Last December, a tourist in Hawaii ate a slug on a dare — not realizing, of course, a wiggly brain-loving parasite was along for the ride.
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Jumat, 31 Mei 2019
AIDS & HIV: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
While AIDS remains incurable, patients are living much longer — even decades after infection — because of the development of medications to suppress the virus.
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Here's What the Universe Looks Like in X-Rays
In NASA's new treasure map of the universe, X-ray marks the spot.
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Ancient People Watched a Volcano Erupt. This May Be Their Illustration of It.
After a treacherous volcanic eruption during the Bronze Age, curious humans and their canine companions hiked closer to the volcano, where they left footprints in the fine-grained volcanic ash.
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Photos: Rock Art May Depict One of First Volcanic Eruptions That Humans Ever Drew
After leaving their footprints in volcanic ash, did Bronze Age humans paint this picture of an erupting volcano?
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Little Green Men? Nope, Extraterrestrial Life May Look More Like Pasta.
Noodle-looking rocks could be humanity's first hint that life once existed on far-flung planets.
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Number of Measles Cases in the US Higher Than It's Been in 27 Years
The last time measles cases soared to this level was in 1992.
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How Many Chemical Elements Can You Name? 1 in 5 Americans Can't Name One.
One in 5 Americans can't name a single element on the Periodic Table.
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Why 'Cosmic Nothingness' May Hold Secrets of the Universe
Why avoid the cosmic void?
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This 'Doomsday Plane' Can Survive a Nuclear Attack
A reporter recently got a tour of the secretive military plane. Here's what she found.
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Kamis, 30 Mei 2019
Why These Human-Sized Beavers Suddenly Died Out 10,000 Years Ago
The giant rodents' taste for aquatic plants may have done them in.
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World's Tiniest Baby the Size of an Apple. Here's How She Survived.
As far as tiny babies go, "Saybie" is the smallest of the small.
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50-Million-Year-Old Fossil Shows School of Fish in Their Final Moments
Baby fish swam in schools 50 million years ago, according to this remarkable fossil held in a Japanese museum.
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Alex Trebek's Promising Cancer Update: What Is 'Near Remission'?
Alex Trebek says his tumors have shrunk 50% since he started chemotherapy, but that's no guarantee that the pancreatic cancer will go into full remission.
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Penicillin: Discovery, Benefits and Resistance
Penicillin is was once hailed as a "miracle drug." However, some bacteria have become resistant to penicillin, making those infections difficult or even impossible to treat.
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The Tendency for Order to Emerge from Chaos Was Hidden in the Most Fundamental Equations of Fluid Mechanics
Order sometimes emerges from chaos in turbulent fluid flow. We may finally have a mathematical explanation for why.
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Escaped 'Racoon Dogs' Harass English Village. What Are These Things?
A pair of escaped raccoon dogs are stalking the English village of Clarborough, according to the Nottinghamshire police. Here's what they really are.
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Former Head of Pentagon's Secret UFO Program Has Some (Strange) Stories to Tell
The UFO-investigating initiative hid in plain sight for years.
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30 'Homeless' Binary Stars Spotted Drifting in the Void Outside Any Known Galaxy
The universe may be full of binary stars that have been exiled from their home galaxies, thanks to one star's rowdy behavior.
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Zombie Diet: 10 Real-Life Examples of Humans Eating Humans
The dead don't eat the living, but sometimes the living eat their dead.
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Neanderthals May Have Been Driven to Extinction by a Tiny Drop in Fertility Rates
Just a slight dip in the fertility rates of Neanderthals could explain their extinction over the course of several thousand years.
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New Virus Infecting People in China, and Ticks May Be the Culprit
So far, the virus has only been found in northeastern China, but it could potentially have a much wider range.
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Rabu, 29 Mei 2019
Nazi Code-Making Enigma Machine Is Up for Auction
A rare Enigma machine — a German gadget that encoded secret messages during World War II — is up for auction.
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Confirmed: Earth Is Crushing the Ocean into Salty Diamonds
A new study finds fresh proof that diamonds are crushed and melted bits of ancient seabed that you can wear on your finger.
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Could Wearing a Blood Pressure Cuff Reduce the Risk of Stroke?
A simple squeeze to your arms and legs might benefit your brain.
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Ancient Rocky Structure Found Beneath Antarctica. And It's Messing with the Ice.
The potential for the Ross ice shelf in Antarctica to collapse is determined by a newly discovered rock boundary running right down the middle of the ice.
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Here's Why Astronomers Are So Worried About SpaceX's Planned 'Megaconstellation'
SpaceX put 60 bright satellites in space May 23, and astronomers are sounding the alarm about the eventual 12,000-strong Starlink constellation SpaceX plans.
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'Giant Tic Tac' and Other Hypersonic UFOs Spotted by Navy Pilots
The mysterious objects first appeared after an aircraft radar upgrade.
