Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

Facts About Porpoises

Porpoises have sleek bodies and large flippers, like their cousins the dolphins. But they are smaller and have different types of fins (or none at all). from Live Science via IFT...

4 People with Locked-In Syndrome 'Talk' Using Their Minds

A groundbreaking study using brain-computer interfaces overturns two misconceptions about people with completely locked-in syndrome. from Live Science via IFT...

Deadly Fruit: Cause of Mysterious Brain Illness in India is Found

The mystery of why hundreds of children in an Indian city become sick every summer with a deadly brain illness has been solved, researchers say. from Live Science via IFT...

3-Billion-Year-Old 'Lost Continent' Lurking Under African Island

The remnants of a 3-billion-year-old continent are lurking under the African island of Mauritius, new research confirms. from Live Science via IFT...

Cosmic Neutrino Detector Reveals Clues About 'Ghost' Particles

The IceCube experiment, buried under the Antarctic ice, was designed primarily to capture particles called neutrinos that are produced by powerful cosmic events, but it's revealing new clues on the nature of the ghostly particles. from Live Science via IFT...

Slimy Defense: Hagfish-Inspired Slime Could Protect Navy Warships

The U.S. Navy is taking inspiration from the natural world to develop a new defense tool. from Live Science via IFT...

Chimps Caught Killing One of Their Own | Video

Chimpanzees are known to attack chimps in rival groups, but it’s rare for them to kill a member of their own group. However, researchers in Senegal witnessed just that: When a exiled alpha male chimp attempted to rejoin his group, the group killed hi from Live Science via IFT...

Huge Stream of Lava Plunges into Sea | Video

In this stunning video from the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, a scalding stream of bright-red lava plunges from a sea cliff into the cold seawater below, resulting in steamy explosions. from Live Science via IFT...

Massive Stream of Lava Plunges into Sea in Stunning New Video

A huge, hot firehose of lava streamed from a sea cliff on the Big Island of Hawaii, and was recently captured in breathtaking video. from Live Science via IFT...

'Mud Monsters' Galore! Mariana Trench Dive Yields Bizarre Marine Life

A recent underwater expedition to the Mariana Trench, the deepest known ocean location in the world, filmed many forms of bizarre marine life close to the seafloor. from Live Science via IFT...

Coffee Drinkers, Beware: Milk, Sugar & Other Add-ins Add Up

Coffee and tea drinkers who regularly sweeten and flavor their drinks of choice with add-ins such as sugar and milk may be stirring in up to about 70 extra calories, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Kids Should Pay Attention to Their Mistakes

Kids who think they can get smarter if they work hard are more likely to bounce back from their mistakes than those who think their level of intelligence is set in stone. from Live Science via IFT...

Cheerleaders of the Deep: How Pom-Pom Crabs Got Their Name

The elusive pom pom crab, so named because of its tendency to clutch two anemones in its hands, gets its poufy accessories by stealing them from other crabs and then cloning them. from Live Science via IFT...

'Gateway to Hell': Volcano Caught Spewing Lava in Satellite Image

Ethiopia’s most active volcano has seen a surge of recent activity. from Live Science via IFT...

Cambrian Creatures Gallery: Photos of Primitive Sea Life

The Cambrian explosion, when simple life forms rapidly evolved to more complex creatures, produced some beautiful, bizarre, and mysterious animals from Live Science via IFT...

Computer Diagnoses Cataracts As Well As Eye Doctors Can

A new artificial-intelligence system designed to imitate the way the brain handles vision can diagnose a rare eye condition just as well as eye doctors can, a new study shows. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Most Incredible Twenty One Pilots Songs

Everyone once in awhile a band comes along and redefines the term genre. Twenty One Pilots is one of those bands who managed to fuse hip-hop, pop and rock harmoniously. We decided to shared our 10 Most Incredible Twenty One Pilots Songs list. The duo created music that directly speaks to growing pains everyone experiences. Their reality driven music is what seems to be a driving factor...

Egg-Hibernating Technique Could Keep Women's Eggs Fresh

A hormone produced in the cells surrounding a woman's eggs could be used to hit the pause button on the aging of her reproductive system, new research suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

Maps Show Where Melting Glaciers Will Reveal Cold-War-Era Nuclear Waste

Ice loss on the Greenland Ice Sheet could reveal buried hazardous waste from a Cold War-era military base. from Live Science via IFT...

Chuckwalla Photos: Meet this Large, Desert-Dwelling Lizard

The cracks and crevasses found throughout Baja and northern Mexico create a special environment for one of the region's most unique animals — the chuckwalla. from Live Science via IFT...

Deep Ocean 'Mud Monsters' Captured By ROV | Video

On or near the muddy ocean floor of the Mariana Trench, NOAA’s remote operated vehicle (ROV) Deep Discoverer (D2) captured footage of swimming sea cucumbers, carnivorous sponges, acorn worms, several long-legged isopods, and more. from Live Science via IFT...

'Naked' Thumb-Size Worm Grabbed Prey with Spiny Arms | Video

Unlike its relatives, a 500-million-year-old worm-like creature had neither armor nor spikes, meaning it was "naked" during its lifetime. from Live Science via IFT...

24 Amazing Archaeological Discoveries

From the great, lost library of King Ashurbanipal to the toxic tomb guarded by the terracotta warriors of Shaanxi, here are the 24 most incredible archaeological findings of all time. from Live Science via IFT...

