Rabu, 31 Maret 2021

Spaceflight and long-distance swimming shrink the heart

Scientists analyzed the hearts of retired astronaut Scott Kelly after he spent time in space and elite endurance swimmer Benoît Lecomte after he swam the Pacific Ocean. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fvY9kQ via IFT...

Fiery 'airburst' of superheated gas slammed into Antarctica 430,000 years ago

Scientists found evidence of the impact on a mountaintop. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fwOyui via IFT...

Astronomers see a ghostly 'radio jellyfish' rise from the dead in the southern sky

Astronomers discovered a radio structure that looks like a gigantic jellyfish, though it only glows in certain wavelengths. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/39qYX6T via IFT...

How stress stops hair growth (in mice)

More research is needed to know if the same mechanism halts hair growth in humans. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rDBR39 via IFT...

Rabbits dig up 9,000-year-old artifacts on 'Dream Island'

Burrowing rabbits have helped uncover artifacts from the Stone and Bronze Ages on a U.K. island. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3m5nmnF via IFT...

Rarest great ape on Earth could soon go extinct

Tapanuli orangutans now occupy less than 3% of their historic habitat. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sQQHo8 via IFT...

Pfizer vaccine is 100% effective in preventing COVID-19 in children ages 12 to 15

Pfizer and BioNTech plan to submit the clinical trial data to the FDA as soon as possible. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3u8iXTv via IFT...

Creepy sculpture with human faces is even older than experts thought

A human-shaped wooden idol decorated with an eerie human face and considered the oldest of its kind ever discovered may date back even further in time, researchers now say. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cAPyeL via IFT...

'Finding Nemo' inspires name for orange-and-white peacock spider

An arachnologist described a new species of peacock spider after a citizen scientist discovered it in the wetlands of southern Australia. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sIKoTK via IFT...

Selasa, 30 Maret 2021

Mysterious brain disease 'cluster' under investigation in Canada

The illness has afflicted more than 40 people in New Brunswick. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fsYqF6 via IFT...

SpaceX's Starship SN11 rocket prototype explodes on landing

We've got good news and bad news about the latest explosive SpaceX Starship test in Boca Chica, Texas. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3m7zBQI via IFT...

Scientists detect world's coldest cloud hovering over Pacific Ocean

A severe thunderstorm cloud that formed over the Pacific Ocean in 2018 reached the coldest temperatures ever recorded. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ubxiyP via IFT...

Bizarre 'worm tornado' in New Jersey has scientists baffled

A resident of Hoboken, New Jersey spotted the unusual worm spiral after days of heavy rainfall. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sCPMaT via IFT...

500 million-year-old fossil is the granddaddy of all cephalopods

Tiny fossils in Newfoundland, Canada may be evidence of the oldest cephalopod on record. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sFTIaY via IFT...

Sea creatures' strange circular swimming has scientists puzzled

Scientists propose that the circling could calibrate the animals' magnetic biosensors, in much the same way as submarines circle. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rAO9cr via IFT...

Astronomers find the 'safest place' to live in the Milky Way

Astronomers have searched the entire Milky Way to identify the safest places to live. It turns out, we're in a pretty good spot. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3u57XpX via IFT...

Identity of mysterious 'Hobbits' possibly found

The extinct human lineage nicknamed "the hobbit" may not be a distant relative of modern humans as previously thought. Instead, hobbits may be members of the mysterious close relatives of modern humans known as Denisovans. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2PcARpE via IFT...

Senin, 29 Maret 2021

How the 'Worm Moon' helped free the stuck ship Ever Given in the Suez Canal

It took a little help from the full moon to free the massive Ever Given cargo ship from its perch stranded across the Suez Canal. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3u4Falt via IFT...

Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are 90% effective in 'real-world' study

Two doses of either vaccine were 90% effective at preventing infections, and a single dose was 80% effective. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3w8WbN7 via IFT...

Could humans ever be venomous?

Humans have what it takes to make venom, but it may not be worth the trouble. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3czzWZ4 via IFT...

Scientists built a perfectly self-replicating synthetic cell

Scientists created a new organism called JCVI-syn3A that contains fewer than 500 genes. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fnSUDO via IFT...

3 Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously punch through Arctic ice

Three Russian navy submarines punched their way through several feet of sea ice in the Arctic to surface simultaneously within a few hundred feet of each other — one of the first times the tricky naval maneuver has been achieved. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wbXbQE via IFT...

What are Brood X cicadas?

Billions of periodical cicadas, known as Brood X, will emerge across the eastern U.S. in 2021. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3u1RTW4 via IFT...

Indonesian oil refinery ignites into towering inferno

An oil refinery in Indonesia has caught fire after an oil leak that may have been ignited by a lightning strike. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sAA2oL via IFT...

The 1st few seconds of the Big Bang: What we know and what we don't

Believe it or not, physicists are attempting to understand the universe when it was only a handful of seconds old. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tXjZ4K via IFT...

Infamous asteroid Apophis poses no threat to Earth for at least 100 years, NASA says

The notorious Apophis space rock just shed its hazardous status — for the next 100 years at least — after fresh observations of the near-Earth asteroid. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3m1yXnv via IFT...

Why do hummingbirds 'hum'?

High-speed cameras and arrays of microphones helped researchers draw an acoustic map of hummingbirds' distinctive hum. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3u7daxt via IFT...

A remnant of a protoplanet may be hiding inside Earth

A protoplanet called Theia crashed into Earth 4.5 billion years ago from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cwxfYb via IFT...

Minggu, 28 Maret 2021

Does coffee really stunt kids' growth?

It's probably fine to give your child weak coffee, as long as you skip the sugar. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fkZHOx via IFT...

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2021

Mysterious explosion over Western US was likely SpaceX rocket debris, experts say

The remains of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket burned up in the atmosphere over the Western US on Thursday, surprising and delighting stargazers. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31pU1us via IFT...

