Rabu, 30 Juni 2021

Watch thousands of fire ants form living 'conveyor belts' to escape floods (Video)

Video and computer modeling shows how fire ants create bridge extensions from their enormous rafts, made of tightly packed ants numbering in the tens of thousands. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3jyJKq6 via IFT...

7 scientists who helped change the world

They're not as famous as Darwin or Curie, but these heroes made our lives better through groundbreaking achievements. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2TpENW3 via IFT...

Gut bacteria may 'talk' to the brain, mouse study suggests

Research suggests that gut bacteria may also influence human brain activity and behavior. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3dvztHw via IFT...

Enormous Antarctic lake vanishes in 3 days

Scientists are concerned that increasing amounts of meltwater could be finding its way into the ocean. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qBSwFf via IFT...

Scientists catch 1st glimpse of a black hole swallowing a neutron star

After more than four years of exploring a menagerie of cosmic happenings through gravitational waves, scientists have finally spotted the third expected variety of collision — twice. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3AhIsGa via IFT...

The 10 weirdest moons in the solar system

Some of the most fascinating worlds in our cosmic neighborhood are not planets, but the moons that orbit around them. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3dpC3yE via IFT...

No hope for life in Venus clouds

Life in the clouds of Venus is impossible due to the extremely low amount of water despite last year's findings suggesting the presence of organic material. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3AascGK via IFT...

Bronze Age 'infinity pool' hosted supernatural water rituals, archaeologists say

A mysterious wooden structure built in Italy more than 3,000 years ago may have been a Bronze Age "infinity pool" that reflected the sky during religious rituals. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Tm9X0j via IFT...

Hear the 1st sounds from China's Mars rover Zhurong (Video)

China's first Mars rover has captured its first sounds of the Red Planet and beamed back stunning views of a drive on the dusty world. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3w5WFTb via IFT...

Selasa, 29 Juni 2021

A dangerous 'Omega block' is trapping scorching hot air over the US and Canada

Undulations in the jet stream have caused a heat dome to descend on the Pacific Northwest, leading to record high temperatures in the US and Canada. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3jo8y4d via IFT...

Take a tour of the synchrotron, where electrons reach near light-speed

Find out how the U.K.'s largest laboratory can accelerate electrons to nearly the speed of light. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3A70MBL via IFT...

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines may provide years of protection from COVID-19

The mRNA vaccines will likely provide protection against the coronavirus for years if it doesn't evolve significantly, a small new study suggests. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3hfVR8V via IFT...

Mystery explosion 1,000 years ago may be a rare, third type of supernova

Astronomers have found evidence of a rare electron-capture supernova for the first time, which could help solve a 1,000-year-old space mystery. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3A9OEzK via IFT...

Should you still wear a mask indoors? It depends.

While most people who are vaccinated should feel comfortable taking masks off indoors, those who are older than 65, or are immunocompromised, may want to be more cautious. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qwb0ak via IFT...

A new type of optical illusion tricks the brain into seeing dazzling rays

Scientists have described a brand new type of visual illusion that makes people see non-existent rays shining through rings of concentric polygons. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3dm4oGb via IFT...

Earliest known strain of plague could have come from a beaver bite

The early plague strain didn’t have the ability to transmit itself through fleas, making it less deadly than later versions . from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3jqhx4X via IFT...

These 12 individuals have a rare genetic quirk that prevents 'self-eating' in cells

"Self-eating" allows cells to recycle their broken internal machinery. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3hg46Sg via IFT...

Fool's gold not completely worthless. There's real gold inside.

Fool's gold, or pyrite, sometimes contains tiny threads of real gold, new research finds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3x8ZzYz via IFT...

This french-fry-stealing seagull is the star of a new Google ad

When a photographer snapped the moment a herring gull caught a french fry midair, the image quickly went viral. Now, the photo is appearing on Google billboards in Ireland and the U.K. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qwF19Q via IFT...

Rare 'zombie fingers' parasitic fungus is hanging on (barely) in Australia

Scientists recently found that a fungus resembling zombies' fingers is more widespread in Australia than anyone suspected. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qFtViX via IFT...

Mars may have dozens of lakes beneath its south pole

Much more liquid water may lie beneath Mars' south pole than scientists had thought — or there may be something going on down there that they don't fully understand. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3w46G3c via IFT...

Largest objects ever get cooled down to their ‘quantum limit’

The researchers hope to use their apparatus to probe why large objects do not exhibit quantum effects. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3AjFKzZ via IFT...

Possible shaman's snake stick from 4,400 years ago discovered in a Finnish lake

A wooden stick carved into the shape of a snake and possibly used by a shaman 4,400 years ago has been discovered by a lake in southwest Finland. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3h15QA0 via IFT...

Senin, 28 Juni 2021

6 weird animals that evolution came up with

These creatures have evolved unique appearances, impressive superpowers, and some strange habits. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3w2gsTt via IFT...

What caused the Surfside condo collapse in Miami-Dade County?

Experts are still investigating what caused the partial collapse of the Champlain Towers South Condo. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3w0LA5S via IFT...

Natural rates of aging are fixed, study suggests

Aging is determined by biological, not environmental, factors, a study suggests. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3y48iLU via IFT...

Man survives attack by great white shark off California beach

A 6- to 8-foot-long great white shark bit the right leg of a 35-year-old man body-boarding off Grey Whale Cove State Beach in San Mateo County, California, Saturday (June 26) morning. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3dj04Ht via IFT...

Albert Einstein: The life of a brilliant physicist

So much more than funny hair. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2ORRALK via IFT...

Peculiar parasitic fungi discovered growing out of the rectum of a 50 million-year-old fossilized ant

Scientists recently discovered a new species of parasitic fungus growing inside a 50 million-year-old carpenter ant that had been fossilized in amber. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qwSKgV via IFT...

Living fossil with arms made of 'pig snouts' discovered in the South Pacific

A new brittle star found in the South Pacific is a living relic of the Jurassic. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xZD747 via IFT...

Can fish and other marine animals drown?

Can animals that live in the water suffocate? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3dmgqiK via IFT...

