This speck of primeval stardust may hold clues about the origin of the solar system.
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Selasa, 30 April 2019
X-37B Military Space Plane's Latest Mystery Mission Passes 600 Days
Exactly what it's doing up there is unclear.
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The Moon Might Be the Frozen Leftovers from Earth's Ancient Magma Ocean
New research suggests that the moon may have formed when a large planetoid fell into Earth's ancient magma ocean.
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What Are PFAS?
These synthetic chemicals have been included in numerous household products for more than eight decades, but are they safe?
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Why Is the Indian Army Tweeting About Yetis?
The Indian Army has spurred an avalanche of jokes and bolstered the occasional true believer with a tweet purporting to show evidence of the elusive Yeti.
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Hubble Spots Giant 'Buckyballs' Jiggling Like Jell-O in Space
This is the strongest evidence to date of these oddball structures existing in the space between stars.
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Hay Fever & Seasonal Allergies: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
As pollen swirls through the air, how do your sinuses feel?
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A Newly Recognized Brain Disorder Can Mimic Alzheimer's. Here's How It's Different.
Researchers are officially defining a new brain disorder that mimics Alzheimer's disease.
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Feral Cats in Australia Sentenced to Death by Sausage
Feral cats are driving many Australian species to the brink of extinction, and the government is stepping in.
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Mystery Sea Opened Up During the Antarctic Winter. Now, Scientists Know Why.
In 2017, the open sea grew nearly 100 times its size in just a month.
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Black Hole Spits Out High-Energy Jets at Near Light-Speed
Black holes gobble up most matter around them, but some of it escapes, spewing nearly-light-speed jets of material.
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Russians Likely Used This Beluga Whale As a Spy. Here's Why.
Fishermen in Norway came across a Russian spy late last week, but the interloper wouldn't reveal its mission, and with good reason: It couldn't, because it was a beluga whale.
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Senin, 29 April 2019
Declining Sense of Smell May Foretell Death
A poor sense of smell is associated with an increase in the risk of death within a decade.
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Alaska's Excelsior Glacier Is Being Replaced by a Lake 5 Times the Size of Central Park
A glacier is on its deathbed, and this newly formed lake is the proof.
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How Did the Moon End Up Where It Is?
We now know the moon is getting farther away from Earth by the year.
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Faster-Than-Light Particles Emit Superbright Gamma Rays that Circle Pulsars
The ultrabright gamma-ray flashes are caused by faster-than-light-particles.
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Distant Black Hole Gobbles Star, Belches Plasma Plumes in All Directions
This odd behavior was previously unknown in black holes.
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'Hippie Chimps' Had Sex with Mysterious 'Ghost Ape' Hundreds of Thousands of Years Ago
Mysterious "ghost apes" may have interbred with the great apes known as bonobos just as modern humans repeatedly had sex with now-extinct human lineages.
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This Blood Vessel Disease Can Cause Nipple Pain, Interfere with Breast-Feeding
A blood vessel disorder that most often affects fingers and toes can also show up in the nipples and cause problems with breast-feeding, according to a new report.
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In Photos: Archaeological Discoveries at Hagia Sophia
Archaeologists have discovered amazing ruins and artifacts at the largest Christian cathedral ever constructed in the ancient world.
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Long-Lost Baptistery for Emperors Possibly Discovered at the Largest Cathedral in the Ancient World
Inside that structure, emperors would have baptized their children more than 1,400 years ago.
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Facebook Will Be Littered with More 'Zombie' Profiles Than Living Ones by 2070
Facebook will be a virtual graveyard.
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Minggu, 28 April 2019
10 Best Ways to Become Rich

Almost everyone but maybe not all wants to flourish a life with financial stability and comfort. Yearning to become rich and have the capacity to buy things that we wanted and be able to have a way towards a lifestyle of premium quality. While the target is clear, it’s hard knowing where to start your journey to be rich.
Before you start, it’s essential to recognize that it requires time and hard...
The Most Distant Object Ever Explored Is Lumpy. And Astronomers Don't Know Why.
Ultima Thule is weird.
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RIP Pikachu: Ashes of Beloved Cat Will Launch to Space in Cosmic Burial
Pikachu will go where no (cremated) cat has gone before.
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Why Do All the Babies in This Massive Penguin Colony Keep Drowning?
The second-largest emperor penguin colony in the world appears to be collapsing, after rough seas drowned all of its babies three winters in a row.
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Sabtu, 27 April 2019
Life May Have Evolved Before Earth Finished Forming
The first organisms may have evolved before the rocky planets formed.
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Get Stuffed: Which Animals Challenge Taxidermists the Most?
There really is more than one way to skin (and mount) a cat.
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In Photos: Animal Taxidermies Are Uncannily Lifelike
Dead animals never looked so alive.
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That Viral Image of Flower-Shaped 'Breasts' Is Wildly Inaccurate — Here's Why
If you thought that viral image claiming to show a woman's flower-shaped milk ducts looked weird, you would be correct. That's because the image isn't an accurate portrayal of a woman's mammary glands.
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Jumat, 26 April 2019
Can Chronic Stress Cause or Worsen Cancer? Here's What the Evidence Shows.
It’s clear that chronic stress isn’t great for you, but we still don’t know whether it drives cancer.
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The Ocean’s Biggest Waves Are Getting Even Bigger
The tallest ocean waves on Earth will only get bigger in the coming years, researchers expect.
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Washington Nurse Likely Infected At Least a Dozen People with Hepatitis
A nurse in Washington state likely infected at least a dozen patients with hepatitis C after she used injectable drugs that were meant for patients.
