Selasa, 31 Mei 2022

Lions: Facts, behavior and news

Throughout history, lions have been celebrated for their strength and beauty, and are the inspiration for many myths and stories worldwide. from Livescience via IFT...

Freshly review

We reviewed the Freshly meal kit to see if these ready-to-eat meals live up to expectations in terms of convenience, nutrition and flavor from Livescience via IFT...

5-day paleo diet meal plan

Channel your inner caveman with our paleo diet meal plan and find out why it’s so popular from Livescience via IFT...

Do extraterrestrial auroras occur on other planets?

Auroras don't just exist on Earth. Here's what we know about auroras on other planets in the solar system. from Livescience via IFT...

The weird reason dolphins drink each other’s pee

Dolphins can recognize each other by the taste of their pee, and urine-tasting behavior is also linked to "name" recognition. from Livescience via IFT...

Senin, 30 Mei 2022

How did ‘Prehistoric Planet’ create such incredible dinosaurs? Find out in a behind-the-scenes peek.

In a behind-the-scenes look at 'Prehistoric Planet,' see how the creators went to extraordinary lengths to make the dinosaur series feel like an authentic nature documentary. from Livescience via IFT...

NordicTrack Select-A-Weight review

The NordicTrack Select-A-Weight dumbbells are a great option for home workouts, but they're a little on the expensive side. from Livescience via IFT...

Easy Mediterranean diet meal plan

Follow our simplified Mediterranean diet meal plan to improve your health and liven up your midweek meals from Livescience via IFT...

Is climate change making the weather worse?

A terrifying climate change prophecy appears to be upon us, with bomb-like cyclones and searing droughts. But is the weather actually getting worse? from Livescience via IFT...

Minggu, 29 Mei 2022

Don't miss the first 'Manhattanhenge' of 2022 this Memorial Day weekend

People in New York can catch the gorgeous "Manhattanhenge" this Memorial Day weekend on May 29 and 30. from Livescience via IFT...

Core Home Fitness Adjustable Dumbbell Set review

Save space (and money) with the Core Home Fitness Adjustable Dumbbell Set from Livescience via IFT...

Coconut milk: nutrition facts and health benefits

A complete guide to coconut milk nutrition and how this plant-based drink stacks up against other milk alternatives from Livescience via IFT...

Why are there no bridges over the Amazon River?

Due to a number of technical and logistical difficulties, as well as meandering through sparsely populated areas, there is no pressing need to build a bridge on the Amazon River. from Livescience via IFT...

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2022

Bowflex SelectTech 552 adjustable dumbbells review

The Bowflex SelectTech 552 adjustable dumbbells made our home workouts more efficient from Livescience via IFT...

Why is grass green?

Here's why grass is green and not blue or purple. from Livescience via IFT...

Jumat, 27 Mei 2022

Mile-wide asteroid, the largest yet of 2022, flies safely by Earth

A mile-wide asteroid passed by Earth on Friday (May 27) at a distance about 10 times that of the space between the Earth and moon. from Livescience via IFT...

When will Pluto complete its first orbit since its discovery?

Astronomers will have to wait a while to celebrate the first complete orbit of Pluto since its discovery. from Livescience via IFT...

Monkeypox may have been spreading in UK for years

The monkeypox virus may have been spreading at low levels in the United Kingdom for years now, only becoming detectable in the last month, according to health officials. from Livescience via IFT...

Best walking treadmills

Our fitness team put the best walking treadmills to the test, and these were our favorite finds. from Livescience via IFT...

This sideways-scooting robot crab is so tiny it fits through the eye of a needle

Engineers have designed a mini robot crab that can be made to walk sideways using lasers. The tiny eight-legged critter is the world's smallest remote-controlled robot. from Livescience via IFT...

Chinese scientists call for plan to destroy Elon Musk's Starlink satellites

Microwave jammers, mini-satellites and space lasers could all be used to scuttle Starlink from Livescience via IFT...

Kamis, 26 Mei 2022

WalkingPad C2 Review

The WalkingPad C2 is designed to be intuitive, but did it just miss the mark? from Livescience via IFT...

Mobvoi Home Treadmill Review

The Mobvoi Home Treadmill offers great value without draining your bank account from Livescience via IFT...

Is house dust mostly dead skin?

