Senin, 31 Desember 2018

2018's Weirdest Google Earth Apparitions

Live Science has gathered all the weird Google Earth sightings of the year, mixing the false alarms with authentic surprises. Can you guess which is which? from Live Science via IFT...

Woman Develops Donor's Peanut Allergy After Lung Transplant

Sometimes, you just really want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And, as long as you're not allergic to the ingredients, that's totally fine. At least, that's what one woman thought. from Live Science via IFT...

Ghost Particles and Singing Ice: 11 Wild Antarctic Stories from 2018

What's the deal, Antarctica? from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 30 Desember 2018

Going Viral: 6 New Findings about Viruses

Viruses were discovered in 1892, and yet even in 2018, researchers are still uncovering new secrets about these infectious invaders. from Live Science via IFT...

100 Best Science Photos of 2018

Science can be stunning, and it did not disappoint in 2018. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Times Animals Behaved Oddly in 2018

Animals can get really weird. Here are our favorite examples from 2018. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2018

Space Oddity: 10 Bizarre Things Earthlings Launched into Space in 2018

This past year, engineers launched many oddities into space, including a Tesla Roadster, a gold-plated canopic jar and a cosmic disco ball. from Live Science via IFT...

9 Times Nature Was Totes Adorbs in 2018

2018 was rough. You've earned a little cuteness, don't you think? from Live Science via IFT...

The Real Fake News: Top Scientific Retractions of 2018

From unintentional irony to flat-out fraud, it has been another banner year for scientific retractions. Here are five notable ones. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 28 Desember 2018

How Do Wildfires Start?

More than 8.5 million acres of land in the U.S. burned this year. Here's how the raging flames get their start. from Live Science via IFT...

This May Be Life's 'Missing Ingredient'

Billions of years ago, molecules on a lifeless and tumultuous Earth mixed, forming the first life-forms. from Live Science via IFT...

9 Times Nature Was Totally Metal in 2018

Nature. Is. METAL. from Live Science via IFT...

2018's Science Superlatives: The Biggest, Oldest, Smelliest and Cutest

As 2018 draws to a close, we look back at some of the record-breaking discoveries of the year. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 27 Desember 2018

Alien Hunters, Stop Using the Drake Equation

For the precocious hunter of off-Earth life, the Drake equation is the ever-ready, go-to toolkit for estimating just how (not) lonely humans are in the Milky Way galaxy. But it's not useful. from Live Science via IFT...

This Ship Sank Decades Ago. Now, a 3D Model Has Resurrected It.

A digital 3D reconstruction has recreated a ship that sank in 1995. from Live Science via IFT...

Man Gets Black Widow Spider Bite. Then He Can't Pee.

There's a whole range of reasons you don't want to be bitten by a black widow spider, but you probably wouldn't think that losing the ability to pee is one of them. from Live Science via IFT...

The 10 Biggest Archaeology Stories of 2018

Here's a look back at the fascinating things archaeologists uncovered this year. from Live Science via IFT...

18 Times Quantum Particles Blew Our Minds in 2018

These are all the biggest, most shocking quantum discoveries we covered in 2018. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Strangest Medical Cases of 2018

Here are the most intriguing medical cases made headlines in 2018 from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 26 Desember 2018

10 Times Humans Were Total Morons Around Animals in 2018

Here are a few of humanity's most embarrassing and shameful moments involving animals this year. from Live Science via IFT...

14 Most Bizarre Scientific Discoveries of 2018

2018 was a weird one in science, from boiling bats to blueberry Earth. from Live Science via IFT...

Romaine to Honey Smacks Cereal: Why Were There So Many Foodborne Outbreaks in 2018?

From E. coli-tainted romaine lettuce to Salmonella in cereal, this year certainly had its fair share of foodborne illness outbreaks. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

10 Times Science Proved the World is Amazing in 2018

Our world is enchanted — and if you need proof, just turn to science. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Fascinating Biblical-Era Discoveries from 2018

In 2018, archaeologists found the face of Jesus, discovered the visage of an ancient king, and might have uncovered a long-lost kingdom. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Things We Learned About the First Americans in 2018

2018 was full of scientific discoveries about the first Americans, including how and when they arrived. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 24 Desember 2018

The 10 Weirdest Science Stories of 2018

Things sure got strange in 2018: from a space-bound Tesla to crows having sex with their dead. from Live Science via IFT...

A French Teenager Turned the Bible and Quran into DNA and Injected Them into His Body

The injection probably won’t bring enlightenment, but it's also unlikely to kill him. from Live Science via IFT...

