Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

Facts About Radon

Properties, sources and uses of the element radon. from Live Science via IFT...

Macular Degeneration: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments

Symtpoms, causes and treatments for macular degeneration. from Live Science via IFT...

How a Lick from a Dog Led to a Man's Leg and Arm Amputations

Don't worry, this is very rare. from Live Science via IFT...

What If Earth Turned into a Giant Pile of Blueberries?

If Earth suddenly turned into an Earth-size pile of blueberries, things would start exploding. This is science. from Live Science via IFT...

Astrophysicists Just Saw an Amazing Structure in the Sun's Outer Atmosphere

Inside the sun's atmosphere, what may seem like cosmic clutter hides some beautiful order. from Live Science via IFT...

This Duck Supermom Leads 76 Ducklings in Amazing, Adorable Photo

One duck, 76 ducklings: What the duck is happening in this photo? from Live Science via IFT...

Modern-Day Soldiers Discover Ancient Warrior Clutching Spear

A U.S. veteran discovered the grave of an ancient warrior — a sixth-century Saxon soldier buried with a sword, spear and knife — just in the nick of time. from Live Science via IFT...

Like Hell on Earth, Raging Firenado Plows Through California Town

This wasn't an ordinary fire whirl. from Live Science via IFT...

Shark Stolen from an Aquarium in a Baby Stroller Is Rescued and Recovering

"Miss Helen" is doing swimmingly after a harrowing brush with kidnappers. from Live Science via IFT...

Vaginal 'Rejuvenation' Procedures Are Unproven, Pose Serious Risks, FDA Warns

Women are being warned that so-called "vaginal rejuvenation" procedures may pose serious risks. from Live Science via IFT...

Part of This Boy's Brain Was Removed. The Rest of His Brain Made Sure He Wouldn't Notice.

He can't see the left side of his world, but his brain makes sure that's the only thing he can't see. from Live Science via IFT...

Hackers Target 3rd Dimension of Cyberspace: Users' Minds

The Russian attacks on the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the country's continuing election-related hacking have happened across all three dimensions of cyberspace – physical, informational and cognitive. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Do Paper Cuts Hurt So Much?

Consider, for a moment, the paper cut. It happens suddenly and entirely unexpectedly, usually just as you are finally getting somewhere on that task you had been putting off. from Live Science via IFT...

What Caused This Man's Scalloped Pupil?

When doctors examined the man's eyes, they saw something odd. from Live Science via IFT...

Distress Calls Linked to Amelia Earhart Probably Don't Reveal Anything About Her Demise

The daring aviator Amelia Earhart may have sent distress calls from a tiny Pacific island by the light of the moon, talking urgently into her radio while she recharged her damaged plane at low tide, according to a new report. from Live Science via IFT...

9 Strange, Scientific Excuses for Why Humans Haven't Found Aliens Yet

Where are all the aliens? Scientists have some … unusual theories. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 30 Juli 2018

Facts About Cadmium

Properties, sources and uses of the element cadmium. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Are Dozens of Dead Animals Washing Up on Florida Beaches?

A "red tide" in Florida is having a devastating impact on marine wildlife. from Live Science via IFT...

Large Hadron Collider Just Spat Electron-ified Atoms to Almost the Speed of Light

The Large Hadron Collider accelerated lead nuclei with orbiting electrons along its tunnel for the first time, opening new scientific doors. from Live Science via IFT...

Is Getting Your Genome Screened at a Doctor's Appointment a Good Idea?

An opinion piece published today in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine argues that genomic screening should over time become a more mainstream part of medical care. But an expert urged caution. from Live Science via IFT...

Geometry Has a New Shape. Meet the 'Scutoid.'

This shape is new to math, but not to nature from Live Science via IFT...

Where's the Tomb of King Tut's Wife? Valley of the Kings Dig Leaves Mystery

Archaeologists found the foundation of an ancient Egyptian tomb that could have held the wife of King Tut. from Live Science via IFT...

This Swirling Algae Bloom Mixes Beauty and Danger

What's deadly about these striking swirls in the sea? from Live Science via IFT...

String Theory May Create Far Fewer Universes Than Thought

Some physicists claim the popular landscape of universes in string theory may not exist. from Live Science via IFT...

How Do You Know If Your Cut Has Flesh-Eating Bacteria?

Given the gravity of the condition, people with necrotizing fasciitis need immediate medical care. But how do you know if your cut has flesh-eating bacteria? from Live Science via IFT...

The Sun Had a Wild Youth. And These Blue Crystals Prove It.

Blue crystals in meteorites contain evidence of the sun's volatile past. from Live Science via IFT...

Another Dark Matter Search Fails — Shedding Light on the Universe

Dark matter has, once again, failed to turn up where researchers hoped they might find it. Here's what that means. from Live Science via IFT...

Oldest Evidence for Life on Land Unearthed in South Africa

About 3.22 billion years ago, ancient mats of microbes clung to pebbles in an ancient riverbed. from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 29 Juli 2018

Weird Volcanoes Are Erupting Across the Solar System

Sizzling-hot rocks explode and ooze onto the surfaces of several extraterrestrial worlds. from Live Science via IFT...

How Close Are We, Really, to Curing Cancer with CRISPR?

The promise of CRISPR is being realized today in the lab through the creation of special animal models and cell lines. And the technology is finally entering the clinic to treat humans directly. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

10 Foods To Relieve Constipation

Constipation is no stranger to any of us. At some point or the other, each of us has experienced this unpleasant digestive disorder. It is one of the most recurring gastrointestinal problems, and it can hinder healthy bowel movement. To steer clear of constipation, you need to load up on some fiber-rich foods and stomach-friendly foods. Constipation can occur due to dehydration or a poor diet, causing...

Longest Lunar Eclipse of the Century Dazzles Skywatchers

The 21st century's longest total lunar eclipse entranced skywatchers around the globe today (July 27). from Live Science via IFT...

Are These Corals Feeding, Or Is This an Underwater Dance Party?

Just need to add some music and we've got a party. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Do Some of Us Shiver When We Pee?

Is there a purpose to pee shivers, or are they simply a biological glitch? from Live Science via IFT...

Facts About Rainforests

Rainforests are vitally important, producing most of the oxygen we breathe and providing habitat for half of the planet's plants and animals. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 27 Juli 2018

Shocking Global Map Shows the Extent of a Global Heat Wave

Heat waves swarm across the world, and a new visualization shows just how bad things are. from Live Science via IFT...

