Jumat, 29 April 2022

1,100-year-old 'altar of skulls' found in Mexico cave

Human remains, originally investigated by the police as a crime scene, have now been discovered to date from A.D. 900 and were possibly sacrificial victims from Livescience https://ift.tt/mzO5h7s via IFT...

Meet Elliott Tanner, the 13-year-old who just got his college degree in physics

13-year-old prodigy Elliott Tanner has graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in physics and mathematics. from Livescience https://ift.tt/TQuFxAB via IFT...

Family of 5 bears found hibernating under Lake Tahoe home

Residents were surprised to discover a family of black bears sleeping beneath their home. from Livescience https://ift.tt/ZwJ9j6e via IFT...

Medieval cargo ship unexpectedly found during construction work in Estonia

A ship, uncovered by construction workers near Tallinn's Old Harbor in Estonia, is a rare find that can shed light on medieval shipbuilding. from Livescience https://ift.tt/VI72ZyP via IFT...

How big of a dehumidifier do I need?

If you’ve ever wondered ‘how big of a dehumidifier do I need for my space?’ We’ve got all the answers in this handy guide from Livescience https://ift.tt/VACs1F6 via IFT...

Fireball 10 times brighter than the moon streaks over Mississippi, triggering a massive boom

It struck with the force of 3 tons of TNT. from Livescience https://ift.tt/VsH0YGg via IFT...

What is fiber?

Fiber is vital for healthy digestion. Here’s how it works – and what to do if you’re not getting enough from Livescience https://ift.tt/30RLjQp via IFT...

Best shoes for Peloton 2022: Cycling shoes to suit your bike

Trying to choose the best shoes for Peloton exercise bikes? Our essential guide has got you covered, with options to suit your budget, your taste, and even your foot shape perfectly. from Livescience https://ift.tt/1fJI5Kc via IFT...

Who were the Picts, the early inhabitants of Scotland?

The Picts were a people of Celtic origin who lived in parts of Scotland from about the fourth century A.D. to the early Middle Ages. from Livescience https://ift.tt/6cqlVCv via IFT...

Large Hadron Collider breaks new record only days after it reopens

It only took the LHC days to break its own record after it reopened. from Livescience https://ift.tt/bwt8JdE via IFT...

Farmer unearths ancient statue of serpent-crowned goddess in Gaza

The statue of Anat, the goddess of love and war, was discovered by a farmer in his field and dates back to 2500 B.C. from Livescience https://ift.tt/BeJtOrS via IFT...

Why is water important?

We're often told that we need to drink more water, but exactly why is water important? from Livescience https://ift.tt/3PDYLrn via IFT...

Ultraprecise atomic optical clocks may redefine the length of a second

The length of a second hasn't been updated in 70 years, but ultraprecise atomic optical clocks are on track to change that. from Livescience https://ift.tt/2Azvxbd via IFT...

Rabu, 27 April 2022

The world's largest ichthyosaur may have just been discovered in the Swiss Alps

Scientists discovered the fossil tooth, ribs and vertebrae of three gargantuan ichthyosaurs, which may have been some of the largest animals ever to live. from Livescience https://ift.tt/QRihqWw via IFT...

1st human case of H3N8 bird flu reported in 4-year-old boy in China

from Livescience https://ift.tt/SThAjXZ via IFT...

Dingoes are part domestic dog, part wolf (sort of)

Dingoes are an "intermediary" between wolves and domestic dog breeds, according to a new study that sequenced the genome of a dingo puppy. from Livescience https://ift.tt/pPOIulk via IFT...

How to improve your memory

It’s never too late to boost your gray matter. Discover how to improve your memory and keep your brain sharp from Livescience https://ift.tt/BDx9jOX via IFT...

ISS and China's space station photobomb image of 4 planets aligned in the sky

The International Space Station and China's Tianhe-1 station photobombed a four-planet line-up in the early morning sky for Italian astrophysicist Gianluca Masi. from Livescience https://ift.tt/8jgbvo7 via IFT...

Over 100 brain tumors linked to NJ high school: Is it a cancer cluster?

An investigation is underway to determine if the school is linked with a cancer cluster. from Livescience https://ift.tt/OwCoH4a via IFT...

