It looks like Halloween costume: a man with bloody tears pouring down his face. But these tears are the real thing, the result of a rare condition.
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Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018
Boy's Rare Brain Condition Means He Could Be Literally Scared to Death
Halloween frights are usually harmless, but not for five-year-old Reed Havlik: The boy has a rare brain condition that could cause him to be literally scared to death.
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The Gruesome Stories Behind Famous Dead People's Long-Lost Body Parts (Photos)
Whatever happened to Albert Einstein's brain? Or Louis XIV's heart? These body parts, and countless other pieces of famous dead people, are not buried in places you'd expect.
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Roaches Kick Wasps in the Head to Avoid Becoming Zombies
Cockroaches use defensive moves against "zombifying" parasitic wasps.
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US Homeland Security Dogs Face a Growing Occupational Risk: A Nasty Parasite
A surprising number of dogs working for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security are infected with this parasite, according to a new study.
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This 4,500-Year-Old Ramp Contraption May Have Been Used to Build Egypt's Great Pyramid
Archaeologists may have discovered the system used to haul massive stone blocks into place for Egypt's most massive pyramid.
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How Fake Blood Is Made to Look So Real
For Halloween, stage blood takes the spotlight and chemistry tricks can treat viewers.
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Cold, Dark Stars Lurking in the Universe Could Act Like Single Giant Atoms
Mysterious quantum stars that act like single, monster atoms could form surprisingly quickly.
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Earth Is Being Haunted by a Ghostly Dust Storm — And There May Be More Out There
Cosmic tumbleweeds of dust hover nearly 250,000 miles above our planet, new images reveal.
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Dissecting the Bloodthirsty Bliss of Death Metal
Fans of this violent music report feelings of transcendence and positive emotions; psychologists want to learn why
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In Photos: Eerie Zoo Animal Skeletons, in X-Rays
Are X-rays of animals gorgeous or creepy? Maybe a little of both.
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Zoo's Animal X-Rays Reveal Spooky, Scary Skeletons
Animals from the Oregon Zoo are also beautiful on the inside.
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Doctors Retrieve Spoon from Man's Esophagus — A Year After He Swallowed It
A swallowed steel spoon was finally freed from a man's gullet.
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Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018
How Did Two Mothers Both Carry the Same Child?
Their success is due to a twist on a relatively new fertility treatment.
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Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier Just Lost Enough Ice to Cover Manhattan 5 Times Over
An enormous iceberg about five times the size of Manhattan broke off Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier yesterday (Oct. 29), a mere month after a crack first appeared, satellite imagery shows.
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These Duck-Billed Dinosaurs Wore Their Instruments on Their Heads
Different species of duck-billed dinosaurs may have "tooted" different notes out of their trumpet-like, tubular crests, new research shows.
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A NASA Spacecraft Just Broke the Record for Closest Approach to Sun
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe just got closer to the sun than any other human-made object in history.
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Best Educational Toys & Games for Infants and Toddlers
These educational and science toys could help infants and toddlers grow their little minds.
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Tiny Beetle Entombed in Amber 99 Million Years Ago Reveals How Continents Shifted
A minuscule beetle from Myanmar is perfectly preserved in amber.
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Here Are the Real (and Freaky) Experiments That Inspired 'Frankenstein'
Frankenstein might look like fantasy to modern eyes, but to its author and original readers there was nothing fantastic about it.
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Photos: Deep Sea Expedition Discovers a Plethora of Octopuses
Researchers found numerous show-stopping octopuses in the deep waters of the Davidson Seamount. Photos captured by the ROV Hercules.
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The Best Gifts for Science Nerds and Geeks
If you're wondering what to get the science geek in your life, look no further. Do they need a moon lamp? Maybe a custom map of their favorite volcano? And don't forget that science geeks can never have too many science themed socks or t-shirts.
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The Parachute That Will Help Gently Plop the Rover Down on Mars, Breaks World Record on Earth
After months of testing supersonic parachutes, NASA is confident they have found the one.
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Photos: Black-Tailed Jackrabbits, the Curious Creatures of the American West
Surely one of the more unique species of mammal found across the western regions of North America is the black-tailed jackrabbit.
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'Alien Invasion' Radio Broadcast Terrified Listeners 80 Years Ago. Would E.T. Contact Cause Panic Today?
A radio report of an alleged "alien invasion" in New Jersey caused alarm 80 years ago today.
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High Vitamin D Levels Linked with Better Fitness
There's yet another reason to make sure you're getting enough vitamin D.
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Nearly Half of Americans Think Alternative Medicine Can Cure Cancer. It Can't.
Many Americans hold the misguided view that alternative therapies alone can cure cancer, even though such methods are not proven to be effective in treating cancer.
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Why Do People Like Pumpkin Spice So Much?
What is it about the seasonal trend — that is, infusing pumpkin spice flavor into all kinds of treats — that makes it a fall favorite?
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The Hindenburg Wasn't Alone: Here's a Look at 23 Intriguing Airship Adventures
Long before jet aircraft came to dominate air transport, a variety of lighter-than-air vessels known as airships sought to combine the capabilities of ships at sea with the radical new ability of soaring through the skies.
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Senin, 29 Oktober 2018
Ghostly Dumbo Octopus Makes Rare Appearance in Dazzling Deep-Sea Video
Watch this majestic dumbo octopus glide through the deep sea.