7 Odd Things That Raise Your Risk of Cancer (and 1 That Doesn't)

Some things that may raise people's risk of cancer don't get a lot of attention. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Ways Earth Changed Forever in 2018

Earth is always changing, and 2018 — a year filled with hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes — was no exception. from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 23 Desember 2018

Way to Be Weird, Earth: 10 Strange Findings About Our Planet in 2018

This year brought many new discoveries about our oddball planet. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Things We Learned About the Brain in 2018

The brain sculpts not only who we are but also the world that we experience. It tells us what to see, what to hear and what to say. from Live Science via IFT...

In 10 Years, the Large Hadron Collider Was a Smash — with More Discoveries to Come

Here's what the world's most powerful atom smasher has accomplished in the past 10 years and the fascinating physics it could still reveal. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2018

World’s 10 Most Fascinating Traditions on New Year’s Eve

This season is celebrated all across the world, but each country has different traditions every New Year. You should not miss out this article to be able to know the 10 most fascinating traditions on New Year’s Eve. This year is nearly coming at its end and it’s a good time for family and friends to come together to welcome and celebrate New Year. It’s not long ago that the history of this celebration...

Christmas 'Hippo' Asteroid Is Buzzing Earth, Its Closest Flyby in 400 Years

A small asteroid is flying safely by Earth Saturday (Dec. 22) and according to the folks at NASA, it looks just like the mighty hippo in new radar images. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Amazing Things We Learned About Humans in 2018

The human body is amazingly complex, which is why, even in this day and age, we continue to learn new things about ourselves. from Live Science via IFT...

The Science of Bath Bombs (and How to Make Them)

Here's the science behind that satisfying fizz of a bath bomb, plus, how to make your own at home. from Live Science via IFT...

7 Illusions That Blew Our Minds in 2018

An arrow points right. Turn it 180 degrees, it still points right. Turn it again... it points right. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 21 Desember 2018

Type 2 Diabetes May Be Linked to Erectile Dysfunction

It makes “good biological sense" from Live Science via IFT...

More Babies Are Conceived Over the Holiday Season Than Other Times of Year

Is the crisp autumn air, or the joy (or anxiety) of the holiday season, triggering more unprotected sexual intercourse? Or is it something else ... from Live Science via IFT...

WATCH: First-Ever Footage of a Lizard Breathing Underwater

Lizards can't breathe underwater — or can they? from Live Science via IFT...

Alien Architects Didn't Build This Pre-Incan Complex, 3D Models Show

Scientists recently restored an ancient structure in Bolivia to its former splendor. from Live Science via IFT...

Explorer Reaches the Deepest Point in the Atlantic Ocean

Having traversed the tops of the world, he's now going deep. from Live Science via IFT...

Disappointment About Gifts Is Good for Kids Who Have Enough

Disappointment is a natural human emotion that occurs after a perceived failure. from Live Science via IFT...

Winter Solstice: The Science of the Shortest Day of 2018

The winter solstice is in full stride today (Dec. 21), marking 2018's day with the fewest hours of daylight for the Northern Hemisphere. Here's why. from Live Science via IFT...

Study: You're Going to Keep Aging Until You Die

Once you reach a very advanced age, you reach a sort of "aging plateau," according to some experts. A new study argues that this is wrong. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

Brain of Mysterious 'Little Foot' Human Relative Was Half-Man, Half-Ape

The brain of a very old human ancestor looks a lot like an ape's and a little like a human's. from Live Science via IFT...

Dinosaur-Era Shark Nabbed Flying Reptile, Losing a Tooth

A rogue tooth hints at a primeval encounter of sea and sky. from Live Science via IFT...

Japan May Start Commercial Whale Hunting Again

Japan plans to leave the International Whaling Commission so that it can resume commercially hunting the marine giant, according to news reports from government sources. from Live Science via IFT...

Is It Unethical to Give Your Cat Catnip?

Catnip can induce changes in cat behavior. An expert argues that giving it to cats raises questions about human power and animal autonomy. from Live Science via IFT...

What Winter Solstice Rituals Tell Us About Indigenous People

For indigenous peoples, winter solstice has been a time to honor their ancient sun deity. Their rituals reveal a deep understanding of the natural world, from the mounds of Cahokia to the games of Blackfeet Indians. from Live Science via IFT...

Russian Scientists Hope to Restore Ice Age Steppe with 'Pleistocene Park.' Will It Work?

Russian scientists are bringing back ancient grasslands in Siberia. from Live Science via IFT...

These Baby Sharks Swim from One Uterus to Another to Eat Their Unfertilized Siblings

The little sharks swim around inside their mom, switching between her multiple uteruses. When they get hungry they eat her unfertilized eggs. from Live Science via IFT...

