Kamis, 31 Oktober 2019

Measles Wipes Your Immune System's 'Memory,' So It Can't Fight Other Infections

Two new studies detail how the measles virus causes "immune amnesia." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2N0OtQG via IFT...

California's Kincade Fire Spawns Huge Plume Visible from Space

Smoke from the Kincade wildfire drifts over Northern California in new satellite imagery. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pkMv4V via IFT...

Exoplanets Might Need Big Dose of Meteor Impacts to Start Growing Alien Life

What's the recipe for a living planet? A new paper suggests that the right number of impacts is a key ingredient. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31Z8xal via IFT...

Astronomers Discover Glowing 'Galactic Ghoul'

Astronomers have just observed a ghostly nebula of gas resembling the shape of an hourglass, surrounding a known galaxy. This ghoulish structure has dwarfed the galaxy it is surrounding. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33a7y8Y via IFT...

Astronomers Discover Glowing 'Galactic Ghoul'

Astronomers have just observed a ghostly nebula of gas resembling the shape of an hourglass, surrounding a known galaxy. This ghoulish structure has dwarfed the galaxy it is surrounding. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2WuMvuX via IFT...

Jesus Painting Bound for the Dump Is Lost Renaissance Masterpiece Worth $27 Million

A 13th-century painting that hung over an elderly French woman's hot plate for years has sold at auction for $26.8 million. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Wth2cR via IFT...

Medical Students May Have Secretly Practiced on Human Bodies Found in 19th-Century Burial in Scotland

A grisly find of human bones behind a house in the Scottish city of Aberdeen is now thought to point to a dark chapter in history — the illicit use of dead bodies for anatomical practice in the 19th century. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/335m55t via IFT...

Why Do Some People Like to Be Scared?

Do you have the personality trait that leads you to thrive in the face of fear? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/36m6YH3 via IFT...

Case of Rat Bite Fever Reveals Why Pet Rodents Are Basically a Terrible Idea

A woman's pet rat gave her a potentially fatal illness known as "rat bite fever." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/331asMY via IFT...

The World's Fastest-Thinning Glacier Identified

Scientists have identified the world's fastest-thinning glacier: a stream of rapidly-retreating ice in Patagonia. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Ws18PI via IFT...

Rabu, 30 Oktober 2019

What Turned This Woman's Pee a Striking Shade of Lilac

A relatively rare chemical reaction can turn people's pee purple. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/36fHrz7 via IFT...

This Man Hid Weed in His Nose. It Got Stuck for 18 Years.

A balloon full of weed sat unnoticed in a man's nose for 18 years before it was finally removed. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/36k2VLm via IFT...

Root of Humanity's Belief in Evil Possibly Found

Spiritual belief in evil may stem from people's attempts to explain and avoid infectious diseases. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/332S9Hs via IFT...

Is a New Particle Changing the Fate of the Universe?

A brand-new particle has possibly emerged and is altering the future destiny of our entire cosmos, a physicist says. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2NsYTYe via IFT...

Colliding Galaxies Form Piercing Eyes of 'Ghost Face’ in New Hubble Telescope Image

A ghastly face with glowing eyes glares in deep space in a new image from the Hubble Space Telescope. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MXBYFy via IFT...

Why Are Some Adults Really Afraid of Ghosts?

Ever been in an empty house and felt like someone's watching you? For some, that sensation, that fear of ghosts, is never-ending. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2BTFsCJ via IFT...

Here's How NASA Might Bring Home Pieces of Mars (In a Darth Vader Helmet)

Scientists studying Mars have wanted pieces of the Red Planet here on Earth for decades, and they are finally getting their shot at designing a mission to acquire such souvenirs. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2q3OZVf via IFT...

Girl with Rare 'Sleeping Beauty' Syndrome Dozes for Months

A rare syndrome leaves a teenage girl bedridden from excessive sleepiness. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31YmN3h via IFT...

5,000 Mini-Eyes Just Blinked Open to Scan the Skies for Dark Energy

Astronomers recently completed the first test run of the nearly-complete Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2WuqSey via IFT...

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2019

How Rabies Inspired Folktales of Werewolves and Vampires

A look back at the folklore of rabies in humans reveals ties to beliefs in werewolves, vampires and other monsters. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2peDESf via IFT...

The 'Mole' on NASA's Mars Lander Just Popped Out Of Its Hole (and That's Not Good)

The mole's up-and-down Mars saga has taken yet another turn. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MVueEa via IFT...

Mathematicians Solve 'Twin Prime Conjecture' — In an Alternate Universe

Mathematicians have uncovered a big new piece of evidence for one of the most famous unproven ideas in mathematics, known as the twin prime conjecture. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/36prpmy via IFT...

Why We Love Blood-Curdling Screams

The arsenal of human screams has been honed over millions of years of evolution. Here's why we love blood-curdling screams. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2or4o1g via IFT...

You Totally Have Enough Time to Exercise If You Just Put Down Your Phone

Many Americans actually do have enough free time in their day for exercise, but they spend that time looking at screens instead, a new study suggests. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2q0OoUh via IFT...

Senin, 28 Oktober 2019

There's No Evidence Marijuana Will Treat Your Anxiety or Depression

Existing evidence doesn't validate the use of cannabinoids to treat mental health disorders. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2BQZYDX via IFT...

Tuberculosis: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Tuberculosis is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide, affecting mainly children and the elderly. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2BMPwgK via IFT...

More Obese Children Should Get Weight-Loss Surgery, Doctors Say

Weight-loss surgery could treat severely obese children more effectively than lifestyle changes alone, pediatricians say. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2q1m8Ra via IFT...

This Newly Discovered Virus Replicates in a Completely Unknown Way

It lacks the proteins needed to replicate. Yet somehow, it's thriving. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Wnp9r3 via IFT...