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Mystery of Weird Sky-Glow Named 'STEVE' Finally Solved
Enigmatic STEVE is somewhat like an aurora...and somewhat different.
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What Will Happen If an Asteroid Hits Earth? A Practice Drill On Social Media May Find Out.
What would happen if a giant asteroid slammed into Earth? The European Space Agency (ESA) anticipates a coming crash would send alarmed humans to social media.
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Scientists Think They've Finally Figured Out Why DEET Is So Effective
The researchers put their own bodies on the line for DEET-mosquito science.
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Giant Bird That Killed Its Owner Heads to Auction
The giant bird that killed its owner is now up for auction
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Human Composting May Soon Be Legal in Washington State
When a loved one dies, you typically get two choices for the human remains: Put the body in a coffin or cremate it into ashes. But now, another option may soon be possible — "natural organic reduction," known as human composting — at least in Washington.
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The Universe Is Moving Too Fast and Nobody Knows Why
Slow down, universe.
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Here's Why a Woman Had a 'Bull's-Eye' Pattern in Her Eye
The distinct appearance was a sign of damage to the eye's retina.
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Kamis, 25 April 2019
What Are Bacteria?
Friend or foe? These tiny microbes can cure or kill.
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In Diamonds' Flaws, Finding the Secret History of Continents
Minerals more than 2 billion years old lurk inside the sparkly gems.
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Eating While Stressed Could Mean Extra Weight Gain, Mice Study Finds
Beware the comfort food
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High-Altitude Auroras Create 'Speed Bumps' for Satellites
They help move pockets of air up where some spacecraft roam.
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Ancient Tomb of Mysterious Man Named Tjt Discovered in Egypt
Inside were many mummies and a statue of a ba-bird.
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Scientists on a Sailboat Just Found Nearly 200,000 Viruses Hiding in Earth's Oceans
The boat, named the Tara, has given scientists an unprecedented, detailed map of viruses in the marine ecosystem.
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There's Basically 'No Chance' for Earth-Like Planets to Form an Atmosphere Around Hot Young Stars
The odds of an atmosphere forming around an Earth-like exoplanet are even slimmer than previously thought, a new study suggests.
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Why Is This Viral Image of Unrecognizable Objects So Creepy?
What do you see in this picture? Are you sure?
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What's on the Far Side of the Moon?
Here's what astronomers know about the "dark" side of our moon.
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One of Stephen Hawking's Most Famous Theories About Black Holes Just Suffered a Huge Blow
A groundbreaking search for Hawking's ancient black holes comes back empty-handed.
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Inside Giant Atom Smasher, Physicists See the Impossible: Light Interacting with Light
Physicists thought this was impossible, until now.
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Great White Shark Chomps Down on Sea Turtle, Chokes to Death
Great white sharks can be ferocious predators, but one of these giant fish overestimated its hunting abilities when it crunched down on a sea turtle and then choked to death, according to a tuna fisherman near Japan who described the incident.
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Rabu, 24 April 2019
'Beautiful Nightmare' Crab Sported Lobster Shell, Shrimp Mouth and Soccer Ball Eyes
An ancient crab that lived during the dinosaur age was so strange, paleontologists are calling it the platypus of the crab world.
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Photos: Ancient Crab is the Strangest You've Ever Seen
Here's the strangest crab you may ever lay eyes on.
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Up to 1 Million Species Are at Risk of Extinction, and It's All Our Fault
More than 1 million species could go extinct, UN report finds.
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Mumps: A Highly Contagious, Easily Preventable Disease
Mumps is an unpleasant and highly contagious disease, but a simple two-dose vaccine is 88% effective against the infection.
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A Common Food Additive Is Linked to Insulin Resistance, Study Finds. Here's What That Means
A common food additive called propionate could alter metabolism in ways that could increase the risk of diabetes, a preliminary study suggests.
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China Plans to Build a Base near the Moon's South Pole
China plans to build a scientific research station on the moon in 'about 10 years' according to a state news agency.
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Researchers Just Measured an Atom with a Half-Life of 18 Sextillion Years
Researchers just measured an atom with a half-life of 18 sextillion years — 1 trillion times the age of the universe.
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Coral Reefs Have 'Halos,' and They Can Be Seen from the Heavens
What's the story behind reefs' mysterious "halos" of empty sand?
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Asteroid Bennu Goes Technicolor in 3-D NASA View
A space rock called Bennu is getting its close-up: NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission to explore the asteroid has entered a new phase of detailed survey work.
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Vast Expanses of Rock on Earth's Surface May Act Like a Natural Solar Panel
They can turn light into electricity.
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Ancient Greek Murder Victim Died with Weirdly Perfect Circle in Chest
About 2,000 years ago, a heavily muscled man was murdered on a Greek island. The killer drove a seven-pointed spear into the man's chest with such force that it left a nearly perfect circle in his sternum, a new study finds.
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The World's Largest Atom Smasher Could Be Tweaked to Hunt 'Dark World' Particles
The Large Hadron Collider should be able to detect these rare particles — if they exist.
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How Will the Universe End?
It's the end of the world as we know it.
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Human Tongues Can Apparently Smell Things
The cells in your tongue can smell.
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Selasa, 23 April 2019
Smallpox: The World's First Eradicated Disease
Prior its eradication in 1980, smallpox killed hundreds of millions of people globally.
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NASA Just Detected the First Marsquake on the Red Planet
The InSight Lander has been listening for marsquakes since December.
