Boeing has dreams of a hypersonic passenger plane, and it looks like something straight out of science fiction.
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Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018
Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Spawned a Giant, Otherworldly 'Lava Ball'
The strange formation split open in the middle of a river of lava, spilling its glowing guts in a dramatic video.
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Jumat, 29 Juni 2018
The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
Here are the most interesting, amazing and unusual things that happened in the world of science this week. A recap of Live Science's best.
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Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week
Here are the stories behind the most amazing images in the world of science this week. A recap of the coolest photos featured on Live Science.
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Photos: Fruits of the Sonoran Desert
The fruits of the cardon and saguaro cacti of the Sonoran Desert are an amazing story of interdependence and survival. Here's a look at the gorgeous blooms of two giant cacti.
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Woman's Odd Weight Gain Turned Out to Be a 50-Pound Ovarian Tumor
A woman in Alabama who couldn't seem to lose weight turned out to have a massive tumor on her ovary, according to news reports.
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Bacterial Infections Can Cause Powerful Odor, As Happened to Plane Passenger
A man who smelled so bad his plane had to be rerouted has died of a flesh-eating bacterial infection.
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The 'Decapitated' Pompeii Man Wasn't Decapitated After All
His skull did eventually separate from his body, but not until a tunnel collapse about 1,600 years after he died.
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9 Absolutely Evil Medical Experiments
From intentional STD infection to Nazi war crimes, science isn't always so ethical.
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Human Sacrifices Surround Ancient Mesopotamian Tomb
About 5,000 years ago, the Mesopotamians buried two 12-year-olds — a boy and a girl — and surrounded their slender bodies with hundreds of bronze spearheads and what appears to be eight human sacrifices, a new study finds.
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Source of E. Coli in Deadly Romaine Lettuce Outbreak Finally Found
This bacteria turned up in the waters of an irrigation canal in Yuma, Arizona
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At This Lab, 'Mad Scientists' Are Making Outlandish Tech a Reality
X, The Moonshot Factory tackles global problems with solutions so outlandish that they just might work.
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What's the Evidence for Einstein's Theory of Relativity?
As good skeptics, we shouldn't immediately believe general relativity's tangle of mathematics at first blush. Instead, we need evidence. Good evidence.
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WWI POW's Romantic Engraving Discovered 100 Years Later
More than 100 years ago, a Russian soldier held captive in a prisoner-of-war camp engraved a beautiful scene on an aluminum canteen showing two people, deeply in love, snuggling together.
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Hottest Night in Recorded History Just Logged in Oman
Quriyat, Oman just blasted past a 24-hour minimum-temperature record, beating the previous "highest low," which was also set in Oman.
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Teen Dies from Toxic Shock Syndrome. Why Is It Linked to Tampons?
A Canadian teenager who died on a school field trip was found to have toxic shock syndrome that appears to have stemmed from tampon use.
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Historic Shift Means the Arctic Ocean Could Become Part of the Atlantic
A region in the Arctic Ocean is undergoing a historic identity crisis.
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Kamis, 28 Juni 2018
A Gorgeous 'Blue' Sand Dune Snakes Across Mars in This Awesome NASA Photo
A big sand dune blazes in an electric blue on the Red Planet in a gorgeous photo by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
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How Theoretical Physicists Can Help Find E.T.
If and when humans discover extraterrestrial intelligence, should we expect to find it in the form of biological brains or artificially intelligent robots?
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The Milky Way Is Full of Toxic, Sticky Grease
Space: It's cold, dark — and apparently full of grease.
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'German Stonehenge' Yields Grisly Evidence of Sacrificed Women and Children
The broken, battered bones of children, teenagers and women discovered at the newly excavated "German Stonehenge" may be evidence of ancient human sacrifice, a new study finds.
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Once-Dreaded Poliovirus Could Treat Brain Cancer
This once-feared virus might help treat another deadly illness — brain cancer.