When you're tackling the baseboards with a dust cloth, is what you're mopping up mostly your own dead skin? That's only a little bit true. from Livescience via IFT...

What is progressive overload?

Just what is progressive overload? We delve into the science behind how this type of resistance training works from Livescience via IFT...

Cockroach-eaten Apollo 11 moon dust goes up for auction

For sale: One small sample of the moon brought back to Earth in 1969 by the Apollo 11 astronauts. Condition: Well-traveled and once digested. from Livescience via IFT...

Why do men have facial hair but women don't?

Do you sport a Fu Manchu? Muttonchops? A soul patch? If so, you can chalk your ability to grow facial hair up to your hormones. from Livescience via IFT...

Oat milk: nutrition facts and health benefits

A complete guide to oat milk nutrition and how this plant-based drink stacks up against other milk alternatives from Livescience via IFT...

Satellite images show spectacular 'shark volcano' eruption in the Pacific Ocean

A NASA satellite recently spied the underwater eruption of a submerged volcano where sharks make their home. from Livescience via IFT...

T. rex and its close relatives were warm-blooded like modern birds

Dinosaur metabolisms were diverse; some lineages were cold-blooded like their lizard cousins, while others were warm-blooded like their avian relatives alive today. from Livescience via IFT...

Hay fever & seasonal allergies: symptoms, causes & treatment

We explore the causes of hay fever and why you might be feeling under the weather from Livescience via IFT...

Rabu, 25 Mei 2022

Here's what scientists know about mass school shootings

Of the 13 mass school shootings in the U.S., the three most deadly occurred in the last decade. Data from these attacks helped criminologists build a profile of the gunmen. from Livescience via IFT...

Physicists predict Earth will become a chaotic world, with dire consequences

Humans aren't just making Earth warmer, they are making the climate chaotic, a stark new study suggests. from Livescience via IFT...

How we test, review and rate products on LiveScience

Unbiased, reliable, authoritative reviews written by experts - that’s our promise to you from Livescience via IFT...

20,000 years ago, two American cheetahs fought to the death in a Grand Canyon cave

A new study of bones from the Grand Canyon reveals that this steep, rocky landscape was once a hunting ground for the extinct American cheetah. from Livescience via IFT...

Selasa, 24 Mei 2022

What is an abortion?

An abortion is the early termination of a pregnancy, which can happen spontaneously, as in the case of a miscarriage, or by medical or surgical means. from Livescience via IFT...

Expect another above-average hurricane season in 2022, NOAA predicts

NOAA has announced that the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season is likely to be more active than average for the seventh year in a row. from Livescience via IFT...

Neptune: The farthest planet from our sun

Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun in our solar system and home to blistering winds and diamond rain. from Livescience via IFT...

What are pulsars?

Pulsars are the ultradense cores of gigantic stars that emit beams of radio waves in regular pulses, like cosmic lighthouses. from Livescience via IFT...

Giant ‘dragon of death’ with 30-foot wingspan unearthed in Argentina

Scientists recently discovered fossils in Argentina that belong to Thanatosdrakon. The specimens are the largest pterosaurs ever found in South America. from Livescience via IFT...

Why can't babies drink cow's milk?

Milk isn't the same across species. Here's the science of why babies shouldn't drink cow's milk until they're older. from Livescience via IFT...

Senin, 23 Mei 2022

Ancient Chinese woman faced brutal 'yue' punishment, had foot cut off, skeleton reveals

Archaeologists think the missing foot of a woman buried in China almost 3,000 years ago was amputated as a criminal punishment, according to a new study. from Livescience via IFT...

Triops: Facts about the three-eyed 'dinosaur shrimp'

Triops, commonly called tadpole shrimp or dinosaur shrimp, belong to an ancient group of freshwater crustaceans and live in temporary pools. from Livescience via IFT...

What is dietary fat?

Everything you need to know about dietary fat and why including it in your diet is important for good health from Livescience via IFT...

What is visible light?

Visible light is a type of electromagnetic radiation between the infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths, and it can be detected by cells in the human eye. from Livescience via IFT...

Kayakers find 8,000-year-old human skull in Minnesota

A pair of kayakers discovered a skull fragment near the Minnesota River. Authorities were shocked to learn that the bone was 8,000 years old. from Livescience via IFT...