These Mesmerizing Images Show 'Invisible Gravity Waves' Rippling Over Australia

Satellite images captured a rare glimpse of a phenomenon known as atmospheric gravity waves. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2WmB4FN via IFT...

Scientists Think They've Found 'Mitochondrial Eve's' First Homeland

Using genetic data from 1,200 modern indigenous Africans, researchers believe they’ve pinpointed the location of the first permanent human settlement, which thrived 200,000 years ago. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pomjpV via IFT...

The Black Knight Satellite: A Hodgepodge of Alien Conspiracy Theories

Some think it could be an extraterrestrial spacecraft — but is it? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2WoWfXU via IFT...

Most People Don't Actually Feel Euphoric When They Take Opioids, Study Finds

Mounting research suggests that the average person doesn't actually reach a euphoric state after taking opioids. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MRtGis via IFT...

These Weirdo Stellar Corpses Have Creamy Centers Filled with Exotic Quantum Liquids

Physicists have figured out what's lurking inside of white dwarfs, revealing the stellar corpses are creamy and filled with exotic quantum liquids. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2omShCk via IFT...

If There's a Wormhole Hiding in Our Galaxy, Could We Really Find It?

Researchers describe how to find wormholes in the folds of our galaxy. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2PqGPkq via IFT...

Human-Size Blob Drifts by Divers. And It's Packed with Hundreds of Thousands of Baby Squid.

A trio of divers off the western coast of Norway had a close encounter with a drifting gelatinous blob — a squid's egg sac as big as an adult human. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MS4RDb via IFT...

Minggu, 27 Oktober 2019

10 Most Popular Candies For Trick-or-Treating

Halloween is fast approaching and kids are getting ready for their most awaited time of the year. Before heading to your nearest store to buy candies, check this list of 10 most popular Halloween candies for trick or treating. Stock up these best candies if you like to be the favorite house at your place this year! 1. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups This Chocolate and peanut butter combo is the most loved...

US Air Force's X-37B Space Plane Lands After Record 780-Day Mystery Mission

The U.S. Air Force's unpiloted X-37B space plane landed back on Earth Sunday (Oct. 27) after a record 780 days in orbit , racking up the fifth ultra-long mission for the military's mini-shuttle fleet. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MRncQH via IFT...

Rock Star's Company Seeks UFOs, Finds Military Contract

A private company that researches UFOs has a new contract with the U.S. government. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/34awooX via IFT...

Why Does Hunger Sometimes Cause Nausea?

Chemical signals in your body can go a little haywire if you don't heed your hunger. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MPtCj8 via IFT...

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2019

Is It Safe to Stand in Front of Microwave Ovens?

When used correctly, microwave ovens are safe, according to the FDA. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2JppkNm via IFT...

Jumat, 25 Oktober 2019

Assyrian Tablets Contain Earliest Written Record of Aurora’s Sky Glow

Cuneiform tablets from ancient Assyria dating to 679 B.C. contain the earliest written record of an aurora. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2phwjky via IFT...

Lab Tech Accidentally Injects Herself with Smallpox-Related Virus

A lab worker in San Diego became infected with a smallpox-related virus after she accidentally stuck herself with a needle. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MM3cPl via IFT...

TheHistory of Halloween

Halloween has its roots in a pagan harvest festival, while different traditions were added throughout the years. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2he7iPn via IFT...

Your Brain 'Shields' Itself from the Existential Threat of Death

Our brains can't understand "the idea of ending, of nothing, of complete annihilation." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/32N7QCm via IFT...

How Long Will It Take to Find Proof of Alien Life?

How long until we find evidence of life beyond Earth? If a panel of experts is on track with their estimates, it may be sooner than you think. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2WaLJ6o via IFT...

Mystery of 15th-Century Bayeux Tapestry Solved

The Bayeux Tapestry's real home base has been identified in the Bayeux Cathedral in Normandy. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/365sm30 via IFT...

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2019

In a Distant Galaxy, Colliding Exoplanets Are Upending What We Knew About Solar System Formation

Two Earth-like exoplanets appear to have smashed into each other in a distant solar system, and the cosmic carnage is only getting worse. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2WcSbtA via IFT...

A Man Kept Getting Drunk Without Using Alcohol. It Turns Out, His Gut Brews Its Own Booze.

A man with auto-brewery syndrome would become drunk after eating carbs. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MKTA7F via IFT...

Google's Quantum Computer Just Aced an 'Impossible' Test

For the first time, a quantum computer has solved a task that Google says would be impossible for the most advanced supercomputers in the world. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pMvMHo via IFT...

Legendary 'Yeti' Galaxy Finally Discovered Behind a Shroud of Cosmic Dust

Researchers recently captured the first images of a hidden "monster galaxy" as elusive as the mythical, monstrous yeti. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2peqB35 via IFT...

Medieval Scottish Man Who Died 600 Years Ago Was Short and Balding, with Bad Teeth and Back Problems

Archaeologists have reconstructed the weathered face of a middle-age man who died more than 600 years ago and was buried in Aberdeen, Scotland. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Pgd5qo via IFT...

Missing-Link Atoms Turn Up in Aftermath of Neutron-Star Collision

Two neutron stars smashed together and shook the universe, spitting a "kilonova" of ultradense, ultrahot material into space. Now, astronomers have discovered firm evidence of a metal with a mysterious history in the aftermath. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2p90yu5 via IFT...

What Is a Neutron Star?

A wealth of energy crammed into a tiny, spinning package. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Jkw9Qj via IFT...

Rabu, 23 Oktober 2019

NASA Teams Up with $100 Million Breakthrough Listen Project to Search for Intelligent Aliens

Scientists working on NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission will collaborate with the $100 million Breakthrough Listen project in the search for intelligent aliens, members of both teams announced today (Oct. 23). from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2obg8os via IFT...