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Robbers Tried to Steal an ATM, But Instead Helped Uncover Lost Medieval Artifacts
A gang of goons' bumbling robbery attempt inadvertently revealed lost Tudor treasures.
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Banned Ozone-Depleting Chemical Was Used Illegally in China
A hazardous, ozone-depleting compound is still being used in China, even though it is banned worldwide by the Montreal Protocol, a new study finds.
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Rare Leftovers of 'Vampire' Fish, Favored by Medieval Foodies, Found in London
Deep in a medieval cesspit in the middle of London, researchers made a spooky discovery.
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In Photos: The Stunning Gila Wilderness Area
The Gila Wilderness area remains an unspoiled natural region.
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Are Anti-Vaxxers to Blame for Europe's Current Measles Outbreak?
The measles thrives in populations that are under-vaccinated. So, why have so many people in Europe avoided getting their shots?
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Jacques Cousteau's Grandson to Map Depths of Massive Blue Hole Off Belize's Coast
A new expedition is set to map the bowels of a mysterious blue sinkhole off the coast of Belize
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'Unprecedented' Number of Dead Whales Have Washed Up in Scotland and Ireland
And scientists are pointing a finger at anti-sub sonar.
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The Best Gifts for Tardigrade Lovers
Here are some gift ideas for the tardigrade-entranced.
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Weird and Funny Science Gifts That Are Sure to Make You Laugh
Who says science isn’t funny? Live Science collects a roundup of humorous and weird science-themed holiday gifts.
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The US Is Throwing Out Donor Kidneys That Could Be Given to Patients, Study Says
There's a serious kidney shortage in the United States.
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Want to Be a Bat Hero This Halloween? Don't Visit the Batcave. (Op-Ed)
It may sound like a thrilling adventure to visit caves full of hibernating bats — which, just like Batman’s Batcave, are largely hidden from the public eye. But venturing inside of bats' dark homes is actually incredibly dangerous to the bats.
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Photos: Hidden Monuments Found at Ancient Site of Izapa Kingdom
Here's a look at the amazing discoveries from the ancient site of the Izapa kingdom in southern Mexico.
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Hidden Monuments and Cookie-Cutter 'Suburbs' Discovered in Ancient Izapa Kingdom
Ancient hidden settlements were revealed in a new lidar survey of the Izapa kingdom in southern Mexico.
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Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018
Why Do Some People Feel More Pain Than Others?
Researchers are exploring the genetic differences that dictate why some people suffer greater pain than others, and how to translate these findings into personalized pain treatments.
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Why Believing in Ghosts Can Make You a Better Person
Ghost stories are often about the departed seeking justice for an earthly wrong. Their sightings are a reminder that ethics and morality transcend our lives.
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Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018
Top 10 Most Beautiful Highways in the World

Traveling for a period of time is quite a bore but definitely not when passing through these most exquisite highways in the world. From the stunning view of the ocean to the breathtaking green forests and waterfalls. Start your unforgettable journey now and discover the magnificent sceneries along these highways. Check out these 10 most beautiful highways in the world.
1. The Milford Road in...
Social Inequality Left Its Mark on 5,000-Year-Old Alpine Village
Archaeologists think they've spotted traces of social inequality in a 5,000-year-old village that was buried on the shores of Lake Zurich in Switzerland.
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Why Are There So Many Pigeons?
How history, architecture and, weirdly enough, bird milk have enabled pigeons to thrive in cities.
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Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018
The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
Here are the most interesting, amazing and unusual things that happened in the world of science this week. A recap of Live Science's best.
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Military Mystery Solved: Two Guys Out-Googled Google for an Image of Secretive US Base
An engineer and writer noticed a secretive military base in Nevada hadn't been updated on Google Maps for 8 years. They took care of that without any Google help.
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There Are 18 Volcanoes That Pose a 'Very High Threat' to American Life
These 18 volcanoes in the U.S. could lead to mass death and destruction.
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750-Year-Old Wooden Idols, Some Wearing Masks, Uncovered in Peru
Archaeologists have discovered 19 anthropomorphic wooden idols, some of them wearing beige clay masks on their faces, in the ancient city of Chan Chan, Peru, according to the country's Ministry of Culture.
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A Teensy Fly Burrowed into a Woman's Skin During Belize Honeymoon. She Noticed It 2 Months Later
A Florida woman will probably never forget her honeymoon in Belize, but not for the usual reasons
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Hawaiian Island Vanishes Overnight
East Island in Hawaii is no more.
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8 Bizarre Animal Surprises From 'True or Poo' — Can You Tell Fact From Myth?
Which of these bizarre animals facts from "True of Poo?" are real, and which are not?
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'Does it Fart?' Authors Drop Book Number Two, 'True or Poo?'
New book "True or Poo?" explores a range of riveting animal repulsiveness.
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'Painted People' in Scotland Developed Written Language 1,700 Years Ago
The Picts, a fierce group of people who lived in Scotland during ancient and medieval times may have developed their own written language.
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Photos: Circular Geoglyphs Discovered in Peru's Sihuas Valley
Here's a look at mysterious circles etched into the desert of southern Peru.
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Ancient Travelers Created These Sprawling Circular Structures During Pit Stops
Mysterious desert circles in Peru follow long-ago footpaths.
