Knowing which urine color changes are due to food or medicines can save you worry, or provide an early alert to get to the doctor.
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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016
Jumat, 29 Juli 2016
Drones Taking Flight for Inaugural 'Liberty Cup' Race This Weekend
A swarm of 100 drone pilots will race for glory this weekend at the first-ever Liberty Cup, a competition that will qualify the Northeast's best drone pilots for the U.S. National Drone Racing Championships.
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Do Opioids Make Pain Worse?
New research in rats has found that morphine can increase pain for months after the opioid has left the body.
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Most of World's Biggest Beasts Could Be Extinct by 2100
Most of the world's large creatures could face extinction by 2100 if drastic conservation measures aren't taken, conservationists say.
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10 Most Impressive Attractions in Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia might be one of the most beautiful places to explore. It’s exotic and holds some of the most interesting attractions with a rich history. That’s why we decided to celebrate the city with out 10 Most Impressive Attractions in Jakarta. The city serves as the capital of Indonesia where you can find influences from […]
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What Really Caused the Voices in Joan of Arc's Head?
Joan of Arc's claim to fame — the mysterious voices she heard and visions she saw during the Hundred Years' War — may actually have been due to a form of epilepsy, Italian researchers suggest.
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Remote Antarctic Library Would 'Protect Ice Memory'
The plan is to "have dozens of ice core archives stored in a snow cave — the most reliable and natural freezer in the world."
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Fungal Disease 'Valley Fever' Is Often Misdiagnosed
Doctors often misdiagnose cases of valley fever, because this fungal infection can resemble the flu or another illness, experts say.
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First US Zika Cases Are in Florida, Officials Believe
Four people in Florida likely became infected with the Zika virus after being bitten by mosquitos in the area, officials said today.
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Putrid-Smelling Corpse Flower Finally Blooms: Watch It Live
Normally, the smell of putrefying, decaying flesh wouldn't be cause for celebration, but it is today, with the blooming of the rare but stinky corpse flower at the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG).
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Unique 3D Views of Alaskan Forest Captured with 3D Scanner
This powerful camera gives insight into the effects of climate change in Alaska’s Tanana Valley.
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Extreme Workouts: The Nutritional Needs of Elite Athletes
People who are competitively active, such as college athletes or those training for an Ironman event, have unique nutritional needs.
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Exercise and Weight Loss: The Science of Preserving Muscle Mass
People who work out to lose weight should keep in mind that any calories they consume right before or during a workout will be burned off first.
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Workout Supplements: The Impact on Muscle Strength and Fatigue
Casual exercisers will not benefit from workout supplements, but creatine, caffeine or beta-alanine can benefit intense workouts.
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Workout Calorie Math: Here's How to Eat to Fuel A Workout
Typically, only people who burn more than 500 calories during their workouts need to increase their caloric intake to support their bodily needs.
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Eating After Workouts: The Science of Timing Meals and Exercise
Timing workouts between meals is a productive tactic: Muscles are primed to refuel their glycogen stores immediately after a workout.
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Fitness Nutrition: What Science Says About Diet and Exercise
Live Science talked to several experts and looked at some of the most definitive studies on nutrition and exercise: Here’s what we discovered.
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10 Mysterious Deaths and Disappearances That Still Puzzle Historians
From the disappearance of a "Baroness" in the Galapagos Islands to the poisoning of a scientist at the South Pole, here are 10 mysterious deaths and disappearances that still puzzle historians.
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North America Has Only 1 True Species of Wolf, DNA Shows
Red wolves and eastern wolves aren't separate species; they're really just hybrids of gray wolves and coyotes, according to the research.
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Kamis, 28 Juli 2016
Little Hope for Breeding Healthier English Bulldogs, Study Shows
Certain English bulldog features cause a number of health problems for the breed, leading people to wonder whether these dogs could be bred to be healthier.
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Facts About Arsenic
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element with a reputation as "king of poisons" as well as the "poison of kings."
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Is Secondhand Marijuana Smoke Bad for You?
Inhaling secondhand marijuana smoke even for just 1 minute may temporarily affect how blood vessels function, according to a new study done in rats.
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Floating Underwater Tunnels Planned for Norway
Ambitious project would create an entirely new kind of traffic infrastructure system.
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Amazing Fireball Over Western US Caused by Chinese Space Junk
A giant piece of a recently launched Chinese rocket fell to Earth Wednesday night (July 27), blazing a spectacular sky trail that left observers all over the western United States dazzled and slack-jawed.
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Fireball Seen Over Western US Was Spent Chinese Rocket | Video
On July 27, 2016, a Chinese Long March 7 rocket body re-entered Earth's atmosphere and was "removed from the U.S. satellite catalog" by the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC), according to a twitter post from US Strategic command.
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Democratic Party Platform: We Fact-Checked the Science
Here's Live Science's guide to the Democratic National Committee (DNC)'s platform and the science that may support or run contrary to these party stances.
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Where Do the World’s Tallest and Shortest People Live?
The tallest men in the world live in the Netherlands, and the tallest women call Latvia home, according to the largest study ever done on people's heights.
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9 Disgusting Things That the FDA Allows in Your Food
It's probably a bad idea to scroll through the Food and Drug Administration's "Defect Levels Handbook" before a meal.
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Deep-Space Heart Health: Astronauts Face Cardiac Problems
Astronauts who fly far beyond the Earth are more likely to experience heart problems than those whose missions are closer to home — and the cause may be deep-space radiation, a new study finds.
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Missing Flight MH370: Ocean Currents Point to New Search Spot
Further analysis of the debris from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 points to a possible new search area in the Indian Ocean.
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Unequal Division of Labor in Marriage Ups Risk of Divorce
As the expectations for husbands and wives have changed over time, so have the factors that may affect a couple's risk of divorce, a new study shows.
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Hyena Meets Tasmanian Devil: Ancient 'Hypercarnivore' Unearthed
A newfound extinct marsupial "hypercarnivore" from Australia — one that researchers say looked like a cross between a Tasmanian devil and a hyena — was about twice as big as Australia's largest living flesh-eating marsupials, a new study finds.
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Mysterious Purple Sea Orb Stymies Scientists
What is this strange purple sea orb found near the Channel Islands?
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In Photos: Strange Purple Orb Found in Pacific Ocean
Researchers aboard the E/V Nautilus were surprised to stumble across a mysterious purple blob during an exploration of Arguello Canyon near the Channel Island National Marine Sanctuary.
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Rabu, 27 Juli 2016
Ancient Egypt: A Brief History
Egyptian civilization has flourished continuously for more than 5,000 years.
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Facts About the Common Loon
The common loon is the most widespread species of loon in North America. Its distinctive voice is often considered a characteristic of early summer.
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Here's How You Can Keep Sitting from Killing You
Exercising for an hour a day may be enough to counteract the harmful effects of sitting for long periods, a new study finds.
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Ice Bucket Challenge Cash Helped Pay for ALS Gene Discoveries
New clues about the genetics involved in Lou Gehrig's disease are revealed today in two new studies, thanks in large part to donations from the wildly popular Ice Bucket Challenge of 2014.
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Facebook Test Flies Unmanned Aircraft That Could Provide Internet | Video
Facebook's Creative Labs flew the 'Aquila' for the first time. They are developing the aircraft to fly, on solar power, for up to 90 days. It will provide internet access for anyone within a 60 mile communication diameter.
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Here's the US City with the Highest Pot Use
A California city has the highest rate of marijuana use in the country.
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World's Deepest Blue Hole Is in South China Sea
A blue hole nearly 1,000 feet deep has been explored in the South China Sea.
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Special Energy Drink May Alter Metabolism and Boost Performance
A specially-designed energy drink that contains ketones may help people exercise at a higher level, a new study finds.