Ancient Aramaic Incantation Describes 'Devourer' that Brings 'Fire' to Victims

The stone container dates back 2,800 years and is inscribed with scorpions and centipedes as well as the incantation. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 19 Desember 2018

World’s Oldest Flower Unfurled Its Petals More Than 174 Million Years Ago

Dinosaurs that lived during the early Jurassic period could stop and smell the flowers if they so desired, according to a new study that describes the oldest fossil flower on record. from Live Science via IFT...

'Blind' on Climate, Trump Inspires Name for Sightless, Slimy, Worm-Like Creature

A blind, worm-like amphibian species has a new and presidential name. from Live Science via IFT...

Men Who Smoke Pot May Have Lower Sperm Count

Recreational marijuana use is becoming increasingly legal across the U.S., but that doesn't mean that it's safe. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Are You Still Sleeping in Your Contact Lenses?

This bad habit could raise your risk of serious eye infections and even lead to vision loss. from Live Science via IFT...

The Science of Saying Goodbye to Santa

Have your kids stopped believing in Santa? You might be more upset than they are. Read this letter from Santa – ghostwritten by a scientist who specializes in imagination and human behavior. from Live Science via IFT...

'Miracle' Dinosaur Whose Bones Survived Being Blown Up Discovered in Italian Alps

The four-fingered beast is the largest, oldest predatory dinosaur on record. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Carnivorous Dinosaurs Discovered in Italian Alps

The newly identified dinosaur Saltriovenator zanellai was found in the Italian Alps. from Live Science via IFT...

This Humongous Fungus Has Been Around Since the Birth of Socrates

A humongous fungus lurking underground in Michigan is exceptionally old, tremendously heavy and has a curiously low mutation rate, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Newfound Object Is the Farthest Solar System Body Ever Spotted

A newly discovered object is the most-distant body ever observed in the solar system — and the first object ever found circling at more than 100 times the distance from Earth to the sun. from Live Science via IFT...

Saturn Is Losing Its Rings

Chances are, you wouldn't recognize Saturn without its trademark thick band of rings. But if you could travel 300 million years into the future, you would need to, because by then, chances are those rings would be gone — and they could disappear even fast from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 18 Desember 2018

Monster Waves Are Battering the West Coast. Here's Why.

Deadly waters are churning up and down the West Coast of the U.S. today, caused by a storm system originating close to Alaska. from Live Science via IFT...

Can You Really Get Sick from Smelling Dirty Socks?

A man in China had a habit of walking home from work every day, taking off his socks and… taking a great big whiff of them, according to news reports. from Live Science via IFT...

Opioids Don't Really Do That Much for Chronic Pain, Meta-Analysis Finds

Not only do prescription opioid drugs come with a risk of addiction and overdose, but they also appear to provide little benefit for patients with chronic pain from Live Science via IFT...

Matter Sucked in by Black Holes May Travel into the Future, Get Spit Back Out

What happens at the center of a black hole? Not a singularity, as Einstein’s theories predict. from Live Science via IFT...

Too Much Screen Use Really Might Change Your Kid's Brain

Some say the hysteria over screen time echoes parents' worries that their kids were watching too much TV in the 1980s. But new studies show there's nothing overblown about parents' growing concern. from Live Science via IFT...

All That Glitters Is Not Food: FDA Warns to Watch Out for Non-Edible Glitters

If you're thinking about glitzing up your holiday baking with some food glitter, health officials have a warning for you. from Live Science via IFT...

The Weird Reason 'Tsunami Fires' Broke Out After Japan Earthquake

Here's why the ocean appeared shiny and bubbling after a tsunami hit Okushiri Island. from Live Science via IFT...

Massive Star Is So Big It Gives Birth to a Tiny Twin

It's one of the first times such a stellar phenomenon has been observed. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 17 Desember 2018

Proton-Size Droplets of Primordial Soup May Be the Tiniest in the Universe

Researchers may have created the tiniest droplets in the universe, using a soupy mix of ultrahot particles that mimics conditions in the moments after the Big Bang. from Live Science via IFT...

This 87-Year-Old Woman Donated Her Body So Doctors Could Slice It into 27,000 Pieces

Susan Potter knew before she died that she, or at least her body, would make history. from Live Science via IFT...

Canada's Huge New Diamond Is … Well, Fine, We Guess

Canada's largest diamond can't quite compete with the largest on record. from Live Science via IFT...

It's Official: Those Flying Reptiles Called Pterosaurs Were Covered in Fluffy Feathers

There's no doubt anymore: Pterosaurs — the flying reptiles that zipped through the skies during the dinosaur age — sported feathers, a finding that pushes the origin of these fluffy structures back 70 million years. from Live Science via IFT...