Woman unknowingly had chopsticks embedded in her sinuses for a week

After an attack, the woman's injuries were more serious than they initially appeared. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3x876Hi via IFT...

Minggu, 27 Juni 2021

Giant ghostly 'hand' stretches through space in new X-ray views

An enormous, ghostly hand stretches through the depths of space, its wispy fingers pressing against a glowing cloud. It sounds like something out of sci-fi, but it's quite real. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3dgNNUg via IFT...

Earth is trapping twice as much heat as it did in 2005

Planet Earth is now trapping twice as much heat as it did 14 years ago, according to findings of a new study, which raise concerns about the possible acceleration of climate change. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3x0tz90 via IFT...

Did a comet strike 13,000 years ago change human civilization as we know it?

Could a devastating comet impact in Earth's distant past have forever changed human civilization? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gZ5hGV via IFT...

How fast does the Earth move?

Our planet is constantly moving, racing around the sun and spinning on its axis. But how fast does it move? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3A73Spo via IFT...

Sabtu, 26 Juni 2021

Long-anticipated 'UFO report' finally released. No, it's not aliens.

The Pentagon has released a highly anticipated "UFO report" that does not implicate aliens in 144 UFO sightings. Here's what the report shows. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3je89kz via IFT...

These tiny indestructible tardigrades will reveal how to survive in extremes of space

Indestructible tardigrades will be subject to a series of experiments at the International Space Station to reveal how they survive in extreme environments. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3jidXJN via IFT...

Already-weird galaxy found to have oddly little dark matter

Astronomers may not know what dark matter is, but they do know that galaxies are supposed to contain a lot of the shadowy, invisible substance. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gXx9Lz via IFT...

Why does outer space look black?

Several cosmic characteristics, including the lack of an atmosphere, lend space its dark color. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qExDtn via IFT...

Why do some animals have sperm 20 times the length of their bodies?

Sperm come in tons of sizes, and it all has to do with how they have to find the egg. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2UEWlxI via IFT...

Jumat, 25 Juni 2021

New human species 'Dragon man' may be our closest relative

A newly described skull from China may belong to an extinct sister species of Homo sapiens. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vV94Jt via IFT...

Summer School with Live Science: Project the Stars

Live Science will explore the wondrous world of constellations in our new kids video series: Summer School with Live Science. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xWOwBA via IFT...

Half the country is facing an apocalyptic summer

A severe drought going into the summer is setting up the western United States for water rationing and nasty wildfires. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2UDKaBf via IFT...

Oldest-known shark attack discovered in 3,000-year-old skeleton with 800 injuries

Scientists reconstructed a 3,000-year-old shark attack from marks left behind in the victim's skeleton. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3w6cKIF via IFT...

Single bee is making an immortal clone army thanks to a genetic fluke

The worker bees' ability to clone themselves can be as destabilizing to the hives of other species as it is to their own. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xXR1nv via IFT...

A beginner's guide to time travel

Learn exactly how Einstein's theory of relativity works, and discover how there's nothing in science that says time travel is impossible. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zQWA8S via IFT...

Countries hosting dangerous pathogen labs lack biosecurity

Most countries that host laboratories dealing with the deadliest pathogens score low on measures of biosecurity and biosafety. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gXhkoe via IFT...

Never-before-seen colossal comet on a trek toward the sun

Only one week after astronomers noticed a moving object in the sky, they've identified it as a long-periodicity comet from the Oort Cloud. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35UqLhE via IFT...

NASA spacecraft spots China's Mars rover Zhurong heading south on Red Planet (photo)

China's first-ever Mars rover was on the move earlier this month, imagery by a NASA spacecraft shows. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vWOoRa via IFT...

Sticky orange coating on a 6,000-year-old Yukon dart came from a beaver's anal sac

Melting alpine ice in the Yukon uncovered an ancient throwing weapon coated in an organic residue. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2UtqnEo via IFT...

Kamis, 24 Juni 2021

Baby dinosaurs hatched in the Arctic 70 million years ago

The discovery of teensy baby dinosaur bones and teeth in the Alaskan Arctic reveals that dinosaurs nested and incubated their eggs there 70 million years ago. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vUC8Rx via IFT...

Unknown human ancestor unearthed in Israel. It had large teeth but no chin.

Mysterious human may have been the ancestor of Neanderthals. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xPjsnl via IFT...

Arctic Circle is already recording 118 F degree days (and summer is just heating up)

EU satellites recorded ground temperatures above 118 degrees Fahrenheit in Arctic Siberia on June 20 — the 2021 summer solstice. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xOX915 via IFT...

Tasmanian devils wipe out colony of little penguins in major conservation backfire

Tasmanian devils introduced to Maria Island for their own conservation have created an ecological disaster in their new home by wiping out an entire population of little penguins. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3j7gCGb via IFT...

Robert Hooke: English scientist who discovered the cell

Robert Hooke was the English polymath who discovered the building blocks of all life. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gUGLFq via IFT...

Fauci says delta Variant is the 'greatest threat' in our fight against COVID-19. Why?

A highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variant called "delta" has spread to nearly 100 countries around the world, including to the U.S., where it's likely to soon become the dominant variant. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35TjsXq via IFT...

What is your cat thinking? Here's what your furry friend is trying to tell you

These sociable animals communicate verbally and visually, but how can we learn to think like a feline? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2STBKoX via IFT...

Could there be a link between interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua and unidentified aerial phenomena?

If some UAP turn out to be extraterrestrial technology, they could be dropping sensors for a subsequent craft to tune into. What if ‘Oumuamua is such a craft? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zVLAab via IFT...

10 Most Expensive Restaurants in the World

Millions of expenditure on construction and design, hiring top-notch employees, and choosing the highest quality of ingredients are what restaurants do to earn their valuable reputation in the food industry. If you want to experience the ultimate lavish dining experience, then check out these restaurants. You might be wondering why some of the high priced restaurants you know aren’t on the list, but...

Rabu, 23 Juni 2021

Scientist recovers coronavirus gene sequences secretly deleted last year in Wuhan

A researcher in Seattle has dug up deleted files from Google Cloud that reveal 13 partial genetic sequences for some of the earliest cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35KHLaj via IFT...