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Ant's Dragon-Like Spine Inspires Its 'Game of Thrones' Moniker
New ant species' dragon-like appearance inspired scientists to name it for the fire-breathing star of Game of Thrones.
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Brain Cells Call for Help: Discovery May Aid Stroke Treatment
After an organism has a stroke, damaged neurons appear to send out a distress signal to prompt nearby cells to donate their mitochondria to help the damaged cells rebuild.
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Facebook's Internet-Delivery Drone Completes First Test Flight
Facebook is testing a drone that can deliver internet access to remote areas of the world.
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In Photos: Roman Ceramic Factory Found in Israel
A rare rock-cut kiln for making pottery was discovered in northern Israel.
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Rare Pottery Workshop Discovered in Galilee
While most pottery workshops known to archaeologists were built of stone, earth and mud, the one found in Galilee was hewn a rare type of chalky bedrock.
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Sun Blasts Out 2016's Strongest Flare (Video)
The sun fired off its strongest solar flare of 2016 during an active weekend that saw three eruptions from star's surface.
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10 Historical Treasures That the World Lost in the Past 100 Years
From the Ténéré Tree, hit by a drunk driver in 1973, to the priceless artifacts destroyed by ISIS, here are treasures the world has recently lost.
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How Did Dinosaurs Communicate?
Dinosaurs didn't have email or text messages to keep in touch, but scientists are quite certain the beasts engaged in dialogue. Those communications likely included hoots and hollers, cracking sounds, dance and song, and even symbolic love calls.
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Childhood Migraines: When Are They More Than Just Headaches?
Research has found a link between experiencing migraine headaches in adulthood and experiencing emotional abuse in childhood. So how strong is the link?
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Death Spiral: 4th Phase of Life May Signal the End Is Near
A growing body of research now suggests that there is a fourth phase immediately preceding death that scientists have dubbed the "death spiral."
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How to Get People to Step Up Their Exercise
In a new study, researchers looked at what kind of feedback was the most motivating to get people to exercise.
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Selasa, 26 Juli 2016
Transgender Identity Is Not a Mental Health Disorder, Study Finds
People who have a transgender identity should not be considered as having a mental health disorder, according to a new study from Mexico.
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7 Tips to Keep Your Pets Cool During Hot Weather
Summer heat can be dangerous for pets, but there are a number of steps that owners can take to keep their pets safe when temperatures climb.
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Solar Plane Completes Historic Round-the-World Flight
A solar plane powered entirely by the sun has completed a journey around the world, making it the first solar-powered aircraft to circumnavigate the globe without using any fuel.
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Dolly the Sheep's Clone 'Sisters' Are Healthy in Old Age
Four cloned sheep that are genetically identical to Dolly, the first cloned mammal, are still healthy even in old age, a new study found.
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Police Killings and Race: Do the Numbers Tell the Whole Story?
In a new report, researchers look at the numbers of people that police killed or injured during one year, broken down by race and ethnicity.
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Prehistoric Village Likely Torched by Bronze-Age Warriors
A fire that destroyed a Bronze Age village in the marshlands of eastern England around 3,000 years ago may have been set on purpose, possibly in a raid by warriors from a hostile group, according to a new archaeological study.
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'Blood Lake' Blooms in Iran
Iran's briny Lake Urmia recently appeared in satellite images with blood-red waters resembling the aftermath of a particularly gruesome crime scene.
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Photos: Prehistoric Village Holds Bronze-Age Treasures
Archaeologists have been excavating a Bronze-Age settlement at the so-called Must Farm site in eastern England.
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Ancestor of All Life on Earth Had Steamy Beginning
Called LUCA, the forerunner of all living things, was not just a sophisticated organism but also likely lived in iron-rich hot springs that lacked any oxygen.
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Huge Quake for the Himalayas? Ancient Hindu Temples Hold Clues
Damage on ancient temples in the picturesque hill town of Chamba, India, reveals the region is overdue for a major earthquake.
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NYC Fights Vermin with Geek Supertools
Rat sighting are down 80 to 90 percent across the city, thanks to … databases?
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Kids' Nightmares and Night Terrors: Why They Happen, and What to Do
Night terrors and nightmares are very different things and need to be managed differently.
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Goodbye, Weasels! New Zealand to Wipe Out Its Invasive Predators
The clock is ticking for the rats, possums and weasels that have invaded New Zealand over the past few hundred years. That's because the country plans to eradicate these invasive predators that threaten its native species by the year 2050.
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These Honeybees Have Mastered Twerking: How They Do It
Honeybees can really bust a move, but their anatomy limits them.
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Superhuman Tech? Most Americans Fear the Worst
When it comes to human enhancements, Americans are more worried than enthusiastic.
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New Speckled Venomous Snake Discovered in Cloud Forest
The newfound pitviper lives in a Costa Rican cloud forest and kills prey with a neurotoxin also used by rattlesnakes.
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'Grow' Your Own Glowing Flowers: The Science of Fluorescence
Why do some materials "glow" under a black light, while others don't?
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Senin, 25 Juli 2016
Vibrantly Colored 'Starburst' Scorpionfish Discovered in the Caribbean
Pink and yellow starbursts decorate the orange-red skin of the newly discovered stellate scorpionfish.
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Photos: The Freakiest-Looking Fish
Some of the stranger finned creatures of the deep.
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'The Hubble Cantata' Weds Live Music with VR Views of the Cosmos
A live event combining virtual reality and musical performance in Brooklyn will be — literally — out of this world.
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Menopause May Speed Up Aging
For women, menopause is a natural part of getting older, but it may also speed up the aging process, a new study finds.
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Why 5 or More Hours of TV Daily Is Bad for You
Bad news for couch potatoes.
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Smelly 'Corpse Flower' About to Bloom in NYC: How to Watch It Live
The stench of rotting flesh will soon permeate the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG), possibly today (July 25), when a rare plant known as a corpse flower blooms and releases an odor similar to that of putrefying flesh, botanists say.
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Watch Earth Spin Through a Full Year in This Spectacular Time-Lapse Video
A sped-up video of Earth spinning through space shows a dizzying array of clouds and continents from a satellite located 1 million miles away.
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Bizarre-Looking 'Graham' More Likely Than You to Survive Car Collision
An artist's lifelike sculpture of human body may look grotesque, but it is uniquely designed to face deadly challenges on modern roads.
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Sun Blasts 2016's Most Powerful Flare Yet - Part of Flare Trio | Video
The sun erupted with a M7.6-class flare on July 23rd, 2016. The blast was the second of three m-class flares that occurred in a time span of a few hours (the 2nd and 3rd flares were only separated by 15 minutes).
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Honey Bee's Abdominal Movement In Slow Motion | Video
Using a high speed camera researchers from Tsinghua University in Beijing have captured the motion at 500 frames per second.
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Why Do People Hate the Sound of Their Own Voices?
Turns out, you don't sound the way you think you do. Three little bones are the reason your voice sounds so weird on a recording.
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Great White Shark Dangles Seal Meal from Its Maw
"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to swim with your mouth full?"
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Photos: Take a Tour of Utah's Zion National Park
On the western edge of the Colorado Plateau is a most unique place known today as Zion National Park. Here are stunning photos of the park's natural beauty.
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How to Talk About Race to Kids: Experts' Advice for Parents
Talking with kids about race-related issues can be difficult for parents. Experts say that keeping a few things in mind may help.
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Solar Probe Plus: We're Going to Dive Into the Sun
NASA's Solar Probe Plus mission is moving ahead with its daring 2018 launch to study the sun's super-heated atmosphere.
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Jumat, 22 Juli 2016
Juicy, Exotic, Decadent: Food Porn Is Actually Centuries Old
Think food porn is a new thing? It actually predates Instagram by at least 500 years.