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Flamingo Spotted in Texas, 13 Years After Escaping Kansas Zoo
It's incredibly rare to catch a glimpse of an African flamingo on the Texas coast, but if you do, it's Flamingo No. 492.
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Marijuana Farms Are Driving This Adorable Forest Creature to Extinction
California wants to protect the Humboldt marten, an adorable-but-ferocious cat-size carnivore and a member of the weasel family. The state's declaration would apply only within state lines and wouldn't offer federal protections.
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This Andean Volcano Is Restless. But Should We Expect an Explosive Eruption?
Can an ancient shoreline help geologists predict when and how major eruptions can happen?
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Nuclear Fusion Power Could Be Here By 2030, One Company Says
This is a major advance on the way to achieving fusion energy.
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Why Does a Mother's Body Keep Some of Her Baby's Cells After Birth?
Having a child changes a woman. It turns her into a mother … but also into a kind of chimera.
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Photos: Vikings Accessorized with Tiny Metal Dragons
A newly discovered Viking dragonhead pin nearly matches a dragonhead mold found more than 130 years ago.
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Discovery of Rare Viking Dragon Pin Solves 130-Year-Old Mystery
More than 130 years ago, a Swedish farmer discovered a black dragon — a Viking carving of one, that is. Now, archaeologists have found a metal dragon made from a mold much like this one.
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10 Best Anti-Aging Foods for Younger Looking Skin

Who wouldn’t want to be forever young? As the technology progresses, no scientist can find any clue on keeping us young forever. The body changes. As we age, it becomes weaker and more susceptible to illnesses and that includes deterioration of systemic functions. If only we could stop aging but no one could! Anti-aging foods help to sustain one’s health to get through this stage.
These healthy...
Rabu, 27 Juni 2018
The Best Microscopes for Kids
Here's what we learned about six microscopes while trying to see tardigrades, or water bears, through their lenses.
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Yes, You Can See Tardigrades with a Cheap Optical Microscope
We bought a bunch of tardigrades online (thanks, internet!) and tried to see them with six inexpensive microscopes. Here is what we discovered.
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Stealthy, Sub-Launched Torpedo Will Be Deadlier Than Ever
The U.S. Navy's most commonly used torpedo — the Mk 48 — is getting a makeover that will make it stealthier, deadlier and more far reaching than ever before, according to news sources.
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This Website Tells You How Prepared Your Country Is for a Disease Epidemic
The website,, provides information about how prepared a country is to find, stop and prevent epidemics.
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Buried Volcanic Vent Heats Up Antarctica's Fastest-Melting Glacier
What lurks beneath West Antarctica's frozen surface? Heat — and lots of it.
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Selasa, 26 Juni 2018
'Sleeping Beauty' Mummy Buried with Riches and Snacks for the Afterlife
About 2,000 years ago, during the time Jesus supposedly walked the Earth, people buried a young woman wearing a silk skirt in a stone grave.
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A Man's Testosterone Levels May Depend on Where He Spent His Childhood
A study of men from Bangladesh and the U.K. shows that childhood environment, not race or genetics, appears to be the most important factor in testosterone levels.
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The Coldest Place on Earth Is Even Colder Than Scientists Thought
Now, that's cold.
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Aliens May Be Rearranging Stars to Fight Dark Energy, Awesome Study Suggests
Advanced alien civilizations might be towing distant starts to their local galaxies to thwart dark energy…and that's how we'll find them.
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Feral Cats Are Devouring Australia's Reptiles
Feral cats are binge-eating reptiles, and conservationists are concerned.
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No, You Probably Shouldn't Follow Kelly Clarkson's 'Lectin-Free' Diet
What are lectins, and should you really cut them from your diet?
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Mini Neanderthal Brains Growing in Lab Look Like Popcorn (But You Shouldn't Eat Them)
A lab in California has petri dishes filled with pea-size Neanderthal brains.
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Senin, 25 Juni 2018
Ancient Diagnosis: Cancer Found in Egyptian Burials
The finds include a toddler with leukemia, a mummified man in his 50s with rectal cancer and individuals with cancer possibly caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).