COVID-19 vaccine benefits 'clearly' outweigh risks of rare myocarditis in teens, CDC says

The CDC continues to recommend COVID-19 vaccination for everyone ages 12 and older. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zPLEbz via IFT...

The International Date Line, Explained

The international date line is a concept often fraught with misunderstanding and confusion. But it plays an important role in our lives and a central role in timekeeping. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2NA7SWF via IFT...

Metal detectorist unearths rare gold coins from Black Death period

Two gold coins dating to Black Death period in England shed light on medieval coin usage. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35NOIqU via IFT...

Project to map entire ocean floor by 2030 passes 20% mark

An ongoing project to map 100% of the global ocean floor by 2030 just passed the 20% mark. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xJz63K via IFT...

Boiling 'baby bubble' where stars are born comes into view

A gorgeous new image of Westerlund 2 shows a birthplace of new stars in the Milky Way in unprecedented detail. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3j2JUpz via IFT...

Aliens in 1,700 star systems could have seen civilization emerge on Earth

If aliens are out there, are any of them looking at us? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vRHcpq via IFT...

This 'charming' particle could have saved the universe

Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider obtained the result by analyzing over 30.6 million particle decays, and are aiming to look with more precise detectors when the atom smasher powers up again in September. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zPwV0k via IFT...

Venus has a gooey flowing mantle jostling crust chunks on its surface

Venus may still be geologically active today, which could mean that Earth's planetary sibling is a good place for scientists to learn about early Earth and faraway worlds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zSBJlN via IFT...

Scientists spot earliest-known supermassive black hole 'storm'

Scientists have found the earliest known "storm" generated by a supermassive black hole, a discovery that could shed considerable light on the coevolution of galaxies and their central black holes. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3A0XjVg via IFT...

Mars helicopter Ingenuity nails 8th flight on the Red Planet

NASA's experimental Mars helicopter has now flown eight times on the Red Planet, traveling farther than scientists hoped would be possible. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qnZ76m via IFT...

Selasa, 22 Juni 2021

Prime Day deal: Convert motion into light with a DIY hand-crank flashlight kit, 40% off

Get 40% off this STEM activity kit on Prime Day. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zIeD17 via IFT...

Earth has a 'pulse' of 27.5 million years

Most major geological events in Earth's recent history have clustered in 27.5-million-year intervals — a pattern that scientists are now calling the "pulse of the Earth." from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qgV8IJ via IFT...

Strange 'blinking star' defies all explanation

Astronomers have no idea what to make of a star that dimmed by 97 percent and then brightened again. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xWvnQD via IFT...

Robots, slime and rockets: 5 science kits on sale for Prime Day

Save on science, with STEM experiments kits for kids on Prime Day. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gTeG1w via IFT...

Star Wars Baby Yoda Echo Dot is 35% off for Prime Day

Right now you can save 35% on a Amazon Echo Dot device complete with Baby Yoda ears thanks to its Mandalorian The Child Stand for Prime Day. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gU8QNk via IFT...

US faces critical blood supply shortage

Many blood centers report having just a one-day supply or less of blood. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2SNQndq via IFT...

Black bears: The most common bear in North America

American black bears are the smallest and most common bear in North America. They are highly adaptable, with a diet that includes honey and moose. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35KyT4g via IFT...

Find dinosaurs around the world and get 18% Prime Day savings on an AR globe

Get 18% off this Dinos AR Globe for kids on Prime Day. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xJWvCi via IFT...

Skies alive with UFOs? Government report on mysterious sightings due soon

The U.S. government is set to release a UFO report soon, perhaps sometime this week. What will it say? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gITjky via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day deals on Osmo: Save up to 40% on these genius kits

These Osmo kits can turn screen time into tactile time, helping kids to learn about numbers, shapes, coding and more. And right now, Amazon has several great deals to get you started. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xCjGy0 via IFT...

These spiders take down snakes hundreds of times their size

Venomous spiders prey upon snakes many times their size, a new study finds — and often emerge victorious against snakes as venomous as they are. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gRu0vn via IFT...

Here's how to watch June's 'Strawberry' supermoon this Thursday

The Strawberry supermoon happens on Thursday, June 24. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Utf1An via IFT...

Photos: Spiders feast on deadly snakes

From the Goliath birdeater tarantula to black widows, spiders are not shy around deadly snakes, often taking down the juveniles and feasting on their meaty bodies for days. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qiYH0X via IFT...

Senin, 21 Juni 2021

Help this Space Cat rocket off Earth with 20% Prime Day savings on this fun math game

Get 20% off this Space Cat math game for kids on Prime Day. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3h7yfTZ via IFT...

Hubble telescope spends a week in 'safe mode' following mysterious computer error

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has been offline for a week following a mysterious computer crash. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xEWS0J via IFT...

Amazon Prime Day Spotlight Deal: Tegu Blocks up to 40% off

Tegu's high-quality magnetic blocks are up to 40% on Prime Day. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gKYrVj via IFT...

Prime Day air purifier deals: Improve your air quality with 30% savings

For Amazon Prime Day, save 30% or more on these HEPA-filter air purifiers to keep your home or other area fresh and free of dander and other allergens. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35JZ9M6 via IFT...

Acetaminophen: Dosage, side effects & overdose

Acetaminophen belongs to two classes of drugs: analgesics (pain relievers) and antipyretics (fever reducers). from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2y1vvBA via IFT...

National Geographic chemistry and Earth science kits on sale for Prime Day

From chemistry experiments to Earth science explorations, these Prime Day discounts offer a number of science-minded activities. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2Up7QJx via IFT...

See the summer's best skywatching events with these Celestron telescopes on sale for Prime Day

Summer is the perfect time for stargazing. The meteors are falling (check out the Perseids on Aug. 11), the planets are out in full glory (Jupiter's four moons will cross the planet's disk for quite a show on June 26), and the nights are warm. But every would-be Edwin Hubble needs the right equipment. On Monday, Amazon's Prime Day brings the goods with deals on Celestron telescopes at a variety of price points. Take a gander at these sales — and...