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Depressed Patients Do Well with Cheaper Treatment
A simple and relatively cheap type of talk therapy may work just as well at treating depression as the current "gold standard" treatment, a new study finds.
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Mysterious Green Foam Spews from Drain in Utah
A green blob bubbled out of a storm drain, and a poop-driven algae bloom has covered a lake in Utah.
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Bartender, Beware: Squeezing Limes Can Cause 'Margarita Burn'
A note to summer bartenders: Limes and sunlight don't mix.
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Ultrathin Electric 'Tattoo' Can Monitor Muscles and More
Researchers have developed a thin, flexible electrode that can measure electrical signals on the skin after being applied like a temporary tattoo.
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Man 'Surfs' Clouds During Thunderstorm | Video
Red Bull Air Force team member Sean Maccormac jumped from a plane flying over 10,000 feet along with a cameraman. The plane was flying southwest of Lake Okeechobee, Florida at the time of the jump.
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That's Insane! Daring Skydiver 'Surfs' on Storm Clouds
Earlier this month, skydiver Sean MacCormac strapped a board to his feet and "surfed" down the edge of a storm cloud over central Florida.
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Why Quiet Is Important for Kids' Learning
Toddlers may have a harder time picking up new words if there's background noise in their environment, like sounds from a TV or a cellphone conversation.
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Photos: Skydiver Sean MacCormac 'Surfs' on Thunderstorm Clouds
A daring skydiver took to the Florida skies this month to "surf" on thunderstorm clouds.
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Move Over, 'Star Trek' — Hubble Telescope Sees the Real Final Frontier
Just in time for the new "Star Trek" movie arrival in theaters this weekend, the Hubble Space Telescope released its latest image from its "Frontier Fields" program.
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Bloody Leaves from King Albert's Deadly Fall Are Authentic, DNA Shows
When the Belgian king died in a climbing accident (or a murder), people took souvenirs from the spot where he fell. DNA tests authenticate some of those bloodstained artifacts today.
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Pew! Pew! Pew! Mars Rover Curiosity Can Now Fire Laser On Its Own
The car-size Curiosity rover recently began autonomously choosing some of the targets for its ChemCam instrument, which blasts Martian rocks or soil with a laser and analyzes the composition of the resulting vapor.
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10 Most Impressive Fireworks Displays in the World
There’s nothing better than staring at the dark night sky only to have it lit up by spectacular pyrotechnics and fireworks displays. So, we decided to share a list of the 10 Most Impressive Fireworks Displays in the World. Fireworks are staples in places like Disney World and even most of the opulent cities. During the […]
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Cocaine & Meth Use May Erode Moral Compass: Study
People who use cocaine or methamphetamine on a regular basis may have differences in those brain regions that are involved in choosing between right and wrong, compared to people who don't use these drugs, according to a new study of prison inmates.
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Are Gifted Kids More Sensitive to Screen Violence?
Witnessing violence harms all children, even if it's only on a screen, scientists say. However, for gifted children the impact could be more severe, according to research.
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Exotic Tetraquarks Could Untangle Physics Conundrums
A particle discovery could help answer some of physics' biggest questions.
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10 Amazing Women That You Won't Find in History Books
Time and time again, ambitious, exceptional women have proven that they were more than capable of achieving groundbreaking accomplishments.
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Kamis, 21 Juli 2016
Molar Pregnancy: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment
A molar pregnancy, also called hydatidiform mole, is an abnormal growth of placental tissue in a woman's uterus.
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Facts About Sea Turtles
Sea turtles live all over the world. They return to the beach where they were born to lay their eggs.
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Silk Road Gave Infectious Disease a Route, Ancient Poop Shows
Newly found 2,000-year-old human poop reveals that an interesting array of parasites were carried by ancient travelers.
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Alcohol Can Cause Certain Cancers, Study Says
Drinking alcohol may cause seven different types of cancer, a new meta-analysis finds.
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How Your Sandwich Could Be Hurting Your Diet
About half of Americans eat a sandwich on any given day, but the classic lunch item may be contributing to a generally less healthy diet, a new study suggests.
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Do Your Ears Ring? How to Deal with Tinnitus
About one in 10 American adults has a persistent ringing in the ears, a condition called chronic tinnitus, a new study suggests.
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Why the 'Heat Dome' Will Scorch Nearly the Entire US This Weekend
A blast of sweltering heat will sweep across the United States over the next four days, and some places will see temperatures as much as 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit above average for this time of year, according to the National Weather Service.
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Food for Thought: Americans Just Can't Stop Throwing Out Food
Although the vast majority of Americans feel bad about throwing out food, most of us also think it would be hard to reduce the amount of food we throw away, a new survey finds.
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Human Gut Microbes Took Root Before We Were Human
Our relationship with the bacteria in our guts extends far back into our evolutionary past — before modern humans even existed, a new study finds.
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Trains, Dolls and Dinosaurs: Why Do Kids Get Obsessed?
Once they get a taste, little kids may obsess about any given thing, such as Thomas the Tank Engine, dinosaurs or princesses. Other kids may watch the same movie repeatedly or request the same bedtime story time and again.
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Mighty Viking Ax Discovered in Tomb of Medieval 'Power Couple'
Archaeologists have discovered one of the largest Viking axes ever found, in the tomb of a 10th-century "power couple" in Denmark.
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Children's Doodles Found in Margins of Medieval Manuscript
The margins of a medieval manuscript from a convent in Naples, Italy, are decorated with doodles of what are apparently devils, a farm animal and a person that were likely drawn by children, a new study finds.
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'Earthquake' in Florida Was Actually a Naval Explosion
A magnitude-3.7 tremor in Florida was a Navy test explosion, not an earthquake.
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Photos: 10th-Century Viking Tomb Unearthed in Denmark
An unusual 10th-century tomb, containing one of the largest Viking axes ever found, was unearthed in central Denmark.
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What Would Happen If Comet Swift-Tuttle Hit the Earth?
If Comet Swift-Tuttle smacked into Earth, it would likely be a very bad day for our planet.
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Republican Convention 2016: What Science Says About the Platform
Here's a guide highlighting the Republican National Committee platform's beliefs and the science that may support or run contrary to these party stances.
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Parasite Evolution: Here's How Some Animals Became Moochers
Parasitism has independently evolved at least 223 times, leading to millions of parasitic species on Earth.
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Images: Human Parasites Under the Microscope
Check out these stunning, and sometimes gross, images of the parasites that live on our bodies, from the dreaded tapeworm to the blood-mooching Babesia to the hookworm.
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Why Did NASA Send a DNA Sequencer to Space?
A DNA sequencer that was just delivered to the International Space Station can test not just known Earthly organisms. It could possibly analyze samples taken from alien life, NASA said.
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What If the Moon Disappeared Tomorrow?
If our only satellite vanished in the blink of an eye, would you notice? Does it even matter? Astrophysicist Paul Sutter explains.
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Does Caffeine Really Dehydrate You?
Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance on the planet. It's commonly thought that caffeine is responsible for some undesirable side effects, including dehydration, but is that true?
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Rabu, 20 Juli 2016
Octopus Facts
These eight-armed, blue-blooded animals are quite intelligent. Sad about their sex lives, though.
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Chickens May Help Repel Malaria-Carrying Mosquitoes
Sleeping next to a live chickens may be an all-natural way to avoid mosquito bites.
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Was Zika Contracted in Florida? How the Virus Could Spread Locally
If the Zika virus is spreading in Florida, how did it get there?
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Robot with Sea Slug Parts Makes Hybrid Debut
Sea slugs might be the future of organic robotics.
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Blog: Kepler Adds 100 to Galaxy's Planet Count
Revamped after a steering system failure, NASA's orbiting telescope still is contributing to the growing inventory of planets beyond our solar system.