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Greenland's Ice Sheet Was Growing. Now It's in a Terrifying Decline
Greenland's ice sheet has undergone a stunning reversal in the last 46 years, as a meticulous new study documents.
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The Moon's Surface Is Totally Cracked
Is the moon all it's cracked up to be?
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An Incredibly Powerful White-Light Superflare Erupted from a Small, Faint Star
This tiny, cool star produced a powerful superflare.
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High Body Fat Linked to Possible 'Brain Shrinkage'
A new study suggests that high levels of body fat may affect the brain's structure.
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What's the Controversy Over the Baby T. Rex Listed on eBay?
The partial skeleton of a baby Tyrannosaurus rex is for sale on eBay for nearly $3 million. Paleontologists are furious about it.
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Ringtail Cats: Photos of the 'Cutest Animal in North America'
This cutie pie may be wild but the ringtail cat sometimes acts like Fluffy. It will lick its forepaw, then use that forepaw to wipe and clean its ears, face and snout.
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There Are Toxic Fungi in Space and No One Knows If They're Dangerous
The fungus among astronauts.
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Men's Beards Contain More Harmful Bacteria Than Dogs' Fur, Small Study Suggests
The human beard is germier than dog fur.
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What Makes the Strong Force So Special?
The Force is (super) strong with these quarks.
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Senin, 22 April 2019
Turbulent Blobs in Earth’s Core May Explain Sudden Jerks in the Magnetic Field
Here’s one explanation for why Earth’s magnetic field undergoes weird geomagnetic jerks every decade or so.
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A SpaceX Crew Dragon Safety Test Went Very Wrong. Here's Why That Matters
SpaceX tested the escape system on its Crew Dragon capsule. Smoke from the failure was visible for miles.
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Watch Forests in Peru Disappear Over 5 Years, in Startling NASA Satellite Views
Deforestation in Peru's Madre de Dios region is escalating at an alarming rate.
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How to Watch the Dazzling Lyrid Meteor Shower (Unless the Moon Gets in the Way)
Springtime stargazers are in for a treat; the Lyrid meteor shower will peak in a dazzling show tonight and early tomorrow morning (April 22-23).
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How Old Are Saturn's Rings? The Debate Rages On.
Pinning down the ring system's age has profound implications for the entire Saturnian system.
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In Photos: Evidence of a Legendary Massacre in Alaska
Tens of thousands of artifacts and the remains of 28 human bodies reveal details of a massacre in the village of Nunalleq.
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A Dart in a Boy's Eye May Have Unleashed This Legendary Massacre 350 Years Ago
Archaeologists have uncovered a 350-year-old massacre in Alaska that occurred during a war that may have started over a dart game.
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Earth Day Doodle Celebrates Extreme Animal Life
An endearing animation presents some unusual and marvelous creatures.
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Minggu, 21 April 2019
If the Animals from 'Game of Thrones' Houses Battled, Which One Would Win?
You win, or you get eaten.
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How Is Decaf Coffee Made?
Getting caffeine out of coffee is an intensive process.
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8 Archaeological Sites That Jesus May have Visited
Here's a look at some of the more interesting places the historical Jesus may have set foot in, and what he was doing there.
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Sabtu, 20 April 2019
Why Do Our Fingernails Keep Growing Until the Day We Die?
You may give them little thought beyond when to trim them or which nail color to apply. But the humble nail laid the groundwork for our evolution into the humans we are today.
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Jumat, 19 April 2019
Jesus Wasn't the Only Man to Be Crucified. Here's the History Behind This Brutal Practice.
The most famous crucifixion in the world took place when, according to the New Testament, Jesus was put to death by the Romans. But he was far from the only person who perished on the cross.
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How Did a Neck Crack Leave a Woman Partially Paralyzed?
For a young woman in the U.K., an accidental neck crack had a devastating outcome.
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Lethal Listeria Outbreak: Why Is This Bug So Dangerous?
One person has died in connection with a Listeria outbreak tied to sliced deli meats and cheeses. Why is this bacterium so dangerous?
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The Hubble Just Took a Gorgeous New Image of the Southern Crab Nebula's Wonky Gas Bubbles
Twenty years after revealing this nebula's wonky hourglass shape, the Hubble Space Telescope returns its gaze to the Southern Crab Nebula to capture a stunning anniversary image.
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What Is Passover?
Passover is one of the most important Jewish holidays. It begins on April 19 this year.
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This Quantum Computer Can See the Future — All 16 of Them
This quantum computer can see many futures at once.
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Scientists Thought This Tiny Knee Bone Had Nearly Vanished Over Human Evolution. It’s Back.
Why is this tiny bone making a comeback?
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Sonar Anomaly Leads to Discovery of 500-Year-Old Shipwreck in North Sea
The wreck was filled with a trove of copper.
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Why Good Friday Was Dangerous for Jews in the Middle Ages
As Christinas observe Good Friday they will remember, with devotion and prayer, the death of Jesus on the Cross, but in the Middle Ages this day was dangerous for Jews.
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Kamis, 18 April 2019
What Are Stem Cells?
Embryonic stem cells can morph into any cell in the human body.
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Rare 'Bubble Boy Disease' Likely Cured with New Gene Therapy
Eight infants with a severe immune disorder, known as "bubble boy disease," appear to be cured of the disease thanks to an experimental gene therapy.
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Tiny Earthquakes Shake Southern California Every 3 Minutes
Scientists discover 1.8 million previously undetected earthquakes in the Golden State.
