Jumat, 30 November 2018

This Gene Can Make Viruses Invisible to the Immune System — Up to a Point

One gene, which protects the body from autoimmune disorders also helps secretly usher in some viruses by changing their look. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PaMerZ via IFT...

Here's What Photosynthesis Sounds Like Underwater

If you listen closely, you can hear little plants harnessing the sun's energy. All you have to do is dive underwater and listen for the faint but distinctive "ping!" that red algae make while carrying out photosynthesis, a new study finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QmUk5B via IFT...

A 7.0-Magnitude Earthquake Just Shook Alaska

The earthquake struck 8 miles (13 kilometers) north of Anchorage, prompting a tsunami warning. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2r9JGRo via IFT...

Babies Create a Mental Map of Their Body Before They Ever Leave the Womb

Those kicks and jabs help your baby build an information superhighway while still in the womb. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2P9nyQx via IFT...

Ancient Hominins May Have Lived Alongside Modern Humans in Arabia

Ancient human relatives lived on the Arabian Peninsula for an astonishingly long time — from about 240,000 to 190,000 years ago — and spread into the heart of the region by following its blue rivers and lakes, a new study found. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Q1R0gK via IFT...

Vaping Marijuana Gets You Way, Way Higher Than Smoking It, Study Finds

17 willing participants got very, very high for science — and they found vaping weed is way stronger than smoking it. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DVlSsa via IFT...

Meet the Leggy Deep-Sea Worms Named for Hodor and Arya Stark From 'Game of Thrones'

Arya Stark and Hodor from "Game of Thrones" inspired the scientific names of newfound deep-sea worms. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KN5fAk via IFT...

Archaeologists Are Looking for Dead Sea Scrolls Inside 2 Newfound Qumran Caves

The caves are in just the right spot to hold these biblical-era manuscripts. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Sjm2NH via IFT...

This Week's Strangest Science News

Ready to get weird? Here are some of the strangest stories on Live Science this week. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2weY1x8 via IFT...

Haunting, 9,000-Year-Old Stone Mask Discovered in a Field in the West Bank

The incredible mask elicited tears from one of its discoverers. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ABwDMK via IFT...

Kamis, 29 November 2018

Scary 'New' Tick Has US Officials Worried

A newfound tick in the United States is spreading. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2E3J3Bj via IFT...

Here's How Dangerous, Deadly Prions Spread to the Brain

Hint: It's not through the blood. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QwwDYi via IFT...

What Are Gamma-Rays?

Gamma-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation. They can be used to treat cancer, and gamma-ray bursts are studied by astronomers. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ywsyur via IFT...

Deceptive and Dangerous: A Gallery of An Antarctic Volcano

Deception Island, Antarctica is an active volcano. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Pamegr via IFT...

Antarctic Island Exploded 4,000 Years Ago

A remote Antarctic island went boom, and now researchers know when. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zykQiK via IFT...

Here's How Much Starlight Has Been Created Since the Beginning of the Universe

All the light that has ever been created is still lurking among the stars. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2AyYAop via IFT...

Spinning Grains of Cosmic Dust Could Explain Weird Signals at the North Pole

A mysterious cosmic signal that was detected above the North Pole could be coming from fast-spinning grains of dust. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FPVAKt via IFT...

Einstein's Theory of General Relativity Just Survived a Massive Crash in Outer Space

Once again, a decades-old theory of gravity has survived a modern scientific onslaught. Einstein wins again. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Qufuys via IFT...

This Strange Hum Circled the Whole World. But Nobody Heard It.

There was a seismic hum that nobody could hear, and scientists still aren't sure what caused it. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2RoNsls via IFT...

US Life Expectancy Dropped in 2017. Drug Overdose Deaths Are a Big Reason Why

Life expectancy for the average person in the U.S. dropped slightly in 2017, and drug overdose deaths likely played a role. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2P6QubT via IFT...

While You Weren't Looking, Engineers Combined a Plane and a Blimp to Make a Plimp

What happens when you cross a blimp with a plane, and give it a few helicopter abilities? A lighter-than-air plimp-hybrid airship is born, according to a Seattle-based company looking for investors. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zFOTVR via IFT...

Neanderthals and Humans Were Hooking Up Way More Than Anyone Thought

Way more sex happened between Neanderthals and the ancestors of modern humans across Europe and Asia than scientists originally thought, a new study finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2P9C4b9 via IFT...

Rabu, 28 November 2018

How Did That Big Cow Get So Huge?

The internet literally had a cow yesterday when news of a giant steer in Australia spread across the interwebs like a fire set by a cow kicking over a lantern. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2TT9kaa via IFT...

Lab-Grown Miniplacentas Resemble the Real Thing So Much, They Fooled a Pregnancy Test

Miniature placentas grown in a laboratory behave much like real placentas. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2TVu7dk via IFT...

Here's How Cannabis Got Its High

How did we end up with THC and CBD in the first place? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2P5LrIM via IFT...

We Could Spray Cheap Chemicals in the Air to Slow Climate Change. Should We?

A new paper reveals that it would cost less to slow climate change than it would to fix New York City's subway system. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2TVj1oG via IFT...

What Are Amphetamines?

Amphetamines are powerful central nervous system stimulants derived from the ephedra plant. They're used to treat disorders such as ADHD, narcolepsy and obesity. However, they can also be highly addictive and have harmful side effects. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2E35cjk via IFT...

Why the Gene-Edited Babies Will Never Have Genetic Privacy

Being born with an edited genome all but wipes out the chance of genetic privacy. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DNb1jP via IFT...

There's Drug-Resistant Bacteria in the Space Toilets, Guys

Always wash your hands after using the space toilet. Always. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2RpRFW5 via IFT...

How Do Scientists Prove That Twin Babies Had Their Genes Edited?