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Powerful Tornadoes Rip Through Midwest, the Plains, Leaving Trail of Destruction
A destructive tornado moved through the outskirts of Kansas City on Tuesday, injuring at least a dozen people and killing one.
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Albino Panda Spotted in the Wild for the First Time
Pandas are known for their furry black-and-white markings, so wildlife experts were stunned to see an all-white panda with red eyes tramping through a bamboo forest in China last month.
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Scientists Find Possible Traces of 'Lost' Stone Age Settlement Beneath the North Sea
Doggerland once covered thousands of square miles between what is now the east coast of England and the European mainland.
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Selasa, 28 Mei 2019
Video Game Addiction Becomes Official Mental Disorder in Controversial Decision by WHO
Recently, the World Health Organization officially recognized "gaming disorder" as a mental health condition.
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Exploding Stars May Have Put Humanity on Two Feet
Is there a cosmic origin for human bipedalism?
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Mathematicians Edge Closer to Solving a 'Million Dollar' Math Problem
A new paper could end up being a big step toward solving one of the oldest unanswered puzzles in mathematics: Is the Riemann hypothesis correct?
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Kindergarteners Stumbled Across This 5,600-Year-Old Burial Mound. Archaeologists Are Mystified.
Kindergartners can find some weird things at recess — like a 5,600-year-old buried mound full of ancient skeletons.
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Extinction Looms As Last Male Sumatran Rhino in Malaysian Dies
Malaysia's last male Sumatran rhino has died, leaving just one of the rhinos, a captive female, in the entire country, a region that was once replete with the two-horned beasts, news sources reported.
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Why Thousands of Aftershocks of a 1959 Earthquake Just Rumbled Through Yellowstone 60 Years Later
Recent rumblings at Yellowstone National Park are actually aftershocks of a quake that occurred 60 years ago.
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Infertility Linked to Dangerous Heart Condition in Pregnancy
Women undergoing fertility treatments may be at increased risk of a dangerous pregnancy condition called peripartum cardiomyopathy.
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No, That Baby Dinosaur Didn't Crawl. But It Did Walk on 4 Legs As an Infant.
A Jurassic-age dinosaur walked on all four legs as a baby, but graduated to a two-legged stance as an adult.
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Senin, 27 Mei 2019
This Animated Mona Lisa Was Created by AI, and It Is Terrifying
A neural network helped Mona Lisa get in touch with her feelings.
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Man Ends Up in the ER After 'Overdosing' on Licorice Tea
A man in Canada "overdosed" on licorice by drinking too much licorice tea.
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How Did Radiation Affect the 'Liquidators' of the Chernobyl Nuclear Meltdown?
What happens to the human body when exposed to such high levels of radiation?
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Minggu, 26 Mei 2019
This Seawater Is 20,000 Years Old, and Has Remained Untouched Since the Last Ice Age
Researchers have discovered the first-ever water sample dating to the end of Earth's last ice age, 20,000 years ago.
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Why Does the Letter 'S' Look Like an 'F' in Old Manuscripts?
Where did the long s come from and why has this character largely disappeared?
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Sabtu, 25 Mei 2019
Here's What SpaceX's Starlink Satellites Look Like in the Night Sky
'And what a SPECTACULAR view it was! - Marco Langbroek.
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10 Most Expensive Hobbies in the World

Hobbies are recreations or activities that allow us to de-stress and at the same time give us pleasure. People spend time to do these activities and almost consider them as part of their lives.
But if money is never an issue and has the freedom to use it in any way you wanted, then you will be faced with a staggering checklist of activities which would be barely available for most people. Below are...
Why Do We Love Garlic But Hate Garlic Breath?
Why do people love the taste of garlic, but hate the resulting garlic breath?
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An Asteroid with Its Own Moon Will Zip Past Earth Tonight
The asteroid will pass close enough to Earth that, with some preparation and a decent telescope, amateur astronomers may spot it blotting out the stars.
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Jumat, 24 Mei 2019
Why Are So Many People Dying on Mount Everest?
Massively long lines at Mount Everest's frigid summit may have contributed to the deaths of seven climbers this week.
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Does Your Life Have Purpose? The Answer Could Affect How Long You Live
Having a strong purpose in life may have not only mental benefits, but also physical ones.
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This Fungus Mines For Gold, Then Wears It
Silence is golden. In Australia, so is the fungus.
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Measles: Symptoms, Treatment and Vaccination
Measles is making a comeback. Here's what you should know about one of the most contagious infectious diseases in the world.
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Could Dead Aliens Help Save Humanity?
It might take a dramatic extinction example to put us on the right path.
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Oldest Fungus Fossils May Rewrite Our View of How Life Made the Leap to Land
The find pushes the oldest direct evidence for fossils of fungus back more than 500 million years.
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Archaeologists Discover the First Ever Iron-Age Shield Made of Bark in England
This 2,300-year-old shield was painted in a red checkerboard pattern.