Viking boat burial discovered in Norway may hold the remains of royal figures

Archaeologists unexpectedly discovered a Viking boat burial deep underground in Norway. from Livescience https://ift.tt/qH41AY3 via IFT...

Ancient temple dedicated to Zeus unearthed in Egypt

Archaeologists in Egypt have found traces of an ancient temple where people worshiped the god Zeus-Kasios. from Livescience https://ift.tt/vTa5yoj via IFT...

Lemon water benefits: Are there any?

Are there really any benefits to lemon water? We look at how the clinical evidence stacks up against anecdotal claims from Livescience https://ift.tt/nTSNeQF via IFT...

Selasa, 26 April 2022

'Potentially hazardous' asteroid twice the size of the Empire State Building will skim past Earth Thursday, NASA says

A gigantic "potentially hazardous" asteroid that may be twice the size of the Empire State Building is set to zoom past Earth Thursday (April 28), according to NASA. from Livescience https://ift.tt/SxOZuFg via IFT...

World's oldest person dies in Japan at age 119

She held the title of world's oldest living person for three years. from Livescience https://ift.tt/S321MkU via IFT...

Is running bad for your knees?

Is running bad for your knees? Evidence suggests that runners are actually less likely to get osteoarthritis – here's why from Livescience https://ift.tt/jh6FEwl via IFT...

4 planets line up like ducks in a row in gorgeous night-sky image

The moon is leading a parade of four planets across the predawn sky this week. from Livescience https://ift.tt/u8SkVAj via IFT...

Venomous bloodworms grow deadly copper fangs with totally metal trick

The worms are known to be highly aggressive and will eat anything they can swallow. from Livescience https://ift.tt/4QPyfEX via IFT...

Senin, 25 April 2022

Sunspot sends off double flare, as solar activity ramps up

A restless sunspot sent off a double solar flare on Monday (April 25), temporarily disrupting some radio communications in Asia and Australia. from Livescience https://ift.tt/eh3GCQm via IFT...

Human 'hobbit' ancestor may be hiding in Indonesia, new controversial book claims

An anthropologist argues that stories of an "ape-man" in Indonesia reflect the continued survival of an ancient human ancestor. from Livescience https://ift.tt/HlABPXj via IFT...

What is the Large Hadron Collider?

The Large Hadron Collider is the world's most powerful particle accelerator. Here's a look at the atom smasher and all its amazing discoveries. from Livescience https://ift.tt/BkhfYsF via IFT...

Best water bottles 2022: Stay hydrated when walking, cycling or at the gym

With this guide to the best water bottles, you'll start the year right and properly hydrated for a healthier you. from Livescience https://ift.tt/9iru4Cq via IFT...

How to run properly

Think you know how to run? We’ve got advice from the experts on how to do it properly. from Livescience https://ift.tt/QB6wzto via IFT...

Can anything travel faster than the speed of light?

Here's the science behind whether anything can travel faster than the speed of light. from Livescience https://ift.tt/5AGhvIu via IFT...

Do water bottles expire?

Do water bottles expire? We explore whether water bottles have an expiration date and if you should swap from disposable to reusable from Livescience https://ift.tt/0R3O8TF via IFT...

Minggu, 24 April 2022

Time might not exist — but that's okay

Does time exist? The answer to this question may not be as obvious as it first seems. from Livescience https://ift.tt/lrZG48P via IFT...

The future of international cooperation in space is splitting along lines of power on Earth

The nature of cooperation in space is shifting, and fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine has highlighted these changes. from Livescience https://ift.tt/p9jtg6d via IFT...

What color were the dinosaurs?

Here's how scientists know which colors dinosaurs flaunted. from Livescience https://ift.tt/FbcVWIG via IFT...

Sabtu, 23 April 2022

Foreo ISSA Kids review

Foreo ISSA Kids is an innovative, stylish toothbrush that looks great on any bathroom shelf from Livescience https://ift.tt/kPWdyqS via IFT...

Are there any mythological creatures that haven't been debunked?

Mythological creatures, from Bigfoot to the Loch Ness Monster, exist in fantastical tales. But are there any mythological creatures that haven't been debunked? from Livescience https://ift.tt/OT3rLQY via IFT...

What has no eyes, walked on stilts and died in 'Paleo Pompeii'? This ancient weirdo

An extinct arthropod with stilt-like limbs that lived during the Ordovician period was recently described from an exceptional fossil found in Canada. from Livescience https://ift.tt/sKLMibv via IFT...