World’s Most Expensive Painting, Allegedly by Da Vinci, Could Reappear in the Louvre This Week

It's unlikely, but not impossible, that "Salvator Mundi" will be at the Louvre's upcoming da Vinci exhibition, from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2PjPgOt via IFT...

Bringing Ancient Mesopotamia to Life

How building a narrative around ancient artifacts is bringing Mesopotamia to life. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31C2lVz via IFT...

Israel Plans to Go Back to the Moon … And Stick the Landing This Time

Israel had pinned its hopes on becoming the fourth country to land softly on the moon, and although the country's team failed on the first try, it still intends to try to claim that coveted title. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Pd3wZe via IFT...

Can Gene Therapy Cure HIV? US Gov't. Is Banking $100 Million On It.

The NIH wants to cure HIV and sickle cell disease with gene therapies, and will invest $100 million over the next four years towards that goal. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2BDBM82 via IFT...

Why Witches Are Usually Women

From the Salem witch trials to today's "witch hunts," women are front and center because they are considered powerless and more easily swayed by demons. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2N1VJuw via IFT...

The World's Oldest Pearl Was Just Discovered on an Island in the Persian Gulf

The pearl dates back 8,000 years to the Neolithic period — the last stage of the Stone Age from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2BHL42F via IFT...

Why Do Some People Need Less Sleep Than Others?

New genetic research in mice may reveal why some people need less sleep than others. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oblhwV via IFT...

The 10 busiest cities in the world

Cities’ transformation when it comes to infrastructures, buildings, skyscrapers or metropolitans is admirable. Aside from the development of the world’s landscape, communities’ living standard has greatly changed too. Technology, trade and globalization made the people busier than before. Listed below are the 10 busiest cities in the world. 1. New York This busy and noisy city of New York is populated...

Skeletons Discovered in the Tower of London for First Time in 50 Years

The skeletons of two women — an adult and a child — were discovered buried in a lost chapel in the infamous Tower of London. They don't appear to have been prisoners. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MHhjpb via IFT...

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2019

The Scoop on Slime — Hyenas Squeeze It from Their Butts and Parrotfish Sleep in Snot Balloons

Gooey, sticky slime isn't just gross; it's crucial for the survival of a wide variety of animals and plants, many of which are featured in the new book "Believe It or Snot." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31JozFu via IFT...

'Mother's Day' Cupcake Topper Stuck in Man's Throat for a Week

A man ate a cupcake so fast he failed to notice that he had swallowed the cupcake topper, which said "Happy Mother's Day." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2W5oJFH via IFT...

Physicists Built This Arsenal of Plasma Guns, And They Think It Might Blast Fusion Power Wide Open

Los Alamos physicists want to combine two fusion-power techniques and finally harness the energy source that powers the sun. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/32BvFgg via IFT...

Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Shrinks to Record-Small Size

The ozone hole over Antarctica has shrunk to its smallest size yet. Here's why. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pLRF9z via IFT...

Humans May Be the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe, If Evolution Has Anything to Say

A look at 4.5 billion years of Earth's history tells us that intelligence, including extraterrestrial intelligence, is unlikely to evolve. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2N0pR9H via IFT...

Fluorescent, Rainbow-Colored Turtle Embryo Earns Microscope Photo Contest's Top Prize

Photos of delicate embryos, feathery mosquito antenna and a frozen water droplet were just a few of the standout images in this year's Nikon Small World microphotography contest. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2N0mNKJ via IFT...

How Lumps on a Man's Heels Signaled a Rare Disease in His Brain

A rare condition called cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis causes fatty growths to form in the tendons and the brain. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oTEJ1F via IFT...

Endangered Antarctic Glacier Could Soon Calve a Massive New Iceberg

Two large rifts have widened near the edge of Pine Island Glacier on the West Antarctic ice sheet. If they continue to grow, they could release an iceberg four times bigger than Manhattan. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2N15nNT via IFT...

Senin, 21 Oktober 2019

A Violent Tornado Hit Dallas Last Night, Throwing Debris 3 Miles High

A destructive tornado hit northern Dallas on Sunday, Oct. 20, causing widespread power outages and significant property damage. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31sTndm via IFT...

This Virus May Be Causing Mysterious Polio-Like Illness That’s Paralyzing Some Children

A mysterious polio-like illness that spiked in 2014, leading to paralysis in children across the U.S., may have divulged one of its secrets. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2p2NtlR via IFT...

The 1st Human on Mars May Be a Woman, NASA Chief Says

It won't be long before we see the first woman on Mars, and she just might beat the first man there, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said Friday (Oct. 18). from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MwBxln via IFT...

'Cursed' Primate Weirdos Have Extra Thumbs. Scientists Didn't Know About Them Until Now.

The discovery of a previously unknown mini-thumb makes weird aye-ayes even weirder. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2BssRWU via IFT...

Ancient City of 'Mahendraparvata' Hidden Beneath Cambodian Jungle

Archaeologists have mapped the ancient city of Mahendraparvata, hidden beneath thick vegetation on a Cambodian mountain not far from the temple of Angkor Wat. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35UHNLh via IFT...

Archaeologists Identify 'Lost' Jerusalem Street Built by Pontius Pilate — the Man Who Condemned Jesus to Death

Archaeologists have identified a grand street in Jerusalem that was built by Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect of Judea who is famous for overseeing the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2P54Mxm via IFT...

This Brainless 'Blob' Could Take Over the Paris Zoo, If You Give It Enough Oatmeal

The Paris Zoological Park is debuting a new exhibit on 'the blob' — a brainless, single-cell slime mold with incredible problem-solving potential. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33ScCyH via IFT...

Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019

Fireball That Flew Over Japan in 2017 Was Tiny Piece of Giant Asteroid that Might One Day Threaten Earth

If you'd looked up into the sky in Kyoto, Japan, on April 28, 2017, you may have seen a preview of an event that could, far down the road, threaten the whole Earth. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2BsWiIA via IFT...

Why Do Pigeons Bob Their Heads?

Head-bobbing might make pigeons look ridiculous, but there's a practical purpose behind this very strange display. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2N0BqgU via IFT...

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2019

30 Sealed Coffins Holding Mummies Called the 'Cachette of the Priests' Discovered in Egypt

Archaeologists have unearthed 30 sealed wooden coffins with mummies inside at "El-Assasif," an ancient necropolis near Luxor, Egypt. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33Ng65c via IFT...

In Photos: 'Cachette of the Priests' Discovered in Luxor

Archaeologists near Luxor, Egypt, have discovered 30 sealed wooden coffins with mummies inside, some of which belonged to ancient Egyptian priests. Here are photos of the findings. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/32v9M2h via IFT...

How Can a Star Be Older Than the Universe?

Somebody is lying about their age. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oUeTu8 via IFT...

Why Don't Mountains Grow Forever?

Imagine a world where mountains grow so high, they poke through the upper atmosphere and create a rocky maze for pilots to navigate. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VWdGi5 via IFT...

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2019

The World's Largest Geode Formed When the Mediterranean Sea Disappeared, New Study Reveals

The Pulpí Geode, in southern Spain, is the largest geode in the world. For the first time, scientists think they know how it was made. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2BAUihv via IFT...

NASA Astronauts Make History with 1st All-Female Spacewalk

Today (Oct. 18), NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir embarked on the first spacewalk in history to be completed by a team of all women. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31r4hAq via IFT...

Fat Can Build Up in Your Lungs

Fat can accumulate in some insidious places in the body, including your lungs, a new study finds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2qr77bM via IFT...

Long-Lost WWII Ship Found at the Bottom of the Pacific Ocean

The Kaga sank during the historic Battle of Midway, along with six other vessels. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Mte98h via IFT...

This Quiet Fault in Southern California Hadn't Moved in 500 Years. Now It's Slipping.

Earthquakes that shook Southern California in July set a nearby fault in motion. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2qs6sH5 via IFT...

The 1st All-Female Spacewalk Happening Today. Here's How to Watch It Live

NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir are scheduled to begin the first-ever all-female spacewalk today (Oct. 18) at around 7:50 a.m. EDT (1150 GMT). Watch it live at Space.com. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/32s9skO via IFT...

The Milky Way Stole Its Cosmic Neighbors from Another Galaxy

Our home galaxy stole several dwarf galaxies that used to belong to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a galaxy near the Milky Way. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pC58Rh via IFT...

What Is the Cryosphere?

The cryosphere is critical to Earth and its inhabitants, but it is vanishing as the planet warms. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MrGCLZ via IFT...

Kamis, 17 Oktober 2019

What Is Activated Charcoal?

You might want to reconsider including activated charcoal in your food, beverages or cosmetics. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oU8eQC via IFT...

Vaping Outbreak Death Toll Reaches 33

Nearly three dozen people have died from vaping-related lung illnesses as the nationwide outbreak that continues to grow. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Bmnfxo via IFT...

This 'Doomsday' Plane Was Designed to Survive a Nuclear Attack. A Bird Just Took It Down.

This Navy craft is meant to communicate with nuclear forces in the event of a nuclear war. And a bird strike just grounded it. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/32oLAP7 via IFT...

Japan Just Imported Ebola to Prep for Possible Olympic Outbreak

Japan imported Ebola and other lethal viruses to prepare diagnostic test kits for the 2020 Olympics. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2IW2o87 via IFT...

Scorching Hot Take: September Was North America's Warmest Ever

September tied the record for the warmest average global temperatures during that month, according to a new NOAA report. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MnfHAS via IFT...

Virgin Galactic Unveils New Line of Under Armour 'Spacewear' for Space Tourists

Virgin Galactic and partner Under Armour unveiled a new line of "spacewear" spacesuits for future passengers on SpaceShipTwo. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/32p9I3V via IFT...

Dead Elephant Found Lying on Top of a Squashed Crocodile. What Happened?

An elephant's seemingly final act after it was attacked by a crocodile was to collapse on top of the reptile, crushing the would-be predator. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2OWsITq via IFT...

Ancient 'Cockroaches of the Sea' Fossilized While Playing 'Follow the Leader'

Trilobites fossilized in Morocco seem to have been buried by a storm as they marched in an orderly queue. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33HjAWS via IFT...

Underwater Volcano Creates Bubbles More Than a Quarter-Mile Across

In the early 20th century, sailors near Alaska reported seeing black bubbles seeming to boil out from the sea. They weren't wrong. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Moqv1G via IFT...

The 15 Weirdest Galaxies in Our Universe

There are galaxies shaped like jellyfish, galaxies that consume other galaxies, and galaxies that seem to lack the dark matter that pervades the rest of the universe. Here are the strangest galaxies in the universe. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33BBiv4 via IFT...

Game Over: These Monkeys Just Crushed Humans on a Computer Game

While playing a game, monkeys switched strategies each round, while humans stuck to a set of inefficient rules. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35GaxHJ via IFT...

Tiny Star Grinds Alien Asteroid into Giant Cloud of Debris

Good news for scientists. Bad news for any asteroid dwellers. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pwDdlH via IFT...

Rabu, 16 Oktober 2019

Why Did This Man's Taste Buds Disappear?

A man's missing taste buds would turn out to be a sign of an underlying blood condition. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pmdPzb via IFT...