10 of the World’s Biggest Hotels – Based on the Number of Hotel Rooms to Check-in

Is it the location? Their stars categorization? Are these the criteria that make the hotel grand? The kind of popularity gains because it is patronized by celebrities, rich people, and the common person alike? Was it their exclusivity and the absolute degree to their privacy? Then, it might be the combination of all these things and others. On this listing, we will be looking at the numbers of hotel...

Scientists Proposed a Nuclear 'Tunnelbot' to Hunt Life in Europa's Hidden Ocean

A group of scientists wants to send a nuclear-powered "tunnelbot" to Europa to blaze a path through its thick shell of ice and search for life. from Live Science via IFT...

Bizarre 'Dark Fluid' with Negative Mass Could Dominate the Universe

Forget about dark matter and dark energy, new research suggests that the existence of 'dark fluid' may solve some of the biggest mysteries in physics. from Live Science via IFT...

Long-Hidden 'Pyramid' Found in Indonesia Was Likely an Ancient Temple

It lay hidden for thousands of years. from Live Science via IFT...

An Underwater 'Ghost Fleet' of Shipwrecks Is On the Move, and Here's Why

Nearly 200 military shipwrecks — dating as far back as the Revolutionary War and including ships from the Civil War and both World War I and World War II — were sunk to the bottom of a river. from Live Science via IFT...

A Punch to the Face Left a Man Starry-Eyed — Literally

When a man in India took a fist to the left side of his face during a fight, he may have temporarily seen stars. from Live Science via IFT...

Archaeologists Sift Through Soup of Human Remains in Waterlogged Mass Grave in Egypt

An unlooted tomb discovered in an Egyptian necropolis contains the remains of more than 50 people. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Artifacts from a Watery Desert Grave

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient mass grave at the ancient quarry site of Gebel el-Silsila from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 16 Desember 2018

Could Life on Mars Be Lurking Deep Underground?

To find life on Mars, scientists may need to "go deep." from Live Science via IFT...

Time Travel Is Possible — But Only If You Have an Object With Infinite Mass

Who wouldn't want to travel in time, glimpsing the dinosaurs or peeking at humans 2,000 years from now? Now physicists have designed a time machine that seems deceptively simple. from Live Science via IFT...

NASA's Insight Lander on Mars Spotted from Space

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter photographed the InSight lander, as well as the hardware that helped the stationary robot ace its Nov. 26 touchdown on the equatorial plain known as Elysium Planitia. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2018

Scientists Try to Save Woolly Monkeys from Extinction … by Training Them to Be Wild Again

Colombian researchers hope to revive an endangered species by rehabilitating monkeys confiscated from smugglers. The captive animals' struggles show that survival is not guaranteed. from Live Science via IFT...

4,400-Year-Old Tomb of 'Divine Inspector' with Hidden Shafts Discovered in Egypt

One of the hidden shafts might hold the divine inspector's sarcophagus. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Exquisitely Preserved Ancient Tomb Discovered at Saqqara

Gorgeous photos show a 4,400-year-old tomb of a divine inspector in ancient Egypt. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 14 Desember 2018

Leo DiCaprio's Rumored Plan to Buy a Dinosaur Duo Has Paleontologists Upset

Leonardo DiCaprio is rumored to be in the market for a $2.5 million dinosaur duo: a meat-eating Allosaurus mother and babe, according to Page Six in the New York Post. from Live Science via IFT...

Tornadoes Don't Form Like Meteorologists Thought They Did

Tornado rotation seems to start right at ground level. from Live Science via IFT...

Study 'Proves' Parachutes Don't Save People Who Fall Out of Airplanes

You might think that it's safer to jump out of an airplane with a parachute than without one. But, according to science, you'd be wrong. from Live Science via IFT...

Half-Size, Ruffle-Headed Relative of Triceratops Discovered

If head frills were a fashion statement, a newly identified 73-million-year-old triceratops relative was certainly at the top of its game. from Live Science via IFT...

What Lies Beneath the Transylvanian Castle That Imprisoned 'Dracula'?

A castle where the bloodthirsty Vlad the Impaler was once imprisoned is slowly revealing its secrets, thanks to new radar scans of the ground below the structure. from Live Science via IFT...

50,000-Year-Old Tiara Made from Woolly Mammoth Ivory Found in Denisova Cave

The tiara was probably worn by an adult man with a relatively large head. from Live Science via IFT...