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Photos: Perfectly Preserved Baby Horse Unearthed in Siberian Permafrost
The foal died more than 30,000 years ago, yet everything from its hooves to the fine hairs in its nose remained intact.
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42,000-Year-Old Foal Entombed in Ice Still Had Liquid Blood in Its Veins
It's the oldest liquid blood on record, say scientists who want to clone the ice age horse.
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Millipede Genitals Glow Different Colors (But Scientists Can't Explain Why)
Many species of the leggy critters glow under UV light.
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Physicists Closer to Solving Mystery of Weird Glowing Ring Around Milky Way's Black Hole
Astronomers watched a high-speed gas cloud slam into the atmosphere of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
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This Ancient 'Warg' Was Scarier Than Tolkien Beast, Terrorized Kenya 22 Million Years Ago
This newly discovered, but now extinct carnivore lived about 22 million years ago in what is now Kenya. It was larger than a polar bear, the largest land-based carnivore alive today.
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A Living 'Balloon on a String' Discovered in the Deepest Part of the Indian Ocean
Explorers captured a video of this gelatinous creature in a recent dive to the Java Trench in the Indian Ocean.
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Texas Baby Born Without Skin: What Can Cause This Condition?
A baby in Texas was born without skin on much of his body, according to news reports.
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Here's What Scotland's Dogs Looked Like 4,500 Years Ago
The re-created, three-dimensional face of a dog that lived 4,500 years ago in Scotland is so realistic, you almost want to reach out and pet its thick fur.
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Why Are So Many Gray Whales Washing Up Dead on California's Coast?
Seven dead gray whales have washed up on Northern California beaches in less than two months, and that has researchers concerned.
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Rabu, 17 April 2019
There's a Tiny, Bright Magnetar Photobombing Our Galaxy's Supermassive Black Hole
Astronomers studying black hole SagA* have to deal with the weird, frustrating little star that lit up right between Earth and the black hole in 2013.
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This Slave in Ancient Rome Became the Empire’s Chariot-Racing Superstar
What made Roman chariot racing so exciting — and dangerous?
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How Scientists 3D Printed a Tiny Heart from Human Cells
It has four chambers, blood vessels and it beats — sort of.
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Universe’s First Molecule Detected in Space for the First Time Ever
Researchers just found evidence of the universe's very first molecule swirling around a dead star in a distant nebula.
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Hours After Death, Scientists Restore Brain Cell Activity in Pigs
Scientists have restored brain circulation and some cell activity in pigs' brains hours after the animals died in a slaughterhouse.
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What Happened Before the Big Bang?
The Big Bang is commonly thought of as the start of it all: About 13.8 billion years ago, the observable universe went boom and expanded into being. But what were things like before the Big Bang?
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Flight Attendant from Israel in Coma After Getting Measles Virus
A flight attendant in Israel is in a coma after getting the measles, according to news reports.
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Saturn's Moon Titan May Have 'Phantom Lakes' and Caves
These "phantom lakes" may be evidence of seasonal changes on the moon.
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The Quest to Find One of the Most Elusive Particle Decays in the Universe
...and break the laws of physics.
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Selasa, 16 April 2019
In Notre Dame Fire, Echoes of the 1837 Blaze That Destroyed Russia's Winter Palace
After the building that symbolized 'all that is Russian' went up in flames, the czar scrambled to restore it to its former glory.
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College Students Hatch Nuclear-Powered Magnetic Plan to Protect Marsonauts from Cosmic Rays
A team of undergraduate students at Drake University in Iowa is developing a magnetic shield to defend interplanetary astronauts from the intense cosmic radiation between Earth and Mars.
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The First Known Interstellar Meteor May Have Hit Earth in 2014
The 3-foot-wide rock rock visited us three years before 'Oumuamua.
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These Wisps Around Black Holes Could Reveal How the Cosmic Beasts Eat
The international team responsible for the first-ever image of a black hole's shadow already has plans to take a better, more detailed image.
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The Event Horizon Telescope Will Soon Film Matter Falling into a Black Hole
The huge team behind the Event Horizon Telescope already made news with their first image of a black hole. But they've got bigger ambitions.
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Engineers Just Uncovered 26 'Ritually Buried' Skeletons While Digging a Pipeline in England
The burials suggest they were human sacrifices.
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'Holy Stairs' Opened for 1st Time in Nearly 300 Years. But Did Jesus Really Climb Them?
Legend has it that Jesus walked up the steps in Jerusalem on his way to trial, before his crucifixion.
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Can You Still Get the Measles If You've Been Vaccinated?
If you've been vaccinated, can you still catch the disease?
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Gallery: America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2019
The nonprofit American Rivers lists these 10 waterways as the most at-risk in the country.
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Senin, 15 April 2019
Was King David Truly a Powerful King?
The Hebrew Bible tells numerous stories about King David but there's very little archaeological evidence linked to his existence.
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Revolution, Napoleon and Now Fire: What Paris' Iconic Notre Dame Cathedral Has Endured
Today's inferno is not the first time that the Notre Dame Cathedral has been in dire straits.
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Kenya's Maasai Mara: Facts About the Wildlife, Climate and Culture
Watching more than 2 million wildebeest and other migrating mammals travel hundreds of miles is one of the many spectacular natural events that occur in the Maasai Mara National Reserve.
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Physicists Think You Could Be Rescued from a Black Hole — But Don't Risk It
Researchers have developed a new, unspeakably dangerous, and incredibly slow method of crossing the universe. It involves wormholes linking special black holes that probably don't exist.