Sir David Attenborough earns prestigious UN 'Champion of the Earth' award

The United Nations Environment Programme has awarded Sir David Attenborough with the highly prestigious Champions of the Earth Lifetime Achievement Award for his decades of work in TV and conservation. from Livescience https://ift.tt/miqj1DF via IFT...

Jumat, 22 April 2022

Cretaceous dinosaurs come to life in stunning footage from 'Prehistoric Planet'

'Prehistoric Planet,' a five-part documentary series, transports viewers into the mesmerizing world of the Cretaceous period. from Livescience https://ift.tt/jBE2bJt via IFT...

Longest COVID-19 infection reported: Patient had virus for 505 days.

The case is the longest-known continuous infection with COVID-19 reported to date. from Livescience https://ift.tt/mhKNX2k via IFT...

What is a solar eclipse?

Solar eclipses are some of nature's most dramatic celestial performances. Here's a look at the science behind the eclipse. from Livescience https://ift.tt/rzCFqh5 via IFT...

What happened to the lost Pirate Republic?

Inside All About History 116: Discover how a band of outlaws tried to build a nation in paradise. from Livescience https://ift.tt/Ljs8tp9 via IFT...

Large Hadron Collider is waking up after a 3-year nap, and it could help explain why the universe exists.

After a three-year nap, the world's largest atom smasher is waking up and getting ready to smash atoms harder than ever. from Livescience https://ift.tt/Uj9dZ5B via IFT...

Kamis, 21 April 2022

Cluster of hepatitis cases in US children may be tied to common virus

The CDC alerted doctors to be on the lookout for more cases. from Livescience https://ift.tt/Hu87kIl via IFT...

Woman's sudden dizziness and hearing loss had a rare cause

Air bubbles were trapped in the woman's ear. from Livescience https://ift.tt/0ydwqeY via IFT...

Powerful solar ‘burp’ flares on the surface of the sun

The sun is a beehive of flaring activity in a stunning new photo from a NASA spacecraft. from Livescience https://ift.tt/8hoNvUx via IFT...

Ancient Roman pottery workshop discovered in Egypt

An ancient pottery workshop dating to the beginning of the Roman period has been discovered in west Alexandria, Egypt. Evidence suggests the site may have been used later in the Byzantine period. from Livescience https://ift.tt/qdR1Qp9 via IFT...

How to stay hydrated

Dry throat? Chapped lips? Itchy skin? Find out how to stay hydrated from Livescience https://ift.tt/3NeXxk8 via IFT...

11 weird desert animals

Deserts are full of oddballs. Here are 11 of the weirdest. from Livescience https://ift.tt/U5OZfrR via IFT...

What was the Mongol Empire?

The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire ever, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to central Europe. from Livescience https://ift.tt/iMmNfzL via IFT...

Rabu, 20 April 2022

King John: Magna Carta, rebellion and myth

King John sealed the Magna Carta, but is remembered as one of England's worst rulers and often depicted as the villain in stories like Robin Hood. from Livescience https://ift.tt/KBw4o3F via IFT...

Death from rare tick-borne virus reported in Maine

People infected with Powassan virus can develop serious neurological symptoms. from Livescience https://ift.tt/7thpSFP via IFT...

Large solar flare blasts toward Earth, causing radio blackouts

For the second time in days, the sun hurled a large, X-class flare at Earth, causing radio blackouts and the potential for auroras. from Livescience https://ift.tt/F9bigYO via IFT...

Anglerfish: Biology, bioluminescence and lifecycle

Meet the fish that fish for other fish. from Livescience https://ift.tt/Wb39JSc via IFT...

Selasa, 19 April 2022

Evidence of 'modern' plate tectonics dating to 2.5 billion years ago found in China

Earth scientists in China have found evidence of a subduction zone dating to 2.5 billion years ago. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/BCGqm5a via IFT...

Correct running foot placement: how to achieve the perfect form

Pay attention to your running foot placement to improve performance and reduce your risk of injury from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/T1PiH4u via IFT...

Why was NASA's 'Mega Moon Rocket' test delayed (again)?

The rocket will be rolled back next week for repairs that could take all of May to complete. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/SrNL4nC via IFT...