Mountain of Evidence Confirms: Climate Change Is Really, Really Bad for Human Health and Well-Being

It's now beyond official: Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, pose a danger to public health and welfare, according to an exhaustive review that looked at 275 scientific studies published over the past nine years. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 13 Desember 2018

Where DOES Space Begin? Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo Flies Right into the Debate

"SpaceShipTwo, welcome to space," reads a triumphant tweet from Virgin Galactic posted during today's successful test flight after the company's vehicle reached 51.4 miles (82.7 kilometers) in altitude. from Live Science via IFT...

Watch an Elephant Named Kelly Scoop Cereal Into Her Mouth in Easily the Best Study of 2018

One step closer to the perfect cereal-eating robot. from Live Science via IFT...

Do You Carry Neanderthal DNA? The Shape of Your Skull May Tell.

The shape of your brain may say a lot about the Neanderthal in you. from Live Science via IFT...

Invasive Tick Is 'Here to Stay,' and Here's Where It Could Spread Next

An invasive tick species, new to the U.S., has already popped up in nine states, and a new study suggests that the species could spread much further. from Live Science via IFT...

Comet Will Make Closest Approach to Earth This Weekend. And You Can See It Without a Telescope.

As comets blaze across the night sky, they can bring wonder and excitement to those watching from Earth – or even a sense of impending doom. from Live Science via IFT...

US Navy's Secrecy Likely Stalled Ocean Science Progress for Decades

When the U.S. Navy classified vital seafloor data during World War II and after, it delayed the development of a key theory. from Live Science via IFT...

Fireball That Exploded Over Greenland Shook Earth, Triggering Seismic Sensors

These are the first-ever seismic recordings of a meteor impact on ice in Greenland. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 12 Desember 2018

The Rubber Ducky Comet Blasted a Magnetic Path Through Space

Rosetta's comet sent a magnetic shock wave screaming out in front of it, blazing a trail through the stellar wind. And scientists just found it. from Live Science via IFT...

Huge Marsupial Lion Terrorized Ancient Australia, Sat Adorably on Its Tail

The marsupial lion has long mystified scientists. But the recent discovery of more of its fossils, including a nearly complete skeleton of the extinct beast, has revealed some of its secrets. from Live Science via IFT...

Some Kotex Tampons Recalled After Reports of 'Pieces Left in the Body'

Certain Kotex tampons are being recalled after some users reported that the product unraveled or came apart, and in some cases, resulted in "pieces left in the body." from Live Science via IFT...

Exploding Stars Helped Kill Earth's Ancient Sea Monsters, New Study Suggests

Did an exploding star kill the Earth's biggest sharks? from Live Science via IFT...

A Woman Fell Asleep During Cupping Therapy. She Woke Up with Bizarre Blisters.

She had applied the cups herself, and then fell asleep, according to a new report of the case. from Live Science via IFT...

All About Apples: Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts and History

An apple a day may really keep the doctor away, as these fruits are low in calories and high in fiber, have only a trace of sodium and no fat. from Live Science via IFT...

NASA Space Lasers Creating Most Detailed Map Ever of Antarctica's Ice

It's measuring the highs and lows of our planet. from Live Science via IFT...

8,300-Year-Old Stone Snake Heads Reveal Stone Age Ritual Ceremonies

What might be passed over as two oddly shaped rocks are the work of Stone Age artisans who sculpted the rocks into beady-eyed snake heads, archaeologists have found. from Live Science via IFT...

How This Supercolony of 1.5 Million Penguins Stayed Hidden for Nearly 3,000 Years

Sometimes we miss one or two, sometimes we miss millions. from Live Science via IFT...

The US Lost 1 Warship in WWI. 100 Years Later, We Know What Caused the Sinking.

A new exploration of a 100-year-old shipwreck reveals the weapon that brought the vessel down. from Live Science via IFT...

Future Humans May Call Us the 'Chicken People,' and Here's Why

Domesticated chickens, it turns out, could be a signpost for future archaeologists that screams, "Humans were here!" from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 11 Desember 2018

Cannibalism? Nope, This 8,000-Year-Old Man Was Likely Burned in a Ritual

The shattered skull of a hunter who lived about 8,000 years ago isn’t evidence of cannibalism, as scientists previously thought. Rather, the hunter died in a grisly murder, new research suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

The Arctic Is Not Doing Well (at All)

The Arctic is warming faster than ever. from Live Science via IFT...

Asteroid Bennu Had Water! NASA Probe Makes Tantalizing Find

NASA's OSIRIS-REx probe, which just arrived at the asteroid Bennu last week, has already found lots of hydrated minerals on the space rock, mission team members announced today (Dec. 10). from Live Science via IFT...

'Miracle' Excavation of 'Little Foot' Skeleton Reveals Mysterious Human Relative

Following an epic 20-year-long excavation in South Africa, researchers have finally recovered and cleaned the nearly-complete skeleton of an ancient human relative. from Live Science via IFT...