These Powerful Blazars Are the Most Distant Ever Seen

Monster black holes shooting jets of gamma-ray radiation right at us have been spotted farther away than ever before, dating back to when the universe was nearly one-tenth its current age. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 30 Januari 2017

Photos: 'Naked' Ancient Worm Hunted with Spiny Arms

The fossils of a worm-like sea creature suggest that it did a little dance to help it catch tiny meals, such as zooplankton, in the ancient seas. from Live Science via IFT...

Ancient 'Naked' Worm Did a Little Dance to Catch Seafood

About 500 million years ago, a squishy, thumb-size sea creature did a little dance — waving its upper limbs around in the ocean in a never-ending attempt to ensnarl some tasty morsels floating by. from Live Science via IFT...

Science and Technology Leaders React to Trump's 'Muslim Ban'

The executive order triggered confusion and outrage across the country, including from within the scientific community. from Live Science via IFT...

How Winter Weather May Affect Hospital Admissions

Winter weather can come with a slew of health risks, ranging from heart problems to injuries from slips and falls. from Live Science via IFT...

Brain-Stimulating Activities May Keep Seniors Sharp

Elderly adults who use a computer or engage in other brain-stimulating activities may reduce their risk of developing memory problems later in life. from Live Science via IFT...

Be a Space Archaeologist! Explore Sites with Online Platform

A new online tool will allow you use images taken from space to explore ancient archaeological sites and discover their hidden secrets. from Live Science via IFT...

Help Me, Obi-Wan! New Hologram Technology Mimics 'Star Wars'

Science fiction becomes reality with the invention of a hologram device. from Live Science via IFT...

SpaceX's Elon Musk Seeks Twitter Help to Change Trump Immigration Order

After President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday (Jan. 27) restricting immigration to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim nations, SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk turned to Twitter to voice his frustrations. from Live Science via IFT...

'Alien' Life Could Exist High in Earth's Atmosphere

If high altitude balloons find basic microorganisms in the stratosphere and mesosphere, it could have serious implications for the hunt for extraterrestrial life in the atmospheres of other worlds. from Live Science via IFT...

Homeward Bound: Ants Have No Problem Navigating Backward

Foraging ants navigate so well, they can even do it backward, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

38,000-Year-Old Rock Art Discovered in France

A group of archaeologists turned over a broken block of limestone on the floor of a rock shelter in southwestern France and discovered what could be one of the oldest examples of art in Europe. from Live Science via IFT...

Looking for Dr. Right? Check Yelp

People scour online reviews to find the best restaurant or bar — and new research suggests that people are increasingly turning to online reviews to find the best doctors, too. from Live Science via IFT...

Hurricane Season: Here's What to Expect

Here’s a guide to the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season including predictions, naming conventions and how to make storm preparations. from Live Science via IFT...

Tiny, 540-Million-Year-Old Human Ancestor Didn't Have an Anus

A speck-size creature without an anus is the oldest known prehistoric ancestor of humans, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Enter Syfy's World of 'The Magicians' at Interactive NYC Exhibit | Video

Live Science gets hands-on with "magical" interactives at the Hall of Magic, an exhibit inspired by the Syfy series “The Magicians.” from Live Science via IFT...

The West's Largest Coal Plant May Close

The West's largest coal-fired power plant may close — a symbolic blow to coal as America's chief source of electricity. from Live Science via IFT...

Animal Electrocuted at Atom Smasher Gets New 'Life' in Morbid Exhibit

Dead animals in a museum exhibit share cautionary tales of times when wildlife interactions with humans turned lethal — for the wildlife. from Live Science via IFT...

Hurricane Season: Here's What to Expect

Here’s a guide to the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, including predictions, naming conventions and how to prepare for a storm. from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

Year of the Rooster: How Kauai's Feral Chickens Do It

Chicken mating involves tidbitting, wing-flapping, a male waltz and the possibility of the female ejecting the male's sperm. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

Are Earth's Magnetic Poles About to Flip?

A geomagnetic reversal may have a severe impact on humans. from Live Science via IFT...

Facts About Muskrats

Muskrats are large aquatic rodents that are usually found in North American wetlands. from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

LSD May Help Reveal What Makes Music Meaningful

Psychedelic experiences show that in the brain, certain receptors are tied to how we experience meaning in our lives. from Live Science via IFT...

How NASA's Satellite Data Could Help Protect Chimps

NASA partnered with Jane Goodall Institute in hopes satellite data could help save chimps. from Live Science via IFT...

Mary Tyler Moore's Life Offers Hope for People with Type 1 Diabetes

Mary Tyler Moore's death on Wednesday at age 80 may highlight the long-term effects that type 1 diabetes can have on the body. from Live Science via IFT...

Splitsville: 2-Mile-Long Crack Opens in Arizona Desert

A gaping, 2-mile-long crack has opened in the barren earth in Arizona, and it will likely continue to grow, geologists say. from Live Science via IFT...

Can Mom's Blood Pressure Affect the Sex of a Baby?

The concept of being able to predict the sex of a baby during early pregnancy or even influence it by eating or doing certain things when trying to conceive has been the subject of public fascination and debate for many centuries. from Live Science via IFT...