Questions are swirling after the announcement that the first gene-edited babies were born earlier this month — including what exactly researchers did and whether they even did it. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2SjbJcB via IFT...

Cosmic Airburst May Have Wiped Out Part of the Middle East 3,700 Years Ago

In an instant, the airburst devastated an area north of the Dead Sea. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2AuGBzD via IFT...

Atlantis Found (Again)! And Exasperated Scientists (Again) Raise Their Eyebrows

In a new documentary, a U.K.-based group claims to have discovered the ruins of Atlantis. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DPDqpy via IFT...

Selasa, 27 November 2018

Scientist Who Gene-Edited Babies Speaks at Conference, Addresses Controversial Research

Jiankui He, the Chinese scientist who edited the genes of twin babies, spoke publicly about his research for the first time today (Nov. 28) in Hong Kong, at the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PZIWwP via IFT...

New Zealand's Islands Are Creeping Closer Together

New Zealand is still moving after an earthquake two years ago. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QpHL9q via IFT...

Exquisitely Preserved Mummies Discovered in One of Egypt's Largest Tombs

The tomb is so big that archaeologists have been excavating since the 19th century. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2P5VptN via IFT...

Photos: Mummies Discovered in Tombs in Ancient Egyptian City

Archaeologists have discovered several mummies and sarcophagi in two separate tombs near Luxor (ancient Thebes) in Egypt. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zrTpqM via IFT...

Dads (Not Just Moms) Can Pass on Mitochondrial DNA, According to Provocative New Study

It's long been thought that people inherit mitochondrial DNA exclusively from their mothers. But a provocative new study suggests otherwise. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2SdOG2Y via IFT...

Photos: The Ancient Ruins of Shivta in Southern Israel

Ancient Shivta in southern Israel was once part of a thriving group of desert cities on a trade route between the Mediterranean coast and the east of Arabia. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zuCALN via IFT...

145 Pilot Whales Found Dead on Remote New Zealand Beach. Nobody Knows Why.

Up to 145 pilot whales stranded on a remote New Zealand beach and no one knows why. All of the whales eventually died. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2P2NXiY via IFT...

Earliest Depiction of Jesus Christ in Israel Discovered. Here's What It Shows.

Emma Maayan-Fanar was looking for shade from the desert sun when she saw the face of Jesus. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zvMZXx via IFT...

Senin, 26 November 2018

6 Doctors Swallowed and Pooped Lego Minifigures So You Don't Have To

Here's how to poop a Lego for science. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2r7af9D via IFT...

Sloths: The World's Slowest Mammals

Sloths spend most of their time sleeping and eating in the tropical rainforests of South and Central America. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2AoqFPo via IFT...

Gene-Edited Babies Reportedly Born in China. What Could Go Wrong?

A scientist claims to have edited the genes of human embryos, creating the first genetically-modified babies. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FFzH08 via IFT...

Mars InSight Stuck the Landing. Here's the First Thing It Did.

InSight stuck the landing on Mars — here’s what happens after touchdown. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2r8h1Mx via IFT...

Touchdown on Mars! NASA's InSight Lands to Peer Inside the Red Planet

NASA's InSight lander touched down safely on the Martian surface today (Nov. 26), pulling off the first successful Red Planet landing since the Curiosity rover's arrival in August 2012. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2BAaBvD via IFT...

Twitter Erupts with Mars Madness As Lander Touches Down Safely on Red Planet

Bam, just like that, the Mars InSight lander plops onto the surface of its new home. Here's what Twitter had to say about the momentous landing. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2BxMgqa via IFT...

Cyber Monday Deals on DNA Kits: Here's What These Tests Might Tell You

What can you expect from DNA kits that are on sale on Cyber Monday? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PScRHg via IFT...

Why Is NASA Looking for 'Marsquakes'?

Are marsquakes the same as earthquakes? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2riz6rH via IFT...

Everything ThinkGeek Is 50% Off Today!

Pehaps the best site on the Internet for finding cool science-y gifts that are unique and imaginative, ThinkGeek is going all out it seems for Cyber Monday. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QlUKsP via IFT...

The 11 Biggest Unanswered Questions About Dark Matter

Physicists remain unsure about what exactly dark matter is and if it actually exists. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2KEGtSV via IFT...

No, Mars InSight Won't Be Searching for Alien Life. Here's What It IS Looking For.

Is there life on Mars? Even if there is, InSight won't tell us. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Qpeiwe via IFT...

Scientists Wrote an Equation to Find the Funniest Word in English. The Results Will Make You Fart.

The results will make you giggle, fart, poop and cluck. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DKk9Wr via IFT...

Mars Insight Photos: A Timeline to Landing on the Red Planet

The Mars lander has been making its way to the Red Planet since its launch on May 5, 2018. And on Nov. 26, the three-legged robot will make its final plunge, called 6 minutes of terror, onto the alien surface. There it will begin operations… from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QpdBTE via IFT...

Why NASA's Mars InSight Landing Zone Is a Big Weird Oval

It has everything to do with the tricky, daunting way the probe will punch through to the surface. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DKk5WH via IFT...

Minggu, 25 November 2018

Journey to the Center of the Red Planet: NASA's InSight Lander to Reveal the Secrets Inside Mars

Mars is the second-most studied planet — only behind our own — but we know virtually nothing about its interior. That's about to change with NASA's InSight. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2RifAGU via IFT...

Here's How to Watch the Insight Landing on Mars on Monday

In a few days, humanity will once again reach out and touch the surface of a foreign world. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PSweQK via IFT...

Why Do I Get Sore Days After I’ve Worked Out?

Many of us have experienced the burning, aching, jelly-leg feeling that creeps in hours, or even days, after exercise. But where does it come from and why does it always show up a couple days after intense or new workouts? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2RiUury via IFT...