How running changes your body

How running changes your body goes way beyond body recomposition from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/9jgoVvy via IFT...

The Lyrids are about to peak. Here's how to watch.

The Lyrid meteor shower will peak April 22. To see the meteors, find a dark spot and look skyward near midnight. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/blDhHXV via IFT...

New swarms of sunspots are so gigantic they could devour Earth whole

Two immense swarms of sunspots have popped into view on the surface of the sun, hinting at the increased possibilities of vivid auroras and potentially damaging solar flares over the months to come. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/6MWGUxN via IFT...

Senin, 18 April 2022

Going viral: 6 new findings about viruses

Here are six new things scientists have recently learned about viruses. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/46W03ut via IFT...

Shimmering 'night spiral' captured above Hawaii is actually a dying SpaceX rocket

The descent looked like a 'flying whirlpool' over Hawaii. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/4V89ZSf via IFT...

Massive meteorite impact created the hottest mantle rock ever

It's confirmed: The hottest rock ever discovered in Earth's crust really was super-hot. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/9XE3w8r via IFT...

Is the Leaning Tower of Pisa really falling over?

Architects have been trying to fix the Leaning Tower of Pisa for hundreds of years. So, will it ever fall over? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/FZIVebW via IFT...

How long do cold symptoms last?

It’s a common question: how long do cold symptoms last? But first it helps to know if it’s a cold, the flu or a viral infection from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/cnFUjwO via IFT...

Best running headphones 2022: Step up your workout

Whether you’re new to running or the veteran of many marathons, the best running headphones can be key to keeping your training on track. We’ve put together a roundup of great options to suit you. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/XYPNAh9 via IFT...

Best running watches 2022: Upgrade your workouts

If you’re getting serious about your fitness, then the best running watches are a key tool to tracking how hard you’re working out, as well as monitoring your sleep and other health factors. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/HIYAe1F via IFT...

Stunning aurora glow above Iceland after 'dead' sunspot erupts

A sunspot that "awoke from the dead" last week triggered stunning aurora above Iceland. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/sMQJIUX via IFT...

Minggu, 17 April 2022

Do humidifiers help with dry skin?

How do humidifiers help with dry skin? And are they a good solution for keeping your skin healthy? We ask the experts from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/istKnlm via IFT...

Skin cells made 30 years younger with new 'rejuvenation' technique

The researchers used a new method to turn back the biological clock on skin cells by three decades. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/YS5li2g via IFT...

How to care for houseplants

From watering schedules to the perfect environment, here’s how to care for houseplants so they thrive from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/ENH8dLl via IFT...

Why is chocolate bad for dogs?

Is it really that bad to give a dog a bite of a chocolate bar? Live Science investigates just how much chocolate is lethal to dogs. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/AzocsaX via IFT...

Sabtu, 16 April 2022

7 wonders of the ancient world

The seven wonders of the ancient world were a selection of exceptional pieces of architecture and art in the Middle East, North Africa and southern Europe. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/p9PxDao via IFT...

How to ease the symptoms of eczema

Soothing the dry, itchy skin associated with eczema can be difficult. We investigate how to ease the symptoms of eczema, and whether a humidifier can help from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/X7V9kjH via IFT...

What is the coldest place in the solar system?

Here are some of the coldest places in our solar system. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/z0ni34c via IFT...

Jumat, 15 April 2022

Dozens of unexplained cases of liver inflammation seen in UK children

Clinicians have been asked to look out for more cases. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/KR5OvkS via IFT...

Diabetes: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Diabetes is a metabolic disease marked by high blood glucose, also known as blood sugar. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/95Aqlbm via IFT...

Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9000 review

The Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9000 is a sleek and ergonomic electric toothbrush, but for the price, its app could contain more smart features from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/FfNxluI via IFT...

Zoo anteater exposed people to rabies in first-of-its-kind case

The infected animal may have exposed more than a dozen people to the deadly virus. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/b6MaTn5 via IFT...

Kamis, 14 April 2022

Sudden eruption from 'dead' sunspot could bring auroras as far south as New York

After a dead sunspot hurled a ball of plasma toward Earth earlier this week, medium-sized auroras may stretch even farther south than usual. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/4XAGS0C via IFT...

Ultra-rare black hole ancestor detected at the dawn of the universe

Scientists may have detected the first known 'transitioning red quasar' in the universe, dating to just 750 million years after the Big Bang. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/SBZPHNG via IFT...