What if humans didn't have an appendix?

What might life be like then if everyone lacked an appendix? That organ may not be a useless artifact of evolution after all. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Qypzft via IFT...

Was the 'forbidden fruit' in the Garden of Eden really an apple?

It could have been a fig, grapes, citron, a pomegranate or even wheat. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2NYifsN via IFT...

Jumat, 26 Maret 2021

Catch March's full supermoon Worm Moon this Sunday

Watch the full Worm Moon this Sunday, March 28. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3m6x7SF via IFT...

Ex-CDC director believes COVID-19 escaped from a lab, but cites no evidence

Many experts have rejected that theory as unlikely. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fhqOu3 via IFT...

Vampire squid ancestor died in 'eternal embrace' with its dinner

A well-preserved fossil reveals that 180 million years ago, an eight-armed predator suffocated with its prey. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3srHcvH via IFT...

A 'lump' of dark matter may be ripping apart Taurus' face

The Hyades — the closest star cluster to our sun — is being stretched by an invisible 'lump,' researchers say. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tYoRa0 via IFT...

Scientists find deep-sea bacteria that are invisible to the human immune system

The researchers say the discovery will give them new insights into how the immune system works, as well as enabling them to revise some of the most basic assumptions of immunology. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sqKnDZ via IFT...

We should study 'dead' alien worlds, and maybe (carefully) seed them with life

Looking at the scientific information gleaned from lifeless worlds could help in the search for life, one astrobiologist says. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/39kn33b via IFT...

Prime numbers protect Brood X cicadas from everything but zombie fungus

Most predators are stymied by the cicadas' 17-year life spans, but the insects are still vulnerable to being zombified. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lUBAYh via IFT...

DARPA takes step toward 'holy grail of encryption'

The U.S. defense department is searching for what could be considered the "holy grail of data encryption," which would seal up a loophole that allows hackers to access sensitive information while it's being processed. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31lhHAd via IFT...

The huge ship stuck in the Suez Canal seen in photos from space

Tiny Earth-observing Dove satellites operated by the California company Planet have spied the giant cargo ship that's blocking the Suez Canal, as well as the traffic jam caused by the vessel's plight. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2P7Unn3 via IFT...

Kamis, 25 Maret 2021

What is DNA?

DNA is a molecule that contains the instructions an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2tsQMTE via IFT...

Pfizer starts COVID-19 vaccine trial in young kids

Pfizer is the latest COVID-19 vaccine maker to test its shot in young children. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2NREgt8 via IFT...

Cause of mysterious bald eagle deaths found after 25 years

Scientists have finally solved a 25-year-old mystery surrounding a neurodegenerative disease killing bald eagles and other lake animals in the U.S. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lYVMbG via IFT...

Legacy of shattered alien-seeking Arecibo telescope will live on for millions of years

Arecibo Observatory's collapse on Dec. 1, 2020 was a devastating blow for science, but its decades of observations will inform research for years to come. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3snqddU via IFT...

Do octopuses dream of 8-armed sheep? New study hints at human-like sleep cycle in cephalopods

Octopuses switch between "quiet" and "active" sleep, where they turn vivid colors. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tOf4D2 via IFT...

Quick guide: COVID-19 vaccines in use and how they work

Here's a guide to the vaccines being used in different countries. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2XxcO5e via IFT...

Sprawling 5,000-year-old cemetery and fortress discovered in Poland

A gigantic, 5,000-year-old complex of long barrows and stone-lined tombs has been unearthed in Poland, after archaeologists investigated lines in crops in a field that they'd seen in a satellite photograph. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ffhhDt via IFT...

Hidden boundaries of lost continent 'Zealandia' revealed in incredible detail

The lost continent is a submerged chunk of crust that broke off from Gondwana 80 million years ago. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rs374I via IFT...

Lab-grown mini ‘brains’ of humans and apes reveal why one got so much bigger

By growing mini brains in the lab, scientists figured out why human brains grow larger than ape brains. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lNuapT via IFT...

Rabu, 24 Maret 2021

Orcas: Facts about killer whales

Orcas, or killer whales, are the largest of the dolphin family. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2rWsXzz via IFT...

Millions of dead jellyfish are washing up around the world. 'The blob' could be to blame.

Every few years, millions of by-the-wind sailor jellyfish wash up on beaches and die. What is causing so many of them to become stranded? The blob could be to blame. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cXBF9C via IFT...

Piece of Wright brothers' 1st plane now on Mars

Fabric from the plane is secured to NASA's experimental Mars helicopter. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tK9Zf4 via IFT...

10 influential women in history

From politics to protests, women have shaped the world we live in today. These 10 stand out above the rest. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3d6SizC via IFT...

Rare daytime fireball meteor creates massive sonic boom over UK

A rare fireball meteor bright enough to be seen during the day triggered a massive sonic boom over parts of the UK and France. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3d4WbVW via IFT...

Magnetic field around a black hole mapped for the first time

The first-ever images of a magnetic field around a black hole may explain the jet of matter and energy emanating from the center of galaxy M87. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ceYypY via IFT...

Dark energy camera takes hyper-detailed images of nearby dwarf galaxies

New, stunningly detailed images of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the stars making up these two dwarf galaxies. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vXbvMM via IFT...

Strange pattern found inside world’s largest atom smasher has physicists excited

The weird behaviour of the beauty quark has led physicists to believe it could be a window to a completely new physics. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/39aJIig via IFT...

85% of COVID-19 long-haulers have multiple brain-related symptoms

Many COVID-19 "long haulers" experience at least four lingering neurological symptoms, such as brain fog, headache and the loss of sense of smell or taste, even if they were never hospitalized for their initial illness. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31duaWB via IFT...