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The Unexplored Brain: Nearly 100 Uncharted Areas Revealed
A detailed new map of the human brain's outer layer identifies nearly 100 brain areas that have not been previously reported, according to a new study.
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Why Comparing Yourself to Others Is Normal
Comparing yourself to your teammates, as well as your competitors, influences how you think of yourself, a new study finds.
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Nectartini? This Little Lemur Has a Taste for Alcohol
A taste for alcohol may be more widespread in the primate lineage than suspected, and is linked to genetic factors, a new study suggests.
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Hottest Year Ever? 2016 Burns Through Heat Records, NASA Says
Temperatures are rising and sea ice is melting at a record rate this year.
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Is Personality an Illusion?
An idea that has persisted despite lack of scientific evidence is one suggesting that human behavior results only from the situation in which it occurs and not from the personality of the individual.
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Photos: Spiritual, Pre-Columbian Cave Art Uncovered
Photos reveal amazing cave art discovered on Mona Island in Puerto Rico. The artwork reveals a rare glimpse of first encounters between indigenous and European people in the Caribbean.
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Caribbean Cave Art Illuminates Encounters with Europeans
Hundreds of cave engravings have been identified on Puerto Rico's Mona Island. Some offer a rare glimpse at early encounters between Europeans and indigenous people.
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What's in Your Food? A Peek Under the Cover of the FDA's Handbook
Here’s what the FDA allows in your food.
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Mouse Poop, Rat Hair: Here Are the ꞌDefectsꞌ the FDA Allows in Food
It's probably a bad idea to scroll through the Food and Drug Administration's "Defect Levels Handbook" before a meal.
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Selasa, 19 Juli 2016
Facts About Beluga Whales
Beluga whales, also called white whales, have white skin that is adapted to its habitat in the Arctic. They are among the smallest species of whales.
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Healthy Kids: Homemade Meals Not Always Best
Is homemade baby food better for babies?
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Cutting the Weed: Joints Have Less Marijuana Than Thought
Exactly how much marijuana is in a typical joint may be less than previously thought, a new study finds.
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Norovirus at the RNC: Why This Virus Spreads So Quickly
A number of California delegates at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, OH have fallen ill with norovirus.
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Pot Dealers Traced Back 5,000 Years
Nomads entered Europe from the eastern Steppes — bearing cannabis.
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How High Can Insects Fly?
Birds aren't the only animals that can soar to exceptional heights. Insects can also rise to the occasion, reaching astounding altitudes.
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How High Can Birds Fly?
What allows high-flying birds to cruise at exceptional altitudes?
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Create 3D Animations with the Stroke of a Pen
Just the stroke of a pen or the click of a mouse and you can become a 3D animator.
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Epidurals: How They've Changed, and How They Work
The modern epidural — a powerful combination of painkillers used to help women endure labor — is nothing like the painkillers of generations past.
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Record Breaking Temperatures Again in First Half of 2016 | Video
For the first six months of the year, the Earth has been 'warmest half-year on record,' according to NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center. The planet has also seen record Arctic Sea ice shrink.
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Many Teens with Diabetes Don't Know They Have It
About a third of U.S. teens with diabetes don't know they have the condition, a new study finds.
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'Witch' Prison Revealed in 15th-Century Scottish Chapel
A 15th-century chapel in the Scottish city of Aberdeen was equipped as a prison for accused witches snared during the city's "Great Witch Hunt" in 1597.
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Photos: Scottish Church Once Imprisoned Accused Witches
A 15th-century church in Aberdeen, Scotland, was once used to imprison accused witches during the "Great Witch Hunt" in 1597.
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Unusual Condition Lets People See Sign Language in Colors
People who use sign language can experience synesthesia, a rare condition that mixes sensory information from different sources, causing people to see letters in certain colors, or taste words, a new study finds.
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Why Does Using Periods in Text Messages Make You Sound Angry?
For centuries, written communication was tinged with formality and finality. But since the emergence of casual forms like texting, using proper grammar can be fraught with misinterpretation.
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Earth's Tides Can Trigger Earthquakes Along the San Andreas Fault
Scientists figured out how the same tides that affect ocean waves also tug on the giant fault in California.
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Empathy Drug? Ecstasy Should Be Clinically Studied, Doctors Say
Regulations restricting research on MDMA, the active substance in the drug ecstasy, should be relaxed, two neuroscientists argue.
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Book Excerpt: 'This Is Your Brain on Parasites'
In "This Is Your Brain on Parasites: How Tiny Creatures Manipulates Our Behavior and Shape Society," Kathleen McAuliffe presents a riveting investigation of the myriad ways that parasites control how other creatures—including humans—think, feel, and act.
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Senin, 18 Juli 2016
Living Near a Fracking Site May Increase Your Risk of Asthma
Living close to a site used for hydraulic fracturing, also called fracking, may increase a person's risk of developing asthma, a new study finds.
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Stem Cells Could Replace Hip Replacements
Researchers have figured out how to get stem cells to grow on a scaffold shaped like the ball of a hip joint and regenerate a cushion of cartilage.
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Why Florida's Recent Earthquake Is So Rare
An earthquake struck off the coast of Florida on Saturday (July 16), a rare event in a relatively tectonically peaceful region.
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Adorable Mouse Lemur Helps Solve Madagascar Whodunit
Mouse lemurs, the world's tiniest — and perhaps cutest — primate, have helped solve a whodunit about who (or what) disrupted the green forests on the island nation of Madagascar.
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Solar Plane Zooms Over Egypt's Pyramids on Historic Flight
A solar-powered airplane buzzed the pyramids in Egypt, flying over the iconic, haze-cloaked monuments, during the most recent leg of its historic journey around the world.
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Zika Virus Mystery: New Utah Case Stumps Researchers
In a puzzling case, a person in Utah became infected with the Zika virus, but health officials can't figure out how the person caught the disease.
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Ancient Logbook Documenting Great Pyramid's Construction Unveiled
A logbook that contains records detailing the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza has been put on public display at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
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Storing Data on the Atomic Scale - Rewritable Device Built | Video
Delft University of Technology researchers combined a copper surface with chlorine atoms to build a device with "information density as high as 500 terabits per square inch."
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Tiny 'Atomic Memory' Device Could Store All Books Ever Written
A new "atomic memory" device that encodes data atom by atom can store hundreds of times more data than current hard disks can, a new study finds.
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8-Year-Old's Fossil Discovery Explains Why Turtles Have Shells
The turtle's shell may serve as a protective shield nowadays, but ancient turtles actually developed shells for an entirely different reason, a new study finds.
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Does Drinking Alcohol Warm Your Body?
Can you really sport a "beer blanket" to stave off the cold?
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SETI Seeks Ideas to Hunt Strange Alien Life-Forms
Alien life may not live by our rules, and it's time we appreciate that as we look to the stars for signs of alien biology.
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Trove of Bronze-Age Textiles Found at Britain's Pompeii
The 3000-year-old site reveals how clothing was made during the Bronze Age.
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Cutting Calories Can Lower Inflammation
We often hear that certain foods or vitamins can lower inflammation in the body, but a new study suggests that there's a simple thing we can do to cut inflammation: Eat less.
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Black Magic: 6 Infamous Witch Trials in History
Here are six of the most infamous witch trials in Europe and the United States.
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7 Bizarre Ancient Cultures That History Forgot
Here are a handful of interesting long-lost cultures that don't get the name recognition they deserve.
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Minggu, 17 Juli 2016
Pediatricians Should Discuss Sexuality with Kids, Group Says
Pediatricians should help educate their patients about sex and help parents learn how best to talk to their kids about sexuality, a new report says.
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Sabtu, 16 Juli 2016
Who Were the Philistines?
The Philistines lived in the Middle East about 3,000 years ago. However, there is little archaeological evidence that they existed.