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Has This Startup Cracked the Secret to Fusion Energy?
Fusion energy is only 30 years away. Again.
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Is 'Pregnancy Brain' Real?
If you've ever found yourself at a real loss for words while pregnant, or feel like you just keep forgetting to book appointments during those nine months of expecting, you're not the only one.
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The New York Times May Have Solved the Biggest Environmental Mystery in Decades
A report from Xingfu, China may point to the source of a bizarre spike in ozone layer-depleting CFCs reported in May.
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Your Summer May Be Full of Mosquitoes
Not only are their bites itchy and annoying, but mosquitoes also carry diseases. Here's a look at why some years are worse for the pesky insects.
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'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' Skimps on Dinosaur Science
We're not asking for much — at least cover those dinos in a few feathers.
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Minggu, 24 Juni 2018
Here's How Your Water Bottle Could Start a Fire
Be careful where you leave your water bottles this summer.
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Sabtu, 23 Juni 2018
Water May Not Be the Only Sign of Alien Life
A new study suggests also looking for "bioessential" elements when searching for alien life.
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Beachgoers Beware? 5 Pathogens That Lurk In Sand
Beach sand can harbor a number of bacteria, parasites and fungi that are linked with diseases.
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Why Do Our Brains Have Folds?
Most of us have long accepted that our brains look like overgrown, shriveled walnuts. But why do our brains have those telltale wrinkles?
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Jumat, 22 Juni 2018
How Parents and Doctors Can Support Transgender Children
There's a lot of misinformation out there for parents about doctors and gender non-conforming and transgender children. Here's the truth.
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Here's What Killed 13 Bald Eagles, Some of Them Teenagers
Wildlife experts have partially solved a murder mystery regarding the deaths of 13 bald eagles, but they still don't know who did it.
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Some Paranormal Experiences May Be Explained by Sleep Paralysis, Exploding Head Syndrome
If you believe in the paranormal you might not be surprised if you hear stories of deceased loved ones appearing during the night, huge explosions heard just as someone is drifting off with no obvious cause, and other peculiar occurrences.
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The 'Keystone Virus' Had Never Been Seen in People, Until a Florida Teen Caught It
A teenager in Florida is the first person known to be infected with a virus called Keystone virus, which is spread by mosquitoes.
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Groundwater Levels Could Trigger Major Earthquakes
There’s a new theory on what may have triggered the 2014 earthquake that tore through California’s Napa-Sonoma Valley.
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Kamis, 21 Juni 2018
Scientists Piped Music Into Women's Wombs to See If Fetuses Like Freddie Mercury
Music is the perfect mental stimulation for babies... even before they're born.
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Photos: Great White Shark Mysteriously Washes Up on a California Beach
California's Department of Fish and Wildlife has opened up a law-enforcement investigation after this dead great white shark washed up on a Santa Cruz beach.
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A Dead Great White Shark on Santa Cruz Beach Leads to a Criminal Investigation
A dead great white shark is now the subject of a criminal investigation in California.
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This Is NASA's New Plan to Detect and Destroy Asteroids Before They Hit Earth
NASA has updated its plans to deflect potentially hazardous Earth-bound asteroids — and none of them involve Bruce Willis.
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Koko, the Gorilla Who Used Sign Language, Is Dead at 46
Koko, the western lowlands gorilla who signed her way into people’s hearts, died in her sleep.
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Breads Made of Powdered Crickets May Be Loaded with Bacterial Spores
That's a setback for what is otherwise a highly nutritious bread.
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Vitamin D May Not Protect Against These Dangerous Pregnancy Complications
Proper nutrition during pregnancy is important for mother and baby, but there's been a debate about exactly how much vitamin D pregnant women need.
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Obama's Ears Inspired the Name of this 550-Million-Year-Old Critter
The ears of former U.S. President Barack Obama are so distinct, they inspired the scientific name of a newly identified 550-million-year-old critter: Obamus coronatus.