14 healthy snack ideas to keep you feeling full

Try these healthy snack ideas to boost your energy levels whilst keeping your nutrition in check from Livescience via IFT...

Why do parrots live so long?

Scientists may have untangled the mystery as to why parrots have such long lifespans. from Livescience via IFT...

Best vegan protein powder 2022: Keep fit with dairy-free protein powder

A round-up of the best vegan protein powder to support your health and fitness goals from Livescience via IFT...

Minggu, 22 Mei 2022

What did ancient Egypt's pharaohs stash inside the pyramids?

The ancient Egyptian king Tutankhamun was entombed with lavish grave goods. What were other Egyptian pharaohs buried with in ancient times? from Livescience via IFT...

Asteroid four times the size of the Empire State Building barreling toward Earth on May 27

The near-Earth asteroid 7335 (1989 JA) will make a close approach to our planet on May 27, 2022, flying within about 2.5 million miles of Earth. from Livescience via IFT...

Jumat, 20 Mei 2022

Monkeypox outbreaks: Here's everything you need to know

Cases of the rare monkeypox virus are popping up in Europe and the United States. Here's what you need to know about the virus. from Livescience via IFT...

'Ghost' fossils preserve haunting record of ancient life on a hellish Earth

Ghostly imprints of very tiny "nannofossils" can offer a valuable window into our planet's past — and hint at its possible future. from Livescience via IFT...

Monkeypox cases double in UK, pop up in US

Monkeypox infections are appearing in Europe and North America, a rare occurrence for a disease endemic to west and central Africa. from Livescience via IFT...

Voyager 1 sends strange signals from beyond the solar system. Scientists are confused.

NASA's Voyager 1 space probe sent a confusing signal back to Earth, suggesting the craft doesn't know where it's located. from Livescience via IFT...

Alien shopping-bag ocean weirdo has glowing Cheetos for guts

Resembling an alien shopping bag with guts made of glowing Cheetos, a bizarre creature took center stage in new footage captured by a remotely operated vehicle deep in the Pacific Ocean. from Livescience via IFT...

How much urine can a healthy bladder hold?

A healthy adult bladder can hold a fair amount of urine, but regularly holding it to the point of discomfort isn't a great idea. from Livescience via IFT...

Kamis, 19 Mei 2022

Stonehenge builders were infested with parasites, ancient poop reveals

Fossilized feces found near Stonehenge reveal that the workers who built the ancient structure ate undercooked parasite-infested meat during winter feasts, and fed it to their dogs, a new study finds. from Livescience via IFT...

Where did the Greek gods come from?

Inside All About History 117: Uncover the origins of the Olympian deities and their impact on ancient greek culture. from Livescience via IFT...

What Is Vodka?

To produce vodka, you must first ferment a foodstuff that contains sugar or starch, then distill the product to increase its alcohol content. But what is vodka made from? from Livescience via IFT...

What's the difference between a moth and a butterfly?

Though related, there are key differences between them. from Livescience via IFT...

Red Sea dolphins slather their skin in coral mucus, because nature is wonderfully gross

Young dolphins seem to learn this skin care routine from their elders. from Livescience via IFT...

Crypto organization names newfound glass frog species — here’s why that's concerning

A new species of glass frog has been named by a cryptocurrency organization, triggering concern over the high environmental cost of crypto. from Livescience via IFT...

Rabu, 18 Mei 2022

Which muscles does spinning work?

Indoor cycling is a firm favourite with fitness fanatics – but which muscles does spinning work? Find out with our essential guide from Livescience via IFT...

Cannibal wasp babies eat their siblings, because nature is brutal

When food starts running low in wasp larvae nurseries, the babies resort to cannibalism in order to survive. from Livescience via IFT...

Parasite that controls cat minds may infect billions of people. The clue is in their eyes.

Toxoplasma gondii is probably the most successful parasite in the world today. The disease caused by this parasite can scar the back of the eye. from Livescience via IFT...

Best air purifiers {year}: Enjoy clean air in your home

We've rounded up the best air purifiers on the market to rid your home of pollutants and irritants from Livescience via IFT...

Sold! Dinosaur skeleton that inspired Velociraptors from 'Jurassic Park' auctioned for $12.4 million

A rare skeleton of the dinosaur Deinonychus, the species that inspired the Velocirators in the movie "Jurassic Park," just sold for $12.4 million at auction. from Livescience via IFT...