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No, the US Isn't Using Vaccine-Laced M&Ms to Save Ferrets
No candy for ferrets, but the FWS is giving peanut butter with the vaccine to prairie dogs, the main prey of ferrets.
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Jumat, 15 Juli 2016
Bleeding and Spotting During Pregnancy: Symptoms & Causes
When a woman sees blood on her underpants during pregnancy, it's typically a frightening and worrisome sign. But not all bleeding is a sign of trouble.
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Prince Harry Checks HIV: Who Else Should Get Tested?
Prince Harry took an HIV test this week, with the goal of destigmatizing testing for the virus. But exactly who should get screened for HIV, and how often?
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Time on His Side? Jagger a Dad Again at Age 72
A father at age 72? That's how strong his love is.
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'Dragon Silk' Armor Could Protect US Troops
Genetically modified silkworms that spin special fibers, known as "Dragon Silk," could soon be used to protect soldiers in the U.S. Army, its manufacturer, Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, announced this week.
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Man Gets Zika from Sex with Female Partner, in First
A woman in New York City who was infected with Zika passed the virus to her male partner during sex, the first time that female-to-male sexual transmission of the virus has been reported.
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Space Shot Shows Gypsy Caterpillars' Rampage Through Forests
The gypsy moth caterpillar may be small, but the amount of destruction it's causing to the trees in New England and the Mid-Atlantic region is so vast that it's visible from space, NASA satellite photos show.
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Sun Makes Nervous Face with Hole in Its Head (Video)
The sun has been making some anxious faces lately — but you'd be worried, too, if a huge hole had just opened up on your head.
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Iris Scans to Replace Fingerprints
An FBI pilot program to scan prisoners' eyes is under way in California, Texas and Missouri.
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Victoria Beckham Smooches Daughter: Did She Cross a Line?
Is a kiss just a kiss? A photo of Victoria Beckman kissing her 5-year old daughter, Harper, on the lips sparked a wave of outrage online.
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Ancient Bug Jumped Out of Its Skin to Escape Gooey Trap
Amber reveals that millions of years ago, a bug similar to a stick insect left its "skin" behind in a resin trap.
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2,000-Year-Old Dog Graveyard Discovered in Siberia
The carefully buried remains of five dogs were recently found in a 2,000-year-old doggy graveyard near the Arctic Circle in Siberia, according to archaeologists.
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Photos: Prehistoric Dog Graveyard Discovered in Siberia
Archaeologists have discovered a prehistoric dog graveyard at a 2,000-year-old village near the Arctic Circle in Russia's Siberia.
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Gorgeous Gravity Waves Intersect Near Africa (Photo)
A new satellite image shows complicated cloud patterns off the coast of Angola and Namibia.
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Cockroaches Use Their Own Internal GPS to Get Around
Cockroaches likely don't need to stop for directions.
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Man's New Best Friend Is a Goat?
Goats try to catch our eyes when they need help to do something.
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Shoe-Wearing Robot's No Flatfoot — It Walks Like a Person
A bipedal robot puts its best foot forward, stepping with a heel-toe motion that mimics human locomotion more closely than flat-footed robot walkers.
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Kamis, 14 Juli 2016
Facts About Whale Sharks
Whales sharks are the largest fish in the world. They are not predatory, like other sharks. In fact, their feeding habits are more like a whale's.
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U-F-NO! NASA Shoots Down Speculation Over Space Station Video
NASA shot down an internet rumor that a live camera on the International Space Station was intentionally turned off after the video feed showed a small, bright object just above Earth.
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Dangerous Drugs: Why Synthetic-Cannabinoid Overdoses Are On the Rise
Why are overdoses from synthetic marijuana growing more and more common?
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Eating More Fruits & Veggies May Make You Happier
Eating fruits and vegetables can make you healthier in the long run. But also, they may help you feel happier, in much less time.
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Oculus Project Lets You Feel in VR without Gloves
A haptic project makes it possible to feel the direction of a virtual bouncing ball and other imaginary objects.
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Can Rocks Grow?
Don't rush out to buy a pet rock just yet.
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These Ducks Arenꞌt Lame ─ They Can Think Abstractly
Ducklings are cute, fuzzy and…abstract thinkers?
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Zika Outbreak Could Be Over in 3 Years, Study Predicts
The current Zika outbreak taking place in much of South and Central America will be largely over in three years' time, a new study predicts.
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First Ever? Discovery of Philistine Cemetery Draws Criticism
If valid, the finding would reveal more about a mysterious people known as the Philistines. But other archaeologists raise questions.
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Photos: Skeletal Remains of Possible Philistines Unearthed
A 3,000-year-old cemetery in Israel is being claimed as the first and only burial ground of the mysterious Philistines, an ancient people known from the Hebrew Bible.
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'Snowfox' GPS Phone Helps Parents Keep Tabs on Young Kids
A new, screenless phone for young kids could help parents stay in touch with their children, without the adults having to worry that their kids are glued to smartphones.
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5 Ways to Talk to Your Kids About Bullying
High school bullying, whether it is an online spat or ostracism in the lunchroom, is fairly common. But despite its prevalence, bullying can be difficult to discuss.
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Rabu, 13 Juli 2016
Facts About Clownfish
The movie "Finding Nemo" created a star and increased demand for the clownfish, a small fish that lives within the protecting tentacles of an anemone.
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Fish Venom Unveiled: Toxins Evolved Many Times, Study Shows
The huge array of toxins produced by venomous fish are a largely untapped potential for medicines, researchers say.
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'Extinct' Volcano Near Rome Rumbles to Life
A volcano near Rome that, until recently, was thought to be extinct is entering a new eruptive phase.
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'Demon Orchid' Has a 'Devil Head' and Claw-Like Petals
A new demonic flower species looks like the devil and has clawed petals.
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Men with Long Work Hours Cause Families to Suffer
Women with families generally feel more rushed than men, largely because their male partners work long hours and leave household labor to them.
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Photos: Newfound Dinosaur Has Tiny Arms, Just Like T. Rex
Despite its razor-sharp teeth and impressive bite force, Tyrannosaurus rex is largely mocked for its tiny arms. Now, a new finding shows that T. rex was in good company.
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New Dinosaur Has the T. Rex Look: Tiny Arms
Tyrannosaurus rex wasn't the only meat-eating menace with teeny-tiny arms. Like its distant relative, T. rex, a newly identified dinosaur, named Gualicho shinyae, sported small arms and hands with two clawed fingers.
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Paper in a Top Medical Journal Has Unexpected Author: Barack Obama
In an unusual move for a sitting president, Barack Obama has published a scholarly paper in a scientific journal.
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What Are Chastity Belts, Really?
A joke that went too far, experts say chastity belts were an early example of satire.
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Do Lobsters Live Forever?
Like many animals that live within the dark and deep sea, lobsters are subject to myths. But one particular myth — that lobsters would be immortal were it not for fishermen and hungry predators — doesn't exactly hold water, biologists told Live Science.
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Why the Olympics Actually Won't Cause Zika to Spread Everywhere
Will Olympic athletes return to their home countries with more than a medal?
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The 10 Most Fulfilling Coral Reef Experiences
When taking vacations to some of the most exotic places on Earth, you can rest assure that areas filled with clear waters are also filled with some of the most captivating coral reefs. That’s why we decided to point out The 10 Most Fulfilling Coral Reef Experiences. There’s nothing like putting on a snorkel and […]
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Souring on Artificial Sweeteners: Substances May Boost Appetite
Artificial sweeteners: free pass for calories, or something more sinister?
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1.5-Million-Year-Old Footprints Reveal Human Ancestor Walked Like Us
Scientists found that modern-human footprints and the tracks left behind by Homo erectus are nearly indistinguishable.