The World's Favorite Giraffe Is Expecting Again

How long will she make us wait this time? from Live Science via IFT...

Why Is the US One of the 'Most Dangerous' Places in the Developed World to Give Birth?

Each year, about 50,000 U.S. women are severely injured and 700 die during childbirth. from Live Science via IFT...

Worms Frozen for 42,000 Years in Siberian Permafrost Wriggle to Life

Imagine getting a wake-up call after being "asleep" for 42,000 years. from Live Science via IFT...

Look Up This Weekend for Closest Mars Views Since 2003

Will the weather cooperate for you to get a good look at Mars at its best during its closest approach this week? from Live Science via IFT...

Who Discovered Mars, Anyway? A Look Back at the History of the Red Planet

Just because we'll never be able to give one sharp-eyed human a name doesn't mean there's nothing interesting to learn about the history of observing Mars. from Live Science via IFT...

Star Zooms Past Monster Black Hole, Confirms Relativity

For the first time ever, researchers have watched a star race past the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, verifying that its motion showed the effects of general relativity, as predicted by Albert Einstein. from Live Science via IFT...

Forgotten 'Dinosaur' Fossil Actually Belongs to a Weird, Hippo-Like Beast

In the early 1950s, a mysterious so-called dinosaur fossil sat on display in the village hall in Fukushima, Japan. But a new analysis of the ancient bone reveals that it belonged to a weird, hippo-like creature that lived nearly 16 million years ago. from Live Science via IFT...

How Quantum Computers Could Kill the Arrow of Time

A new technique for quantum computing could bust open our whole model of how time moves in the universe. from Live Science via IFT...

Dressed to Kill: Chilean Mummies' Clothes Were Colored with Deadly Toxin

Fabric buried with two ancient Chilean mummies is to die for. from Live Science via IFT...

Is Sleeping with a Fan On Actually Bad for Your Health?

Here's what you should know about sleeping with a fan on at night. from Live Science via IFT...

If Blood Moons Signal the Apocalypse, We Have Been in the 'End Times' for 4.5 Billion Years

No, the blood moon doesn't signal the apocalypse. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

Gravity Waves Ripple Across Antarctica's Skies, and Researchers Think They Know Why

Scientists may finally have an explanation for the mysterious ripples skating high above Antarctica. from Live Science via IFT...

Africa’s Largest Mammal Is Terrified of This Tiny Insect

What's dangerous enough to scare an enormous elephant? from Live Science via IFT...

Juvenile Whale Shark Washes Ashore in Florida. But What Killed It?

Could toxic algae have killed this young whale shark? from Live Science via IFT...

Grief-Stricken Orca Mom Pushes Dead Newborn Around in Puget Sound

These charismatic marine predators are fighting for survival as their food source disappears. from Live Science via IFT...

Viral Hoax Claims Mars Will Look As Large As the Moon This Weekend

No, Mars won't look as big as the moon this weekend. from Live Science via IFT...

Hurricane Season 2018: How Long It Lasts and What to Expect

Here's a guide to the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season, including predictions, naming conventions and how to prepare for a storm. from Live Science via IFT...

Teen Gets Hookworm from Florida Beach Sand

A Tennessee teen's summer trip to Florida turned nightmarish after he contracted hookworms from playing in sand at the beach. from Live Science via IFT...

23andMe Is Sharing Its 5 Million Clients' Genetic Data with Drug Giant GlaxoSmithKline

Popular genetics company 23andMe is partnering up with drug giant GlaxoSmithKline to use people's DNA to develop medical treatments, the company announced in a blog post yesterday (July 25). from Live Science via IFT...

DNA Test Identifies 9/11 Victim 17 Years After He Died

Scott Michael Johnson's remains had been among thousands unidentified following the attacks. Medical examiners managed to fix that using new DNA technology. from Live Science via IFT...

Just 13% of the Ocean Is Untouched by Humans

And even those patches of pristine ocean are unprotected. from Live Science via IFT...

Most Americans Support Gene Editing for Babies to Treat Diseases, Poll Finds

A new poll looks at Americans' views on using gene-editing technology to alter unborn babies' DNA. from Live Science via IFT...

Babies Died in a Drug-Trial Tragedy. Why Were Their Mothers Given Viagra?

Earlier this week, a study came to a surprising and heartbreaking halt. A Dutch drug triallooking into the effects of sildenafil — the generic version of Viagra — on a rare but serious fetal-development condition was cut short after 11 infants died. from Live Science via IFT...

Watch This Giant Sea Cucumber Expel a Spiraling Poop Log

Footage from the ocean bottom captured activity from another type of bottom — the rear end of a sea cucumber. from Live Science via IFT...

Death-Defying Lizards Fly Off Sticks During Bizarre Leaf-Blower Wind Experiment

Only the strongest survive. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

The Edge of Space Just Crept 12 Miles Closer to Earth

Where does the sky end and space begin? According to a new study, the edge of space is a lot closer than you think. from Live Science via IFT...

People are Using Dog DNA Tests to Make Life-or-Death Decisions for Their Pets. They Shouldn't.

Are genetic tests for dogs and cats accurate? from Live Science via IFT...

This Man Says A 'Rare Gene' Cured His Type 1 Diabetes, But Experts Are Skeptical

Is a man in England really cured from an incurable disease? from Live Science via IFT...

How to Watch the Century's Longest Lunar Eclipse from Anywhere in the World

The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st Century is coming Friday (July 27). Here's how you can avoid missing out. from Live Science via IFT...

7,000 Cases of Taco Bell Cheese Dip Recalled Due to Botulism Risk

There's yet another food recall this summer. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Grave Robbers Missed This Ancient, Gold-Filled Burial

Grave robbers had about 1,800 years to find and pilfer the precious gold jewelry buried with a noblewoman on the Greek island of Sikinos. So, what allowed this noblewoman, named Neko, to rest in peace for so long? from Live Science via IFT...

12-Mile-Wide Lake May Be Hiding Beneath Martian Surface

The Red Planet just got quite a bit bluer, with scientists announcing the discovery of what they believe is a lake that's about 12 miles across and hidden below a mile of ice at the south pole of Mars. from Live Science via IFT...