The Man Who Found the Titanic Just Ended His Search for Amelia Earhart's Lost Plane

Two weeks and a multimillion-dollar search later, Robert Ballard said he has found no hint of it. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33GchPd via IFT...

Watch Rare Footage of Whales Blowing 'Bubble Nets' to Capture Prey in a Vortex of Doom

Underwater and airborne cameras recently captured an astounding sight: feeding whales producing bubble nets to trap their prey. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33HnGP7 via IFT...

What Is a Sea Cucumber?

Nope, these cucumbers aren't plants. Sea cucumbers are colorful, squishy sea creatures that live on the ocean floor. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2ISldcs via IFT...

How the Nobel Prize-Winning Exoplanet Was Found

The 1995 discovery showed that the sun isn't the only star to host a family of planets — something we had long figured but never demonstrated — and also that the universe is really, really weird. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31lVjEp via IFT...

Why Computers Will Never Be Truly Conscious

Here's why computers will never be truly conscious. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/32ldPhp via IFT...

17th-Century Dutch Smugglers' Shipwreck Comes to Life in Virtual Reality

A virtual dive of a 17th-century shipwreck explores the remains of a ship used by the Dutch to secretly trade with Iceland. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MkPwup via IFT...

Exotic 'Fuzzy' Dark Matter May Have Created Giant Filaments Across the Early Universe

Simulations help distinguish a cosmos containing fuzzy dark matter from one without it. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35FKron via IFT...

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2019

4,000-Year-Old Mummies Showed Early Signs of Heart Disease

Five mummies dating to 4,000 years ago had cholesterol buildup in their arteries, hinting that humans have been susceptible to heart disease since ancient times. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VIdnHw via IFT...

Widely Publicized Study on CRISPR Babies' Gene Mutation Now Retracted for Errors

A widely publicized study that suggested that the first gene-edited "CRISPR" babies could have shorter lifespans has been retracted due to crucial errors in the analysis. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oJD4eQ via IFT...

Scientists Want to Make a 3D Map of the Entire World Before Climate Change Ruins It

A nonprofit called The Earth Archive wants to make a 3D map of the entire planet, before the climate crisis changes Earth's face forever. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MGTxse via IFT...

Bloody, Defeated Gladiator Drips Gore in Gruesome Fresco Uncovered at Pompeii

Archaeologists recently discovered a colorful fresco of fighting gladiators on a tavern wall in Pompeii. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/32tWpz6 via IFT...

Why Are Healthy People Dying From Vaping?

The mysterious vaping outbreak in the U.S. has led to nearly 1,300 lung injuries and 26 deaths as of this week. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33Ay0Ii via IFT...

Faster-Than-Light Travel Could Explain Mysterious Signals Beaming Through the Cosmos

But don't worry, no laws of physics are being violated. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2IPYg9M via IFT...

2nd Interstellar Comet Looks Pretty Normal, Astronomers Say

Observations of the interstellar Comet Borisov have been flooding in for six weeks, and the more astronomers duplicate one another's work, the more confident they are in their analysis of the object. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33pL6bw via IFT...

Senin, 14 Oktober 2019

Should You Eat Red Meat?

Over the past few years, studies have indicated eating red is bad for your health, but a new study seems to reverse that. So what should you do? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35Awc3Q via IFT...

Brilliant Midnight Fireball Lights Up Sky Over Northeast China

What appears to be a dazzling meteor lit up the sky over northeast China on Friday (Oct. 11), appearing as a brilliant fireball in surveillance video of the event. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oJNNWH via IFT...

Humans Will Never Live on Another Planet, Nobel Laureate Says. Here's Why.

Here's the reality: We're messing up the Earth and any far-out ideas of colonizing another orb when we're done with our own are wishful thinking. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oHP3td via IFT...

Why Are Some Places Snubbing Columbus Day?

More and more towns and cities across the country are electing to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day as an alternative to — or in addition to — Columbus Day. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33vasVg via IFT...

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2019

See the Full Hunter's Moon Shine Bright Tonight

October's full moon, called the Hunter's Moon, will rise tonight (Oct. 13), reaching its peak fullness at 5:08 p.m. ET. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/317LHgx via IFT...

World’s 10 Most Hilarious Dog Breeds

Have you encountered a very hilarious dog? Dogs who enjoy making people laugh and at the same time were delighted and just kept on doing it? They have funny traits and unique personality, which they have no problem showing it. Some are energetic and cheerful, which causes people to laugh. But others are just so funny or astonishing! Below are the 10 most hilarious dog breeds in the world: 1. Neapolitan...

Who Owns the Arctic?

Several countries are launching claims to vast swathes of the Arctic seabed. But what does that mean for political and environmental stability in the region? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VAD0dq via IFT...

Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2019

What's The Biggest Animal That a Snake Can Swallow?

A complex network of skull bones, ligaments and muscles allows a snake to swallow prey with bodies much larger than the sinuous predator's own head. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MMJUsb via IFT...

Why Is the Milky Way Galaxy Getting So Gassy?

Using 10 years of data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, the team of astronomers concluded that there is more gas coming into our galaxy than leaving it. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MxzxIo via IFT...

Jumat, 11 Oktober 2019

Bones Filled with Marrow Served as Prehistoric Humans' 'Cans of Soup'

Around 400,000 years ago, humans set aside bones filled with tasty grease and marrow, storing them like canned soup for later meals. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VAbo85 via IFT...

A Man Heard 'Scratching' Noises in His Ear. It Was a Spider.

A man who felt a tickling and scratching sensation in his ear soon discovered something horrifying: A spider had crawled into his ear. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3195mMQ via IFT...

West Nile Virus: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Most people bitten by a West Nile virus mosquito won't get sick, but in a small percentage of people, the virus invades the brain and spinal cord, which results in serious illness. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/323uG8p via IFT...