Super-Steamy Megalodon May Have Been Too Hot to Avoid Extinction

Why did megalodon go extinct? New research has answers, and the shark's high body temperature likely played a part. from Live Science via IFT...

These Simple Tips May Prevent Holiday Weight Gain, Study Suggests

Some simple tips, including weighing yourself regularly, can help prevent holiday weight gain, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 10 Desember 2018

Here’s Why Scientists Are Poring Over Ancient Alpaca Poo

Ancient poop could reveal the history of alpaca domestication. from Live Science via IFT...

Earth's Mysterious 'Deep Biosphere' Is Home to Millions of Undiscovered Species, Scientists Say

Should we search for life on other planets, or begin searching deep inside our own? from Live Science via IFT...

How Rising Temperatures Suffocated 96 Percent of Sea Life in Earth's Biggest Extinction

Here's the horrifying way these sea creatures met their end more than 250 million years ago. from Live Science via IFT...

It's Official! NASA's Famed Voyager 2 Spacecraft Reaches Interstellar Space

It's time to say goodbye to one of the most storied explorers of our age: Voyager 2 has entered interstellar space. from Live Science via IFT...

How to Survive the 'Game of Thrones,' According to Science

If you want to survive the "Game of Thrones," it pays to be noble, female and flexible about the concept of loyalty. from Live Science via IFT...

16 of the Most Interesting Ancient Board and Dice Games

From the forerunner to backgammon to a Norse strategy game called Viking chess, here's a look at the fascinating games played in our very distant past. from Live Science via IFT...

4,000-Year-Old Game Board Carved into the Earth Shows How Nomads Had Fun

It's one of the world's oldest board games. from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 09 Desember 2018

This Fluffy Alien World Farts Helium

As a Jupiter-size world swings around its small but active star, bombarded by radiation, the planet leaves behind a tail of escaping helium as wide as itself — and researchers have spotted this tail from the ground. from Live Science via IFT...

Will Dark Matter Mess with These Ultraprecise Atomic Clocks?

Researchers are putting a global network of the most precise timekeepers ever made to the task of hunting for dark matter, the invisible and largely intangible substance that researchers think makes up about five-sixths of all matter in the universe. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2018

Tiny 'Blueberries' on Mars Continue to Baffle Scientists

Snack-loving scientists working with the Opportunity mission on Mars dubbed tiny, iron-rich spheres scattered near the robot's landing site "blueberries," but these features were easier to name than to understand. from Live Science via IFT...

China Launches 1st Mission to Land on Far Side of the Moon

China's robotic Chang'e 4 spacecraft launched from Xichang Satellite Launch Center Dec. 7, kicking off the first-ever surface mission to the moon's far side. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 07 Desember 2018

Climate Change Is Making Sharks Right-Handed

Warming oceans lead to some strange brain changes in sharks. from Live Science via IFT...

How Do Animals Breathe Underwater?

Fish do it. So do jellyfish, starfish and sea cucumbers. from Live Science via IFT...

Man Coughs Up a Giant Blood Clot in the Shape of His Lung

A man in California surprised his doctors when he coughed up an unusual looking blood clot: It was in the shape of his lung. from Live Science via IFT...

Physicists Keep Trying — and Failing — to Find Dark Matter in Dark Place

A summertime sparkle seemed to hint that researchers had found dark matter, but it looks like those scientists were wrong. from Live Science via IFT...

The Human Fossil-Fuel Addiction: Greenhouse Emissions Soar to Record Levels

Despite warnings that there is little time left to get a handle on global warming, carbon emissions are on the rise. from Live Science via IFT...

Sorry Indiana Jones, the Ark of the Covenant Is Not Inside This Ethiopian Church

Several media outlets are reporting the sacred chest holding the Ten Commandments is hiding inside the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 06 Desember 2018

Polonium: A Rare and Highly Volatile Radioactive Element

Polonium was a critical ingredient in the first atomic bomb and it's a suspected poison in more than one high-profile death. from Live Science via IFT...

'It Was Just Dead Brain Tissue': Seattle Women Dies from Extremely Unusual Infection

It started with a sinus infection that wouldn't go away. from Live Science via IFT...

Centuries-Old Ninja Oath Warns of Divine Wrath

A long-hidden ninja oath swearing secrecy about the elite warriors' skills recently came to light. from Live Science via IFT...

Stonehenge Archaeologists Furious at Construction Crew Accused of ‘Smashing’ a 6,000-Year-Old Platform

Digging a tunnel beneath Stonehenge, what could go wrong? from Live Science via IFT...