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How Does the Summer Solstice Affect Animals?
Even if humans have trouble telling time in the "land of the midnight sun," many animals can adjust their schedules to the summer solstice.
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Rabu, 20 Juni 2018
Idaho Was Once Swarming with Ancient Buzz-Saw-Faced Sharks
his bizarre shark was 25 feet long and had teeth that looked like a buzz saw.
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The 10 Weirdest Medical Cases in the Animal Kingdom
A deer with two heads found near the Mississippi River and a mountain lion with teeth and hair growing from its forehead are just two such oddball cases in the animal kingdom.
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10 Most Luxurious Hotels in the World

Traveling is a wonderful way to refuel energy and to explore new cultures. If you love to do it in a classy way, then staying in a luxurious five-star hotel is the best choice. You must not miss the elegant feeling when staying in a luxurious environment and encounter their satisfying service and food. The finest hotels in the universe aren’t only for movie idols or business entrepreneurs, all are...
Mystery 'Dogman' Beast Shot in Montana Was Just a Gray Wolf, DNA Shows
When the beast was found, its features led to some pretty wild speculation about whether it was a dire wolf, a dog-wolf hybrid or perhaps a dog-human hybrid (seriously, people?).
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SpongeBob NoPants? Bizarre 'Nude' Sea Creature May Be a Sponge Relative After All
A "nude" sponge-like animal that lived 500,000 years ago is offering compelling new clues about early animal evolution.
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Photos: Ancient Shrimp-Like Critter Was Tiny But Fierce
About 508 million years ago, a fierce water beastie with paddles and a shrimp-like tail sped through the water, hunting for prey.
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First-Known Nursery for Baby Manta Rays Discovered Off Texas Coast
The little rays use the shallow reefs as hiding spots to avoid big sharks in the area.
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Ancient, Mustached Sea Creature Used Spiny Limbs to Disembody Prey
It took more than 100 years, but researchers have finally come up with a scientific description for a weird, thumb-size sea creature with large eyes, a "mustache" and fringed paddles for zipping through the ocean during the Cambrian period.
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Selasa, 19 Juni 2018
7 Plants You Can Eat If You're Stranded in the Wild
On the off chance that you find yourself stranded in the wilderness on your next camping trip or hike, don’t panic — there are plenty of things to eat once you’ve run out of trail mix.
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This Speedy Genetic Tool Might Soon Let Scientists Create New Genes 'Overnight'
Two graduate students developed a method for synthesizing DNA that could make it much faster, cheaper and easier for biologists to create synthetic DNA sequences.
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How a Python Ate a Woman Whole and Left Hardly a Trace of the Fierce Attack
News of a pickup-truck-size reticulated python killing and swallowing a woman whole in central Indonesia, eating even her clothes, has made headlines around the world. But how often do these snakes eat people?
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Why You Should Eat Popcorn with Chopsticks
It happens fast. You crack open a bottle of your favorite drink and put it to your lips. The delicious flavor is nearly overwhelming. But a minute later, you’re barely noticing the taste as you drink it.
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How Marijuana Could Make Trauma Injuries Worse
Marijuana use may affect how much pain people feel and the dose of painkillers they need following traumatic injury.
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Deer Survived for Years After Bone Grew Over This Arrow in Its Ribs
A hard-core deer not only survived being shot with an arrow; it also grew bone tissue around the bolt in its rib cage.
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Men's Testes Have a 'Microbiome.' Could It Affect Fertility?
Men's testes were once thought to be free of bacteria, but a small new study suggests that microbes may live naturally in this part of the male reproductive system.
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Can You Really Get a Vasectomy Reversed?
In a dramatic reality TV finale, actor and wrestler John Cena said that he's willing to reverse his vasectomy so he and his girlfriend can have children, but can it be done?
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Senin, 18 Juni 2018
This Towering Plant Is Invading the US, and It’s Causing Serious Sunburns
How does a plant cause sunburn?