830 million-year-old organisms found locked in ancient crystals could be resurrected

Researchers discovered microorganisms from 830 million years ago trapped in ancient salt crystals from Australia from Livescience via IFT...

Octopuses torture and eat themselves after mating. Science finally knows why.

Octopus mothers slam themselves against rocks and eat their own arms before their eggs hatch. Scientists have discovered what leads to the self-destruction. from Livescience via IFT...

Selasa, 17 Mei 2022

Footage of hypersonic metallic UFO shown by Pentagon officials at historic hearing

Pentagon officials speaking at the first public hearing on UFOs since the 1960s have shown previously classified footage of an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP). from Livescience via IFT...

Stop picking carnivorous penis plants, Cambodian environmental officials plead

The Cambodian Ministry of Environment has asked people to stop collecting a carnivorous plant that resembles a penis, after footage appeared on social media of people picking the rare plant. from Livescience via IFT...

Best wildlife photography cameras 2022

These are the best wildlife photography cameras for shooting in the Serengeti, the local zoo, and everywhere in-between. from Livescience via IFT...

Olympus OM-D E-M1X review

Looking for ultra lightweight kit that packs a heavyweight punch? The Olympus OM-D E-M1X provides a compact system that’s ideal for wildlife and safari shooting. from Livescience via IFT...

Canon EOS R5 review

The Canon EOS R5 is so good at photographing wildlife, it’s effectively a cheat code for capturing images of animals – not to mention humans or any other subject. from Livescience via IFT...

Temperatures colder than space achieved here on Earth using superconducting X-ray laser

Using a superconducting X-ray laser, researchers at SLAC achieved a temperature 4 degrees Fahrenheit above absolute zero. from Livescience via IFT...

Senin, 16 Mei 2022

Mariana Trench: The deepest depths

The Mariana Trench is more than 7 miles (11 kilometers) deep. Although it is a toxic environment, some creatures of the deep thrive there. from Livescience via IFT...

Tomb of ancient Egyptian dignitary who read top secret documents discovered

Archaeologists in Egypt have found the tomb of an official who claimed to have access to secret royal documents. from Livescience via IFT...

Record-shattering Tonga volcanic eruption sent atmospheric waves zipping around the Earth

The eruption triggered huge atmospheric waves called Lamb waves. from Livescience via IFT...

Did cats really disappear from North America for 7 million years?

Here's the science behind the so-called "cat gap," a roughly 7 million-long period in North America in which there aren't any known cat fossils. from Livescience via IFT...

Board game deals 2022: Save on modern greats and family classics

Looking to shake up game night? Here are the best board game deals you’ll find right now. from Livescience via IFT...

VR headset deals: Save on Oculus Quest 2, the ideal gateway to VR

Enter a whole new world with these VR headset deals, including ways to get the Meta Quest 2 cheap. from Livescience via IFT...

Minggu, 15 Mei 2022

What time is the Blood Moon lunar eclipse?

A Blood Moon total lunar eclipse will occur this weekend, and here's when to watch it. from Livescience via IFT...

Why does wood catch fire, but metal doesn't?

Burning is the release of energy, and some materials like metals, can absorb energy better than others, such as wood. from Livescience via IFT...

Are protein bars good for you?

Are protein bars good for you? We weigh up the case for and against using a high-protein snack to build muscle, support weight loss and give you an energy boost from Livescience via IFT...

Mercury: Facts about the smallest planet

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, the fastest planet orbiting the sun and the smallest planet in our solar system. from Livescience via IFT...

Here's how to watch the Flower Moon lunar eclipse today and tomorrow

We'll help you get set up outdoors or online, depending on your location or your preference. from Livescience via IFT...

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2022

How to get rid of mold

Knowing how to get rid of mold is essential for maintaining a healthy home with fresh indoor air from Livescience via IFT...

Why does eating pineapple make your mouth tingle?

Is it the combination of the pineapple's acidity and the enzyme complex called bromelain that likely make your mouth sore. from Livescience via IFT...

Tick-borne illnesses are on the rise. Here’s how to protect yourself.

Tick-borne illnesses are an unfortunate side effect of summer fun. Here's why (and how) to avoid ticks when recreating outdoors. from Livescience via IFT...