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Kamis, 25 Oktober 2018
Creepy AI-Created Portrait Fetches $432,500 at Auction
It's the arrival of artificial intelligence in the art world.
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How to Pee a Brick (And Help Save the Planet While You Do It)
The cities of the future could be made of human pee — and that's a good thing.
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Ridiculously Tiny Baby Octopus Riding Ocean Trash Is So, So Smol
Marvel at the cuteness of a pea-size baby octopus.
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Controversial Spearpoints Could Rewrite the Story of the First Americans
Archaeologists have unearthed what are potentially the oldest weapons ever found in North America: eleven spearpoints dating to about 15,500 years ago, a new study finds.
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'Phantom' Archaeopteryx, One of the World's 1st Birds, Could Probably Fly
After years spent sitting in private collections, a "phantom" fossil of one of the world's first known birds has finally seen the light of day. Now, scientists have determined that it's a previously unknown species within the famous genus of Archaeopteryx
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Weird Rectangular Iceberg in Antarctica Isn't Alone, NASA Photos Show
A NASA scientist actually spotted two sharp-cornered icebergs during a recent research flight over Antarctica.
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Traces of Earth's Oldest Animals Possibly Found
Preserved chemical evidence suggests that sponges were among Earth's earliest animals.
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The Earth Breathes in Incredibly Creepy Video from Canadian Forest
What could make the Earth seem to "breathe" as it does in this startling video from Quebec, Canada?
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People with Psoriasis More Likely to Develop Certain Gut Disorders
People with psoriasis may be at greater risk of developing certain gut disorders, a new study finds.
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Robbed of Nobel, Female Physicist Blazed Her Own Amazing Trail: Watch Her Speak Tonight
Jocelyn Bell Burnell, astrophysicist extraordinaire who helped discover radio pulsars while a graduate student, tells her story tonight. Watch it live on Live Science.
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Rabu, 24 Oktober 2018
Bats: Fuzzy Flying Mammals
There are more than 1,300 species of these unique nocturnal mammals.
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Spaceflight Might Expand Your Mind, But It Shrinks Your Brain
Going to space does more than change the way you look at the world — it also changes your brain.
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A New Flu Drug Was Just Approved by the FDA. It's the First in Nearly 20 Years.
As flu season descends on the country, U.S. officials have announced the approval of a new drug to treat influenza.
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It Might Stress You Out to Know What Stress Is Doing to Your Brain
If you're already feeling stressed out, sorry, but there's one more thing you might need to worry about: A new study finds that stress may impair your memory now and quicken cognitive decline later in life.
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No, The CDC Didn't Say You Can't Put Chickens in Halloween Costumes
Happy Halloween, chickens!
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Octopus Moms Enter Death Spiral Before Eight-Armed Bundles Are Born
For an octopus mom, the miracle of life is bittersweet.
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Vintage WWII Fighter Plane Crashes on California Highway
A small vintage plane dressed up as a World War II Nazi aircraft crashed on California's highway 101 yesterday
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Space Pirates Take Warning: This 'Skull and Crossbones Nebula' Is Full of Gas and Baby Stars
The constellation NGC 2467 looks like a skull and crossbones.
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Scientists Now Have the Most Detailed Picture Yet of the Neutrino Factory Inside Our Sun
By tracking every neutrino that hit a detector beneath a mountain in Italy over ten years, scientists have painted the most detailed picture yet of the sun's interior.
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Could Misbehaving Neutrinos Explain Why the Universe Exists?
Could new findings explain why the universe is made of matter?
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What Is the Fibonacci Sequence?
Almost everything you know about this famous sequence is wrong.
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World's Deepest Volcanic Eruption Creates Nightmare Garden of Glass
There's an eerie underwater sculpture park in the Pacific — and you can thank the world's deepest volcanic eruption for it.
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Bizarre, Blue Space Rock Even Weirder Than Astronomers Thought
A bizarre, blue asteroid that acts like a comet and appears to be responsible for the annual Geminid meteor shower made a close flyby of Earth last year, giving astronomers an opportunity to study the object in unprecedented detail.
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Oh, Great: Apparently Electrons Are Too Round, and These Viruses Aren't Round Enough
Viruses aren't as spherical as everyone thought.
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Selasa, 23 Oktober 2018
Adenovirus Doesn't Usually Kill, So Why Did 6 Kids Die from the Virus in New Jersey?
Six children at a New Jersey healthcare facility have died in an outbreak of adenovirus, a virus that can cause cold and flu-like symptoms.
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Sandra Day O'Connor Says She 'Probably' Has Alzheimer's: What Defines Different Dementias?
How do you tell the difference between Alzheimer's and other types of dementia?
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Sweet Potatoes: Delicious and Nutritious
Don't let the name fool you, sweet potatoes are a surprisingly nutritious vegetable.
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Salmonella Hides Its Tail to Stay Invisible to Immune System
You'd be hard-pressed to find someone to say something good about Salmonella...
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World's Oldest Intact Shipwreck Found at the Bottom of the Black Sea
The vessel looks just like one depicted on a famous Greek vase.
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What Is Lithium?
Lithium is a metal used in manufacturing, electronics and mental health.
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Portrait 'Painted' by A.I. Up for Auction at Christie's in NYC
A.I. portraiture is taking the art world by storm.