How the Universe Stopped Making Sense

What's going on? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31aDdoK via IFT...

Why Don't More Women Win Nobels in Science?

Here's a look at why more women don't win more Nobel Prizes in science, an issue that involves women's exclusion from education and careers in science. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2OF5Do8 via IFT...

Nobel Peace Prize: 1901-Present

Here's a look at all Nobel Peace Prize recipients, including Barack Obama, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MwrFqG via IFT...

2 Mummies Unearthed in Ancient Egyptian Cemetery Where King Tut and Other Royalty Were Buried

Two mummies have been unearthed in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, the cemetery holding the tomb of King Tut and other Egyptian royalty. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33qPF5w via IFT...

Nobel Prize in Literature: 1901-Present

The winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, including Toni Morrison, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and John Steinbeck. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VCEfsr via IFT...

Frozen Earth in 'Snowpiercer' Is a Grim (and Possible) Future for Our Warming Planet

The grim future of new TNT sci-fi series "Snowpiercer" began with climate change. Could our rapidly warming world undergo a global deep freeze? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/324IEac via IFT...

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

Da Vinci's Forgotten Design for the Longest Bridge in the World Proves What a Genius He Was

Had da Vinci's bridge been built, the bridge would have been incredibly sturdy from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35mx8ZH via IFT...

Vaping Outbreak Death Toll Climbs to More Than 2 Dozen

More than two dozen people have died in connection with an outbreak of vaping-related lung illnesses across the U.S. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2p7FaFa via IFT...

What Is Mental Health?

It's more than a buzzword — mental health impacts every aspect of our lives. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2p5Upi2 via IFT...

Pyramid-Size Asteroid Hurtles Past Earth (Again)

A fast-moving visitor is approaching our cosmic neighborhood. Dubbed 2019 SX5, this near-Earth object is about the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2ITKOC3 via IFT...

Why Humans' Extinct 'Hobbit' Relatives Were So Small

The diminutive size of the extinct human relative called the Hobbit, or Homo floresiensis, could come down to really fast evolution. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2olgUzz via IFT...

'Cosmic Mudball Meteorite' Smells Like Brussels Sprouts, Finds New Home at Museum

A new meteorite addition to the Field Museum's collection resembles a malodorous mud brick, but it holds important clues about the origins of life on Earth. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2AVGj5v via IFT...

The Human Skull Obeys the 'Golden Ratio,' Study Suggests. Anatomists Say That's Ridiculous.

The golden ratio does exist in some places, but the skull is likely not one of them. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35iWkQZ via IFT...

'Upside-Down Rivers' of Warm Water Are Carving Antarctica to Pieces

Satellite images show huge cracks and holes forming in the same parts of Antarctica's ice shelves every year. New research suggests that hidden 'rivers' of warm water are carving the shelves up from below. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/33p3CAV via IFT...

California Becomes 1st State to Sell HIV Prevention Drugs Without a Prescription

Pharmacies can now sell PEP and PrEP as over-the-counter drugs. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VuzKQE via IFT...

Rabu, 09 Oktober 2019

Girl Diagnosed with Fatal Brain Disease Gets a Tailor-Made Drug within a Year

Mila Makovec was diagnosed with a rare and fatal neurological condition at age 6. Doctors developed a tailor-made genetic treatment for her in just a year. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30XlUaN via IFT...

NY Teenager Dies from Vaping-Related Lung Illness, Becoming Outbreak's Youngest Victim

A New York teenager who died from a vaping-related lung illness appears to be the youngest victim in an outbreak that has sickened more than 1,000 people. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MqiUOV via IFT...

Move Over, Tardigrades — 'Mold Pigs' Are the New Micro-Beast in Town

A paleobiologist uncovered a never-before-seen microinvertebrate in Domenican amber. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/320kGg1 via IFT...

A Second Interstellar Visitor Has Arrived in Our Solar System. This Time, Astronomers Think They Know Where It Came From

When 'Oumuamua passed through our solar system in 2017, no one could figure out where the object came from. But astronomers think they've worked out how Comet 2I/Borisov got here. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2ID26mx via IFT...

Chernobyl’s Control Room Is Now Open to Tourists … for 5 Minutes

Chernobyl tour companies have confirmed that the control room is open to the brave souls who wish to be closer to the scene of the disaster from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2M02WvD via IFT...

Can Eating a Healthy Diet Really Help Treat Depression?

A study suggests that an improved diet can help relieve depressive symptoms, but an expert points out major weaknesses in the trial. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2AZ6RCU via IFT...

Why the Science Community Is Upset About Who Won a Nobel — and Who Didn't

The Nobel Prize in physics this year has gone to two very different research threads — and danced around some big societal issues, even as they celebrate distinguished work. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2p5z48f via IFT...

Nobel Prize in Chemistry: 1901-Present

A list of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, including Marie Curie, Roger Kornberg and Otto Hahn. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2yHfOO2 via IFT...

Tiny, One-of-a-Kind Diamond Is Trapped ... Inside Another Diamond

A diamond inside another diamond was recently discovered in a mine in Russia. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Mwhhiu via IFT...

Lost Version of '50 Shades' of Medieval Erotica Is Rediscovered

Researchers have rediscovered an early version of a medieval popular romance with a steamy sex scene. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oiBZKW via IFT...

3 Scientists Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Developing the Lithium-Ion Battery

Three scientists have won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing the lithium-ion battery that powers everything from smartphones to electric cars. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/320wVcF via IFT...

What Is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome affects connective tissues in the body and can cause a wide array of symptoms. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2ATVz2v via IFT...