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The Historic Notre Dame Cathedral Is on Fire
Photos and videos circulating around Twitter show the horrid scene
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Rocket Stage Launched 10 Years Ago Disintegrates into Trail of Space Junk (Video)
The breakup created a cloud of space debris.
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World's Rarest Giant Turtle Loses Last Known Female, All But Guaranteeing Extinction
The world's last known female Yangtze giant softshell turtle died one day after a failed artificial insemination in China.
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What Angry Dreams Look Like in Your Brain
How were your dreams last night?
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Comet Ingredients Swallowed by an Asteroid, Found Sealed Inside a Meteorite
A bit of comet material lurks inside a meteorite found in Antarctica.
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No, 'Negative-Calorie' Foods Aren't a Real Thing, Study Says
The study is one of the first to scientifically test the idea of negative-calorie foods, or foods that theoretically require more calories to digest than they contain.
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Orange Lush: California's 'Superbloom' Wows from the Air
A NASA photographer captured a lush aerial shot of an ephemeral wildflower bloom in the desert.
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Leonardo Da Vinci Was Ambidextrous, Handwriting Analysis Shows
The famously left-handed artist was all right as a righty.
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The World's Glaciers Are Sponging Up Loads of Nuclear Fallout, But You Shouldn't Worry — Yet
There's more nuclear fallout trapped in the world's glaciers than anywhere besides disaster sites like Chernobyl, new research finds.
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Minggu, 14 April 2019
How Did Nearsighted People Manage Before Glasses Were Invented?
Before glasses were invented, how did nearsighted people manage in daily life?
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Sabtu, 13 April 2019
Stratolaunch, the World's Biggest Aircraft, Makes Historic 1st Flight
An odd-looking, double-bodied airplane with a wingspan as long as a football field just took to the skies today (April 13) from the Mojave Air & Space Port.
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Can Any Animal Breathe Fire Like the Mythical Dragon?
Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal in HBO's "Game of Thrones" can breathe fire. But can any real animal pull off this fiery defense?
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Is Climate Change Really Causing Walruses to Jump Off Cliffs?
Here's what that shocking, brutal scene from the Netflix nature documentary "Our Planet" really means.
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Jumat, 12 April 2019
The Source of That Mysterious E. Coli Outbreak Has Likely Been Found
The mystery behind what's causing the E. coli outbreak that's sickened more than 100 Americans in the past month may finally be solved.
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Social Anxiety Disorder: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Social anxiety disorder isn't just being shy.
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Black Holes Are Awesome. Why Are Their Names Usually So Boring?
Black holes aren't usually named like planets, asteroids or comets are.
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What If Winter Lasted for Years Like It Does on 'Game of Thrones'?
It'd be cold, very cold
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Hypernatremia and Hyponatremia: Causes and Risks of Sodium Imbalance
Why is keeping the balance of sodium in our bodies so important?
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Depression-Era Workers Found Strange Fossilized Beasts in 'Texas Serengeti'
About 12 million years ago, antelopes with slingshot-like horns and beasts that weren't quite elephants but that had long trunks and tusks tramped across the "Texas Serengeti" searching for food and caring for their babies.
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Here's What Happens When You Put Giant Sea Spiders into Boot Camp
The realization that giant sea spiders have Swiss cheese-like holes in their exoskeletons has shed light on a decades-old mystery about how underwater creatures living in the polar oceans and deep abysses got so spookily huge.
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Football-Size 'Bugs' Feast on an Alligator in This Creepy Deep-Sea Video
In the food deserts of the deep ocean, it doesn't take long for scavengers to find a bonanza when it lands.
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Kamis, 11 April 2019
Israeli Lander Failure Marks 1st Moon Crash in 48 Years
Beresheet's moon crash was the first in nearly half a century. But back in the day, moon crashes happened all the time.
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Israel's Beresheet Spacecraft Crashes Into Moon During Landing Attempt
Israel's first moon lander came up just short in its historic touchdown bid this afternoon (April 11).
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Scott Kelly's Year in Space May Have Aged Him — But He's Mostly Fine
How a year in space affected Scott Kelly's health.
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Fall Into the Google Doodle of a Black Hole
You can't resist the attraction of Google Doodle's black hole animation.
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Is It Solid? Or Is It Liquid? New Kind of Matter Is Both.
Solid and liquid intertwine at the atomic level.
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This Newfound Extinct Human Lineage Also Mated with Modern Humans
An entirely new lineage of the mysterious human relatives called Denisovans has been discovered.
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Dragons: A Brief History
We've known for a very long time that dragons aren't real, but we remain fascinated by these mythical, fire-breathing beasts.
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All Your Questions About the New Black Hole Image Answered
Yesterday, Earthlings first laid eyes on an actual image of a black hole — turning what lived only in our collective imaginations into concrete reality.
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Fountains of Plasma Rain Might Explain One of the Biggest Mysteries of the Sun
This strange structure could explain what happens during solar rain.
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Is Dark Matter Fuzzy?
These particles would be much tinier than electrons.
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Historic First Images of a Black Hole Show Einstein Was Right (Again)
Albert Einstein's towering genius is on display yet again.
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10 Interesting Places in the Solar System We'd Like to Visit
Counting down the weirdest spots in our cosmic backyard.
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Glaciers in European Alps Could Disappear by 2100
Even if humans manage to prevent further global warming, the glaciers will still lose half their volume by 2050.