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How Many Types of Trees Grow in the Amazon? (Hint: It's A LOT)
The Amazon rainforest is awash in different types of trees — almost 12,000 species and counting, a new study finds.
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Juno Spacecraft Captures 1st Photo from Jupiter Orbit
Juno captured the photo — which shows Jupiter's famous Great Red Spot and the three big Jovian moons Europa, Ganymede and Io — with its visible-light JunoCam instrument on Sunday (July 10), less than a week after arriving at the giant planet.
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Do People With Schizophrenia Really Have Multiple Personalities?
How schizophrenia is related to personality, and where researchers are looking for treatment.
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Meet Your Muscles: 6 Remarkable Human Muscles
Biggest, Smallest, Strongest: Here are the six most interesting muscles in your body.
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Selasa, 12 Juli 2016
Brain-Eating Amoeba Infections: Causes & Symptoms
Though rare, infections of the brain caused by a species of amoeba can be fatal.
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Why Does Synthetic Marijuana Make People Act Like Zombies?
Users of increasingly popular street drugs called synthetic cannabinoids are showing some incredibly strange behaviors.
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Lifting Weights? No Need to Go Heavy
new study finds that lifting light weights is just as effective as lifting heavy weights ones for building muscle.
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Many Beer Makers Will Start Listing Calories on Bottles & Cans
Americans will soon start seeing calorie labels on many beer bottles and cans thanks to new guidelines from the beer industry.
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Why It's Harder to Recover from Jet Lag When You Fly East
Ever wonder why it's harder to shake off jet lag when you fly east?
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Moon Photobombs Earth in New NASA Video
A satellite captured the moon crossing the face of Earth from a million miles away.
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Moon Crosses Earth's Face Again In Satellite View | Video
NASA's Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite is orbiting about a million miles from Earth and capturing stunning imagery of our planet every day. For the second time in a year, it captured the far side of the moon traverse the Earth.
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Microsoft Mines 'Minecraft' to Study Artificial Intelligence
Minecraft is now a research tool for artificial intelligence.
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23 More Wrecks Found at Greek Hotspot for Sunken Ships
Underwater archaeologists just doubled the number of known shipwrecks around Fourni.
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Corals 'Kiss' and Wage War, New Underwater Microscope Reveals
Scientists are glimpsing how microscopic marine creatures move through their underwater environment and interact with each other in the ocean.
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Photos: The Secret Lives of Corals
Thanks to an underwater microscope and computer interface that can be operated by a diver, researchers are glimpsing activity of coral polyps up close and in unprecedented detail.
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Coral Life Viewed With New Underwater Microscope | Video
Researchers with the Jaffe Laboratory for Underwater Imaging at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego have designed a new seafloor imaging system to study corals up close, and the views are amazing.
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Photos: 45 Greek Shipwrecks Discovered
A treasure trove of sunken ships dating back as far as the fourth century B.C. have been discovered off a cluster of Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. Here’s a look at some of the deep secrets revealed in these shipwrecks.
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'Pokémon Go' Catches High Praise from Health Experts
The popular new mobile game "Pokémon Go" is having an unintended side effect for some users: It's making them more physically active.
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How 'Little Green Men' Populated Pop Culture
Where did the idea of "little green men" come from, and how did it become so widely accepted as a reference to visitors from other worlds?
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Do Pets Really Have Secret Lives?
Fluffy and Fido may not party it up when you're away, as the spoiled terrier Max in the summer blockbuster "The Secret Life of Pets" would have you think. But that's not to say your pets live a dull, snoozeworthy existence when you head out.
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The Psychology of 'Pokémon Go': What's Fueling the Obsession?
The augmented-reality game 'Pokemon Go' scratches some basic psychological itches.
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Beyond Balloons: 8 Unusual Facts about Helium
Helium is more than just fun and games: it is also a scarce industrial resource with important uses in technology and medicine, and scientists are still learning about its strange properties.
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'Ghost Fish' Seen Live for First Time
A member of an elusive family of fish is seen alive around the Mariana Trench, Earth's deepest spot.
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Massive Florida Algae Bloom Can Be Seen from Space
NASA satellites have captured a stunning image of a massive algal bloom that has overtaken Lake Okeechobee in Florida for more than two months.
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How'd They Do That? The Best Illusions of 2016 Named
A vision scientist explains the best illusions of 2016
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10 Medical Conditions That Sound Fake but Are Actually Real
These medical conditions are real: from the Capgras delusion (where everyone seems like an impostor) to Alien Hand syndrome (just like Dr. Strangelove).
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Senin, 11 Juli 2016
New Dwarf Planet Discovered Far Beyond Pluto's Orbit
Astronomers have discovered another dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt, the ring of icy objects beyond Neptune. This newfound world, dubbed 2015 RR245, is much more distant than Pluto, orbiting the sun once every 700 Earth years, scientists said.
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Prenatal Multivitamins Don't Help Much, Study Says
Taking prenatal vitamins may be a waste of money, a new review suggests.
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New Icy Dwarf Planet Lurks Past Neptune | Video
Icy world 2015 RR245 (discovered in 2015) has been classified a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center. It was found using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Maunakea, Hawaii and is an estimated 435 miles.
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Will Staying Hydrated Help with Weight Loss?
Drink up? Is water the key to maintaining a healthy weight?
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Too Many People 'Self-Prescribe' Antibiotics, Experts Say
Many Americans store leftover antibiotic drugs in their homes and say that if they got sick, they would take the antibiotics without going to their doctor first.
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Magnesium Supplements May Help to Lower Blood Pressure
When it comes to minerals and blood pressure, sodium shouldn't be the only thing on your radar.
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Robots Could Hack Turing Test by Keeping Silent
Simply by keeping their "thoughts" to themselves, robots can fool humans into believing the machines are intelligent beings.
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Crystal Pepsi Returns: Uncapping the Weird History of Clear Sodas
The nostalgia is strong with Crystal Pepsi, and so is the weird.
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New Equation Tallies Odds of Life Beginning
When life originates on a planet, whether Earth or a distant world, the newborn life-forms may have to overcome incredible odds to come into existence — and a new equation lays out exactly how overwhelming those odds may be.
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Photos: Monkey Tool Use Points to a Simian 'Stone Age'
Wild capuchin monkeys in Brazil have been using stone tools for at least 100 monkey generations, according to a new study.
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3 Blind Mice? These Rodents' Vision Has Been Restored
Blind mice have now regained some of their vision because of research that regenerated severed nerves.
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Simian Stone Age: Monkeys Used Rocks as Tools for Hundreds of Years
A group of wild capuchin monkeys in Brazil have used stones as tools to prepare their favorite meal of cashew nuts for more than 700 years, according to a new study.
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Hillary Clinton Controversy: How Do Email Servers Work?
What exactly is an email server, and how does it work?
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Hidden Fault Could Trigger Cataclysmic Megaquake in Asia
A massive megathrust earthquake could strike the densely populated region around Bangladesh and east India, putting millions of lives at risk.
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'Primitive Machine' Within Great Pyramid of Giza Reconstructed
The ancient Egyptians created a simple yet elaborate system of blocks and grooves within the Great Pyramid of Giza to protect the a pharaoh from tomb robbers.
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Ancient Roman Soldier with Ornate Belt Discovered in UK Grave
The 1,600-year-old remains of a middle-age man buried alongside an ornate belt decorated with images of dolphins and dogs have been found in a grave in Leicester, England, archaeologists report.
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'Great Pyramid of Giza' Secrets Revealed On 'Unearthed' | Trailer
In this episode of The Science Channel's “Unearthed,” scientists use computer simulations to reconstruct a system that would have protected the King’s Chamber within the Great Pyramid of Giza.
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Evidence of Cannibalism: Did Neanderthals Eat Each Other?
Neanderthal bones reveal signs of butchery and tool creation.