Cat Parasite May Make People More Entrepreneurial

People infected with Toxoplasma gondii are more likely to be entrepreneur, according to new research. from Live Science via IFT...

This Blood Test Can Detect Brain Injuries, But Some Doctors Say It Might Be Pointless

A new blood test approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to detect brain injuries might reduce the number of potentially unnecessary brain scans, according to a new study. from Live Science via IFT...

Your Sunscreen Isn't Protecting You As Much As You Think: Here's Why

This isn't due to any fault of the product, but rather to the way people apply sunscreen. from Live Science via IFT...

World First: Chinese Physicists Made a Cold Atomic Clock Work in Space

Atomic clocks have traveled to space before. But no one has ever managed to make one this accurate tick up there before. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Do Spicy Snacks Really Cause Gallbladder Problems?

A Tennessee teen needed gallbladder surgery after consuming large amounts of spicy snacks. from Live Science via IFT...

The World's 1st Computer Algorithm, Written by Ada Lovelace, Sells for $125,000 at Auction

A book with Ada Lovelace's first 'computer algorithm' has sold for $125,000 at auction. from Live Science via IFT...

Jamestown: Facts & History

Jamestown, founded in 1607, was the first successful permanent English settlement in what would become the United States. from Live Science via IFT...

How a Map of Your Brain Can Trick Your Brain

Scientific papers are colorful and pretty — too colorful and pretty, some researchers say. And it's a surprisingly important problem for science. from Live Science via IFT...

Geese Fly to Exhaustion in Race Against Climate Change

These exhausted flyers are running out of time. from Live Science via IFT...

Rare 'Lunar Bible' That Visited the Moon Is Up for Auction

Would you pay $50,000 for a Bible that flew to the moon? from Live Science via IFT...

Headless Body Might Be One of America's 1st Politicians … and Slave Owners

Archaeologists digging in a 400-year-old church in Jamestown, Virginia, have found a headless body that might be that of Sir George Yeardley, one of the first politicians — and slave owners — in the American colonies. from Live Science via IFT...

Weird Paradox Says 2 Losses Equals a Win. And It Could Lead to Fast Quantum Computers.

Parrondo's paradox takes losing odds and turns them into a win. from Live Science via IFT...

4 Varieties of Goldfish Crackers Recalled for Salmonella Risk

Pepperidge Farm announced that it was voluntarily recalling several varieties of Goldfish Crackers yesterday (July 23) due to potential Salmonella contamination. from Live Science via IFT...

Hot Take: Tree Shrews Love Chili Peppers

Most mammals shun the painful heat in spicy chili peppers, but not the Chinese tree shrew. from Live Science via IFT...

How Old Is My Pet in Dog Years or Cat Years?

"Just how old do you think my dog is in dog years?" is a question I hear on a regular basis. People love to anthropomorphize pets, attributing human characteristics to them. from Live Science via IFT...

Maybe Bigfoot Was a Dinosaur, If These Fossils Are Any Indication

This titanosaur sported feet that were three times bigger than those of the famous Lakers basketball player. from Live Science via IFT...

Your Dog Knows When You're Upset, and Wants to Help

Dogs respond to humans crying from Live Science via IFT...

'Good' Cholesterol May Be Bad for Some People

Having high levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the so-called good cholesterol, is usually considered positive. But that might not be true for everyone. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 23 Juli 2018

Mysterious Substance and 'Devilry' Blamed for 3-Hour 'Solar Eclipse' in Russia

The summer sun can shine nearly 24 hours a day in this part of Siberia. Instead, it was blotted out for 3 hours midday on July 20. from Live Science via IFT...

Americans Think Pot Is Healthy, But Scientists Still Have Questions

Have you been fooled by marijuana marketing? from Live Science via IFT...

What in the Whirled? Tiny, Floating Dumbbell Rotates 60 Billion Times Per Minute

An object that can rotate 60 billion times per minute? It's enough to make your head spin. from Live Science via IFT...

Scientists Definitely Have Not Found Life on the Moon

A new paper opens a door to the possibility of life having maybe once existed, possibly, on the moon. But it presents no direct evidence for life. from Live Science via IFT...

How on Earth Did These Burials of Viking Descendants Wind Up in Sicily?

The discovery of 10 burials near a medieval church in Sicily has led to a rare finding: the skeletal remains of the descendants of Vikings. from Live Science via IFT...

Here's a Disturbing Theory About Why Climate Change Seemed to 'Pause' for 15 Years

A new paper argues that the apparent "pause" in climate change of the last decade might have resulted from a hidden global heat sink. from Live Science via IFT...

Ritz Recall: Cracker Products with Cheese Pulled Over Salmonella Risk

A number of Ritz Cracker products are being recalled because an ingredient used in the products may be contaminated with Salmonella. from Live Science via IFT...

What's Behind 'Weeping' Virgin Mary Statues?

To understand why a weeping statue would be religiously meaningful, it's first important to appreciate the connection between miracles and the Virgin Mary. from Live Science via IFT...

This Mustached Monkey Likely Inspired Dr. Seuss' Lorax

Dr. Seuss' famous Lorax — a mustached and mossy fellow who "speaks for the trees" — was likely inspired by the long-limbed patas monkeys the children's book writer saw while on a safari in Kenya, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Andromeda Killed and Ate Another Galaxy

Astronomers have solved an intergalactic murder mystery: Andromeda did it. And researcher's found the victim's corpse. from Live Science via IFT...

Radioactive Traces from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Found in California Wine

Wine with a twist of radioactive isotope? from Live Science via IFT...

Will Parker Solar Probe Really 'Touch the Sun'?

The Parker Solar Probe's mission is to "touch the sun." What does that really mean though since the sun is a sizzling ball of gas? from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

Photos: White Sands National Monument

A pocket within the largest desert in North America is covered in gorgeous white sand dunes, whose genesis began some 100 million years ago. Here's a look at the gorgeous landscape deep in the Central Plateau of Mexico. from Live Science via IFT...

Sharks Get Bigger Home Protected by Mexican Navy

Here's how a group of dedicated researchers helped save Mexico's sharks. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

Bug-Sized Robot Competitors to Swarm DARPA's 'Robot Olympics'

Are you ready for the insect-sized-robot Olympics? from Live Science via IFT...