The sun has blasted Mercury with a plasma wave

The wave likely scoured the surface of the weakly magnetic planet. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2u9xaCg via IFT...

World's first computer, the Antikythera Mechanism, 'started up' in 178 B.C., scientists claim

The mysterious Antikythera mechanism, thought by some to be the world's first computer, was first "started up" on Dec. 22, 178 B.C., archaeologists have now found. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/8rapQcy via IFT...

Antikythera Mechanism photos: See the world's first computer

Sponge divers pulled the first fragments of what became known as the Antikythera Mechanism from a Roman-era shipwreck in 1901 off the coast of the Greek island Antikythera. Ever since the discovery, scientists and historians have continued to look for more artifacts from the shipwreck while also piecing together the story of what is often considered the world's first computer.  from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/pnFV76H via IFT...

Earliest evidence of Maya divination calendar discovered in ancient temple

Archaeologists in Guatemala have uncovered ancient mural fragments that are the oldest evidence of the Maya calendar on record. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/Pi0e7t4 via IFT...

Rabu, 13 April 2022

Best sports bras for running: tried and tested

With one of the best sports bras for running, you can stay supported as you clock up the kilometers from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/AXc1Szm via IFT...

100-million-year-old fairy shrimp reproduced without sex, rare fossils reveal

A newly discovered species of freshwater shrimp called Koonwarrella peterorum may have reproduced asexually via parthenogenesis. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/PbXNkVW via IFT...

Selasa, 12 April 2022

Do exercise bikes burn belly fat?

The experts give us the lowdown on whether exercise bikes burn belly fat from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/ZqcPrFL via IFT...

School bus-size 'Reaper of death' was an apex predator. Here's why that's matters.

The discovery of these 'missing' dinosaur predators from North America and Asia solves a food chain mystery. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2fTCVim via IFT...

Fitbit Sense review

Fitbit’s Sense offers just as much focus on your mental wellbeing as your physical health, and while there are improvements to be made, it’s a promising start for the relatively new product line. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/BxQEvYK via IFT...

Best protein powder 2022: Boost your nutrition

Training hard and want to optimize your diet? Discover the best protein powders available right now with our round up of some top-notch options. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/by9EkuI via IFT...

Best toys for kindergarteners 2022: Fun and educational toys for your young ones

Looking for the best toys for kindergarteners? We’ve compiled a great list of toys to keep children entertained for hours. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/b1gtnia via IFT...

Best toys for preschoolers 2022: Educational toys for growing minds

Live Science has found the best toys for preschoolers. Check out our list to help your little ones have fun and learn at the same time. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/IFuQXm1 via IFT...

Senin, 11 April 2022

Earth Day 2022: Everything you need to know about Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual global event on April 22 that celebrates Earth and raises public awareness about the environment. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/MtqWIyh via IFT...

Whoop 4.0 review

The Whoop 4.0 provides a fresh take on the fitness tracker, and keen athletes will approve of the redesign from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/GB5tQWs via IFT...

The planets are prepping for an epic alignment. Here's how to see it shape up.

The five naked-eye planets in the solar system will line up across the predawn sky this spring and summer. Here's how to watch. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/xVMvXBu via IFT...

Ancient people in India may have buried their dead in giant stone jars

Hundreds of ancient stone jars discovered on hillsides in northeast India may be linked to mysterious stone jars in northern Laos, about 800 miles away, according to archaeologists. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/cxjdhNS via IFT...

An interstellar object exploded over Earth in 2014, declassified government data reveal

A small meteor that crashed into Earth in 2014 has been verified as an interstellar object, a new U.S. government report reveals. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/CDsxSRv via IFT...

Best VR experiences 2022: Explore, learn, and be entertained in virtual reality

Explore the cosmos, travel the world, or watch a live show at home with these amazing VR experiences. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/L69URHg via IFT...

How many space rocks hit the moon every year?

Here's how many tiny and large space rocks hit the moon on a regular basis. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/bDFmJj1 via IFT...

Minggu, 10 April 2022

How to follow a vegan diet for weight loss

Thinking about adopting a vegan diet for weight loss? We look at how a plant-based plan could help you to get lean from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/OIUExWb via IFT...