Sabtu, 24 November 2018

The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week

Here are the most interesting, amazing and unusual things that happened in the world of science this week. A recap of Live Science's best. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2t63fc5 via IFT...

Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week

Here are the stories behind the most amazing images in the world of science this week. A recap of the coolest photos featured on Live Science. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2sNEmCE via IFT...

Many Kids Are Given Probiotics for Stomach Bugs. But They May Not Help At All.

Young children with intestinal infections don't appear to benefit from several commonly used probiotics. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2BtJIt6 via IFT...

Get Ready for InSight Mars Landing's '6 Minutes of Terror'

When InSight lands on Mars, no one will see it in real time. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PNOvhQ via IFT...

Jumat, 23 November 2018

Black Friday Deal: R2-D2 Action Figure Can Explore 'Star Wars' Galaxy

For Black Friday, Amazon is selling this app-enabled R2-D2 droid figure for its lowest price. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2AsWTLB via IFT...

Give the Gift of AncestryDNA at 40% Off

Need a gift for a special someone who seems to have everything? Or perhaps a friend or partner who is interested in their ancestors or just in history? AncestryDNA may be the perfect holiday present. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2hSSO87 via IFT...

10 Most Amazing Animal Stories You’ll Love

Everybody love animals.  They are some of our best and most loyal companions throughout our lives.  If you love animals like we do, what better than some amazing animal stories.  So, here are some of the most Amazing Animal Stories we could find. 1. Bobbie the Wonder Dog Bobbie, a Scotch Collie/English Shepard mix was given the name “The Wonder Dog” after walking from Indiana to Oregon....

See Spectacular Lunar Mission Images in 3D (Photos)

New book "Mission Moon: 3D" presents the history of NASA's Apollo missions, with 3D photographs. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OZSzX1 via IFT...

See the Apollo Moon Missions Like Astronauts Did — In 3D

Stereo 3D brings new depth to archival images of the Apollo missions to the moon. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zlgwmz via IFT...

Black Friday Deal: 23andMe DNA Test - Health + Ancestry Personal Genetic Service

Go beyond your family tree to uncover ancestry markers in your DNA, with a genetic testing kit that you can use at home. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2i1BvWh via IFT...

Black Friday Deals: Best Gifts for Science Geeks

Here's a look at some of Live Science's favorite Amazon Black Friday deals for that science geek in your life, from a curious child to a spouse who can't get enough of the Discovery Channel. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2A5V5Z5 via IFT...

Black Friday 2018 Deal: littleBits Marvel Avengers Hero Inventor Kit

The STEM toy company littleBits has a Black Friday 2018 deal just might perfect for your little superhero: The Marvel Avengers Hero Inventor Kit, but you better act fast. Amazon is offering the STEM kit at a deep discount for today only. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FDU7Xv via IFT...

Can You Get a Sunburn in Winter?

Here's a case for wearing sunscreen 365 days a year. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DVUPOf via IFT...

Black Friday Deals: Amazon's Best Science Toys for Kids

If you have a little paleontologist, a star-gazer or a budding chemist, one of these science-inspired toys may be right for your child. Here's a look at some of the best STEM deals for kids. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2myAPsN via IFT...

Kamis, 22 November 2018

Weighted Blankets: How They Work

Weighted blankets are touted for helping people to calm down, and sleep better. But do they really live up to these claims? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QbFvCG via IFT...

The Real Reason the Pilgrims Survived

The Pilgrims repeatedly thanked God for their good fortune. But without two earlier developments, the entire undertaking at New Plymouth would have likely failed. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DP2wFC via IFT...

Can Lip Balm Make Your Chapped Lips Worse?

Dry, chapped lips are itchy and painful, but repeatedly applying lip balms and products may not help your case. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DPWViz via IFT...

Rabu, 21 November 2018

Creepy 'Smiling' Worm Pulled from Bottom of the Sea

Russian fisherman Roman Fedortsov has a habit of pulling ghoulish and bizarre creatures from the deep sea. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2AbB7cV via IFT...

Your 'Fat-Toothed' Relative May Not Make It for Thanksgiving. He Vanished from Earth 300 Million Years Ago.

Although it may look like a dinosaur, a newly identified sail-backed reptile that lived 300 million years ago is actually more closely related to humans, a new study finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2A9ocIf via IFT...

Found, Inside Dead Sperm Whale: 100 Plastic Cups, 4 Plastic Bottles, 25 Plastic Bags, 2 Flip-Flops

A dead sperm whale had more than 100 plastic cups, plastic bags, flip flops and other pieces of plastic in its stomach when it was found rotting on a beach in Indonesia. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2S0DwOK via IFT...

Here's How Smoke from California Wildfires Affects the Human Body

Experts say that the biggest health danger from the smoke comes from the particulate matter that it contains. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2R392vl via IFT...

What Do Shrink-Wrapped Thanksgiving Turkeys and the Higgs Boson Have in Common?

Both can be made using the power of particle accelerators. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PJwMYP via IFT...

No More 'BFR': Elon Musk Changes Name of Mars Rocket

Elon Musk is rebranding SpaceX's Mars-colonizing spaceflight system yet again. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DCukwh via IFT...

The Strange History of the Turkey Tail

The fate of turkey tails shows how Americans have shifted from eating whole animals to focusing on choice cuts – and the surprising places where unwanted parts end up. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Q8Bfns via IFT...

Infectious 'Prions' Found in the Eyes of Patients with Fatal Brain Disease

People with the rare and fatal brain disorder Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) show signs of the disease in their eyes, according to a new study. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DA7UeR via IFT...

950-Mile-Long Cloud Spotted Over Martian Volcano. And It Has Staying Power.

Unlike other Martian cloud structures that seem to poof in and out of existence, this one has staying power. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FJ9Moy via IFT...

Mom's Phone Call Helps Uncover Oldest Long-Necked Dinosaur on Record

Not only is the beast the oldest sauropodomorph, but it had the longest neck ever. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FJ6hyq via IFT...