Selasa, 08 Oktober 2019

Nobel Prize in Physics: 1901-Present

Here's a look at all winners of the Nobel Prize in physics, including Steven Chu, Aage Niels Bohr and Enrico Fermi. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2uo0680 via IFT...

Oobleck's Weird Properties Demystified

Scientists have made the first 3D model of cornstarch and water, a bizarre substance called oobleck. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31VMOBa via IFT...

Meat Grown in Space for the First Time Ever

This cultivated meat is "slaughter-free." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Vr2FoB via IFT...

Not Brain Dead: Patient Trapped in Vegetative State by Unethical Doctors

A man was kept in a vegetative state to save a hospital's reputation. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/323rqKo via IFT...

Photos: Hidden Ruins of an Old Scottish Whisky Distillery

These ruined stone buildings hidden in the forest in the Scottish Highlands would have been an ideal site for making illicit whisky. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oneIqY via IFT...

Hidden Scottish Ruins May Have Been Illegal Whisky Stills, Says Archaeologist

Mystery surrounds a group of ruined stone buildings hidden in a remote forest in the Scottish Highlands, with an archaeologist suggesting they were once an illegal whisky distillery. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2AQIsiI via IFT...

Nobel Prize in Physics Honors Scientists Who Transformed Our Ideas About the Cosmos

The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to three scientists for unraveling the structure and history of the universe and for changing our perspective of Earth’s place in it. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MmTUYS via IFT...

Senin, 07 Oktober 2019

This Microbe Is Spreading Antibiotic Resistance to Other Bacteria

Scientists found that the superbug MRSA had been gifted its antibiotic resistance from another microbe. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2od5wpn via IFT...

Useless Self-Help Guide Offers Ludicrous Solutions to Everyday Problems

A new book by Randall Munroe, author of the popular science webcomic xkcd, explains how to fix real-world problems by using science to find ridiculously complicated solutions. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VlKCAl via IFT...

Ancient Megalopolis Uncovered in Israel Was the 'New York City' of Its Time Period

Archeologists recently discovered an ancient lost city in Hasharon, north of Tel Aviv. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2LWGV0V via IFT...

Early Earthlings May Have Watched the Galaxy's Center Explode 3.5 Million Years Ago

The mysterious Fermi bubbles at the center of the Milky Way may have been caused by a gargantuan nuclear explosion 3.5 million years ago, new research suggests. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/336KyHa via IFT...

Elon Musk Doesn't Know Where the Aliens Are (So, Stop Asking)

At a recent event in Boca Chica, Texas, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk confirms that, to his knowledge, we haven't yet discovered aliens. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2OyKAUa via IFT...

Nobel Prize in Medicine: 1901-Present

Here's a look at past winners of the Nobel Prize in Medicine. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2fJyLeX via IFT...

Trio Wins Nobel Prize in Medicine for Figuring Out 'One of Life's Most Essential Adaptive Processes'

This year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine has been awarded jointly to three scientists who figured out how cells sense and adapt to changes in levels of oxygen, the Nobel Assembly at Sweden's Karlinska Institute announced this morning (Oct. 7). from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VuHjXP via IFT...

10 Most Known Countries with the Strictest Laws

Strict enforcement and discipline of the laws and policies of every land may be viewed as rude implementations by others but considered as a necessity by some. The nations listed below are splendid when it comes to law implementation and strict governance. Some may be stuck to their traditions or religion. However, the countries listed are serious in their policies and it’s a must to consider before...

Ancient 'Curse of the Dancer' Deciphered, Revealing Backstabbing Rivals

A Greek engraving on a 1,500-year-old lead tablet discovered in the ruins of an ancient theater in Israel has finally been deciphered. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2OqQdUx via IFT...

Scientists Implant False Memories into Bird Brains

False memories implanted in the brains of songbirds could explain how the birds learn to sing — and how people learn to talk. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VjaCMR via IFT...

Minggu, 06 Oktober 2019

How Do Compasses Tell Which Way Is North at the South Pole?

For thousands of years, people have relied on magnetic compasses to find their way around the planet. But the closer that compasses draw to the magnetic North and South Poles, the less reliable they become. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pL7i16 via IFT...

Photos of the Pika, North America's Cutest Mammal

The American pika may look more closely related to a hamster or a guinea pig instead of their rabbit/hare cousins. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2ALiHAa via IFT...

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2019

Why NASA's Annoyed About Elon Musk's Giant Rocket

SpaceX has never flown a person into space in its first spacecraft, the Crew Dragon. But already Musk is showing off his big, shiny Starship — and NASA is bristling. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31R60A2 via IFT...

Can You Count Past Infinity?

How many different types of infinity are there, and can we count past any of them? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2o4ZVkR via IFT...

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2019

Earth's Magnetic Poles Can Flip Much More Often Than Anyone Thought

Earth's magnetic field flipped 26 times every million years during the Cambrian period, the highest frequency ever documented. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VltquU via IFT...

Twin Baby Stars Caught Feeding from Their Mother, a Twisted 'Pretzel' of Interstellar Dust

Twin baby stars snuggle inside a "pretzel" of glowing gas and dust in an image captured by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array telescope. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2M9OIY8 via IFT...

The 1st All-Female Spacewalk Is Back On, After Medium-Size Spacesuits Acquired

NASA is gearing up for a marathon of spacewalks, and one of them could be the first spacewalk to be conducted entirely by women. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2nmiVee via IFT...

Depressing Image Shows Dead Baby Sea Turtle Found with 104 Pieces of Plastic in Its Belly

Sea turtles aren't made to eat plastic. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31MUXaX via IFT...

How Common Are Psychotic Experiences?

Psychotic experiences are more common than you might think and don't mean you have a mental health condition. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VeMYRF via IFT...

More Than 100 People Infected with Legionnaires at State Fair. Hot Tubs May Be to Blame.