See What A Spacewalker Sees In New HD Video

Using a “space-proof” camera mounted on the chest of his spacesuit, ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet captured video of a January 13, 2017 spacewalk. Pesquet and NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough completed a power upgrade for the ISS. from Live Science via IFT...

Secret Room in UK Mansion Tied to King James I Assassination Attempt

Scientists have revealed the secrets of a hidden room, known as a "priest hole," in the tower of an English Tudor mansion linked to the failed "Gunpowder Plot" to assassinate King James I in 1605. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Secret 'Hole' to Hide Priests Revealed in Tudor Mansion

Scientists equipped with 3D laser scanners have revealed the secrets of a hidden "priest hole" in the tower of an English Tudor mansion linked to the Catholic Gunpowder Plot of 1605. from Live Science via IFT...

Trump's Wall Could Have Unexpected Victims: Wildlife

A wall proposed by President Donald Trump to block immigrants from crossing the U.S.-Mexico border may also harm the wildlife whose homes straddle both countries, biologists told Live Science. from Live Science via IFT...

Extended Trip: Why LSD's Effects Last So Long

Scientists found that when LSD attaches to serotonin receptors, the drug gets locked inside for a long time, which could explain the duration of acid trips. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Most Magnificent Pyramids In The World

If you thought that Egypt is the only country in the world you can see magnificent pyramids, you’re quite wrong. There are plenty of countries around the world that have pyramids that will take your breath away. So we created a list of the 10 Most Magnificent Pyramids In The World. Our list does include a particular pyramid from Egypt because it is by far the most famous pyramid in the world....

Grand Illusion: Enter the World of 'The Magicians' at NYC Exhibit

Fans of the Syfy series "The Magicians" can get a taste of magic at an interactive exhibit in Brooklyn. from Live Science via IFT...

Tiny Satellites to Make Big Contributions to Science

As technology advances, tiny satellites no bigger than a loaf of bread have advanced from just proving they work to being big contributors in answering science questions. from Live Science via IFT...

Extinct E.T.? Alien-Like Insect Found Trapped in Amber

The 100-million-year-old remains of an alien-looking female insect — complete with a triangular head and bulging eyes — have been discovered encased in a glob of hardened resin called amber. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 26 Januari 2017

Facts About Jackals

Jackals are medium-size members of the dog family. They live primarily in Africa, and also in Europe and Asia. from Live Science via IFT...

Lake Baikal: World's Largest, Deepest Lake

Lake Baikal, in southern Siberia, is the largest freshwater lake in the world by volume and the world's deepest lake. from Live Science via IFT...

Cluster of Mysterious Amnesia Cases Puzzles Researchers

More than a dozen people in Massachusetts suddenly developed severe amnesia, but there was no clear cause of their memory loss. from Live Science via IFT...

'Rogue' Science Agencies Take to Twitter

Self-described "rogue" versions of government science institutions cropped up on Twitter, defiantly sharing their support of science. from Live Science via IFT...

Pilgrim's Burial: Medieval Man with Leprosy Honored at Death

A man with leprosy was he was not treated as an outcast, but rather was given a traditional pilgrim burial. from Live Science via IFT...

Sigmund Freud Collectibles Could Fetch More Than $100,000 at Auction

Own a piece of Sigmund Freud's storied career (you're not dreaming). from Live Science via IFT...

Flickering Quasars Used To Measure Universe Expansion | Video

Using gravitational lensing, astronomers have imaged distant quasars with the Hubble Space Telescope. They used the imagery to determine that the Universe is expanding quicker that previously thought. from Live Science via IFT...

Paris and Michael Jackson: Does Depression Run in Families?

How much do a person's genes influence their risk of developing depression? from Live Science via IFT...

Big, Red and Tasteless: Why Tomatoes Lost Their Flavor

Ever wonder why most store-bought tomatoes are so tasteless? The answer (surprise, surprise) has to do with revenue: Tomato farmers care about yield, and the genetic variants associated with yield are not associated with tasty tomato flavors, a new study from Live Science via IFT...

Lab-Made 'Metallic Hydrogen' Could Revolutionize Rocket Fuel

Scientists have finally created a metallic form of hydrogen that conducts electricity and could be used as an ultralight rocket fuel. from Live Science via IFT...

100-Mile-Long Crack in Antarctic Ice Shelf Keeps Growing

The could could cause the ice shelf's collapse this year. from Live Science via IFT...

Human-Pig Chimeras Created, Could One Day Aid in Organ Transplants

Researchers recently succeeded in making embryos that contained both pig and human and pig cells. from Live Science via IFT...

The Universe Is Expanding Surprisingly Fast

The universe really is expanding faster than scientists had thought, new research suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

Doomsday Clock Ticks Half-Minute Closer to Midnight in Historic Move

On Jan. 26, a team of scientists and experts announced the Doomsday Clock’s new position for 2017. from Live Science via IFT...

Some Parts of Body Stay 'Alive' After Death, Evidence Suggests

The body keeps working to repair itself after death, according to a provocative new study that could offer insight into how we might put the crypt on hold. from Live Science via IFT...

Grisly Find: Roman-Era Man May Have Had Tongue Cut Out

Archaeologists who found the skeleton, buried with a rock in its mouth, are puzzled over the possible tongue amputation. from Live Science via IFT...