Physics for babies: This ultra-cool board book set is 47% off for Prime Day

Interested in kickstarting your little one’s fascination with all things astrophysics? This Baby University Physics Board Book Set could be just what you’re looking for. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cZ07bt via IFT...

Best Prime Day board games deals: save up to 35% on STEM and strategy games

Find great savings on classics such as Twilight Imperium, and educational STEM games from Osmo from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gTz3eK via IFT...

Lego's A-wing Starfighter from 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' is 37% off for Prime Day

The iconic Lego Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Resistance A Wing Starfighter is 37% off for Prime Day. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zLxbgI via IFT...

Dive into LEGO Star Wars: The Mandalorian's Razor Crest starship is 40% off for Prime Day

This amazing LEGO Mandalorian Razor Crest kit is the perfect kit for the Star Wars fan in your life. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35G6vAl via IFT...

Why is humidity so uncomfortable?

Here's why "It's not the heat; it's the humidity" rings true. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gL0poQ via IFT...

Prime Day deals on DNA kits: Here's what these genetic tests might tell you

What can you expect from DNA kits that are on sale on Prime Day? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2PScRHg via IFT...

Turkey aims to send a rocket to the moon in three years, land lunar rover by 2030

Turkey plans to send a rover to the moon by the end of the decade using a domestically built rocket engine that will first fly to the moon in a test mission in 2023. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gOK553 via IFT...

Minggu, 20 Juni 2021

Is every spiderweb unique?

How much does spiderweb construction vary between spiders? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35KJb4h via IFT...

Why one of the brightest stars in the sky mysteriously started to dim

Astronomers may have solved the mystery of Betelgeuse's bizarre brightness drop. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gHGGq0 via IFT...

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2021

The best Star Wars Prime Day deals and gifts for 2021

We've been scouring the web for all the best Star Wars Prime Day gifts to give loved ones (including yourself of course). from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3qcQzyM via IFT...

Why does it hurt so much when you hit your funny bone?

The funny bone is actually the ulnar nerve, which is responsible for transmitting information from the fingertips to the brain and back again. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3iTxyQE via IFT...

Archaeologists investigate mystery of graves reopened 1,400 years ago

People living across Europe around 1,400 years ago had a habit of reopening graves and taking out objects for reasons that archaeologists are trying to understand. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35DL3fa via IFT...

Jumat, 18 Juni 2021

Are ghosts real?

Are ghosts real? Ghost hunters like to believe that ghosts exist, but science and logic are the real ghost busters. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2EnGeHz via IFT...

Large TB outbreak may be caused by surgical 'bone repair product'

The unusual outbreak involves patients who received spinal surgery this spring. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2SKZifl via IFT...

The best coding toys for kids

Whether or not your child is totally interested in computers or they are just curious kids, Prime Day could be the perfect time to introduce them to some of the best coding toys around. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35EIF7S via IFT...

Farmer discovers 2,600-year-old stone slab from Egyptian pharaoh

A farmer living near Ismailia in Egypt has uncovered a 2,600-year-old stela erected by pharaoh Apries, who ruled from about 589 B.C., to 570 B.C. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wEkKkR via IFT...

Famous Stephen Hawking theory about black holes confirmed

Physicists analyzed data from the first ever gravitational waves detected to prove Hawking's theory, and think that even more could be discovered from studying the ripples in space-time. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xrwNSA via IFT...

How does the summer solstice affect animals?

Even if humans have trouble telling time in the "land of the midnight sun," many animals can adjust their schedules to the summer solstice. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2til2PO via IFT...

Post-pandemic overcrowding of national parks causing bigger problems than just long lines

The number of people visiting national parks is on the rise as pandemic restrictions ease, causing longer lines and putting a strain on the environment. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wKd3Kk via IFT...

Summer School with Live Science: Egg Drop Challenge

Live Science will explore the critical field of engineering in our new kids video series: Summer School with Live Science. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2SMSFct via IFT...

Weird gadget may cure hiccups, early study suggests

A new study hints that the device works, but more studies are needed to rule out a placebo effect. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gHmz9Z via IFT...

Milky Way gallery: See awe-inspiring images of our galaxy

Galactic beauty from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cQQ6x2 via IFT...

The world needs space junk standards, G7 nations agree

The western world's most advanced economies have agreed to take action against space debris at the G-7 Leaders' Summit in Cornwall, U.K. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gHVvsJ via IFT...

NASA asteroid-hunting satellite clears hurdle on path to 2026 launch

NASA has approved the Near-Earth Object Surveyor space telescope to move into "preliminary design," its next phase of development on the road to a planned liftoff in 2026. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vDsqmb via IFT...

Scientists convert plastic waste into vanilla flavoring

Scientists have figured out a way to convert plastic waste into vanilla flavoring with genetically engineered bacteria, according to a new study. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gBSg5I via IFT...

The edge of the solar system is a blob, 3D map reveals

Scientists used solar wind to make the first 3D map of the heliosphere, which protects Earth from deadly cosmic radiation. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vHeg3n via IFT...

Kamis, 17 Juni 2021

NASA prepares 'moonikin' for spaceflight aboard 1st Artemis mission

NASA has released an amusing image of a dummy wearing a spacesuit during testing for the first Artemis mission. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vyiXN1 via IFT...

'Heat dome' scorches western US with record-breaking temps

Temperatures over 120 degrees Fahrenheit are part of a "heat dome" scorching the western United States. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2SHRZoH via IFT...

'Supertasters' may have some innate protection against COVID-19

Supertasters may be less likely to become infected with, or become severely ill from COVID-19, a new study finds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2SxHN2h via IFT...

When this star blows, its planets will be turned into enormous pinballs

The researchers created a computer model to predict the ways the planets would scatter, finding that slight tweaks to starting positions lead to vastly different outcomes from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xsPmpB via IFT...

Ancient giant rhino was one of the largest mammals ever to walk Earth

Paleontologists in China found the skull, jaw and a few vertebrae belonging to one of the largest land mammals that ever lived. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2TGgF14 via IFT...

This 'ancient' monster fish may live for 100 years

A detailed look at coelacanths' scales reveals that this ancient lineage of fish may live to be 100 years old. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2TDOMGX via IFT...