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In Photos: The Vanishing Glaciers of Europe's Alps
Half of the ice stored in the Alps will be gone by 2050. Here's a look at what's vanishing.
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The First Cave Art from the Balkans May Date Back 30,000 Years
In a first, archaeologists have discovered Upper Paleolithic cave paintings in the Balkans.
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Rabu, 10 April 2019
An Odd Eye Injury Caused a Man's Iris to 'Collapse'
This isn't some kind of special contact lens. It's the result of a painful eye injury.
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How Did Astronomers Capture the First-Ever Close-Up of a Black Hole?
Radio telescopes all over the world joined together to make this picture during a few clear days in early 2017. So, why are we just now seeing the image?
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New Species of Early Human Is Even Smaller Than the 'Hobbit'
The ancient bones and teeth of a previously unknown human relative — one that was even smaller than the so-called Hobbit — have been discovered deep in a cave on an island in the Philippines.
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Photos: Newfound Ancient Human Relative Discovered in Philippines
The newfound hominin Homo luzonensis lived about 67,000 years ago in what is now the Philippines.
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Why Is the First-Ever Black Hole Photo an Orange Ring?
Researchers' data showed the black hole at the heart of the galaxy Messier 87 (M87).
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3 Huge Questions the Black Hole Image Didn't Answer
Almost nothing in the black hole image surprised astrophysicists. These are the three biggest mysteries it left unsolved, and two questions it did answer.
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Cherokee Wrote Backward Messages in Cave to Speak to the Spirit World
Nearly 200 years ago, Cherokee gathered inside a cave in Alabama and, using their newly minted alphabet, wrote ceremonial messages onto the walls and ceiling, a new study finds.
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IT'S HERE: The First-Ever Close-Up of a Black Hole
The Event Horizons Telescope has produced its first image, and it's a stunner
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Largest Unnamed Object in the Solar System Needs You … to Choose Its Moniker
Gonggong, Holle or Vili?
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Stone Circles Ringed House That May Have Belonged to the Neolithic 'One Percent'
The ancient stone circles around Stonehenge and Avebury in England may have all started with the commemoration of a single Neolithic house.
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9 Ideas About Black Holes That Will Blow Your Mind
Black holes are truly bizarre.
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Dozens of Mummified Mice and Birds Found in Ancient Egyptian Tomb
The well-preserved burial chamber was vividly painted with funerary scenes.
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How Bad Can the NYC Measles Outbreak Get?
How much worse could the outbreak get, and how far could it spread?
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Selasa, 09 April 2019
Why Giant Tortoise Sex Became the Basis of a Key 'Game of Thrones' Sound Effect
No, that's not a real dragon purring in the background of "Game of Thrones"; it's just a giant male tortoise moaning.
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These Rocks Look Like They Could Topple at Any Moment. They Hold 1,000 Years of Earthquake Secrets.
Stacks of perfectly balanced large rocks in Israel's Negev Desert appear to defy gravity, but a good shake could send them tumbling. So, researchers are examining them to learn about earthquakes that have struck this region over the past millennium.
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The Old English Verse 'Beowulf' Was Likely Written by a Single Author
"The sword sweat blood, while the warrior rejoiced."
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The Oldest Ice on Earth May Be Hiding 1.5 Miles Beneath Antarctica
European scientists looking for some of the oldest ice on the planet have homed in on a particular spot in Antarctica.
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Physicists Scramble to Understand the Extreme Crystals Hiding Inside Giant, Alien Planets
Planetary scientists are calling on mineral physicists to help them figure out the strange chemistry going on inside super-Earths and mini-Neptunes.
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Vitamins from Food — Not Supplements — Linked with Longer Life
Certain vitamins and minerals are linked with a lower risk of early death, but only if the nutrients come from food, not supplements.
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What Exactly Is a Black Hole Event Horizon (and What Happens There)?
The event horizon is the threshold around the black hole where the escape velocity surpasses the speed of light. Here's what that means.
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The Sun Is Spitting Out 'Lava Lamp Blobs' 500 Times the Size of Earth
The blobs are real, they’re chock full of charged particles and they’re heading our way several times each day.
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Was This Famous Revolutionary War Hero Intersex?
Remains in General Pulaski's tomb tell an unexpected and intriguing tale.
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Stargazing T. Rex Gets a 67-Million-Year-Old View of the Night Sky
Even an extremely dead apex predator deserves a beautiful view of the night sky — particularly one that reminds them of home.
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Senin, 08 April 2019
Deadly Fungal 'Superbug' Spreads Worldwide, Alarming Scientists
A news report warns of outbreaks of C. auris at hospitals around the world.
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Captured 17-Foot-Long Python Was About to Have 73 Babies
Wildlife officials have captured a 17-foot-long (5.1 meters) Burmese python and a mother-to-be in Florida's Big Cypress National Preserve — the longest python ever found in the preserve, which neighbors the Everglades.
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Poacher Killed by Elephant and Eaten by Lions in South Africa
A gruesome death in South Africa's Kruger National Park highlights the dangers and cruelties of the black market in rhinoceros horn.
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How a New Cancer 'Vaccine' Fights Tumors Throughout the Body
A new cancer "vaccine" that's injected directly into a single tumor can trigger the immune system to attack cancer cells throughout the body, a small new study suggests.
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Electrical Stimulation Makes Old Brains Act Young Again
A short session of brain zapping can reverse some of the effects of aging in older adults, a new study suggests.
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'Alien' Lights in Norway Were a NASA Test, Not an Extraterrestrial Visit
'Alien' lights in Norway were a NASA mission, not an extraterrestrial visit.