Buried Treasure: Ancient Grave Found Brimming with Jewels

An Iron Age tomb brimming with treasures fashioned out of gold, bronze and amber was recently uncovered after lying undisturbed by the Danube River for nearly 2,600 years, archaeologists report. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Gold, Amber and Bronze Treasures Found in Iron Age Grave

Nearly 2,600 years ago, the Celts buried a woman in a grave that was brimming with treasures. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

Sweet-Tooth Nation: US Can't Kick Soda Habit

Kids and adults in the U.S. just can't seem to kick their soda habits. from Live Science via IFT...

Facts About Zirconium

Properties, sources and uses of the element zirconium. from Live Science via IFT...

Doctors Remove 6-Foot-Long Tapeworm from Man's Gut

Doctors in India removed a lengthy pork tapeworm from a man's gut, according to a recent report of the man's case. from Live Science via IFT...

Scientists Grow Mouse Pancreas Inside a Rat

The strategy of growing the organs of one species inside the body of another could one day help to produce transplantable human organs. from Live Science via IFT...

X-Ray Video Captures Maggot Metamorphosis

Using X-ray imaging, scientists have peered inside a pupa to capture time-lapse video of a maggot transforming into an adult blowfly. from Live Science via IFT...

Maggots Metamorphosing Into Blowflies: X-Ray Time-Lapse Video

Scientists used X-ray video imaging to observe several specimens of the bluebottle blowfly (Calliphora vicina) as they went through the transformation process. from Live Science via IFT...

Elon Musk Sees Brain-Computer Systems in Humans' Future

Elon Musk has a plan to help humans keep up with artificial intelligence. from Live Science via IFT...

Can a Roommate's Genes Influence Your Health?

Your partner's or roommate's genes have a sizable effect on how your own genes are expressed, according to a study on caged mice. from Live Science via IFT...

New Exosuit Fabric Could Boost Mobility in People with Disabilities

Knitting and weaving artificial muscles could help create soft exoskeletons that people with disabilities could wear under their clothes to help them walk, according to new research. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Fancy Baby Monitors Aren't Needed for Healthy Babies

Today's high-end baby monitors offer to measure babies' vital signs and send all the data to your phone. But does this help your baby? from Live Science via IFT...

Scientists Plan Washington March in Response to Trump

What began as a political conversation on Reddit is turning into a national movement: Scientists are planning to march on Washington to express their support for rigorous scientific research. from Live Science via IFT...

Stink Bugs Could Add Cilantro Flavor to Red Wine

A stink bug-infused Pinot Noir may be just what wine drinkers need. from Live Science via IFT...

NASA Science Continues As Usual

News reports have suggested that the Trump administration is placing communication "gags" on science agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), but our country's space agency seems to be "busine from Live Science via IFT...

10 Best Tracks On London Grammar’s ‘If You Wait’

London Grammar is a UK band that is gaining plenty of followers in the U.S. After successfully releasing its debut album If You Wait. The band continued to wow fans with live performances. We decided to give them some much deserved shine by highlight the 10 Best Tracks On London Grammar’s If You Wait. If you wait was originally released in 2013 but revised with a deluxe version in 2014. London...

NASA's Aurora-Watching Rocket Campaign Blasts Off

NASA is launching rockets into auroras. from Live Science via IFT...

Early Meteorite Bits Reveal Clues About Solar System's Evolution

Many meteorites found on Earth are remnants of one titanic solar-system collision that took place more than 460 million years ago. But researchers have found the composition of space rocks before then are quite different than those today. from Live Science via IFT...

'Crypt-Keeper Wasp' Turns Its Host into a Self-Sacrificing Zombie

If there were a horror movie set in the animal kingdom, a turquoise-green insect named the "crypt-keeper wasp" would likely play a starring role. from Live Science via IFT...

Did Mount Everest Really Shrink? Scientists Measure Peak Again

Scientists in India are planning to measure Mount Everest again, in order to settle the question of whether it shrank in the last earthquake. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

Early Menopause Linked a Woman's Reproductive History

The age at which women enter menopause may be influenced by earlier events in their reproductive life. from Live Science via IFT...

Facts About Gophers

Gophers are small, furry rodents that burrow tunnels through yards of North America and Central America. from Live Science via IFT...

What Is Fascism?

Fascism is a political ideology usually characterized by authoritarianism and nationalism. However, many scholars say the concept is difficult to define. from Live Science via IFT...

Sportscaster's Surprise Cancer Reveal: 5 Cervical Cancer Facts

Sportscaster Erin Andrews has revealed she was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2016. Here are five important facts the disease. from Live Science via IFT...

Meditation Really Does Lower Body's Stress Signals

Meditation may help the body respond to stressful situations, according to a new study. from Live Science via IFT...

Log On, Sleep Better? Online Therapy for Insomnia Shows Promise

For Americans with insomnia, help falling asleep may soon be available online: A recent clinical trial found that a web-based therapy for insomnia was effective at helping people get more sleep. from Live Science via IFT...

Fake News 'Vaccine' Could Stop Spread of False Information

Warning people that they may see misleading information can nudge them toward the truth. from Live Science via IFT...

Is There an Element Zero?

Is it possible to make an element zero? Does it already exist? from Live Science via IFT...

Speedy TB Treatment Could Combat Drug Resistance

TB treatments stretch over nine months, so many people don't stick to their meds, and antibiotic resistance develops. But now doctors may have found a way to speed up the treatment. from Live Science via IFT...