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hand, foot and mouth disease can spread quickly across child care centers and elementary schools. Here's what to look for and how to manage the disease. from Live Science via IFT...

'Chemo Brain' May Result from Effects on 'Helper Cells.' The Finding Could Lead to Possible Treatments.

A new study provides insight into how certain chemotherapy drugs affect brain cells. The study also identified a potential new treatment for "chemo brain." from Live Science via IFT...

Uterine Cancer Killing More US Women, with Black Women Hardest Hit

More women in the U.S. are developing and dying from uterine cancer than they were nearly two decades ago, and black women are "disproportionately" affected. from Live Science via IFT...

Seal with Eel Stuck Up Its Nose Was Probably Just Really Bad at Hunting, Scientists Say

Said seal doesn't look pleased. from Live Science via IFT...

Ancient, Unknown Strain of Plague Found in 5,000-Year-Old Tomb in Sweden

In a nearly 5,000-year-old tomb in Sweden, researchers have discovered the oldest-known strain of the notorious bacterium Yersinia pestis. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Most Popular Christmas Foods in Different Countries

During Christmas, some of the American people prefer to spend their dinner on grandma’s or auntie’s house, which probably expected to have their delicious dishes like turkey, hams, mashed potatoes, cookies, stuffing, and many more. But as expected, these foods are not the usual menu of families from different countries. Below are the 10 most popular Christmas Foods in different countries. 1. Germany Christmas...

Astronomers Think They've Figured Out the Raging Swirls of Gas Around Supermassive Black Holes

Churning, hellish, hot-cold gas storms swirl around our universe's supermassive black holes. But the scientists involved in discovering them would prefer you call them "fountains." from Live Science via IFT...

A Common Virus May Be Linked to Heart Problems in Fetuses

A common virus that typically causes only mild symptoms in adults might lead to heart defects in developing human fetuses from Live Science via IFT...

Man Unknowingly Buys 4,000-Year-Old Pottery at Flea Market, Uses It As Toothbrush Holder

You never know what you'll find at a flea market. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 05 Desember 2018

SpaceX Launches Dragon Cargo Ship to Space Station, But Misses Rocket Landing

SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft lifted off into clear blue skies today (Dec. 5), but its first stage spiraled down in a failed landing. from Live Science via IFT...

Scary Map Shows Where Animal Poop Is Turning into Deadly Ammonia Pollution

Here's where all the farm animals are pooping, y'all. from Live Science via IFT...

This Legless Lizard Breathes Through 'Christmas Trees' Growing from Its Head

A new species of legless salamander is an elusive aquatic oddity. from Live Science via IFT...

Greenland Is Melting Faster Than Ever

The rate of vanishing ice is "off the charts." from Live Science via IFT...

What Is X-Ray Spectroscopy?

X-ray spectroscopy is used in many areas of science, medicine and technology, to better understand the characteristics of a material at the atomic level. from Live Science via IFT...

This Frozen Russian Island Is the World's Biggest Jigsaw Puzzle

When Siberia's islands thaw, they turn into a crazy jigsaw puzzle of ice. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: 500-Year-Old Body of Man with Thigh-High Boots

Archaeologists discovered the man's body in London's sewer system. from Live Science via IFT...

500-Year-Old Body of Man Wearing Thigh-High Boots Found in London Sewer Construction

Was this a fashion statement? from Live Science via IFT...

Here's the Truth Behind a NASA Document on Aliens Visiting Earth

Silvano Colombano said that his view on aliens visiting Earth “is not accurately represented” in a viral Fox News article. from Live Science via IFT...

Rare Rainfall in the Atacama Is Deadly for Its Tiniest Inhabitants

What is supposed to be a boon to life caused bacteria to burst like balloons. from Live Science via IFT...

A Woman's Odd Symptoms After Chiropractic 'Neck Manipulation' Revealed a Brain Cyst

A women's chiropractic procedure to manipulate her neck may have inadvertently led doctors to discover a large cyst in her brain that had likely been there for decades. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 04 Desember 2018

Carnivores: Facts About Meat Eaters

A carnivore is an animal or plant that eats the flesh of animals. from Live Science via IFT...

Tehran Is Sinking Dramatically, And It May Be Too Late to Recover

The ground is shifting under Tehran, capitol of Iran. from Live Science via IFT...

Cancer DNA Binds to Gold. That Could Lead to New Cancer Blood Test.

Researchers have discovered a curious difference between the DNA from cancer cells and that from healthy cells, and this finding could lead to a new blood test for cancer. from Live Science via IFT...

Centipedes and Millipedes: Lots of Legs, What's the Difference?