Should Breast-Feeding Women Really Drink Guinness?

Is beer the route to better breast-feeding? from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 20 Juli 2018

Hidden Compartments in This Wrecked Confederate Submarine Could Solve a 150-Year-Old Mystery

The confederate sub sank with all crewmembers still at their posts, suggesting they never saw their demise coming. from Live Science via IFT...

...Don't Drink the Mummy Juice

A petition is asking for a taste of the red liquid found in the massive Egyptian sarcophagus. from Live Science via IFT...

Tropical Pink 'Sea Pickles' Are Invading the Waters of the Pacific Northwest

It's a totally tubular invasion. from Live Science via IFT...

Do Brown Recluse Spider Bites Really Lead to Amputations?

While brown recluse spiders are venomous, their alleged bites are often wrongly identified. from Live Science via IFT...

A Rare Condition Is Causing a Boy's Skin to Turn to 'Stone.' What Is Stiff Skin Syndrome?

A Colorado boy has an extremely rare condition that's causing his skin to harden "like stone," his parents say. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Is Washington Spending 3 Years and $1.5 Million to Count Cats?

One cat, two cat... red cat, blue cat from Live Science via IFT...

Last Survivor of Uncontacted Tribe, 'Man of the Hole' Is Spotted in the Amazon

Video footage shows the "Man of the Hole" chopping trees in the Amazon. from Live Science via IFT...

Blob-Like Sea Monster Washes Up on Maine Beach

What kind of sea monster is this? from Live Science via IFT...

Woman Tried to Treat Athlete’s Foot with Raw Garlic. It Burned Through Her Toe.

A woman in England learned the hard way that it's not safe to treat a foot fungus infection by covering it with slices of raw garlic, according to a new report of the woman's case. from Live Science via IFT...

South Korean Company Claims Sunken Russian Warship Contains $132 Billion Worth of Gold

A 21st century rush for sunken treasure means rush for stock investments. from Live Science via IFT...

Century-Old Burials of 95 Convict Slaves Uncovered in Texas

Ninety-five burials found in Texas likely belong to African Americans who were forced to work on plantations in the state's convict-leasing system. from Live Science via IFT...

This Creepy Hole-Fish Is So Excited to Eat Literally Anything

Which unfortunate animal will wander too close to this ugly burrow fish's horrible mouth first? from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 19 Juli 2018

Syphilis: Symptoms & Treatment

Syphilis is the third most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Nearly 28,000 cases of the most contagious stages of the disease were reported to the CDC in 2016. from Live Science via IFT...

Diabetes May Increase Risk for Cancer, Especially for Women

A new meta-analysis finds it might, especially for women. from Live Science via IFT...

That Massive Black Sarcophagus Was Opened. Here's What's Inside.

A massive black sarcophagus found in Egypt and dating to the time of Alexander the Great has been opened. from Live Science via IFT...

Your Earliest Memory Probably Never Happened

What is your first memory? from Live Science via IFT...

Mystery of Spiky-Skulled Utah Dinosaur Solved

When paleontologists in Utah first dug up the fossil of a spiky-skulled ankylosaur in Utah, they were perplexed. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Spiky-Headed Dinosaur Found in Utah, But It Has Asian Roots

A newly identified species of ankylosaur from Utah had an especially spiky skull. from Live Science via IFT...

Arctic Circle Burns As Record Heat Broils Northern Europe

Record temperatures are helping to turn northern Europe into a tinderbox. from Live Science via IFT...

'Alien' Mummy DNA Probe May Have Crossed Ethical Lines

Did DNA analysis of an "alien" mummy violate legal and ethical boundaries? from Live Science via IFT...

This Robot Just Wants To Hug A Jellyfish Without Committing Jellymurder

Its designers hope the device will make it much easier to collect delicate animals in the ocean without hurting them. from Live Science via IFT...

Drone Reveals Massive Stonehenge-Like Circular Monument in Ireland

New finds in Ireland show the importance of ancient tombs and circular henges to Neolithic people, hundreds of years before the Egyptian pyramids were built. from Live Science via IFT...

Why the July 27 Lunar Eclipse Will Last So Freakishly Long

Some simple but fascinating science determines the length of each lunar (and solar) eclipse. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: Ireland's Newgrange Passage Tomb and Henge

A drone flyby has revealed a huge Neolithic henge near a passage tomb at Newgrange in Ireland. from Live Science via IFT...

No, Caffeine Doesn't Help You Lose Weight

Some diet supplements that contain caffeine claim that the compound helps reduce appetite. Does it? from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 18 Juli 2018

We Are Now Living in a New Geologic Age, Experts Say

We are all in the midst of a new geological age, experts say. from Live Science via IFT...

This Woman Stumbled into a 'Hobo Parsnip' Plant. Days Later, Her Legs Were Severely Burned.

When plants fight back, the results can be pretty painful. from Live Science via IFT...

More Pregnant Women Are Having Heart Attacks. But Why?

Women who are pregnant may not spend much time worrying about their own hearts, but a new study suggests they should. from Live Science via IFT...

Conservatives More Likely to Know 'the Meaning of Life' Than Liberals, Massive Study Finds

What's the meaning of life? That could depend on whom you voted for. from Live Science via IFT...

Salmon with a Side of Squirm: Woman Finds Wriggling Worm in Fillet

It's not the type of garnish you want on your salmon: a translucent, wriggling worm. from Live Science via IFT...

Oldest Fossil of a Baby Snake Discovered Trapped in Amber Tomb

A fossil of a baby snake entombed in amber dates to 99 million years ago. from Live Science via IFT...

Can Elon Musk Fix Flint's Water Problems?

The Michigan community of Flint has become a byword for lead poisoning. Elon Musk recently entered the fray. from Live Science via IFT...

Shroud of Turin Is a Fake, Bloodstains Suggest

Jesus' crucified body did not make the bloodstains seen on this holy cloth, scientists find. from Live Science via IFT...

Does Eating Beef Jerky Cause Psychiatric Symptoms? Not So Fast.

A new study makes some alarming claims about a relationship between cured meat consumption and bipolar mania, but a lot more research is necessary. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Do Crows Copulate with Corpses?

Get a room, you guys. from Live Science via IFT...

Butterflies Sip Turtle Tears in Stunning Video

In the Amazon, when turtles weep, butterflies drink. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

What Is Dry Cleaning?