World's largest (and deepest) indoor pool to house new astronaut training center

A British company plans to build the world's largest swimming pool as part of a center that will house facilities for commercial astronaut training and the development of underwater robots. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vymYRM via IFT...

World's first bionic vulture created

Lifesaving surgery gives a rare bird a leg up. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35uBH5v via IFT...

Never-before-seen brain cells discovered in mice. They're called gorditas.

Researchers discovered new cells after switching on stem cells in the mouse brain. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3q0P5b4 via IFT...

Plasma wind tunnel annihilates satellite model in atmospheric reentry test

Satellite parts that melt away during reentry reduce the risk of space debris impacts on Earth, a new video demonstrates. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vzyBaQ via IFT...

Rabu, 16 Juni 2021

What is Juneteenth?

The American holiday Juneteenth is observed on June 19. It is also known as Emancipation Day and Black Independence Day. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2CaHl1a via IFT...

Third-largest diamond on Earth uncovered in Africa, miners say

The whopping stone measures 1,098 carats, just a bit less than the second-largest diamond ever found. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3q2Ysqt via IFT...

Best microscopes for kids 2021

For Prime Day, Live Science has rounded up the best microscopes for kids of all ages and levels of experience. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3nSnZk0 via IFT...

'Ballooning' spiders leave behind sea of silk after flood in Australia

The phenomenon is "surprisingly common" after floods, experts say. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wD7FZq via IFT...

Mysterious flashes of radio light come in two 'flavors,' new survey finds

They might provide a new way to see the cosmos. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3q84432 via IFT...

Google Earth reveals the world's largest geoglyph

A set of sinuous lines found in the Thar Desert of India may be the largest geoglyph ever discovered. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2TzOAZs via IFT...

Pointy shoes destroyed rich people's feet in medieval England

People who followed a medieval fad of wearing pointy-toed shoes suffered severe foot deformities. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xrmWMU via IFT...

Selasa, 15 Juni 2021

Best binoculars for kids 2021

We've rounded up the best Amazon Prime Day deals on binoculars for kids. No matter your child's skill level, your own budget or their level of enthusiasm for nature, there is a perfect pair of binoculars waiting to inspire them. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3lNZy6R via IFT...

COVID-19 was spreading in the US by December 2019, mounting evidence suggests

The new findings suggest the virus may have been circulating in Illinois as early as Dec. 24, 2019. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xnWkw3 via IFT...

Antarctica was likely discovered 1,100 years before Westerners 'found' it

An analysis of Māori oral traditions and artwork suggests that they found Antarctica before the Europeans did. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pTnmcg via IFT...

Amazing astrophotography: How some of the most iconic space images were captured

These incredible space photos were taken using advanced techniques to reveal some of the wonders in the universe. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35qbpkI via IFT...

World's most powerful magnet begins journey to heart of giant fusion experiment

Engineers are preparing to move part of the world's most powerful magnet from the U.S. to France as a part of an international nuclear fusion project. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wFBbhb via IFT...

Astronomers discover largest-known spinning structures in the universe

Tendrils of galaxies up to hundreds of millions of light-years long may be the largest spinning objects in the universe, a new study finds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cKGZxH via IFT...

'Strange beast' in amber is a very weird lizard

A tiny amber-locked skull that looks like a bird's is actually a lizard's, new fossil evidence shows. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pTikfU via IFT...

Humpback whale swallows lobster diver before spitting him out

Humpback whales hunt by taking big lunges at groups of fish, so the encounter was likely a fluke. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gDDPge via IFT...

Gold miners discover giant skeletons of 3 woolly mammoths

Gold miners have discovered three partial skeletons of three woolly mammoths , which may have been part of the same family. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xqTPsL via IFT...

Toxic hairy caterpillars invade Maine

The tiny caterpillars have thin poisonous hairs that can cause poison-ivy-like rashes and breathing problems in some people. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vxamuc via IFT...

Senin, 14 Juni 2021

Having a baby: Stages of pregnancy by trimester

Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks and is divided into three stages, or trimesters, each with unique symptoms and changes in the mother's body and in fetal development. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3iG0awD via IFT...

Novavax's COVID-19 shots are 90% effective, company reports

The shots are 100% effective against moderate and severe infections. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vnydMH via IFT...

Cottonmouth snakes: Facts about water moccasins

Cottonmouths, or water moccasins, are venomous snakes in North America that display white mouths when threatened. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ws7UWQ via IFT...

Huge sinkhole bursts open near underwater 'blowhole' in South Australian coast

A large 40-foot-wide sinkhole opened suddenly near South Australia's ancient Limestone Coast, threatening to break away even more from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pPFfsu via IFT...

Earth's fifth ocean just confirmed

The Earth has finally attained popular recognition for its fifth ocean, with a decision by the National Geographic Society to add the Southern Ocean around Antarctica to the four it recognizes already. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vpUedL via IFT...

Ancient people lived at German 'Stonehenge,' site of brutal human sacrifices

The "German Stonehenge," a place for ritual events and possibly even human sacrifice, was also a home to many during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gAF9Ay via IFT...

Scientists unravel mystery of echidnas' bizarre 4-headed penis

Scientists have finally solved a longstanding mystery surrounding the bizarre 4-headed penises of echidnas using CT scans. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wjkUOy via IFT...

China's Mars rover Zhurong just snapped an epic self-portrait on the Red Planet (photos)

China's Zhurong rover has sent a new batch of images to Earth — including a "family photo" of the rover with its rocket-powered landing platform posing for a camera on the rock-covered surface. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xnniDU via IFT...

Crows understand the 'concept of zero' (despite their bird brains)

Researchers determined this with behavioral tests and recordings of the birds' brain activity. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vgXLuQ via IFT...

Breakthrough dengue-prevention strategy passes huge trial

The trial was conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3iDrFXo via IFT...

Why do we have eyebrows and eyelashes?

What role do our eyebrows and eyelashes play? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2So91Z7 via IFT...

Humans might be making genetic evolution obsolete

A new study on human cultural evolution argues that humans evolve much faster as cultures than as individual organisms, molding our genes in the process. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pRRjJR via IFT...