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Researchers Found the Oldest Meteorite Collection on Earth, in the Driest Desert on Earth
Researchers scouring the desert for space rocks found the oldest collection of meteorites on Earth.
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SpaceX Launches 60 Starlink Satellites on Thrice-Flown Rocket, Sticks Landing
Thousands more will follow, if all goes according to plan.
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Woman's Facial Injection for 'Liquid Nose Job' Left Her with Rare Eye Problem
An injection of facial filler into her nose led to a rare eye complication.
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Chernobyl vs. Fukushima: Which Nuclear Meltdown Was the Bigger Disaster?
Nuclear meltdowns at power plants in Chernobyl and Fukushima were the most devastating in recent history.
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Kamis, 23 Mei 2019
Botswana Just Lifted Its Ban on Elephant Hunting. Conservationists Are Appalled.
The country has long been a safe haven for the animals, but it's unclear what will happen now.
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Hurricane Season 2019: How Long It Lasts and What to Expect
Here's a guide to the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season, including predictions, naming conventions and how to prepare for a storm.
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The Atlantic May See Up to 4 Major Hurricanes This Season, New Forecast Says
Here's what to expect for the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season and how to get prepared.
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Two White Dwarf Stars Collided and Came Back from the Dead. Soon, They’ll Go Supernova.
These two dead stars united and came back to life. And soon, they’ll go supernova.
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Did Scientists Just Break the Record for Highest-Temperature Superconductor? Maybe.
A superconductor lets electricity flow through it perfectly, without losing any of it.
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What Is Potential Energy?
Potential energy is a core concept of any physics-based discussion, and one of the most influential variables in the formulas that describe our known universe.
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Slavers Burned the Last US Slave Ship to Hide Their Crimes. Now It's Been Found.
After nearly 150 years, the last known ship used to bring kidnapped people to the United States to sell into slavery seems to have turned up off the coast of Mobile, Alabama.
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The Government Is Serious About Creating Mind-Controlled Weapons
DARPA hopes to invent ways to instantly read soldiers' minds using tools like genetic engineering of the human brain, nanotechnology and infrared beams.
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Geologists Discover Largest Underwater Volcano, Explain Weird Hum Heard Around the World
A strange seismic event off the coast of Africa has led scientists to a mighty finding: the discovery of the largest underwater volcanic eruption ever recorded.
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Enormous Python Swallows, Vomits Up Even Bigger Python
An Australian python vomited up a larger Australian python that it had eaten earlier.
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Rare Dodo Skeleton May Fetch Over $700K at Auction
The bones of this extinct, flightless bird were assembled early in the 19th century.
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Zombie Science: Could We Ever Resurrect the Dead?
Zombies aren't real. Death is permanent. Some scientists seem to have ignored those facts.
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Rabu, 22 Mei 2019
Here's How Many US Cancer Cases Are Tied to Unhealthy Diets
More than 80,000 cancer cases diagnosed each year in the U.S. may be tied to an unhealthy diet, according to a new study.
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First Great White Shark Ever Spotted in Long Island Sound Possibly Made 'Wrong Turn'
Marine scientists aren't sure how or why the nearly 10-foot-long shark wandered into the Long Island Sound.
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Sorry Napoleon, A Big Garbage Patch Is Floating Near Your Mediterranean Islands
The Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Elba are famous for being the birthplace and exile prison, respectively, of Napoleon Bonaparte. But now they might be known for being the neighbors of a chronically forming garbage patch.
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Hereditary Rule Wreaked Havoc in ‘Game of Thrones’ — and in Medieval Europe
When male heirs were scarce during the Middle Ages, instability reigned.
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Being a Dog Lover May Be in Your Genes
A person's genetic makeup could play a part in their feelings about dogs.
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Freckled Woman with High Alcohol Tolerance Lived in Japan 3,800 Years Ago
More than two decades after researchers discovered the 3,800-year-old remains of "Jomon woman" in Hokkaido, Japan, they've finally deciphered her genetic secrets.
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Why Are Two Stars in Our Galaxy Suddenly Acting Very Strange?
There's a binary star system out there in the Milky Way, and it's followed a very simple pattern since the 1890s. Now, it's breaking its old habits.
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Could We Move the Entire Planet Earth to a New Orbit?
The big move could help our rocky planet escape the expanding sun and prevent a collision with Jupiter.
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'Face Mites' Live in Your Pores, Eat Your Grease and Mate on Your Face While You Sleep
Meet the ubiquitous "face mites" that live in your pores, eat your grease and have sex on your face while you sleep.
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Many Sunscreens Sold in US Offer Suboptimal Protection, According to New Report
About two-thirds of sunscreens available in the U.S. offer suboptimal protection or contain ingredients that may harm your health, according to a new report.
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Selasa, 21 Mei 2019
CBD and CBD Oil: What Is It and Does It Really Work?