Dry cleaning isn't "dry"; the process uses liquids other than water to clean fabrics. from Live Science via IFT...

CDC Chief Says Son Nearly Died from Cocaine Laced with Fentanyl

The director of the largest U.S. public health agency reveals he has a personal reason for fighting the opioid epidemic. from Live Science via IFT...

This Big-Eyed, Deep-Sea Shark Looks Like an Anime Character

Alien, or anime character? Neither! It's Genie's dogfish — a new shark species named for the famous marine biologist, Eugenie Clark. from Live Science via IFT...

Lava Bomb Slams Boat Tour in Hawaii, Injuring 23

A burning chunk of lava plummeted down and punctured the roof of an offshore Hawaiian tour boat yesterday (July 16), injuring 23 people who likely weren't expecting to get that up close and personal with a lava bomb. from Live Science via IFT...

Jupiter Now Has a Whopping 79 Moons

Scientists have discovered 12 previously unknown moons orbiting Jupiter, and one of them is a real oddball. from Live Science via IFT...

UK-Based Think Tank Says Editing Human Embryos Is 'Morally Permissible'

Could gene editing be used to cut out harmful genes in human embryos? from Live Science via IFT...

Why Does Pregnancy Cause Weird Dreams?

Do dreams really become more vivid and bizarre when you're pregnant? from Live Science via IFT...

Scientists May Have Wildly Underestimated the Giant Dinosaurs of the Ancient World

A new study of how plants grew in the environments of the dinosaur age offers some new clues about their populations. from Live Science via IFT...

12-Million-Ton Iceberg Threatens Greenland Village

Residents of a small town on Greenland's western coast were evacuated after a giant iceberg parked itself nearby. from Live Science via IFT...

This Magnetic Wire Could One Day Pull Cancer Cells from Your Blood

A magnetic wire inserted into a vein could attract magnetized tumor cells from Live Science via IFT...

Liver Cancer Death Rates Rise As Overall Cancer Death Rates Fall in the US

Death rates from liver cancer have risen steadily since 2000, resulting in the disease going from the ninth-leading cause of cancer death to the sixth, according to a new report. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 16 Juli 2018

Gonorrhea: Symptoms & Treatment

Gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. More than 468,000 cases of gonorrhea were reported to the CDC in 2016, although the number may be much higher. from Live Science via IFT...

Why 8 Endangered Rhinos Died in Mission to Save Them

A mission meant to save critically endangered rhinoceroses by transferring them to a wildlife sanctuary in Kenya has ended in tragedy. And now we know why. from Live Science via IFT...

Hey, Star Wars Fans! Check Out These Amazon Prime Day Deals

For those who want the force to be with them, a ton of Star Wars-themed deals are being offered today, from a Star Wars-themed Monopoly game to a Death Star playhouse. from Live Science via IFT...

Einstein Letter on Immigration Up for Auction

A letter written by Albert Einstein outlined his regrets about the plight of a European scholar hoping to immigrate to the U.S. from Live Science via IFT...

Scientists Prove Einstein Right Using the Most Elusive Particles in the Universe

Einstein was right about things he didn't even know existed. from Live Science via IFT...

A Stash of a Quadrillion Tons of Diamonds May Be Hiding Deep Inside Earth

Diamonds may be more common than we think from Live Science via IFT...

CRISPR Gene Editing May Be Doing More Damage Than Scientists Thought

In 15 percent of cases, cellular DNA was so scrambled that the cells lost function. from Live Science via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day: Best Health & Fitness Deals

Here's our roundup of the best deals on health and fitness products for Amazon's Prime Day. from Live Science via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day: The Best Science Kit Deals

From gross and slimy to gleaming, these science kits are sure to be fun and educational for your kids. from Live Science via IFT...

Why an Escaped Jaguar Went on a Killing Spree at New Orleans Zoo

Nine animals have died since an escaped jaguar attacked them at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans on Saturday (July 14). But the jaguar didn't actually eat the animals — including red foxes, alpacas and an emu — so why did it attack so many? from Live Science via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day: Best Health & Fitness Deals

Here's our roundup of the best deals on health and fitness products for Amazon's prime day. from Live Science via IFT...

Ancient Papyrus Reveals Galen's Crazy Theory About 'Hysterical Suffocation'

The text is 2,000 years old and suggests a weird cause of hysterical suffocation in women. from Live Science via IFT...

You Might Be Slightly Conscious Under Anesthesia

How conscious is the brain under anesthesia? from Live Science via IFT...

Chinese Researchers Achieve Stunning Quantum Entanglement Record

In an unprecedented feat, physicists packed three qubits into each of six particles. The implications could be staggering. from Live Science via IFT...

A Rare Outbreak of 'Rabbit Fever' Popped Up at a German Winery. The Surprising Cause? Grapes.

When grape harvesters at a German winery mysteriously fell ill with "rabbit fever," a rare bacterial illness, one question in particular stood out: How did they get sick? from Live Science via IFT...

Why Mars Appears to Be Moving Backward

What's really happening when Mars is in retrograde? from Live Science via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day: Best Deals for Science Lovers

Here are some of the deals we're watching for Amazon Prime Day, including science kits, a 3D Star Wars lamp and more. from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 15 Juli 2018

How Much Trash Is on Mount Everest?

So much trash and nowhere for it to go leads to a mountain of trash. from Live Science via IFT...

Rare (Adorable) Asteroid Twins Discovered Near Earth

Surprise — it's twins! A near-Earth asteroid called 2017 YE5 turns out to be two separate rocks. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

Mummy Wearing Gold-Gilded Face Mask Discovered at Ancient Egypt Burial Ground

The face mask was among a treasure trove of discoveries that included mummies, a burial shaft, mummification workshop and sarcophagi. from Live Science via IFT...

People Still Believe These 10 Myths About the Spanish Flu

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the great influenza pandemic of 1918. Between 50 and 100 million people are thought to have died, representing as much as 5 percent of the world's population. Half a billion people were infected. from Live Science via IFT...

Acid Rain: Causes, Effects and Solutions

Acid rain is any form of precipitation that contains acidic components, such as sulfuric or nitric acid. Acid rain affects nearly everything: plants, soil, trees, buildings and even statues. from Live Science via IFT...