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Med School Cadaver's Heart Was In the Right Place (But Her Other Organs Weren't)
This unusual condition went undetected during the woman's lifetime.
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'That Can't Be Real!' Deep-Sea Explorers Find Trippy, Rainbow-Colored Wonderland
A hydrothermal vent site in the Gulf of California is like nothing seen before.
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In Photos: Sea Life Thrives at Otherworldly Hydrothermal Vent System
Hot hydrothermal fluids shimmer in otherworldly silver at an astounding new vent site discovered in the Gulf of California.
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This Single Mission Could Solve 2 of the Biggest Mysteries of the Universe
Here's how the biggest thing in the universe could reveal secrets of the smallest things.
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Minggu, 07 April 2019
Why Some Evangelical Christians See This Pet Technology as the Work of the Antichrist
An almost invisible electronic device used all over the world has alarmed some evangelical Christian communities, who see in this technology the work of the Antichrist.
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Sabtu, 06 April 2019
The World's Tallest Tropical Tree Is Longer Than a Football Field
The world's tallest tropical tree on record is a giant, and it's nearly perfectly balanced.
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What Do Cult Leaders Have in Common?
What Do Cult Leaders Have in Common?
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Jumat, 05 April 2019
Here's Why This Man Had a Giant White Mass on His Eyeball
The unusual eye problem was the result of an extremely rare lesion on the man's eyeball.
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Google Doodle Celebrates Physicist Who Escaped Nazi Germany
Today's Google Doodle celebrates the 132nd birthday of physicist Hedwig Kohn, who escaped Nazi Germany and is known for, among other things, her work on flame spectroscopy, a technique that allows scientists to chemically analyze elements by burning them.
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Watch 3 Solar Eclipses on Mars, Captured by Curiosity
Curiosity rover captured Martian moons Phobos and Deimos crossing the sun.
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The Bering Sea Should Be Frozen Right Now. It Isn't.
We're witnessing a catastrophic shift in our planet's sea ice. Here's what the latest chapter means for you.
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Japan Spacecraft Shoots Copper Bomb at Asteroid
It's still unclear how the dramatic operation went. But the hope is the explosive-packed bomb cut an artificial crater into Ryugu.
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California's Eerie 'Earthquake Pause' Is Unprecedented
California hasn't seen a ground-rupturing earthquake in 100 years. That's unprecedented.
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A Rare White Whale Has Been Filmed Off the Coast of Mexico
Nope, it's not Moby Dick, but it just might be Milk Gallon.
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'Phantom' Predator's Speedy Dance of Death Is Both Graceful and Creepy
Fearsome yet tiny creatures have one of the fastest strikes in the animal kingdom.
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Jaguar Mom Eats Dead Cub, and Zoo Caretakers Can't Explain Why
A newborn jaguar cub lived a mere two days before it died and — to the horror of its caretakers at Associação Mata Ciliar in Brazil — its mother gobbled it up.
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Kamis, 04 April 2019
Dead Planet's Heavy Metal Core Found Rocketing Around a Dead Sun in a Distant Solar System
Astronomers found the remains of a dead planet orbiting a dead sun in a dead solar system. Happy spring!
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60 Ancient Egyptian Mummies Entombed Together Died 'Bloody, Fearsome Deaths'
Why did all these mummies end up in the same place?
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Incredible Photographs Show Rare 'Blond' Zebra Thriving in the Wild
Do blond zebras really have more fun?
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Ancient Four-Legged Whale Swam Across Oceans, Walked Across Continents
This ancient whale swam across the South Atlantic Ocean then got out of the water and walked across South America.
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Computer Software Could Crack Centuries-Old Math Puzzle
Mathematicians have known how to solve something called an S-unit equation for several years. However, the process is so convoluted that few can actually use it to tackle their problems.
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Mummy of Pharaoh's Official Discovered Inside Limestone Sarcophagus in Egypt
The mummified remains of a high-ranking official named Khuwy were discovered in a colorful tomb that dates back 4,400 years.
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How Whole Grains Could Help Your Liver
Eating a diet rich in whole grains might reduce the risk of developing liver cancer
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Shark's-Eye-View Video Captures Epic Seal Chase Through Kelp Forest
Stunning new video footage shows great white sharks hunting seals — all from the huge predator's perspective. The sharks were fitted with video cameras that recorded some surprising behaviors.
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Rabu, 03 April 2019
How Doctors Treated the Thai Boys in the Harrowing Minutes After They Were Freed from Cave
The 12 boys and their coach needed urgent medical care after they were rescued from a cave in Thailand last summer.
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You're Probably Using Your Sun-Blocking Moisturizer Wrong
SPF facial moisturizers can block the sun's dangerous ultraviolet rays as effectively as comparable sunscreens, but only if you use them correctly.
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The FDA Is Investigating a Possible Link Between E-cigarettes and Seizures
There have been 35 reported cases of people who had seizures shortly after they used e-cigarettes.
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Humans Have Caused the Most Dramatic Climate Change in 3 Million Years
The Quaternary period has seen a lot of temperature changes, but none as quick as man-made climate change.
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Photos: Cretaceous 'Graveyard' Holds a Snapshot of the Dino-Killing Asteroid Impact
A fossil site in North Dakota preserves a unique snapshot of the minutes after an asteroid struck Earth around 66 million years ago.