At first glance, centipedes and millipedes look alike with their numerous legs. But there are a few key differences between these squirmy creatures. from Live Science via IFT...

The Sun's Turbulent North Pole Looks Like a Spooky Vortex in This Composite Image

Santa would not do well here. from Live Science via IFT...

Moldy Mouse Chow Delays SpaceX Dragon Launch to Space Station

SpaceX's next cargo launch to the International Space Station has been pushed back to Wednesday (Dec. 5) due to a rodent problem. from Live Science via IFT...

SpaceX Delay May Mean 36,000 Wormy Passengers Are Too Old for Their Planned Experiments

Here's what those wriggling worms are expected to do in space ... and it's not to scare aliens. from Live Science via IFT...

Scientists Just Discovered What May Be Canada's Largest Cave. And It Looks Like Sarlacc's Pit.

A helicopter team counting caribou in Canada recently made an unexpected discovery. from Live Science via IFT...

Humanity's Largest Atom Smasher Takes a Pause, Will Wake Up Again in 2021

Particles: Breathe easy. Scientists at the world's largest particle collider have no plans to smash you together until spring 2021. from Live Science via IFT...

Common Chemicals in Toiletries May Lead to Early Puberty

Chemicals found in shampoo and makeup may shift up the onset of puberty. from Live Science via IFT...

Were Paleo Artists Also Self-Mutilators?

A new paper argues that Paleolithic cave artists may have cut off their own fingers. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 03 Desember 2018

Hello, Bennu! NASA Asteroid-Sampling Probe Reaches Its Target Space Rock

NASA's OSIRIS-REx probe sidled up to the diamond-shaped asteroid Bennu today (Dec. 3), bringing an end to a circuitous deep-space chase that lasted 27 months. from Live Science via IFT...

SpaceX Rocket Makes Historic 3rd Launch Into Space with 64 Satellites On Board

A Falcon 9 rocket with a twice-flown first stage lifted off from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base today (Dec. 3), carrying 64 tiny satellites to orbit. SpaceX had never launched the same first stage three times before. from Live Science via IFT...

Sculptor Unknowingly Poisons Herself with Her Own Art

When a sculptor in Toronto started feeling ill in 2013, she had no idea that her art was the reason why. from Live Science via IFT...

Shingles: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Shingles, also called herpes zoster, is a viral disease that can cause a painful, blistering rash, which usually appears on one side of the body. It's caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. from Live Science via IFT...

David Attenborough Warns of 'Collapse of Civilization' at UN Climate Summit

The people (and Sir David Attenborough) have spoken: Climate change is scary as heck. from Live Science via IFT...

This Ring Bears the Name of the Man Who Condemned Jesus to Death. Who Really Wore It?

This ring bears the name Pilatus. But experts think it probably doesn't belong to Pontius Pilate, who ordered the execution of Jesus in the Bible. from Live Science via IFT...

Watch a Brainless, Single-Cell Slime Hunt for Food in This Eerie GIF

This slime mold knows what it wants. from Live Science via IFT...

NASA Arrives at Bennu Today, But Exactly Where Is That Asteroid?

NASA is starting scientific observations of a new asteroid called Bennu today (Dec. 3), kicking the OSIRIS-REx mission into full gear. from Live Science via IFT...

How Butt Gas, Drugs and Amazing Memories Led to This Weird Turtle Photo

The ancient cosmologers were right and Galileo was wrong: This turtle's got the whole freaking world on its back. from Live Science via IFT...

Thriving Plateau Region That Slipped Beneath North Sea 8,000 Years Ago Reveals Its Secrets

Archaeologists are finding out what the vast landscape looked like before it slipped beneath the salty water so long ago. from Live Science via IFT...

Bones of Handless Man Found Near Mysterious Medieval Dolphin Burial

The body was found just a few feet from the burial of a mysterious medieval skeleton of a dolphin. from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 02 Desember 2018

NASA's Stunning Photo of the Moon Will Make You Swoon

The moon is pretty enough here from Earth, but it's even more stunning up close, as this new image from NASA reminds us. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2018

Fox, 'Cosmos' Producers Investigate Sexual Misconduct Claims Against Host Neil deGrasse Tyson

The Fox Broadcasting Company and the producers of the science-based series "Cosmos," are investigating host Neil deGrasse Tyson following claims of sexual misconduct by three women. from Live Science via IFT...

Soar Over NASA's InSight Landing Site on Mars in This Stunning Video

A new video gives a bird's-eye view of the patch of Mars that NASA's InSight lander now calls home. from Live Science via IFT...

Ice Age 'Unicorn' May Have Lived Alongside Modern Humans

A burly "unicorn" once roamed the Eurasian steppes. from Live Science via IFT...