottery vessel found in the ruins of a palace. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rCRxqr via IFT...

78-Foot Wave Is the Largest Ever Recorded in Southern Hemisphere

An eight-story monster wave that crashed down in the Southern Ocean off the coast of New Zealand has set a record. It's the largest known wave to ever hit the Southern Hemisphere, according to New Zealand scientists. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2wzNalx via IFT...

Teen Unearths Milk Cans Holding WWII Heirlooms from Aristocratic Prussian Family

A teenager unexpectedly discovered a cache of World War II artifacts — including an officer's uniform from the Wehrmacht, the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany — hidden in two milk cans buried by a lake in what is now northeastern Poland. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2jQygyo via IFT...

Meet Kim, the First Spider to Jump on Demand

A female jumping spider went to great lengths in a leaping experiment. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rBcHWM via IFT...

How the Bugs In Your Gut Could Affect Your Blood Vessels

The more types of microbes, the better off your blood vessels. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2I6DqEF via IFT...

These Everyday 'Drugs' Cause More Harm Than the Illegal Ones, Study Says

These drugs kill the most people worldwide, and they're pretty familiar. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KbHSyQ via IFT...

Watch Out, This Robot Could Run After You

You can run from Boston Dynamic's humanoid robot Atlas, but it wouldn't do you any good — the robot can run after you. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2G9TOic via IFT...

Who Invented Bread?

Unlike chocolate chip cookies or tomato soup, the invention of bread can't be pinned down to a single person or people; instead, it evolved to its present state over the course of millennia. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IwzqNs via IFT...

Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

Extinct Whale's Big, Weird Gums Surprise Biologists

Llanocetus denticrenatus lived about 34 million years ago. It was big. It was an early ancestor of modern humpbacks and blue whales. And it had teeth. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KaJJnk via IFT...

Nuclear Bomb Test Moved North Korea Mountain

Satellite images give scientists an idea of the aftereffects of North Korea's latest nuclear test. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ryYSbm via IFT...

Ultrasonic Waves Are Everywhere. Can You Hear Them?

There are horrible sounds all around us that most people cannot hear but some people can. And scientists don't know how bad the problem is. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2I4G2D3 via IFT...

Why Are People Still Getting Sick from the E. Coli Romaine Outbreak?

The E. coli outbreak tied to romaine lettuce seems to keep getting bigger. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Ib6pTV via IFT...

How Did This Soldier 'Grow' an Ear on Her Forearm?

When this soldier lost her left ear in a car crash, Army surgeons helped her grow a new one — on her forearm. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IcODjk via IFT...

What's the Most Massive Object in the Universe?

Hint: It holds 3.3 trillion stars. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2wxwWcE via IFT...

How 250 Siberians Became the First Native Americans

The Americas are a big place, but the Native American group that first settled it was small — just about 250 people, according to a new genetic study. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2I9pPbS via IFT...

Kilauea Volcano Could Launch 10-Ton Ballistic Boulders in a Dramatic Explosion

Geologists warn that Hawaii's Kilauea volcano could start spewing rocks from Live Science https://ift.tt/2wupRd1 via IFT...

Congress Wants to Put a Bunch of Money into the Search for Aliens

After a 25-year gap, the federal government may fund the search for intelligent aliens with $10 million for the next two years. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2G4dDY2 via IFT...

What Are the Preferred Jobs of Serial Killers?

The recent and startling arrest of the elusive Golden State Killer in what was arguably the most vexing and disturbing constellation of interlinked cold cases in American history, has raised more questions than answers. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rwvH8K via IFT...

Aw, Shucks: How Oysters Gave One Man a Rare Bacterial Infection

A rare oyster-shucking hazard. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Ka0e31 via IFT...

Rabu, 09 Mei 2018

Here's Why US Claims of Cuban 'Ultrasonic Weapons' Don't Make Sense

A global expert on ultrasonic waves explains why the widely reported claim that U.S. embassy staffers in Cuba were attacked with a sonic weapon doesn't make sense. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KQ2QUT via IFT...

This Horrifying AI Thought Experiment Got Elon Musk a Date

SpaceX founder Elon Musk is dating musician Grimes, apparently because of a shared love of nerdy puns. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IpfnQS via IFT...

See 15 Crazy Animal Eyes — Rectangular Pupils to Wild Colors

From the mantis shrimp to the dragonfly, here are 15 amazing animal eyes. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KMP6Kw via IFT...