Thousands of new viruses discovered in the ocean

More than 5,000 new virus species have been identified in the world's oceans, according to a new study. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/Nh1Z9Cc via IFT...

Why do dogs and other animals lick their wounds?

Here's the science behind why pet cats and dogs and some wild animals lick their wounds. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/HSE4dh6 via IFT...

Sabtu, 09 April 2022

What's the tallest wave ever recorded on Earth?

In 1958, an earthquake in Alaska triggered the largest wave ever recorded on Earth, which reached a maximum height greater than the Empire State Building. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/1WcCvzI via IFT...

A dozen squirming fly larvae cause man's 'itchy eye'

Doctors discovered "more than a dozen mobile, translucent larvae" on the man's eye. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/SuhwIbC via IFT...

Dark matter could be a cosmic relic from extra dimensions

Massive gravitons may have formed a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang, in abundances great enough to account for dark matter. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/mhyzrUj via IFT...

Where did the unicorn myth come from?

The unicorn is one of the most famous mythical creatures, but where did the myth originate? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/nuoSjxW via IFT...

Jumat, 08 April 2022

Does collagen help hair growth?

Does collagen help hair growth and can it help you achieve that elusive thick, lustrous mane? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/JkUdM8p via IFT...

100-year-old Greenland shark that washed up on UK beach had brain infection, autopsy finds

An animal autopsy of the deceased Greenland shark that washed ashore in England revealed that it had meningitis. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/z13PM6b via IFT...

Jamestown colonists killed and ate the dogs of Indigenous Americans

Archaeologists investigating Jamestown have discovered that colonists likely butchered and ate the dogs of Indigenous Americans. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/nm9EDdH via IFT...

Rowing Machines vs Treadmills: Which is best for home use?

Building up your home gym? Here’s everything you need to know about rowing machines versus treadmills. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/hpaq74U via IFT...

Internet history timeline: ARPANET to the World Wide Web

Al Gore didn't invent the Internet. Vinton Cerf & Bob Kahn are often called Fathers of the Internet. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/1t75h8b via IFT...

Kamis, 07 April 2022

Brain differences tied to autism can be detected in the womb

A brain region known as the insular lobe was larger in those that went on to develop autism, compared with controls. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/HGYc6WS via IFT...

Scientists say they found a dino fossil from the day a dinosaur-killing asteroid struck Earth

Scientists say the dinosaur died during the impact 66 million years ago. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/qQHXf2E via IFT...

Astronomers just discovered the farthest object in the known universe — but what is it?

The possible galaxy, located 13.5 billion light-years from Earth, has broken the record for farthest astronomical object ever seen. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/3JN6M1e via IFT...

Which vitamins boost the immune system?

Wondering which vitamins boost the immune system? We look at the nutrients that can help you to stay healthy from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/RgD2Aje via IFT...

5 benefits of a massage gun

What are the benefits of a massage gun and are they really that effective? We ask the experts from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/WRiHnXs via IFT...

Dell XPS 15 (9510) review: A powerful, but pricey laptop option for programmers

The Dell XPS 15 looks brilliant, has plenty of power and has a bold, bright display, but it’s hindered by some notable flaws too from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/eJAS8dF via IFT...

'Magnetic anomalies' may be protecting the moon's ice from melting

'Magnetic anomalies' may be shielding ice in the moon's pitch-black craters, new research suggests. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/Hokbr0K via IFT...

Rabu, 06 April 2022

A woman would faint whenever she tried to stand. New implant lets her walk.

The patient has a condition called multiple system atrophy. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/cBzR594 via IFT...

World's oldest known case of cannibalism revealed in trilobite fossils

Injured trilobite fossils provide the oldest known evidence of cannibalism. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/BLCcv0u via IFT...

Probiotics for women: What are the benefits?

A gut health expert explains why probiotics for women are important from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/Mb0zspQ via IFT...

Charles Darwin's stolen 'tree of life' notebooks returned after 20 years

A pair of Charles Darwin's notebooks, which were stolen in late 2000, have been anonymously returned to the library that once held them. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/z39LiX7 via IFT...

Selasa, 05 April 2022

What is time?

From the beginning of the universe to the present day, it's one of the few things we regard as regular and unchanging. But is it really so constant? We take a look at the physics of time. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/2xSTYvI via IFT...