Minggu, 13 Juni 2021

100,000 star nurseries mapped in first-of-its-kind survey

The researchers say that they want to use the survey to better understand our own place in the universe. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zq6RsD via IFT...

Will humans ever learn to speak whale?

Cutting-edge technology is helping researchers collect and analyze whale communication. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vkUk6g via IFT...

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2021

Climate 'tipping points' could push us past the point-of-no-return after less than 2 degrees of warming

Nearly one-third of the 3 million simulations run by scientists showed disastrous effects within 2 degrees of warming, and scientists say their estimates are conservative. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zmdWdK via IFT...

Does everyone have an inner monologue?

Does everyone have a monologue in their head? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35bvGdV via IFT...

Jumat, 11 Juni 2021

Hoover Dam reservoir reaches record-low water levels

The low levels will likely require states to implement water-saving measures. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35ji6F7 via IFT...

'Giant arc' stretching 3.3 billion light-years across the cosmos shouldn't exist

How big is too big? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3izF2rD via IFT...

Frozen mouse sperm that spent 6 years in orbit used to conceive 8 healthy ‘space pups’

Long-term storage on the International Space Station didn't cause DNA damage to freeze-dried mouse sperm. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pLovCL via IFT...

Dramatic images capture rapid slide of Antarctic glacier

Scientists studied the acceleration using high-res radar images, captured by satellites. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35glArW via IFT...

See the 'Star of India,' decades after it was nabbed in a heist

The American Museum of Natural History's Hall of Gems and Minerals is newly renovated and reopens with "Beautiful Creatures," an exhibit of stunning jewelry inspired by animals. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xcFSPa via IFT...

Boulders on asteroid Ryugu are surprisingly fluffy, Japan's Hayabusa2 probe finds

Boulders on asteroids can be three-quarters hollow or more, a discovery that could help yield insights on the way in which Earth and other planets formed, a new study finds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cACi9C via IFT...

Electrons 'surf' across space to create the northern lights, new study finds

Scientists found definitive proof that Alfven waves are accelerating electrons in solar wind across space, powering the northern lights. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/359dKR2 via IFT...

Summer School with Live Science: Lemon volcanoes

Live Science will explore the eruptive realm of acid-base chemistry in our new kids video series: Summer School with Live Science. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2RJq9YL via IFT...

Conservationists want to bring wily wolverines back to the Rockies

Scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society are trying to help wolverines find a new foothold in the rugged terrain of the Colorado Rockies. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pPZVR1 via IFT...

The 'friendship paradox' doesn't always explain real friendships, mathematicians say

Your friends are on average more popular than you are, according to a phenomenon known as the "friendship paradox." But it turns out, there's some nuance to that. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gpyDwH via IFT...

Woman gets rare cowpox infection from her pet cat

She received a drug approved for treating smallpox from the U.S. Strategic National Stockpile. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gbSYq8 via IFT...

Kamis, 10 Juni 2021

What is the Milky Way?

Find out all the science of the Milky Way, including the size of our home galaxy, who discovered it and how it's on a collision course with another galaxy. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gtd9ie via IFT...

7,000-year-old letter seal found in Israel hints at ancient long-distance trade

The tiny clay impression dates back 7,000 years and was likely used to seal and sign deliveries, as well as to keep storerooms closed, according to a new study. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2TOrKNC via IFT...

New discovery could help take down drug-resistant bacteria

The team tested this new strategy in mice and lab dishes. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gbT2WV via IFT...

Mood swings & mommy brain: The emotional challenges of pregnancy

A woman's emotional well-being and her mental outlook play important roles in pregnancy. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2RFHl1i via IFT...

Earth's core is growing 'lopsided' and scientists don't know why

New seismic models show that Earth's inner core may be growing faster in the east than in the west, creating a 'lopsided' pattern at the center of our planet. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/35722q3 via IFT...

Lemurs: A diverse group of endangered primates

Lemurs include a diverse group of primates, from sun-worshipping ring-tailed lemurs to the peculiar, nocturnal aye-aye. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cxdYW2 via IFT...

'Ring of fire' solar eclipse wows skywatchers (Photos)

Here's a look at stunning images captured of the partial solar eclipse and the ring of fire. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zg6dOe via IFT...

Nuclear bomb detectors uncover secret population of blue whales hiding in Indian Ocean

Scientists using sound recordings from underwater nuclear bomb detectors have discovered the distinct song of a previously unknown population of pygmy blue whales in the Indian Ocean. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gq2qVQ via IFT...

Jupiter's largest moon revealed in stunning detail in first close-up images in 20 years

These are the first close-ups of Ganymede in over 20 years. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zftHD2 via IFT...

Girl buried with finch in her mouth puzzles archaeologists

Archaeologists are trying to solve the mystery of a girl who was buried with the head of at least one finch in her mouth hundreds of years ago. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3xcZnqK via IFT...

Should 12-year-olds get the COVID-19 vaccine?

The benefits of vaccinating young people against COVID-19 outweigh the risks, experts say. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pJjBWD via IFT...

Physicists link 'quantum memories' in early step toward quantum internet

Two novel demonstrations bring the backbone of the quantum internet, quantum repeaters, a little closer. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ga4jXN via IFT...

These eels can swallow prey on land, thanks to extendable jaws in their throats

Most marine creatures get their meals in the water, but snowflake moray eels have a strange adaptation that lets them grab and swallow prey on land, too. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wabmoY via IFT...

Rabu, 09 Juni 2021

10 Most Dangerous Houseplants that Dog Owners Must Avoid

Do you love plants too? Numerous people are looking for rare yet beautiful plants to fill their spaces. Plants can really make a dull space into a lively one. However, some plants could be threatening to the life of animals, especially dogs. So if you’re a pet owner, specifically a dog owner, then this one is for you. We listed a number of plants that could threaten dogs’ health or even lives, especially...

What does the devil look like?

From the fallen angel to the horned goat, we trace 8 real historical images of Satan. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cvMVuq via IFT...

How to watch 'ring of fire' solar eclipse live or online

Here's how to watch the June 10 solar eclipse in person or virtually. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3x7idj6 via IFT...