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How Much Are National Parks Worth to You?
A new study estimates that Americans would pay $92 billion yearly in extra taxes to protect national parks.
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7 Weird Facts About Balance
Exactly how the body keeps balance, and what happens when these systems don't work properly, might surprise you. Here are some weird facts about your balance.
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Minggu, 10 Juli 2016
Thumb-Sucking, Nail Biting Kids May Have Lower Allergy Risk
For kids, sucking their thumbs or biting their nails may mean a lower risk of developing allergies later in childhood, according to a new study that spanned three decades.
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Sabtu, 09 Juli 2016
Facts About Regal Blue Tangs
The fish featured in 'Finding Dory' has many names. Many of its habits are nothing like those depicted in the animated blockbuster.
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Jumat, 08 Juli 2016
Shining Silver-Blue Clouds Captured in Night Sky Photo
Bright blue-white noctilucent clouds danced over the town of Nykøbing Mors in Denmark just before dawn on July 1.
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How Racism Persists: Unconscious Bias May Play a Role
Even people who don't consider themselves racist may harbor unconscious biases, experts told Live Science.
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Raw Food Warning: Why Uncooked Flour Can Make You Sick
Raw produce causes more illnesses than raw flour, but the FDA would still rather you put down the spoonful of cookie dough.
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Is a 'Mystery Virus' Causing Former Tennis Starꞌs Bizarre Symptoms?
Experts say they don’t know of any virus that fits the description of her illness.
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Why People Consider 'Normal' to Be 'Good'
It's a common quirk of human psychology to make the mental leap that the way things are is the way things ought to be.
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Blaming the Victim: Science Examines Why It Happens
Whether people see victims as partially responsible for their victimization depends on the people's moral values.
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Should You Wake Up a Sleepwalker?
Sleepwalkers aren’t soulless, they’re just unconscious. If you do happen upon someone experiencing somnambulism, what should you do?
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10 Most Intense Race Tracks in Europe
While the U.S. has some pretty impressive race tracks, so to do the countries over in Europe. In fact, some of the most intense and famous courses happen to be in Europe. So, we decided to create a list of the 10 Most Intense Race Tracks in Europe. These race tracks are pretty incredible and […]
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'Bomb Robot' Kills Dallas Shooter: How Police Did It
A suspect in yesterday's Dallas shooting died after police deployed a remote-controlled bomb-disposal robot carrying an explosive device.
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Stingray Robot Uses Light-Activated Rat Cells to Swim
A new robot stingray can swim with help from an unexpected source: muscle cells that were taken from rat hearts, a new study finds.
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Three's Company: Newly Discovered Planet Orbits a Trio of Stars
An unusual new planet orbiting three stars at once has been discovered about 340 light- years from Earth, revealing planets can exist in much more exotic configurations of multistar systems than ever imagined.
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Covered in Ash: Chinstrap Penguins Threatened by Volcanic Eruption
Volcanic ash presents an uncertain future for penguin nesting grounds.
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Bye, Bye, Coffee Cups: Why San Francisco Banned Foam Products
Will ban of foam products actually make a difference?
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Rare Noah's Ark Mosaic Uncovered in Ancient Synagogue in Israel
Noah's ark and animals, as well as the parting of the Red Sea, depicted in floor mosaics.
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99-Million-Year-Old Spider Mummy Sported Horned Fangs
About 99 million years ago, two bizarre spiders — each sporting hard, armored plates on their bodies and horns on their fangs — became mummified in sticky tree resin that turned into amber.
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Everything You Need to Know About Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercises are activities that work your cardiovascular system. They are linked with a reduced risk of cancer, and even a longer lifespan.
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The 4 Types of Exercise You Need to Be Healthy
Each type of exercise is important in its own way, and doing all four types is the way to maximize your fitness and prevent injury, experts say.
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Everything You Need to Know About Flexibility Exercise
Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and may improve your range of motion at your joints.
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Everything You Need to Know About Strength Exercise
Strength exercises, such as weight lifting, push-ups and crunches, work your muscles by using resistance.
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Everything You Need to Know About Balance Exercise
Balance exercises improve your ability to control and stabilize your body's position. This type of exercise is particularly important for older adults, but can benefit people of any age.
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Kamis, 07 Juli 2016
What Was the Enlightenment?
The Enlightenment was a movement in the 17th and 18th centuries that saw the rise of concepts such as reason, liberty and the scientific method.
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Brain Zapping May Sharpen Vision
Zapping the brain's vision center with electricity can help people with vision problems see better, a new study finds.
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Are Guys Really Better Gamers Than Gals?
Researchers recently compared performances of male and female gamers to determine if there's truth to this assumption.
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Mudskipper Robot Mimics Ancient Land Animals' First 'Steps'
A robot modeled after the mudskipper fish is helping scientists understand how animals moved millions of years ago, when they first transitioned to walking on land.
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Rare Rhino Gets Custom Flight to Africa
A rhinoceros born in the Czech Republic finds a new home in Africa.
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500-Million-Year-Old 'Seaweed' Was Actually Home to Tiny Worms
Tiny marine worms that lived 500 million years ago constructed ventilated tube "houses" and sealed themselves up inside.
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Where Did Earth's Water Come From?
Water covers about 70 percent of the Earth's surface, but where did it come from?
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Artificial Intelligence Could Help Catch Alzheimer's Early
By applying artificial intelligence algorithms to MRI brain scans, researchers have developed a way to automatically distinguish between patients with Alzheimer's and two early forms of dementia that can be precursors to the memory-robbing disease.
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'Leap Second' to Be Added on New Year's Eve This Year
A "leap second" will be added to the world's clocks on Dec. 31 at 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which corresponds to 6:59:59 p.m. EST. The goal is to keep two different timescales in sync with each other.
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YouTube's 'BrainCraft' Peers at the Science of the Brain
The intriguing world of the mind takes center stage in the YouTube channel "BrainCraft."
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Baby Turtles Mysteriously Dying on Australian Island
Island's popularity is to blame for low rate of baby turtle hatches.
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Secret to Swordfish's Speedy Swimming Found
A swordfish's bill might inspire visions of swashbucklers' blades. But an unusual gland makes its proboscis more vulnerable than you would expect.
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Rabu, 06 Juli 2016
Seeing Green: Pot Changes Brain's Response to Money
The idea of winning money in a game might be less exciting to people who frequently use pot.
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Urine-Based Dye Found in Ancient New Testament
One of the oldest illuminated manuscripts of the New Testament gets its purple color from dye created with fermented urine.
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Is Medical Marijuana Replacing Other Prescription Drugs?
People may actually be using marijuana as medicine.
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'I Think I Can:' How Talking to Yourself Brings Self-Improvement
Telling yourself "I can do better next time" does actually lead to doing better next time, according to a new study.
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What's the Fastest Spacecraft Ever?
For spacecraft that zoom through the cosmos at thousands of miles per hour, calculating which one is traveling at the fastest speed is slightly more complicated than simply clocking the first to cross the finish line.
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Prehistoric Tattoos Were Made with Volcanic Glass Tools
Volcanic glass tools that are at least 3,000 years old were used for tattooing in the South Pacific in ancient times, a new study finds.
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Love in the Time of Tarantulas? Newfound Spider Named for Márquez
A fearsome tarantula covered in bizarre "attack" hairs has been discovered in a mountain range in Colombia. As an homage to the country where the new species was found, scientists named it Kankuamo marquezi, after Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez.
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New Blood Test Could Determine Whether a Patient Needs Antibiotics
What if a blood test could tell you if you needed antibiotics?
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Galaxy Stirring Revealed by Doomed Japanese Spacecraft
Before it died, Japan's Hitomi satellite revealed surprising insights about how black holes stir up gas inside enormous collections of galaxies.