Jupiter: Facts about the king of the planets

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, with moons, rings and beautiful clouds. from Livescience via IFT...

Jumat, 13 Mei 2022

The 'doorway' seen on Mars is not for aliens. Here's how it really formed.

The internet erupted after a photograph from the Mars Curiosity rover appeared to show an "alien door," experts are pretty sure it's just a natural feature. from Livescience via IFT...

How to stretch your lower back

Find out how to stretch your lower back, whether you have tight muscles from a workout or from sitting at a desk. from Livescience via IFT...

Uranus: Facts about the sideways ice giant

Uranus is a strange world in the solar system that spins on its side. A new probe that will visit Uranus in the coming decades could unlock even more secrets about this peculiar planet. from Livescience via IFT...

Kamis, 12 Mei 2022

How to recover from injury

Injuries can be tough to manage, whether caused by exercise or an accident. We’re going to unpack for you how to recover from injury from Livescience via IFT...

Scientists finally have proof of mysterious immune cell in humans

The existence of these cells was hotly debated. from Livescience via IFT...

Astonished fishers reel in gigantic 400-pound stingray in Cambodian river

A 400-pound stingray was accidentally caught by fishers in the Mekong River in Cambodia. However, experts say that these monstrous rays can grow even bigger. from Livescience via IFT...

1st image of our galaxy's 'black hole heart' unveiled

The enormous black hole is four million times the mass of our sun from Livescience via IFT...

Eerie 'yellow brick road' to Atlantis discovered atop ancient undersea mountain

Researchers exploring underwater mountains near Hawaii discovered a bizarre "yellow brick road" on an ancient seamount. from Livescience via IFT...

Saturn: Facts about the ringed planet

Saturn is one of the most beautiful worlds in the solar system, with spectacular rings and moons that could host life. from Livescience via IFT...

Distant 'galaxy' isn't a galaxy at all — but one of the brightest pulsars ever detected

The pulsar PSR J0523−7125 is so bright that astronomers thought it was a distant galaxy. from Livescience via IFT...

Rabu, 11 Mei 2022

Whirlpools: Facts, formation and survival tips

Whirlpools form when fast-flowing currents in oceans and rivers constantly change direction. What do they look like and can you escape from one? from Livescience via IFT...

Extinction threatens one in five reptile species, researchers say

For 15 years, researchers have been using the IUCN's Red List criteria to assess reptile species across the world. Scientists recently found that a fifth of those are now at risk of extinction, and experts say their work helps to better target conservation efforts. from Livescience via IFT...

US baby formula shortage: What to know

The shortage has grown steadily worse in recent weeks. from Livescience via IFT...

Giant sinkhole with a forest inside found in China

A team of Chinese scientists has discovered a giant new sinkhole with a forest at its bottom. from Livescience via IFT...

Selasa, 10 Mei 2022

Fertility cult complex discovered under Turkish home dates to the Iron Age

The relief, found on a wall panel in the underground complex, shows the integration of Neo-Assyrian culture into the Aramaic culture of Iron Age Turkey. from Livescience via IFT...

James Webb telescope reaches 'perfect' alignment ahead of debut science images

The James Webb Space Telescope's four science instruments are 'perfectly aligned' and ready to begin observations this summer, NASA said in a news conference. from Livescience via IFT...

Mixed-up sunspot emits powerful solar flare

A mixed-up region of sunspots pointed almost directly at Earth just emitted a major solar flare, which could cause havoc with power grids and communication networks. from Livescience via IFT...

Rowing machine muscles worked: fire up your quads, glutes, and more

Rowing machine muscles worked extend to both the upper and lower body, so you’re guaranteed an efficient workout from Livescience via IFT...

A guide to the DASH diet for weight loss

Find out what to eat and what to limit on the DASH diet for weight loss from Livescience via IFT...

Senin, 09 Mei 2022

Cretaceous asteroid armageddon ignites TV screens in 'Dinosaur Apocalypse'

Dinosaur Apocalypse," a PBS NOVA special narrated by Sir David Attenborough, attempts to reconstruct the day Earth was hit by an asteroid 66 million years ago. from Livescience via IFT...

Try this weights at home workout to improve functional strength

Work your arms, chest, shoulders and more with this weights at home workout, which requires minimal equipment from Livescience via IFT...