How satellite technology uncovered evidence of a Russian massacre of civilians in Ukraine

The satellite images contradict Russian claims about the bodies being placed on the streets after they had left. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/KWDjgTS via IFT...

UFOs left 'radiation burns' and 'unaccounted for pregnancies,' new Pentagon report claims

1,500 pages of UFO related research has been declassified by the US government following a FOIA request by The Sun from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/amk1983 via IFT...

New part of the body found hiding in the lungs

Researchers have discovered a brand-new type of multifunctional cell, known as RAS cells, in human lungs. The cells are key to maintaining healthy lungs and could be used to develop treatments, and potentially cures, for smoking-related diseases. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/4sKvHFQ via IFT...

A 12,000-mile-deep 'canyon of fire' has opened on the sun, spitting intense solar wind toward Earth

Filaments of plasma escaped from a fiery canyon that opened on the sun's surface on Sunday (April 3) and might bring more auroras to Earth later this week. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/1Ve7gUH via IFT...

Senin, 04 April 2022

Can we prevent World War III? History of diplomacy and deterrence

A hotline between Washington and Moscow, along with other measures, facilitates communication at critical times to avoid World War III. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/Xdpm9CA via IFT...

Bloated 'alien' creature that washed ashore in Australia possibly identified

A weirdly bloated creature, whose head has been defleshed and body looks more like a swollen, discolored beast of myth than anything real, washed up on an Australian beach last week. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/5QzJE2W via IFT...

TCP/IP: What are the rules of the internet?

How do computers talk to each other? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/89Q0h24 via IFT...

Lightning strikes Artemis I mission's 'Mega Moon rocket' launch pad during tests

The Artemis I mission's Mega Moon rocket was undergoing "wet" tests Saturday (April 2). from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/pVTfxFD via IFT...

What's the longest lightning bolt ever recorded?

Lightning is one of the greatest natural forces on our planet. New mapping tools are revealing just how big it is. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/zU6uqZn via IFT...

Best chemistry sets 2022: Amazing at-home chemistry sets for kids and adults

Whether you’re already a budding scientist or a total newbie, the best chemistry sets have the potential to be fun and educational. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/MNoQLTG via IFT...

How did cockroaches survive the dino-killing asteroid strike?

Cockroaches have been on Earth far longer than humans and may outlast us. Here are a few reasons why. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/nb7RZQY via IFT...

Minggu, 03 April 2022

Why isn't Earth perfectly round?

A spinning planet is subject to centrifugal force, which causes its equator to bulge at the sides. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/mfFIG1Z via IFT...

Sabtu, 02 April 2022

6 probiotic foods to support your gut

Including these probiotic foods in your diet can help your gut microbes to flourish from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/GEcwikP via IFT...

French farmer finds rare coin featuring Charlemagne just before his death

A rare coin featuring Charlemagne was rediscovered in a private collection and sold, via eBay, to a museum. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/kpMRL38 via IFT...

Is it safe to feed cats and dogs a vegetarian diet?

Many people give up meat for ethical, health or environmental reasons. But is it OK to put a cat or a dog on a vegetarian or vegan diet? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/H6ZNuIR via IFT...

Jumat, 01 April 2022

The Goldilocks zone: The place in a solar system that's just right

Discover how finding this habitable zone is essential to uncovered life on other worlds from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/Ezc7Wej via IFT...

Latency: Definition, measurement and testing

The internet makes it easy for users to send and receive data almost instantly. But how can latency be reduced for faster communication? from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/YLyZmzB via IFT...

'Potentially hazardous' Apollo-class asteroid sails harmlessly past Earth

An asteroid the size of a skyscraper sailed harmlessly past Earth today at around 4:35 PM ET. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/MjH7hpt via IFT...

Great white sharks: The world's largest predatory fish

Great white sharks are the largest predatory fish in the world, but scientists still have much to learn about these iconic predators. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/OxRfmcw via IFT...

What are probiotics and how do they work?

We look at whether probiotics can improve physical and emotional health and if so, how from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/pES6OyR via IFT...

Strange 'reverse shock wave' supernova is exploding in the wrong direction

Data collected by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have revealed that a supernova shock wave traveling through the Cassiopeia A nebula is not expanding as evenly as it should be. from Livescience.com https://ift.tt/b8vnu1k via IFT...