CBD has become remarkably popular in recent years. But is it the cure-all people think it is?
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CBD May Reduce Drug Cravings in People with Heroin Addiction, Small Study Finds
A small study suggests that the marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) may reduce cravings in those with heroin addiction.
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Look Out, Songbirds — Baby Sharks Want to Eat You
This is the first evidence of sharks eating terrestrial birds.
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Hidden Winds on Jupiter May Be Messing with Its Enormous Magnetic Field
Jupiter's magnetic field has changed since the 1970s, and now physicists think they know why it's happening.
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Scientists Thought There Were Two Ways Volcanoes Form. They Just Found Another Hiding Under Bermuda.
For the first time, scientists have evidence that a layer deep beneath Earth's surface can create volcanoes.
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Scientists Have Created a Sound So Loud It Can Vaporize Water on Contact
Scientists have used an X-ray laser to create the loudest possible underwater sound on Earth.
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Ancient Collision with Unknown Dwarf Planet Left the Moon Lopsided, Study Suggests
The moon's farside has thicker crust and is made up of a number of craters, while its nearside is a land of open basins.
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10-Foot-Tall Stone Jars 'Made by Giants' Stored Human Bodies in Ancient Laos
The carved "jars of the dead" are scattered across miles of the rugged, tiger-haunted Xiangkhouang province.
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In Photos: Exploring the Mysterious Plain of Jars Site
The mysterious Plain of Jars is an archaeological site in central Laos that has thousands of stone vessels scattered across the ground.
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Scientists Create Tectonic Map of 'Game of Thrones' Continents
The breathtaking fictional landscapes of "Game of Thrones" had a tumultuous past that involved volcanic eruptions, mountain-building and entire continents splitting apart, scientists say.
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Nearly 25% of West Antarctic Ice in Danger of Collapse
Decades of climate change have severely weakened 24% of western Antarctica's ice.
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Senin, 20 Mei 2019
Violent Tornadoes and Flooding Are Expected in Oklahoma and Texas Tonight
Oklahoma, northwest Texas and the Texas panhandle are bracing for a day of extreme weather, including dangerous tornadoes, flooding and thunderstorms.
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Scientists Went to One of the World's Most Remote Island Atolls. They Found 414 Million Pieces of Plastic
Researchers dug holes in the sand. The holes were filled with plastic.
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There's a Brand-New Kilogram, And It's Based on Quantum Physics
The kilogram isn't a thing anymore. Instead, it's an abstract idea about light and energy and fundamental universal constants.
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Ancient Egyptians Built This 4-Towered Fortress More Than 2,600 Years Ago
Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered the ruins of an ancient fortress dating to the 26th Dynasty, the last dynasty in which native Egyptians ruled before the Persians conquered the country in 525 B.C.
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Startup Hermeus Wants to Build a Hypersonic Jet That Flies at 5 Times the Speed of Sound
At Mach 5, flight times from New York to London would be reduced from 7 hours to 90 minutes.
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Supersymmetric 'Sleptons' Might Exist. But They'd Have to Be Huge
The biggest, most expensive science experiment in the world might be losing all its dark matter. But physicists are looking on the bright side.
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Ancient Pollen Links Cannabis Origins to Tibetan Plateau
Fossil pollen pinpointed the earliest evidence of cannabis and its cultivation.
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Conservation's Biggest Challenge? The Legacy of Colonialism (Op-Ed)
Today’s most dire conservation crises have a bloody past.
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The Casebooks of Elizabethan Astrologer Reveal Sketchy Cures for Cheating Spouses, Devils
Simon Forman, who lived between 1552 and 1611 in England, was a shady astrologist and healer.
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When Chernobyl Blew, They Dumped Boron and Sand into the Breach. What Would We Do Today?
In 1986, the Soviets dumped sand and boron from helicopters onto the exposed Chernobyl uranium core. How would we handle it today?
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Minggu, 19 Mei 2019
10 Best Destinations for a Solo Traveler

Sometimes it’s troublesome finding someone to go and travel with. Families and friends are mostly tied down in their jobs, they struggle in saving money, and don’t want to travel the same places. The quick fix for this is to travel alone. It may be scary but it’s an opportunity for adventure and self-discovery. On the other hand, which places to go to? Prepare that bucket list because below are the...
Are Dogs Really Smiling at Us?
Is this expression really a smile?
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Why Is the Pentagon Interested in UFOs?
New rules encourage U.S. Navy pilots and sailors to report UFO sightings. Here's why.
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How Accurate Is the Myers-Briggs Personality Test?
Can Myers-Briggs Predict Your Personality?
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Sabtu, 18 Mei 2019
Can Touching Fentanyl Really Kill You?
Myths about mere exposure to the drug don't match with what doctors know about opioid toxicity.