King Tut’s father revealed in stunning facial reconstruction

An astonishingly lifelike facial reconstruction reveals the face of an enigmatic mummy who may have been the biological father of the renowned pharaoh Tutankhamen. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2QC5ncL via IFT...

Meet the 'frodosome,' a brand new organelle

The blob-like organelle drives bone metastasis, but likely also plays a role in the healthy functioning of the cell. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cgJCYj via IFT...

Selasa, 23 Maret 2021

Amazon 'river monster' turns up dead in Florida

A dead "river monster" from the Amazon was discovered in Florida, leading to concerns that the fish might become an invasive species there. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2QBXkgd via IFT...

How to spot aliens? Look at Earth, scientists propose.

Revisiting how Earth looks from space could offer scientists clues for finding alien life on distant worlds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Qz9tSY via IFT...

WWII-era stimulant drug discovered in weight loss supplements

The drug was one of nine prohibited stimulants found in sports and weight loss supplements. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3d1v9yt via IFT...

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine data may be outdated, US safety board says

An independent group of medical experts in the U.S. has raised concerns that AstraZeneca may have released "outdated" data on its COVID-19 vaccine. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/31cWHLO via IFT...

To be declassified: UFO broke sound barrier with no sonic boom

Former Trump intelligence director John Ratcliffe told Fox News that more unexplained sightings of flying objects will soon be declassified. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3d4N4EN via IFT...

Genes of 500 million-year-old sea monsters live inside us

Primeval sea creatures share genes with humans, suggesting that we're more like ancient animals than previously thought. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/319UYab via IFT...

Read a free issue of How It Works magazine!

Our sister publication is the action-packed magazine that’s bursting with the answers to your curious questions from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2M9gp73 via IFT...

Read a free issue of All About Space magazine!

Created by space experts, our sister publication is the cutting-edge magazine that features the latest developments in space science, exploration and more from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2LLcDB9 via IFT...

Trying to conceive: 10 tips for women

For a woman trying to get pregnant, there are a number of ways to increase the chances and make it more likely that she will conceive a child. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2toXMNH via IFT...

Dead juvenile humpback whale washes up on UK beach

A juvenile humpback whale has washed up on a beach in the U.K. after first being spotted dead weeks ago. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2PhAE4a via IFT...

Defunct US weather satellite breaks up in Earth orbit

A U.S. weather satellite that retired eight years ago has fallen apart in orbit, breaking into at least 16 pieces, according to government representatives. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tNq83r via IFT...

US military to keep wary eye on Chinese and Russian space ambitions under President Biden

The space ambitions of Russia and China will likely stay front and center for the U.S. military during the administration of President Joe Biden. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3191JJp via IFT...

Drone footage reveals dramatic Iceland volcanic eruption

After a 900-year nap, a volcano in Iceland erupted Friday (March 19), spewing tendrils of molten lava down its flanks and bathing the cloudy night sky in an ominous orange-red. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3f8j0dU via IFT...

World's oldest meteor crater isn't what it seems

The world's oldest meteor impact crater is not a crater at all, say scientists of a new study suggesting natural forces put the giant indent into Earth's surface. But the jury is still out. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rjQQze via IFT...

Senin, 22 Maret 2021

COVID-19 may trigger diabetes in some people

Scientists don't know exactly why the conditions are linked. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3d0ZD3G via IFT...

Did a scholar really find an early copy of the Ten Commandments?

A biblical text dismissed as a forgery in the 19th century is not only authentic but is actually a predecessor to the Book of Deuteronomy, a scholar now says. Not everyone agrees. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2QtQvx4 via IFT...

Temperature: Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin

These are the most common temperature scales, their history, and their use from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3dbTkdZ via IFT...

Jaw-dropping Milky Way mosaic took 12 years to create. Here's why.

A new mosaic of the Milky Way galaxy took 12 years and 1,250 hours of photographic exposure to create. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fgvdxp via IFT...

More than 50 new environmental chemicals detected in people

The vast majority of these chemicals are mysterious compounds with unknown sources. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sc9B8K via IFT...

Ancient Maya power broker died in obscurity, hieroglyphics show

Hieroglyphics in a stairway near a burial tell the tale of an elite Maya ambassador's life. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cS60Xe via IFT...

Woman cries blood tears during menstruation in 'rare and unusual clinical case'

In "a rare and unusual clinical case," doctors described a young woman whose menstrual cycle made her weep tears that were made of blood. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2NDSfCK via IFT...

Minggu, 21 Maret 2021

An 'absolute plague' of mice is ravaging eastern Australia

A productive grain harvest has resulted in a 'plague' of mice rampaging through Australia, and locals are sick of cleaning up their poo. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Qr9icl via IFT...

How did coyotes become regular city slickers?

Coyotes originated in prairies and deserts, but are now right at home in big cities across North America. How did this naturally shy creature learn to thrive in crowded urban landscapes? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2OSBODe via IFT...

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2021

Spring returns with a not-so-equal vernal equinox of 2021

Spring will officially arrive on Saturday morning (March 20) with the occurrence of the vernal equinox. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rblxXi via IFT...

What messages have we sent to aliens?

The most important thing we've communicated? That we exist. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tD5p2f via IFT...

The largest asteroid of the year will swing by Earth on Sunday. But don't worry.

The asteroid "2001FO32," is big, it's fast, but it poses no danger to Earth. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vMlswo via IFT...

Jumat, 19 Maret 2021

Bored chimps at Czech zoos video chat during lockdown

Zookeepers from two zoos in the Czech Republic have set up big screens to allow their chimps to interact with each other via a video call. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lypcwM via IFT...

Scientists uncover Antarctic sea creatures 'trapped under ice' for 50 years

When a gargantuan iceberg calved off of Antarctica last month, it revealed a bustling community of sea life for the first time in decades. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30YwDUF via IFT...