Why the Heck Do So Many Koalas Have Chlamydia?

The the John Oliver Koala Chlamydia Ward will treat the sick marsupials. But how do they get the disease in the first place? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rxJRFE via IFT...

Ancient Romans Painted Horrifying Blood-Red Warnings on Wall Across Scotland

Ancient Romans used blood red, bright yellow and stunning white paints to illustrate dire warnings on the wall that separated them from the rebellious tribespeople of Scotland, a new study shows. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KIkIBb via IFT...

Ancient Asteroid Suggests Gas Giants Once Roved the Solar System Like Unhinged Drunks

A huge asteroid may be lurking at the fringes of our solar system. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2jJw9MH via IFT...

Selasa, 08 Mei 2018

Kilauea Volcano: Facts About the 30-Year Eruption

On the Big Island of Hawaii, one of the world's most active volcanoes has been spewing lava since 1983. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2A7qDtE via IFT...

Newfound Shrew Lives on a Single Remote Mountain (How the Heck Did It Get There?)

A new species of shrew has been discovered living high on a single peak in the Philippines, and no one knows how it got there. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IoN0SM via IFT...

Video Shows How HIV Infects Cells During Sex, and It's Creepy

A new video shows the virus passing from an infected cell into a new host, as it would during sexual transmission. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2wknCZu via IFT...

Even After Dying, Our Sun's Future looks Bright

When our sun finally goes out, what will it look like? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2HYjC6w via IFT...

HIV Has a 'Long Lost' Cousin: What You Should Know About This Virus.

It's related to HIV, yet you've probably never heard of it. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ruRNaZ via IFT...

I Watched an Entire Flat Earth Convention — Here's What I Learned

While flat Earthers seem to trust and support scientific methods, they don't trust scientists. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2I2OWNf via IFT...

Former NASA Engineers Building Real-Life Underwater Transformer

A transformer designed to do grunt work for the oil industry and military is coming, and it's… admittedly kind of fun to look at. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2jEL62k via IFT...

Enormous New Zealand Sinkhole to Be Fenced in So Cows Aren't Swallowed Up

While rounding up cows before the crack of dawn last week, a New Zealand farm worker happened upon a gaping gouge in the earth. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2HXEMSi via IFT...

Senin, 07 Mei 2018

Incredible Video Shows the Fiery Toll of Kilauea on Hawaii's Big Island

Lava from the Kilauea volcano smothered roads and burned down trees and houses in what was a tumultuous weekend for Hawaii's Big Island. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2HWW9m3 via IFT...

Photos: Fiery Lava from Kilauea Volcano Erupts on Hawaii's Big Island

Kilauea Volcano is spewing up red-hot lava on Hawaii's Big Island. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ws6L74 via IFT...

Cow Eyes with Frickin' Laser Beams Could Aid Security

A flexible membrane that can be attached to a contact lens enables eyes to shoot lasers — though not exactly like Superman. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rqVRZL via IFT...

Pregnant Woman's 'Houdini' Brain Tumor Vanishes After She Delivers

Now you see it, now you don't. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2HVKioq via IFT...

How Tattoo Ink and Gold Could (One Day) Help Restore Vision

An artificial retina made of organic ink and gold may be able to one day restore vision, a new study suggests. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FTAuFt via IFT...

Google AI Expert: Machine Learning Is No Better Than Alchemy

Machine learning has produced impressive results, a Google expert argued, but it's fundamentally no more rigorous than medieval attempts to turn lead into gold. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JZnP6q via IFT...

Hawaii Is Banning Sunscreen to Protect Corals. But What About Your Skin?

Don't worry, you can still hit the beach. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2HX82IT via IFT...

Construction Workers in Iran Find Mummy That May Be Father of Last Shah

For those in power, however, the return of a dead shah represents a threat. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2I0mGLp via IFT...

Elon Musk Ditched His 'Flufferbot.' No, It's Not What You Think.

Musk bot botches battery build, fumbles fuzzy fiberglass. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2wgF6WE via IFT...

Utah Landscapers Discover Remains of Ice Age Horse

When the skeleton was found in a Utah yard, residents thought it belonged to a cow. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FRztxM via IFT...

Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

Meet the Ocean Creatures that Use Mucous Nets to Catch Their Food

All animals must eat to survive. If you've heard the term "grazer" before, it may bring to mind familiar farm animals, such as cows or sheep munching on pastureland. But the ocean has its own suite of grazers. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rpqoaj via IFT...

Gaza Now Has a Toxic 'Biosphere of War' That No One Can Escape

Gaza has often been invaded for its water. Every army leaving or entering the Sinai desert, whether Babylonians, Alexander the Great, the Ottomans, or the British, has sought relief there. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2HXdGdV via IFT...

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2018

Massive 'Dead Zone' in the Arabian Sea Is the Biggest in the World

Remotely operated submarines mapped the largest ocean "dead zone" on Earth. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KDLBWF via IFT...

This Is What Killed Medieval Sultan Who Conquered Jerusalem During the Crusades

What killed the sultan Saladin, who famously unified the Muslim world during the 12th century, recaptured Jerusalem from the Christians and helped spark the Third Crusade? Until now, it was a mystery. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rmsIil via IFT...

Jumat, 04 Mei 2018

A Speck of Weapons-Grade Plutonium Is Missing in Idaho

The small bit of weapons-grade material, about the weight of a paperclip, was discovered missing after more than a decade. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2wdJoOv via IFT...

This 'Star Wars' Scroll Illusion Would Stump Even a Jedi

Why do these identical images appear to be scrolling in different directions? Search your feelings. (Or read this article to find out.) from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rmTkQ6 via IFT...

A Cockroach Crawled Inside a Woman's Ear, and It Can Happen to You

Yes, insects can crawl in your ear... and it happens more often than you think. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FLpGcv via IFT...

How Does Norovirus Get into Oysters? (It's Pretty Gross)

Raw oysters from Canada are tied to a norovirus outbreak that's sickened more than 200 people. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IeJB92 via IFT...

Are These Neanderthal Etchings a Long-Lost Message?

A Neanderthal channeled its inner artist about 35,000 years ago when carving zigzag lines into a stone tool, a new study finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KAyi9q via IFT...

Why This Optical Illusion Arrow Always Points Right

Knock... draw... lose your mind from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KBPFXM via IFT...

How Adorable Hibernating Squirrels Could Help Scientists Preserve Human Organs

Hibernating animals may look lazy, but their bodies are actually accomplishing an outstanding feat. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KzMM9G via IFT...

The Best 'Star Wars Day' Deals

May the Fourth is upon us and fans don't have to travel to a galaxy far, far away to score Jedi-worthy deals. May the force be with you! from Live Science https://ift.tt/2HR4bND via IFT...

May the 4th Be With You As You Check Out These Amazing Animals of 'The Last Jedi'

Today (May 4) — also known as Star Wars Day — Live Science is debuting a new movie-themed column and video series, where we'll be looking at how feature films represent science and scientists. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rkOaVM via IFT...

Proof of 'Planet Nine' May Be Sewn into Medieval Tapestries

Scientists turn to 1,000-year-old data in the hunt for a missing planet. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FGPgQ6 via IFT...

Kamis, 03 Mei 2018

Surgeons Remove 'Very Rare' 132-Pound Ovarian Tumor

Connecticut surgeons recently removed a 132-lb. (60 kilograms) ovarian tumor from a woman's abdomen. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Kwp1iK via IFT...

Trying to Conceive? Fast Food Could Double the Risk of Infertility

The foods women eat could be tied to their risk of infertility, a new study from Australia finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rlvBzI via IFT...

This Man Went 5 Days with a Chicken Bone Stuck in His Lung

It really did go down the wrong pipe. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2wajuvk via IFT...

Did King David's Lost Biblical Kingdom Really Exist?

The Hebrew Bible states that the United Monarchy collapsed after the death of King Solomon. New evidence suggests the kingdom was real. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JOt5tw via IFT...

Bones Exposed on NYC 'Island of the Dead' Where 1 Million Bodies Rest

Erosion reveals dozens of bones on the beach of a New York burial island. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IcR6xf via IFT...

Being Extra-Itchy May Mean You're Missing Some Cells

For mice, mechanical itching is caused by loss of a certain type of skin cell, researchers found. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KxP8G7 via IFT...

Jeff Bezos Wildly Overestimates the Power of the Human Brain

Hmmm…no. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IaQmZu via IFT...