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Read the Long-Lost Letter from Alexander Hamilton to the Marquis de Lafayette, Stolen 60 Years Ago
A 1780 letter from Alexander Hamilton to the Marquis de Lafayette has finally resurfaced after being stolen from the Massachusetts Archives more than 60 years ago.
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The Weird Reason Tonight's Full Moon Is 'Blue'
Usually, a Blue Moon marks the second time a full moon rises within the same month. But the full moon rising on Saturday (May 18) is May's first full moon, so why are people calling it a Blue Moon?
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Jumat, 17 Mei 2019
Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week
Here are the stories behind the most amazing images in the world of science this week. A recap of the coolest photos featured on Live Science.
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Internet's Famous Grumpy Cat Dies at Age 7
Her permanent "frowning" face became an internet sensation
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First-Ever Image of a Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Burst Shows Light Exploding Out of a Thundercloud in Asia
Researchers just created the world's first image of a terrestrial gamma-ray burst.
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Ultraprocessed Foods Really Do Lead to Weight Gain, Small Study Finds
Filling your plate with ultraprocessed foods really does appear to lead people to eat more and gain weight.
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How Does Google Earth Work?
Google Earth allows us to track our changing world. By providing powerful geomapping and tagging tools to everyone, anyone can explore and model the Earth like never before.
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King Tut Wore Ancient, Meteor-Blasted Yellow Glass
The sands of the western Egyptian desert melted and created tiny pieces of canary yellow glass
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Is a 'Fetal Heartbeat' Really a Heartbeat at 6 Weeks?
What exactly do we mean when we talk about a "fetal heartbeat" at six weeks of pregnancy?
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Ancient Wads of Chewing ‘Gum’ Hold the Oldest Human DNA in Scandinavia
Ancient, masticated gums may be DNA goldmines.
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Humans and Neanderthals Evolved from a Mystery Common Ancestor, Huge Analysis Suggests
Modern humans and Neanderthals may have diverged a long, long time ago, at least 800,000 years back.
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Large Mound in Russia Reveals 2,500-Year-Old Skeletons of Elite Nomadic Tribesmen...And a Horse Head
A farmer in Russia noticed a bronze cauldron, which led to the discovery of the burials of elite Sarmatians in a town in Russia.
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Photos: Ancient Burial of Elite Members of Nomadic Tribe
Archaeologists describe the burial of three skeletons from a nomadic tribe in what is today Russia. The remains date back 2,500 years.
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Has the Mysterious Code of the Voynich Manuscript Been Cracked?
New findings suggest it was compiled by Dominican nuns as a reference for the Queen fo Aragon.
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Kamis, 16 Mei 2019
Octopuses May Go Blind As Climate Change Sucks Oxygen Out of the Ocean
When the oceans lose oxygen, squids lose their vision.
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Brain Scans Reveal Potential Biomarker of Suicidal Thoughts in People with PTSD
Researchers may have found a biomarker for suicidal thoughts in the brains of people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
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Here’s What Could Happen If You Get Measles While Pregnant
The measles can be dangerous for people of all ages, but the highly contagious virus poses a particular threat to pregnant women.
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New Study Finds Bedbugs Have Pestered the World for 115 Million Years
Looks like bedbugs annoyed the dinosaurs, too.
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This Crafty Spider Doesn't Have Venom...But It Does Have a 'Slingshot'
Does the idea of a spider using its web to catapult itself at high speeds give you the willies? Then be forewarned: the triangle weaver spider (Hyptiotes cavatus) does just that.
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An Enormous Great White Shark Is Cruising Toward the Outer Banks. But There's Nothing to Fear.
A great white shark named Luna has been detected near the South Carolina coast. She weighs more than 2,000 pounds.
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Grave of Israeli Lunar Lander Spotted by NASA Spacecraft
A sharp-eyed NASA spacecraft spotted the probable remains of an Israeli spacecraft that crash-landed on the moon last month.
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The Green New Deal Doesn't Go Far Enough. Here's Why (Op-Ed)
The Green New Deal is not enough; we need to set a specific target for carbon dioxide levels here on Earth.
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Do Zombies Decay the Same Way As Humans?
Do the zombies in AMC's "Fear the Walking Dead" look like real, decaying human corpses?
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Rabu, 15 Mei 2019
How Much Do Babies’ Skulls Get Squished During Birth? A Whole Lot, 3D Images Reveal
Human birth canals are a tight fit for infants' big heads.
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China's Moon Lander Just Revealed a Secret on the Far Side of the Moon
China's lunar rover may have found pieces of the moon's elusive mantle.
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Something Strange Punched a Hole in the Milky Way. But What Exactly Is It?
We can't see it. It might not be made of normal matter. Our telescopes haven't directly detected it at all. But it sure seems like it's out there.
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A Massive 'Blob' of Rock Stretching Under Asia Might Be Triggering Hundreds of Earthquakes
A massive, underground "blob" might be triggering hundreds of earthquakes in the Hindu Kush mountains.