Sperm whales outwitted 19th-century whalers by sharing evasive tactics

The discovery has implications for our understanding of whale culture. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tCmucx via IFT...

100 million shots in arms: U.S. meets vaccination goal early

About 41 million people in the U.S. have been fully vaccinated. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tyJAAX via IFT...

$35 yard sale bowl sells for over $700,000

A $35 bowl sold at a yard sale was estimated to be worth up to $500,000. It sold for over $700,000. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3r47ulY via IFT...

Glowing 'dawn storm' auroras that blaze in Jupiter's morning skies are born in darkness

New images of Jupiter's polar auroras, captured by the Juno spacecraft, revealed the full cycle of intense and unusual polar light displays. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vHkXUx via IFT...

Medieval bishop's palace unearthed in England

A construction crew hired to build a run-of-the-mill bungalow unexpectedly discovered a medieval bishop's palace. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lvLpvs via IFT...

Interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua came from an 'alien Pluto,' new study suggests

Back in 2017, a point of strange light flashed through the solar system. Three years later, a new team of scientists claims to have figured out what it was. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3r2C2Vs via IFT...

5 kids hospitalized with liver failure after drinking ionized 'Real Water'

Such water goes through an ionizing process to raise its pH so that it becomes more basic or alkaline. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3eW7Rg0 via IFT...

Kamis, 18 Maret 2021

NASA tested its new moon rocket in Mississippi, and it only caught on fire a little bit

NASA conducted its second major test of its powerful new moon rocket, the Space Launch System, and it was mostly a success. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vFAC6U via IFT...

AstraZeneca vaccine safe, but rare risk of blood clots not ruled out, EU regulator says

The European Medicines Agency said the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3r1EQ4W via IFT...

Scientists grew human tear ducts in a lab and taught them to cry

Disembodied human tear glands, grown in petri dishes in a laboratory in the Netherlands, have learned to cry — and the scientists who created them have already grafted them into the eyes of living mice. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Pb61NO via IFT...

'First complete models' of a human embryo made in the lab

The model embryos could shed light on early human development. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ltt3eI via IFT...

'Winged' eagle shark soared through oceans 93 million years ago

A bizarre shark with wing-like side fins soared through an ancient sea 93 million years ago in what is now Mexico. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/38RB740 via IFT...

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective in pregnancy, new study shows

Protection also passes to the fetus through the placenta and to newborns through breast milk. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3eUSHHR via IFT...

A supermassive black hole is speeding through space, and astronomers don't know why

A supermassive black hole is racing across the universe at 110,000 mph (177,000 km/h), and the astronomers who spotted it don't know why. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3s00yb3 via IFT...

Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a ruthless cannibal that devours smaller storms

The Great Red Spot, a massive storm spiraling on the surface of Jupiter, may owe its continued life to cannibalism, slurping up smaller storms to fuel its churning power. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2OJSxZm via IFT...

Rabu, 17 Maret 2021

What is an equinox?

Equinoxes occur twice a year when the sun is directly above the equator, and signal herald the beginning of spring and autumn. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3txRFGa via IFT...

WHO thinks it knows where COVID-19 originated

In January, a WHO team of experts traveled to China to probe how the deadly pandemic first started. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2P045Ym via IFT...

Early Christian monks' quarters and churches found in Egypt

Archaeologists in Egypt have found three early churches and the living quarters of monks. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2P02HoD via IFT...

Why Russian scientists just deployed a giant telescope beneath Lake Baikal

The enormous Baikal-GVD will look for the particles from 4,300 feet (1,310 meters) below the lake surface. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3eQ15Z9 via IFT...

This golden box will soon make oxygen on Mars. That's great news for human explorers.

Mars' Perseverance rover will help pave the way for future humans to travel to the Red Planet with a small instrument known as the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE). from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3eP96O4 via IFT...

Mars may hide oceans of water beneath its crust, study finds

Oceans' worth of water may remain buried in the crust of Mars, and not lost to space as previously long thought, a new study finds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lx79HC via IFT...

Space station tosses 2.9-ton hunk of space junk overboard. It will stay in orbit for years.

The International Space Station discarded a 2.9-ton pallet of used batteries on Thursday morning (March 11), the most massive object it has ever jettisoned. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2NqLV1j via IFT...

Why does DNA spontaneously mutate? Quantum physics might explain.

A phenomenon called "proton tunneling" may explain some DNA mutations, the study authors suggest. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cVT7eP via IFT...

6,000 WWII-era bomb craters mapped in Poland

Approximately 40,000 bombs were dropped on Poland's Koźle Basin during WWII, targeting industrial plants operated by the Nazis. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lqNf0A via IFT...

Selasa, 16 Maret 2021

Biblical scroll discovered in 'Cave of Horror' in Israel

Fragments of a biblical scroll dating back 1,900 years have been discovered in the "Cave of Horror" in the Judean Desert in Israel. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qPgN9j via IFT...

Billions of lightning bolts may have jump-started life on Earth, study suggests

Lightning storms on early Earth may have given the planet enough phosphorus to craft the first DNA and RNA molecules, study suggests from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3eKFvpd via IFT...

Moderna starts COVID-19 vaccine trial in infants and young children

The trial includes children in the U.S. and Canada. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30QF0S4 via IFT...

'Rarest of the rare' dinosaur fossil found brooding on its eggs

This is the first non-avian dinosaur to fossilize on a clutch of eggs containing embryonic remains. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3eXtQn9 via IFT...

What if Planet Nine is a baby black hole?

The hypothetical Planet Nine may not be a planet but rather a small black hole that might be detectable from the theoretical radiation emitted from its edge, so-called Hawking radiation. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lxfyLf via IFT...