Is Burnt Toast Bad for You? The Science of Cancer and Acrylamide

A new warning about the health risks of eating browned potatoes and burnt toast draws a link between a chemical called acrylamide and an increased risk of cancer. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Do Men Gain Weight in Their Bellies? 

Why is it that when men gain weight, they tend to develop potbellies? from Live Science via IFT...

Trump Signs Orders Advancing Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines

Today (Jan. 23) President Donald Trump signed executive orders to expedite completion of the stalled Keystone XL (KXL) and Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) construction projects. from Live Science via IFT...

Tiny, Underwater Robots Offer Unprecedented View of World's Oceans

A swarm of grapefruit-size robots is taking to the seas. from Live Science via IFT...

'Twilight' Star Kristen Stewart Co-Authors Artificial-Intelligence Paper

Actor Kristen Stewart co-authors computer science research, revealing how artificial intelligence could be used to create moody shots in her movie "Come Swim." from Live Science via IFT...

Cicadas Are Coming! Brood VI Returns After 17 Years

This spring, Brood VI periodical cicadas make their first appearance in 17 years. from Live Science via IFT...

Which Personality Types Are Most Likely to Be Happy?

The real link between personality and well-being. from Live Science via IFT...

Blue Mist Over the Great Smoky Mountains Visible from Space

A satellite image shows a clear view of Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee. from Live Science via IFT...

Why 'Dumpster Fire' Was 2016 Word of the Year

Language mavens with the American Dialect Society have selected their 2016 Word of the Year: "dumpster fire." from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 23 Januari 2017

Hidden Heart Risks? Masked Hypertension May Affect 17 Million

Nearly one in eight Americans who think that they have normal blood pressure may have a type of high blood pressure that doesn't show up at the doctor's office, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Sierra Nevada Beer Recall: What to Do

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. is recalling some of its bottled beer sold in 36 states due to a risk of injury from the bottles. from Live Science via IFT...

Accio Crab! Newfound Crab Honors Harry Potter and Professor Snape

A newfound crab named after "Harry Potter" wizards may not be magical, but its discovery is certainly enchanting. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Stunning Images of Earth from GOES-16 Weather Satellite

See these incredible images captured by NOAA's GOES-16 satellite. from Live Science via IFT...

Astronomers to Search for Alien Life at Nearby 'Habitable' Exoplanet

The Wolf 1061 star system is only 14 light-years away and a team of astronomers are doing the groundwork to begin looking for signs of extraterrestrial biology in one of its planet's atmospheres. from Live Science via IFT...

Earth from Space: New 'Blue Marble' Photo Is Jaw-Dropping

A new weather satellite is sharing high-definition images from the heavens. from Live Science via IFT...

Huge Under-Ice Valleys Are Melting Antarctic Glaciers from Below

The so-called oceanic troughs expose the glaciers to warm water from the surrounding oceans. from Live Science via IFT...

Breathtaking Earth Images Delivered By New NOAA Satellite | Video

The first set of images from the GOES-16 satellite have been released by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (N0AA). The geostationary satellite will be used for weather forecasting, severe storm tracking and more. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Poorest Countries In The World

The world is filled with thriving countries and plenty of countries who have struggling economies. We decided to take a look at the 10 Poorest Countries In The World. It is important to be informed so you can take some action that could help these countries. Our list is generated with information and research from the CIA World Factbook. The list has also been compiled by looking at the GDP...

11 Ways Processed Food Is Different from Real Food

What exactly makes processed food unhealthy? from Live Science via IFT...

Beyond Pluto: NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Heads to Next Adventure

Nearly two years after its historic encounter with the dwarf planet Pluto, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is getting ready for its next big adventure in the icy outskirts of the solar system. from Live Science via IFT...

Mysterious Desert 'Fairy Circles' Explained by Math

Termite colonies and self-organizing plants might not be mutually exclusive explanations for the barren patches known as fairy circles. from Live Science via IFT...

Ancient Otter Was As Large As a Wolf | Video

More than 6 million years ago, a wolf-size otter swam in the swampy waters of China, likely using its powerful teeth to crush clams. from Live Science via IFT...

Adorable Terror: Wolf-Size Otter Hunted Ancient China

A fearsome, wolf-size otter with a large head and a powerful jaw once swam around the shallow, swampy waters of ancient China, likely hunting for clams and other shellfish, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Photos: Fearsome Ancient Otter Was As Large As a Wolf

More than 6 million years ago, an otter the size of a wolf swam around the swamps of ancient southwestern China. from Live Science via IFT...

Possible Medieval 'Synagogue' Uncovered Near Sea of Galilee

A medieval building that may have been used as a synagogue has been uncovered at the site of Huqoq near the Sea of Galilee in Israel. from Live Science via IFT...

Minggu, 22 Januari 2017

Lost Dark Ages Fort Found in Scotland

A fort destroyed in a deliberate conflagration in the seventh century may have been the seat of the lost kingdom of Rheged. from Live Science via IFT...

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017

Evolution, Climate and Vaccines: Why Americans Deny Science

Americans like science. So why do they reject scientific conclusions? from Live Science via IFT...