Selasa, 20 November 2018

Ugh, When Our Sun Blows Up It's Probably Gonna Get Sand Everywhere

A new study reveals the origin of silica, and how a bunch of old supernovas got it all over everything. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PGDKOw via IFT...

Ochre: The World's First Red Paint

Artists have used ochre — a naturally occurring pigment that has hues ranging from yellow to red to purple-brown — to paint for hundreds of thousands of years. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2BmySW3 via IFT...

Don't Eat Romaine Lettuce... Again

It's happening again: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning Americans to avoid romaine lettuce. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FAxWBn via IFT...

4 Infant Botulism Cases Linked to Honey-Dipped Pacifiers

The FDA warns caregivers not to give honey to infants younger than 12-months from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zep5Qj via IFT...

Turkeys 'Peas' and 'Carrots' Get a Presidential Pardon. How Did This Thanksgiving Tradition Start?

Why do American presidents pardon Thanksgiving turkeys? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DCxNuq via IFT...

536 Was a Garbage Year for Mankind (So Give 2018 a Break)

Worst. Year. EVER. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ziZUw6 via IFT...

What Is Brain Freeze?

What is happening when something as lovely as ice cream causes such awful pain? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OTstFd via IFT...

Aspirin Can Help Your Heart. Omega-3s Might. But Together? Maybe Not.

Aspirin and Omega-3 both help the heart — but maybe not together from Live Science https://ift.tt/2TrOe2h via IFT...

MDMA Makes People More Cooperative... But That Doesn't Mean More Trusting

A new study from England suggests that the drug makes people more cooperative, but only with those who are deemed trustworthy. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OQmnVX via IFT...

These Ancient Termite Mounds Are As Old As the Egyptian Pyramids. And They're Visible from Space.

Around the same time the ancient Egyptians were building their mighty pyramids, tiny termites were digging through the earth, creating giant mounds in Brazil that still exist today and are so massive, they're visible from space, according to a new study. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zgFyTR via IFT...

Half of the Year's Rain Falls on Earth in Just 12 Days

Extreme precipitation will be more likely in a warming world. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FwamFV via IFT...

Middle East Looters Turn to Spirit Possession to Find Gold Treasure

Some looters are turning to spirits called "jinn" in their hunt for gold treasure. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zi6WRA via IFT...

Senin, 19 November 2018

Ancient Skeletons of Woman and Fetus Hint at Childbirth Death 3,700 Years Ago

Archaeologists in Egypt recently unearthed a grim discovery: skeletons of a pregnant woman and her fetus. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Qa70fR via IFT...

What Is Chickenpox? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chickenpox is a viral infection that's easily prevented by a highly effective vaccine. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FtExNW via IFT...

What Is Chickenpox? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chickenpox is a viral infection that's easily prevented by a highly effective vaccine. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PIFJlu via IFT...

What Is Virotherapy?

Viruses are now being developed to attack cancer cells. Here's how they work. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ORvCVW via IFT...

This Spinning, Snakelike Star System Might Blast Gamma Rays into the Milky Way When It Dies

Astronomers found a star system in our galaxy that could produce a gamma-ray burst — one of the brightest and most energetic events in the universe. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OPiIbb via IFT...

Scientists Finally Know How Wombat Butts Make Cube-Shaped Poops

These marsupials have especially talented poop-cubing butts. And a team of physicists figured out how they work. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2A7rYSm via IFT...

'Ravenous, Hairy Ogre' Microbe May Represent Entirely New Branch on the Tree of Life

Who needs aliens, when there are plenty of bizarre life forms still to be discovered in Canada? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2BfIzoT via IFT...

There's Something Hot Hidden Under East Antarctica

Scientists aren't sure precisely what it is. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FuT8IS via IFT...

First-Ever All-Female Antarctic Expedition Busts Women's Endurance Myth

Women who trekked across Antarctica in the first-ever all-female expedition broke more than gender norms — they also busted this gender myth. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PBuVW1 via IFT...

Are These Earth's Oldest Fossils of Life? Dispute Has E.T. Implications

Rocks found at Isua in Greenland may contain the oldest fossils of life on Earth, but not everyone agrees. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FydL75 via IFT...

Why Don't Animals Turn into Zombies in 'The Walking Dead'?

Animals do not turn into zombies — only humans do. At least, that seems to be the rule in AMC's sci-fi zombie thriller, "The Walking Dead." from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FwooHt via IFT...

Minggu, 18 November 2018

10 Canada’s Most Dangerous Wild Animals

For approximately 9.9 million sq. km., Canada is well known for its mesmerizing landscape with millions of people and wildlife array. Nevertheless, some of the animals found in the country are not human-friendly. These animals are observed to be hazardous including the bears (grizzly, polar, black), moose, prairie rattlesnake, and a lot more. Below are Canada’s most dangerous wild animals: 1. Moose Moose...

Divers Surprised by Gorgeous 'Feather Boa' of the Sea. And the Video Is Glorious.

An undulating ribbon of silver surprised divers near northern New Zealand in October — but not so much that they couldn't get it on video. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2A1SufX via IFT...

Sabtu, 17 November 2018

How Do Squirrels Remember Where They Buried Their Nuts?

Nut-obsessed squirrels might be smarter than you think. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zYSX2v via IFT...

Jumat, 16 November 2018

Voyager 2 Creeps Closer to the Edge of the Solar System

Going, going — nope, it's still just going, NASA says of its Voyager 2 probe, which the agency realized was approaching the edge of the solar system back in early October. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OO10Vn via IFT...

The 2018 Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend! Here's What to Expect

Come early Sunday morning (Nov. 18), the famous Leonid meteor shower will reach its peak, with lesser numbers expected on the preceding and following mornings. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2K9mY4o via IFT...