Ebola may have lingered in a survivor for 5 years before sparking new outbreak

The Ebola virus may have hid in a person's body for 5 years before hopping to another person, triggering the current outbreak. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lmiLwL via IFT...

Deadly hospital superbug found on a remote island beach

The study may provide clues to the origins of this superbug, Candida auris. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3bQouIc via IFT...

Senin, 15 Maret 2021

Top-secret Cold War project found disturbing 'life-like' fossil plants under Greenland

Plant fossils that may be a million years old hint that Greenland's icy shell melted away more recently than expected — and could melt again. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3liFb29 via IFT...

Ozone-destroying CFCs could make late-21st-century comeback

The chemicals that tore a hole in the ozone layer are set to make a comeback in the late 21st century, in a process accelerated by climate change. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tkPHZu via IFT...

Arctic walrus takes a nap on an iceberg, wakes up in Ireland

That's one theory for how the walrus wound up so far from home. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qLda4t via IFT...

'Dark Watchers' have been spooking California hikers for centuries. What are they?

Enormous, shadowy figures in hats and cloaks have haunted the California coast for more than 300 years. What are they? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/38Fu0LW via IFT...

Orange veil of dust chokes Beijing in record-breaking sandstorm

Beijing and northern China have been hit with one of the worst sandstorms in decades which has increased air pollution concentrations to dangerous levels. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qKSRnL via IFT...

This strange lava-rich alien planet is making itself a new atmosphere

Scientists think they've spied an alien world that lost its atmosphere — then conjured itself a new one. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3s1ngiM via IFT...

Newfound super-Earth alien planet whips around its star every 0.67 days

We keep getting reminders that the Milky Way's planetary diversity dwarfs what we see in our own solar system. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Q7OpCP via IFT...

Minggu, 14 Maret 2021

Scientists want to store DNA of 6.7 million species on the moon, just in case

Scientists have unveiled plans for a lunar ark on the moon containing genetic information on 6.7 million species to ensure their preservation against existential threats. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2OnefSY via IFT...

How do tiny pieces of space junk cause incredible damage?

Space junk moves at 10 times the speed of a bullet from an average gun. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tnYLwR via IFT...

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021

Scientists unlock the 'Cosmos' on the Antikythera Mechanism, the world's first computer

Scientists may have finally made a complete digital model for the Cosmos panel of a 2,000-year-old mechanical device called the Antikythera mechanism that's believed to be the world's first computer. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tgXg3e via IFT...

Why do dogs and cats run around in random bursts of speed?

What prompts this lightning-like energy in pets? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30ESrVb via IFT...

Jumat, 12 Maret 2021

US Air Force says it will test bizarre 'hypersonic' weapon this month

At some point in the next few weeks, the U.S. plans to fire an extreme, hypersonic weapon. The question remains: What's the point? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3l9Nm0J via IFT...

Beached sperm whale in Australia shows scars from tussle with a giant squid

A dead sperm whale measuring 52 feet (16 meters) long is rotting away on a beach in southern Australia. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rHnNXi via IFT...

11-year-old boy discovers biblical-era amulet during Negev Desert hike

A boy's desert hike with his family led to the discovery of a rare statuette of a bare-breasted woman, used as a protective amulet during the biblical era. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/38uxpwX via IFT...

Traces of ancient magma ocean found in Greenland

The rocks contain chemical "fingerprints" from when the magma oceans crystallized. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3bD14G5 via IFT...

Monster antimatter particle slams into Antarctica

The most remote particle detector on Earth has detected the most energetic antimatter neutrino ever, confirming a 51-year-old prediction. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3tixr31 via IFT...

Meerkats seem to rejoice when zoo visitors return after lockdown

Meerkats and penguins living in zoos had different reactions to the return of visitors after COVID-19 restrictions left them alone in empty parks with only zookeepers for company. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vfjMLM via IFT...

What fueled humans' big brains? Controversial paper proposes new hypothesis.

A new hypothesis argues that as animals shrank over the Pleistocene, human brains grew. But brain evolution may not have been that simple. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/38ydnRY via IFT...

More twins are being born than ever before

Since the 1980s, the rate of twin births worldwide has increased by more than 30%. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3le6k6b via IFT...

'Powerful, maybe even frightening' woman with diadem may have ruled in Bronze Age Spain

A Bronze Age woman buried with a silver diadem may have ruled a kingdom in what is now southeastern Spain. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Ool86l via IFT...

Kamis, 11 Maret 2021

String of code sells for $69 million

A unique piece of code verifies the authenticity of the digital art piece. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vhXrxe via IFT...

Gold and precious gems unearthed in a 5th-century grave in Bohemia

Archaeologists in the Czech Republic recently discovered a 1,600-year-old grave holding the remains of a woman and several precious artifacts. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3l6FI74 via IFT...

Daylight saving time 2021: When we change our clocks and why

Here's everything you've ever wanted to know about daylight saving time (often misspelled as "savings"), including times, dates, its history and more. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2yFseGU via IFT...

Physicists measure the tiniest gravitational force ever

The experiment could be a trial for many more even smaller ones probing the long-kept secrets of quantum scale gravity. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qE5SiS via IFT...

Enter the mysterious ancient Egyptian tomb of 'the Doctor' in this new VR experience

An ancient Egyptian tomb, sarcophagus and funerary artifacts could soon be accessible through virtual reality. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qyrqgR via IFT...

6 months of summer could be the norm by 2100, study finds

If humans don't curb climate change, the average summer could last 6 months long by the year 2100, a new study finds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2N792hd via IFT...

The weird long cloud on Mars is finally revealing some of its secrets

A European spacecraft is unraveling the secrets of the weird long cloud that has been appearing again and again in the Martian sky for years. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30v7dhc via IFT...

Power technicians discover secret medieval tunnel under footpath in Wales

Secret medieval tunnels have been accidentally unearthed in Wales by electrical workers digging a hole in a customer's back yard. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3t74iHO via IFT...