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In Photos: Intricately Carved Stone Balls Puzzle Archaeologists
3D models of intricately carved stone balls, which are considered some of the most enigmatic objects from Europe's late Stone Age, are now online.
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Jumping Soccer Fans Triggered a Small Earthquake in Mexico
The World Cup is literally shaking the world.
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The Really Strange Way a Tick Bite Could Harm Your Heart (Hint: It Involves Red Meat)
People with a rare red meat allergy may have a higher risk of heart disease, a new study suggests.
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Enigmatic Stone Balls from 5,000 Years Ago Continue to Baffle Archaeologists
The balls are carved with intricate spiral patterns, but scientists can't figure out their meaning.
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The 4th Flavor? Scientists Close in on a New Kind of Neutrino
The history behind the discovery is a fascinating tale with twist and turns that would make Agatha Christie's head spin.
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Minggu, 17 Juni 2018
The Weirdest Fireworks Injuries Ever
Fizz…Bang!... OUCH
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5 Weird Ways Hot Tubs Can Make You Sick
In rare cases, danger may lurk under those soothing bubbles.
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Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018
The Internet Is Obsessed With This Perfectly Symmetrical Mushroom Cloud
A Christmas-tree-shaped storm cloud settled over the beach in Alabama, and even meteorologists are impressed.
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How Did a Chlorine Gas Cloud Form Over a Public Pool?
35 people were exposed to gaseous chlorine while swimming in a neighborhood pool in San Jose.
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Jumat, 15 Juni 2018
Black Holes Could Actually Be Colliding Wormholes
The echoes of colliding wormholes would look different than the signal from merging black holes.
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Hawaii Will Finally Force Companies to Say What Pesticides They’re Spraying
A new law in Hawaii requires companies to disclose the mystery cocktail of pesticides they spray at secret sites.
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One of Psychology's Most Famous Experiments Was Deeply Flawed
The Stanford Prison Experiment — the infamous 1971 exercise in which regular college students placed in a mock prison suddenly transformed into aggressive guards and hysterical prisoners — was deeply flawed, a new investigation reveals.
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Your Gut Remembers Where You Had a Good Meal
When the gut can't talk to the brain, it might reduce your ability to find places
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A Major Mediterranean Diet Study Was Retracted. But Do Docs Still Recommend It?
A landmark study on the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for heart health had serious problems with its methods, the study's authors announced this week.
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This Tick's Worst Day Ever Frozen in Time for 100 Million Years
An ancient tick's worst day ever was preserved for eternity.
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Kamis, 14 Juni 2018
Russia Wants to Blast Space Junk with Laser Cannon
Russia's space agency is developing a novel method for dealing with space junk: vaporizing it with lasers.
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These Gourmet Snakes Prefer to Eat Snails
Five new species of snail-eating snakes were discovered in Ecuador.
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Will Mars Rover Survive Fierce Dust Storm?
NASA's long-lived Opportunity Mars rover is weathering a monster dust storm that has plunged its environs into permanent darkness.
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Is Running on the Beach Bad for Your Body?
The beach may seem like an inviting place to run on a cool summer morning, but is running on the sand good for your body?
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Will You Catch the Flu? The Answer Could Be in Your Blood
There may be a way to predict whether you'll catch the flu.
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What's Up with This 'Half-Fish, Half-Bird' in China?
When fishers recently hauled up their catch from a river in the province of Guizhou in southern China, they weren't expecting to come face-to-face with a fish that had a bird's head.
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Rabu, 13 Juni 2018
Antarctica Is Losing Insane Amount of Ice. Nothing About This Is Good.
Trillions of tons of ice melted away from Antarctica during the past 25 years.
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U.S. Spy Agencies Want to Store Data on DNA Computers
DNA and other stringy molecules could store data much more efficiently than hard drives in modern computers.
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As Massive Dust Storm Rages on Mars, Opportunity Rover Falls Silent
NASA's Opportunity rover on Mars did not return a call from Earth late Tuesday (June 12) while battling a massive dust storm that scientists have called "one of the most intense ever observed."