Bizarre Caterpillar That Makes Own Leafy 'Armor' Seen for 1st Time

A caterpillar recently discovered in Peru wears a leafy tube of protective "armor." from Live Science via IFT...

Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

Facts About Baboons

Baboons are the world’s largest monkeys. They have distinctive faces and butts. from Live Science via IFT...

Facts About Einsteinium

Einsteinium, the 99th element, was discovered in the debris from the first hydrogen bomb test. from Live Science via IFT...

Cassini Gets Up Close and Personal With Saturn's 'Wavemaker' Moon Daphnis

As NASA's Saturn mission skims the gas giant's rings, it's seeing incredible detail in the interactions between ring particles and a tiny moon's gravity. from Live Science via IFT...

Did Trump Dump Climate Change? White House Website Scrubbed Clean

Climate scientists reacted with dismay, but not necessarily surprise, upon learning that President Donald Trump's new administration had removed the climate change page from the White House website. from Live Science via IFT...

Rare Bird Flu Strikes Cats: What You Need to Know

The death of a shelter cat in New York was just the start of a recent investigation. from Live Science via IFT...

Trump Presidency: How US Leaders Stack Up

What makes a great U.S. president? Anything from a peanut farmer to a former male model. from Live Science via IFT...

Iceman Ötzi's Last Meal Was 'Stone Age Bacon'

The famous frozen mummy apparently ate a slice or two of dried goat meat before he was killed more than 5,000 years ago. from Live Science via IFT...

President Trump's 'Mysteries of Space' Joins Inaugural Speech Tradition

President Donald Trump took the oath of office in Washington D.C. today (Jan. 20) and mentioned space exploration — if for one fleeting moment — as one of the paths forward to make America great again. from Live Science via IFT...

'Station Obama' in Antarctica Will Continue Monitoring Climate Changes

Eight years ago on Friday, scientists named a climate monitoring location in a desolate bay off the Antarctic Peninsula after the 44th president to mark his inauguration. from Live Science via IFT...

Unusual Rat Virus Strikes 8 People in Illinois and Wisconsin

A virus rarely seen in the United States recently infected eight people in Wisconsin and Illinois who were breeding pet rats. from Live Science via IFT...

ISIS Damages Iconic Monuments in Ancient Syrian City, Reports Say

New satellite images suggest ISIS has committed further destruction at the ancient site of Palmyra. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: Destruction of Iconic Monuments at Ancient City of Palmyra

New satellite images show that further destruction has occurred at Palmyra since the ancient Syrian city was retaken by ISIS last month. from Live Science via IFT...

Ultrafast Camera Captures 'Sonic Booms' of Light for First Time

Just as aircraft flying at supersonic speeds create cone-shaped sonic booms, pulses of light can leave behind cone-shaped wakes of light. Now, a superfast camera has captured the first-ever video of these events. from Live Science via IFT...

Could Eating Chili Peppers Help You Live Longer?

People who eat chili peppers may have a lower risk of dying over a two-decade period, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Space Station Flies in the Face of the Moon - Skywatching Video

On January 14, 2017, Michel Breitfellner, Manuel Castillo, Abel de Burgos and Miguel Perez Ayucar set up telescopes near ESA’s Space Science Center in Madrid, Spain. They captured the International Space Center traverse the face of the moon. from Live Science via IFT...

Red vs. Blue: Why Necktie Colors Matter

In power politics and business, there are only two colors of ties: red and blue. from Live Science via IFT...

13 Scientifically Proven Signs You're in Love

Studies led by anthropologist Helen Fisher have revealed that the brain's "in love" phase is a unique and well-defined period of time, and there are 13 telltale signs that you're in it. from Live Science via IFT...

The 15 Weirdest Presidential Inaugurations in US History

Over the years, the otherwise serious ceremony of swearing in the president has had a few odd moments. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Absolutely Majestic Canidae Family Members

The canidae family tree can often be misconstrued. People get confused with members found on the chart. We decided to share our list of 10 Majestic Canidae Family Members. The canidae family is pretty darn extensive and it has thankfully been clarified for many. Sometimes there a few technicalities. We’ve checked all of the animals on the list below to make sure they are in someway...

Hawaiian Road Cut Off By Lava Flow Seen From Space | Video

The volcanoes of Big Island, Hawaii have been imaged by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sentinel-2A satellite. A road along the coast line has been “discontinued” by a lava flow according to Kelsea Brennan-Wessels of ESA’s Earth From Space series. from Live Science via IFT...

The Science of Being President: Can Trump Make Real Change?

A scholar of presidential power looks at personality, rationality and the institution of the presidency for clues about what the incoming administration can accomplish. from Live Science via IFT...

#DoesItFart: Database Answers Your Burning Questions About Animal Gas

Spurred by an innocent query posed to a biologist on Twitter, scientists are assembling a database of animal life to answer the burning question, "Does it fart?" from Live Science via IFT...

Light's Out: Asteroid Triggered Freezing Darkness That Killed Dinos

When a giant asteroid careened into Earth about 66 million years ago, the enormous collision led to the formation of an airborne "curtain" of sulfate molecules that blocked the sun's light and led to years of freezing cold and darkness, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Geoengineering Earth's Atmosphere: How It Could Affect Astronomy

Creating clouds in the sky or redirecting sunlight to bring down the Earth's temperature could have an effect on astronomy. from Live Science via IFT...

Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

Survey of Doctors Reveals the 'Lowest-Value' Treatments

Here are the medical treatments that are least likely to help you. from Live Science via IFT...

Nearly Half of US Men Have Genital HPV Infections

Surprisingly, the researchers found a high rate of HPV infection in older men. from Live Science via IFT...

Earthquakes or Snowstorms? Cause of Italy's Deadly Avalanche Debated

It's not yet clear what caused a deadly avalanche in Italy on Wednesday (Jan. 18), but experts said it's too soon to blame the cataclysm on a series of substantial earthquakes that happened earlier that day. from Live Science via IFT...

Most Women Who Freeze Their Eggs Don't Use Them

Egg freezing has been touted as a way for women to put off having children. But few women who freeze their eggs actually end up using them, a new study finds. from Live Science via IFT...

Italian Avalanche: Complex Situation Makes Rescue Operation Tricky

Rescuing people from a mountain hotel that was buried in snow in Italy is an enormously complex operation, and survival depends on many variables, experts said. from Live Science via IFT...

Inauguration Delay: Why Presidents Wait 2 Months to Start

Lame-duck presidents used to stew for much longer. from Live Science via IFT...

Microscopic Look at Seasonal Colors Dazzles the Eyes in Video

The video is an "exploration of visual art under a microscope." from Live Science via IFT...

Gwyneth Paltrow's Jade Eggs Are a Bunch of Baloney

Move over, vaginal steaming: Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is suggesting an alleged new way to boost your reproductive health: a "jade egg" that's inserted into the vagina from Live Science via IFT...

Military Mind Control? Psychic Army Division Revealed in CIA Files

A collection of declassified files for Stargate — a U.S. Army investigation of psychic abilities for use by military intelligence — was recently shared online by the CIA. from Live Science via IFT...

Trump's Inauguration: Why God Plays a Role in the Swearing In

Donald Trump will place his hand on the Bible and swear an oath to serve the United States. Here's how religion made its way into the ceremony ... and the government. from Live Science via IFT...

Heat Record: How NASA Knows 2016 Was the Hottest Year

Last year (2016) was the warmest year in the modern record, NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) officials said today (Jan. 18) during a news conference. Here's how they calculated that value. from Live Science via IFT...

More Than Half of All Primates Threatened with Extinction

The most comprehensive review of primate populations ever conducted finds that 60 percent of our closest biological relatives are threatened with extinction. from Live Science via IFT...

Massive Burial Ground Unearthed at Medieval Monastery in Sudan

The remains of at least 123 people have been excavated at a series of four cemeteries near the ruins of a medieval Christian monastery in Sudan. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: 1,000-Year-Old Cemeteries Unearthed in Sudan

Over the last two years, the remains of at least 123 individuals have been uncovered at a series of four cemeteries near a medieval Christian monastery at al-Ghazali in Sudan. from Live Science via IFT...

Boeing Wants to Sell Russian Spaceship Rides to NASA

The unusual agreement could act as insurance for NASA's access to the International Space Station should commercial launches be delayed. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Time Seems to Fly By

Time is fixed, but people experience hours, months and days in very different ways. One researcher has spent decades exploring this universal phenomenon. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Wild Tales of Famous Spies

From Harriet Tubman to Russian double agents, here are some of the most famous spies in history. from Live Science via IFT...

Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

Skin Medication Can Be Lethal for Pets, FDA Warns

A cream used to treat skin cancer and abnormal skin lesions can be lethal for pets, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned today. from Live Science via IFT...

President Bush in the ICU: Why Does Pneumonia Strike Older Adults?

Former President George H. W. Bush was hospitalized on Jan. 14 following a bout of pneumonia, CNN reported today (Jan. 18). from Live Science via IFT...

Mold Inside Sophie the Giraffe Toys: Should Parents Worry?

The popular child's teething toy Sophie the Giraffe can grow mold inside, according to reports from some parents. from Live Science via IFT...

Hundreds of Thousands of Declassified CIA Documents Now Available Online

"Magician Walks Into the Laboratory" is one of more than 930,000 declassified documents recently released online by the CIA. from Live Science via IFT...

Weird Mars Rock Spied by Curiosity Rover Is Probably a Meteorite

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has stumbled onto another rock that likely fell from space. from Live Science via IFT...

Good Widdle Doggie! Baby Talk Works Only for Puppies

Baby talk is for puppies. from Live Science via IFT...

Robotic Device Hugs the Heart, Helping It Pump

If your heart could use a hug, look no further. from Live Science via IFT...

Pick Your Poison: Some Venom Can Be Healing

Live Science has rounded up some of the early research on seven creatures whose poisons may one day be made into drugs. from Live Science via IFT...

2016 Warmest Year Ever - How NASA Knows | Video

NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) took measurements from 6300 weather stations across the world, sea surface teships and buoys for sea surface temperatures and measurements from Antarctic research stations to come to the conclusion. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Most Awesome Places To See The Aurora Borealis

The Aurora Borealis is a phenomenon that can invoke plenty of feelings when caught. The majority of people on Earth don’t get to witness this spectacular phenomenon. So, we’ve come up with a list of 10 Most Awesome Places To See The Aurora Borealis if you want to take a trip. The Aurora Borealis has been defined as a “broad bands of light that have a magnetic and electrical source and that appear...