Greenhouse gases: Causes, sources and environmental effects

Greenhouse gases are atmospheric gases that absorb infrared radiation and trap heat in the atmosphere. Increases in emissions of these gases are leading to climate change and global warming. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cvE1x0 via IFT...

Laughing gas may treat depression, small study suggests

As many as one in three cases of depression are resistant to standard treatments. Could laughing gas be an alternative? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pCayH2 via IFT...

Record-breaking Aussie dinosaur was as long as a basketball court

The largest dinosaur from Australia was as long as a basketball court and taller than a two-story building. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3waLSHY via IFT...

Physicists harness atomic 'dark states' to store light

Physicists used optical tweezers to capture their gas clouds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3v6Vwua via IFT...

Hoard of silver coins may have been part of historic ransom to save Paris

A hoard of silver coins minted in the Carolingian Empire may have been part of a historic ransom to save Paris from a Viking invasion. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3iudynw via IFT...

A 'ring of fire' solar eclipse will bring a subdued sunrise to the northeast US and Canada on Thursday

The sunrise eclipse on Thursday (June 10) will bring a striking image of a crescent sun rising in the east-northeast. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3x8mJOh via IFT...

Russia threatens to leave International Space Station program over US sanctions: reports

Russia's space chief is threatening to leave the International Space Station program in 2025 unless the United States lifts sanctions against the Russian space sector. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gliTdV via IFT...

Hunks of oceanic crust are wedged inside Earth's mantle

Earth's middle layer is chunky, like peanuts in a sea of caramel. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ctW0nx via IFT...

Shackled skeleton may be first direct evidence of slavery in Roman Britain

Iron shackles around a skeleton's legs secured the ankles with a padlock and may provide the first direct evidence of an enslaved person in Roman Britain. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3isjUUc via IFT...

Selasa, 08 Juni 2021

Boy gets burned by wet cement in rare case

A 7-year-old boy who accidentally got wet cement all over his head and torso ended up in the emergency room after the cement mixture burned his skin, according to a new report. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3zbFz9b via IFT...

How to make a solar eclipse viewer: Step-by-step photo guide

Watch an upcoming solar eclipse indirectly with this home-made viewer. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cr7g48 via IFT...

Mysterious East Asians vanished during the ice age. This group replaced them.

People who lived in East Asia since at least 40,000 years ago disappeared during the ice age. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3inJwBG via IFT...

Inside of world's largest airship revealed in stunning images

New details about one of the world's largest aircraft, Airlander 10, reveal a spacious cabin with floor-to-ceiling windows (and plenty of legroom) inside the blimp-like exterior. And the futuristic aircraft will be loads better for the environment. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3uXjoQM via IFT...

Orcas 'attacked' humpback mother and calf. Now the calf is missing.

Whale watchers in British Columbia recently witnessed a group of transient orcas attacking a humpback mother and calf in a rare encounter between the two species. But what really happened? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cneciA via IFT...

How much does all the SARS-CoV-2 in the world weigh?

If all the circulating SARS-CoV-2 particles were gathered together into one place, they would weigh somewhere between the weight of an apple and that of a young toddler. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3v8ZKS4 via IFT...

Senin, 07 Juni 2021

Expect an Orwellian future if AI isn't kept in check, Microsoft exec says

Speaking on the BBC show 'Panorama,' Microsoft's Brad Smith warned that unless checks are put in place, artificial intelligence could lead to a dystopian future from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3x3nZCf via IFT...

24,000-year-old 'zombies' revived and cloned from Arctic permafrost

Arctic ice dating to 24,000 years ago held frozen microscopic animals called rotifers. Scientists just brought them back to life. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2T7MG1E via IFT...

Scientists puzzled by 'unexplained excess mass' lurking in human chromosomes

Human chromosomes weigh about 20 times heavier than the DNA within them. So where's all this extra mass coming from? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2T4PHA6 via IFT...

Jeff Bezos will fly on Blue Origin's 1st crewed flight

The Amazon.com and Blue Origin founder announced on Instagram that he and his brother would fly on the New Shepard vehicle's first crewed flight, scheduled for July 20. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wXafZM via IFT...

'Glacier blood' could be key to understanding impacts of climate change

An expedition to the French Alps is revealing the biology of "glacier blood" and how it is impacted by climate change. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3z6P9Ko via IFT...

17 decapitated skeletons found at ancient Roman cemetery

Seventeen decapitated skeletons dating back about 1,700 years have been discovered in three Roman cemeteries at Knobb's Farm in Cambridgeshire, in the U.K. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3v5dugE via IFT...

Why are small dogs so fierce?

There are a few possibilities for why small dogs can be so menacing. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pqVD2i via IFT...

Did a dark energy discovery just prove Einstein wrong? Not quite.

The Dark Energy Survey just released its most comprehensive results. But did they really prove Einstein wrong? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3w17Vky via IFT...

Minggu, 06 Juni 2021

What was the deadliest day in U.S. history?

It's impossible to know for sure the deadliest day in U.S. history because you can end up comparing apples with oranges. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3imvEra via IFT...

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2021

Is the COVID-19 vaccine causing rare myocarditis cases?

Researchers in Israel say they've found a possible link between the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and cases of heart inflammation called myocarditis in young men. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wZYGkB via IFT...

Can we stop time?

Here's how we might stop the flow of time. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2RqFKwn via IFT...

Jumat, 04 Juni 2021

How to watch the 'ring of fire' solar eclipse on Thursday

Don't miss the annular solar eclipse happening this Thursday, June 10. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2TMsqmV via IFT...

'No evidence' UFOs are alien spacecraft, but they're not American, Pentagon says

In a new report, Pentagon officials claim they lack evidence that UFOs are from worlds other than Earth. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3pnsdCn via IFT...

Frozen mammoths, bog men and tar wolves: Here's how nature preserves prehistoric creatures

A mummified frozen cat, baby mammoths, an ancient bison and a young foal are just some of the amazing creatures nature has trapped in time. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3g3JZGo via IFT...