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Bill Nye Brings Out the F-Bombs and a Blowtorch to Talk Climate Change
Science popularizer Bill Nye told viewers of a popular late-night show that Earth is "on [expletive] fire" while lighting a globe with a blowtorch.
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Ancient Romans Used Molten Iron to Repair Streets Before Vesuvius Erupted
How the Romans introduced liquefied iron into the streets at Pompeii remains a mystery.
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US Birth Rates Hit Another Record Low in 2018
The U.S. birth rate continues to fall, reaching another record low in 2018, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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Selasa, 14 Mei 2019
This Bird Evolved into Existence Twice — Thousands of Years Apart
A type of flightless bird evolved on an atoll or ring-shaped coral reef in the Seychelles — twice.
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Humans Crawled Through a Cave 14,000 Years Ago. We Can Still See Their Perfectly Preserved Footprints.
About 14,000 years ago, a party of five barefoot people walked and even crawled through a dark passageway in a cave, according to a new study that analyzed the hand- and footprints these individuals left behind.
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The Moon Is Shrinking and That's Causing Tons of Moonquakes
Tectonic activity shapes the moon from the inside out.
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15 People Were Brutally Murdered 5,000 Years Ago, But the Bodies Were Buried with Care
An extended family met a grim end when 15 of them were brutally murdered about 5,000 years ago in what is now Poland. But whoever buried these victims did so with care, placing mothers next to children and siblings side by side.
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Carbon Dioxide Soars to Record-Breaking Levels Not Seen in 800,000 Years
"If you do the math, well, it's pretty sobering"
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A 230-Year-Old Secret Code Is Inscribed on a Rock in France. Can You Decipher It?
Can you solve the riddle of the rock?
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Space Mining Could Ruin Our Solar System If We Don't Establish Protected Places Now, Researchers Warn
If humans mine one-eighth of the solar system's extraterrestrial resources, we could be doomed.
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From Big Bang to Present: Snapshots of Our Universe Through Time
Tripping through cosmic time.
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Senin, 13 Mei 2019
A Giant Hole in the Martian Atmosphere Is Venting All Its Water into Space
Why is Mars so dry? A new paper might have the explanation.
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Explorer Reaches Bottom of the Mariana Trench, Breaks Record for Deepest Dive Ever
It was chilly; it was quiet; and "it was so very peaceful"
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New Supercomputer Will Span Continents, Outrace World's Fastest
Paired processors on two continents will power a new computer "brain."
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'Crawling Sensation' Turned Out to Be Spider Spinning a Web in Man's Ear
An itchy feeling had an eight-legged source.
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'Bomb Carbon' from Cold War Nuclear Tests Found in the Ocean's Deepest Trenches
Long-ago nuclear tests left their mark on deep-sea animals alive today.
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Archaeologists Discovered a Hidden Chamber in Roman Emperor Nero's Underground Palace
Archaeologists have uncovered a hidden vault, which has sat untouched for nearly 2,000 years, in Emperor Nero's Palace.
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This Is the Earliest Known Christian Burial in England. It's Finally Revealing Its Secrets.
A repaired lyre and a pristine gold belt buckle are among the treasures in a 1,400-year-old tomb.
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In Photos: Stunning Treasures from the Burial of an Anglo-Saxon Prince
Take a look at photos of the earliest Christian burial in England. The tomb once held the remains of an adolescent or adult Christian man of aristocratic lineage.
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Minggu, 12 Mei 2019
10 Best French Fries – Based on Deliciousness

Who doesn’t love fries with all its crispiness and come in different sizes and shape?
Crinkle cut, shoestring fries, and curly fries – we feast on it all. However, we definitely believe that every preparation style alters its taste. Are we being delusional? Possibly, but that’s the story and we are standing by it.
So keep on reading to find out the 10 best fries according to its deliciousness.
If There Were a Time Warp, How Would Physicists Find It?
It may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but scientists have already detected a time warp.
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Top Baby Name List Reveals Surprising Celebrity Inspirations
Though the top 10 names appear traditional, American parents are looking to pop culture for name inspiration.
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Sabtu, 11 Mei 2019
Car-Size 'Sea Monster' Terrorized Triassic Oceans
A crocodile-like beast the length of a Volkswagen Beetle terrorized prey in the late Triassic oceans about 210 million years ago, a new study finds.
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Is It Safe to Drink Moonshine?
What you don't know about moonshine can definitely hurt you.
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Jumat, 10 Mei 2019
Sleep Paralysis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Sleep paralysis can be a confusing, frightening and occasionally pleasant experience — and it's more common than you might think!
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Woman Dies from Rabies After Rescuing Puppy While on Vacation
A Norwegian woman died from rabies after she was bitten by an infected puppy that she attempted to rescue while on vacation.
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Experts ID 25 US Counties Most at Risk of Measles Outbreaks
Many very large cities are in regions most in danger of new measles outbreaks in the United States, due to anti-vaccine movements.