How 2 Massive Carvings Found Near Egypt Pyramid Were Rescued from Looters

The archaeologists essentially risked their lives to carry the carvings out of the desert, an act that required both physical grit and ingenuity. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IbeoDy via IFT...

Hidden Text Found on 'Blank' Dead Sea Scrolls

Previously hidden text on fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls is now readable, revealing a possible undiscovered scroll and solving a debate about the sacred Temple Scroll. The discoveries came from a new infrared analysis of the artifacts. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2jqyPi5 via IFT...

Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

1st Death Tied to Outbreak of E. Coli in Romaine Lettuce — How It Kills

How exactly does E. coli kill? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2IcGsa0 via IFT...

How Far Could You Sail in a Straight Line Without Hitting Land?

If you sailed the oceans in a straight line, how far would you get? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2w5Z1aW via IFT...

Naps Can Make Our Brains 'Remember' Things That Never Happened

Quick bursts of brain activity may be creating false memories while we nap from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JLfwem via IFT...

Doctors Pulled 14 Squirming Roundworms from a Woman's Bile Ducts

The woman had severe abdominal pain for months before doctors found the cause: More than a dozen worms in her bile duct. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rgJqzv via IFT...

Stephen Hawking's Final Paper Cuts the Multiverse Down to Size

The great physicist's library of work is now complete. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KssheW via IFT...

Photos: See Gorillas and Chimpanzees in Their Native Forests

Humans will have to work together to save the great apes, such as the gorillas and chimpanzee. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2jlTgg1 via IFT...

Half the Gorilla Population Could Vanish by 2040. Here's How We Can Prevent That. (Op-Ed)

In 1988, a wild great ape charged a researcher. Now, she's working to save these majestic animals from poachers and land loss. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FDVPma via IFT...

Baby Humpback Whales May Soon Fill Antarctic Seas

Lots of little baby humpback whales may be on their way. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2wbKquK via IFT...

Can Marijuana Treat Autism? These Clinical Trials Aim to Find Out

A growing number of clinical trials are looking into whether compounds in marijuana can be used to treat some of the symptoms of autism. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2I4eHAl via IFT...

Flat-Earthers Explain Why We Don't Fall Off the Edge of Our Planet, and It Involves Pac-Man

Their evidence included an odd Pac-Man effect. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2HHkcWd via IFT...

Gooey, Magma Ocean May Have Once Roiled Inside the Moon

The ancient moon may have had a gooey interior that likely triggered the lunar magnetic field. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JJWiFY via IFT...

Selasa, 01 Mei 2018

Say Goodbye to the World's Oldest Spider, Dead at 43

"Number 16," a recently deceased trapdoor spider, was the oldest known spider in the world. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2jnJB8T via IFT...

Tickborne Diseases Are On the Rise. Is Climate Change to Blame?

The number of illnesses from mosquito, tick and flea bites more than tripled over a 13-year period, according to a new report. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FxSWUb via IFT...

A Washington Nurse May Have Exposed Thousands of Patients to Hepatitis C

A hospital is offering free Hepatitis C testing for patients who may have been exposed through an infected nurse from Live Science https://ift.tt/2I7jHE6 via IFT...

'Biohacker' Who Injected Himself with DIY Herpes Vaccine Found Dead

The CEO of a biomedical startup who sparked controversy when he injected himself with an untested herpes treatment in front of a live audience in February has died, according to an email sent to Live Science. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FxcGHy via IFT...

Your Genome May Have Already Been Hacked

On April 25, California law enforcement announced the possible capture of a long-sought serial killer. Shortly after, it was reported that police had used public DNA databases to determine his identity. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2rcZa6O via IFT...

We Could Find Aliens by Spotting Their Satellites

Alien civilizations with technology levels similar to that of Earth could be visible with current instruments, if they've hoisted enough satellites into orbit, a new study suggests. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2HE0Cu2 via IFT...

Human Bone Reveals How Much Radiation Hiroshima Bomb Released — And It's Staggering

The jawbone of a Hiroshima casualty — belonging to a person who was less than a mile from the bomb's hypocenter — is helping researchers determine how much radiation was absorbed by the bones of the victims. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JHIig9 via IFT...

Can Your Diet Delay Menopause?

Eating certain foods may be linked to a delayed or hastened onset of menopause, a new study from England finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KsP6PO via IFT...