Frozen in time: 5 prehistoric creatures found trapped in ice

Here are 5 of the most famous prehistoric creatures found preserved in the frozen depths of Siberia. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3ij1Njl via IFT...

Weird nearby gamma-ray burst defies expectations

A team of scientists has gotten their best look yet at a gamma-ray burst, the most dramatic type of explosion in the universe. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3plKJee via IFT...

Ancient 'magical' amulet used to ward off the 'evil eye' rediscovered after 40 years

A bronze amulet inscribed with the name of God and symbols for protection against the curse of the "evil eye" has been rediscovered after being lost in Israel 40 years ago. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3yZO5b7 via IFT...

Kamis, 03 Juni 2021

SpaceX launches new solar arrays to space station, nails rocket landing at sea

SpaceX launched its 17th rocket of the year today (June 3), sending a robotic Dragon cargo capsule toward the International Space Station before nailing a landing at sea. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wWbwAw via IFT...

Scientists reprogrammed bacteria to be immune to viruses

The technology could be used in many fields, from drug development to materials research. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vUbjxu via IFT...

Here's the most complete picture of the Milky Way's center ever created

Made from nearly 400 separate observations, this new image of the Milky Way's center reveals strange structures never seen before. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3cdKiNy via IFT...

Mysterious event nearly wiped out sharks 19 million years ago

About 90% of sharks disappeared from the ancient oceans in less than 100,000 years, but it's unknown why. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/34JlQj1 via IFT...

AI drone may have 'hunted down' and killed soldiers in Libya with no human input

A UN report suggests that AI drones attacked human targets without any humans consulted prior to the strike. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3wSmwPc via IFT...

What is a solar eclipse?

Solar eclipses are some of nature's most dramatic celestial performances. Here's a look at the science behind the eclipse. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3yYMZfU via IFT...

Our galaxy is warped, and scientists have no idea why

New study fuels a debate over whether the galaxy's warp is moving. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vUfyt6 via IFT...

Amateur archaeologist uncovers earliest known animal carvings in Scotland

An amateur archaeologist recently uncovered the oldest known animal carvings in Scotland while exploring a Bronze Age burial chamber. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3uO2SCC via IFT...

Pentagon's long-awaited UFO report to Congress due this month

U.S. lawmakers called for an official assessment of UFO sightings in December, and the six-month deadline is up. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3gcemdY via IFT...

Mysterious protein makes human DNA morph into different shapes

Human and mosquito cell nuclei have their own shapes, and researchers can mold one to look like the other. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2TENbkj via IFT...

2 types of flu viruses may have gone extinct

If true, officials could have an easier time picking the strains of flu viruses included in the seasonal flu shot. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3peXLtO via IFT...

Rabu, 02 Juni 2021

Elephants inhale water at 330 mph

Suction in elephants' trunks is more powerful than scientists thought, about 30 times as forceful as the expulsion of air during a human sneeze. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3peBM6h via IFT...

Adorable 'chocolate frog' discovered in crocodile-infested swamp

Scientists cataloging tree frogs in New Guinea stumbled across a never-before-seen 'chocolate frog' with brown skin and adorable eyes. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/34MWOPX via IFT...

20 of the most bizarre stories from the bible

From a talking donkey to a man being eaten by a giant fish, the Bible has no shortage of strange stories. Here's a look at some of the most interesting biblical tales, some of which have ties to archaeology. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3uEM3tz via IFT...

Mass grave of WWII massacre victims could be hiding under field in Singapore

Archeologists are investigating a lawn that's thought to cover the mass grave of the victims of a wartime massacre in Singapore, ahead of the construction of a hospital extension on the site. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/34Ir9iG via IFT...

China is gaining ground in space. Should the US be concerned?

Are China's recent activities in space cause for U.S. concern? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2RfjDsx via IFT...

Hubble telescope spies lopsided spiral galaxy deformed by gravity

A galaxy considered by astronomers among the strangest in the known Universe has had its picture taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fJ5HAx via IFT...

1st matter in the universe may have been a perfect liquid

Scientists have recreated the first matter that appeared after the Big Bang in the Large Hadron Collider. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fIg4ob via IFT...

Christian monks may have buried this treasure to dupe the Vikings

A hoard discovered in Scotland was likely buried by a bishop hoping to outwit the Viking invaders. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3yYxXGM via IFT...

11 children diagnosed with new form of ALS

The researchers have pinpointed a gene that seems to cause this form of the disease. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2RcIbCs via IFT...

Selasa, 01 Juni 2021

China reports first known human case of H10N3 bird flu

No additional cases of human infection were identified, according to China's National Health Commission. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fGDYjP via IFT...

Tons of toxic pellets blanket Sri Lanka beaches, causing environmental disaster

A burning container ship dumped tons of plastic debris onto Sri Lanka's beaches, prompting a widespread environmental disaster. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2RTDwWD via IFT...

Coronavirus variants to be named using Greek letters, WHO says

The new names do not replace the variants' scientific names, but serve as an easy alternative. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/34FnXEu via IFT...

Sunken cities: Discover real-life 'Atlantis' settlements hidden beneath the waves

Explore the submerged cities to discover why they didn’t survive the test of time. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fCDtHu via IFT...

International space station hit by orbital debris in 'lucky strike' (video)

A piece of space junk smacked into the robotic arm on the International Space Station, but near-term operations should not be affected. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fJHCd3 via IFT...

Lost in space? Here's a new method to find your way back home.

Space is big — really big. And if you want to successfully navigate the interstellar depths of our galaxy, you're going to need some sort of reliable system. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2SPbUBK via IFT...

Is Latin a dead language?

Latin is alive and well, but Julius Caesar might struggle to understand its modern form. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3vJAJxU via IFT...

COVID-19 can infiltrate insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, study suggests

The finding still needs to be validated with further research. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3i7tNXf via IFT...

'Bonanza' gold veins in rocks finally explained

Scientists now think they understand how gold can form veins thicker than a man's forearm: the clumping of gold nanoparticles. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3p77tP7 via IFT...

Hurricane season kicks off. Expect higher-than-normal storm activity.

The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season has officially begun, and it's expected to bring a higher-than-average number of storms in the months ahead. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3fE3Flf via IFT...