California's Deadliest Fire Is Seen Engulfing Paradise in 'Astonishing' Satellite Images

Only 4 hours after it started, the Camp Fire was ravaging Paradise, California. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DpAxeI via IFT...

Warmer, Wetter Than Usual Winter Headed for Much of US

Just over half of the United States has no need to fear a frigid, frozen winter in the coming months — instead, they'll likely experience a warmer and wetter winter than usual, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from Live Science https://ift.tt/2RSDckY via IFT...

Shocked Squirrel and Shy Owl Shine in Wildlife Comedy Photos

Who says wildlife isn't funny? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DpA10d via IFT...

See Wildlife's Sillier Side, Captured by Photo Contest Finalists

Whimsical images showcase wild animals in unintentionally hilarious poses. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PYljEl via IFT...

European Researchers Baked Fake Moon Dust into Money and Screws

Why did the European Space Agency create a whole bunch of fake moon dust and use it to 3D print small screws, gears and even a fake coin? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FzMuB4 via IFT...

Bubbles: Sure, They Look Innocent, But They Can Be Bacteria-Spreading Menaces

Innocent-looking bubbles can serve as a launching pad to spread bacteria from water into the air, according to a new study. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Bat55B via IFT...

Lab-Grown Mini Kidneys 'Go Rouge,' Sprout Brain and Muscle Cells

Miniature kidneys produced in the lab were hiding something from the researchers that grew them. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2K8aVEp via IFT...

Kamis, 15 November 2018

Coffee Tastes Bitter, So Why Do People Drink It?

It may sound counterintuitive, but people who are supersensitive to coffee's bitter taste actually drink more of it, a new study finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2S1UwEz via IFT...

Ice Age Cave Art Found Under Layers of Centuries-Old Graffiti

Newfound cave paintings from the ice age were obscured for centuries by graffiti. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FokVdY via IFT...

Bacteria May Live (Harmlessly) in Your Brain

In the latest example of bacteria being "literally everywhere," scientists appear to have found evidence of microbes living harmlessly in our brains. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DnhvFQ via IFT...

In Photos: Devastating Wildfires in California

Wildfires raging in Northern California are now considered the deadliest the state has ever endured. Here's a look at the fires and the destruction left behind. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2T9BgWZ via IFT...

Einstein Letter Warns of German Anti-Semitism 10 Years Before Nazis' Rise to Power

Einstein warned of fascism and anti-Semitism 10 years before the Nazis rose to power. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Q2ahOc via IFT...

Paris-Size Crater Found Hidden Under Greenland Ice

Earth hides its scars well; the planet has endured countless millennia of eruptions and collisions, but scientists are still stumbling upon the evidence of all that geologic drama. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DlHg9E via IFT...

Oldest Known Footprints in Grand Canyon Were Left by Mysterious, Sideways-Walking Reptile

About 315 million years ago — long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth — an early reptile scuttled along in a strangely sideways jaunt, leaving its tiny footprints embedded in the landscape, new research finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2K55oP2 via IFT...

Rabu, 14 November 2018

Do Not Fear the Dark Matter Hurricane (The Dark Matter Hurricane Is Good)

Scientists think there's a 'dark matter hurricane' coming, but it's definitely not going to kill you. It's actually kind of exciting. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qIiAAC via IFT...

What Are CT Scans and How Do They Work?

A computed tomography (CT) scan is a quick and painless way to diagnose an injury, abnormality or disease. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FwiMNk via IFT...

The Earth Is Eating Its Own Oceans

A new study raises questions about the water cycle of the deep Earth. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2K5tObd via IFT...

Newly Uncovered Greek City May Be Legendary Home of 'Trojan War' Prisoners

The ancient city dates back to between 300 B.C. and A.D. 400. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zdrUkq via IFT...

Climate Change Made Recent Hurricanes Wetter. And They May Get Worse.

Rainfall in some of the biggest storms in recent years was fueled by climate change. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2ODWxod via IFT...

Scientists Are '99 Percent' Sure There's a Huge Exoplanet Very Close to Our Solar System

Scientists think there's a giant new planet full of frozen water, and it's right down the cosmic street from Earth. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2K3SZL7 via IFT...

Where Are All the Aliens? 'Out There' Book Excerpt

In 'Out There' (Grand Central Publishing, 2018), Space.com senior writer Mike Wall tackles the search for alien life from many different angles and discusses humanity's drive to get off its natal rock. Read an excerpt from the new book here. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OKmkef via IFT...

Low-Carb Diets May Burn More Calories

Keeping weight off may be about more than just "calories in and calories out." from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DlhD8J via IFT...

Schrödinger's Bacteria? Physics Experiment Leads to 1st Entanglement of Living Organisms

A paper published in 2017 appeared to show a limited quantum effect in bacteria. Now scientists argue that something much weirder happened. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OIu6VW via IFT...

Colonizing Mars Means Contaminating Mars — And Never Knowing For Sure If It Had Its Own Native Life

Before that happens, we need to recognize that a very real possibility exists that the first human steps on the Martian surface will lead to a collision between terrestrial life and biota native to Mars. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qNpF2O via IFT...

Show-Off Bobcat Walks in Front of Tourists with a Dead Iguana Dangling from Its Mouth

This iguana never stood a chance. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2TdM32u via IFT...

This Octogenarian Is the Oldest Fish in Captivity. And She Likes Belly Rubs.

The world's oldest fish lives a comfortable life at the Steinhart Aquarium in California. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2B4wB1w via IFT...

Invisible Stew of Plastic Pollution Found in Fur Seal Poop

First humans, now seals: Microplastics are in everyone's digestive tract. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2K1GDTJ via IFT...

Selasa, 13 November 2018

Giant 'Pink Legacy' Diamond Fetches Over $44 Million at Auction

Do you have $45 million lying around? This "fancy vivid" diamond could be yours. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qSyVCZ via IFT...