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How a Daredevil Raccoon Pulled Off a Terrifying 23-Story Climb
MPR raccoon is being hailed as a hero. But was it just scared out of its mind?
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What's Behind the Myth That Storks Deliver Babies?
Here’s the real story behind the ubiquitous myth that storks deliver babies.
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Quitobaquito — Photos of a Desert Oasis
One of North America's most unique desert oases is called Quitobaquito Springs.
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Giant Viruses Invent Genes Shared by No Life on Earth
Viruses that are bigger than bacteria also invent their own genes.
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Psychedelic Drugs Change the Structure of Brain Cells
Drugs like LSD and ecstasy might have a surprising medical benefit
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'Lost' NASA Tapes Show Humans Sort of Caused Global Warming on the Moon Too
Why did the moon see a sudden temperature spike in the '70s? Blame astronaut footprints.
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Selasa, 12 Juni 2018
US Christians Think God Looks a Lot Like Them
What does God look like? U.S. liberals and conservatives may perceive the Almighty differently, as do young and old people, a new study finds.
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Abu Simbel: The Temples That Moved
Besides their grandeur, the Abu Simbel temples are notable because they were moved in 1964 to make way for the High Aswan Dam.
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There Are Vast Clouds of Tiny, Shimmering Diamonds Hiding All Over Our Galaxy
The little glowing diamonds have been screwing up research into the Big Bang for years, but scientists only just found the culprit.
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Watch Strange, Glowing Bacteria Harpoon and Swallow DNA to Evolve
An astonishing new video shows a bacterium reach out into space, snatch a piece of DNA and stuff that DNA into its own body.
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Is 'Fortnite' Sending Kids to Therapy?
Are kids becoming addicted to the world's most popular video game?
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Roadside C-Section Pulls a Live Fawn from a Dead Deer
In Oklahoma, a fawn was delivered by a roadside C-section after its mother was struck by a car and killed.
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3-Legged Jaguar Gives Birth to Cubs in Argentina Park
A first-time mother, a three-legged jaguar named Tanya, gave birth last week to a pair of cubs — the first cubs born in Argentina's Iberá National Park in decades.
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Incans Were Masters at Grisly Practice of Drilling Holes in People's Skulls
It came down to hygiene and the Incans would have sometimes used their bare fingers during trepanation surgery.
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3,000-Year-Old Geoglyphs May Depict the Heavens
Ancient people would have entered the sprawling stone structures through doorways.
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How Did a Tick Temporarily Paralyze a Little Girl?
A five-year-old girl in Mississippi temporarily lost the ability to walk after she developed "tick paralysis."
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Senin, 11 Juni 2018
Is Expired Sunscreen Better Than No Sunscreen?
Can sunscreen still protect you if it's past its expiration date?
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New Blood Test Could Predict Preterm Labor 2 Months Before It Happens
Two newly developed blood tests may help moms-to-be accurately answer this ever-popular question: When is your baby due?
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Here's What Happens to a Styrofoam Cup Under the Deep Sea's Crushing Pressure
With #ShrunkenCupOff, ocean scientists were crushing it on Twitter.
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This Claw-Faced Sea Monster Was Literally Born to Kill
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Minggu, 10 Juni 2018
NASA Satellites Make Magnetic Discovery in Turbulent Space Near Earth
NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft has detected magnetic activity occurring in a new and surprising way in the environment of near-Earth space.
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Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018
Why Are Suicide Rates Rising?
Rates of death by suicide have increased in the United States.
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Jumat, 08 Juni 2018
Would You Stay At Hotel Influenza?
A stay at this hotel comes with a catch — you might get the flu.
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Why Does Artificial Intelligence Scare Us So Much?
Not everyone is prepared to welcome robot overlords.
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How Drug Addiction Hijacks the Brain
It's not just one, or two, but six different brain networks are thrown into shambles by drug addiction
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Archaeologists Dig Up Mass Grave of Soldiers Crushed by Napoleon's Troops
Just under the topsoil of the farm fields in this small town northeast of Vienna, there are traces of one of the biggest battles of the Napoleonic Wars.