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Ancient Pompeii 'Fast-Food' Spot Lured Customers with Sexy Logo
Before Mount Vesuvius blasted Pompeii to smithereens in 79, it was possible to grab a bite to eat there at a "fast-food" joint decorated with a handsome sea nymph.
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How Different Lifestyle Factors Affect Colorectal Cancer Risk
Researchers assigned "lifestyle scores" to nearly 30,000 people
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There May Be a Link Between Coffee and Lung Cancer, Study Suggests
Drinking coffee has been linked to a slew of health benefits, but a new study suggests coffee intake may be linked to an increased risk of lung cancer.
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Physicists Stuffed a Ghostly 'Skyrmion' Full of 'Antiskyrmions'
The ghostly 'quasiparticles' have barely any material existence, but physicists are still managing to manipulate them into uncanny shapes.
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A Woman Consumed Only Juice and Water for Weeks. Now, She May Have Brain Damage.
A woman in Israel may have irreversible brain damage after drinking only juice and water for three weeks, according to news reports.
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Colonial Cemetery Accidentally Unearthed in Philadelphia, and Researchers Race to Analyze the Bones
While digging a giant hole in the ground for a luxury residential building in Philadelphia, construction workers noticed something odd: Human bones kept turning up in the soil.
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Photos: Remains of Colonial Cemetery in Philadelphia Discovered
Here are the remains of a colonial cemetery that was supposed to be relocated in 1860, but still has hundreds of coffins and skeletons in it.
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In Photos: Discoveries at the Site of the Pequot War in Connecticut
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This 17th-Century Massacre in Connecticut was New England's 'Jamestown'
Archaeologists in Connecticut are investigating the site of a violent conflict between American colonists and Native Americans in the 17th century.
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Selasa, 02 April 2019
How an Injection of Tiny Beads into Stomach Arteries Might Help with Weight Loss
The treatment, called "bariatric embolization," led to weight loss in a small study.
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A Mathematician Just Solved a Deceptively Simple Puzzle That Has Boggled Minds for 64 Years
Can you add three cubed numbers and get 33? A mathematician just did, and it took only a few quadrillion attempts.
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Airplane Wing Assembles Like a Jigsaw Puzzle and Can Morph Into Any Shape
The new wing could make for lighter, more efficient airplanes.
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Climate Change Drove Some Neanderthals to Cannibalism
Some Neanderthals resorted to desperate (and gruesome) measures to survive.
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Fossil 'Death Pit' Preserves Dino Extinction Event … But Where Are the Dinosaurs?
What happened after the Cretaceous-ending asteroid struck Earth? A new fossil site may have answers.
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Space Debris from India's Anti-Satellite Test Is a 'Terrible, Terrible Thing,' NASA Chief Says
India's recent anti-satellite test created 60 pieces of orbital debris big enough to track, 24 of which rise higher than the International Space Station's orbit around Earth.
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Photos: Lost 'Govan Stones' Are Found Again
Three medieval carved stones thought lost have been rediscovered.
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Teen Boy Discovers Long-Lost Medieval Gravestones in Scottish Churchyard
The intricately carved stones were thought to be lost forever.
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Will There Ever Be a Universal Test to Detect Cancer?
Scientists are searching for a universal biomarker to test for cancer.
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In Photos: A Conveyor Belt for Arctic Sea Ice
New research finds that new Arctic sea ice now usually melts near the coast instead of traveling through the open Arctic Ocean.
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Most of the Arctic's 'Baby Sea Ice' Melts Before It Leaves the Nursery. And That's a Problem.
As the Arctic warms, sea ice born near Russia is failing to reach the open ocean.
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Senin, 01 April 2019
What's the Most Common Blood Type?
Here's a breakdown of the most common and least common blood types by ethnicity.
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Offerings to Supernatural Deities Discovered in Lake Titicaca in the Andes
A team of archaeological divers has uncovered dazzling treasures at the bottom of Lake Titicaca, including a puma carved out of the blue gemstone lapis-lazuli, gold medallions and a turquoise stone pendant.
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Photos: Diving for Ancient Offerings in Lake Titicaca
Divers found llama bones and carved figurines made from the blue gemstone lapis lazuli and green turquoise.
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Mosquitoes Sucked Less Blood (and Had Less Sex) While Listening to Skrillex, Study Finds
In a blow to dubstep fans everywhere, a team of insect researchers has found that female mosquitoes listening to Skrillex had less sex and sucked less blood than mosquitoes who spent 10 minutes in silence.
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Parkinson's Disease: Risks, Symptoms and Treatment
About 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease each year.
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Another Dead Whale Full of Plastic. This Time, in Italy.
The whale's cause of death is still under investigation, but a stomach full of plastic isn't a healthy thing.
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Mysterious Mummy Taken from Peru in the 1920s Was the Body of a Teen Boy
Brought to Pennsylvania from Peru in the early 1900s, the mummy's origins are murky.
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Flossing and Going to the Dentist Linked to Lower Risk of Oral Cancer
ATLANTA — Regularly flossing and going to the dentist may be tied to a lower risk of oral cancer.
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69 Million Years Ago, Crested Duck-Billed Dinosaurs Roamed the Warm, Forested Arctic
The Cretaceous Arctic may have been home to a diversity of dinosaurs.
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After a Bout of Flu, Mice Grow Taste Bud Cells in Their Lungs
This is not a good thing for lung function.
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Physicists Just Detected a Very Odd Particle That Isn't a Particle at All
'm a particle that really isn't; I vanish before I can even be detected, yet can be seen. I break your understanding of physics but don't overhaul your knowledge. Who am I?
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