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Raynaud's Disease: Types, Symptoms and Treatment
Do your fingers turn white and blue when you are cold or stressed out? It might indicate Raynaud's disease.
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Another Study Found a Link Between Parkinson's Disease and the Appendix. What's Going On?
Clumps of proteins found in the brains of people who have Parkinson's disease are also found in the appendix.
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This Superbug-Killing 'Phage Therapy' May Have Saved a Teen's Life. Here's How It Works.
An experimental treatment with bacteria-fighting viruses may have helped save the life of a British teenager with a critical "superbug" infection.
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What Are Centrifugal & Centripetal Forces?
These two closely related forces describe circular motion, but the meanings are often mixed up.
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Retracted Study: How a Volcano in Japan Halted an Earthquake
Falsified data suggested that an earthquake was terminated by one of the most active volcanoes in Japan.
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China Implanted Electrodes into a Man's Brain to Treat His Meth Addiction. How Could It Work?
A man in China who spent years battling a methamphetamine addiction has had a device inserted into his brain to treat his addiction, according to news reports.
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A Star in the Big Dipper Is an Alien Invader
The stellar oddball likely joined the Milky Way during a long-ago galaxy merger.
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Survival of the Grossest: 8 Disgusting Animal Behaviors
Poop-eating! Butt-gouging! Belly bombs! Snot spew!
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Why the Area Around Notre Dame Is Now Coated with Toxic Levels of Lead
French officials warn that lead levels are sky-high around the burnt cathedral.
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An Herbal Sex Supplement Sent a Man's Blood Pressure Through the Roof
A man's blood pressure skyrocketed to dangerous levels after he took an herbal supplement touted for sexual enhancement.
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Kamis, 09 Mei 2019
5 Weird Things You Didn't Know About Chernobyl
Here are five weird facts you probably didn't know about Chernobyl.
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Scientists Discovered a 2,624-Year-Old Tree in a North Carolina Swamp. Climate Change Could Kill It.
A tree grows in North Carolina, and it has been growing there for a long, looooooong time.
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Fight or Flight: The Sympathetic Nervous System
The sympathetic nervous system activates the "fight-or-flight" response, quickly readying the body to handle dangerous or stressful situations.
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How the US Veered Off the Path to Measles Elimination
The U.S. is walking backward on the path to the elimination of measles.
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A Once-Missing Piece of Stonehenge Could Reveal Where Iconic Standing Stones Were Quarried
A circular "core" of stone, drilled out of one of the giant Neolithic standing stones at Stonehenge in southwest England, has been returned after being taken as a souvenir more than 60 years ago.
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This Apple-1 Computer Cost $666 in 1976. Now It Could Sell for $650,000
Interested in spending your life savings on a nearly useless PC with 4 kilobytes of memory and a 1 MHz processor? You're in luck.
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NASA Is Developing 'Soft Robots' That Look Like Inflatable 'Aliens'
And they could be just the thing to explore worlds beyond Earth.
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The Universe Probably 'Remembers' Every Single Gravitational Wave
After these ripples in space and time pass through the universe, they may leave behind a sort of memory of their crossing.
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100-Plus Neglected Lions Found With Mange, Neurological Problems, on South African Farm
The owner of the lions was a member of the organization that sets animal-welfare standards for lion breeding.
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'Jaws' Movie Poster Comes to Life, in Terrifying Shark Photo
So. Many. Teeth.
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What Happens in the Hours Before Death? Most People Don't Have a Clue.
A new poll finds that 6 in 10 people are clueless about what happens in the last hours before death.
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Rabu, 08 Mei 2019
This Man's DNA Is the Oldest in North America
A Native American man in Montana has what may be the oldest DNA native to the Americas, according to news reports.
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Mongolian Couple Died of Plague After Eating Raw Marmot
A Mongolia couple who consumed raw marmot as a folk remedy ended up contracting the plague, according to news reports.
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Drones Find Unexpected Radiation 'Hotspots' in Forest Near Chernobyl
This is the first time that fixed-wing drones were used for radiation mapping.
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Could CTE Be Diagnosed Before a Person Dies? This Protein May Be the Key
Researchers have identified a possible biomarker for the degenerative brain disease called chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE.
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King Tut's Sisters Took the Throne Before He Did, Controversial Claim Says
Archaeologists have known that a "mystery female pharaoh" ruled ancient Egypt before the renowned King Tutankhamun ascended the throne. Though they knew the royal name of this female king, her true identity has remained elusive.
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The Meaning of 'Archie Harrison,' the New Royal Baby’s Name
The wait is over, and the world now knows the name of the newest member of England's Royal Family: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.
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What Made Ancient Hominins Cannibals? Humans Were Nutritious and Easy Prey
Why do people eat people? A new study about our ancient relatives has answers.