US Air Force is guarding against electromagnetic pulse attacks. Should we worry?

A U.S. Air Force base in Texas has taken the first steps to guard against an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. But what, exactly, is an EMP, and how big is the threat? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ckfJ8q via IFT...

'Magical' girdle worn in hundreds of medieval childbirths discovered in England

A rare strip of parchment more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and adorned with Christian emblems shows chemical traces of its use by women in medieval England as a magical amulet to protect them during pregnancy and childbirth. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vgPKqU via IFT...

Rabu, 10 Maret 2021

1st COVID-19 vaccine vial used in the US headed to museum

The historic shot was administered to New York nurse Sandra Lindsay on Dec. 14. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qEeoOK via IFT...

China and Russia say they will join forces to build moon base

Two of the world's most powerful spacefaring nations are teaming up for their most ambitious project yet: a Chinese-Russian research station on the moon. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3evNUMX via IFT...

Why were dozens of people butchered 6,200 years ago and buried in a Neolithic death pit?

A mass grave in Croatia holds dozens of skeletons, and genetic information reveals new clues about how they died. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vd2Q8D via IFT...

Something is killing California's songbirds

Officials are urging people to take down their feeders, where birds are congregating and spreading a bacterial infection. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rMBST2 via IFT...

When unfolded, these ancient gold foil figures reveal embracing couples

Archaeologists in Sweden have discovered nearly two dozen gold foil figures from 1,300 years ago that have engravings of couples embracing each other. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3l2FoGs via IFT...

Radioactive 'snowflakes' act like the tiniest nuclear bombs in the universe

Tiny snowflakes of radioactive uranium that trigger massive nuclear blasts might explain some of the universe's more mysterious star explosions. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30xBCLM via IFT...

Can super-rotating oceans cool off extreme exoplanets?

New research suggests a way to move heat around "tidally locked" alien planets: ocean currents whipping around the worlds faster than they rotate. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qyaF5s via IFT...

The moon has a tail, and Earth wears it like a scarf once a month

The tail is invisible to the naked eye but appears on all-sky cameras during every new moon. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3t9O7t9 via IFT...

Your brain warps your memories so you can remember them better

The brain exaggerates the differences between similar memories in order to recall them more effectively. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30vDu7O via IFT...

Selasa, 09 Maret 2021

Rare meteorite, a 'relic of the early solar system,' falls on a driveway in England

The meteorite likely formed at the same time as the first planets in the solar system. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3t5q4LY via IFT...

Universe's oldest known quasar discovered 13 billion light-years away

Astronomers have found the farthest known source of radio emissions in the universe: a galaxy-swallowing supermassive black hole. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3bwlS1T via IFT...

Man accidentally gets 2 COVID-19 shots in one day, goes into shock

There was a mix-up between patients at his rehabilitation center. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ryKSeu via IFT...

Who inherits the British throne?

Since days of yore, the royal line of succession to the British throne — like most monarchies — was based on primogeniture. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2sZtNiT via IFT...

8 truly dysfunctional royal families

Palace plots, assassination attempts and multiple marriages would have made family reunions in these royal lineages awkward, to say the least. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2xFXbJn via IFT...

Magical amulet decoded. It protected owner from blood-sucking spirits.

A newly deciphered magical amulet claims to stop evil spirits "who eat flesh and drink blood," archaeologists have found. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3eov2PN via IFT...

Exotic crystals of 'ice 19' discovered

Scientists have identified the 19th form of water ice. The exotic, four-sided crystals of this rare ice variety, now dubbed ice XIX, form at ultra-low temperatures and ultra-high pressures. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/38nq8PA via IFT...

Saudi Arabia's wants to build a 105-mile-long 'Line' city in the desert

Saudi Arabia's proposed linear city relies on technology that doesn't exist yet and on a design idea that has failed in the past. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3l2fvqu via IFT...

Hubble Space Telescope just entered 'safe mode'

The Hubble space telescope entered into "safe mode" due to a software error, but is safe and stable. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cdVvgp via IFT...

10 Rarest Rocks in the World

Another astonishing result from the artistic ability of nature is the rock formations. Such elements like the rain, wind, erosion, and water carved these wonderful works for over a million years. Here’s a list of the 10 rarest rocks in the world. 1. The Stone Tree in Bolivia This rock formation is also considered Bolivia’s natural monument. It reaches 7 meters in height, with its shape formed through...

Senin, 08 Maret 2021

Meteor explodes over Vermont with the force of 440 pounds of TNT

If you live in Vermont and heard an explosion just before dinnertime Sunday (March 7), there's a good chance that was a shockwave from an incoming meteor exploding over the state. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/38iDNqL via IFT...

4.6-billion-year-old meteorite belongs to Earth’s long-lost baby cousin

Rare chemical makeup in a meteorite that fell to Earth in 2020 hints at its unusual origins: from a pre-planetary body dating to our solar system's beginnings. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3chdylZ via IFT...

If you got the COVID-19 vaccine, here’s what the CDC says you can do

Fully vaccinated people in the U.S. can visit indoors and mask-less with other fully vaccinated people. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3t6xD5n via IFT...

World's oldest 'pet cemetery' discovered in ancient Egypt

An ancient Egyptian pet cemetery holding the remains of cats, dogs and monkeys, some wearing collars, was unearthed by the Red Sea. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3eoCJph via IFT...

This sea slug can chop off its head and grow an entire new body, twice

Two species of sacoglossan sea slugs have been found to be able to sever their heads from their bodies and regrow a replacement by researchers in Japan. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2O4k3AD via IFT...

Earth has a hidden layer, and no one knows exactly what it is

Earth may have a layer no one knew about, an inner-inner core where something is different in the structure of solid iron. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3t3xEGT via IFT...