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Are You Pregnant? 12 Early Signs of Pregnancy
A woman's body goes through a number of changes in the earliest stages of pregnancy. Here are 10 clues to help a woman figure out whether she's pregnant.
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Trying to Conceive: 10 Tips for Men
There are several things a man can do to increase the chances that he will get a woman pregnant.
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Trying to Conceive: 10 Tips for Women
For a woman trying to get pregnant, there are a number of ways to increase the chances and make it more likely that she will conceive a child.
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Cheetahs: The Fastest Land Animals
Cheetahs are the most unique members of the cat family, with bodies built for acceleration and short bursts of incredible speed.
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Why Did This Zoo Lion Murder the Father of Her Cubs?
Suri may have been defending herself against unwanted sexual advances.
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What Are Americans Most Afraid Of? Corrupt Government Officials & Global Warming.
Most Americans are most fearful of corrupt government officials and of environmental catastrophe.
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48-Million-Year-Old Fossil Owl Is Almost Perfectly Preserved
About 48 million years ago, an owl swooped down to catch its prey, not by the light of the moon but in broad daylight.
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Senin, 22 Oktober 2018
This Very Good Dog Is Defending America Against African Swine Fever
An airport detector dog named Hardy is earning praise for sniffing out the bacon, so to speak.
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Dead Sea Scroll Fragments in Museum of the Bible Are Fake
These aren't ancient pieces of the biblical text but rather modern forgeries.
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Microplastics Are Everywhere — and That Likely Includes Your Poop
That's right. The tiny plastic particles have made their way into our poop.
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Stephen Hawking's Thesis, First Wheelchair to Be Auctioned Off
One of Hawking's earliest surviving wheelchairs and his groundbreaking doctoral thesis are up for auction in London.
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Man's Bug Bite Turns into Rare 'Flesh-Eating' Infection
What started as a simple bug bite on a young man's knee soon turned life-threatening when the itchy bump developed into an infection with "flesh-eating" bacteria.
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Bizarre 'Headless Chicken Monster' Drifts Through Antarctic Deep
Meet the real-life "chicken of the sea."
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Yes, the 'Blob' Is Back. No, It Won't Wreak Havoc on East Coast Weather.
No, "the blob" will not cause a wonky winter.
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Weight-Loss Supplements Contain Dangerous Stimulants Years After Being Prohibited
Some sports and weight-loss supplements still contain experimental stimulant drugs years after the FDA prohibited them.
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Skin: The Human Body's Largest Organ
Skin is the body's largest organ and is the first line of defense against harm.
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38 Baby Skulls of Weird Jurassic-Era Mammal Relative Found
About 185 million years ago, a hairy, beagle-size animal celebrated motherhood by having 38 babies in the same clutch, according to a new study of the skeletal remains of both mama and babes.
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BepiColombo Spacecraft Headed to Mercury Snaps 1st Photo, a Selfie
The European-Japanese BepiColombo mission captured its first photo on Saturday (Oct. 20), a day after lifting off from French Guiana. The image is a selfie showing a solar array and an insulation-wrapped sun sensor.
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Chocolate Labs Are Less Healthy Than Their Black and Yellow Puppy Pals
Chocolate-colored labs may be more prone to skin conditions and ear infections than other labs
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Ice Age Graveyard Holds the Bones of Mammoth Nursery Herds That Died at Watering Hole
It likely wasn't a cataclysmic flood, but rather a severe drought, that killed more than 20 mammoths 67,000 years ago.
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Minggu, 21 Oktober 2018
Extraterrestrial Life Could Be Purple
Earth's early life might have been purple, suggesting the search for extraterrestrial life should scan for the color.
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Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2018
Mystery of Mercury Levels in Arctic Animals Gets Solved
In the Canadian Arctic, a mystery has troubled scientists and local communities for decades: Why do marine animals in the western Arctic have higher mercury levels than those in the east?
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Exoplanet Hunters Have a New Plan to Spot Hidden 'Migrating' Worlds
There's a telescope that can see thick rings of dust in distant star systems. And researchers want to use its data in a new way to spot hidden and migrating exoplanets.
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10 Most Expensive Cars in the World

With modern design technologies today, the most extravagant cars are more than just a mode of transport. These are great art masterpieces showcasing the human ingenuity and the love for anything fancy! Here are some of the most luxurious dream cars that 99% of the world population are salivating about. Which is your top pick?
10. Zenvo ST1 ($1.2M)
On the 10th spot is the super handsome rolling...
Jumat, 19 Oktober 2018
Exquisitely Preserved Lungs from 120 Million Years Ago Stun Scientists Studying Early Bird
Ancient organs rarely fossilize, so paleontologists were stunned to find the incredibly well-preserved remains of a lung that belonged to bird from the dinosaur age, a new study finds.
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Einstein and the Incredible Hulk Now Have Their Own Constellations (But You'll Never See Them)
NASA added 21 new "constellations" to the sky, thanks to invisible gamma-ray light.
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What is Pi?
Pi represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi is an irrational number that never ends; the decimals go on forever and ever.
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What the Heck Is the Deal with This Weird, Square Iceberg?
A NASA photograph revealed an extremely weird-looking iceberg. A NASA scientist explained why.
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What Is Inflammation?
Inflammation is the body's response to injury. It works to help heal wounds, but it can also play a role in some chronic diseases.