How the Midnight Sun Gave This Man 'Rotten Zombie Skin'

A midnight sun can evoke many images, including those of an endless night and a beautiful, soft light — but a really awful sunburn probably isn't one of them. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Fn9jIt via IFT...

Biblical-Era Etchings of Ships Discovered in Israeli Desert

The carvings are realistically proportioned and show details consistent with the ship-building of the day. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DCxPUe via IFT...

Photos: Biblical-Era Cistern and Carvings Discovered in Israel

A 2,000-year-old cistern in Israel has yielded carvings of ships and zoomorphs. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QAgMVw via IFT...

Why You Can Blame Your Mom If You're Still Single 

Traits passed down by Mom could explain your relationship patterns. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2z6ge3a via IFT...

Satellite Images Reveal North Korea's Missile Program Is Very Much Alive

North Korea's missile program has not actually been dismantled, according to a report published this weekend. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PtX8yd via IFT...

Beneath Antarctica's Ice, Intriguing Evidence of Lost Continents

A new map reveals the ancient precursors to Antarctica. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PY89XI via IFT...

North America's Oldest Mummy Sheds Light on Ancient Migrations

A 10,600-year-old mummy found in Nevada is helping scientists fill in their fuzzy picture of how humans first migrated into the Americas. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2z2xd6g via IFT...

Ancient Monkey Transformed into a 'Sloth' When It Arrived in Jamaica

The extinct Jamaican monkey X. mcgregori mcgregori acted like a sloth and had hardly any teeth. It may have been a seafaring hero. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QEfzg1 via IFT...

Hundreds of Tiny Terracotta Warriors Found Guarding 2,100-Year-Old Chinese Site

They look like a miniaturized version of the Terracotta Army guarding the first emperor of China. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Pt7QVB via IFT...

Photos: Mini Terracotta Army Hidden in China Pit

A 2,100-year-old pit containing chariots and small ceramic sculptures of infantry, cavalry, watchtowers, musicians and servants has been discovered in China. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QFIHU4 via IFT...

Senin, 12 November 2018

'Move More and Sit Less': These Are the New Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

After a decade, Americans have new physical activity guidelines to aim for — and officials hope the changes will get more people encouraged to get moving. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Di876s via IFT...

Purrfect Photos: Cat Mummies and Wooden Cat Statues Discovered at Ancient Egyptian Burial Complex

Tens of cat mummies and around 100 wooden statues of cats were discovered near a pyramid in Saqqara, Egypt. The area seems to have been used for cat burials thousands of years ago. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DzIwqw via IFT...

Tens of Cat Mummies and 100 Cat Statues Found Near Ancient Egyptian Pyramid

Ancient Egyptians seem to have been "cat people," or at least cat mummy people. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2RSJYHH via IFT...

Scale of California's Deadly Camp Fire Shown in Satellite Photos

As wildfires continue to burn in California, new satellite photos show the sheer scale of the deadly Camp Fire that has devastated the state's northern town of Paradise. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qJvs9A via IFT...

Keto, Mediterranean or Vegan: Which Diet Is Best for the Heart?

How do these three diets stack up against each other when it comes to heart health? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2zKfWhO via IFT...

Massive Solar Storm Detonated Hidden American Bombs During the Vietnam War, Navy Records Show

Researchers digging through naval records uncovered a strange and alarming consequence of a massive 1972 solar storm. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OH7pBI via IFT...

How to Farm During a Zombie Apocalypse

Groceries stores are gone, and zombies want to eat you. How do you feed yourself and those around you? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2z7VEPJ via IFT...

Minggu, 11 November 2018

10 Well-Known Cruise Ships in the World

It’s one of our dreams to experience the largest and well-known cruise ships in the world. We put together a list of the best cruise ships for you to choose from. Plunge now and decide which ship would best fit your dream vacation! Check out these 10 well-known cruise ships: 10. Carnival Cruise Line (The Carnival Liberty) If you prefer a Caribbean cruise, then this is for you. The Carnival liberty’s...

Both Bacteria and Viruses Can Cause Pneumonia, But One Is Much Worse for the Heart

Pneumonia caused by bacterial infections poses a much greater threat to the heart than pneumonia caused by viral infections, a new study suggests. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2RMNR0I via IFT...

Ship Traffic in the Now-Open Northwest Passage Endangers Narwhals, Other Unique Animals

Climate change is shrinking Arctic sea ice and opening the region to ship traffic. Whales, seals and other marine mammals could be at risk unless nations adopt rules to protect them. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JTD5Tu via IFT...

These Plant Chemicals Could Help Your Heart's Health

Drinking a cup of tea or eating a handful of berries a day may help protect against heart disease, a new study suggests. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OAUa5D via IFT...

The 12 Biggest 'Little' Mysteries of Fall — Solved!

Here are the most intriguing "little" mysteries we've gathered about fall. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qIiRmR via IFT...

Sabtu, 10 November 2018

Why Late-Night Eating May Hurt Your Heart

Sometimes the heart wants what it wants. But it's not late-night eating. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JUn1Rn via IFT...

Could Consciousness All Come Down to the Way Things Vibrate?

A resonance theory of consciousness suggests that the way all matter vibrates, and the tendency for those vibrations to sync up, might be a way to answer the so-called 'hard problem' of consciousness. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PhPIh8 via IFT...

10 of the Strangest Medical Studies (in Recent History, That Is)

Check out some of the strangest medical studies carried out in recent years. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JTIKsG via IFT...

Jumat, 09 November 2018

How to Watch a Near-Earth Asteroid Zoom Closer to Earth than the Moon

Three chunky asteroids are zooming by Earth this weekend, and one of them is getting closer to our planet than the moon itself. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2T0TdHa via IFT...