More than 100 people have fallen ill with Legionnaires' disease after attending a North Carolina state fair last month, and officials say the outbreak source may have been hot tubs. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30I5vH7 via IFT...

This Bizarre, Eel-Like Shark Prowled the Oceans 350 Million Years Ago

Paleontologists discovered the first nearly complete skeleton of an ancient shark belonging to the genus Phoebodus. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VcGPW1 via IFT...

This Bizarre, Eel-Like Shark Prowled the Oceans 350 Million Years Ago

Paleontologists discovered the first nearly complete skeleton of an ancient shark belonging to the genus Phoebodus. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2VhSC5w via IFT...

'Lucy in the Sky' Review: Natalie Portman Stars in an Astronaut Love Triangle Inspired by Reality

"Lucy in the Sky" is a fictional story of an astronaut coping with a return to Earth, apparently inspired by a real-life event. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Oit5Yb via IFT...

Betta Fish: The Dazzling Siamese Fighting Fish

From home aquariums to wedding reception tables, bettas have become popular fish thanks to their vibrant colors and flashy fins. But in their native home in Southeast Asia, where bettas are much less glitzy, their numbers are dropping. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pJlKGV via IFT...

Cosmic Record Holders: The 12 Biggest Objects in the Universe

Things that make you go whoa! from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2LNJmTA via IFT...

2,000 Atoms Exist in Two Places at Once in Unprecedented Quantum Experiment

The new experiment demonstrated a bizarre quantum effect from the double-slit experiment at an unprecedented scale. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/334LEU1 via IFT...

Kamis, 03 Oktober 2019

Vaping Outbreak Surpasses 1,000 Cases. And It's Not Slowing Down.

Investigators still don't know what's causing the illnesses. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2IkYN3n via IFT...

Eastern Equine Encephalitis: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

The Eastern equine encephalitis virus is spread by mosquitoes and, in rare cases, can lead to a life-threatening brain infection. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30N11i9 via IFT...

First-Ever Image of the 'Cosmic Web' Reveals the Gassy Highway That Connects the Universe

A groundbreaking new image provides direct evidence of a 'cosmic web' of gas that links every galaxy in the universe. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2OhQTvx via IFT...

Tardigrades Could (Maybe) Survive a Nuclear Attack. And Now We Know How.

Scientists deciphered a key ingredient in tardigrades' arsenal of superpowers, learning how a unique protein protects the microscopic water bears from harmful radiation. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2M49IPO via IFT...

Could Elon Musk's Starship Threaten Alien Life?

Elon Musk's bold plan to send a crewed Starship to Mars and beyond has potential dire consequences for alien life. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2nZRWpd via IFT...

Physicists Search Universe for Evidence That a Fundamental Force of Nature Is Out of Whack

Physicists are scouring the universe for evidence that one of the fundamental constants of nature, Newton's gravity, is not constant at all. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2pG6CKx via IFT...

Falling Fireballs Crashed in Chile Last Week. They Weren't Meteorites, Experts Say.

Chilean officials are investigating a curious collection of burning objects that fell onto parts of the country last week. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2nWGavL via IFT...

Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019

Bernie Sanders Had Two Stents Put In. Is It Serious?

Sen. Bernie Sanders underwent emergency surgery to have stents placed. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oCctQq via IFT...

Toxic Chemical Fumes May Be Causing Mysterious Vaping Illnesses

A new study concludes that vaping-related lung illnesses are most likely due to toxic chemical fumes, which are directly damaging patients' lungs. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2nUXaSQ via IFT...

Ancient Egyptian Temple from Reign of King Ptolemy IV Unearthed Along Nile River

Excavations for a sewer system inadvertently unearthed a 2,200-year-old temple in Egypt from the reign of King Ptolemy IV. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2mXrAn0 via IFT...

Metals in Baby Teeth Could Help Reveal What Causes Autism, ADHD

Traces of metal in baby teeth point to distinct differences between children with and without neurodevelopmental disorders. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2nYrnQW via IFT...

The Andromeda Galaxy Has Been Devouring Other Galaxies Since It Was a Baby (And Earth Is Next)

The Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda galaxy 4.5 billion years from now — and new research shows our neighbor has a violent past of cannibalism. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2ouUHPc via IFT...

Daylight Saving Time 2019: A Guide to the When, Why, What and How

Here's everything you've ever wanted to know about Daylight Saving Time (often misspelled as "savings"), including times, dates, its history and more. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2yFseGU via IFT...

Utah Runner's 'Freak Accident' with Charging Bison Explained

A runner in Utah was gored by a bison, and then his date suffered the same fate. Why do bison charge people? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2orqzEc via IFT...

Black Holes As We Know Them May Not Exist

Black holes may not have singularities at their heart, but instead may be stuffed with dark energy. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2osCqBV via IFT...

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2019

Is Our Solar System's Mysterious 'Planet 9' Really a Grapefruit-Size Black Hole?

It probably isn't a black hole, if it exists at all. But two physicists think we should check to see if it's a black hole anyway. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2ojYGxE via IFT...

'Loose Tooth' Iceberg Calves Off East Antarctica in Surprising Spot

An iceberg the size of the Isle of Skye has broken free from Antarctica's Amery Ice Shelf. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2ojnYMm via IFT...

From Brain Control to Multiverses, 'Rick and Morty' Gets Some Science Right

A new book tackles the science behind the fantastic technology and sci-fi concepts in the outrageous cartoon series "Rick and Morty." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2oeMTAS via IFT...

The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature

From walking the dog, to swimming in a river or landing on the moon, the forces and interactions we see and experience seem infinite. But they all stem from just four fundamental forces of nature, and even those might be parts of just one universal force. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2odvyIH via IFT...