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This Hunk of Metal Fell From Space and Landed in California
Iridium 70 fell out of orbit Oct. 10. A few days later, one of its fuel tanks caused a stir in central California.
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Here's How Researchers Made Mice with 2 Dads
Mice with two dads are harder to make than mice with two moms.
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By Middle Age, Healthy People Have Way More Cancer-Causing Mutations Than We Thought
Our cells change over time. Apparently, a lot.
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Shhh … The Ice in Antarctica Is 'Singing'
The Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica has a haunting voice.
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There's No Medical Reason Not to Bake Your Grandpa's Ashes into a Sugar Cookie and Eat It
But, like, don't.
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From Egg to Grave: Clues Reveal How Baby Pterosaurs Grew Up
An astonishingly detailed picture of pterosaurs, describing their lives from wee-flapling to aged-flyer stages, has emerged, thanks to a variety of new fossils discovered in recent years.
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Kamis, 18 Oktober 2018
Dinosaur-Era Super-Piranha Terrorized Jurassic Seas
The little sea monster used its mouth full of scissor teeth to rip flesh from other fish.
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Adderall: Uses, Side Effects and Abuse
Adderall is a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy.
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Will This Winter Be Mild or Wild? Here's What We Can Expect
What will winter weather bring? NOAA experts share their predictions.
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Pompeii Graffiti May Rewrite Time Line of Vesuvius Eruption
Archaeologists have long debated when the volcano blew its top and covered surrounding Roman settlements in ash.
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A Parasite Spread by Cat Poop Is Infecting (and Probably Killing) Whales in Canada
Fifteen of 34 dead beluga whales tested positive for a potentially lethal cat-poop parasite.
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What Caused This Man's Nail to Turn Brown and Striped?
Chemotherapy can have odd effects on a person's hair and nails, but in one man's case, the cancer treatment created a particularly striking pattern.
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What Made Leonardo da Vinci Such a Great Artist? 'Crossed Eyes' May Have Helped
The famed Renaissance artist may have had an eye condition that helped him better-depict the 3D world on a flat surface.
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China May Soon Have a Second (Artificial) Moon
Moonlit skies over the Chinese city of Chengdu may get a boost from a second moon.
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An Unknown 'Disease X' Could Become an Epidemic. Can We Find It Before It's Too Late?
Experts warn we need to pay more attention to animal health to stop Disease X, a hypothetical epidemic caused by a species-hopping pathogen.
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X-37B Military Space Plane Wings Past 400 Days on Latest Mystery Mission
The latest mystery mission of the U.S. Air Force's robotic X-37B space plane has now passed the 400-day mark.
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Baby Names Show Enormous Gender Gap
Baby boys get aggressive names, while girls get names associated with beauty and pampering.
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How Close Are We to Kubrick's AI-Controlled Vision of the Future?
AI like the malevolent HAL in the movie "2001" are already among us.
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Hail the Lizard King. T. Rex's Puny Arms Were Useful After All.
The ferocious dinosaur wants people to stop mocking its tiny arms.
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Rabu, 17 Oktober 2018
Stephen Hawking's Children and Colleagues Discuss Physicist's Final Book, Legacy
In his final book, released Oct. 16, Stephen Hawking tackles big questions about the universe, delving into physics, cosmology, the existence of God and the future direction of humanity.
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Can Burger King's 'Nightmare King' Really Give You Bad Dreams?
A new, limited-time-only burger at Burger King has a peculiar selling point: It's supposed to give you nightmares.
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Stephen Hawking's Final Book Says There's 'No Possibility' of God in Our Universe
Is there room for God in the endless, expanding universe? In his final book, Stephen Hawking says no.
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One of the World's Oldest and Largest Organisms Is Dying, and It's Mostly Our Fault
The aspen clone in Utah is on the decline
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Physicists Model Electrons in Unprecedented Detail — Spoiler Alert: They're Round
Electrons are extremely round, and some physicists will not be pleased about it.
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Immune System: Diseases, Disorders & Function
The job of the immune system is to protect against disease.
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Ancient Sea Monsters Swallowed a Lot of Salty Water. This Is How They Got Rid of It.
Ancient sea monsters inadvertently swallowed mouthfuls of seawater whenever they gulped down prey, but they had a stealthy trick to get rid of all that unwanted salt in their systems.
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Aquifers: Underground Stores of Freshwater
Aquifers are underground layers of rock that are saturated with water that can be brought to the surface through natural springs or by pumping.
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Gestational Diabetes: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Complications
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops, or is first diagnosed, during pregnancy. The condition, like other forms of diabetes, involves high blood sugar levels.
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Why Does This Glacier Near Everest Make Loud Booming Sounds at Night?
Each night, the glacier made noises loud enough to keep a team of scientists camping on its surface awake. They figured out why.
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Albuterol: Dosage & Side Effects
Albuterol is a prescription medicine prescribed for patients struggling with asthma, emphysema, bronchitis and other lung diseases.
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Why Is it Fun to Be Frightened?
Visiting an extreme haunted house can be delightfully terrifying.
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Jam-Resistant US Military Communications Satellite Lifts Off in Midnight-Hour Launch
An advanced U.S. military communications satellite soared into space in the midnight hour Wednesday (Oct. 17), lighting up the sky over Florida as it launched into orbit.