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Photos: Archaeologists Excavate Battlefield from Napoleonic Wars
Ahead of highway construction, archaeologists in Austria are busy excavating a huge battlefield from the Napoleonic Wars.
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Honeybees Know A Lot About Nothing
What is the number "zero"? bees know.
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This Wily Wolverine Threw Scientists for a Loop
We were not expecting a familiar face as we cracked open the wooden box trap we'd carefully set in the remote north slope of Alaska. But there he was: a wolverine staring back at us, his face covered with the shredded remains of frozen caribou.
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Do Coffee Drinkers Really Fall into 3 Groups?
A new report divides coffee lovers into three groups depending on how their bodies respond to caffeine, but does science really support this conclusion?
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Kamis, 07 Juni 2018
There May Be Life on Mars, But This NASA Report Doesn't Prove It
NASA did find two more scraps of evidence about the kind of life that might exist on Mars. Here's what the new research really shows.
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See How Brain Worms Turn Ants into the Walking Dead
Can you wrap your mind around the idea of an ant brain with a worm in it?
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Scorching Hot Lava Invades Lake in Hawaii, Completely Evaporates Water Within
Fiery lava from Hawaii's ongoing volcanic eruption has completely evaporated the water from Green Lake, the Big Island's largest freshwater lake, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
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More Americans Are Being Evacuated From China Following Mysterious "Sonic Attacks"
At least two more Americans have been evacuated from China to be treated for mysterious headaches brought on by bizarre noises.
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18-Year-Old Iceberg Dies on Spring Break Trip to South America
Antarctica's iceberg B-15 will finally melt in the South Atlantic Ocean. Farewell, friend. It's been a crazy, 18-year ride.
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A Face from the Bible May Appear in This Tiny Sculpture
Archaeologists aren't sure which biblical king is being depicted in this miniature sculpture found in ancient Israel.
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Rabu, 06 Juni 2018
Today's Men Carry Traces of Ancient Wars in their Genes
Modern men's genes suggest that something peculiar happened 5,000 to 7,000 years ago
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Scott Pruitt Must Do His Job, Mean Federal Judge Rules
The EPA must release evidence for Pruitt's claims that carbon dioxide is not a significant contributor to climate change, a federal court ruled.
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This Toxic Toad Could End Up Killing Life on Madagascar
The Asian common toad toxic threat to native species in Madagascar.
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Why Cosmonauts Pee on the Bus That Picks Them Up for Launches
Every time that space crews launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, they literally follow in the footsteps of the first human in space – Yuri Gagarin.
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Did Climate Change Lead to an Alien Apocalypse? New Study Says, 'Why Not'
Climate change probably killed off any aliens that might have existed, one study claims.
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Artists Have Been Drawing Lightning Bolts Wrong for Centuries
If you draw lightning bolts like crooked zigzags, then you're doing it wrong — but at least you're in good company. Artists have drawn lightning incorrectly for hundreds of years, a new study finds.
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Here's How Much Caffeine You Need, and When, for Peak Alertness
Caffeine can perk you up, but exactly how much caffeine should you consume – and when should you take it – to achieve "peak" alertness?
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Selasa, 05 Juni 2018
Photos: The Sonoran Desert in Bloom
Wildflowers, shrubs, indigenous trees and cacti all bloom during this season, turning the brown desert landscape of the Sonoran Desert into a kaleidoscope of color.
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Pilot Whale Dies After Eating More than 80 Plastic Bags
More than 80 plastic bags were found clogging the stomach of a small male pilot whale that died in Thailand on Friday (June 1), just days before World Ocean Day on June 8.
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These Migraine Treatments Work. So Why Do Most Patients Skip Them?
Many people who experience migraines may not be taking advantage of behavioral treatments for the debilitating headaches, even if doctors recommend them.