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Algae 'Bioreactor' on Space Station Could Make Oxygen, Food for Astronauts
Astronauts on the International Space Station will begin testing an innovative algae-powered bioreactor to assess its feasibility for future long-duration space missions.
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How Tiny Crustaceans Survive the Crushing Pressures of the Mariana Trench
As if preparing for battle, some shrimplike creatures suit up in aluminum armor to survive the ravages of the deepest part of the oceans, a new study finds.
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Antimatter Is Both a Particle and a Wave, New Experiment Confirms
Antimatter is made of waves, and physicists have proven it at the level of a single antimatter particle.
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Selasa, 07 Mei 2019
1st Evidence of a Black Hole Devouring a Neutron Star Sends Ripples Through Space-Time
For the first time, astronomers might have found proof that a black hole collided with a neutron star
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What Are Elementary Particles?
They're the smallest of the small.
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Dogs Sacrificed by Shang Dynasty Were Just Pups. Some Were Even Buried Alive.
Life was short and sometimes brutal for many of the dogs of China's Shang Dynasty.
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More Than Half of Pregnancy-Related Deaths Are Preventable, CDC Says
About 700 U.S. women die each year from pregnancy-related complications, but about 60% of these deaths could be prevented.
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First-Ever Video Shows Immune System Blowing Holes in Bacteria
A microscopic video of the human immune system in action reveals how our bodies blow tiny holes in foreign bacteria, while leaving our own cells intact
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Cats 'Farm' Bacteria in Their Butts. Here's Why.
Cat butts are home to communities of microbes that produce cats' distinctive, stinky pheromone spray.
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Off the Coast of Portugal, the Earth's Crust Might Be Peeling In Two
It might explain the massive earthquake of 1755 which destroyed the city of Lisbon
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New York City Has Been Obliterated in a New Asteroid-Impact Simulation
Fake New York City exploded in a fake asteroid impact that was just a simulation, but the danger is very real.
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Why Mathematicians Are Obsessed With (and Hoarding) This Chalk
It's considered the Rolls-Royce of chalk. Here's why.
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6 in 10 Infectious Diseases Come from Animals. The CDC Is Most Worried About These 8.
Zoonotic flu, the plague and rabies makes the list.
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North Korea's Short-Range Missile Test Spotted from Space
Saturday's test was the first in 18 months by North Korea.
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Senin, 06 Mei 2019
Chemicals from Sunscreen Get into Your Blood. Here's What That Means.
Chemicals in sunscreen get into the blood at levels high enough to warrant further testing on their safety, according to a new FDA study.
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Evidence of Ayahuasca, Other Hallucinogens Detected in Pre-Columbian 'Drug Bag'
Shamans performed rituals that typically involved psychotropic substances.
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Hubble Scientists Just Released the Most Detailed Picture of the Universe Ever
The Hubble Space Telescope has created the most detailed family photo of the universe ever, featuring 265,000 galaxies.
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Newfound 'Mini T. Rex' Was a Tiny Terror at Just 3 Feet Tall
A previously unknown tyrannosaur terrorized prey about 92 million years ago, but unlike its relative — the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex — this newfound dinosaur was a pipsqueak, its body just a tad longer than a T. rex skull.
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Photos: Tiny Tyrannosaur Dinosaur Was About As Big As T. Rex's Skull
This 92-million-year-old tyrannosaur was so small, it was only slightly larger than the skull of its mighty relative, Tyrannosaurus rex.
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Caster Semenya, Testosterone and the History of Gender Segregation in Sports
Sports are segregated by sex. But what happens when athletes don't fit neatly into sport's definition of gender?
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Who Inherits the British Throne?
Since days of yore, the royal line of succession to the British throne — like most monarchies — was based on primogeniture.
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Scientists Think They've Found the Ancient Neutron Star Crash That Showered Our Solar System in Gold
A nearby neutron star collision may have rained bling on our solar system when it was a baby.
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Last-Ditch Hack Led to the Invention of Quantum Mechanics
Max Planck had no idea where his solution would lead
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Watch Concrete Explode As Scientists Probe Weird Phenomenon
Concrete can't burn, but it can blow up.
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Ancient Guatemalan Sculptors Knowingly Crafted Magnetic 'Potbelly' Statues
The giant heads and distorted bodies are magnetized in particular spots.
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Minggu, 05 Mei 2019
Could Life on Earth Have Come from Another Star System?
We may all be aliens whose home world orbits a distant star.
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A Killer Asteroid Is Coming — We Don't Know When (So Let's Be Ready), Bill Nye Says
The good news is, we can do something about it.
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10 Most Common Reasons Why Introverts are Amazingly Attractive

Introverts are usually viewed as aloof, “stuck up”, and disinterested because they maintain their low profile although that presumption is not far from the truth.
Just imagine James Bond. He doesn’t show his emotions openly, not even seen through his face. He’s confident, driven, pensive, and quiet. Does his disposition make him less or more attractive? Bond’s style caused him to become more attractive...