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Philly's Poo: Old Toilets Reveal Early America's Secret History
A routine archaeological investigation in the heart of Philadelphia produced stunning artifacts from 300-year-old toilets.
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Photos: Treasure Trove of Artifacts Hauled from Philly's Old Toilets
A routine archaeological investigation in the heart of Philadelphia produced stunning artifacts from 300-year-old toilets.
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It May Smell Nice, But Is Your Sunscreen Actually Protecting You?
It may smell nice and go on smoothly, but does your sunscreen actually protect you from the sun?
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Armor Up! Water Fleas Grow Helmets and Spines for Battle
Tiny water fleas customize their defenses when they sense predators in the water.
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Ancient Female Shamanꞌs Funeral Ritual…with Tortoise Feast
A diminutive woman buried in a cave site in Israel 12,000 years ago was likely a person of importance and was interred with great ceremony.
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New High-Speed Camera Is So Fast It Can See Neurons Firing
One of the fastest cameras in the world can now take better pictures than ever, even capturing neurons as they fire, according to a new study.
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Selasa, 05 Juli 2016
Man Paralyzed After Mosquito Bite: How Often Does West Nile Strike the Nerves?
A man in Arizona infected with the West Nile virus became paralyzed from the waist down.
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DARPA's Hacking Contest Will Pit Machines Against Each Other
DARPA wants to protect the internet of things with machines
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Plunging Neckline May Help Women Land More Job Interviews
Women who wear a sexy outfit in a job application photo may have a much better shot of landing an interview, a new study that involved mostly male job recruiters finds.
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Nightmarish Find: Giant, Venomous Centipede Is a Powerful Swimmer
A giant, toothy centipede with countless legs is also a swimming fiend, making it the first known aquatic centipede on record. And it's venomous, to boot, researchers found.
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US Olympic Team Will Be Studied for Zika
When the U.S. Olympic team heads to Brazil, some athletes will be studied to see if they become infected with the Zika virus.
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Dwarf Dinosaur Sported Lumpy Tumor on Its Face
During its lifetime about 69 million years ago, a duck-billed dinosaur dwarf walked around with a tumor on its lower jaw, though the unusual growth likely didn't cause any pain, a new study finds.
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Secret World of Primeval Rivers Lies Beneath Greenland Glacier
A primeval river network lies beneath Greenland's largest glacier, and it may be home to massive canyons about as big as the Grand Canyon.
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Massive 'Lava Lamp' Blobs Deep Inside Earth Have Scientists Puzzled
The Earth's mantle is like a mysterious Lava Lamp.
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Jupiter Moons' Orbital Dance - Humans Have Never Seen This! | Video
"Celestial harmonic motion" was captured for the first time by NASA's Juno mission. It snapped imagery of Callisto, Ganymede, Europa and Io orbiting Jupiter between June 12-29, 2016 on its approach to the gas giant.
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A Fifth Force: Fact or Fiction?
Some physicists claim a new force of nature might have been discovered. If true, that would mean that we have to rewrite the textbooks.
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The Science of Preventing Sexual Assaults on College Campuses
The recent Stanford sexual assault case is just one of tens of thousands of such assaults that happen every year on American college campuses, which raises the question: What can men and women do to stop rape at universities?
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'Fearsome Raisin' Ant Sports Striking Fingerprint Pattern
Golden spines and intricate wrinkles make a new ant species magnificent.
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By Jove! NASA Probe Arrives at Jupiter After 5-Year Trek
NASA's robotic Juno probe began circling the solar system's largest planet tonight (July 4), ending a nearly five-year journey through deep space and becoming the first spacecraft to enter Jupiter orbit since NASA's Galileo mission did so in 1995.
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Senin, 04 Juli 2016
Jupiter Moons' Orbital Dance Captured By Juno | Time-Lapse Video
Callisto, Ganymede, Europa and Io orbit the gas giant in this stunning time-lapse. All the images used were captured prior to June 30, 2016.
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Fastest-Ever Spacecraft to Arrive at Jupiter Tonight
As Juno nears Jupiter tonight, the giant planet's powerful gravity will accelerate the spacecraft to an estimated top speed of about 165,000 mph (265,000 km/h) relative to Earth, mission team members said.
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Dr. Franklin? Founding Father Could Have Been 'Founding Physician'
Benjamin Franklin was the most famous man of his era not only because of his role in founding our country. He had a keen interest in health, with many ideas that hold up today.
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Bald Eagle Sex: The Acrobatic Mating of America's National Bird
Bald eagle sex involves daring aerial moves, intricate nest building and lifelong monogamy.
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Minggu, 03 Juli 2016
Photos: The Many Mammals of the North American Deserts
The North American deserts are teeming with mammals that are both colorful and uniquely adapted to the harsh environmental conditions.
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Is It OK to Throw House Spiders Outside?
Many people will squish spiders when they see them indoors. But others will trap the eight-legged arthropods in a jar and release them outside. But is this outdoor relocation an act of compassion, or a death sentence for the spider?
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Jumat, 01 Juli 2016
Addax Facts: Endangered Antelope Faces Extinction
The addax is a species of antelope that lives in the Sahara. It is critically endangered, and there may be only three left in the wild.
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Facts About Lemurs
There are 105 species of lemurs, and nearly all of them are endangered.
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60-Year-Old Woman Wants to Get Pregnant: What Are the Risks?
A 60-year-old women in England whose daughter died wants to use her eggs to get pregnant, and give birth to her own grandchild.
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What the First Driverless Car Fatality Means for Self-Driving Tech
Has autonomous vehicle technology progressed to the point of safety?
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How Does Reverse Psychology Work?
Why will kids only eat their broccoli when you tell them they can't have it?
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10 Most Beautiful Beaches in Hawaii
On the islands of Hawaii there is water all around you and with it is some of the most spectacular beaches in the world. We decided to create a list of the 10 Most Beautiful Beaches in Hawaii. If you weren’t already jealous of the people who get to live on the beautiful island, you will […]
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Satellite Spies International Space Station Orbiting Earth
A unique bird’s-eye view of the International Space Station.
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Why Does Cooking Oil Go Rancid?
Cooking oil is an essential kitchen ingredient — that is, until it goes rancid. The culprits behind this expiration can be found in pretty much every kitchen. They include exposure to light, heat, water, certain microbes and the very air people breathe.
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Spectacular Aurora Seen Over Jupiter
Bright blue auroras at Jupiter's north and south poles are putting on a veritable fireworks show just before the July 4 arrival of the Juno probe.
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Your Brainwaves May Fall into a 'Texting Rhythm'
These days, it seems like smartphones are an integral part of people's daily lives — and a new study suggests that texting on these devices may actually change certain processes in the brain.
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New Robo-Salamander Can Really Move
With the help of X-ray videos, scientists have developed a new robot that mimics the way salamanders walk and swim.
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Early-onset Alzheimer’s: should you worry?
Alzheimer's disease is one of the most feared illnesses of people 60 and up. A rare type of Alzheimer's, called early-onset, can occur in people even younger. How can you tell if you are at risk?
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Revenge Is Bittersweet, Research Finds
Revenge inspires both positive and negative emotions in people, bolstering the notion that vengeance is bittersweet, new research suggests.
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Gut Microbes Could Lead Fight Against Superbugs
Microorganisms live and thrive throughout your body, and as strange as it may sound, scientists have found that these microbes are vital to your health.
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Infant Cadavers Were Prized by Victorian Anatomists
Victorian doctors and medical students seeking to understand how human bodies worked in life gained many of their insights by studying them in death.
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7 Ways Marijuana May Affect the Brain
With brain-scanning and longer-term studies, researchers are learning more and more about the effects marijuana may have on the brain.
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By Jove! 7 Weirdest Facts About Jupiter
Here are some of the weirdest facts astronomers know about Jupiter.
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