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Selasa, 16 Oktober 2018
Why Elizabeth Warren's Claim to 'Native' Ancestry Goes Beyond Blood
Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results indicate she has Native American ancestry. But what does that really mean?
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Why Life Expectancy in 2040 Could Be Lower Than It Is Today
Life expectancy is expected to rise in 2040, under most circumstances
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Mount St. Helens Eruption: Facts & Information
Picturesque Mount St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980 and remains the most destructive example of volcanic activity in the United States.
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11 Fascinating Facts About Our Milky Way Galaxy
We should all get to know our galactic home better.
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A Mysterious Polio-Like Illness Is on the Rise in Kids. Scientists Don't Know Why.
Dozens of children across the United States have developed a rare polio-like illness, but the reason for this spike in cases remains a mystery, according to health officials.
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Photos: Peer at Glittering Insect Eyes and Glowing Spider Babies in Prizewinning Photos
See the spectacular closeup views of very tiny things, in the winning images of the 2018 Nikon Small World microphotography contest.
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How the Small Intestine Works
The small intestine is about as big around as a middle finger, but it is about 22 feet (6.7 meters) long.
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Spangled Beetle Eye and Retinal 'Fireworks' Dazzle in Nikon Photo Contest
A beetle eye surrounded by glittery scales took the top prize in Nikon's annual microphotography challenge.
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Why Haven't We Found Aliens? Because We're Just Not Looking Hard Enough.
We still have a long way to go in the search for intelligent aliens.
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Meet Sphen and Magic, the Same-Sex Penguin Couple Raising an Egg in Captivity
Two male penguins are raising an egg together in Sydney's Sea Life Aquarium.
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NASA Wants to Send Humans to Venus, to Live in Airships Floating on Clouds
But how is such a mission even possible?
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Defense Department Password Is Cracked in 9 Seconds. So How Safe Are US Weapons?
An evildoer with hacking skills could potentially take control of U.S. weapons systems, according to report that finds critical cybersecurity threats at the Department of Defense.
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What Is Meiosis?
Meiosis is a specialized form of cell division that produces reproductive cells, such as plant and fungal spores, sperm and egg cells.
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Do Canadian Carvings Depict Vikings? Removing Mammal Fat May Tell
Carvings uncovered in the Canadian Arctic may be the earliest portraits of the Vikings created in the Americas.
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Woman's Vomiting Bouts Tied to Mysterious Marijuana Syndrome. And Yes, Hot Showers Helped.
A woman who frequently ended up in the hospital with intense bouts of vomiting turned out to have a mysterious syndrome tied to heavy marijuana use.
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Stephen Hawking Said 'Superhumans' Will Replace Us. Was He Right?
Are we all going to be replaced?
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Senin, 15 Oktober 2018
Last Man to Walk on the Moon Mistaken About Climate Change on Earth
Astronaut Harrison Schmitt saw Earth from space, but doesn't see that human activity is shaping climate change.
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What Is Photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is the process used by plants, algae and certain bacteria to harness energy from sunlight into chemical energy.
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Hunters May Lure 'Man-Eating' Tiger with Calvin Klein's Obsession
Officials in India are considering an unusual method to lure a man eater.
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Jewelry Worn by Marie Antoinette Is Yours — To Try on in New York City
Want to Feel Like Royalty?
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Looks Like Climate Change Will Ruin Beer for Us, Too
Terrific, now climate change is ruining beer for us, too.
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Strep Throat: Symptoms and Treatment
Strep throat is a bacterial infection. It is very contagious and can lead to severe complications.
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The Higgs Boson May Have Saved Our Universe from Cosmic Collapse. For Now.
Dark energy may be decreasing, which puts a crimp in the notion that the universe will expand forever.
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Man Dies from Extremely Rare Disease After Eating Squirrel Brains
A man in New York developed an extremely rare and fatal brain disorder after he ate squirrel brains, according to a new report of the case.
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Your Memory Could Store Up to 10,000 Faces, or More
How many faces do you retain in your memory? It's likely a lot more than you'd expect.
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Viking Ship and Cemetery Found Buried in Norway
Archaeologists discovered the anomaly using radar scans of an area in Østfold County.
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When a Drone Crashes into an Airplane, Everyone Has a Bad Time
A drone crashed into an airplane. The results were seriously scary.
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The New Fastest Camera in the World Sees Lasers Move at 10 Trillion Frames Per Second
Older cameras could watch light cross the surface of a sesame seed. This is much faster than that.
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Best Kids' Space Books for the Holidays
Feed and inspire a kid's thirst for space with these book picks by's writers and editors.
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Photos: Ancient Tomb of 'Grand Lady' Discovered in China
Archaeologists in China have uncovered the tomb of a 900-year-old "Grand Lady," along with various artifacts, such as the remains of a model house.
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900-Year-Old 'Grand Lady' Skeleton Emerges from Watery Coffin
The exquisitely preserved skeleton still had hair and fingernails. Inside her coffin was a tiny dollhouse.
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Minggu, 14 Oktober 2018
10 Most Popular Food Rivalries

Competition will always be a part of our daily existence. In the world of marketing, it is one of the core principles. It is constant. It is fierce. The drive to be on the top, to be the best product or service, is compelling. The most visible manifestation of this core principle is in the business of food. Here are the top 10 most popular food rivalries.