Towers Toppled at Historic Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 17

The last two launch towers to stand at Cape Canaveral since the dawn of the Space Age are no more. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Do Some People Hate the Taste of Beer?

If the thought of sipping a beer is gag-inducing, you're not alone. But why does this happen: Why do some people hate the taste of beer? from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 13 Juli 2018

French Farmer Discovered a Rare Mastodon Skull, But Kept It Secret for Years

After keeping it to himself for a while, this farmer finally let the world know about his amazing discovery. from Live Science via IFT...

Earthquake in Mexico Cracked a Pyramid and Revealed an Ancient Temple

A quake in Mexico had a surprisingly positive outcome for archaeologists. from Live Science via IFT...

Why the FDA Just Approved a Drug for Smallpox, Nearly 40 Years After the Disease Was Eradicated

Yes, smallpox, the disease that was eradicated from the world in 1980. from Live Science via IFT...

Early Humans Probably Didn't Evolve from a Single Population in Africa

Did humans evolve from one population in Africa? Probably not. from Live Science via IFT...

1st Color X-Rays of Human Body Are Bloody Amazing

You'll be thinking about these images, made with advanced CERN technology, all day. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Most Important Rivers in the World

Rivers have always been essential for human life and settlement. A source for drinking, the source of food, to fertilize soils and a way to transfer goods from one place to another.  Rivers serve as a home for fishes and other creatures. They play an essential function in the environment of rainforest and wetlands. Here is the list of the most important rivers in the world. 10. Sepik River Image...

The Science Behind Your (Irrational) Fear of Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is what you make it, and it's OK if you think it's unlucky. from Live Science via IFT...

'Grandmother' Cells in the Brain Could Help the Body Shake Off Jet Lag

Heavy eyes, snappish words, bitter feelings? You can thank your cells for making you feel this way. from Live Science via IFT...

Possible Oldest Fragment of Homer's 'Odyssey' Discovered in Greece

In an ancient heap of Roman rubble, archaeologists in Greece discovered a clay tablet engraved with 13 lines of Homer's epic poem. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 12 Juli 2018

You've Probably Never Heard of This STD. It Could Become the Next Superbug.

Doctors in the United Kingdom are warning that a sexually transmitted infection called Mycoplasma genitalium could become a "superbug." from Live Science via IFT...

NASA Discovered Evidence of Life on Mars 40 Years Ago, Then Set It On Fire

The Viking landers that touched down on Martian soil in the 1970s may have set all the evidence for carbon-based life-forms on fire, a new study suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

This Towering Iceberg That Broke Free of Antarctica Last Year Doesn't Want to Leave

An entire year has passed since a Delaware-size iceberg broke away, in dramatic fashion, from the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antarctica. But it hasn't traveled far. from Live Science via IFT...

This Holey Skull May Have Watched Over Dead People in the Afterlife Some 2,500 Years Ago

The ancient skull of a woman that was buried facing a cave holding the remains of 50 people has archaeologists puzzled. from Live Science via IFT...

The Sad Reason Kangaroos Are Acting Drunk

There's a grim reason behind the unusual behavior of "drunken" kangaroos. from Live Science via IFT...

Scientists Just Identified the First Blazing Source of Ghostly Cosmic Neutrinos

An international team of astronomers have pinpointed a supermassive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy as the first known source for the ghostly particles. from Live Science via IFT...

Here's What Ötzi the Iceman Ate Before He Was Murdered

A mere 2 hours before his grisly murder about 5,300 years ago, Ötzi the iceman chowed down on some mouthwatering morsels: wild meat from ibex and red deer, cereals from einkorn wheat and — oddly enough — poisonous fern, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Are World Cup Players Spitting Their Drinks?

While it's unclear exactly why any given player may need to swig and spit, some players may be practicing what's known as "carb rinsing." from Live Science via IFT...

Why Did People Panic When the Moon Changed Color?

The longest total lunar eclipse of the century is coming up in a couple weeks. We know it's coming, but did ancient people? from Live Science via IFT...

Lemon-Yellow Bats Discovered in Africa. And They're Adorable Fuzz Balls.

Two species of bats that were recently discovered in Kenya are fuzzy golden charmers. from Live Science via IFT...

16th-Century Shipwreck Off Florida Coast Is Worth Millions. But It Belongs to France, not US.

A 16th-century shipwreck that may be all that's left of one of the first European voyages to America holds treasures worth millions of dollars. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 11 Juli 2018

A Woman Had Strange Feelings in Her Legs. Doctors Found Parasites in Her Spine

When the 35-year-old woman arrived at a hospital in France, she told doctors it felt like electric shocks were running down her legs. from Live Science via IFT...

Friday the 13th Eclipse Visible to Lucky Few

A solar eclipse is scheduled for Friday the 13th, but most skywatchers will be unlucky without doing a bit of traveling. from Live Science via IFT...

How Did the Massive 'Salty' Crocodile Captured in Australia Get So Freaking Big?

Australian parks and wildlife rangers captured a 15-foot 5-inch-long, 1,300-lb. crocodile Monday (July 9). Experts told us how the animal got so big. from Live Science via IFT...

Earliest Evidence of Our Human Ancestors Outside of Africa Found

A new discovery suggests that human ancestors left Africa roughly 10,000 generations earlier than experts thought. from Live Science via IFT...

Watch a Rocket's Sound Waves Rip a Rainbow to Bits

Watch a rocket launch rip a rainbow to shreds, thanks to the incredibly loud sound it produces. from Live Science via IFT...

Here's What Sophia, the First Robot Citizen, Thinks About Gender and Consciousness

Can robots have gender? Sophia has an opinion. from Live Science via IFT...

What If AI Psychopath 'Norman' and Amazon's Alexa Got Together?

Who's values would win out? from Live Science via IFT...

Pliny the Elder Wasn't Crazy After All. There Were Whales in the Mediterranean.

A new archaeological finding suggests Pliny the Elder knew exactly what he was talking about. from Live Science via IFT...

1,600-Year-Old Mosaic Shows Biblical Spies Who Scouted Promised Land

An ancient mosaic depicting two Biblical spies sent to scout the Promised Land has been unearthed at a nearly 1,600-year-old synagogue in northern Israel. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

Why Do Teeth Turn Yellow?

A number of different things can affect the color of your teeth and turn them yellow. from Live Science via IFT...