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'Sunbathing' Helps Fish Turn Up the Heat
Even fish sometimes need to catch some rays.
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Moldy Bread? Nope, It's a Photo of the Sahara Desert Taken from Space
The dramatic contrast between the burnt-orange dunes and the dull-blue hills of the Sahara Desert in northern Africa makes for a stunning view from the International Space Station, as seen in a new image shot from the ISS.
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Senin, 04 Juni 2018
Lava and Ash from Fuego Volcano Kills 33 in Guatemala
A volcanic eruption in Guatemala that spewed out ashy plumes and scorching-hot lava on Sunday (June 3) has killed at least 33 people, according to news reports.
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The Higgs Boson Has A New Friend
The Higgs boson appeared again at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and this time it revealed something new and exciting about its behavior.
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The Secret Backstory Behind Kazakhstan's Rocket Launch Site
On June 6, three people will rocket into space from a cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. But why does this country of only 18 million people have a large space facility known as the Baikonur Cosmodrome?
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Scientists Figured Out How to Make Ceramics That Bend and Mush Instead of Shattering
The researchers zapped the ceramics with electric fields to prevent them from shattering (though under enough pressure they will still crack).
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How Jesus Died: Rare Evidence of Roman Crucifixion Found
The body of a man buried in northern Italy 2,000 years ago shows signs that he died after being nailed to a wooden cross.
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How Do DNA Ancestry Tests Really Work?
23andme, and other services promise to unlock ancestry secrets hidden in your genetic code. But how do they work?
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Minggu, 03 Juni 2018
Blood in Your Veins Is Not Blue — Here's Why It's Always Red
Sometimes blood can look blue through our skin. But this is an optical illusion.
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Sabtu, 02 Juni 2018
How Long Do Tardigrades Live?
Could tardigrades outlive us all?
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10 Things To Bring On Every International Flight

Whether you love to travel a lot or not, bringing the right items with you is essential especially if you’ll have a long flight going to your favorite country to have a long-awaited vacation. Here are the ten things to bring on every international flight.
1. Noice Cancelling Headphones (or Earplugs)
Airplanes have loud engine noise. A good quality one can cut the noise down. For a relaxing...
Jumat, 01 Juni 2018
Aliens Are Real, But Humans Will Probably Kill Them All, New Paper Says
If aliens are out there, humans might kill them all in their never-ending quest for expansion.
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How Would the 'Mona Lisa' Look to an Eagle, a Cat and a Butterfly?
We all live in the same world, but see it very differently.
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These 5 Social Media Habits Are Linked with Depression
You might be familiar with the experience of scrolling through your Facebook feed, only to feel like everyone else's lives are better than yours.
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2 Skeletons Decked Out in Bling Found Inside Sarcophagus in Ancient Roman City
A newly discovered sarcophagus holding two well-to-do Romans is brimming with treasures, including glass perfume bottles, gold jewelry and a silver mirror, archaeologists in Serbia report.
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Did Malala Get Crushed by a Tesla? No, But Her Response to SpaceX’s Elon Musk Is Perfect
In a satirical interaction almost too good to be true, activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai confronted Elon Musk on Twitter.
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Can Machines Be Creative? Meet 9 AI 'Artists'
How are neural networks "expressing themselves" through original paintings, songs and fiction?
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4,000-Year-Old Jar Contains Italy's Oldest Olive Oil
An egg-shaped ceramic jar covered with ceramic "rope" once held a prize delicacy: the oldest olive oil on record in Italy, a new study finds.
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What Would Happen If You Were to Drink Five 5-Hour Energy Drinks at Once?
Would you gain 25 hours of energy? Or would the consequences be more severe?
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What Caused Helen Keller to Be Deaf and Blind? An Expert Has This Theory
A first-of-its-kind analysis looks into the likely cause of Helen Keller's disability.
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Waterslides Can Literally Be a Pain in the Butt
A waterslide can be a great way to cool off in the scorching heat of summer, but gliding down one comes with a hidden risk: an injured tailbone.
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