10. Purdy’s vs. Rogers Chocolates
Child 'Vampire' Was Buried 1,550 Years Ago in Italy
A 1,550-year-old "vampire burial" of a child with a rock stuffed into his or her mouth has been discovered in an ancient cemetery in Lugnano, Italy.
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Real or Not? The Science Behind 12 Unusual Sightings
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Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2018
Another NASA Space Telescope Sidelined by Glitch
The Chandra X-ray Observatory, which has been observing the universe in high-energy light since 1999, entered a protective "safe mode" on Wednesday (Oct. 10).
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Photos: The Power and Beauty of North America's Bighorn Sheep
The powerful bighorn sheep are icons of the American West. They are known for their epic rutting battles and being able to climb steep cliffs with the smallest of ledges. Here's a look at why they are so revered.
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Why Do Gnats Swarm?
Why do gnats insist on flying together in the same tiny air space?
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Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week
Here are the stories behind the most amazing images in the world of science this week. A recap of the coolest photos featured on Live Science.
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Jumat, 12 Oktober 2018
Moonmoons (Moons That Orbit Other Moons) Could Exist, Scientists Say
What do you call a moon that orbits another moon?
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There's a Good Chance Your Relatives' DNA Is Online. That Means Other Can Find You, Too.
Over 60 percent of people in the U.S. with European ancestry can probably be matched to at least a third cousin through genealogy databases
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Humanoid Robot Atlas Can Now Do Parkour and That's Not at All Terrifying (Oh, Yes, It Is)
Atlas, the humanoid robot that can run like a person, recently demonstrated a few new tricks.
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Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Heel pain felt during the first few steps in the morning might be plantar fasciitis, one of the most commonly diagnosed reasons for foot pain. Doctors have developed many treatment options that can help eliminate the pain.
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The FDA Found Hundreds of Supplement Brands Tainted with Rx Drugs. Most Weren't Recalled.
Over the last decade, more than 750 supplement brands have been found to be tainted with drugs, but less than half were recalled.
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Every NASA Mission Should Be Looking for Alien Life, Scientists Say
Searching for signs of alien life should be part of every NASA mission, according to a new report.
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Photos: The Bones of Mount Vesuvius
New research suggests that some victims of the Mount Vesuvius eruption in Herculaneum died almost instantly from heat shock.
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Did Vesuvius Victims' Brains Really Boil and Their Skulls Explode?
A new paper challenges the idea that many victims of Vesuvius were asphyxiated.
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Kamis, 11 Oktober 2018
Adorable Newborn Sea Monster from the Dinosaur Age Discovered in Kansas
About 85 million years ago, when a vast sea covered Kansas, a wee, little sea monster died almost immediately after it was born.
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Stephen Hawking's Final Paper Was Just Released
Stephen Hawking's final paper provides a possible way to measure how black holes store information
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Lab-Grown 'Mini-Eyes' Show How Color Vision Develops
Researchers grew human retinal tissue in a lab "from scratch."
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Astronomers Just Caught the Tiniest Cannibal Galaxy in the Universe
This cannibal galaxy is tiny, and it's right in our cosmic neighborhood.
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Puppy-Size Roaches (and Other Bizarre Creatures) Pop Up in 'Beyond the Sixth Extinction'
In a toxic landscape of the future, what strange animals might evolve?
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Liver Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment
Liver cancer is cancer that begins in the tissues of the liver, though it may also result from cancer spreading to the liver from other parts of the body.
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LaCroix Is Being Sued Over Its Ingredients. But Are They Actually Bad for You?
We talked to a food scientist.
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Mysterious Signals at the Center of Our Galaxy May Be an Optical Illusion
The universe might be tricking us with its optical illusions.
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More Cases of Rare 'Polio-Like' Illness Pop Up Around the US
More and more cases of a rare polio-like illness are being reported across the country, according to news reports.
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Astronaut and Cosmonaut Survive 'Ballistic' Fall to Earth After Failed Soyuz Launch
Sometime after 4:40 am Eastern, something went wrong with a rocket booster carrying two people to the International Space Station.
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Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018
Giant, Prehistoric Bird Chowed Down on This Neanderthal Child's Bones
One Neanderthal child had a very bad day about 115,000 years ago. The child died — that much is certain — and the bones were gulped down and digested by a giant, prehistoric bird, according to archaeologists in Poland.
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Mysterious Leptoquarks Could Bind Both Types of Matter. That Is, If They Exist
The leptoquark is down to couple with leptons and quarks.
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Astronomers Confirm Earth Is Being Bombarded with Ancient, Invisible Energy from Another Galaxy
The brightest lights you cannot see are bombarding Earth from another galaxy, and they could be signs of aliens.
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Mount Etna's Slide into the Sea Could Trigger a Catastrophic Collapse
New research raises questions about Mount Etna's dangers.
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Brave Volunteers Got Whooping Cough Bacteria Put Up Their Noses, For Science
Thirty four people in the United Kingdom volunteered to get live whooping cough bacteria dripped into their noses, for science.
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Hurricane Michael Is Officially More Powerful than Hurricane Katrina
The storm struck the Gulf coast of Florida this afternoon as the third most intense hurricane ever to strike the continental U.S., and the most intense since 1969.