2016 Warmest Year Ever - Largely Due To Human Emissions | Video

Using measurements from 6,300 locations, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) has come to the conclusion that 2016 was the warmest ever and is breaks the record set just last year. from Live Science via IFT...

How Tattoo Artists Could Help Reduce Skin Cancer

Tattoo artists may have a role to play in reducing cases of advanced skin cancer, researchers say. from Live Science via IFT...

2016 Was Earth's Hottest Year on Record

The globally averaged temperature over land and ocean surfaces for 2016 was the highest among all years since record keeping began in 1880. from Live Science via IFT...

Virgin Birth: Zebra Shark Has Babies Without Mating

A zebra shark at an Australian aquarium had pups even after living in isolation from males for years. from Live Science via IFT...

Interior Nominee Zinke Doubles Down on Coal

Interior secretary nominee Ryan Zinke emphasized the Trump administration’s vow to recommit America to fossil fuels. from Live Science via IFT...

Turtle the Size of 2 Earths: Stunning Sunspot Revealed in New Radio Images

A shadowy turtle twice the size of Earth swims across the sun in new images from the ALMA radio telescope in Chile, viewing the sun for the first time and documenting the area right above its visible surface. from Live Science via IFT...

Ketchup Bottle Physics: Scientist Unlocks Key to Splat-Free Sauce

Scientist tames tomato ketchup with physics. from Live Science via IFT...

The Science of Donald Trump Impersonations

How does Alec Baldwin imitate Donald Trump so recognizably, and does it harm or hurt the president-elect to be mocked? from Live Science via IFT...

Odd Football-Size Armored Creatures Solve Ancient Footprint Mystery

In a Cinderella-esque story, researchers have finally figured out the creature that left countless fossilized footprints across the ancient seafloor. from Live Science via IFT...

Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

Scientists Want to Know What ;) Really Means

Are emojis the new body language? Right now, all scientists can say is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ — which is why psychologists are calling for more research into why people use these symbols to communicate, and what it says about them when they do. from Live Science via IFT...

Later Gator! Video of Giant 'Humpback' Alligator Goes Viral

A video of a massive alligator crossing a trail in Florida swampland has gone viral, but the creature's massive size isn't all that unusual. from Live Science via IFT...

Murderous Mickey: 'Zombie' Mice Triggered with Predatory Gene

Scientists triggered mice's kill instinct. from Live Science via IFT...

Goodnight, Colo! Oldest Gorilla in the US Dies in Sleep

Colo, the world's oldest known gorilla and the first gorilla born in captivity in the U.S., has died peacefully in her sleep at the age of 60. from Live Science via IFT...

Small Honor: Tiny Moth Named for Trump

A miniscule moth with a wingspan measuring only 0.4 inches (9 millimeters) is the first species to be named for the soon-to-be president of the United States, Donald Trump. from Live Science via IFT...

Can Marijuana Treat MS Symptoms?

Many anecdotal reports suggest cannabis can help alleviate MS symptoms, but research with cannabis is difficult to carry out. from Live Science via IFT...

Facts About Malaysian Flight 370: Passengers, Crew & Aircraft

The search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been suspended. Here are some facts about the passengers, crew, aircraft and airline. from Live Science via IFT...

3-Year Search Ends for Lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

The official search for MH370 was called off nearly three years after the plane vanished without a trace over the Indian Ocean. from Live Science via IFT...

Why Adults Diagnosed with Asthma May Not Actually Have It

Many adults diagnosed with asthma may not actually have the disease, a new study from Canada suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

Well, That Sucks: Vampire Bats Found Drinking Human Blood

Unlike mythical vampires, vampire bats do not prey on humans — or do they? from Live Science via IFT...

Were Egyptian 'Pot Burials' a Symbol of Rebirth?

Ancient Egyptians who buried their deceased kin in pots may have chosen the burial vessels as symbols of the womb and rebirth, scientists argue in a new paper. from Live Science via IFT...

Live and Let Die: James Bond's Smoking Habits Over the Years

When it comes to vices, James Bond may be known for martinis, but a new study finds that he's been quite the smoker as well. from Live Science via IFT...

Mysterious Planet Nine May Be a Captured 'Rogue' World

The putative Planet Nine may be a former "rogue planet" that was captured by our solar system at some point in the past, a new study suggests. from Live Science via IFT...

Pendant Just Like Anne Frank's Discovered at Nazi Death Camp

A necklace uncovered at Sobibór is nearly identical to the one that belonged to Anne Frank. from Live Science via IFT...

In Photos: Girls' Hut Found at Nazi Death Camp

During excavations at the Sobibór Nazi death camp, archaeologists found the hut where women and girls would be undressed before going to the gas chambers. They also found personal items such as a pendant nearly identical to the one Anne Frank wore. from Live Science via IFT...

Senin, 16 Januari 2017

Cup of Joe Could Fight Age-Related Inflammation

Drinking coffee may reduce the inflammatory processes that naturally come with age, researchers said. from Live Science via IFT...

10 Awesome Colors of Beach Sand

If you visit a number of beaches in the world, you’ll notice that the majority of them have white sand. However, there are areas in the world where sand color is much different. So, we decided to create a list of 10 Awesome Colors of Beach Sand. Enjoying some time on the beach may be so fun that you miss plenty of the beauty behind it. Some of the beaches below have a special quality that adds...