An American Might Win the World Chess Championship for the 1st Time Since Bobby Fischer

Will Fabiano Caruana of Brooklyn, New York, unseat the chess grandmaster? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Pm37F5 via IFT...

Huge Lakes Thought to Be Hiding Beneath Antarctica's Ice Seem to Have Vanished

Researchers thought there were large lakes under East Antarctica's Recovery Glacier. Now they can't find them. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2RGvZ7A via IFT...

Can Injecting Millions of Stem Cells into the Brain Treat Parkinson's Disease?

A new experimental therapy for Parkinson's disease that involves injecting millions of special stem cells into the brain of patients with the condition is currently being tested in a clinical trial. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DyA7Ur via IFT...

Here's How Peru's Ancient People Survived in the Treacherous Andes

By about 7,000 years ago, ancient people who lived high in the Andes Mountains had developed bigger hearts and slightly higher blood pressure, among other adaptations, to better survive life at those treacherous heights, a new genetic analysis shows. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qzblee via IFT...

Water Deep in Earth's Core May Come from Dust Swirling Around the Sun

The source of some of Earth's first water may be gas left over from the sun's birth. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JRQDyU via IFT...

Here's Your Brain on Cirque du Soleil: Performers Spark Awe, Scans Show

What's happening in our brains when we feel a sense of awe? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2z2wbqQ via IFT...

How Does the Experimental 'Vaccine' for Celiac Disease Work?

An experimental "vaccine" for celiac disease is set to be tested in a new clinical trial. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JX0vrr via IFT...

Antarctica: The Ice-Covered Bottom of the World (Photos)

Here's a look at the southernmost continent, a place of extremes. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PkBY5d via IFT...

Kamis, 08 November 2018

Stephen Hawking's PhD Thesis, Wheelchair Sell in Multimillion-Dollar Auction

And Stephen Hawking's wheelchair just sold for nearly $400,000. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2z1p2qW via IFT...

Who Were the 1st Americans? 11,000-Year-Old DNA Reveals Clues

People genetically linked to the Clovis culture, one of the earliest continentwide cultures in North America, made it down to South America as far back as 11,000 years ago. Then they mysteriously vanished around 9,000 years ago, new research reveals. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OwDRqj via IFT...

Emu and Donkey Fall in Love

A rescued emu and donkey in North Carolina seem to see each other as family. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DsEOiv via IFT...

Bounty Hunter Kills Gargatuan Burmese Python, Gets $375, Earns Our Undying Gratitude

Nope. Nope. Nope. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qyFABW via IFT...

RBG's Broken Ribs: Why Is Breaking Bones Dangerous for Older Adults?

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in the hospital after falling and breaking three ribs. But why are broken bones and other fall-related injuries so worrisome for older adults? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qzj3EW via IFT...

What Does Sadness Look Like in the Brain?

Feelings of sadness or anxiety might be linked to increased "chitchat" between two areas of the brain from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qB1vIL via IFT...

Not Just the Flu: Gonorrhea, Chicken Pox Also Go Through Seasons

You probably know when flu season happens, but what about chicken-pox season or gonorrhea season? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JNiRL5 via IFT...

Here's How Much the Earth Weighs in 'Ghostly' Neutrinos

As neutrinos pass through the planet, they offer new information on what it looks like inside. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PNZeIr via IFT...

Here's the Time of Day When You Burn the Most Calories

Your body's internal clock plays a role not only when you're most alert and sleepy, but also when you burn the most calories, a new study finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DaxS8H via IFT...

How the 'Ghostly' Image of a Sunken Plane Wound Up on Google Earth

Don't worry, the plane is not really underwater. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Pgw2dz via IFT...

NASA Figures Out Where Weirdly Square Iceberg Was Born

NASA went back and looked at how that weirdly square iceberg formed. What they found surprised them. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qzvpNt via IFT...

Rabu, 07 November 2018

The House Science Committee Is Back in Democrat's Control: What That Means for Science

House Committee on Science, Space and Technology may now actually advance...science? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2D8OX2A via IFT...

What Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a condition that involves chronic inflammation in all or part of the digestive tract. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JMhoVy via IFT...

World's Oldest Animal Drawing, Discovered in Borneo Cave, Is a Weird Cow Beast

A 40,000-year-old painting of a mysterious, wild cow-like beast discovered in a Borneo cave is the oldest human-made drawing of an animal on record, a new study finds. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qwQXtY via IFT...

Ripples in Space-Time Could Reveal the Shape of Wormholes

Wormholes are usually illustrated as gaping gravity wells linked by a narrow tunnel, but their precise shape has been unknown — until now. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2RDHyfR via IFT...

Watching People Beatbox in an MRI Machine Will Blow Your Mind

Beatboxers create sounds that "don't exist in any known language," new research reveals. And it looks awesome. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QrCkUn via IFT...

Delicious or Disgusting? Odd Museum Serves Up Sheep Eyeballs and Frog Smoothies

Could you stomach soup made from a stomach? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OyvlHz via IFT...

15 'Disgusting' Foods Will Have Your Taste Buds Begging for Mercy

What are the most revolting foods on the planet? You'll find 80 of them at the Disgusting Food Museum in Sweden. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2yUWP4P via IFT...

Embalmed Heads Hanging Around a Horse's Neck: That's How Ancient Celts Showed Off

The ancient Celts took boasting of their conquests to an extreme. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2STJDFR via IFT...

What Is Salmonella?

Salmonella causes an unpleasant bacterial infection that usually occurs after the person consumes a contaminated food or beverage. Although the symptoms are miserable, most people recover quickly with hydration and rest. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Ou8lJy via IFT...

Ghostly Orange Light Envelopes Earth During Rare Airglow

An eerie, marmalade-colored light show made Earth look like a gigantic orange lollipop early this morning (Nov. 7), prompting an astronaut aboard the International Space Station to snap a photo of it to share with Earthlings down below. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2D7klP8 via IFT...