This 'Ninja Giant' is the oldest titanosaur on record

A new long-neck dinosaur discovered in Argentina might be the oldest titanosaur ever discovered. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3eknnlO via IFT...

Ears: Facts, function & disease

The ears are complex systems that not only provide the ability to hear, but also make it possible to maintain balance. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2u9f42d via IFT...

Ancient helmet worn by soldier in the Greek-Persian wars found in Israel

A well-preserved ancient Greek helmet likely worn by a soldier during a war with the Persians has been found in Haifa Harbor in Israel. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qseMjo via IFT...

Octopuses can feel light with their arms

Octopuses can "see" light with their arms, even when their eyes are in the dark, researchers have found. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/38kZB5g via IFT...

Ancient hippo-size reptile was a quick and ferocious killing machine

Millions of years before dinosaurs appeared, the hefty reptile Anteosaurus was a deadly predator. Scientists just learned that it was also unexpectedly speedy. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3kSRfab via IFT...

Minggu, 07 Maret 2021

'Exceptional' Renaissance armor stolen from the Louvre 40 years ago is finally returned

Officials at the Louvre Museum in Paris recently celebrated the return of a Renaissance-era breastplate and helmet that had been stolen in 1983. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3kTL4T7 via IFT...

Can animals give birth to identical twins, triplets or even quadruplets?

Sure, one baby's tough. But what about two or more? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/38ko7DH via IFT...

Mount Etna's fiery eruptions seen from space (satellite photos)

Mount Etna has been spewing lava across Sicily for weeks during a series of eruptions captured by a slew of Earth-orbiting satellites. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qmEiqg via IFT...

Astronaut-explorer Richard Garriott makes record-breaking dive to deepest point on Earth

Richard Garriott just completed a dive to Challenger Deep, the deepest point on Earth. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rBU4Pa via IFT...

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2021

What animal has the largest ears?

The animal with the largest ears relative to body size is actually quite tiny. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2NZGLtG via IFT...

Swarm of 20,000 earthquakes could make Iceland's volcanoes erupt

A swarm of more than 20,000 earthquakes has rattled southern Iceland this week, and geologists suspect a volcanic eruption is on the way. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sZeYs7 via IFT...

This $35 bowl sold at a Connecticut yard sale is worth $500,000

The bowl turned out to be a rare, 15th-century Chinese artifact. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qi7A9f via IFT...

Jumat, 05 Maret 2021

Why is China giving travelers anal tests for COVID-19?

Travelers to some Chinese cities have been required to take anal swab tests for COVID-19. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rml3yl via IFT...

Read a free issue of All About Space magazine!

Created by space experts, our sister publication is the cutting-edge magazine that features the latest developments in space science, exploration and more from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2LLcDB9 via IFT...

Hearing aids: How they work and which type is best for you

Hearing aids are small electronic devices that a person wears in or behind their ears. Here's how the different types of hearing aids work and which one might be best for you. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ecpoAv via IFT...

World's rarest seals have a secret breeding cave in Cyprus

Scientists have discovered a set of caves in northern Cyprus where endangered monk seals have been breeding in secret. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30fPaLU via IFT...

Black holes could be dark stars with 'Planck hearts'

Black holes may not be black or holes, a new theory proposes. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30fGvcm via IFT...

Scientists still stuck on Betelgeuse antics a year after strange dimming episode

A year ago, the bright red star Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation hit the headlines for a stark fading episode that astronomers couldn't explain. They still can't, although they keep trying. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30hEc8w via IFT...

Sherlock Holmes' famous memory trick really works

An ancient technique can boost your memory to the level of memory champions. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sPA5Nk via IFT...

Skeletons of WWII-era nuns murdered by Soviets unearthed in Poland

Archaeologists in Poland recently discovered what are likely the remains of nuns executed by Russians during the Soviet occupation. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rnSwZ2 via IFT...

Read a free issue of How It Works magazine!

Our sister publication is the action-packed magazine that’s bursting with the answers to your curious questions from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2M9gp73 via IFT...

'Demon' asteroid the size of the Eiffel Tower to zoom past Earth Friday

The asteroid Apophis will zing by Earth this week, not to be seen until 2029. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3biO3Bx via IFT...

Kamis, 04 Maret 2021

Powerful 8.1-magnitude earthquake off New Zealand triggers tsunami warnings

The powerful earthquake occurred at 8:28 a.m. local time near New Zealand's Kermadec Islands. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Oo8iVg via IFT...

Shark gets stabbed in the head, washes ashore in Los Cabos

Dead sharks usually sink, so it's surprising to find one washed up onshore. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3beom54 via IFT...

Orangutans and bonobos at US zoo get experimental COVID-19 vaccine

Four orangutans and five bonobos have been vaccinated. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2PzFMRf via IFT...

First-ever 'space hurricane' detected over the North Pole

Astronomers detected the first-known 'space hurricane' raging over the North Pole for 8 hours in 2014, a new study found. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3e6mZao via IFT...

Physicists trap ultracold plasma in a magnetic bottle for the 1st time

The breakthrough technique supercools plasma with lasers before trapping them in a magnetic field; allowing physicists to study the northern lights, white dwarves and nuclear fusion in ever greater detail. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30cq1lf via IFT...

Scientists grow human-Neanderthal hybrid 'minibrains' in petri dishes

Sesame seed-sized hybrids of human and Neanderthal brains sparked briefly to life in a laboratory, offering tantalizing clues as to how the organs have evolved over millennia. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MOTKh6 via IFT...

Primate ancestor of all humans likely roamed with the dinosaurs

Scientists have identified the earliest primates from tiny fossilized teeth, revealing that our ancient ancestors likely lived alongside the dinosaurs in North America. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3uUaGDZ via IFT...