Is protein good for weight loss?

Looking to shed a few extra pounds? We look at whether protein is good for weight loss, and how to get more from your diet from Livescience via IFT...

Bats tell predators to 'buzz off' — literally

This is a unique example of animal mimicry. from Livescience via IFT...

Bronze Age 'grave daggers' were actually used to butcher animals

Bronze Age copper alloy daggers were used for processing animal carcasses, a revolutionary new analysis technique has revealed. from Livescience via IFT...

Why haven't we cloned a human yet?

Here's a look at the science for why we haven't cloned any humans yet. from Livescience via IFT...

Phases of the moon

From new moon to full moon. from Livescience via IFT...

8,500-year-old stone houses are the oldest known structures in the UAE

The Neolithic structure is 500 years older than the oldest structure previously found in the Abu Dhabi islands. from Livescience via IFT...

What are magnesium supplements?

Why do we need magnesium, who is at particular risk of magnesium deficiency and who might want to supplement? We ask an expert from Livescience via IFT...

Flower moon lunar eclipse rises this week. Here's everything you need to know.

You can catch it in-person or online. from Livescience via IFT...

Minggu, 08 Mei 2022

A 1,000-pound great white shark just spotted off coast of New Jersey

The predatory fish, nicknamed 'Ironbound', is on his way north to Canada. from Livescience via IFT...

Earth tells us to 'GO' in weird cloud message seen from space

A surprising new photo from the GOES East satellite has revealed what appears to be the word "Go" written in the clouds as seen from space. from Livescience via IFT...

Why are there so many giants in the deep sea?

Here's the science behind why some deep sea creatures — such as squids, sharks, sea spiders and worms — get so giant. from Livescience via IFT...

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2022

Do trees exist (scientifically speaking)?

Trees don't fit into a species, family or even an order. So do they really exist, scientifically speaking? from Livescience via IFT...

Cameras caught a 'space jellyfish' fly over Georgia. Here’s what it really was.

A so-called “space jellyfish” seen in the sky over Georgia was actually a SpaceX rocket launch. Here’s why it looked so weird. from Livescience via IFT...

Jumat, 06 Mei 2022

Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx: Facts about the ancient Egyptian monuments

Facts about these ancient Egyptian monuments, still a source of speculation and debate. from Livescience via IFT...

How to watch the Eta Aquarids meteor shower this weekend

The show originates from Halley's Comet and may generate as many as 30 shooting stars an hour. from Livescience via IFT...

Pig virus may have contributed to death of man with 1st porcine heart transplant

The man was the first person to receive a transplant using a heart from a genetically modified pig. from Livescience via IFT...

We finally know how trilobites mated, thanks to new fossils

An ancient trilobite fossil revealed that it had teensy claspers, which males likely used to "hug" females while mating. from Livescience via IFT...

Kamis, 05 Mei 2022

'Giant MRI of Antarctica' reveals 'fossil seawater' under ice sheet

Fossil seawater can be found in the depths of the aquifer. from Livescience via IFT...

Best exercise bikes {year}: how to choose the right bike for you

The best exercise bikes in 2022, as tested by the fitness team at Live Science. from Livescience via IFT...

Peloton Bike review

If you’ve got the cash to splash, there’s no denying the sleek and powerful allure of the Peloton. from Livescience via IFT...

Elusive bronze-scaled ‘dragon’ of the deep caught on video off California coast

Scientists exploring the depths of Monterey Bay unexpectedly encountered a rare and unique species of dragonfish. from Livescience via IFT...

World's 'shark tooth capital' teemed with even more extinct species than we knew

Florida is sometimes referred to as the "shark tooth capital of the world," and new research documents the now-extinct species that have been discovered there. from Livescience via IFT...

Scientists discover bizarre 'worm-like' aurora stretching halfway across Mars

Scientists detected an enormous new type of aurora stretching halfway across the Martian atmosphere. from Livescience via IFT...

Giant 'sea monsters' evolved big bodies to offset long necks being a total drag

Large torsos helped streamline swimming in giant long-necked extinct marine reptiles that swam Earth's oceans during the Mesozoic. from Livescience via IFT...

Rabu, 04 Mei 2022

Roe v. Wade FAQ: What if abortion rights law gets overturned?