Books That Kill: 3 Poisonous Renaissance Manuscripts Discovered in School Library

These rare, Renaissance-era books were coated with Victorian-era arsenic. But why? from Live Science via IFT...

What's Inside This Massive Egyptian Sarcophagus?

The foreboding coffin may be the largest sarcophagus known in the area. And it's never been opened. from Live Science via IFT...

Discovery of 'First Giant' Dinosaur Is a Huge Evolutionary Finding

The discovery of the "first giant" dinosaur has provided a gigantic clue on how these paleo-beasts got to be the largest animals to walk on Earth. from Live Science via IFT...

Earth's Oldest Color Dates Back More Than 1 Billion Years

Think pink. from Live Science via IFT...

Watch These Ghostly Faces Suddenly Reappear in the World's Oldest Photos

Like ghostly apparitions, faces that have long since disappeared from some of the world's oldest photographs have suddenly reappeared in all their eerie detail. from Live Science via IFT...

There’s Spooky Plasma Music Traveling From Saturn to its Weirdest Moon

Researchers for the first time recorded the gas giant's vibrating plasma signal to Enceladus. And now you can listen to it too. from Live Science via IFT...

No Vision, No Problem for This 'Blind' Cheetah Robot

Stumbling blocks don't deter this persistent — and blind — four-legged robot. from Live Science via IFT...

Stop Taking Multivitamins to Help Your Heart. Researchers Say They Don't Work.

Multivitamins are popular, but they don't appear to boost your heart health, according to a new study. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 09 Juli 2018

Rescued from the Cave, Thai Soccer Team Gets Quarantined: Here's Why

Caves are petri-dishes for viruses and bacteria from Live Science via IFT...

Parasite Outbreak Tied to Del Monte Vegetables Sickens More Than 200 People

An outbreak of parasitic infections tied to Del Monte vegetable trays has sickened more than 200 people in four U.S. states. from Live Science via IFT...

Here’s What You Need to Know About Wet Bathing Suits and Yeast Infections

Doctors and certain studies do disagree a bit on whether wet bathing suits could increase the risk of yeast infections. But you don't need to worry. from Live Science via IFT...

How a Renegade 'Sausage Galaxy' Gave the Milky Way Its Bulge

Astronomers looked deep into the Milky Way and found … a sausage from Live Science via IFT...

Amazon Wasp with Enormous Stinger May Just Haunt Your Nightmares

She may be small, but check out that stinger! from Live Science via IFT...

This Woman Broke a Bone in Her Eye Socket by Blowing Her Nose Too Hard

A British woman who blew her nose a bit too hard didn't just end up with a snot-filled tissue. from Live Science via IFT...

Elon Musk Plan to Rescue Trapped Thai Boys? A Kiddie Submarine That Looks Like a Coffin.

You guys, Elon Musk has a plan. from Live Science via IFT...

Virtual Reality May Help Save Ancient Egypt's 'Sistine Chapel'

A new virtual reality experience may help save an ancient Egyptian tomb built for Queen Nefertari whose paintings are so beautiful that it has been compared to Italy's Sistine Chapel. from Live Science via IFT...

7,000-Year-Old Mass Grave Hints at Savage Neolithic Violence

About 7,000 years ago, the bodies of nine murdered people were dumped into a mass grave. The individuals were possibly raiders or prisoners of war, archaeologists say. from Live Science via IFT...

Dramatic Video Captures Moment Towering Iceberg Splits from Greenland Glacier

The berg is so big that it could partially cover the island of Manhattan. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018

Risky Dive Mission to Rescue Boys Trapped in Cave Begins

About 18 divers entered the cave in Chiang Rai, Thailand, Sunday morning (July 8), where 12 boys and their soccer coach have been trapped for two weeks, according to news reports. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Are There 9 Supreme Court Justices?

The ninth justice may be the swing vote in future court cases. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 06 Juli 2018

The 11 Strangest Pregnancy Trends

Women have been giving birth since the beginning of human existence, but sometimes, the ways they do so get a little strange. from Live Science via IFT...

Hurricane Season 2018: How Long It Lasts and What to Expect

Here's a guide to the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season, including predictions, naming conventions and how to prepare for a storm. from Live Science via IFT...

Are Hot Summer Days Risky for Pregnant Women?

Getting too hot or dehydrated can pose a risk of pregnancy complications, experts say. from Live Science via IFT...

Gallery: Rescuers Race Against Time to Save Soccer Team Trapped in Thai Cave

Government officials and rescue workers in Thailand are mobilizing to save a group of young boys and their soccer coach, stranded in a cave underground. from Live Science via IFT...

Famed British Geologist Was Spectacularly Wrong About Stonehenge

A seminal 1923 study on Stonehenge was exceptionally wrong. from Live Science via IFT...

The Very Real Risks of Rescuing Boys Trapped in Thai Cave

A massive operation is underway to rescue 12 Thai boys and their soccer coach who have been trapped in a cave for nearly 2 weeks. But the rescue options are incredibly risky. from Live Science via IFT...

Diver Dies During Rescue Efforts for Cave-Trapped Thai Boys

A diver died during an attempt to rescue the Thai youths trapped in a cave. from Live Science via IFT...

The 'Blood Rain' in Siberia Was Probably Caused by a Bunch of Industrial Garbage

Don't worry — that rain of blood in Siberia is probably just a metal factory's windswept garbage. from Live Science via IFT...

Watch This Frog Light Up After It Swallows a Firefly

A firefly kept right on flashing after being eaten by a frog. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 05 Juli 2018

Man Tries to Smuggle 19 Raptor Eggs Through Heathrow Airport — And 2 Hatched

Two of the eggs hatched, revealing adorable vulture chicks. from Live Science via IFT...

Poachers Try to Kill Rhinos in South African Reserve. Instead, a Pride of Lions Killed Them.

A pride of hungry lions in a South African reserve just saved the day, at least for a herd of rhinos. from Live Science via IFT...

Woman Declared Dead Found Alive in Morgue Fridge

A woman in South Africa who was declared dead after a grizzly car crash was actually still alive, and was found breathing in a morgue fridge, according to news reports. from Live Science via IFT...

Native Dogs of the Americas Were Wiped Out by European Colonization

The only trace remaining of dogs that lived in the Americas before Europeans arrived: A common canine tumor. from Live Science via IFT...