'Gravity portals' could morph dark matter into ordinary matter, astrophysicists propose

Astrophysicists have a wild idea to explain the bizarre abundance of super-high-energy radiation shooting from the center of our galaxy: gravity portals. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3bdtnus via IFT...

Spotting UFOs: Do-it-yourself sky surveillance comes online

If you are perplexed by reports of unidentified aerial phenomena and possible visitations of alien spacecraft, you can take action with do-it-yourself sky-monitoring gear. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2O3N8Mr via IFT...

NASA's Perseverance rover deploys wind sensor on Mars

NASA's Mars rover Perseverance continues getting up to speed on the Red Planet. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2O0iOCm via IFT...

Mysterious odor caused by BB pellet stuck in teen's nose for 8 years

The teen been shot in the nose with a pellet gun years earlier. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qett9x via IFT...

Rabu, 03 Maret 2021

SpaceX successfully landed its giant Starship, but it exploded a few minutes later

We've got good news and bad news about the latest explosive SpaceX Starship test in Boca Chica, Texas. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3c5hLt0 via IFT...

Watch SpaceX launch and (hopefully) land its giant 10th Starship prototype today

SpaceX looks set to launch yet another Starship prototype over Texas today. Two previous tests ended in explosions. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/30993nR via IFT...

Why type A blood may increase COVID-19 risk

The study is an early first step to understanding the link between blood type and COVID-19. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ecjXBD via IFT...

Decapitated Stone Age woman's head rolled into a cave in Italy

After a woman died and was likely dismembered, her skull went on a "long and bumpy ride." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rabYse via IFT...

Could a nuclear reactor help solve the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance?

A team of researchers at Penn State are subjecting an old, worn sheet of aluminum to a particle beam from the heart of a nuclear reactor in the hopes of cracking the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3kITjBC via IFT...

The Gulf Stream is slowing to a 'tipping point' and could disappear

The Gulf Stream, one of Earth's major climate-regulating currents, is flowing slower now than it has in 1600 years. Climate change could kill it. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3kGfSXr via IFT...

Woman's foul-smelling 'turkey ear' caused by decades-long infection

The condition was caused by a tuberculosis infection of the skin. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sPYxOL via IFT...

'Microdoses' of LSD work no better than dummy pills, study suggests

The study had a unique design in which participants were "self blinded." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3rdcE03 via IFT...

Ancient papyrus holds the world’s oldest guide to mummification

A newly discovered instruction manual for embalming mummies in ancient Egypt contains the earliest known description of these mysterious techniques. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3kE5dfY via IFT...

Human ancestor 'Lucy' gets a new face in stunning reconstruction

New depictions of Lucy and the Taung child are shedding light on the tricky task of facial reconstruction. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3uNVqsh via IFT...

Fireball lights up the night sky above UK as meteor breaks apart

An meteor breaking apart as it entered the atmosphere above the U.K. might be the most well documented fireball meteor ever seen. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MIBUfJ via IFT...

Watch this giant iceberg break off from Antarctica

The iceberg broke off after a crack formed in November 2020. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2PpMmJP via IFT...

Japanese billionaire seeks 8 crewmembers for moon-bound mission on SpaceX's Starship

Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa is looking for eight crewmembers for a mission to the moon. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3uR4IUf via IFT...

Cuttlefish show self-control, pass 'marshmallow test'

They resisted the temptation to eat up the fishy snack knowing they could get a better one if they waited. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3uKUipv via IFT...

Selasa, 02 Maret 2021

Renaissance-era letter sealed for centuries just virtually unfolded and read for the first time

X-ray scans and digital reconstructions revealed the contents of undelivered letters that were sealed more than 600 years ago. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3b9vMGM via IFT...

Rare Australian bee rediscovered after nearly a century

A rare Australian bee has been spotted for the first time since 1923. It was previously believed to be extinct. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/381sLGt via IFT...

2 ancient stone coffins for husband and wife unearthed at Israeli wildlife park

Two ancient stone coffins that may have once held the remains of a husband and wife have been rediscovered in a wildlife park near the Israeli city of Tel Aviv. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3bQDMvr via IFT...

Planetary defense experts use infamous asteroid Apophis to practice spotting dangerous space rocks

Eight years after an asteroid exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, scientists are taking advantage of a flyby of the infamous asteroid Apophis to practice protecting Earth from space rocks. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sG6Axh via IFT...

Lab-grown black hole behaves just like Stephen Hawking said it would

Like mad scientists, researchers are creating miniature black holes in their laboratories. Their mission? To see if a mysterious form of radiation predicted by Stephen Hawking exists. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2MBKQmS via IFT...

Cats are too socially inept to be loyal

A new study finds that cats, unlike dogs, will gladly accept food from people who are not nice to their owners. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3uOQ28u via IFT...

Senin, 01 Maret 2021

Photos of Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie and others come alive (creepily), thanks to AI

In AI-generated animations, faces that were once frozen in time blink, turn their heads and even smile. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3r7YgWS via IFT...

Link found between cannabis and rebound headaches after migraine

The early data suggest a link, but cannot say whether cannabis causes the rebound headaches. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3803Fb0 via IFT...

Venomous spiders take advantage of pandemic, move into college buildings

Sightings of these spiders in the university's library basement prompted staff to close the library for two days. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/382lSoq via IFT...

Oozing tendrils of lava spew from Mount Etna in spectacular nighttime photos

Mount Etna, Europe's most active volcano, has been erupting for nearly two weeks straight, and the photos are stunning. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3sAxcQr via IFT...

Stunningly preserved Roman chariot engraved with god of lust unearthed at Pompeii

An ornate four-wheeled chariot of iron, bronze and wood that archaeologists think was drawn by a team of horses in processions through Pompeii almost 2,000 years ago has been unearthed during excavations of a wealthy Roman villa. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3bIzUMI via IFT...