Here are answers to questions about what could happen if the landmark ruling is overturned. from Livescience via IFT...

Fitbit vs Apple Watch: Which is better?

Fitbit vs Apple Watch: Which smartwatch is right for you? from Livescience via IFT...

Severe COVID-19 may cause similar cognitive deficits as 20 years of aging

People hospitalized for COVID-19 showed cognitive impairments. from Livescience via IFT...

Huge solar flare captured in stunning NASA image as it fires off from the sun

A powerful solar flare just erupted from the surface of the sun — and NASA captured stunning footage of it. from Livescience via IFT...

Sunny Health and Fitness Bike SF-B1002 review

Sunny Health and Fitness Bike: a basic exercise bike at a budget-friendly price from Livescience via IFT...

How do mosquitoes sniff out humans to bite?

Some mosquitoes can smell humans from a distance. from Livescience via IFT...

Yosuda Indoor Stationary Cycling Bike review

The budget-friendly Yosuda Indoor Stationary Cycling Bike is pretty impressive and certainly holds its own under testing. from Livescience via IFT...

Selasa, 03 Mei 2022

Defiant message discovered in Cuban Missile Crisis bunker

Archaeologists have discovered a defiant message, possibly written by a Cuban soldier, in a bunker system that was built to protect the island during the Cuban Missile Crisis. from Livescience via IFT...

Ancient ritual bloodletting may have been performed at newfound ballcourt carvings

Archaeologists have discovered 30 ballcourt carvings in southern Mexico that may date as far back as 100 B.C. and were possibly used in ritual bloodletting. from Livescience via IFT...

Apple Watch SE review

The Apple Watch SE might not have all the features available in the newer models, but this is a great Apple Watch for most from Livescience via IFT...

Best treadmills 2022

These are the best treadmills you can buy in 2022, as tested by the fitness team at Live Science. from Livescience via IFT...

What is the universe?

It's quite a big question and a lot is still unknown about the universe, but we'll tell you everything that we do know, from how the universe was created, how old it is and what it's even made of. from Livescience via IFT...

Senin, 02 Mei 2022

Fuzzy 'halo' envelops Venus as it cozies up to Jupiter in photo of planetary conjunction

A thin cloud over the planets created a colorful 'corona' around Venus. from Livescience via IFT...

Russia will pull out of the International Space Station, space agency chief confirms

Russia has confirmed it will pull out of the International Space Station (ISS), due to sanctions imposed over the Ukraine invasion. from Livescience via IFT...

Epilepsy: Causes, symptoms & treatments

Facts about epilepsy, its symptoms, causes and treatment. from Livescience via IFT...

In a burial ground full of Stone Age men, one grave holds a 'warrior' woman

The mysterious burial of a woman and several arrowheads in northern France dating to roughly 6,500 years ago may reveal details about how women were regarded in that society, according to a new study. from Livescience via IFT...

Keto diet vs low carb: what's the difference?

They might seem like similar approaches, there are some key differences between the keto diet vs low carb. We asked the experts to unpack them from Livescience via IFT...

The universe could stop expanding 'remarkably soon', study suggests

The universe may stop expanding in just 100 million years if dark energy decays over time, a new study suggests. from Livescience via IFT...

4 dairy free diet benefits

Dairy free diet benefits can include better digestion, clearer skin, boosted energy levels and even weight loss. So is it worth giving it a try? from Livescience via IFT...

Why do microwaves cook food so much faster than ovens do?

Here's the science behind how ovens and microwaves differ in the food-heating process. from Livescience via IFT...

Minggu, 01 Mei 2022

Black Moon solar eclipse looks otherworldly in stunning images

The rare partial solar eclipse stunned skywatchers on Apirl 30. Here's a look at their images. from Livescience via IFT...

Why a balanced diet is important for your health

Wondering why a balanced diet is important? These nutritionists weigh in from Livescience via IFT...

Where does Earth end and outer space begin?

The atmosphere is vast and parts of it extend beyond the moon. But where does it technically end, according to scientists? from Livescience via IFT...

What are labor unions?

Labor unions have risen and fallen over the course of U.S. history, but interest in organizing is currently surging. from Livescience via IFT...

How protein powder is made

Have you ever wondered how protein powder is made, or which protein powder is right for you? Read on for the low down from Livescience via IFT...