15 Incredible Places on Earth That Are Frozen in Time

These are places where time stands still. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QoEJyV via IFT...

Ancient Ceremonial Complexes Revealed in World's Driest Desert

Infant burials and stone monuments were found at these ceremonial complexes in the Atacama Desert. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2F5T6qY via IFT...

Selasa, 06 November 2018

Earth's Smallest Ape Weighed 8 lbs., Lived 12.5 Million Years Ago

The remains of the smallest ape ever known to walk the Earth may have been discovered in the hills of Kenya, scientists say. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QtWyNm via IFT...

Did a Conspiracy Rob These Treasure Hunters of Millions of Dollars' Worth of Florida Shipwreck Artifacts?

A legal battle between a maritime salvage company and the state of Florida could have implications for some of the oldest European artifacts in the U.S. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Rzi03o via IFT...

Check Your Cake Mix: Duncan Hines Recalls Several Products Because They May Contain Salmonella

Some varieties of Duncan Hines instant cake mix are being recalled because they may contain a not-so-tasty ingredient: Salmonella. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2QnYqHn via IFT...

Harvard Scientists Say Aliens May Explain Bizarre Interstellar Object 'Oumuamua (But Probably Not)

Does oddball space object 'Oumuamua's weird acceleration hint at alien origins? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Qov5MI via IFT...

T. Rex Turned Like a Ballerina from a Slow-Motion Nightmare

Most people don't think of the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex as having the grace of a pirouetting ballerina or the poise of a spinning figure skater, but new research indicates that the dinosaur king was quite good at turning to pounce on prey. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2D4LiD6 via IFT...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

People who experience generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) exhibit excessive anxiety and worry about multiple events or activities most days of the week. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qvUxoh via IFT...

A Longer Life May Not Be in Your Genes

Long life spans tend to run in families, a phenomenon that's often attributed to people's genes. But a new, large study questions that. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Da7uvN via IFT...

Italian Physicists Wrote a 'Perfect Pizza' Equation, Because Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Italian physicists wrote a "perfect pizza" equation, because we all need this right now. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2PeTVSW via IFT...

Scientists Want to Use Lasers to Guide Aliens to Earth. What Could Go Wrong??

Researchers at MIT just found that humanity could build a laser that could signal an extraterrestrial intelligence. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2D67L2z via IFT...

Remains of Nazi 'Flying Bombs' Uncovered in British Woods

Archaeologists have excavated the exploded remains of a German V1 "flying bomb" that crashed in a forest near London in 1944. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2AQ31fY via IFT...

Photos: The Flying Bombs of Nazi Germany

Near the end of World War II, Germany launched thousands of what it called "retaliation weapons" or flying bombs at London. Here's a look at the buzz bombs and the destruction they wrought. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2FiVJ91 via IFT...

Senin, 05 November 2018

The Inca Empire

Many ancient Inca traditions continue to be appreciated and are carried out today by their decedents. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2t9NodF via IFT...

'Male' Octopus Hatches 10,000 Teensy Babies in Surprise Birth

Sit back, clear your mind, and let this imagery sink in: "buckets and buckets and buckets full of tiny octopi." from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qwYol7 via IFT...

Man Dies 8 Years After Swallowing a Live Slug That Left Him Paralyzed

Swallowing a live garden slug led to a serious parasitic infection for an Australian teen. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2OrI2Uu via IFT...

I Took 9 Different Commercial DNA Tests and Got 6 Different Results

Experts explained that the companies aren't really doing science, so it's not surprising that they produce different results. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2AMgeX0 via IFT...

No Evidence Russian Engineer Stabbed Antarctica Colleague for Spoiling Book Endings

However, tension at the isolated research station did erupt in violence, landing one man in the hospital and the other in police custody. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2qtUclW via IFT...

New Supercomputer with 1 Million Processors Is World's Fastest Brain-Mimicking Machine

A supercomputer that "thinks" like a brain can simulate neural activity in real time. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2F4yhMz via IFT...

'Broken-Heart' Syndrome Is Real. This Complication Makes It Deadly.

People who experience a rare condition known as "broken-heart syndrome" need immediate medical attention, but often make a quick recovery. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2JFeMc2 via IFT...

The Seafloor Is Dissolving Away. And Humans Are to Blame.

Climate change reaches all the way to the bottom of the sea. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2DnbwSj via IFT...

After a Zombie Apocalypse, Here Are 9 Keys to Rebuilding a Civilization

Do you know what it takes to rebuild a civilization, after the undead have wreaked havoc? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2P9T0mP via IFT...

Minggu, 04 November 2018

What Was the World's 1st Cyberattack?

In November 1988, Robert Tappan Morris wrote a program that would travel from computer to computer and ask each machine to send a signal back to a control server, which would keep count. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2EZQ1Za via IFT...

SpaceX's 'Starman' and Its Tesla Roadster Are Now Beyond Mars

Starman has put a lot of miles on his ride in the last nine months. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2Dm4kpy via IFT...

Sabtu, 03 November 2018

College Athlete Dies of Rare Bacterial Illness Called 'Forgotten Disease'

A college student-athlete in Kanas died suddenly from a rare bacterial infection after thinking her symptoms were due to tonsillitis. from Live Science https://ift.tt/2AI9cm7 via IFT...

How Did People Wake Up Before Alarm Clocks?

How did people wake up before the invention of modern alarm clocks? from Live Science https://ift.tt/2yOe33U via IFT...

Jumat, 02 November 2018

10 Common Lies of Women in Relationships

There are times that lying is necessary especially if it means protecting someone else’s feelings or saving themselves. It doesn’t matter whether it is a white lie or a total deceit, being untruthful in between couples is definitely a detrimental factor that will affect their relationship. Both have the capability to lie towards their other half, for whatever the reason is, it may not be the same. Here...