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Peer into Hurricane Michael's Mesmerizing Eye in This Eerie Time-Lapse Video
A close-up view captures the whirling clouds circling Hurricane Michael's eye
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Why Did Hurricane Michael Become Such a Monster Storm So Quickly?
Forecasters watching Hurricane Michael barrel toward the Gulf coast of Florida earlier this week saw the storm do something "most unusual."
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How This Time-Traveling Illusion Tricks Your Brain
Would you like to travel back in time, even if only for a moment?
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Alien-Hunting Agents Seek the Truth About UFOs in 'Project Blue Book'
How (and why) was the U.S. Air Force investigating UFOs between 1952 and 1969?
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Hurricane Michael Strengthens to 'Unprecedented' Category 4 Storm Overnight
Florida is bracing for winds up to 140 mph and a potentially deadly storm surge.
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Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018
The HPV Vaccine Was Just Approved for Adults Up to Age 45. Should They Get It?
Should more adults be getting the HPV vaccine?
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Lost Chain of Underwater Volcanoes Is a Massive Whale Superhighway
There is an ancient "highway" of massive, underwater volcanoes near Tasmania, and apparently whales love it.
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See Hurricane Michael from Space in These Satellite Images
Hurricane Michael is expected to hit the Florida panhandle as a major storm on Wednesday afternoon (Oct. 10) — and U.S. weather satellites are busy watching the storm to help meteorologists keep people safe.
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Scientists Find Weird Reason Diving Plates Get Stuck 400 Miles Beneath Earth's Surface
A slippery layer beneath Earth stops chunks of crust in their tracks, creating "stagnant slabs" in the middle of the mantle.
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This Is the Oldest Known Inscription Bearing the Full Name of Jerusalem
This is the first known instance of the modern spelling of the city's name.
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Typhus Outbreak Tied to Fleas Sickens Dozens in LA
Dozens of people in the Los Angeles area have fallen ill with typhus, a relatively rare bacterial disease spread by fleas.
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Cholesterol Levels: High, Low, Good & Bad
HDL is “good” cholesterol; LDL is “bad” cholesterol. HDL helps lower LDL. Too much LDL can lead to heart disease and heart attacks.
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Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, develops when the blood vessels in the eyeball get inflamed by a virus, bacteria, foreign object or allergic reaction.
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Europa Might Have 50-Foot Spikes on Its Surface that Could Destroy Visiting Spacecraft
It's almost as if Europa has something it doesn't want us to see.
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Nobel Prize in Economics: 1969-Present
Winners of the Nobel Prize in economics, including Paul Krugman, Daniel Kahneman and Milton Friedman.
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Petrified Chains of Poop Turn Out to Be One of Earth's Oldest Skeletons
This may be the oldest non-microscopic creature with a skeleton.
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This Man's 'Pancake' Kidney Looks Like It Sounds
A medical scan revealed an "extraordinarily rare" condition.
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Tomb of a Pharaoh's 'Sole Friend' and 'Keeper of the Secret' Found in Egypt
Though the 4,400-year-old tomb had been robbed, archaeologists found the remains of a statue with inscriptions referring to its owner inside.
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Huge Iceberg Poised to Break Off Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier
A newly discovered long and craggy rift is splintering across West Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier, satellite images show.
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Senin, 08 Oktober 2018
A Geyser Erupted in Yellowstone and 80 Years of Human Trash Poured Out
The geyser spewed up an old cinderblock and a pacifier from the 1930s, among other things.
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Rare 'Polio-Like' Illness Diagnosed in 6 Minnesota Kids
Six children in Minnesota have been diagnosed with a rare illness that resembles polio, according to news reports.
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Columbus Discovered the New World … So Why Isn't America Named After Him?
Christopher Columbus famously sailed the ocean blue in 1492, so why isn't the New World named after him?
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Minggu, 07 Oktober 2018
How Bad Is Bacon for You, Really?
It's a debate that plays out in everyone's head during a weekend brunch: Should I be eating this much bacon?
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How Did Christopher Columbus Become a National Symbol?
An anthropologist tells the story of how Columbus actually came close to falling into historical obscurity, until American hubris got in the way.
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A Man Took Antibiotics Before Going to the Dentist. He Developed An Ultra-Rare Brain Side Effect
As scary as it may sound, a root canal is a fairly routine dental procedure. But for one 60-year-old man, the procedure turned life threatening.
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Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2018
SpaceX to Attempt 1st West Coast Falcon 9 Rocket Landing on Sunday
Smoke billowed around a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on Tuesday, Oct. 2, as it briefly fired its engines during a preflight test from SLC-4E at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base.
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It's Raining Tiny Particles from Saturn's Innermost Ring
To Earthling eyes, the gap between Saturn and its rings looks calm, but scientists destroy that illusion in new research, laying out a set of unexpectedly complicated phenomena dancing through that emptiness.
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Scientists Across the Globe Are Hunting for Pure Randomness
Quantum weirdness and Twitter feeds add to the entropy in these public randomness beacons.
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Jumat, 05 Oktober 2018
10 Most Beautiful Cities In The World

With so many options nowadays, traveling is no longer exclusive for the privileged few but to anyone who dreams to see the most beautiful places in the world. If you are the type of traveler who is interested in urban pleasures yet, yearning for man-made and natural destinations, put the list of cities below in your bucket list. Mesmerize with their amazing architecture and stunning vistas, and immerse...