Honey Badger Takes on an Antelope, and It Doesn't Go Well

This honey badger was not backing down without a fight. from Live Science via IFT...

Einstein's Theory of Gravity Passes Toughest Test to Date

Einstein's theory of general relativity has passed its most stringent test to date with flying colors, a new study reports. from Live Science via IFT...

UK Couple Poisoned by Same Nerve Agent that Struck an Ex-Russian Spy and His Daughter

Novichok, the nerve agent that let an ex-Russian spy and his daughter unconscious on a park bench in March, strikes again. Here's how the poison works. from Live Science via IFT...

Game Over, Man: This Australian Wasp Lays Chest-Bursting 'Alien' Eggs Inside Caterpillars

When this wasp matures, it eats its host from the inside out. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Do Babies Barely Blink?

Stare into a baby's eyes, and you might notice something odd: Babies rarely blink. from Live Science via IFT...

Traces of 'Sonic Boom' Meteorites Found in the Ocean

The first mission designed to hunt a meteorite that crashed into the ocean has now discovered what may be tiny fragments of the meteorite's crust, researchers say. from Live Science via IFT...

These 2 Wine Barrels Were Used As Bathrooms During the Renaissance

After drinking the last drops of wine from two gigantic wine barrels about 300 years ago, someone had the brilliant idea of repurposing the vats into toilets. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 04 Juli 2018

How Scuba Divers Will Rescue Soccer Team Trapped in Thai Cave

The boys who survived for 9 days in a flooded cave in Thailand will now have to go through a risky crash course in cave diving in order to make their way out. from Live Science via IFT...

Ancient Human Ancestors Had to Deal with Climbing Toddlers

A new discovery finds that our ancestors' toddlers had a special toe that made them better suited for climbing compared to the adults. from Live Science via IFT...

Woman Rescued a Baby Raccoon. Now, She and 20 Friends Need Rabies Treatment.

Baby raccoons are cute. But if you ever see one, you should probably resist the urge to scoop it up and bring it home with you. from Live Science via IFT...

Why This 5.4-Million-Year-Old Planet Is Still a Baby

Astronomers just captured a first-of-its-kind image of a newborn alien world — which has been developing in a nursery of dust and gas for more than 5 million years. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 03 Juli 2018

How Long Can Humans Survive in a Cave?

The youth soccer team and its coach in Thailand that had gone missing in the Tham Luang caves for more than a week have been found. from Live Science via IFT...

Remember That Dark-Matter-Free Galaxy? It May Have Dark Matter After All

Remember That Dark-Matter-Free Galaxy? It May Have Dark Matter After All from Live Science via IFT...

Dozens Fall Ill in Texas Outbreak: What Is Cyclospora?

So far, Texas health officials have identified 56 illnesses due to Cyclospora since May. from Live Science via IFT...

What to Do If You Come Face-to-Face with an Alligator

A teenage girl rafting in a creek got the fright of her life when an alligator nearly as long as two grand-size pianos chased her up a tree in Florida's Ocala National Forest on Friday (June 29). from Live Science via IFT...

Hand-Feeding Sharks Is a Terrible Idea

A woman in Australia who tried to hand-feed a nurse shark is lucky she still has a hand. from Live Science via IFT...

Woman's 'Fish Pedicure' Tied to Odd Toenail Problem

A woman in New York developed an odd toenail problem after having a fish pedicure, according to a new report of the case. from Live Science via IFT...

Why a Fighter Jet Is Testing 'Quiet' Supersonic Booms Over Texas

This November, onlookers will get to hear a so-called "quiet" sonic boom as a supersonic military jet zips through the skies of Galveston, Texas, according to NASA. from Live Science via IFT...

How Long Would It Take to Cross the Milky Way at Light Speed?

The disk of our home galaxy – the Milky Way – is bigger than previously thought. A new study shows it would take 200,000 years for a spaceship traveling at the speed of light to go across the entire galaxy. from Live Science via IFT...

Two 4,500 Year-old Homes Found Near Giza Pyramids

The structures may have housed officials responsible for overseeing the production of food for a paramilitary force. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: 4,500-Year-Old Homes Found Near Giza Pyramids

Archaeologists have discovered two residences near the Giza pyramids. The residences may have housed officials responsible for producing food for a paramilitary force. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 02 Juli 2018

Horses Have Had Dental Appointments in Mongolia for Over 3,000 Years

Imagine extracting a wayward tooth from a young horse more than two millennia before the discovery of laughing gas. It may sound like a Herculean task, but the ancient people of Mongolia figured it out, making them the oldest known veterinary dentists. from Live Science via IFT...

China's New Laser Gun Can Zap You with a Silent, Carbonizing Beam

The guns fire 1,000 silent, invisible laser beams that last up to 2 seconds each. from Live Science via IFT...

Another Cup? More Coffee Could Be Linked to Longer Lifespan

How much coffee is good for you? from Live Science via IFT...

Could Aspirin Help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease? Mouse Study Says Maybe.

Scientists have found how aspirin might help prevent Alzheimer's disease by helping cells clear the debris that leads to amyloid plaque formation. from Live Science via IFT...

Earth's First Animals Sparked Global Warming, Too

Seafloor burrowing by the first animals on Earth had serious consequences for the planet. from Live Science via IFT...

No Aliens, But Scientists Find More Evidence for Life on a Saturn Moon

Large molecules coming out of Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons, might be produced by a biological source beneath the surface. from Live Science via IFT...

Beer Shortage Looms in Europe As CO2 Supply Dwindles

The U.K. is running out of gas — for their beer. from Live Science via IFT...

Are These Dots Purple, Blue or Proof That Humans Will Never Be Happy?

Are these dots blue or purple? According to a new study, the answer is pretty depressing. from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 01 Juli 2018

New Telescope Will Hunt for Asteroids on Collision Course with Earth

By scanning the skies for rogue space rocks, the telescope could keep our planet safe from impacts like the one that slammed into Chelyabinsk, Russia, in 2013. from Live Science via IFT...

Chernobyl's Radioactive 'Wildlife Preserve' Spawns Growing Wolf Population

Gray wolves from the radioactive forbidden zone around the nuclear disaster site of Chernobyl are now roaming out into the rest of the world, raising the possibility they'll spread mutant genes that they may carry far and wide. from Live Science via IFT...